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Showing 251-300 of 1922 results

Records of the Population, Health, and Nutrition Sector

314 resultados con objetos digitales Muestra los resultados con objetos digitales

P. Jha Files - Data : Cost-Benefit Analysis of Tobacco use - 1v
P. Jha Files - Data : Cost-Benefit Analysis of Tobacco use - 1v
P. Jha Files - Tobacco Control Policy - Analysis : Determinants of Outcomes - 1v
P. Jha Files - Tobacco Control Policy - Analysis : Determinants of Outcomes - 1v
Trust Fund Financing Files - Small Grants Program (SGP) - World Health Organization (WHO) - Correspondence 5 - FY95
Trust Fund Financing Files - Small Grants Program (SGP) - World Health Organization (WHO) - Correspondence 5 - FY95
Correspondence 4 - Reports
Correspondence 4 - Reports
Trust Fund Financing Files - World Health Organization (WHO)- HRP - FY97 - Correspondence ($1,250.000)
Trust Fund Financing Files - World Health Organization (WHO)- HRP - FY97 - Correspondence ($1,250.000)
Trust Fund Financing Files - Hesperian Foundation - FY96 - Correspondence
Trust Fund Financing Files - Hesperian Foundation - FY96 - Correspondence
Trust Fund Financing Files - Commonwealth Medical Association (CMA) - Correspondence 2
Trust Fund Financing Files - Commonwealth Medical Association (CMA) - Correspondence 2
Correspondence 5 - Ghana and Vietnam Reports
Correspondence 5 - Ghana and Vietnam Reports
Health Sector Strategy Paper Project Files, 1996/1997 - Sub Committee on Development and Effectiv...
Health Sector Strategy Paper Project Files, 1996/1997 - Sub Committee on Development and Effectiveness (CODE) - 1v
Regression Results - 2v
Regression Results - 2v
Trust Fund Financing Files - Special Grant Program (SGP) - General Information / Meetings - Audit Reports - FY97
Trust Fund Financing Files - Special Grant Program (SGP) - General Information / Meetings - Audit Reports - FY97
Correspondence 2 - Technical Report - Bac Thai - Vietnam
Correspondence 2 - Technical Report - Bac Thai - Vietnam
Trust Fund Financing Files - World Health Organization (WHO) - FY97 - Correspondence ($190,000)
Trust Fund Financing Files - World Health Organization (WHO) - FY97 - Correspondence ($190,000)
Trust Fund Financing Files - Family Care International - FY97 - Correspondence
Trust Fund Financing Files - Family Care International - FY97 - Correspondence
Trust Fund Financing Files - International Council for Control of Iodine Deficiency Disorders (ICCIDD) - Correspondence 1
Trust Fund Financing Files - International Council for Control of Iodine Deficiency Disorders (ICCIDD) - Correspondence 1
Trust Fund Financing Files - International Planned Parenthood Federation - Africa - FY97 - Correspondence
Trust Fund Financing Files - International Planned Parenthood Federation - Africa - FY97 - Correspondence
Quality Assurance Group (QAG) - Vietnam - National Health Support Project - Background Documents 1
Quality Assurance Group (QAG) - Vietnam - National Health Support Project - Background Documents 1
Nutrition Sector Country Files - Madagascar - Correspondence 1
Nutrition Sector Country Files - Madagascar - Correspondence 1
Nutrition Sector Country Files - Russia - Correspondence 1
Nutrition Sector Country Files - Russia - Correspondence 1
Nutrition Sector Country Files - Chad - Correspondence 1
Nutrition Sector Country Files - Chad - Correspondence 1
Health Sector Strategy Paper Project Files, 1996/1997 - Fifth Sector Adjustment Strategy (SAS) Retreat - (Agenda, Notes) - 1v
Health Sector Strategy Paper Project Files, 1996/1997 - Fifth Sector Adjustment Strategy (SAS) Retreat - (Agenda, Notes) - 1v
Health Sector Strategy Paper Project Files , 1996/1997 - Health Nutrition and Population (HNP) Strategy Paper - Draft for Discussion - 1v
Health Sector Strategy Paper Project Files , 1996/1997 - Health Nutrition and Population (HNP) Strategy Paper - Draft for Discussion - 1v
Health Sector Strategy Paper Project Files, 1999/1997 - Sector Adjustment Strategy (SAS) Retreat Comments - 1v
Health Sector Strategy Paper Project Files, 1999/1997 - Sector Adjustment Strategy (SAS) Retreat Comments - 1v
Health Sector Strategy Paper Project Files, 1996/1997 - Health, Nutrition and Population (HNP) St...
