Showing 301-350 of 546 results


Public Sector Management Unit (EMTPM) ECA/MENA Technical Department chronological correspondence files

The series includes chronological correspondence, memoranda, and other records created or received by Geoffrey Lamb while serving as Unit Chief in the Public Sector Management (EMTPM) unit of the shared regional ECA/MENA Technical Department of the Europe and Central Asia Vice Presidency (ECA). The records include memoranda and correspondence primarily between Lamb, ECA Vice President Wilfred Thalwitz, EMTPM staff, ECA Region staff, and Middle East and North Africa Region (MNA) staff. The correspondence and memoranda cover the following topics: ECA and MNA Regional Actions Plans for Technical Assistance (TA); EMTPM organized seminars, workshops, and training sessions; economic sector work (ESW) and Institutional Development Fund (IDF) lending for public sector management projects in the ECA Region; Dutch Trust Fund resources for ECA countries; and EMTPM planning priorities and consultant recruitment. Back-to-office (BTOs) mission reports and Terms of Reference (TORs) are interfiled among correspondence and memoranda. Incoming and outgoing correspondence sent and received by Lamb from individuals and organizations external to the Bank are also included. The chronological correspondence files also consists of sub-files containing: copies of faxes, telex messages, and cables sent to Lamb; travel request records; leave request records; expense reports; timesheets; and performance review records.

PPDPS institutional reform policy analysis records

This series includes records related to the subject of institutional reform maintained by Geoffrey Lamb when he served as Public Sector Management Adviser for the Public Management Unit (PPDPS) of the Projects Policy Department (PPD). The records include numerous policy papers and reports related to institutional reform, which were produced by PPDPS. Some of the papers and reports are authored by Lamb, including Managing Economic Policy Change: Institutional Dimension published in 1987. Background PPDPS reports on structural adjustment lending and the PPD Tenth Annual Report on Project Implementation and Supervision (1985) are also included.

Public Sector Management Unit (PPDPS) chronological correspondence files

The series includes chronological correspondence, memoranda, and other records created or received in Lamb's capacity as Public Sector Management Adviser for the Public Management Unit (PPDPS). The records include correspondence and memoranda primarily between Lamb, PPDPS Chief Arturo Israel, PPDPS staff, and staff from Bank regional departments. The correspondence and memoranda concern PPDPS planning and reporting of country missions, policy papers, country strategies, structural adjustment loan (SALs) projects, technical assistance (TA) projects, and workshops and seminars. Public sector management related topics are addressed in the memoranda and correspondence, including civil service reform, public expenditure, and institutional reform. Incoming and outgoing correspondence sent and received by Lamb from individuals and organizations external to the Bank are also included. The records also consist of Lamb's travel request records, leave request records, back-to-office reports (BTOs), aide-memoires, expense reports, and timesheets.

East Asia and Pacific Vice President (EAPVP) chronological files

Series consists of correspondence and attachments sent and received by Gautam Kaji while serving as East Asia and Pacific Vice President.

Topics of correspondence and attachments generally relate to operations policy, procedure, reporting, and evaluation, but also include: conference attendance; staffing; administrative matters; regional and Bank-wide lending program; management of field offices; development of Country Strategy Papers; annual lending allocation reviews; sector research and discussion (including gender, environment, social development); EAP administrative budget; country consultative groups; and the EAP Business Process Innovation (BPI) pilot. Records include: EAP Portfolio Monitoring Tables; country policy framework papers; briefing notes for Kaji; briefing notes created by EAP staff for senior Bank staff, including Bank President Preston; Country Strategy Papers; regional "Prospects Papers" and progress reports; administrative budget materials; three-year business plans for EAP; and materials disseminated in advance of Loan Committee meetings.

Managing Director chronological files

Series consists of chronological correspondence sent and received by Gautam Kaji while serving as Managing Director of the World Bank. Series broadly consists of three chronologically parallel parts: general correspondence; correspondence authored by Kaji and Managing Director Koch-Weser; and correspondence between Kaji and World Bank President Wolfensohn.

