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Showing 251-300 of 382 results

Records of the Water Sector Unidad documental simple

6 resultados con objetos digitales Muestra los resultados con objetos digitales

Training in Community Participation - Report of an African Regional Workshop for Programme Staff - February 1989 - Part of the Prowwess / United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] Technical Series - Involving Women in Water and Sanitation - Lessons,
Training in Community Participation - Report of an African Regional Workshop for Programme Staff - February 1989 - Part of the Prowwess / United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] Technical Series - Involving Women in Water and Sanitation - Lessons,
Indonesia - Evaluating Community Management - A Case Study by Deepa Narayan Parker - August 1989 - Prowwess / United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] Technical Series - Involving women in Water and Sanitation - Lessons, Strategies, Tools
Indonesia - Evaluating Community Management - A Case Study by Deepa Narayan Parker - August 1989 - Prowwess / United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] Technical Series - Involving women in Water and Sanitation - Lessons, Strategies, Tools
Willingness to Charge for the Water and Sanitation Services - Outcomes from Three Workshops - September 29, October 1 and November 14-15, 2002 - Hyderabad, Bangalore and Kolkata, India - South Asia Region
Willingness to Charge for the Water and Sanitation Services - Outcomes from Three Workshops - September 29, October 1 and November 14-15, 2002 - Hyderabad, Bangalore and Kolkata, India - South Asia Region
Rural and Small Systems Training Guide - Water Rates - Information for Decision Makers - TGR-16-95 - 1990 - National Rural Water Association
Rural and Small Systems Training Guide - Water Rates - Information for Decision Makers - TGR-16-95 - 1990 - National Rural Water Association
Les Femmes, L' Eau et L' Assainissement - Ou Computer les Pompes mais aussi les Tomates - Mai 1989 - Siri Melchior - PROWWESS / PNUD Publications Techniques - Les Femmes, L' Eau et L' Assainissement Lecons, Strategies et Moyens d' Action
Les Femmes, L' Eau et L' Assainissement - Ou Computer les Pompes mais aussi les Tomates - Mai 1989 - Siri Melchior - PROWWESS / PNUD Publications Techniques - Les Femmes, L' Eau et L' Assainissement Lecons, Strategies et Moyens d' Action
Case Study on Womens Involvement in Community Water Systems - The PKK Experience - NTT Province Indonesia - 1988 - Promotion and Support for Womens Participation in the International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade - World Health Organization
Case Study on Womens Involvement in Community Water Systems - The PKK Experience - NTT Province Indonesia - 1988 - Promotion and Support for Womens Participation in the International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade - World Health Organization
Memoria - Taller - Situacion y Desafios del Saneamiento Basico Rural en el Peru - 2-3 de Julio de 1998 - Programa de Agua y Saneamiento PNUD / Banco Mundial
Memoria - Taller - Situacion y Desafios del Saneamiento Basico Rural en el Peru - 2-3 de Julio de 1998 - Programa de Agua y Saneamiento PNUD / Banco Mundial
Decentralised Total Sanitation Project - Implementation Guide on Upazilla Total Sanitation - Water and Sanitation Program [WSP]
Decentralised Total Sanitation Project - Implementation Guide on Upazilla Total Sanitation - Water and Sanitation Program [WSP]
Managing Leakage - Report B - Reporting Comparative Leakage Performance - October 1994 - Engineering and Operations Committee - UK Water Industry
Managing Leakage - Report B - Reporting Comparative Leakage Performance - October 1994 - Engineering and Operations Committee - UK Water Industry
Handbook for District Sanitation Coordinators - Tag Technical Note Number 9 - Kebadire Basaako, Ronald D. Parker, Robert B. Waller and James G. Wilson - December 1983 - Copy 2 of 2
Handbook for District Sanitation Coordinators - Tag Technical Note Number 9 - Kebadire Basaako, Ronald D. Parker, Robert B. Waller and James G. Wilson - December 1983 - Copy 2 of 2
Progress Report on Phase 1 - October - November 1999 - December 14, 1999 - Technology Transfer Division Bombas de Mecate S.A.
Progress Report on Phase 1 - October - November 1999 - December 14, 1999 - Technology Transfer Division Bombas de Mecate S.A.
