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Personal papers of Irving S. Friedman

  • Fondo
  • 21 October 1964 - 28 March 1968

This fonds contains records related to Friedman's time as Economic Adviser to the President. The majority of the records are correspondence related to Friedman's activities as Economic Adviser. Memoranda to and speeches for Bank President Woods are included as is a small amount of Friedman's personal papers such as congratulatory letters and personal letters to colleagues outside the Bank.

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Records of the Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Network

  • Fondo
  • 1994 - 2008

The fonds consists of records that relate to the activities of the Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Vice Presidency (PRMVP), and its oversight of the sector departments within the PREM Network.

This fonds includes incoming and outgoing correspondence chronological files maintained by the PRMVP front office. The chronological files of the following PREM Vice Presidents are included: Masood Ahmed, 1997-2000; Kemal Dervis, 2000; Gobind Nankani, 2001-2004; and Danny Leipziger, 2004-2009. The chronological files of PRMVP Senior Adviser Amarendra Bhattacharya (1998-2006) are also included.

The fonds also consist of oversight and support records related to the functions and actions of the PREM Network and its sector departments. This fonds also includes records that relate to PREM's involvement with other Network VPs, the Board of Executive Directors, the Office of the President, and other Bank units. PRMVP was involved in committees and meetings with these units and would provide both regular and ad hoc reports on topics related to PREM sectors. This includes minutes and agendas; memoranda; correspondence; presentation materials; speech transcripts; reports; working papers; and general budget records. The records contain meeting files related to the PREM Council, various PREM sector board meetings, and smaller steering and working group committees related to a specific action or topic.

Also included in the fonds are briefing books and notes prepared by the PRMVP front office for senior officials withinPREM and the World Bank. The briefing books and notes were prepared prior to trips, meetings, or other events attended by a senior official. The briefing books and notes contained programs, agendas, itineraries, logistical information, issues to be addressed, and other pertinent information. The fonds also contains letters prepared by the PRMVP front office for PREM and Bank senior officials.

The fonds additionally holds budget planning, management, and monitoring records created by the PRMVP. The records include fiscal year budgets for the PREM Network from 1998 to 2002. The records also detail PREM business plans, budget cycles, and work program agreements for the same years.

Other records within this fonds relate to ongoing liaison with external organizations outside of PREM and the World Bank. The records document PREM's relationships with NGOs, private and public organizations, and multilateral aid organizations. The PREM external liaison files include records from Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) meetings, 2001-2006; Asia-Europe (ASEM) meetings, 2001-2006; G-7, G-8, G-20, and G-24 meetings, 2001-2007; International Monetary Fund (IMF) meetings, 2000-2007; and Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) meetings, 2003-2005. Other records relate to ad hoc meetings between PREM or World Bank senior officials and representatives from external organizations. These files consist mostly of correspondence, reports, agendas, and minutes from meetings.

Lastly, the fonds consistsof records related to conferences and seminars organized by PREM or to outside events attended by PREM VPs. Records related to PREM's annual Knowledge and Learning Week forum (or, PREM Week) are also included. These include proposals, contracts, topic selection, speaker selection, budget documents, program brochures, reports, papers, speech transcripts, and audio-visual recordings of session lectures from the years 1998 to 2006. The conference and seminar records for outside organizations include mostly invitations, programs, reports, or copies of papers presented.

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Personal papers of Hollis B. Chenery

  • Fondo
  • August 1970 - November 1979, January 1980 - June 1981

This fonds contains the memoranda and other papers exchanged between Hollis Chenery and World Bank President Robert McNamara between August 1970 and June 1981.

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Records of the Economic Policy Reform Sector

  • Fondo
  • 1984 - 2005 (predominantly 1997-2005)

Country project files

The fonds includes country project files from 1984 to 2002. The country project files include extensive records related to Structural Adjustment Loans (SALs) and Sector Adjustment Loans (SECALS) administered for individual countries. PRMEP inherited the responsibility to review and coordinate sector adjustment operations and Country Assistance Strategies (CASs) from the Development Policy Group (DPG) of DEC in 1997. Many of the records created prior to PRMEP include records from the following units: the Country Policy Department (CPD); the Economic Advisory Staff (EAS); and DPG. The SAL and SECAL related records in the country project files include: memoranda; aide-memoires; Terms of Reference; back-to-office reports completed for pre-appraisal and post-appraisal missions for SALs and SECALS; Country Strategy Paper (CSP) mission reports; SALs and SECALS program performance audit and progress reports; initiating memoranda for SALs and SECALs; country project proposals; Loan Committee meeting minutes regarding the approval and progress of SALs and SECALs of a particular country; and loan agreements. Correspondence and memoranda within the country projects files primarily include communications from staff in units responsible for maintaining and reviewing structural adjustment operations and country strategies, including: CPD from the years 1984 to 1987; EAS from the years 1987 to 1991; and DPG from the years 1991 to 1997. Much of the correspondence and memoranda are also communications between CPD, EAS, DPG and Regional VPs, Directors, and economic staff regarding the planning, status, review, and approval of country SALs/ SECALs and country strategies. Other communications are between units from the Development Economics Vice Presidency (DEC), and Regions regarding collaboration on SALs or SECALs.

Records created after 1997 in the country project files include correspondence and memoranda between the following parties: the PREM VP; the PRMEP Director; Regional VPs, Directors, and economicstaff; the Development Research Group (DECRG); the Development Prospects Group (DECPG); the Operations Evaluation Department (OED); members of the Regional Operations Committee (ROC); members of the Operations Policy Committee (OPC); and the Managing Director of Operations (MDOPS). The memoranda and correspondence primarily focus on review and approval of Country Assistance Strategies (CASs) and structural adjustment operations specific to countries. Draft CAS reports, SALs/SECALs reports, SALs/SECALs project information, and Memoranda of the President regarding CASs are also included with extensive comments by the above mentioned parties. Meeting minutes and agenda from OPC and ROC regarding review and approval of CASs and SALs /SECALs specific to a country are also included. The country project files focus on numerous types of SALs/SECALs administered in a country for various sectors, including but not limited to : Financial Sector Adjustment Loans (FSAL); Financial and Enterprise Sector Adjustment Loans (FESAL); Agricultural Sector Adjustment Loans (ASAL); Economic & Financial Adjustment Loans (EFAL); and Social Security Sector Adjustment Loans (SECAL).