General correspondence records date from December 1994 when Kaji assumed the position of Managing Director and November 1997 when he retired from the Bank. Files are generally divided into two sections. The first section includes internal Bank correspondence. The most common records in this group are those relating to Kaji's role as Chairman of the Loan Committee and its successor, the Operations Committee. These records include reports on potential projects, materials related to regular Operations Committee meetings, and Kaji's comments on draft Country Assistance Strategies. Other topics discussed in the records of this series include: performance monitoring indicators and performance standards; guarantees in private sector investment in IDA countries and the World Bank Guarantee Program; World Debt Tables; the Bank-wide reorganization of 1997; conference attendance; planning and review of Bank program and budget; and operations and business policy development, review, and dissemination. Records include: drafts of Kaji's publications; Kaji's speeches; personal correspondence; meeting notices; memoranda to the Executive Directors; operations review reports; and Quarterly Reports on Pending Tranche Releases of Adjustment Operations. The second and smaller section of records includes correspondence from, and responses to, external parties. Topics of this correspondence are wide ranging but generally discuss East Asia operations and sector research.

The second part of the series includes correspondence authored jointly by Kaji and Managing Director Caio K. Koch-Weser from December 1995 to November 1997. Together, Kaji and Koch-Weser were responsible for Bankoperations. Records discuss a variety of topics related to operations, including an increasingly results-driven approach to project implementation and evaluation as well as the need for simplification of operational procedures and reporting. Correspondence, which is most often between Kaji and Koch-Weser and regional Vice Presidents, discuss portfolio management, disbursements, completion reports, Country Assistance Strategies, and economic and sector work. Staffing related to the 1997 reorganization and the launch of the Bank's new network organization are also discussed.

The third part of the series includes correspondence with attachments between Kaji and Bank President James Wolfensohn from March 1995 to November 1997. Correspondence consists of copies of correspondence and attachments authored by Kaji and sent to Wolfensohn as well as Wolfensohn's incoming and outgoing correspondence from others which was then forwarded to Kaji. Correspondence serves a variety of purposes: information dissemination; briefing for Wolfensohn's meetings; answering Wolfensohn's requests for information; authoring correspondence for Wolfensohn; and submitting reports, announcement, and correspondence for Wolfensohn's approval.

East Asia and Pacific Vice Presidency (AENVP) chronological correspondence files

The series includes chronological correspondence files from when Attila Karaosmanoglu served as Vice President in the East Asia and Pacific Region (AENVP). The records include incoming and outgoing correspondence, memoranda, and other records related to support of AENVP operations, including: memoranda of country project loan signings; back-to-office reports; mission support records; briefing notes; and records related to numerous meetings, training seminars, and events held in the AEN region. Outgoing correspondence discussing ongoing projects and initiatives for particular countries sent from Karaosmanoglu to AEN country Executive Directors of the Bank are also included.

Speech, presentation, statement, and interview files

This series includes records of the speeches, presentations, statements, and interviews given by Attila Karaousmangolu in the following roles: Director of Development Policy (VPD); Director of the Country Programs Department 1 of the Europe, Middle East, and North Africa Region (EM1DR); Vice-President East Asia and Pacific Region (AENVP); and Managing Director (MDS). The records include speech transcripts, presentation papers, press releases, newspaper clippings, and hand-written notes. Correspondence and memoranda are also included, and detail formal arrangements, itineraries, and responses to speeches, presentations, statements, and interviews given by Karaosmanoglu.

SASVP chronological correspondence files

This series consists of chronological correspondence from when Joseph Wood served as Vice President for the South Asia Region (SASVP). The records include incoming and outgoing correspondence and memoranda received and sent to internal World Bank units and staff, and correspondence sent to external agencies. Numerous correspondence are between Joseph Wood, Managing Director Ernest Stern, the Office of the President (EXC), and Executive Directors Board members. The chronological correspondence focus on a variety of topics, including: SAS lending; SAS workshops and training; and SAS briefing.

GEF correspondence files

Series consists of records related to Johnson's responsibilities as Assistant CEO of the Global Environment Facility (GEF). Records consist almost exclusively of correspondence addressed to and received from academic institutions,government agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), research groups, consulting groups, and business leaders. The main topics of the correspondence include information exchange and invitations to conferences and meetings. A speech to the Governing Council of the United Nations Environmental Programme that appears to have been given by Johnson is also included.

Lecture and speech files

From 1985 to 1990, Vinod Dubey participated in over 20 seminars, symposia, and conferences at which he served as lecturer, speaker, panel chairman or member, or commentator. Files were prepared for each engagement. They include key documents, notes, statistical information, and outlines used in Dubey's preparations. The evolution of the Bank, Bank policy, and adjustment lending were frequently the topics of his presentations.

During the period covered by this series, Vinod Dubey served as: Senior Adviser (1984 - 1985) and Director (1986 - 1987) in the Country Policy Department in the Office of Operations Policy, and as Director, Economic Advisory Staff (1987-1990) under the Senior Vice President, Operations. Dubey also served as the first Liaison Officer to the Paris Club during the period 1984 - 1986.

