Showing 251-300 of 4042 results

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Population, Health and Nutrition [PHN] - Guinea - Health - General - 1993 Correspondence - Volume 1
Population, Health and Nutrition [PHN] - Guinea - Health - General - 1993 Correspondence - Volume 1
Population, Health and Nutrition [PHN] - Zambia - General - 1993 Correspondence - Volume 1
Population, Health and Nutrition [PHN] - Zambia - General - 1993 Correspondence - Volume 1
Indonesia - Natural Resources and Environmental Management - 1987-1993
Indonesia - Natural Resources and Environmental Management - 1987-1993
Population, Health and Nutrition [PHN] - Dissemination and Training - Publications - General - 19...
Population, Health and Nutrition [PHN] - Dissemination and Training - Publications - General - 1993 Reports - Volume 1
Population, Health and Nutrition [PHN] - Cote d'Ivoire - Health - General - 1993 Correspondence -...
Population, Health and Nutrition [PHN] - Cote d'Ivoire - Health - General - 1993 Correspondence - Volume 1
World Bank Group Historian - Terms of Reference, Organization, and Budget
World Bank Group Historian - Terms of Reference, Organization, and Budget
India Presidents Papers - Lewis T. Preston - Subject Files - India - Office of the President - Co...
India Presidents Papers - Lewis T. Preston - Subject Files - India - Office of the President - Correspondence - Volume 1
Project Management Records - International Conference on Culture and Development: An Agenda for A...
Project Management Records - International Conference on Culture and Development: An Agenda for Action in Sub - Saharan Africa - RPO # 677-22 - Correspondence
HDNHE - Human Reproductive Program Records - Annual Technical Report 1992 - Special Programme of ...
HDNHE - Human Reproductive Program Records - Annual Technical Report 1992 - Special Programme of Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction - World Health Organization
Sub Saharan Africa Hydrological Assessment - General - Volume 6 - West Africa - January 1991 - De...
Sub Saharan Africa Hydrological Assessment - General - Volume 6 - West Africa - January 1991 - December 1992
Subject Files of the Forestry Program: Forestry Projects - Sri Lanka - Correspondence
Subject Files of the Forestry Program: Forestry Projects - Sri Lanka - Correspondence
Project Management Records - Re - Estimation of China National Accounts and Growth Rate - RPO # 6...
Project Management Records - Re - Estimation of China National Accounts and Growth Rate - RPO # 677-17 - Correspondence
Subject Files of the Forestry Program: Forestry Projects - Vietnam - Correspondence
Subject Files of the Forestry Program: Forestry Projects - Vietnam - Correspondence
EXC - Portfolio Management -  Wapenhans Task Force - Executive Directors Statements, Recommendations
EXC - Portfolio Management - Wapenhans Task Force - Executive Directors Statements, Recommendations
Gloria Davis - Chronological file - 1979 - 2
Gloria Davis - Chronological file - 1979 - 2
UN Conference on Environment and Development - 1v
UN Conference on Environment and Development - 1v
Subject Files: Country Files - China - Correspondence 01
Subject Files: Country Files - China - Correspondence 01
Environment Assessment - Correspondence
Environment Assessment - Correspondence
Ghana - Health and Education Rehabilitation Project - PCR Files - 1v
Ghana - Health and Education Rehabilitation Project - PCR Files - 1v
President Lewis T Preston Travel - Gisu Mehadjer -  India - November 10 - 14, 1992 - Corresponden...
President Lewis T Preston Travel - Gisu Mehadjer - India - November 10 - 14, 1992 - Correspondence - Book 2 of 3
Structural Adjustment Lending (SAL) Files - Book 7
Structural Adjustment Lending (SAL) Files - Book 7
Resettlement & Environment - 1v
Resettlement & Environment - 1v
UN World Health Organization (WHO) - Correspondence - Volume 1
UN World Health Organization (WHO) - Correspondence - Volume 1
Agriculture [AGR] - Agricultural Policy Division [AP] - China - Agriculture - General - 1992 Corr...