Management and organization

The fonds also consists of management and organization records for PRMEP and its successor the Economic Policy and Debt Department (PRMED) from 1997 to 2005. This includes: Economic Policy (EP) Sector Board meeting minutes; business plans; work programs and budget records; staffing records; and workshops, seminars, and professional development training session records. The records also include broader PREM Network organization and management records, including: PREM Council meeting minutes; memoranda; PREM retreat records; and PREM Week planning records. Records detailing PRMEP collaboration with DEC and its subordinate units the Development Research Group (DECRG), the Development Prospects Group (DECPG), and the Economic Development Institute (EDI) are also included. These consist of: correspondence and memoranda between the DEC Vice President, DECRG, DECPG, and PRMEP; economic data, statistics, and policy reports produced by DECRG, DECPG, and PRMEP; Knowledge Management System (KMS) records related to the management of PRMEP's website and economic data and systems in collaboration with DECRG and DECPG; planning records for proposed economic research coordinated by DECRG, DECPG, and PRMEP; and economic training planning records organized jointly by EDI and PRMEP. Correspondence and memoranda related to PRMEP's participation in Bank-IMF Annual Meetings and involvement with the annual publication of the Bank's World Development Report (WDR) are also included for the years 1998 to 2000.

Project and operational support

The fonds also consists of project and operational support records for PRMEP from 1997 to 2004. This includes thematic group planning records and country project planning and budget records related to economic sector work (ESW). The records also relate to the development of DEC/PREM Country Performance Ratings and Indicators, later renamed the Country Policy and Institutional Assessments (CPIA), and the subsequent implementation of CPIA in the regions. The Country Performance Ratings and Indicators, and CPIAs are assessment and diagnostic tools used to assess a country's policies, institutional frameworks, and structural issues. They are intended to help inform concessional lending decisions and resource allocation for the Bank's International Development Association (IDA) - eligible countries and aids in the preparation of CASs. The records related to Country Performance Ratings and Indicators, and CPIAs include: PRMEP Sector Board meeting minutes regarding the development of country performance ratings, indicators, and CPIA; memoranda and correspondence primarily sent from the PRMEP Director to the PREM VP, the DEC VP, Bank Managing Directors, DECRG and DECPG staff, Regional VPs and economic staff, and staff from other Bank Networks; reports outlining purposes, procedures, and timetables for country performance ratings, indicators, and CPIA; lists of Country Performance Ratings and Indicators, and CPIA assessments performed for countries between 1997 to 1999; CPIA assessment questionnaires; CPIA Report on the 1998 Ratings; and CPIA Guidelines for Completion.

External partnership and liaison

The fonds also includes records related to PRMEP's partnerships and liaison with external organizations outside of the Bank from 1997 to 1999. The series primarily includes records related to partnerships and liaison with the World Trade Organization (WTO), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and others. This includes records related to PRMEP's involvement with the WTO Integrated Framework for Trade-Related Technical Assistance (IF) program launched in October 1997, and the WTO Ministerial Conference held in Seattle, WA in 1999.

Records related to PRMEP's involvement with the IMF include: records related to drafting of joint IMF/Bank Board Papers; participation in joint IMF/Bank liaison Committees; participation in the joint IMF/Bank Enhanced ESAF/IDA Low Income Countries Program; and collaboration on countries affected by the East Asia Financial Crisis of 1997.

PRMTR briefing books for senior officials

The fonds also consists of briefing books prepared for senior officials by staff from the International Trade Department (PRMTR) from 2002 to 2005. The briefing books were prepared for the following senior officials: PREM Vice President Goband Nankani; Managing Director Jeffrey Goldstein; and Bank President James Wolfensohn.The briefings were prepared prior to international trade related conferences, seminars, and meetings, and consist primarily of the following: World Bank produced papers and reports related to international trade; meeting minutes and agenda; invitations to meetings; programs; agendas; itineraries; logistical information; issues to be addressed; and other pertinent information.

Operational monitoring and evaluation

The fonds also consist of records related to operational monitoring and evaluation activities performed by the Operations Evaluation Department (OED) and the Quality Assurance Group (QAG) in their evaluation of economic sector work (ESW) and adjustment operations performed by PRMEP and its collaborative partners for the years 1998 to 2004. This includes records related to the OED annual publication of the Annual Review of Development Effectiveness (ARDE) and the QAG annual publication of the Annual Report on Portfolio Performance (ARPP): both Bank-wide evaluations assessing operational work across Bank operations. The ARDE and ARPP records include drafts and copies of the reports, and memoranda regarding comments on the reports from the PREM VP, PRMEP Director, and other PRMEP staff. Other OED and QAG evaluations more specific to PRMEP and Regions economic sector work (ESW) and adjustment operations are also included, and consist of drafts and copies of reports with extensive comments and review from the PREM VP, PRMEP Director, Regional staff, and Operations Policy and Country Services Vice Presidency (OPCVP) staff. Meeting minutes, agenda, and memoranda are also included regarding the Committee on Development Effectiveness (CODE) of the Executive Board of Directors, and the Operations Vice Presidents (OVP). CODE and OVP both reviewed OED and QAG evaluation papers and reports, including ARPP and ARDE, and the records detail the review of various papers and reports.

Operational policies and directives review and reform

The fonds also includes records related to operational review and reform activities performed by the Operational Policy Committee (OPC) and the Managing Directors Operations Policy and Strategy Group (MDOPS) from 1997 to 2000. The OPC and MDOPS records relate to the review and reform of numerous Bank-wide operational policies and directives relevant to the areas of financial reform, sector strategies, Country Assistance Strategies (CASs), adjustment lending, and structural policy reform from 1997 to 1999. The records include OPC meeting minutes and agenda; approach papers regarding reform to operational directives (ODs) and operational policies (OPs); and correspondence and memoranda between OPC members, the PREM VP, PRMEP Director, members of DEC, the MDOPS Director, and Bank Managing Directors.

Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Initiative records

The fonds also consists of records related to the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Initiative launched in 1996. The records were created and maintained by the Debt Initiative Group (AFTD1) from 1996 to 2000 and its later successor the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Unit (PRMHP) from 2000 to 2003. The records include country project files consisting of multilateral debt restructuring agreements for eligible HIPC countries produced from Paris Club meetings; debt data and financial statistical reports produced by multilateral development banks (MDBs), bi-lateral creditors, and the World Bank; and original point, completion point, and Poverty Reduction and Strategy Paper (PRSP) documents relevant to a specific country.