Abastecimiento de Agua Potable y Saneamiento en Paises en Vias de Desarrollo - Los Documentos de Politica Sectorial y Tematica - Septiembre 1999
Abastecimiento de Agua Potable y Saneamiento en Paises en Vias de Desarrollo - Los Documentos de Politica Sectorial y Tematica - Septiembre 1999
Evaluacion Global de los Servicios de Agua y Saneamiento - 2000 - Informe Analitico Resumen Peru
Evaluacion Global de los Servicios de Agua y Saneamiento - 2000 - Informe Analitico Resumen Peru
Atelier National de Formation des Formatrices du Projet Femmes, Sante et Emploi du Mali aux Methodes Participatives - Prowwess / Afrique - RAF / 87 / 043 - PNUD / Prowwess / Afrique et Ministere de l' Education Nationale du Mali
Atelier National de Formation des Formatrices du Projet Femmes, Sante et Emploi du Mali aux Methodes Participatives - Prowwess / Afrique - RAF / 87 / 043 - PNUD / Prowwess / Afrique et Ministere de l' Education Nationale du Mali
Repertoire de l' Eau et de l' Assainissement en Afrique de l' Ouest et du Centre - Octobre 1998
Repertoire de l' Eau et de l' Assainissement en Afrique de l' Ouest et du Centre - Octobre 1998
Ganas - Bolivia - The Water and Sanitation Analysis Group - December 1997 - United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] - World Bank Water and Sanitation Program
Ganas - Bolivia - The Water and Sanitation Analysis Group - December 1997 - United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] - World Bank Water and Sanitation Program
Community Based Sewer Systems in Indonesia - A Case Study in the City of Malang - Lessons Learned - World Bank Water and Sanitation Program - Sean Foley, Anton Soedjwarwo, and Richard Pollard - Draft
Community Based Sewer Systems in Indonesia - A Case Study in the City of Malang - Lessons Learned - World Bank Water and Sanitation Program - Sean Foley, Anton Soedjwarwo, and Richard Pollard - Draft
Proceedings - Consultation Workshop of Project Managers of International Development Association [IDA] Supported Rural Water and Sanitation Projects in India - April 9, 1997 - Rajiv Gandhi National Drinking Water Mission (Government of India) - United
Proceedings - Consultation Workshop of Project Managers of International Development Association [IDA] Supported Rural Water and Sanitation Projects in India - April 9, 1997 - Rajiv Gandhi National Drinking Water Mission (Government of India) - United
New Participatory Frameworks for the Design and Management of Sustainable Water Supply and Sanitation Projects - Wash Technical Report Number 52 and Prowwess Report Number 50 - United National Development Programme [UNDP] / Prowwess and Water and
New Participatory Frameworks for the Design and Management of Sustainable Water Supply and Sanitation Projects - Wash Technical Report Number 52 and Prowwess Report Number 50 - United National Development Programme [UNDP] / Prowwess and Water and
Regional Urban Environmental Sanitation Workshop - Private Sector Participation and Financing of Sanitation - National Action Plans - Summary of Debates and Recommendations - Grand Bassam, November 17 - 21 - United National Development Programme [UNDP]
Regional Urban Environmental Sanitation Workshop - Private Sector Participation and Financing of Sanitation - National Action Plans - Summary of Debates and Recommendations - Grand Bassam, November 17 - 21 - United National Development Programme [UNDP]
Report on Workshop on National Strategies for Operation and Maintenance of Rural Groundwater Supplies - December 1-4, 1986 - Mangochi, Malawi - United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] / World Bank
Report on Workshop on National Strategies for Operation and Maintenance of Rural Groundwater Supplies - December 1-4, 1986 - Mangochi, Malawi - United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] / World Bank
P.U. Report RES 22 - Beginning to Page 49 - REF 004IT - Disk 0027B
P.U. Report RES 22 - Beginning to Page 49 - REF 004IT - Disk 0027B
4 Tables - 1-A - Disk 1
4 Tables - 1-A - Disk 1
S750625A - WP Disk Full Multi-Lingual - SS/DD - Level G - Volume 5 - Disk 32
S750625A - WP Disk Full Multi-Lingual - SS/DD - Level G - Volume 5 - Disk 32
S750625A - WP Disk Full Multi-Lingual - SS/DD - Level G - Volume 2-B - Spanish - Disk 32
S750625A - WP Disk Full Multi-Lingual - SS/DD - Level G - Volume 2-B - Spanish - Disk 32
S750625A - WP Disk Full Multi-Lingual - SS/DD - Level G - Volume 10 - French - Disk 31
S750625A - WP Disk Full Multi-Lingual - SS/DD - Level G - Volume 10 - French - Disk 31
