Showing 251-300 of 546 results


Memoranda, notes, and press articles

This series contains various record types: draft memos; correspondence (e.g., from Clark to World Bank President George D. Woods; from Lars J. Lind to Clark); drafts of speeches; press articles; notes on meetings and conversations (e.g., Clark?s notes on his conversation with Willy Brandt and Egon Bahr on January 18, 1977; Clark?s notes on McNamara?s conversation with Willy Brandt on March 7, 1979); drafts of professional memoir; a survey on major international conferences and resolutions on development issues in the 1970s; a press release about the ?Delhi Announcement on Brandt Commission;? a copy of Willy Brandt?s opening address on December 9, 1977; and many more. Records in this series cover a broad range of topics, including Clark?s travel schedule between 1968 and 1980; Clark?s thoughts on the type of job he wanted to do at the World Bank Group (e.g., to be involved in discussions about the future of the Indian Consortium); Clark?s notes on World Bank policies; relations with the United Nations; development issues; public support strategies for the Bank Group; the Pearson and Brandt Commissions that studied development issues during the McNamara years; Clark's and McNamara's appointment to the World Bank; and the development of Clark's memoirs.

Memoranda of the Directors, International Economics Department (IEC) Regarding the Planning Assumptions Committee (PAC) Baseline Numbers

This series contains memoranda sent and received by Directors of the International Economics Department (IECDR) regarding the Planning Assumptions Committee (PAC) and the process of revising PAC Baseline Numbers. The Planning Assumptions Committee met twice a year, in the spring and the fall, to review and validate Bank-wide planning assumptions about international prices (particularly of manufactures), interest rates, and related global indicators. These assumptions became the PAC Baseline Numbers that were used in various Bank projections, e.g. in setting price and interest rate guidelines for Bank project work. IEC served as the secretariat to the PAC; the Chief Economist was chair. The memoranda in this series concern ways to improve the PAC process and the methods used to develop the baseline indicators and plans to develop a downside scenario as an alternative to the Baseline Numbers for 1990.

Memoranda for the record

The Memoranda for the record series contains a set of minutes of McNamara's meetings with Bank staff, US representatives, and other visitors from outside the Bank. The memoranda generally were prepared by the Personal Assistant to McNamara, but there are also some memoranda of conversations drafted by McNamara and reports prepared by members of other departments in the Bank; some of the minutes are copies of minutes of the President's Council or the Policy Review Committee meetings. Background material, including notes and figures in McNamara's handwriting, sometimes accompanies the memoranda.

Meetings with Bank staff involve Vice-Presidents and Senior Vice-Presidents, the General Counsel and his Associate, the Secretary, Advisors and Special Assistants, Department Directors and the Executive Secretary of the Development Committee. Memoranda of meetings with the Staff Association are also included. Topics discussed with staff include the Bank's lending programs and budget, financial operations, organization and procedures, work programs and special studies. Among the latter are papers on capital markets; lending rate; financial policy; preference in procurement; agricultural research; commodities; the mining, urbanization and health sectors; agricultural credit; urban, nuclear power and aviation policies; river blindness; nutrition; population; employment; land reform; IDA policies and world development issues. The meetings also included discussions of McNamara's annual speech to the Governors and other speeches and statements, the preparation of Board meetings and other meetings, questions submitted by journalists, McNamara's trips to East and West Africa, and particular issues such as the increase of IBRD capital, the Development Committee, and the establishment of the Third Window.

Personalities meeting with McNamara from outside the Bank are U.S. Treasury Secretaries and other government officials, U.S. Congressmen, heads of international organizations, bankers, businessmen, economists, health specialists and journalists. These conversations concern the IDA and bond issues, marketing legislation, specific lending issues, and development cooperation.

Memoranda and Reports Maintained by the Development Policy Group (DPG) Concerning Procedures and Schedules for Country Strategy Papers (CPSs)

The records in this series were maintained by the Development Policy Group (DPG) and its predecessor, the Economic Advisory Staff (EAS), and consist of the following seven small groupings of memoranda and reports concerning schedules and procedures for the drafting and review of Country Strategy Papers (CSPs):

    1. EAS status reports and memoranda concerning schedules for producing CPSs and slippages in those schedules, November 25, 1987 - February, 19, 1991.
    1. EAS correspondence with Regional staff regarding schedules for CSP Initiating Memoranda, May 24, 1989 - March 16, 1990.
    1. EAS and DPG memoranda regarding revisions of CSP guidelines for inclusion in the Operational Manual (OM) and copies of the relevant sections from the OM, January 5, 1987 - February 4, 1993.
    1. EAS copies of CSP reviews prepared in FY 88 and FY 90 and comments on those reviews, October 10, 1988 - April 27, 1990.
    1. EAS correspondence regarding guidelines for country strategy reviews for IDA countries, March 13, 1990 - June 4. 1993.
    1. EAS memoranda concerning plans for scheduling CSP in FY 1992, February 19 -July 5, 1991.
    1. EAS and DPG correspondence concerning CSP schedules and procedures regarding the content and the review process for CSPs, April 20, 1988 - April 6, 1994.

Memoranda and Issuances Relating to the Reorganization of 1972

Contained in this series are memoranda and copies of Bank-wide issuances concerning the Bank's Reorganization of 1972 as it affected the Economics Department and, after the reorganization, the Development Policy Staff. The notebook appears to have been maintained first by P. D. Henderson and, after the reorganization, by Alexander Stevenson, the Director of the Development Economics Department (DED). Among the contents are: November 1971 memoranda to Henderson from Economics Department managers with their thoughts on possible future organizational structures for the Bank; copies of December 1971 memoranda from Mohamed Shoaib (chair of the Organization Study Steering Committee) and Hollis B. Chenery to President McNamara with their reorganization ideas; Henderson's notes from the December 22, 1971 meeting of the President's Council; McNamara's January 7, 1972 announcement of a study of the Bank's organization and procedures; Henderson's correspondence from McKinsey, the consulting firm which helped with the study; a copy of the July 13, 1972 memorandum outlining the views of Mahbub Haq and Ernest Stern regarding the Bank's policy function; a copy of E. Lerdau's July 24, 1972 comments on Haq's and Stern's views; the August 10, 1972 announcement of the first phase of the restructuring; memoranda from various managers of the Central Economic Staff (CES) to Henderson with ideas as to how to reorganize CES; Henderson's September 30, 1972 draft of a memorandum from Hollis B. Chenery to President McNamara concerning responsibility for sector development policy; the October 16, 1972 announcement of the Development Policy Staff's organization; and other memoranda further refining the organization and staffing of the Development Economics Department in the Development Policy Staff.

Membership files

Series contains records maintained in Central Files and semi-centralized filing stations from 1946 until 1977 that relate to membership of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), International Finance Corporation (IFC), and International Development Association (IDA). The records originated in the departments and offices whose files were centralized over a period of time including, but are not limited to: Offices of the President and Vice President; Treasurer's Department and its Cashier's Division; Office of the Controller; Legal Department; and others. Records also originated from the Secretary's Department responsible for coordinating the membership process. The department distributed certain correspondence and related documents to the Central Files while likely maintaining its own official files.

Records include internal memoranda, letters, cables, drafts and final Board resolutions, Secretary's memoranda, financial statements, handwritten notes, press releases, press clippings, external reports, national legislation documents, and other records. Informal meeting notes and summaries of discussion during visits to countries are in the form of internal memoranda. There are also summaries of annual meeting discussions between regional staff with delegations prepared as internal memoranda. Letters are primarily between the Bank president, vice president, Secretary's or Treasurer's Departments and government officials such as ministers, central bank authorities, and ambassadors.

Individual country membership files were separately maintained for IBRD, IFC, and IDA. The files document early discussions of membership, changes in membership status, and occasionally refers to the political situation of the country interested in membership.

Within the IBRD membership records (1946 - 1977), country files are subdivided into membership, capital, depository, governors and alternates, and withdrawals of membership for certain countries. Correspondence specifically relates to: notifications of interest or intention for membership; acknowledgement of applications and updates on membership process; opening and closing of accounts; payments of contributions by central banks; revaluations and devaluations of contributions; problems of interest due and unpaid subscriptions; bearing demands; audit and policy questions; monthly statements of transactions; procedures for maintenance of accounts in the name of IBRD; and adjustments of loans.

IFC country membership files (1954 - 1971) contain correspondence regarding background material for Bank/IFC/International Monetary Fund membership, discussions on projects financed by IFC, payments required from each country on its pending capital subscription to IFC, statements showing the balance of accounts, IFC loans, and a file concerning United States budget contribution to IFC. There is a smaller volume of files related to general IFC membership matters, IFC capital, and replenishment resources. General membership correspondence covers issues such as pending increases in member's capital subscriptions, holdings of non-convertible currencies in member countries as of June 1971 and matters relating to China's membership. Other files concern IFC capital stock and capital increase, subscriptions of member countries, replenishment of IFC capital, correspondence from IBRD to IFC concerning the use of Bank funds loaned to IFC, financial statements, schedules of projected subscriptions adjustments of IFC capital subscription. IFC replenishment resourcesfiles include correspondence documenting IFC needs for additional loan, increase of IFC equity resources, or capital stock, and new projection capital invested in equities.

IDA membership correspondence (1960 - 1977) concerns requests for the maintenance of accounts, additional subscriptions under IDA replenishment resources and payment process, requests for opening accounts in IDA books, balance of accounts, and maintenance of value due on initial subscription.

Meeting files

This series consists of the administrative records of each session of the Development Committee. Included are agendas, lists of speakers, attendance, travel and seating arrangements, drafts of statements, records of discussions, and internal and external correspondence relating to the meeting. As an example, the file on the 38th meeting (May 1990) includes the agenda, press communique, seating chart, remarks for plenary, afternoon, and closing sessions, luncheon arrangements, press conference attendance, information for participants, statements, background materials, administrative matters, and the record of discussions.

Media relations

The media relations series includes press releases disseminated by the World Bank Group relating to operations and activities from the founding of the World Bank in 1946 through 1995. Press releases of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), International Development Association (IDA), and the International Finance Corporation (IFC) are included in this series.