The HIPC records additionally contain extensive briefings prepared by AFTD1 and PRMHP for senior Bank officials, including: President James Wolfensohn; Managing Director Sven Sandstrom; PREM Vice Presidents Masood Ahmed, Kemal Dervis, and Gobind Nankani; Africa Region (AFR) Vice Presidents Jean-Louis Sarbib and Callisto Madavo; and the Latin America and Caribbean (LCR) Vice President David de Ferranti. The briefings were prepared prior to HIPC conferences, seminars, and meetings, and consist of HIPC progress reports,background information on the HIPC Initiative, updates, and agenda. Incoming and outgoing correspondence between the same parties as well as Axel van Trotsenburg of AFTD1 and PRMHP are also included. External correspondence files are also maintained by PRMHP for the World Bank officials mentioned above. These files are primarily sent from participating HIPC Initiative NGOs, MDBs, and bi-lateral creditors, and subsequent responses between the involved parties are maintained by PRMHP. The HIPC records also include handwritten letters sent to President Wolfensohn from individuals from NGO and civil society organizations advocating for the Bank to take more immediate action on eliminating external debt in heavily indebted poor countries.

The HIPC Initiative records relate to the extensive collaboration between the Bank, IMF, MDBs, and NGOs. This includes chairman's summaries and meeting minutes for MDB meetings held jointly by the Banks Executive Directors of the IDA and the IMF. Records are also maintained for MDBs, such as the African Development Bank (AfDB), the European Investment Bank (EIB), and the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB), and consist of incoming and outgoing correspondence, debt data, and financial statistics regarding the status of numerous HIPC countries. The records also include IMF Executive Board documents regarding the Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility (ESAF), the IMF's HIPC Initiative implementation unit. Reports, agenda, press releases, correspondence, and meeting minutes arealso included from numerous workshops, seminars, meetings, and summits held with NGO organizations, such as Oxfam International, Debt Relief International (DRI), and European Network on Debt and Development (EURODAD).

Middle Income Countries (MIC) Working Group records

The fonds also includes records related to PRMEP's involvement with the Middle Income Countries (MIC) Working Group from 2003 to 2005. The MIC Working Group sought to bolster support to MIC eligible countries under IBRD lending operations. The Working Group consisted of representatives from the Operations Policy and Country Services Vice Presidency (OPCVP), the Financial Sector Vice Presidency (FSEVP), the Bank Networks, and the Regional VP Offices of the Bank. PREM departments, including PRMEP, played a role in the Working Group. The MIC records include correspondence and memoranda primarily between the PREM VP, PRMEP Director, OPCVP staff, FSEVP staff, and Bank Managing Directors. Meeting minutes and agenda are also included for Working Group meetings, but also for Executive Board of Directors meetings regarding progress and reports on MIC Action Plans. Papers, reports, presentation material, drafted action plans, and Memoranda from the President prepared prior to meetings are also included.

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Records of the Private Sector Development Vice Presidency

  • Fondo
  • 2002 - 2006

The fonds includes budget, business plan, and work program records for the Private Sector Development Vice Presidency (PSDVP) and its subordinate units.

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Personal papers of Aura Garcia de Truslow

  • Fondo
  • 1961 - 1997

This fonds contains records that span Aura Garcia de Truslow's entire career with the World Bank Group. Records relate to her work as an Economist and Senior Projects Officer in the Latin America and Caribbean Vice Presidency (LCNVP, LACVP). Included are project-related records as well as subject and reference files and training materials. Records relating to her time as a Planning Officer in the Strategic Planning and Review Department (SPR) are also included in this fonds.

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Personal Papers of James L. Theodores

  • Fondo
  • 1966 - 2002

Fonds consists of records from Theodores's time as Resident Representative in Kabul, Afghanistan and as Field Coordinator for the World Bank Group. Many of the records in this fonds appear to be a selection made by Theodores either during his time employed at the Bank or upon his departure. Some of the records, such as those relating to Afghanistan after Theodores had completed his time as Resident Representative there, may have been collected by Theodores for personal interest or in support of potential research projects to be undertaken at a later date. A small number of records relating to Theodores's employment with the World Bank or to the history and future of Afghanistan are also included.

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Personal Papers of Louise Taraldson Woods

  • Fondo
  • 1956 - 1974

This fonds consists of diaries and photographs of social activities, principally during the period when George D. Woods was President of the World Bank.

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Records of the Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development Network

  • Fondo
  • 1994 - 2003 (predominant 1998 - 2003)

The fonds consists of records that reflect the various activities of the Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development Vice Presidencyof (ESSDVP) and its oversight of, and involvement with, sector departments within the network. Note that a small amount of records in this fonds were created prior to the creation of ESSDVP by Bank staff within the Environmentally Sustainable Development Vice Presidency (ESD); the records were brought into ESSDVP's recordkeeping system as a result of staff transfer into ESSDVP. The majority of the records in this fonds are clearly associated with the activities of Ian Johnson, ESSD Vice President from 1998 to 2006.

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Records of the Water Sector

  • Fondo
  • 1973 - 2008

This fonds contains records created between 1973 and 2008 that reflect the various iterations of the water sector in the World Bank (Bank) and their activities. In particular, it includes records relating to the Bank's partnership with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) for the UNDP-World Bank Water and Sanitation Program (UNDP-World Bank WSP), a cooperative program created in 1978. It also contains records about the Bank's and UNDP's contributions during the United Nation's 1981 - 1990 International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade (IDWSSD).

Records in this fonds document the research, operational support, governance, quality control, and trust fund management for global program projects managed and/or supported by various Bank water sector departments. Topics include but are not limited to handpump development and testing, sewerage, landfill design, sanitation, solid waste private options, demonstration projects, and participatory development and management--initiatives involving users, particularly women (i.e., PROWWESS-Promotion of the Role of Women in Water and Environmental Sanitation Services) , and communities in all stages of the water development process.

Materials in this fonds include but are not limited to internal and external correspondence (including letters, memoranda, and telexes), project files (including reports, Country Monitoring Evaluations-CMEs, agreements, Terms of References-TORs, progress reports, budgets, personnel management files, country information, research materials, and liaison records with external agencies), training material, research files, conference and workshop materials, departmental publications, and finance and accounting records.