Dubey served several times as: a lecturer for EDI [Economic Development Institute] seminars (1985, 1986, 1988, and 1989); lecturer, panel chairman or panelist for a number of other Bank sponsored seminars and conferences (1985 - 1990); and lecturer for the IMF Institute (1985, 1986, 1988). The file created for a Bank-sponsored symposium in Copenhagen, May 5 - 6, 1987 on economic adjustment and the Third World includes copies of a number of the papers that were presented, including Dubey's paper entitled Ensuring That The Poor Benefit From Improved Policy.

Dubey was also invited to speak at symposia and conferences sponsored by outside organizations including the Foreign Service Institute (1986), the Inter-American Development Bank (1987, 1989), and the Agency for International Development (1987, 1989). The file created for Dubey's Back-to-Office Report of a visit to Japan, January 25 -3 0, 1987 to speak to Japanese officials in seminars on structural adjustment lending includes copies of Dubey's lectures in Japan.

Several files were created for other conferences and symposia sponsored by the Bank and outside organizations which Dubey attended including SVPOP (later OPNSV) retreats (1986, 1988, and 1989) and a Bank/UNICEF meeting on collaboration on adjustment issues (1987). Notes taken by Dubey of discussions at these events are part of the files.

A file titled The Institute Lecture contains a copy of President Clausen's remarks at the Joint Bank-Fund Luncheon, May 25, 1985; Dubey apparently prepared the remarks. The series also includes a file created after Dubey was asked to represent the Bank at the June 5 - 10, 1989 Berne Union Meeting in place of Fred Levy. Separate files (1987 - 1988, 1988 - 1989) were created just for background materials for Dubey's lectures and speeches. The files include copies of Bank documents and publications, IMF publications, reprints of articles on finance and economics, newspaper clippings, and Dubey's handwritten notes.

Policy, Planning and Program Review Department chronological files

  • Serie
  • 1972 - 1982

Series consists of chronological files created during Chernick's time as Division Chief, Senior Advisor, and Acting Director of the Policy, Planning and Program Review Department (PPPRD) between 1972 and 1982. Chronological files contain correspondence in different formats; carbon copies of correspondence sent by Chernick are the most common, while paper copies and telexes are also included. The amount of outgoing correspondence, authored by Chernick, is far more substantial than correspondence received byChernick. While much of the correspondence refers to attachments (reports, country program papers [CPPs], meeting minutes, etc.), very few are included in the files.

Records related to Chernick's role as Division Chief of PPPRD's Program Review Division (PPRPR) from 1973 to 1976 are numerous. The Division's primary roles were to provide guidelines for economic analysis in economic reports and country programs and review CPPs before their submission to the President in order to ensure quality and consistency with the Bank's development objectives. CPPs are confidential reports authored by the regional departments, usually on an annual basis. They include a discussion of a given country's political and economic situation and a history of the Bank's loans and external financing and on that basis propose a five-year lending program for the country. Other, special studies (usually discussing a specific sector within a country or a general development issue) and economic reports were also reviewed by the PPPRD. Chernick's role was to manage his Division's review of CPPs and to arrange Regional Vice Presidents (RVP) meetings and Management Review meetings. As such, correspondence includes: assignment of reviews; schedule of review meetings; discussion of reviews; and policy development and explanation.

Series also consists of correspondence relating to the development and revision of Operational Manual Statements (OMSs). Assignment of tasks related to OMSs is included as are a small amount of OMS drafts and comments on drafts.

Records related to a Working Group on Bank/Fund Collaboration are found in this series. This includes Bank President McNamara's initial request for a report. Chernick's role in the research and writing of this report is unclear; he is copied on related correspondence and drafts were sent to him for review.

Chernick played a significant role in the Development Committee between 1980 and 1982. Created in 1974, the Committee was designed to provide a focal point at a high political level in the structure of economic cooperation for the formation of a comprehensive overview of international activities in the development area, for efficient and prompt consideration of development issues and for coordination of international efforts to deal with problems of financing development. Drafts of Committee meeting agendas are included; in some cases, these drafts are sent from Chernick, as Acting Director of PPPRD, to Bank President McNamara. Correspondence related to scheduling and Committee reviews and projects is also included.

