Clausen visit to Senegal
Clausen visit to Senegal
Clausen visit to Bombay, India
Clausen visit to Bombay, India
Clausen visit to Khartoum, Sudan
Clausen visit to Khartoum, Sudan
Clausen visit to Mali
Clausen visit to Mali
Martin Luther King, Jr. Center, Atlanta, GA. January 11, 1985
Commencement Exercises of the School of Dentistry, University ofPacific, San Francisco, CA. June 17, 1984
Commencement Exercises of the School of Dentistry, University ofPacific, San Francisco, CA. June 17, 1984
Association of Reserve City Bankers, Boca Raton, FL. April 1, 1984
Association of Reserve City Bankers, Boca Raton, FL. April 1, 1984
Trilateral Commission, Washington, D.C. May 17, 1983
Polytechnic Society, Oslo, Norway. November 25, 1982
Council on Foreign Relations, New York, NY. September 23, 1982
Council on Foreign Relations, New York, NY. September 23, 1982
Commonwealth Secretariat, London, England, March 14, 1986
Commonwealth Secretariat, London, England, March 14, 1986
Foreign Policy Association, New York, NY. May 30, 1985
Foreign Policy Association, New York, NY. May 30, 1985
Global Economic Action Institute Breakfast, Washington, D.C. May 23,1985
Global Economic Action Institute Breakfast, Washington, D.C. May 23,1985
National Press Club, Washington, D.C. December 5, 1984
Board of Governors, Washington, D.C. September 24, 1984
Board of Governors, Washington, D.C. September 24, 1984
GATT Ministerial Meeting, Geneva, Switzerland. November 24, 1982
GATT Ministerial Meeting, Geneva, Switzerland. November 24, 1982
Latin American Industrialists Association, Panama City, Panama, August18, 1982
Carthage College, Kenosha, WI. May 23, 1982
Carthage College, Kenosha, WI. May 23, 1982
Representation of the Financial Community, New York, NY. February 25,1982
Yomiuri International Economic Society - International Forum - Tokyo,Japan, January 13, 1982
Council of the Americas, Washington, D.C. May 5, 1986
Council of the Americas, Washington, D.C. May 5, 1986
Annual Meeting addresses, Seoul, Korea. October 8, 1985
Annual Meeting addresses, Seoul, Korea. October 8, 1985
Administrator's International Development Leaders Forum, Agency forInternational Development, Washington D.C. August 15, 1983
Administrator's International Development Leaders Forum, Agency forInternational Development, Washington D.C. August 15, 1983
Bohemian Club - The Grove, San Francisco, CA. July 21, 1983
Bohemian Club - The Grove, San Francisco, CA. July 21, 1983
Tax Foundation, Los Angeles, CA. July 14, 1983
Society of American Business and Economic Writers, Washington, D.C. May10, 1983
Board of Governors of the World Bank, Washington D.C. September 29, 1981
Board of Governors of the World Bank, Washington D.C. September 29, 1981
German Foreign Policy Association, Bonn, Germany. April 16, 1096
German Foreign Policy Association, Bonn, Germany. April 16, 1096
Diplomatic Seminar Series, Meridian House International, Washington,D.C. January 29, 1986
Diplomatic Seminar Series, Meridian House International, Washington,D.C. January 29, 1986
Society for International Development, Rome, Italy. July 3, 1985
Overseas Press Club of America, Annual Awards Dinner, New York, NY.April 24, 1985
Los Angeles World Affairs Council, Los Angeles, CA. April 25, 1984
World Affairs Council of Northern California, San Francisco, CA. March2, 1984
European Management Forum, Davos, Switzerland. January 26, 1984
First International Conference of the Y-Group, Washington, D.C. November11, 1983
First International Conference of the Y-Group, Washington, D.C. November11, 1983
Aspen Communications Conference, Wye, MD. November 4, 1983
Aspen Communications Conference, Wye, MD. November 4, 1983
The Business Council, Hot Springs, VA. August 10, 1983
Development Committee, Washington, D.C. April 28, 1983
Development Committee, Washington, D.C. April 28, 1983
United Nations General Assembly, Second Committee, New York, NY.November 12, 1982
Commercial Club, Chicago, IL. May 21, 1982
Commercial Club, Chicago, IL. May 21, 1982
Brookings Institution Seminar on the Future Role of the World Bank,Washington, January 7, 1982
Brookings Institution Seminar on the Future Role of the World Bank,Washington, January 7, 1982
Fairfield Osborne Memorial Lecture, Washincton D.C. November 12, 1981
Fairfield Osborne Memorial Lecture, Washincton D.C. November 12, 1981
Conference on African Debt and Finance, Washington, D.C. February 20,1986
World Affairs Council, Washington, D.C. November 18, 1985
Pre-Board Meeting of Science Applications, Inc., Annapolis, MD.September 13, 1984
Address by A.W. Clausen before the National Leaders Seminar on Population and Development - Nairobi, Kenya - July 11, 1984
Address by A.W. Clausen before the National Leaders Seminar on Population and Development - Nairobi, Kenya - July 11, 1984
Annual Meeting of the Overseas Development Council, Washington, D.C.November 16, 1983
Annual Meeting of the Overseas Development Council, Washington, D.C.November 16, 1983
Institue d'Etudes Bancaires et Financires, Paris, France, October 17,1983
Institue d'Etudes Bancaires et Financires, Paris, France, October 17,1983
Board of Governors, Washington, D.C. September 27, 1983
Board of Governors, Washington, D.C. September 27, 1983
Atlantik-Brcke, Bonn, Germany. April 18, 1983
Atlantik-Brcke, Bonn, Germany. April 18, 1983