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Records of the Urban Development Sector

  • Fondo
  • 1972 - 1987

Fonds consists of records related to activities undertaken by the urban development sector. Most records in the fonds are reference materials created or received by the Water Supply and Urban Development Department (WUD) and, more specifically, the Water Supply and Urban Development Department Operations Support and Research Unit (WUDOR). These records were created by Unit staff as well as by other World Bank offices and consultants and organizations external to the bank.

Materials include research anddiscussion papers on a variety of topics related to the World Bank?s urban development function. The fonds also contains records relating to the operation and administration of the Urban Poverty Program by the Urban Operations Review and Support Unit (URBOR) and to the research and reporting activities for which it was responsible. Records include reports and memoranda created by the Unit as well as by Regional offices. The fonds consists of records related to the Conference on Improving the Effectiveness of Urban Assistance convened by the World Bank in Washington on December 2-6, 1985. Records include planning materials as well as speeches, speaker biographies, and a published copy of the summary of proceedings.

This fonds also includes correspondence from the Office of the Director of the Public Utilities Projects Department (PBPDR) and the Office of the Director of the Energy, Water and Telecommunications Department (EWTDR), between 1975 and 1977, documenting the water sector?s input on water supply and sanitation, which served as a complement to the Urban Task Group?s preliminary report to President Robert McNamara.

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Records of the Public Sector Management and Governance Sector

  • Fondo
  • 1996 - 2009 (predominantly 2001 - 2009)

The fonds includes records from research, advising, and policy development sector units oriented towards public sector management and governance functions of the World Bank, and does not include records from technical assistance oriented Regional units related to public sector management and governance. The records include Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) Program trust fund records related to funding for projects and activities of the Public Sector Governance Department (PRMPS) for the years 1996 to 2009.

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Records of the Financial Sector Vice Presidency

  • Fondo
  • 1998 - 2002

Fonds includes the budget monitoring and planning records for FSEVP and its subordinate departments, units, and specialty programs.

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Records of the Gender and Development Sector

  • Fondo
  • 1970 - 1987 (predominant 1977 - 1987)

The fonds primarily consists of records related to the Adviser on Women in Development (WID) from the years 1977 to 1987. Subject files kept by WID Advisers Gloria Scott and Barbara Herz are included for the years 1977 to 1986, and illustrate the numerous activities and responsibilities associated with this role. Reference files related to women and development issues contain materials created in the years 1973 to 1987. WID operational support records detail the development project evaluations, studies, and training sessions done by WID team members for the years 1977 to 1987.

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Records of Private Sector Development Sector

  • Fondo
  • 1980 - 1999

The fonds primarily consists of records related to projects and special studies performed by the Private Sector Finance and Advisory Services Group (CFSPS) located in the Co-financing and Financial Advisory Services Vice Presidency (CFS) from 1989 to 1996, and its later successors, the Private Sector Development and Privatization Group (PSDPS) located in the PSD departments of the Finance and Private Sector Development Vice Presidency (FPDVP) from 1996 to 1997, and the Finance, Private Sector Development and Infrastructure Network (FPSI) from 1997 to 1999. The special studies and projects records relate to privatization of public enterprises and private sector development projects managed by CFSPS and PSDPS during this period. Records include: requests for assistance from the Regions or member governments; project initiating memoranda; trust fund planning reports; external background reports and papers; back-to-office reports; mission supervision reports; terms of reference; mission reports; correspondence and memoranda between CFSPS or PSDPS staff, Bank regional staff, and member countries; aide-memoires; draft and final reports; briefing notes; and recommendation reports for privatization or private sector development technical assistance, advisory, and lending services.

The fonds also includes research and reference records accumulated by Private Sector Development Department of the FPDVP from 1993 to 1997. These records consist of numerous annual reports, development plans, handbooks, brochures, statistical data reports, newspaper clippings, articles, reports, and papers produced external to the Bank and are usually specific to a country. The records are usually produced both by private and public entities within a country, including commercial banks, private industries, government central banks, and other government agencies. Academic reports and papers are also included. The records are focused on topics of privatization of public enterprises, private sector development, and industrial science and technology.

The fonds also consists of incoming and outgoing chronological correspondence maintained for the PSD of the FPDVP from 1993 to 1997. Most correspondence are between PSD Director Magdi Iskander and PSD staff, and focus on project mission reports, project proposals, PSD workshops and seminars, survey reports and papers comments, and PSD related topics such as privatization, industry, and regulation.

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Records of the Financial Sector Development Sector

  • Fondo
  • 1971 - 2007 (predominately 1983-2001)

The fonds consists primarily of Economic and Sector Work (ESW) records produced by the various financial sector development department, division, and unit incarnations, including: the Financial Development Unit (INDFD) and the Financial Development Division (INDFD) located in the Industry Department (IND) of the Energy and Industry Vice Presidency (EIS) from 1983 to 1987; the Financial Policy and Systems Division (CECFP) located in the Development Economics Vice Presidency (DEC) from 1987 to 1992; the Financial Sector Development Department (FSD) located in the Finance and Private Sector Development Vice Presidency (FPDVP) from 1993 to 1997; the FSD located in the Finance, Private Sector Development, and Infrastructure Network (FPSI) from 1997 to 1998; the FSD located in the Financial Operations Vice Presidency (FIOVP) from 1999; and the FSD located in the Financial Sector Vice Presidency (FSEVP) from 1999 to 2001. ESW work was done on a country-wide basis and usually performed in collaboration with financial and economic operational staff located in regional offices of the Bank. Reports produced from ESW research helped inform subsequent financial sector development policy and lending decisions utilized for financial sector reform.

The financial sector development ESW records consist of country mission research records with extensive background research, including: newspaper clippings, journals, and articles related to financial sector issues; and statistical and financial data, research studies, annual reports, financial statements, and financial laws and regulations reports published by the central bank of a specific country, a particular country ministry office, or by other financial institutions specific to a country. External and Bank produced financial sector reports and studies specific to a country are also included with research records. The records also consist of ESW mission planning, reporting, and proposal records, including: project proposals; project initiating memoranda; back-to-office reports; mission reports; mission notes; terms-of-reference; project appraisal reports; and aide-memoires. Correspondence and memoranda between financial sector development devoted units, regional staff, and members of financial ministries or other financial sector institutions within in a country are also included.