The series consists of IBRD numbered press releases relating to Bank Group operations and activities dating from 1946 to1995. Press releases document country membership admission to the Bank and announce staff appointments in various member countries and other promotions within the Bank. The majority of IBRD press releases relate to IBRD loans, including applications, agreements, and issuances. Other topics of press releases include organizational changes (including reorganizations, retirements, and staff and Executive Director appointments), country membership, bond issuances, Resident Mission developments, speeches by senior management, report publications, conference attendance, consultative group meetings, mission travel undertaken by senior management, and Spring and Annual meetings. Early press releases were numbered consecutively. Beginning in 1962, press releases were numbered according to the year of release. Numbered press releases are missing from the following years: 1982, 1983, 1985, and 1986.

Series also includes press releases relating to IDA operations and activities from its creation in 1960 to 1994. The majority of IDA press releases relate to the funding of projects through IDA credits. Other topics of press releases include organizational changes (including reorganizations, retirements, and staff appointments), country membership, IDA replenishments, consultative group meetings, conference attendance, and Spring and Annual meetings. The press releases are arranged consecutively by number from 1960 through December 1961, numerically by calendar year from 1962 to June 1976, and numerically by fiscal year from July 1976.

An index for IBRD and IDA press releases from 1946 to 1994 is included. Indexes provide a brief descriptive subject title along with press release number and date. A separate index for IDA records for the years 1962 to 1979 is also included and contains the same information.

A portion of IBRD and IDA press releases dating from 1946 to 1994 are unnumbered and arranged chronologically. Unnumbered press releases are included in the file indexes as "unnum" or "unnumbered" but are not filed withthe numbered press releases. Some press releases have published informational supplements attached; supplements originated in both the Bank and in other organizations.

The series also contains translations of some of the IBRD and IDA press releases from 1948 to 1994. French and Spanish translations are most common but translations into Chinese, German, Italian, Arabic, Japanese and Portuguese are also included. A number of smaller series of press releases dating from 1987 through 1994 that relate to specific World Bank agencies or topics are also included. The financial series describes general World Bank finances, currency issues, and bonds. The larger special series details World Bank presidents' visits to member countries, staff appointments, and new Bank initiatives. A small number of press releases from the early 1990s relate to the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), the Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), and the impact of development on particular US states export growth are also included.

The series also includes versions of speeches and addresses by Bank Group officials that were disseminated as press releases. These date from 1946 to 1965. The majority of the speeches are by Bank presidents Eugene Meyer, George Woods, and Robert McNamara. Speeches by other Bank officials include: J. Burke Knapp; Sir Denis Rickett; Mohamed Shoaib; Siem Alderweld; and Irving Freidman. These speeches include commencement addresses, Annual Meetings addresses to the Board of Governors, remarks during sessions of Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, and addresses to various bank associations and conferences.

The series also contains IFC press releases relating to operations and activities dating from 1956 to 1979. Topics include external operations as well as organizational changes, activities and events. Responsibility for writing and disseminating IFC press releases was the responsibility of various departments within the Information and Public Affairs Department (IPA) between IFC's creation in 1956 and 1979. In 1979, this activity was transferred to IFC's new Information Office. A small number of press releases dating from 1965 to 1974 include IPA correspondence relating to the authorship and dissemination of both press releases and photographs from the Bank's photograph library. These files are titled according to either the name of the company that received the investment or by country, thereunder by name of company.

The series also contains records relatingto press tours organized and facilitated by the Bank and governments and institutions of member countries. Press tours included media from around the world. Participants visited sites of projects funded by the Bank, partook in talks and discussions related to development, and met with government officials. Records include memoranda related to the planning of the trip, programs and itineraries, and background publications for participants.

McNamara notebooks

This series consists primarily of copies of Chenery's memoranda to McNamara, many of which were returned to Chenery heavily annotated with McNamara's handwritten notes and/or a red stamp indicating the President has seen. Some Chenery memoranda to McNamara are marked returned by McNamara's Office on a specific date with no notes or stamp. Also included are McNamara's memoranda to Chenery, memoranda sent to McNamara by other Bank staff (e.g. Ernest Stern) and copied to Chenery, letters and memoranda McNamara sent to Bank staff and copied to Chenery, and copies of letters Chenery drafted for McNamara's signature. Also included are Chenery's agenda for meetings with McNamara, Chenery's memoranda to the files summarizing discussions with McNamara, Chenery's handwritten notes from his meetings with McNamara, and copies of Chenery's memoranda to his managers summarizing either his discussions with McNamara or meetings that he attended of the President's Council.

In May 1973, Chenery asked McNamara for time to finish his book, The Developing Economy. McNamara agreed that following Chenery's August vacation, he would be allowed to spend sixty percent of his time until December 31 on that book. To permit Chenery to do this, Ernest Stern took over most of the day-to-day direction of the Development Policy Staff, and many of the August to December 1973 memoranda in this series were sent to McNamara by Stern rather than Chenery.

The records cover a wide range of subjects including the work program, organization, budget,and staffing for the Economics Department and the Development Policy Staff; the recruitment and assignment of economists in the Bank Group; the preparation, format, review, and scheduling of country economic programs and sector program papers; ex-post project evaluation work in the Bank; topics for and draft content of the President's annual meeting speeches and the preparation of other speeches for the President; the 1972 Bank reorganization; Bank coordination with the Ford Foundation and the International Monetary Fund; the review of country program papers; the preparation of seminars led by external experts for high-level Bank management; the preparation and review of papers on development policy; the World Bank's research program and budget; drafting of policy papers prepared in response to specific requests from McNamara; comments on policy papers scheduled for discussion by the Executive Directors; policy planning and the role of the Policy Review Committee; economic projections generated by the Development Policy Staff; the coordination of statistical work in the Bank; background information on individuals (and their country's issues) who were scheduled to meet with McNamara; management of the World Development Report team and plans for WDR topics and content; the treatment of Taiwan in World Bank reports; the initiation of the Living Standards Measurement Study (LSMS); and the selection of Chenery's successor. Beginning in 1977, many memoranda concern the reports of the external Research Advisory Panels and the implementation of recommendations made by those panels.

Master file of numbered Committee documents

This series contains a complete set of official numbered documents of the Committee which include but are not limited to topical papers distributed to members of the Committee prior to meetings, reports of working groups and task forces, records of discussion, and notices of meetings and proposed agendas. Statements to the Committee from the President of the World Bank and the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund are included, as are communiques from the meetings of the Intergovernmental Group of 24 on International Monetary Affairs. Beginning in 1988 the series also includes official statements made during the year by members and observers. Each document is usually present in English, French, and Spanish versions. The content of the documents is reflected in the titles of the items.

Managing Director (MDS) chronological correspondence files

The series includes chronological correspondence files from when Attila Karaosmanoglu served as Managing Director (MDS) for Bank President Lewis T. Preston. The records include correspondence, memoranda, agenda and meeting minutes, and other records related to high level policies, programs, and administrative operations of the World Bank. This includes records related to the reorganization of the Bank in 1991, which details the termination of senior vice-presidencies in bank operations, establishment of managing directors in Bank operations, and the re-organization of Bank units and World Bank Group affiliates. Other records include memoranda and correspondence of various

meetings arranged for Karaosmanoglu with Preston, fellow Managing Directors Ernest Stern and Sven Sandstrom, Executive Directors of the Bank, country leaders, Regional Bank staff, and other World Bank senior officials. Some correspondence and memoranda cover policy and programs of the Bank, such as structural adjustment loan programs, travel policy, and country strategy or policy framework papers for specific countries.

Managing Director files

The series consists of records created and received by Stern while serving as Managing Director from December 1991 until his retirement in 1995. The majority of the records are chronological files containing outgoing memoranda, letters, reports, and handwritten notes addressed to his fellow Managing Directors Atilla Karaosmanoglu and Sven Sandstrom, President Lewis Preston, Regional Vice Presidents, and other senior managers. The files cover issues including: Loan Committee proceedings for which Stern served as Chairman; Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) food security, staffing, and other matters; initiation and status of country loans; country debt; planning and review of Bank program and budget; recruitment; and comments contributing to internal papers and strategy discussions. Other external correspondents include senior government officials, academic institutions, and private sector executives. Series also contains a small portion of files relating to lending operations and portfolio management, Lending Allocation Review (LAR) guidelines, Policy Review Committee guidelines, and Country Strategy Assistance Program guidelines.

Managing Director chronological files

Series consists of chronological correspondence sent and received by Gautam Kaji while serving as Managing Director of the World Bank. Series broadly consists of three chronologically parallel parts: general correspondence; correspondence authored by Kaji and Managing Director Koch-Weser; and correspondence between Kaji and World Bank President Wolfensohn.

General correspondence records date from December 1994 when Kaji assumed the position of Managing Director and November 1997 when he retired from the Bank. Files are generally divided into two sections. The first section includes internal Bank correspondence. The most common records in this group are those relating to Kaji's role as Chairman of the Loan Committee and its successor, the Operations Committee. These records include reports on potential projects, materials related to regular Operations Committee meetings, and Kaji's comments on draft Country Assistance Strategies. Other topics discussed in the records of this series include: performance monitoring indicators and performance standards; guarantees in private sector investment in IDA countries and the World Bank Guarantee Program; World Debt Tables; the Bank-wide reorganization of 1997; conference attendance; planning and review of Bank program and budget; and operations and business policy development, review, and dissemination. Records include: drafts of Kaji's publications; Kaji's speeches; personal correspondence; meeting notices; memoranda to the Executive Directors; operations review reports; and Quarterly Reports on Pending Tranche Releases of Adjustment Operations. The second and smaller section of records includes correspondence from, and responses to, external parties. Topics of this correspondence are wide ranging but generally discuss East Asia operations and sector research.

