Contacts with member countries: Venezuela - Correspondence 01
President's papers - Robert S. McNamara Contacts with member countries: United Kingdom - Correspondence 01
Contacts with member countries: United Nations - Correspondence 04
Contacts with member countries: West African Development Bank - Correspondence 01
Contacts with member countries: Zaire - Correspondence 02
Contacts with member countries: Zambia - Correspondence 01
Contacts with member countries: Zimbabwe - Correspondence 01
President's papers - Robert S. McNamara IPA Chronological files (outgoing) - Chrons 06
President's papers - Robert S. McNamara IPA Chronological files (outgoing) - Chrons 08
IPA Chronological files (outgoing) - Chrons 14
IPA Chronological files (outgoing) - Chrons 20
President's papers - Robert S. McNamara IPA Chronological files (outgoing) - Chrons 04
President's papers - Robert S. McNamara IPA Chronological files (outgoing) - Chrons 05
President's papers - Robert S. McNamara IPA Chronological files (outgoing) - Chrons 11
President's papers - Robert S. McNamara IPA Chronological files (outgoing) - Chrons 12
IPA Chronological files (outgoing) - Chrons 13
IPA Chronological files (outgoing) - Chrons 16
Caio Koch Weser - Travel Briefings: West Africa (Nigeria, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Guinea, The Gambia, and Senegal) Travel briefs: Guinea 01
Oliver Lafourcade's Travel Briefings: India, and Pakistan President's papers - Robert S. McNamara Travel briefs: India 02
Sven Burmester's Travel Briefings: Middle East President's papers - Robert S. McNamaraTravel briefs: Saudi Arabia
Sven Burmester's Travel Briefings: Middle East President's papers - Robert S. McNamaraTravel briefs: Qatar
President's papers - Robert S. McNamara Memoranda for the Record - Memoranda 05
Memoranda for the Record - Memoranda 18
Memoranda for the Record - Memoranda 13
President's papers - Robert S. McNamara Memoranda for the Record - Memoranda 02
Finance Committee Files - Finance Committee 04
Personnel Management Committee Meetings - Minutes 05 - President's papers - Robert S. McNamara
Robert S. McNamara Personal Chronological Files - Chrons 07
Robert S. McNamara Personal Chronological Files - Chrons 19
Robert S. McNamara Personal Chronological Files - Chrons 15
Robert S. McNamara Personal Chronological Files - Chrons 14
Robert S. McNamara Personal Chronological Files - Chrons 17
President's papers - Robert S. McNamara Chronological files (incoming) - Chrons 04
President's papers - Robert S. McNamara Chronological files (incoming) - Chrons 06
President's papers - Robert S. McNamara Chronological files (incoming) - Chrons 17
Chronological files (incoming) - Chrons 19
Chronological files (incoming) - Chrons 21
Chronological files (incoming) - Chrons 27
Chronological files (incoming) - Chrons 28
President's papers - Robert S. McNamara Chronological files - (outgoing) - Chrons 01
President's papers - Robert S. McNamara Chronological files - (outgoing) - Chrons 07
President's papers - Robert S. McNamara Chronological files - (outgoing) - Chrons 14
President's papers - Robert S. McNamara Chronological files - (outgoing) - Chrons 33
President's papers - Robert S. McNamara Chronological files - (outgoing) - Chrons 04
President's papers - Robert S. McNamara Chronological files - (outgoing) - Chrons 09
President's papers - Robert S. McNamara Chronological files - (outgoing) - Chrons 19
President's papers - Robert S. McNamara Chronological files - (outgoing) - Chrons 22
President's papers - Robert S. McNamara Chronological files - (outgoing) - Chrons 39
President's papers - Robert S. McNamara Chronological files - (outgoing) - Chrons 34
President's papers - Robert S. McNamara Chronological files - (outgoing) - Chrons 41