The ESW records also consist of the reports and records produced after ESW mission work, which relate to subsequent financial sector development policy and lending decisions. This includes meetingagenda and minutes for meetings between financial sector ESW collaborators, and also reporting to the Executive Board of Directors, the Office of the President (EXC), and other World Bank officials concerning financial sector ESW progress, policy development, and lending. The ESW records additionally contain country analysis and case study reports produced from ESW research. The reports focus on financial sector related issues, such as: bank restructuring and privatization; capital market development; financial sector infrastructure; pension reform; financial laws and regulations; and insurance. Financial sector lending proposals, reports, and loan agreement records are also included for numerous types of financial sector development loan programs, including: Structural Adjustment Loans (SALs); Sector Adjustment Loans (SADs); Technical Assistance Loans (TA); and Financial and Enterprise Sector Adjustment Loans (FESAL).

The fonds also consists of records from the conferences, seminars, and workshops organized or attended by financial sector development related units of the CECFP from 1987 to 1992 and the FSD department of the Finance and Private Sector Development Vice Presidency (FPDVP) from 1993 to 1997. The records include speech transcripts of presenters from CECFP, FSD, and presenters from outside agencies or other World Bank units. The records also consist of printed presentation slides, transparencies, and conference and seminar programs. CECFP and FSD organized workshop and seminar records include correspondence regarding planning and post reporting of events, training materials, presentation slides, and speech transcripts. Topics of conferences, seminars, and workshops cover financial sector related issues, such as banking, payment systems, regulation, restructuring, and supervision of financial conglomerates.

Chronological correspondence files maintained for FSD within the FPDVP from 1993 to 1997 are also included in the fonds. These files consists of incoming and outgoing correspondence that cover numerous topics including: support of country missions; ESW operational work; financial development policy reports; lending instruments proposals; and FSD management and organization.

The fonds also consist of background records related to operational policy "OP 8.30 - Financial Sector Operations", which was adopted by the World Bank in 1992 as an operational directive "OD 8.30 -Financial Sector Operations", and revised and adopted as an operational policy in 1998. The records include extensive correspondence and memoranda with attachments, including draft "OD/OP 8.30" policy revisions from April 1991 to November 1997. The correspondence and memoranda are primarily between FSD staff, Development Economics Vice Presidency (DEC) staff, the Office of the President (EXC), and members of the Operations Policy Committee. Background reports on financial sector work within the Bank are also included. The records also include meeting minutes and agenda for the Operational Policy Committee and the Board of Executive Directors.

The fonds additionally includes records of Diana McNaughton from when she served as the Senior Manager for FSD within the FPDVP from 1993 to 1997. The records consist of her presentation materials, including: printed slides, transparencies, speech transcripts, background research, and correspondence regarding presentation preparation. The presentation records focus on numerous topics, such as bank restructuring, capital market development, and financial sector reform. The records also include theplanning records, training module materials, and correspondence for seminars and workshops organized by FSD or attended by McNaughton as part of FSD liaison with external organizations. The records also consist of management and organization records related to FSD. This includes correspondence, meeting minutes, and agenda for FSD planning retreats; business and strategic framework plans related to the FSD activities of bank and enterprise restructuring, finance intermediation, capital markets development, and financial sector infrastructure; and reporting presentations planned for the Executive Board of Directors of the World Bank Group.

The fonds also includes the records of Rodney Lester from when he served as Lead Specialist for FSD within the Financial Sector Vice Presidency (FSEVP) from 1999 to 2001. Most records are related to the Economic Sector Work (ESW) and Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP) country projects. This includes reference material, including: annual reports; financial statistical data reports; and financial statements produced by numerous country central banks, country offices, or other financial institutions within that country for both ESW and FSAP projects. FSAP records additionally include IMF produced FSAP country reports and terms-of-reference reports. Lester's records also include background correspondence focused on the Bank Crisis Management Program of FSD from 1993 to 1998, and records related to the East Asia Financial Crisis of 1997. Lastly, the Lester records also consist of Strategic Compact planning records for the financial sector development operations of the World Bank from 1994 to 1999. This includes Executive Board of Directors meeting minutes and agenda, business plans, work programs, progress reports, and implementation plans related to organization and planning of financial sector functions and activities within the Bank.

Lastly, similar to the Rodney Lester records, more extensive records related to the FSAP country projects are also included in the fonds for the years 2000 to 2007. These records include: annual reports, financial and statistical data reports, and financial regulation and laws reports produced by numerous country central banks, country offices, or other financial institutions within that country. The records also consist of technical notes, and FSAP reports produced jointly by the IMF Monetary and Financial Systems Department and the World Bank Financial Sector Vice Presidency (FSEVP). Project mission terms-of-reference, back-to-office reports, and aide memoire reporting records are also included for FSAP records.

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Records of the Poverty Analysis and Policy Sector

  • Fondo
  • 1978 - 2007

The fonds includes records from PHRWH's involvement with the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and World Bank Poverty Research Conference held in 1989. It also includes records related to the Living Standards Measurement Study (LSMS) surveys, as well as records related to liaison with LSMS collaborators in the U.N. National Household Survey Capability Program (NHSCP), the UN Statistical Office (UNSO), and the U.N. Statistical Commission. Lastly, the fonds contains the records of trust fund donor supported projects of the PRMPO and its successor PRMPR from 1998 to 2007.

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Records of the Office of the Chief Economist

  • Fondo
  • 1946 - 2003 (predominant 1972 - 1993)

Records created by the Office of the Vice President (later Senior Vice President), Development Economics and Chief Economist (DECVP) comprise the bulk of the records in Fonds 14. Prior to the creation of DECVP in 1987, responsibility for directing economic research to provide insights into the development process rested with the persons serving as the Economic Adviser to the President in the 1960s and early 1970s, and later with the offices of the Vice President, Development Policy (VPD) and the Vice President, Economics and Research Staff (VPERS) whose records are part of this fonds. Files for both approved and rejected research projects in planning and development policy, population and human resources, industry and trade, and sector studies that were maintained in the offices of VPD, VPERS, and DECVP are included in this fonds.

This fonds also contains a small volume of records of the Bank's Economic Development Institute and records of the Bank's representatives to international organizations concerned with the development process: the Berne Union, the Paris Club, and U.N. organizations at Geneva, Switzerland. Also included are records of economist Bela Belassa who served from September 1966 to May 1991 as consultant to the Economic Advisers to the President, VPD, VPERS, and DECVP.