The second part of the series includes correspondence authored jointly by Kaji and Managing Director Caio K. Koch-Weser from December 1995 to November 1997. Together, Kaji and Koch-Weser were responsible for Bankoperations. Records discuss a variety of topics related to operations, including an increasingly results-driven approach to project implementation and evaluation as well as the need for simplification of operational procedures and reporting. Correspondence, which is most often between Kaji and Koch-Weser and regional Vice Presidents, discuss portfolio management, disbursements, completion reports, Country Assistance Strategies, and economic and sector work. Staffing related to the 1997 reorganization and the launch of the Bank's new network organization are also discussed.

The third part of the series includes correspondence with attachments between Kaji and Bank President James Wolfensohn from March 1995 to November 1997. Correspondence consists of copies of correspondence and attachments authored by Kaji and sent to Wolfensohn as well as Wolfensohn's incoming and outgoing correspondence from others which was then forwarded to Kaji. Correspondence serves a variety of purposes: information dissemination; briefing for Wolfensohn's meetings; answering Wolfensohn's requests for information; authoring correspondence for Wolfensohn; and submitting reports, announcement, and correspondence for Wolfensohn's approval.

Managing Committee official files

This series consists of the official files of the Managing Committee. The records include agendas, schedules of meetings, minutes of the meetings, and memoranda and reports on a range of topics reflecting senior management concerns and overall World Bank administration. The records include correspondence with most of the Senior Vice Presidents on issues for committee consideration.

The minutes of the weekly Committee meetings were prepared from manuscript notes, then a draft was circulated (called pre-record minutes), and finally a record copy was issued. The series includes a file of manuscript notes by the Committee's secretary, covering both Managing Committee and Senior Management Council meetings, from February 22 to August 30, 1982. Draft minutes, with comments from the members, exist for the meetings from October 1981 through April 1983.

The Managing Committee had three subcommittees: Finance, Operations Policy, and Personnel and Administration. Issues coming to the Managing Committee were proposed by one of the subcommittees, by the President's office, or by one of the other primary offices in the Bank. Each issue had an accompanying paper, identified by the submitting office, year, and number; for example, an issues paper for the Managing Committee submitted by the Operations Policy Subcommittee in 1983 titled Power Sector Support Strategy was numbered OPS/MC83-06. This series has a full set of issues papers, arranged alphabetically by three-letter symbol for the submitting unit. The committee secretary prepared detailed indexes to the topics discussed in the Managing Committee, and the indexes provide easy access to these submissions.

Fragmentary records of the meetings of two of the three subcommittees make up the final section of this series. All these records are from 1982 and consist of one file of the working papers of the Personnel and Administration Subcommittee and six files from the Operations Policy Subcommittee. Additional information on the work of the subcommittees can be found in the set of submitted documents, because some of the subcommittee minutes were circulated to the entire Managing Committee for information.

These records are an essential source for a researcher who wishes to understand the internal decision-making in the Bank during the Clausen years.

Management and Personnel Vice Presidency (MPSVP) chronological correspondence files

The series includes incoming and outgoing correspondence and memoranda of Syed Shahid Husain from when he served as Vice President for Management and Personnel Services (MPSVP). The correspondence and memoranda are primarily between MPS staff, the Office of the President (EXC), and Vice President Offices of numerous units of the Bank. The correspondence and memoranda cover various topics, including: personnel recruitment; compensation; personnel performance review; redundancies; and re-organization of Bank units.

Management and oversight

Series consists of records related to management and oversight activities of ESSDVP. Records primarily relate to high-level meetings attended by ESSD Vice President Ian Johnson within ESSD as well as other units and committees of the World Bank. This includes meetings with Bank President Wolfensohn and Managing Director Shengman Zhang as well as meetings of the Bank's Operational Vice Presidents. Records from Bank-wide Corporate Days (1998-2002) and Strategic Forums (2000-2001) are also included. These records include: background notes (prepared for ESSDVP Ian Johnson by ESSD staff); presentation notes and slides; correspondence; progress reports; agendas; and follow-up materials.

Records related to management and organizational meetings of the ESSD include: ESSD Council meetings (2001-2003); ESSD Anchor meetings (2000-2001, 2003); ESSD FY02-04 Business Planning MD/VP Meeting; ESSD FY04-06 Strategic Planning; ESSD Knowledge Management strategy (1998-2000); and ESSD Management Retreats (including EnvironmentSector Board retreat [2002]) and Team Meetings.

Loan Committee project files

The files typically contain: discussion memoranda; discussion memoranda transmittal sheets; loan agreements; guarantee agreements; project agreements; reports and recommendations of the IBRD President to Executive Directors; agreements amending guarantee agreements; and memoranda regarding either withdrawal of loan offers or loan modifications. A small number of files contain minutes of Loan Committee meetings. Project files for the Bahamas (1973) and Barbados (1973) include memoranda and other documents relating to their applications for membership in the IBRD and documents indicating approval actions taken by the IBRD.

The bulk of these records are dated 1980 - 1987. Very few Loan Committee project files survive from the 1970s because in September 1971 the Committee and the staff of the Bank's Administration Department decided that once a project file was more than two fiscal years old, it would be discarded.

Loan and Trust Funds Department (LOA) chronological files

Series includes Jennings' chronological files relating to his time as director of the Loan and Trust Funds Department (LOA) in the Office of the Vice President and Controller (VPCTR). Records include memoranda relating to comments on drafts, the Joint Audit Committee, LOA staffing, LOA?s "Action Research Program (ARP)", and departmental budget planning.

Records also relate to a study on the recommendation to decentralize the disbursement function to the controller, accounting, and management information functions. These records include; memoranda; a draft report; and an updated Operational Manual Statement (OMS 3.30) on disbursement.

Living Standards Measurement Study (LSMS) research survey records

This series includes records related to Living Standards Measurement Study (LSMS). The LSMS was first launched by the Development Research Center (DRC) in 1980. Included in this series are records relating to the LSMS from the DRC as well as those units subsequently responsible for the Survey through 1992. These include: the Development Research Department Living Standards Measurement Unit (DRDLS), 1983 to 1987; the Population and Human Resources Welfare and Human Resources Development Division (PHRWH), 1987 to 1992; and the Population and Human Resources Poverty Analysis and Policy Division (PHRPA), February 1992 to December 1992.

The series includes research files maintained for each country. These records include: background papers, articles, and reports produced by the Bank and outside sources; research proposals; LSMS questionnaires; household and life expectancy raw statistical data sheets; handwritten notes; memoranda and correspondence regarding progress, procedures, and changes in LSMS surveys; back-to office reports; terms of reference; travel expense reports; and budget records. The series consist of additional LSMS research files referred to as World Bank Research Program (RPO) files. These records include research projects related to topics such as education, health care, nutrition, household data, living standards, welfare, and labor. Each RPO project generally includes the following records: correspondence and memoranda regarding project planning, progression, recruitment, and changes; mission reports; back-to-office reports; drafts, revisions, and final project proposals; travel expenses; terms-of-reference; notes; background papers; RPO status reports; administrative expense reports; consultant background and CV records; appointment letters; and Project Completion Reports (PCRs). The research files cover the years 1978 to 1992.

This series also consists of records related to the Working Papers Numbered Series in support of the LSMS surveys from 1980 to 1992. The records include drafts; original copies; published copies; cover negatives; and handwritten notes for LSMS Working Papers 1-59. The Working Papers were used in the preparation of the following World Bank publication: Living standards measurement study: abstracts of working papers.

The series additionally contains records related to the Bank's collaboration with the UN National Household Survey Capability Program (NHSCP), and the UN Statistical Office (UNSO) from 1978 to 1988. The statistical data produced by the LSMS surveys were shared and disseminated to cooperating units through prepared papers and reports, collaborative working groups, and meetings. The records in this series include correspondence from World Bank officials within DRC, DRDLS, and PHRWH to NHSCP and UNSO. The bulk of records contain correspondence and LSMS background reports from DRDLS Head Dennis N. de Tray and DRDLS associate Jacques van der Gaag sent to NHSCP and UNSO officials. Post 1987 records include correspondence from PHRWH Chief Jacques van der Gaag Population and Human Resources (PHR) Director Ann Hamilton sent to NHSCHP and UNSO officials. Also included are records from the UN Statistical Commission Meeting on LSMS held in New York City from February 28 to March 1, 1985. The records from this meeting include: memoranda and correspondence regarding preparation and reporting on the meeting; agenda and meeting minutes from the meeting; back-to-office reports; handwritten notes; LSMS statistical reports and papers prepared by the World Bank for the meeting; and statistical reports prepared by UN units.

Liaison, partnerships and program collaboration

Series consists of records related to partnerships and collaborative activities between external organizations and the Industrial Projects Department (IPD) units and successors between 1979 and 1985 and 1995 to 1999. Records provide information about common initiatives with partners in the industrial and mining sector, collaborative programs, and senior staff participation on high-level committees or events.

Most of the small set of files that were maintained in the Energy and Information Center (EISIC) document the participation of Division Chief L. Hartsell Cash, Projects, Mining and Heavy Machinery Division (IPDD2) in the United Nations Revolving Fund for Natural Resources Exploration working groups and Joint Operations Group (JOG) meetings (1979 - 1983). Other individual files include the International Labor Organization (1983 - 1986), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Research and Development in Integrated Resource Recovery programme (1984), and Business Partners for Development (BPD) mining cluster (1997 - 2000). Record types include: draft and final reports; minutes of United Nations Revolving Fund working group and JOG meetings; JOG progress and quarterly reports; internal memoranda and letters with representatives of external organizations.

The series also contains four files (1997 - 1999) related to the Bank-led Clean Coal Initiative (CCL) launched at a roundtable in June 1996. Specific records include: letters and facsimiles from IENIM Division Chief Peter Van der Veen to Energy Sector Management and Assistance Program (ESMAP) donors and stakeholders concerning financial support for a pilot "project" based in China; letters with consultants; strategic framework and reform priorities for China; draft articles on the Bank's involvement in coal and CCL; project description (also referred to as study program); Terms of Reference; coal price data; back-to-office-report; and other external reference articles and reports. Records were maintained by Principal Mineral Engineer John Strongman who was later succeeded by Principal Mining Engineer and Task Manager Christopher Wardell

Liaison, partnerships and program collaboration

Series consists of records related to collaborative activities and partnerships between the Industry and Energy (IEN) Department units and mostly external organizations, but liaison with Bank Group institutions and internal committees as well. Records cover the period from 1975 to 2013 and provide information about common initiatives with partners, director and senior staff participation on high-level committees or events, and development of collaborative global programs. Most records relate to the energy sector, but content within certain files frequently includes the industry and mining sectors as well. See the arrangement note below for more information.