Health Sector Strategy Paper Project Files, 1996/1997 - Health, Nutrition and Population (HNP) Strategy Paper - Bank-wide Discussion - 1v
Health Sector Strategy Paper Project Files, 1996/1997 - Health, Nutrition and Population (HNP) St...
Health Sector Strategy Paper Project Files, 1996/1997 - Health, Nutrition and Population (HNP) Strategy Paper - White Cover Comments, Minutes, Agenda - 1v
Special Grants Program [SGP] - Fiscal Year [FY] 1996 - Population Council - Desk Study on Adolescents - Correspondence
Special Grants Program [SGP] - Fiscal Year [FY] 1996 - Population Council - Desk Study on Adolescents - Correspondence
Special Grants Program [SGP] - Fiscal Year [FY] 1996 - Program for Appropriate Technology in Health [PATH] - Cervical Cancer - 50,000 Dollars - Correspondence
Special Grants Program [SGP] - Fiscal Year [FY] 1996 - Program for Appropriate Technology in Health [PATH] - Cervical Cancer - 50,000 Dollars - Correspondence
Venezuela - Nutrition Country File - Correspondence - Volume 3
Venezuela - Nutrition Country File - Correspondence - Volume 3
Special Grants Program [SGP] - Fiscal Year [FY] 1997 - Inter African Committee [IAC] - 140,000 Dollars - Correspondence
Special Grants Program [SGP] - Fiscal Year [FY] 1997 - Inter African Committee [IAC] - 140,000 Dollars - Correspondence
Venezuela - Nutrition Country File - Correspondence
Venezuela - Nutrition Country File - Correspondence
Special Grants Program [SGP] - Fiscal Year [FY] 1996 - Germany - World Population Foundation - Correspondence
Special Grants Program [SGP] - Fiscal Year [FY] 1996 - Germany - World Population Foundation - Correspondence
P. Jha Files - Tobacco Control Policy - Analysis - Internal Consistency of Predictors - Volume 1
P. Jha Files - Tobacco Control Policy - Analysis - Internal Consistency of Predictors - Volume 1
P. Jha Files - Tobacco Control Policy - Analysis - Internal Consistency of Predictors - Volume 2
P. Jha Files - Tobacco Control Policy - Analysis - Internal Consistency of Predictors - Volume 2
P. Jha Files - Tobacco Control Policy - Analysis - Determinants of Outcomes - Correspondence - Volume 1
P. Jha Files - Tobacco Control Policy - Analysis - Determinants of Outcomes - Correspondence - Volume 1
P. Jha Files - Tobacco Control Policy - Analysis - Determinants of Outcomes - Correspondence - Volume 2
P. Jha Files - Tobacco Control Policy - Analysis - Determinants of Outcomes - Correspondence - Volume 2
Special Grants Program [SGP] - Fiscal Year [FY] 1996 - Partners in Population and Development - 150,000 Dollars - Correspondence
Special Grants Program [SGP] - Fiscal Year [FY] 1996 - Partners in Population and Development - 150,000 Dollars - Correspondence
Special Grants Program [SGP] - April 1 - March 31 - Dar Es Salaam Television - 22,000 Dollars - Correspondence
Special Grants Program [SGP] - April 1 - March 31 - Dar Es Salaam Television - 22,000 Dollars - Correspondence
Zambia - Nutrition Country File - Correspondence - Volume 1
Zambia - Nutrition Country File - Correspondence - Volume 1
Special Grants Program [SGP] - Fiscal Year [FY] 1996 - International Projects Assistance Services [IPAS] - Consortium for Post Abortion Care - 60,000 Dollars - Correspondence