The following officials served during the period 1964 to 2003 in predecessor organizations or positions whose functions became part of DECVP in the 1987 Bank reorganization and as DECVP following that reorganization:

Economic Advisers

  • Irving Friedman: 1964 - 1970

  • Hollis B. Chenery: 1970 - 1972

Vice President, Development Policy (VPD)

  • Hollis B. Chenery: November 1972 - February 1982

Vice President, Economics and Research Staff (VPERS)

  • Hollis B. Chenery: February 1982 - August 1982

  • Anne Krueger: August 1982 - December 1986

  • Benjamin B. King (Acting): January 1987 - May 1987

Vice President and Chief Economist (DECVP)

  • Stanley Fischer: 1988 - 1990

  • Lawrence Summers: 1991 - 1993

  • Michael Bruno: 1993- 1996

  • Joseph E. Stiglitz: 1997 - 2000

  • Sir Nicholas H. Stern: 2000 - 2003.

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Personal Papers of John Nellis

  • Fondo
  • 1990 - 1992, 1995

This fonds contains records related to John Nellis's work in the Public Sector Management and Private Sector Development Division (CECPS) located in the Country Economics Department (CEC) of the Development Economics Vice Presidency (DEC). The majority of the records relate to Nellis's participation in mission travel to the Soviet Union in 1990 and Russia in 1991 and 1992.

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Central Files

  • Fondo
  • 1937, 1942, 1944 - 1987

The fonds contains the records maintained as part of the World Bank Group's centralized files variously known as General Files (1946 - 1968), Central Files (1969 - 1971), the semi-centralized Bank Administration and Policy Records Stations (BAP, 1972 - 1974), Bank General Records Station and Administration and Policy Records Stations (BAPRS, 1975 - 1977) and Non-Regional Information Centers (NRIC, 1978 - 1987) with exceptions as described in the Arrangement field below. Records of the administrative unitsresponsible for the management of the General Files records center and its subsequent iterations are not included in this fonds except so far as these records were filed in Central Files. The date range of the Central Files is primarily from 1946 to 1986, however there are a small number of externally produced records dating from 1937 and the early 1940s as well as a single file dating 1987. The remainder of the 1987 files were likely handed over to the functional departments after the closure of the NRICin July 1987.

The departments whose records were centralized over time and represented most prominently in Central Files include (but are not limited to): Economics, Development Services, Technical Operations, Projects (and its sector divisions), and Administration.

Correspondence contained in the fonds includes letters, memoranda, cables, and other related records sent to and from the above departments and the Office of the President during the presidencies of Meyer, McCloy, Black and Woods. President records are otherwise nonexistent in the case of Meyer and are sparse for Woods, McCloy and Black in the Office of the President fonds. The Central Files also contains correspondence of the first Bank Vice Presidents which are fragmentary in the General Vice Presidents and Managing Directors fonds.

Records in this fonds document significant events and studies, administrative and organizational changes, governing bodies and committees, membership and obligations of countries, financial transactions, and the Bank's administrative and operating policies and processes including lending, projects, and development policy. The fonds comprises the general (non-regional) files on all topics not specific to a region or country as well as the membership, bond, and finance files relating to IBRD, IDA and IFC.

The general filing practice for correspondence between two offices within the Bank whose records were filed in Central Files was to save the copy of the document retained by the creating unit (often a yellow carbon copy) and to destroy the copy sent to the receiving unit, unless the receiving unit had annotated the document, in which case both copies were saved.

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Records of the (Staff) Economic Committee

  • Fondo
  • 1957 - 1972

Fonds contains records related to the activities of the Staff Economic Committee (SEC) and its successor the Economic Committee (EC). Records consist of communications from the committees' secretariat to committee members and the draft reports that the committee reviewed; other reports or background information that was not reviewed by the committee but used for informational purposes are also included. Records of the subcommittee, created in 1965, are also included, but in small number.

Records related to the first five years of SEC (1952-1957) are not included and are unaccounted for. Records relating to the work of the SEC from 1958 to 1964 are included, although in lesser number than those relating to the EC. Only committee communications for the SEC from 1958 to 1964 are included.

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Personal Papers of James H. Jennings

  • Fondo
  • March 27, 1975 - December 21, 1987

Fonds contains records relating to the career of James H. Jennings at the World Bank Group. While records relate to various periods of his employment at the Bank Group and the different units he worked in, they are not comprehensive. Records relate to two studies he participated in towards the end of his tenure as a financial analyst in the Public Utilities Projects Department (PBP) in 1975-76 and his work in the Latin America Projects Department (LCP) in 1984 and Loan and Trust Funds Department (LOA) in 1987.

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John A. King files

  • Subfondo
  • 1965 - 1978

The first series of records are King's files on Bank studies in which he participated. These include a review by the Projects Staff of completed sector and feasibility studies in order to improve the Bank's technical assistance to developing countries, a study of project management, and the studies undertaken as part of the 1972 Bank reorganization. The files include minutes of meetings, correspondence, memoranda, background data, and successive drafts of the final report. The files on the 1972 reorganization also include staff opinion surveys and reviews of the implementation of the reorganization plan.

The second series is a subject file that relates principally to King's work as the Assistant to the Vice President, Projects. The records include a number of files from Charles A. Morse, who was the procurement adviser to the Vice President. The majority of the records relate to procurement policy, but they also include correspondence with Executive Directors (clearly a fragment, as a list of items included in the file says Vol. IV), minutes and agendas from Program Coordinators' meetings, records on project preparation and project insurance, drafts of speeches and articles by both Morse and King, and memos and reports relating to the 1976-1977 Arab boycott of U.S. goods.

Ernest Stern files

  • Subfondo
  • 1969, 1971 - 1995

The majority of the subfonds consists of chronological correspondence records sent and received by Stern from the start of his World Bank career in 1972 to his retirement as a Managing Director in 1995. The subfonds also contains speeches given by Stern while serving in various positions from 1973 to 1995 and records relating to committees in which he participated.

Records of ESP, PSP, and PGP

  • Subfondo
  • January 1991 - May 1997

This sub-fonds consists of records from the Education and Social Policy Department (ESP) and its successors the Poverty and Social Policy Department (PSP) and the Poverty, Gender, and Public Sector Management Department (PGP). Records include chronological files created by ESP, PSP, and PGP. Records related to the Annual Progress Report on Poverty (APPR) and the ESP/PSP Discussion Paper Series are also included. The sub-fonds additionally includes subject and activity files maintained for PSP/PGP Director Ishrat Husain. The sub-fonds also includes PSP briefing letters prepared for World Bank senior officials and records related to conferences, seminars, symposiums, workshops, and meetings organized and attended by PSP staff.