Liaison with external organizations

The series contains records organized by external organization or Bank Group body, including the International Energy Agency (IEA, 1993 - 1996), Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC, 1975, 1986 - 1988), non-governmental organizations including Bretton Woods Committee (1992 - 1997), Solar Development Corporation (1996 - 1997), the International Finance Corporation (IFC, 1991 - 1992), Economic Development Institute (EDI), now World Bank Institute (WBI, 1994 - 1996), Enron (1993 - 1996), Organizacion Latinoamericana de Energia (OLADE, or Latin American Energy Organization, 1988 - 1990), European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD, 1991), and other research institutions, private foundations, and United States government agencies. A file on the G7 Nuclear Safety Working Group discusses the Chernobyl, Ukraine nuclear plant closure and energy strategies.

These records were primarily maintained by the Power Development, Efficiency & Household Fuels Division (IENPD) and the Office of the Director (IENDR). Files contain internal memoranda, All-in-1 messages, and letters between IEN units and representatives of organizations regarding arrangement of and discussion at meetings, discussion of partnerships and current or potential collaborative activities preparation of implementing agreements, information about ESMAP activities, and knowledge sharing. Other memoranda are between IENDR and Finance and Private Sector Development Vice Presidency (FPD) and other Bank departments including the Office of External Relations. Memoranda are also occasionally in the form of Terms of Reference (TORs) and back-to-office reports, describing events attended. Some files only contain United Nations agency reports and other external annual reports, press clippings, or booklets as reference. A single file consists of a 1975 preliminary briefing note on OPEC regarding optimal pricing policies for OPEC among the records.

Also included in the series are a set of records originally maintained in the Energy and Industry Information Center (EISIC, 1975 - 1987). Most of the files concern the Bank's relationship with United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and contain general correspondence with UNDP (1975 - 1987). Some liaison files reflect joint initiatives between the EGY and Industry Department (IND) departments when they were two separate departments under Energy and Industry Staff Vice Presidency (EISVP).

Other record types consist of copies of Board documents, draft Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs), meeting and seminar agenda, meeting minutes and summaries, presentation slide hard copies, concept papers, TORs, curriculum vitae (CVs), external brochures and reports, and copies of Congressional committee papers.

Global Gas Flaring Reduction Partnership (GGFR)

A large volume of records in the series (2001 - 2013) relate to the Global Gas Flaring Reduction Public-Private Partnership (GGFR) that originated in 2002. Records document the origins of the Bank Group-led Gas Flaring Reduction Initiative in collaboration with the Government of Norway and the role played by the joint Bank and International Finance Company (IFC) department, the Oil, Gas, Mining and Chemicals Department (COC), and its Policy Division (COCPO), later the Sustainable Energy, Gas, Oil, Mining unit [SEGOM]). COCPO was central to planning and organizing the Oslo 2002 conference and discussion of the GGFR Terms of Reference (TORs), arranging subsequent conferences and stakeholder consultations, and preparing and disseminating GGFR studies and reports. Most records were maintained by GGFR Program Manager Bent Svensson who led the task team responsible for implementing GGFR activities and liaising with stakeholders in coordination with the GGFR secretariat.

Correspondence records consist of draft and final outgoing letters, facsimiles, and email hard copies, including invitations to GGFR members and facsimiles sent by IFC Executive Vice President Peter L. Woicke and jointly authored letters with partner European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) inviting attendees to workshops, forums, and similar events. Other correspondence is with consultants recruited to conduct gas flaring studies and internal hard copy emails regarding meeting planning, launching events, and press arrangements. Other records filed with correspondence include: draft and final TORs including for the GGFR partnership; summary action plans and activity descriptions; draft country profile information including summary of Bank work activities; progress and final reports; consultation briefing notes; agenda and meeting summaries with stakeholders and partners; data tables; budget sheets; GGFR promotional materials such as brochures; draft workshop session notes; speeches and talking points; presenter biographies; presentation slides; handwritten notes; and reference material suchas newsletters and webpage hard copies.

A small volume of records relate to financing GGFR activities through a multi-donor trust fund and include: agreements and amendments signed by COC director; initiating brief for trust funds (IBTFs); notice of contributions; letters and hard copy emails with donors or between COC units and GGFR secretariat regarding financing agreements and the transfer and use of funds; quarterly and annual financial reports, and other reports prepared and submitted by Svensson; GGFR steering committee minutes; briefing papers; and confidentiality agreements.

GGFR is governed by a Steering Committee that was chaired by COC Director Rashad-Rudolf Kaldany at its establishment. Steering Committee records (2002 - 2013) were maintained by COCPO and SEGOM in addition to International Gas Flaring Reduction conferences, GGFR regional conferences, and workshops on carbon credits and best practice, standards, and guidelines for flaring reduction. Records include invitation letters, quarterly updates to committee members, agenda, minutes, list of participants, briefing papers, and reports for review. Also included are two files related to the World Summit on Sustainable Development (2002).

Extractive Industries Review (EIR)

Series also contains records related to the Extractive Industries Review (EIR) to examine the role, and future of, the Bank Group in the oil, gas, and mining sectors that was established in July 2001 and led by Dr. Emil Salim. Salim, a former minister of the Government of Indonesia, was appointed by Bank Group President Wolfensohn. Records cover the period 2000 to 2004 and appear to be maintained by both the EIR secretariat and the joint Bank-IFC Oil, Gas, and Chemicals Department (COC), Policy Division, Oil and Gas (COCPO), and the Mining Department director (CMNDR) in support of planning and developing EIR activities. Files relate to EIR activities and events including the planning workshop in Brussels (2001), multistakeholder consultation workshops in Africa, Asia Pacific, Europe and Central Asia, and Middle East and North Africa (2003), advisory group feedback meetings and final workshop (2003), and other meetings. These files, as well as a set of chronological correspondence files, contain mostly email hard copies between the EIR secretariat, consultation participants, and consultants and between COC and IFC senior management and staff. Topics covered in the correspondence include comments on EIR drafts and submissions to the review, nominations for advisory group membership (with participant lists and CVs), representation of regions, comments on consultation workshop reports, budget and trust funds, communications strategy, planning and discussion around Bank Group oil and gas activities, and event administration and logistics. Correspondence between Salim and EIR secretariat discuss managing and planning EIR work, schedule, budget, consultants, sharing of information and articles, status of EIR recommendations and finalizing report, planning of meetings with Bank senior staff, country visits and itineraries, advisory group member selection, and withdrawals of EIR process. There is also correspondence between Salim and Bank Group President Wolfensohn, Director Kaldany, Mining Director James Bond, and IFC officials, discussing EIR activities, meetings, and an amendment to the EIR TORs.

Record types consist of: EIR executive summary recommendations draft outlines; meeting minutes or summaries; lists of participants; hard copies of slide presentations; draft and final EIR TORs; aide-memoire; consultation reports; testimonial reports and transcripts of regional and informal consultations; background papers including one on Bank Group activities in the extractive industries by COCPO; hard copies of slide presentations; handwritten notes; draft and final OED approach paper Evaluation of World Bank Group Activities in the Energy and Extractives sector; external reports, brochures, and articles regarding extractive industries; and more.

A smaller volume of files concerning Salim's project field visits (2000 - 2003) to Asia and Africa (Chad Cameroon oil pipeline project) include a briefing book, and planning records such as: email hard copies of travel arrangements discussion of case studies, outreach and workshops, and Bank group oil, gas and mining investments data; agenda and itineraries; EIR project sheets; country briefs; and external reports, press clippings, and other reference documentation on oil spills and pipelines.

Records are mostly in English with some correspondence and press clippings in French. EIR official reports and stakeholder letters are also in French, Russian, and Spanish.

Committees, task forces, and working groups

The series also contains records of energy sector management and senior staff participation in various external and Bank-wide committees. Most records relate to the International Gas Union (IGU) Council meetings and committees (1988 - 1994) that energy division chiefs participated in, on behalf of the Bank. Energy Development Division Chief Gunter Schramm (IENED) presented in 1989 on the Bank's work in hydrocarbons and future liaison with Bank-IGU. Included in the records are council agenda, minutes, reports, background papers, study proposals, BTORs following meetings, and mostly routine correspondence regarding administrative arrangements.

There are also files relating to the Energy Sector Board (1992 - 1996) created in 1993 and its sub-committee on staffing including meeting announcements and lists of participants, occasionallyagenda and minutes focusing on project updates, reports, position descriptions, and All-in-1 notes regarding board membership, energy policy strategy. Other files relate to the sector's participation in the Multilateral Development Bank Task Force (1995 - 1997), Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, 1995) and smaller files on Finance and Private Sector Development Vice Presidency (FPD) task forces, advisory committee, working groups on quality enhancement of projects and on large dams (1993 - 1997).

Trust fund program management

A small set of records relate to IENDR, its divisions, and successors' management of trust funds to support energy sector programs and activities in member countries. Three files document the establishment of the Danish Trust Fund for Rural and Renewable Energy and subsequent activities financed by the Government of Denmark (1997 - 2003) including the Africa Rural and Renewable Energy Initiative (AFRREI). Correspondence is filed with Bank-authored progress reports, financial statements, presentation slide hard copies, and other items. There is also an individual file related to an agreement and financial support between the Government of Israel and the Bank for a gas strategy study for Israel (1995).

Liaison with external organizations, individuals, and United States government

  • Series
  • 1946 - 1971 (predominant 1969 - 1971)

The series consists of records related to liaison activities of the World Bank Group that were maintained in the centralized files. The records detail the arrangement and proceedings of meetings hosted by the Bank and meetings the Bank attended that were organized by external organizations, as well as exchanges of information and collaborative programs. Records were predominantly created between 1969 and 1971 and originated in departments who records were centralized including (but not limited to): The Technical Assistance and Liaison Department (TAL) and successor, Development Services Department (DSD); Economics Department; and Projects Department and its sector divisions. A very small volume of correspondence is authored by the Bank president or vice president, field office representatives, country departments, and IFC departments.