S750625A - WP Disk Full Multi-Lingual - SS/DD - Level G - Volume 1 - French - Disk 30
S750625A - WP Disk Full Multi-Lingual - SS/DD - Level G - Volume 1 - French - Disk 30
S750625A - WP Disk Full Multi-Lingual - SS/DD - Level G - Volume 1 - Disk 31
S750625A - WP Disk Full Multi-Lingual - SS/DD - Level G - Volume 1 - Disk 31
S750625A - WP Disk Full Multi-Lingual - SS/DD - Level G - Volume 5 - French - Disk 23
S750625A - WP Disk Full Multi-Lingual - SS/DD - Level G - Volume 5 - French - Disk 23
S750625A - WP Disk Full Multi-Lingual - SS/DD - Level G - Volume 3 - 4 - Disk 23
S750625A - WP Disk Full Multi-Lingual - SS/DD - Level G - Volume 3 - 4 - Disk 23
Untitled Magnetic Cards 4681-4683, 4685, 8664-8666, 8669, 8671-8675, 8689, 8691-8692, 8717, 8721, 8951, 8953-8956 - Box 4
Untitled Magnetic Cards 4681-4683, 4685, 8664-8666, 8669, 8671-8675, 8689, 8691-8692, 8717, 8721, 8951, 8953-8956 - Box 4
Untitled Magnetic Cards 4698, 7693, 7718, 8041, 8043, 8677, 8684, 8699-8702, 8704-8706, 8708-8714, 8716, 8718, 8967-8969, 8974-8975 - Box 1
Untitled Magnetic Cards 4698, 7693, 7718, 8041, 8043, 8677, 8684, 8699-8702, 8704-8706, 8708-8714, 8716, 8718, 8967-8969, 8974-8975 - Box 1
Paginado - Magnetic Cards 0179-0183, 5055-5058, 5553-5571 - Box 5
Paginado - Magnetic Cards 0179-0183, 5055-5058, 5553-5571 - Box 5
S750625A - WP Disk Full Multi-Lingual - SS/DD - Level G - Volume 10 - Disk 31
S750625A - WP Disk Full Multi-Lingual - SS/DD - Level G - Volume 10 - Disk 31
S750625A - WP Disk Full Multi-Lingual - SS/DD - Level G - Volume 8 - Part 1 - French - Disk 31
S750625A - WP Disk Full Multi-Lingual - SS/DD - Level G - Volume 8 - Part 1 - French - Disk 31
S750625A - WP Disk Full Multi-Lingual - SS/DD - Level G - Volume 2 - Spanish - Disk 31
S750625A - WP Disk Full Multi-Lingual - SS/DD - Level G - Volume 2 - Spanish - Disk 31
S750625A - WP Disk Full Multi-Lingual - SS/DD - Level G - Volume 3 - 5 - Disk 23
S750625A - WP Disk Full Multi-Lingual - SS/DD - Level G - Volume 3 - 5 - Disk 23
Michael McGarry's Low Cost Water and Sanitation Project - Disk
Michael McGarry's Low Cost Water and Sanitation Project - Disk
Organisation and Developpement du Programme - Track A 1-12 - Track B 19-27 - Disk 2
Organisation and Developpement du Programme - Track A 1-12 - Track B 19-27 - Disk 2
I-B 24 - I-A 25 - Disk
I-B 24 - I-A 25 - Disk
Chapter 2 - Pit Latrines - Sides A and B - Disk
Chapter 2 - Pit Latrines - Sides A and B - Disk
Untitled Magnetic Cards 4679, 8952, 8972 - Box 5
Untitled Magnetic Cards 4679, 8952, 8972 - Box 5
Untitled Magnetic Cards 4616, 4686, 4692, 4695, 7705, 7714, 8663, 8667, 8676, 8678, 8681-8683, 8685-8687, 8690, 8696-8698, 8703, 8719, 8959, 8966, 9065-9066 - Box 3
Untitled Magnetic Cards 4616, 4686, 4692, 4695, 7705, 7714, 8663, 8667, 8676, 8678, 8681-8683, 8685-8687, 8690, 8696-8698, 8703, 8719, 8959, 8966, 9065-9066 - Box 3
Paginado - Magnetic Cards 3529-3549, 4019-4023, 4025 - Box 2
Paginado - Magnetic Cards 3529-3549, 4019-4023, 4025 - Box 2
Paginado - Magnetic Cards 3550, 3982-4004, 4105-4108 - Box 3
Paginado - Magnetic Cards 3550, 3982-4004, 4105-4108 - Box 3
Seal-Less Pistons and Diodic Valves - Pistons with No Moving Parts - A.9202 - January 14, 1988 - Consumer Research Laboratory
Seal-Less Pistons and Diodic Valves - Pistons with No Moving Parts - A.9202 - January 14, 1988 - Consumer Research Laboratory
Fiber Reinforced Plastic System for Water Cisterns and Latrines - Phase 1 - TNO Report 108/92 - Ing. G. Hamm, A.S. Verheus, Ing. V.L. Vlasblom - July 9, 1992
Fiber Reinforced Plastic System for Water Cisterns and Latrines - Phase 1 - TNO Report 108/92 - Ing. G. Hamm, A.S. Verheus, Ing. V.L. Vlasblom - July 9, 1992
uPVC and Solvent Cements Research - Interim Report - A.9047 - July 2, 1992 - Consumer Research Laboratory
uPVC and Solvent Cements Research - Interim Report - A.9047 - July 2, 1992 - Consumer Research Laboratory
uPVC R/D Solvent Cements - CRL Report A.9047 - Scott Devereux, Phillip Hargreaves - October 1994
uPVC R/D Solvent Cements - CRL Report A.9047 - Scott Devereux, Phillip Hargreaves - October 1994
Third Global Forum - People and Water - Partners for Life - Meeting Report - Draft - January 1996 - Third Meeting of the Collaborative Council - Barbados Water Authority - Government of Barbados
Third Global Forum - People and Water - Partners for Life - Meeting Report - Draft - January 1996 - Third Meeting of the Collaborative Council - Barbados Water Authority - Government of Barbados
Resultados 251 a 300 de 382