Agriculture [AGR] - Agricultural Policy Division [AP] - China - Agriculture - General - 1992 Correspondence - Volume 1
Kenya - Agriculture - DR - General - 1992 Correspondence - Volume 1
Kenya - Agriculture - DR - General - 1992 Correspondence - Volume 1
EXC - Portfolio Management Task Force - Draft Report and Executive Summary - Reviews and Comments
EXC - Portfolio Management Task Force - Draft Report and Executive Summary - Reviews and Comments
Human Development Effectiveness - Correspondence - Volume 2
Human Development Effectiveness - Correspondence - Volume 2
Human Development Effectiveness - Correspondence - Volume 1
Human Development Effectiveness - Correspondence - Volume 1
Agricultural Technology and Services Division [AGRTN] - China - Agriculture - General - 1992 Corr...
Agricultural Technology and Services Division [AGRTN] - China - Agriculture - General - 1992 Correspondence - Volume 1
United Nations Education Scientific and Cultural Organization [UNESCO] - Correspondence - Volume 1
United Nations Education Scientific and Cultural Organization [UNESCO] - Correspondence - Volume 1
Subject Files - Country Files - Nicaragua - Office of the President - Correspondence
Subject Files - Country Files - Nicaragua - Office of the President - Correspondence
Agriculture [AGR] - Agricultural Policy Division [AP] - Conference and Workshop - General - 1992 ...
Agriculture [AGR] - Agricultural Policy Division [AP] - Conference and Workshop - General - 1992 - Chronological Record - Volume 1
Rebasing of National Accounts - 1v
Rebasing of National Accounts - 1v
Demand for Water in Tunis, Tunisia and Rabat, Morocco (RPO # 675-40) - 1v
Demand for Water in Tunis, Tunisia and Rabat, Morocco (RPO # 675-40) - 1v
Infrastructure Policy Paper
Infrastructure Policy Paper
EXC - Portfolio Management Task Force - Feeder Studies - Culture, Disbursement and Procurement, E...
EXC - Portfolio Management Task Force - Feeder Studies - Culture, Disbursement and Procurement, EDI, Information Technology, Legal Documents
Shelton H. Davis - Indigenous Peoples Portfolio Review
Shelton H. Davis - Indigenous Peoples Portfolio Review
Agriculture [AGR] - DR - Dissemination - Conference and Workshop - General - 1992 - Chronological...
Agriculture [AGR] - DR - Dissemination - Conference and Workshop - General - 1992 - Chronological Record - Volume 1
JCIF (Japan) Seminar - Correspondence
JCIF (Japan) Seminar - Correspondence
Privatization - Correspondence
Privatization - Correspondence
Subject - Population and Human Resources - May 1991 - March 1992 - Volume 1
Subject - Population and Human Resources - May 1991 - March 1992 - Volume 1
United States Legislation, WCEFA, World Health Organization [WHO], World Development Report
United States Legislation, WCEFA, World Health Organization [WHO], World Development Report
President Lewis T Preston Travel - Gisu Mohadjer - Europe, France and England - January 26 - Febr...
President Lewis T Preston Travel - Gisu Mohadjer - Europe, France and England - January 26 - February 4, 1992 - Correspondence
President Lewis T. Preston Travel (Gisu Mohadjer): Zimbabwe, South Africa February 1992 - Briefs,...
President Lewis T. Preston Travel (Gisu Mohadjer): Zimbabwe, South Africa February 1992 - Briefs, South Africa
President Lewis T. Preston Travel (Gisu Mohadjer): Zimbabwe, South Africa February 1992 - Corresp...
President Lewis T. Preston Travel (Gisu Mohadjer): Zimbabwe, South Africa February 1992 - Correspondence 01
Background Files for  Privatization - Lessons of Experience, Prepared by Kikeri - LAC, Bolivia, C...
Background Files for Privatization - Lessons of Experience, Prepared by Kikeri - LAC, Bolivia, Chile
HDNHE - Human Reproductive Program Records - Annual Technical Report 1991 - Special Programme of ...
HDNHE - Human Reproductive Program Records - Annual Technical Report 1991 - Special Programme of Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction - World Health Organization
Mexico: Reports and Background Material for PCR/PPAR - 1v
Mexico: Reports and Background Material for PCR/PPAR - 1v
United Nations Agencies Liaison Records : ILO - 1v
United Nations Agencies Liaison Records : ILO - 1v
Resultados 251 a 300 de 4042