Organizations covered in the files include, but are not limited to: International Monetary Fund (IMF); United Nations (UN); United Nations Development Programme (UNDP); United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC); United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD); United Nations Educational, Scientific, Cultural Organization (UNESCO), United Nations Administrative Committee on Coordination (UNACC), United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), and other UN bodies. UNDP files (1969 - 1971) mostly contain correspondence relating to UNDP representatives on assignment and detailing country activities. There are also numerous liaison files with economic commissions, private foundations, academic and scientific institutes, industry and professional associations, religious organizations, international organizations such as Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), World Health Organization (WHO), and International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) containing correspondence to and from the Bank President McNamara, director of Development Services Department, and others. The correspondence is general in matter regarding meetings, visits, conferences, information sharing, ideas for development assistance and occasionally, Bank projects and operations. A portion of the alphabetical files (1972 - 1974) also include individual correspondents external to the Bank such as ministry and central bank officials and heads of corporations, business organizations, or academic institutions, mostly addressed to Bank president. Outgoing replies are from various country departments, Economics Department, Projects Department and sectors, development finance companies director, and others.

Internal memoranda are occasionally in the form of briefing notes, back-to-office reports, and terms of reference. Other records found in the external organization files include external reports and concept papers, and conference and meeting agenda.

The series also contains a smaller volume of records regarding the Bank's early relations with the United States government executive and legislative branches and federal agencies (1946 - 1971). Most of the records are in the form of internal memoranda and incoming and outgoing letters regarding support for foreign aid and operations. Many letters are between senior White House officials, congressmen, and the Bank president, vice president, or US executive director, and between independent US executive branch and federal government agency representatives and Bank senior staff. Bank staff correspondents include the Loan and Economic Departments, Technical Operations and Treasurer's Departments, Information and Public Affairs Department (IPA, initially under DSD), in collaboration mainly with the US Export-Import Bank (EXIM), US Agency for International Development (USAID), and US Department of Agriculture. Some correspondence is filed with proposals, meeting summaries, minutes, financial statements, data tables, Board, Economic and Staff Loan Committee documents, press clippings, copies of US legislation, agency speeches and press releases, and other records. There is also a preliminary draft paper by Carl B. Fritsche titled "The Role of the World Bank in Global Development" (1949).

Records cover routine information exchange and attendance at seminars and roundtables in addition to more substantive subjects such as: the role of the Bank in the European Recovery Project (also known as the Marshall Plan); the establishment and activities of the Bank interdepartmental committee drawn from Research Department and Loan Department to study the Marshall Plan; cooperation with the House Committee of Foreign Affairs and economic policy subcommittee; loan operations of the Bank and US Export-Import Bank and credit applications to countries, also discussion of disbursement rate, joint financing, private capital flows, and proposed US legislation; the Bank's involvement in the missions and hearings of the Committee on Banking and Currency chaired by Senator Homer E. Capehart. The Capehart Committee commissioned a study of IBRD and the Export-Import Bank operations and their relationship to expansion of international trade in 1954. There are several memoranda authored by DSD Senior Policy Planning Adviser Shirley E. Boskey reporting on the proceedings of the committee hearings and comments on draft Bank presentations to the committee.

Liaison with external organizations

This series contains records relating to the World Bank's liaison with external organizations. Records in this series originated in the various units responsible for liaison with external organizations in the External Relations department/vice presidency. However, due to records management practices in the Bank between 1946 and 1978, some of the records in this series originated in departments other than those focused exclusively on liaison activities. This is described in more detail below. Also note that, beginning in 1987, most of the liaison functions in the Bank were removed from the External Relations vice presidency for two brief periods: 1987 to 1990, and 1993 to 2002. Please see the Administrative History field in the Records of the Office of External Relations fonds description for more information on the organizational history of the liaison function in the Bank. Also see the Related Units of Description field below for the location of those post-1987 records related to the liaison function created in units outside of External Relations that are not contained in this series.

This series consists of records that were classified as "liaison files" or "United Nations liaison files" in the Bank's 'General' or 'Central' filing systems. These records date from 1946 to 1978 (with the exception of 1969 to 1971; please see Related Units of Description below). While records classified in this manner originated in departments from across the Bank (including the Office of the President), the majority of the 'General' and 'Central' files originated in the Technical Assistance and Liaison Staff (TAL, 1946-1961), Development Services Department (DSD, 1961-1973), and International Relations Department (IRD, 1973-1978).

Note that, from the beginning of the Bank's General Files classification system in 1946, "liaison files" and "United Nations liaison files" were classified separately. This likely occurred because the Bank's relationshipwith the UN and its agencies was more involved than with any other external organization. In 1964, as the Bank's collaboration with the UN in fields like agriculture and education was increasing, the Bank created a separate position called the Special Representative to the United Nations within DSD separate from staff responsible for liaison with non-UN external organizations. In 1965 the Special Representative moved to New York and opened an office at the United Nations headquarters. In 1978 a second World Bank UN Office was opened in Geneva, Switzerland.

Both the "liaison files" or "United Nations liaison files" consist of communications with external organizations with whom the Bank had a relationship. Organizations include governmental and international agencies, development banks, religious groups, academic institutions, and private foundations. Records relating to communications with the United Nations and its many agencies (United Nations Development Program [UNDP], Food and Agriculture Organizations [FAO], etc.) are the most voluminous in this series. The volume of records relating to communications with non-UN organizations and governments can be sizable (the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development [OECD] or the United States government and its legislators, for example) or as small as a single folder.

The most common correspondence in this series are invitations to or requests for participation in meetings, conferences, seminars, workshops, training courses, and similar events. In addition to correspondence with external organizations, records related to event participation and coordination also include internal memoranda, Terms of Reference, back-to-office reports, meeting agendas, conference programs, and press releases.

Records relating to collaboration or partnership on joint projects, research, and missions are also common, particularly in those records relating to the UN and its agencies. These records are generally limited to work program development, information sharing, and logistical planning. The records also relate to the exchange of information (including mission schedules, policy proposals, sector studies, etc., most of which are not included with the correspondence), and request for comment.

The Bank-wide 'General' and 'Central' filing practice was discontinued in 1978, and a new Non-Regional Information Center (NRIC) was created to manage records created by non-operational units including the External Relations' International Relations Department (IRD). Unlike the records of the 'General' and 'Central' files, records from the NRIC, which existed from 1978 to 1986, and those subsequently transferred to the World Bank Group Archives directly from units responsible for external liaison include only those that originated in units responsible for the function. The exceptions are those records that were shared with these departments by other Bank units. Note that most of the records relating to external liaison that were created while the external liaison function was housedoutside of the External Relations Vice Presidency from 1987 to 1990 and 1993 to 2002 are included. To locate those arranged in other fonds, please see the Related Units of Description field below.

Topics contained in the NRIC and subsequent records are similar to those in the 'General' or 'Central' files, but with some additions. Beginning around 1980, the Bank's engagement with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) intensified. Records relating to the Bank's communication and collaboration with NGOs as well as the development of policy for interacting with NGOs are contained in this series. Likewise, records relating to the Bank's interaction with civil society also become more numerous throughout the 1980s and 1990s.

Records relating to external meeting and conference attendance are also included as are records related to external liaison staff's participation in World Bank Group spring and annual meetings. Background and briefing materials for senior Bank management prepared by EXT units responsible for meetings with external organizations are contained in this series. Many of these briefing materials were prepared for World Bank Group presidents Lewis Preston, James Wolfensohn, Paul Wolfowitz, and Robert Zoellick. Finally, a small amount of records relating to the organization and management of the units responsible for external liaison over time, including the New York and Geneva offices, are contained in this series. These records primarily relate to staff retreats where strategy and work programs were developed.

Records relating to the Bank's European field office in Paris, France, are also included in this series. The records date from 1949, when Drew Dudley, Director of Public Relations for Europe, arrived in Paris, to 1980. The records of the European office relate to its primary role as Bank representative to European governments, central banks and other financial institutions, international organizations, and the European media, academic institutions, and business community. Records also relate to other activities, including the arrangement for the sale of Bank securities in Europe, carrying out information programs, and performing administrative functions. Records consist of correspondence with Bank staff, including Bank presidents, in Washington, DC. Topics include logistical matters, reports on meetings, and exchange of information.

Records relating to the Tokyo office, which opened in November 1970, are also included in this series. The office was concerned with facilitating liaison between the Bank and the Japanese government and the Japanese financial community. It also served as a source of information for the Japanese press and public. Tokyo office records date from 1974 to 1975 and relate to communications with the Japanese government and media, administrative functions, and information exchange and publication.

The series also contains records from 1983 to 1987 relating to general policy and analysis undertaken by IRD in support of liaison with NGOs and other external organizations. Records relate to food security, poverty, debt, and the environment and contain reports, internal memoranda, communications with external organizations, logistical plans for meetings, and back-to-office reports.

The series also contains thematic subject files created and used by EXT units responsible for liaison with external organizations. Topics include gender, human rights, indigenous peoples, partnerships, structural adjustment, private sector investment, etc. These types of records generally date from the 1980s through 2010 and contain a variety of materials, such as: correspondence and internal memoranda; conference materials; and external publications.

The records of the World Bank's Grant Committee are also contained in this series. In 1981, the Bank's system for making grants to development institutions and conferences was streamlined and consolidated within the External Relations Department. From 1981 to 1987, IRD provided the staff for the roles of chairman and secretary. Records include meeting minutes, internal memoranda, and correspondence with external organizations relating to their requests for funding. Records date from 1981 to 1987 and 1990 to 1993.

Records related to the Robert S. McNamara Fellowship Fund are also included in this series. The fund was proposed in 1981 and awarded its first fellowships in 1983. Records relate to the setting up of the fund, raising funds from Bank members, the establishment of a selection committee, and the awarding of fellowships. Records date from 1981 to 1986.