Records of the Task Force on Local Cost Financing under Adjustment Operations

  • Subfondo
  • March 1987 - January 1991

The sub-fonds consists of records related to the Task Force on Local Cost Financing under Adjustment. The records were maintained by Salah El Serafy, Economic Adviser in Economic Advisory Staff (EAS), who served as chairman of theTask Force on Local Cost Financing Under Adjustment Operations.

Records of the Economic Development Institute Task Force

This sub-fonds consists of various records related to the research and consultation undertaken by the task force as well as memoranda and drafts of the final report exchanged between task force members. A copy of the final report is also included.

Alexander Nowicki files

  • Subfondo
  • 1967, 1981 - 1989

Fonds consists of papers and reports Alexander Nowicki produced while in the employment of the World Bank.

Jean-Francois Rischard files

  • Subfondo
  • March 1976 - July 1998

Fonds contains chronological files created by Rischard throughout his career at the World Bank Group, excluding only his time as Vice President, Europe (EXTEU). This includes his positions as: Project officer, Industrial Projects Department (NDP/IPD/IND); Financial analyst and division chief, Financial Policy and Analysis Department (FPA); Director, Investment Department (INV); and Vice President, Finance and Private Sector Development Vice Presidency (FPD).

Johannes F. Linn files

  • Subfondo
  • 1973 - 1993

This sub-fonds consists of chronological files created by Johannes Linn during his time in a variety of positions at the World Bank, including: the Urban and Regional Economics Division of the Economics Department (ECDRB) and its successor the Development Economics Department (DEDRB) of the Development Policy Vice Presidency (DPS); the East Asia and Pacific Vice Presidency (AENVP) and Asia Regional Vice Presidency (ASI); the Development Economist and Chief Economist Vice Presidency (DECVP); and the Vice President of the Financial Policy and Risk Management Vice Presidency (FPRVP). Note that this sub-fonds does not contain records from his time as Vice President of the Europe and Central Asia Regional Vice Presidency (ECAVP). Chronological files contain correspondence and memoranda primarily between Linn and World Bank colleagues; a smaller amount are between Linn and external individuals and institutions.

Records of the Strategy and Policy Division, Incentives and Comparative Advantage (INCA) Unit

  • Subfondo
  • 1963 - 1985 (predominant 1970 - 1985)

The sub fonds contains records documenting various activities of the Incentives and Comparative Advantage (INCA) unit established in August 1981 initially within the Industrial Development and Finance Department in the Central Projects Staff (CPS) and later incorporated within the Industry Department, Strategy and Policy Division (INDSP). The records reflect organization and management of the unit, support of INCA studies conducted in various developing countries, and development of applied research products and tools. Earlier records from the early to late 1970s were created and maintained by the Development Research Center (DRC) unit within the Development Policy Vice Presidency (VPD) that conducted INCA research and ad hoc support during this period.

Debrework Zewdie files

The subfonds consists of records maintained by Debrework Zewdie during the period from 1999 to 2006 when she served as manager of the AIDS Campaign Team for Africa (ACTafrica) in the Africa Region, and then as adviser and director, HDNGA. Records reflect Zewdie's managerial and oversight role over the Bank's HIV/AIDS programs, her participation in conferences and meetings, and collaboration with external organizations.

Records of President Lewis T. Preston

  • Subfondo
  • September 1991 - May 1995 (predominant)

Lewis T. Preston became President of the World Bank on 1 September 1991 and resigned on 4 May 1995. Relatively few records from his term exist. One of Preston's first decisions was to suspend the President's Council, and as a result there are no formal records of the interaction of the highest levels of management. Furthermore, Preston was in ill health and retired before finishing his term. He continued to make speeches and undertook some business travel, but the files on those activities are noticeably fuller in the early years of his tenure. No subject files exist, nor do files on his liaison activities with United Nations organizations, non-government institutions, and international banks. The few files on liaison with the U.S. Government are thin, but there is additional information on this relationship in the records of the Counselor to the President, Matthew F. McHugh.

The most complete files are those on Member countries. These include information on Bank projects in the countries, reports of discussions with country representatives, agendas for meetings, and other representational matters. The files on the Annual Meetings have some unusually interesting briefings for Preston's meetings with financial and other institutions.

The important records of the Portfolio Management Task Force (Wapenhans Report) and the follow-up to it are part of the records of the Special Adviser to the President, Visvanathan Rajagopalan.

Note that a small portion of the Chronological File series contains correspondence and executive memoranda records from the period when Ernest Stern served as acting President. These date from February 1 to May 31 of 1995.

Records of President Eugene R. Black

This series contains the records of Eugene R. Black as U.S. Executive Director at the World Bank, 1947-1949, and President, 1949-1962. They are arranged in five file categories: general correspondence, congratulatory correspondence, honorary degrees, speeches, and travel.

The general correspondence file contains exchanges with U.S. and foreign government officials (especially U.K. officials), private bankers, lawyers, foundation officials and friends, arranged alphabetically by surname of correspondent. Among the notable correspondents are U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower, U.S. Senators J.W. Fulbright and Hubert Humphrey, British Prime Minister Harold McMillan, and U.N. Secretary General Dag Hammerskjold. The alphabetical correspondence file is followed by one file marked personal action covering the period from September through December 1960; it contains letters congratulating Black on the publication of his book, The Diplomacy of Economic Development, and wishing him recovery from surgery.

The congratulatory correspondence concerns Black's appointment as Executive Director and subsequent appointment and reappointments as President of the World Bank.

A single file contains correspondence on honorary degrees awarded to Black.

The speech file contains letters of invitation and appreciation and, in some cases, the texts of the speeches. Speeches given include commencement addresses, lectures to professional associations and private organizations, and addresses to the UN Economic and Social Council.

Thetravel file contains correspondence relating to tours Black took as U.S. Executive Director and as Bank President to familiarize himself with present and future member countries' economic and political situations and to meet national leaders. It includes letters of invitation, itineraries, thank you notes, as well as letters and memoranda on the purposes and results of particular trips. Two files contain the records of Black's 1948 trip to Indonesia (then the Netherlands East Indies) shortly before it obtained independence, including background material on Indonesia's economy and recent political developments, newspaper articles, UN documents, photographs, and letters from government officials, business executives and Black evaluating the situation in Indonesia. Other travel files contain information on the Bank's role in the settlement of the Suez Canal dispute (1958-1959).