Special Grants Program [SGP] - Fiscal Year [FY] 1996 - International Projects Assistance Services [IPAS] - Consortium for Post Abortion Care - 60,000 Dollars - Correspondence
Special Grants Program [SGP] - Fiscal Year [FY] 1996 - Research, Action, and Information Network for Bodily Integrity of women [RAINBO] - Correspondence
Special Grants Program [SGP] - Fiscal Year [FY] 1996 - Research, Action, and Information Network for Bodily Integrity of women [RAINBO] - Correspondence
Special Grants Program [SGP] - Fiscal Year [FY] 1994 - Independent Commission on Population and the Quality of Life - Correspondence
Special Grants Program [SGP] - Fiscal Year [FY] 1994 - Independent Commission on Population and the Quality of Life - Correspondence
Special Grants Program [SGP] - Fiscal Year [FY] 1995 - Program for Appropriate Technology in Health [PATH] - Correspondence - Volume 5
Special Grants Program [SGP] - Fiscal Year [FY] 1995 - Program for Appropriate Technology in Health [PATH] - Correspondence - Volume 5
Special Grants Program [SGP] - Fiscal Year [FY] 1996 - Inter African Committee [IAC] - 55,000 Dollars - Correspondence
Special Grants Program [SGP] - Fiscal Year [FY] 1996 - Inter African Committee [IAC] - 55,000 Dollars - Correspondence
Special Grants Program [SGP] - Fiscal Year [FY] 1996 - Program for Appropriate Technology in Health [PATH] - Immunochromatographic Strip Test [ICS] - Syphilis Test PhI - Correspondence
Special Grants Program [SGP] - Fiscal Year [FY] 1996 - Program for Appropriate Technology in Health [PATH] - Immunochromatographic Strip Test [ICS] - Syphilis Test PhI - Correspondence
Special Grants Program [SGP] - Fiscal Year [FY] 1997 - Female Genital Mutilation - Correspondence - Volume 1
Special Grants Program [SGP] - Fiscal Year [FY] 1997 - Female Genital Mutilation - Correspondence - Volume 1
Special Grants Program [SGP] - Fiscal Year [FY] 1997 - International Planned Parenthood Federation [IPPF] Mid East - 40,000 Dollars - Correspondence
Special Grants Program [SGP] - Fiscal Year [FY] 1997 - International Planned Parenthood Federation [IPPF] Mid East - 40,000 Dollars - Correspondence
Health Sector Strategy Paper Project Files, 1996/1997 - Health, Nutrition and population [HNP] Strategy Paper - Sub Committee on Development and Effectiveness Comments - Green Cover
Health Sector Strategy Paper Project Files, 1996/1997 - Health, Nutrition and population [HNP] Strategy Paper - Sub Committee on Development and Effectiveness Comments - Green Cover
Special Grants Program [SGP] - Fiscal Year [FY] 1997 - General Clearance - Correspondence
Special Grants Program [SGP] - Fiscal Year [FY] 1997 - General Clearance - Correspondence
Special Grants Program [SGP] - Fiscal Year [FY] 1994 - The Population Council - Correspondence
Special Grants Program [SGP] - Fiscal Year [FY] 1994 - The Population Council - Correspondence
Special Grants Program [SGP] - Fiscal Year [FY] 1997 - Appropriate Health Resources and Technologies Action Group [AHRTAG] - Extension of 10,000 Dollars - Correspondence
Special Grants Program [SGP] - Fiscal Year [FY] 1997 - Appropriate Health Resources and Technologies Action Group [AHRTAG] - Extension of 10,000 Dollars - Correspondence
Resultados 251 a 300 de 1922