Liaison records

The series consist of records related to liaison with organizations external to the Bank. This includes correspondence maintained by Transportation, Water, and Telecommunications Department (TWT) related to the joint United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) - World Bank Water and Sanitation Program from 1978, and correspondence maintained by TWT and WUD related to the joint World Health Organization (WHO) / World Bank Cooperative Program, which also focused on water and sanitation, from 1977 to 1987.

Liaison files - U.S. Government

This series contains the records of President Preston's interaction with both Congressional and Executive branches of the U.S. Government. The files include information on legislation affecting the Bank or its staff, briefing notes and minutes of the meetings with the Members of Congress and senior officials in the Executive Branch, and correspondence with the White House. The file on the White House contains mostly records from the Conable Presidency.

Liaison files - U.S. Government

This series contains the records of President Conable's interaction with both Congressional and Executive branches of the U.S Government. The files include information on legislation affecting the Bank or its staff, briefing notes and minutes of the meetings with the Members of Congress and senior officials in the Executive Branch, and correspondence with the White House. A few documents are included from the end of the Clausen Presidency.

A general file covers Congressional matters, in addition to files on the House of Representatives and the Senate. One subject file is included, on an initiative by the U.S. Treasury Secretary James Baker III and Senator Bill Bradley to develop a new strategy to manage international debt. In addition, one file is included on the Bank's relationship with the government of the District of Columbia.

Liaison files - Non-governmental and international agencies

This series documents the communications between the Bank, particularly the President's office, and various national and international organizations, governmental and nongovernmental, non-profit and commercial. A wide range of liaison activities are reflected; the records include invitations to meetings and conferences, points of discussions for meetings, meeting briefs and minutes of meetings, news releases and communiques, and correspondence. An equally broad range of topics is included, from agricultureand the environment to trade and financial affairs. A few files include records from the period of the Clausen presidency.

One subject file on the Gulf crisis of 1990-1991 is included. It relates primarily to funding issues, both for countries in the region of the crisis and for the return of refugees in the post-crisis period. The UNICEF file contains black and white photographs of President Conable at a meeting on February 6, 1989.

Lecture and speech files

From 1985 to 1990, Vinod Dubey participated in over 20 seminars, symposia, and conferences at which he served as lecturer, speaker, panel chairman or member, or commentator. Files were prepared for each engagement. They include key documents, notes, statistical information, and outlines used in Dubey's preparations. The evolution of the Bank, Bank policy, and adjustment lending were frequently the topics of his presentations.

During the period covered by this series, Vinod Dubey served as: Senior Adviser (1984 - 1985) and Director (1986 - 1987) in the Country Policy Department in the Office of Operations Policy, and as Director, Economic Advisory Staff (1987-1990) under the Senior Vice President, Operations. Dubey also served as the first Liaison Officer to the Paris Club during the period 1984 - 1986.

Dubey served several times as: a lecturer for EDI [Economic Development Institute] seminars (1985, 1986, 1988, and 1989); lecturer, panel chairman or panelist for a number of other Bank sponsored seminars and conferences (1985 - 1990); and lecturer for the IMF Institute (1985, 1986, 1988). The file created for a Bank-sponsored symposium in Copenhagen, May 5 - 6, 1987 on economic adjustment and the Third World includes copies of a number of the papers that were presented, including Dubey's paper entitled Ensuring That The Poor Benefit From Improved Policy.

Dubey was also invited to speak at symposia and conferences sponsored by outside organizations including the Foreign Service Institute (1986), the Inter-American Development Bank (1987, 1989), and the Agency for International Development (1987, 1989). The file created for Dubey's Back-to-Office Report of a visit to Japan, January 25 -3 0, 1987 to speak to Japanese officials in seminars on structural adjustment lending includes copies of Dubey's lectures in Japan.

Several files were created for other conferences and symposia sponsored by the Bank and outside organizations which Dubey attended including SVPOP (later OPNSV) retreats (1986, 1988, and 1989) and a Bank/UNICEF meeting on collaboration on adjustment issues (1987). Notes taken by Dubey of discussions at these events are part of the files.

A file titled The Institute Lecture contains a copy of President Clausen's remarks at the Joint Bank-Fund Luncheon, May 25, 1985; Dubey apparently prepared the remarks. The series also includes a file created after Dubey was asked to represent the Bank at the June 5 - 10, 1989 Berne Union Meeting in place of Fred Levy. Separate files (1987 - 1988, 1988 - 1989) were created just for background materials for Dubey's lectures and speeches. The files include copies of Bank documents and publications, IMF publications, reprints of articles on finance and economics, newspaper clippings, and Dubey's handwritten notes.

LCR Social Development Unit and Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development Unit chronological files

This series consists of the incoming and outgoing correspondence and memoranda created and compiled by Davis when he served as Sector Manager in the Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development Unit , Latin America and Caribbean Region (LCSES), 1998-1999, and as Sector Manager in the Social Development Unit, Latin America and Caribbean Region (LCSEO), 2000-2004. The correspondence comes from external agencies, institutions, and individuals outside of the World Bank, which are inquiring about potential employment, or are interested in Davis's research or work related to indigenous rights, the environment, sustainability, Latin America, and the Caribbean. Other correspondence addresses collaborative initiatives, working groups, and panels Davis took part in, or for which he received invitations. The remaining correspondence and memoranda are internal communications related to Davis' work in the Bank, including oversight of development projects compliance to social safeguard policies, indigenous policy development, and collaboration with project partners, authorities, and local communities.

Latin America and Caribbean Vice Presidency (LCN) project and subject files

Series consists of correspondence created and received by Frank Vita during his time as loan officer in the Latin America and Caribbean Vice Presidency (LCN). Series contains a variety of records related to operations mission travel made by Vita to Uruguay. Records include Terms of Reference and back-to-office reports and other supporting material. Mission travel activities included project appraisal (Fourth Livestock Development Project) and supervision (Highway Project) as well as conducting research for sector studies. A subject file on Chile and Uruguay is also contained in this series. Records include World Bank authored reports and memoranda on country lending activities.

Latin America and Caribbean Technical Department, Infrastructure and Energy Division chronological files

Series consists of records related to Tim Campbell's work in the Latin America and Caribbean Technical Department, Infrastructure and Energy Division (LATIE), as Senior Urban Planner and, briefly, as Chief, Urban and Water Unit. Series consists of correspondence and reports, among other formats. Records relate to project planning and evaluation activities as well as to urban development-related research conducted by Campbell and task forces and workshops on which Campbell participated. Records include: Terms of Reference; back-to-office reports; records related to missions to countries for project planning and information gathered (including Brazil, Mexico, and Guatemala); Campbell's comments on Departmental and external reports and policy papers; comments on Campbell's reports by Departmental colleagues and other Bank staff; Campbell's reviews of Project Completion Reports (PCRs); annual Urban Sector review; briefing notes; externally authored reports; meeting and seminar summaries; presentation notes and slides. Series also contains two reports authored by Campbell: Environmental Dilemmas and the Urban Poor (draft, 1989, prepared for the Overseas Development Council and not for the Bank); Decentralization to Local Government in LAC: National Strategies and Local Response in Planning, Spending and Management (1991, an LATIE Regional Study, accompanied by drafts and research materials); and Modes of Accountability in Local Governments of LAC (1992).

Latin America and Caribbean Projects Department (LCP) chronological files

Series includes Jennings' chronological files relating to his work as assistant director in the Latin America and Caribbean Projects Department (LCP). Records include memoranda related to: training; staffing; departmental budget; the implementation of the Performance, Planning, and Review (PPR) system in the Latin America and Caribbean (LCR) Vice Presidency; procurement procedures; LCR project implementation reviews; and oversight of sector departments reporting to LCP director S. M. L. van der Meer. Chronological file also includes numerous informal "Notes" to Bank colleagues.

Latin America and Caribbean Advisory Group chronological files

Series consists of records related to Tim Campbell's work as the Principal Urban Sector Specialist in the Latin America and Caribbean Technical Department, Advisory Group (LATAD). Records relate to: conference attendance and participation; travel plans; Campbell's presentations to a variety of audiences; and staffing. Records include: Terms of Reference; back-to-office reports; Bank reports forwarded to Campbell; FY94 LATAD Retrospective; presentation slides; a number of innovation Case Studies relating toCuritiba, Brazil; LAC - FY97-99 Business Plan; and Campbell's FY97-99 Work Program. Records also include correspondence with external agencies and institutions that relate to information exchange, communications, and planning and coordination.

Records relate to a number of conferences and seminars that Campbell participated in or helped organize. These include: Institutional Development (ID) and Decentralized Governance: Looking Back on Lending, Looking Ahead to a Contestability Model of ID in LAC (1994);conferences of Latin American Mayors in Washington, DC, and Miami, Florida (1994 and 1996); a seminar called Decentralization: Policies and Practices that Work (1994); a seminar called Managing Decentralization: Best Practices and Policy Lessons in LAC (1996); a sub-regional conference on Best Practice and Policy Lessons in Decentralization (1995).

Series also contains a number of reports and articles authored by Campbell, including: Participation, Choice, and Accountability in Local Government: LAC andthe U.S. (May 1993); The Politics of Participation in Tijuana, Mexico: Inventing a New Style of Governance (1996, draft); Mendoza Provincial Program for Basic Social Infrastructure (MENPROSIF): Case Study (1995); and Innovations and Risk Taking: The Engine of Reform in Local Government of LAC (1996, accompanied by notes for a presentation on the paper).

Knowledge management products

Series contains a variety of records mostly maintained by the HDNED Knowledge Management unit responsible for producing or disseminating education sector information products and responding to client requests. Records in the series take the form of reports; project lesson reports; newsletters; presentation slides; correspondence; and supporting documentation.

A significant volume of records is comprised of Bank reports (primarily Quality Enhancement Review [QER] reports), newsletters, and publications related to country education projects (1999 - 2004). Numerous countries are represented from all regions, particularly European and Central Asia as well as the Middle East and South Asia.