Records of President George D. Woods

  • Subfondo
  • 1959 - 1979 (1963 - 1968 predominant)

The records of the Presidency of George D. Woods (January 1963 until April 1968) primarily concern international relations, including both briefings and travel. The correspondence file, while small, has several unusually revealing items, as do the retained copies of outgoing letters and memoranda. The background papers on each country that are found in the annual meeting briefing files provide useful snapshots of the situation of that country at that time.

Records of President John J. McCloy

The records of President McCloy consist of incoming and outgoing correspondence between President McCloy, the U.S. Executive Director of the Bank, U.S. political leaders, U.S. public officials, and prominent business leaders. The correspondence address topics of Bank operations and lending.

Records of Robert L. Garner

  • Subfondo
  • 1949, 1968 - 1974

Robert L. Garner was Vice President of the World Bank from 1947-1956. The documents in this file concern the trip that Garner made to the Middle East and North Africa on behalf of the Bank in the spring of 1949. Although fragmentary, they convey a sense of the issues Garner discussed with the leaders in the countries visited, particularly in Turkey. The notes of Garner's report to a staff meeting provide an overview of the trip. Also interesting is Garner's report to Bank President John J. McCloy on Garner's visit to Egypt.

Records of Mohamed Shoaib

Mohamed Shoaib was Vice President of the World Bank from 1966-1976, having previously served as the Alternate Executive Director, Executive Director, and Governor of the Bank from Pakistan. The documents in this file concern the Williamsburg II meeting held in Jogjakarta, Indonesia, in 1972. The meeting was a continuation of a previous meeting at which high-level officials from the Bank, other international organizations, and foreign governments discussed development issues for a particular region in itsbroad political and security context. The Williamsburg II meeting focused on Southeast Asia, the balance of power in the region after the Vietnam war, the role of China in the region, and the special problems of the overseas Chinese. The file contains an informal running account of the discussions, the program and a list of participants, a summary, and what appear to be Shoaib's handwritten notes during the meeting.

Jochen Kraske files

  • Subfondo
  • 1973 - 1992

The records contain both correspondence and reference material maintained by Kraske relating to India. They include correspondence and draft papers from Kraske's period as chief of the Resident Mission in New Delhi; an historical reminiscence The New Delhi Office written by Kraske in 1993; copies of correspondence, memoranda, and draft papers on the history of the New Delhi office; copies of extracts from the debates in the Indian Parliament about the World Bank; clippings from the Asian Recorder on the Bank in India; two papers by Kraske on India, Some thoughts on the role of the New Delhi Office (1987) and The role of field-based staff in maintaining portfolio quality: The case of agriculture and the New Delhi Office (1992) and drafts of three speeches to African audiences; and publications by S.R. Sen, M. Narasimham, A.V. Desai, R. Mohan and others. Although quite small, this series is a rich source for the history of the World Bank in India.

Pedro-Pablo Kuczynski files

  • Subfondo
  • 1967, 1970 - 1973

Sub-fonds consists of records created and received by Pedro-Pablo Kuczynski during his employment at the World Bank between 1971 and 1973. Records were filed according to subject title and record types, including: Latin American development; seminars; commodity trading and development; general economics; Bank operations and planning; speechwriting for the Office of the President; seminars; Country Program Papers (CPPs); and World Tables. Records related to the Bank's Research Committee are also included.

Leonard B. Rist files

  • Subfondo
  • 1942 - 1968

Fonds consists of records maintained by Leonard B. Rist from the early period of IBRD history primarily when he first served as Director of the Research Department, later Economics Department beginning in 1946 and printed material that Rist collected relating to Bretton Woods.

Records of Sir Denis Rickett

Sir Denis Rickett was Vice President of the World Bank from 1968 until 1974. The records are a series of subject files that include copies of reports and memos and well as personal correspondence and notes.

The Committee of Twenty, formally the Committee of the Board of Governors on Reform of the International Monetary System and Related issues, was established in 1972. Rickett served as the Bank's representative to the Committee from March 1973 until June 1974, and the files consist of Rickett's correspondence, memos and reports of the meetings of the committee as well as memos and documents from the Committee's Technical Group on the SDR Link.

The Council of Europe files contain Rickett's correspondence as well as agendas, reports and the records of the January 1970 convention on development in which Rickett participated as a discussant. Files on conferences contain correspondence and reports relating to conferences to which Rickett was invited and copies of speeches he delivered.

The Pearson Commission on development issues was established in 1968 under the chairmanship of Lester B. Pearson. Rickett's files on the Pearson commission consist of copies of J. Burke Knapp's correspondence (Knapp was also a Vice President of the Bank during this period), memos and reports on the Commission as well as the original letters Lester Pearson received from heads of states and other VIPS in response to his report Partners in Development. The Canadian International Development Authority commissioned a study in 1971 to look at the World Bank over the next decade. Written by Escott Reid, the draft of the study is in the Rickett files, along with a summary of the report and copies of comments on the draft by Bank staff members.

Other files contain memos and Bank reports on debt problems and energy and oil issues during the 1973-1974 oil crisis.

Richard E. Barry files

  • Subfondo
  • 1972 - 1989

The first set of records relates to the fifth session of the UN Advisory Committee for Coordination of Information systems, held in Geneva, Switzerland, September 18-21, 1989. The second set of records consists primarily of memoranda, papers and minutes of the Personnel and Administration Committee and the Managing Committee. Topics include systems development in the Finance complex, the budgets for fiscal years 1986 and 1987, the establishment of a facility in the Washington suburbs, cost effectiveness indicators, the Howard Baker proposal for the Bank, data security, a disaster recovery plan, institutional information technology standards and information resources management strategy. The third set of records is related to the 1972 reorganization of the Bank, conducted by McKinsey & Company, during which Barry was a member of the Bank study team. The record include copies of the discussion drafts of the recommended organization structure and the recommended program of changes, a set of interviews conducted by Barry and a McKinsey staff member on external perceptions of the Bank, and a file on planning and control functions. The final set of records relates to the 1987 reorganization. The records include the final report of the Information Technology and Facilities (ITF) support units task force, information for the President's task force from the ITF Office Systems Division, and a report on strategic options for meeting management information needs, with a report of the Information Systems Planning Study Team attached.

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