The series also contains records related to presentations and visits of Director Maris O'Rourke including her 1998 visit to the United Nations, presentations to the Human Development Council HDN, and other external presentations on the Bank and education. Several presentation files contain transparency slides, and a small number of these include the hard copy slides with presentation notes. Some slides appear to be prepared as templates for presenters to customize for audiences while others were prepared and used for specific presentations.

Other subject files cover: economics of human resources and economic analysis of education projects (1994 - 1999); the role of the World Bank in education as well as in education research and evaluation (1996 - 1998); structural adjustment and education (1997); knowledge management (1997); education strategy (1999); sector board's work program and budget (1999); and a small volume of conference and workshop papers such as for Quality of Economic and Sector Work (ESW) Workshop (2002).

Records regarding the World Education Forum, Dakar (2000) contain: email hard copies between O'Rourke and Steven Commins (External Relations); attached reports and Education for All (EFA) planning meeting summaries centered around communications and public relations; draft outline for President Wolfensohn speeches; back-to-office reports of O'Rourke and successor Director Ruth Kagia; and draft conference reports.

Knowledge and learning events and products

Series consists of records related to conferences, symposia, seminars, workshops, roundtables, and similar knowledge and learning events that were developed and hosted by Industry and Energy Department (IEN) energy units or attended by sector directors and staff. A portion of files also relate to sector staff's participation in preparatory work for events such as conference steering committees and the vetting of papers submitted. The series also contains newsletters as well as published and unpublished articles and reports authored or co-authored by sector staff. The earliest records dated 1984 are copies of externally authored discussion and presentation papers. Records were created and maintained by various units such as: Industry and Energy Office of the Director (IENDR), Natural Gas Development Unit (IENGU), Power Development, Efficiency & Household Fuels Division (IENPD), and ESMAP Operations Division (ESMOD).

Conferences, seminars, and similar events that were organized as Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP) technical assistance or relating to other ESMAP projects are not included in this series if there was a clear distinction. See the related units of description note below for more information.

Conferences, seminars, other knowledge and learning events

Records reflect IEN Director Richard Stern's attendance and or participation including as a panel member at various international conferences and symposia such as the World Energy Council Congress (1995) and World Economic Development Congress Power Project Finance Summit. Stern also maintained records of World Bank seminars conducted by his division chiefs and staff as reference (Seminar on Technical and Economic Nuclear Issues, 1994). There is also a small volume of files containing papers presented by IENDR Adviser Dennis Anderson on the Bank's solar initiative experience to date at the International Symposium on the Grand Solar Challenge (1995) with other event records. Also included are a draft and three computer disks relatedto Anderson's paper "Energy, Environment and Economy". Knowledge and learning event records were largely maintained by IEN divisions. The whole of the records of IENDR and divisions cover the period 1988 to 1998.

Records consist of facsimiles and letters sent to participants or organizers covering invitations to the event and preparation of the agenda, and internal memoranda between IENDR, division management, and staff discussing the organization of speakers, selection of panels and topics, administrative arrangements, and follow-up to various events. Memoranda are often in the form of Terms of Reference (TORs), back-to-office-reports, and summaries of discussions, together with an attached event program, drafts and final agenda, presentation slide hard copies, or the paper presented at the event, some of which are externally authored papers. Additional record types in the series include: conference session papers; lists of participants and speakers; program and presentation outlines and notes; papers prepared by sector staff or consultants; working papers and reports produced by participants or external authors; transparency slides; biographical sketches of presenters; and press clippings or articles.

Specific topics represented in the knowledge and learning events include, but are not limited to: seminars concerning power sector regulatory issues; structure and pricing; energy policy; power system planning; natural gas; electricity and gas trade; financing energy; roundtables on energy efficiency; independent power projects; or power supply in low- and lower-middle income countries; International Gas Trade Roundtable; and workshops on renewable energy; oil and gas; commercialization of natural gas; and annual World Bank Energy Workshops.

There are also individual files regarding Bank Group and International Monetary Fund Annual Meetings (1994 - 1996), IEN road shows and products (1992 - 1994), Task Managers' Workshop on Global Environment Facility Global Warming Projects sponsored by Global Environment Coordination Division (ENVCG) and partners, Mining and the Community for Asian and Pacific Nations (1998), China Coal Sector Development and Reform Conference World Bank and ESMAP (2003), and various other events.

Speeches, newsletters, publications, and other material

The series contains speeches of the first IEN Director, Anthony Churchill, given at various external conferences and events (1990 - 1993) and speeches on the topic of energy and the environment given at conferences and similar events by Churchill and others including Bank Group President Barber B. Conable and Energy Strategy, Management, and Assessment (IENES) Division Chief Robert J. Saunders at the ESMAP consultative meeting, 1988. A single file containing material for speeches on gas mostly contains papers authored by IENGU chief and draft papers used for the 1992 World Development Report (WDR) related to natural gas benefits to the environment, gas activities of ESMAP, and letters to external peers requesting review and comments.

Series also consists of two files of publications and computer disks maintained by Anderson on various energy and environment topics that he mostly authored and co-authored (1988 - 1996). Files contain an item list of papers, final drafts, final papers published in academic journals and at conferences, and a draft for the new Finance and Private Sector Development Vice Presidency (FPD) series on "Approaches to Private Power". Publication topics include: cost effectiveness in addressing the CO2 problem; cost of nuclear power and fossil fuels; sustainable development; energy efficiency and pollution; industry and the environment; and more. The files also contain some papers by other colleagues including "Transportation and CO2 Emissions: Flexing the Link - A Strategy for the World Bank".

There are also two files containing internally produced newsletters (1994 - 1996), including Oil and Gas, Energy Notes, FPD Notes about the activities of Finance and Private Sector Development Vice Presidency, internal memoranda about the publications, and external press articles about the Bank sectors.

Three training-related files relate to Monitoring Training Program and IEN Support Staff Workshop (1993 - 1995) as well as IENGU gas training (1989 - 1990).

Knowledge and learning events

Series consists of records related to a variety of conferences, seminars, and other knowledge and learning events organized or attended by senior management and staff across the sector's units. Records include internal memoranda, incoming and outgoing letters, agendas, presentation slides, course or training materials, and copies of journal articles and papers.

Many records document HDNED Director Ruth Kagia's participation and presentations in various conferences and other external and internal events. There are files containing mostly presentation slide transparencies outlining Poverty Reduction and Strategy Paper (PSRP) training, as well as Kagia's presentation to the Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Conference on User Fees in Education held 23 April 2001 discussing the World Bank's position on user fees. Also includes Kagia's paper presentation at the 2002 International Conference of the Centre of African Studies under the topic of new approaches to African development that are filed with letters from conference donors, a list of participants, invitations, and copies of papers presented by other speakers.

Records related to Human Development Week 2000 contain talking points and data under the heading of poverty and human development, including an overview of Human Development Network (HDN) goals, immediate indicators, and future indicators. There are also hard copy emails to and from Kagia and other Bank staff including Human Development Poverty Reduction Economist Michael Walton regarding planning and content, course materials, and communications and evaluations for Humane Development Learning Week (2003).

The series also contains records of Bank-hosted and organized learning events. These include the global Early Childhood Development (ECD) Conference hosted by the Bank in April 2000 to address the benefits and challenges of investing in early child development. The records include some administrative correspondence on preparation and planning of the conference. There is also a file related to the Bank seminar on the international development goals for multilateral development partners and member country development institutions, hosted in March 2001 and organized outside of HDNED, but which Kagia attended. Included are the list of participants, agenda, data slides, background papers, and reports.

A variety of other files relate to: briefing materials and key education documents for various conferences and seminars attended by sector staff as well as Bank President James D. Wolfensohn (1997 - 2003); minutes, report of the Knowledge Board and staff learning progress report (2004 - 2005); year-end reports, evaluations, activity initiation report status and course descriptions (1999 - 2000).

There is also a small volume of records pertaining to the Seminar on Public Expenditures that was developed by the Education Policy Division (EDTEP) and held in 1985.

Knowledge and learning events

Series primarily contains records related to conferences, seminars, internal training courses, brown bag lunch (BBL) presentations, or other events organized or attended by the Health, Nutrition, and Population Team (HDNHE) and previous units. A portion of the records were maintained by Principal Economist Helen Saxenian who was also the health, nutrition, and population sector training coordination committee chair. Records were also maintained by Senior Nutritionist Judith McGuire, Consultant Joy Miller de Rosso, and others.

Records comprising the series include: correspondence; seminar and presentation papers; back-to-office reports, several regarding health reforms and health systems studies; sound and video recordings of presentations; hard copies of presentation slides; minutes and agenda of committee training meetings; and learning materials such as course descriptions and BBL summaries occasionally filed with statistical data tables or articles.

Topics include, but are not limited to: HIV/AIDS, evidence-based medicine, vaccines, health care and poverty, nutrition, health and social sector reform, Safe Motherhood or women and children's health, and country health care systems.

There are also two files related to the Bank's Economic Development Institute (EDI) case studies (1980 - 1990).

The series also contains audiocassette recordings of the Food and Nutrition Policy Course (1997 - 1998) and one file of textual records containing the course material. The videocassette titles included in the series are "What do Women and Children Die of?" (1998) and "Challenges for Health Sector Reform in Latin America and the Caribbean" (1999).

Knowledge and learning events

Series consists of records related to the Industry and Energy (IEN) industry units' participation and attendance at international conferences and other knowledge and learning events. Records were primarily maintained by Industry and Mining Division (IENIM) staff including Economist and Lead Mining Specialist Craig Andrews and Principal Mining Engineer Christopher Wardell and relate to four major events. The records also reflect the role of IENIM in planning and organizing these events.

The Conference on Development, Environment and Mining (Washington, D.C., June 1-3, 1994) co-sponsored by the Bank, United Nations agencies, and the International Council for Metals and the Environment (ICME) addressed the contribution of mining to economic development and management of environmental impacts for sustainable development. Other records relate to: IENIM-organized international roundtable, Mining in the Next 25 Years, on the future of the mining industry and management of risk (1997); Mining and the Community Conference (Quito, 1997 - 1998) to share experiences and research in the mining sector and local communities including indigenous communities, and environmentally sustainable mining; and the Mongolia Investors Conference (Ulanbataar, 1997) organized by Wardell and co-hosted by the Europe and Central Asia Vice Regional Vice Presidency (ECAVP) and Resource Mobilization and Private Sector Development Department (acronym unknown). The purpose of the conference was to promote investment in the areas of oil, gas andmining and to facilitate bilateral discussions between the Government of Mongolia and participants from various countries that included ambassadors, technical specialists and other representatives from the mining, engineering, financial and banking sectors.

Records consist of draft and final outgoing facsimiles and letters to participants or co-organizers covering the development of the conferences or other events, invitations and incoming replies, preparation of the agenda, or requests for funding from government agencies and subsequent financial arrangements for certain events. Internal memoranda between IENIM management and staff discusses the organization of speakers or consultants, selection of panels and topics, and administrative arrangements.

Additional record types that are filed with the correspondence include: agenda; objectives and discussion group descriptions; draft and final list of participants; curriculum vitae (CVs) of speakers; draft session papers; case studies; IENIM staff-authored articles; consultant reports (i.e. mineral resource and petroleum exploration in Mongolia); discussion paper proposals; background reports; conference brochures; printed material of other external institutions; and "Mining and the Community: Results of the Quito Conference", EMT (Energy, Mining and Telecommunications) Occasional Paper No. 11 (1998).

Knowledge and learning

Series contains records related to the preparation and participation at workshops, training courses, conferences, and other events facilitated or attended by Debrework Zewdie primarily during her tenure as director of the Global HIV/AIDS Program Team (HNDGA). Records include: agenda; list of participants; working papers; correspondence and copies of agreements on funding inter-agency workshops with the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) or World Health Organization (WHO); and hard copies of emails from HDNGA operations adviser regarding organization and participation in events, some attended with Zewdie. A portion of the records pertain to administrative matters such as transfer of funds to external conference organizers, travel, and accommodation.

Workshops and courses include: Monitoring and Evaluation of National HIV/AIDS response (2006); Dissemination of the World Bank Procurement Guide Publication "Battling Aids" (2004); and HIV/AIDS Workshop for Faith-Based Organizations and National AIDS Councils (no date). Other events include, but are not limited to: Consultative Meeting on Improving Access of Faith-Based Organizations to Funding from National HIV/AIDS Programs (2003), and the Global HIV Monitoring and Evaluation Team (GAMET) retreat (2005).

The series also contains a briefing book compiled for the Chief Economist Advisory Council (2002), in which some of the contents mention HIV/AIDS activities.

Knowledge and learning

Series consists of records relating to seminars, conferences, training, and workshop events organized or attended by staff of the Transportation Department (TRP) and Infrastructure and Urban Development Department Transport Development Division (INUTD). Records relate to various transportation-related topics and event planning records. Records concern the attendance and participation of transportation sector staff in external and internal conferences, seminars, symposiums, training courses, and lectures. Many records relate to the activities of Senior Highway Engineer William D. O. Paterson, Ports and Aviation Adviser John R. Lethbridge and Principal Transport Economist Clell G. Harral. Record types include course materials, draft and final conference papers prepared by Bank staff, agenda, lists of events, list of participants and attendance lists, internal memoranda including back-to-office reports, letters from external organizations, speeches, handwritten notes, summary evaluations, and external reports,brochures, and other printed material.

Topics covered in the records include harbors and port technology, port maintenance in developing countries, global shipping, Port of Rouen training course, liner shipping policy developments, inland water and coastal and barge transportation review, England and France Channel Tunnel (informally, Chunnel) project, Port of Baltimore dredging works, American public works and infrastructure, International Road Federation (IRF) African Highway Conferences, rural roads, urban transport, highways and road pavement design, pavement performance and maintenance, Strategic Highway Research Program, and air and rail transport.

Two files that relate to planning Bank transport staff training and Bank staff grading contain mostly internal memoranda and discuss internal and external sector staff training needs including regional participation, opportunities, and preparation.

Itinerary files

This series contains records of President Clausen's visits abroad and his appearances and presentations in the United States. The files contain travel itineraries, briefing materials, arrival and departure statements, press conference briefings, remarks, schedules of meetings and appointments, correspondence (letters, memoranda, telexes and facsimiles written to and from government leaders, thank you notes), lists of government officials and biographical data about them, general background information on countries and governments, status reports on projects in execution, maps and newspaper clippings. The file on Niger contains photographs of the ministers. Some files listed under a country are primarily files on a meeting held there, not on the country per se; see, for example, the GATT meeting file under Switzerland. Itineraries and briefings for Mrs. Clausen when she accompanied the President on foreign visits are found in some files. The general files at the beginning of the series contain travel orders and itineraries but no background information.

The series is rich in annotations and comments by Clausen and his advisors. It provides snapshot views of the countries at the time of the visits and also provides particularly useful information on the World Bank's relationship with each country.

IPA chronological file (outgoing)

This series is composed of letters and memoranda drafted for McNamara by the Department of Information and Public Affairs (IPA) between January 1969 and July 1981. Letters consist of thank-you notes, mostly regrets, for invitations to participate or speak at meetings or luncheons, deliver interviews and appear on television, thanks for gifts, books, articles, comments, views, support, staff work, and responses to requests for material, statements and articles.

The addressees are private citizens, scholars, journalists, heads of organizations and congregations, diplomats, and government officials. Thank-you letters range from a note to President Leopold Sedar Senghor thanking him for a volume of poetry, to letters to the U.S. President, senators and congressmen thanking them for assuring the passage of foreign assistance legislation. Responses to inquiries include a letter informing President Sekou Toure of the progress of the Konkoure project, a letter attempting to answer William Safire's etymological inquiry about the phrase bargaining chip, and notes declining requests for comments on defense policy and the Vietnam War.

Inventories and Status Reports of Major Policy Products and of Annual and Semi-Annual Reports, Policy and Review Department

This series contains Lotus 123 spreadsheet printouts that provide inventories of and status reports on major policy products and on annual and semi-annual reports which had Bank-wide operational/policy relevance. The reports serve as a quick reference to the policy products and reports that made their way to the Board each year; they were generated by the Strategic Planning and Review Department (SPR) through June 1990 and thereafter by the Policy Review Department (PRD). The entries on the reports for policy products cover all policy papers, best-practice papers, and information papers which were destined for the Board. The entries for annual and semi-annual reports cover all regular and non-regular reports that were destined for the Board. For each Bank complex, the products or reports are listed in the order of the Board meeting dates at which the item was discussed. Entries on the spreadsheets show for each item: the name and Bank unit of the staff member with prime responsibility for the item; an abbreviated title of the item; date of the policy brief that initiated the item (if applicable); dates when the item was discussed at various review meetings; and brief comments regarding the status of the item.

Interviews for George D. Woods biography

In the Preface to his biography of George D. Woods, Oliver writes, I relied most heavily on the interviews in writing the life of Woods. The interviews he conducted, all titled by Oliver Conversations about George Woods and the World Bank, illuminate the events and personalities during Woods' tenure as President.


At the first meeting of the project's advisory committee in January, 1990 the authors were advised to undertake a series of interviews. The authors agreed and embarked on an extensive interview program, ultimately talking with 149 persons. The interviews were conducted during the entire life of the project and included discussions with current and former Bank staff and executive directors, persons from related institutions such as the International Monetary Fund and the Asian Development Bank, and prominent external observers of the Bank. Some of the interviews were noted in footnotes in the published volumes of The World Bank: Its First Half Century. Series contains dupicate reference copies of almost all of the original interview tapes.

A series of interviews were conducted during a research trip the authors made to India, Bangladesh, Indonesia and the Philippines in November, 1991. These interviews were primarily with national leaders and focus particularly on the 1980s.

Some of the persons interviewed by the authors were also interviewed by the Bank's own oral history program; some also were interviewed by Robert Oliver for his biography of Bank president George D. Woods. The series also contains some of the transcripts from these older interviews.

International Finance Corporation (IFC) chronological and subject files

Series consists of correspondence created and received by Frank Vita while he was Manager of Corporate Development in the International Finance Corporation (IFC). Records are contained in chronological files and, in fewer number, subject files. Records relate to: the identification of investment opportunities; project proposals; establishing contacts in the private sector; IFC policies and procedures; and responding to inquiries.

International Economics Department (IEC) Secretariat Records of the Planning Assumptions Committee MAintained in the International Economic Analysis and Prospects Division (IECAP)

This series contains copies of PAC Memoranda, summaries of meetings, and other records of the Planning Assumptions Committee (PAC) and related records of the Economic Analysis and Projections Department (EPD) and later of the International Economic Analysis and Prospects Division (IECAP), the two units that maintained these records.

Originally formed in the early 1970s as the Deflator Committee, the Committee approved the deflator projections to be used in Bank financial planning and in project appraisals. Late in 1980, the name was changed to Planning Assumptions Committee, and its role was broadened to cover a wide range of key indicators of change in the global environment. By establishing common planning assumptions about the world economy, the Committee ensured that the various parts of the Bank used the same projections for economic and sector work, project analysis, financial and budget analysis, and the World Development Report. The Global Analysis Division (EPDGL) of EPD and later the International Economic Analysis and Prospects Division (IECAP) of IEC prepared the background analysis and projections for PAC. This series includes memoranda from those two units transmitting projections data to the PAC chairman. That data was incorporated into the PAC Memoranda which were issued twice a year, in the spring and the fall, to units throughout the Bank. By the late 1980s, these memoranda were issued directly by IECAP, through the Director of the International Economics Department (IECDR) as PlanningAssumptions for Major Macroeconomic Indicators and Financial Indicators. In addition to the official PAC memoranda, there are intra EPD and IEC memoranda documenting the process of compiling the planning data.

International Economics Department (IEC) FY 1992-FY 1994 Budget and Work Program Proposals

This series contains memoranda regarding their work programs and budgets from the IEC division directors to Director D.C.Rao; copies of memoranda that Rao sent the Chief Economist outlining the proposed IEC budgets and work programs; and copies of memoranda from the Chief Economist and his staff outlining the guidelines for the annual budgets.

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