Records in this series relate to a variety of other topics and activities, including: staff hiring and reviews; staff meetings; mission planning; work programs; conference participation and planning; and policy development related to Structural Adjustment Loans (SALs). Also included are: regular summaries of Board meetings authored by Chernick for Hollis Chenery, Vice President of Development Policy (DPS); ad hoc reports and reviews created by Chernick or his staff for superiors within the Development Policy Vice Presidency (DPS) and externally; comments on reports; and a small amount of correspondence related to the research and publication of Chernick's book The Commonwealth Caribbean: The Integration Experience (1978).

South Asia Country Programs Department chronological files

  • Serie
  • 1984 - 1986

Series consists of chronological files created during Chernick's time as Senior Economist in the South Asia Country Programs Department (ASADR). The majority of the files consist of correspondence in the form of carbon copies, printed copies, and telexes. Records reflect various activities undertaken by Chernick, including: research; commenting on Bank research and policy papers and project and loan reports; writing of country program papers (CPPs); staffing of ASADR; information sharing; and seminar planning. A small number of reports are included in this series; these include: Current and Mid-Term Assessment of South Asian Countries; Indicative Statements of Economic and Sector Work for the South Asia Region; Disbursement Estimates; and Country Reports. There is, notably, a significant amount of material related to a problematic Maldives Country Report from 1986.

Copies of George D. Woods used for the biography

Spanning Woods' life both before and after he was President of the World Bank, this material provides insight into his principal interests, as seen by his biographer. Particularly well represented in the copies are memoranda and correspondence on India. A number of items concern Woods' part in the IBRD negotiations of the Suez Canal dispute in 1958, prior to his tenure at the Bank. Internal Bank documents include notes on the Economic Development Institute and the economic work of the Bank, correspondence relating to the IDA replenishment deadlock of 1965-1966, and documents regarding the nomination of a new president. Later documents include his 1974 statement to the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee on IDA replenishment and correspondence with notable figures such as Barbara Ward.

The topic file consist of: Aid (E. Martin, DAC), Brookings Institution SDR [Special Drawing Rights], Study Group, Columbia University, John Foster Dulles Oral History Project, First Boston Corporation, Foreign - Miscellaneous (India - Egypt), Foreign Economic Assistance Task Force, India, IBRD, Miscellaneous personal messages, Notre Dame University, New York Times, Suez Canal, UN, and White House, Trip to Europe, Yugoslavia and Egypt.

AENVP/ASI chronological files

Series consists of chronological files created by Johannes Linn while serving as Senior Economist in the East Asia and Pacific Vice Presidency (AENVP) and Asia Regional Vice Presidency (ASI). Files primarily consist of correspondence and memoranda between Linn and World Bank staff. Topics include: publication of papers and monographs; feedback on papers and reports; mission travel; staffing and recruitment; Country Economic Memoranda (CEM); country sector reports; country projections; country creditworthiness; debt reporting; macromodelling; project review and planning; and work programs. During Linn's time in AENVP and ASI, he did extensive analysis of Thailand, as well as Indonesia, Korea, and the Philippines and this is reflected in the records of this series.

This series also contains correspondence with external individuals and institutions. These records discuss speaking engagements, information exchange, feedback on drafts, and offers of employment. Files also consist of a small amount of travel records.

Economic Advisory and Development Policy chronological files

This series documents Stern's functions covering the period from when he joined World Bank in 1972 as Senior Advisor in the Office of the Economic Advisor to the President (January-October 1972), to his successive positions in the Office of the Vice President, Development Policy (VPD) as Senior Advisor (October 1972-April 1974) and Director (1974-1975).

The files relating to his role as Senior Advisor in the Office of the President primarily includes memoranda addressed to or from Vice President Hollis Cheney, the Bank's Research Committee, and other colleagues in the Office of the Economic Advisor. The correspondence documents the establishment and organization of the World Bank's economic research program, activities of the Research Committee and the Development Research Center, research proposals and decisions, publication of economic reports, discussions on policy papers, joint projects with external organizations, and evaluation of the Bank's economic activities.

The files relating to Stern's Development Policy functions associated with the Front Office of the Vice President include memoranda and letters addressed to the managers of the constituent departments of the Development Policy complex, the President, senior managers, UN offices, government officials, and other outside development organizations and experts. Reports, notes, and other supporting documents are occasionally attached to the memoranda. Records document program, budget, and staffing matters in the Office of the Vice President, management of the research program, country program reviews, growth prospects of developing countries, U.S. aid to development countries, International Development Association (IDA) replenishments, capital markets, Special Drawing Rights (SDR) allocations, World Bank Group-International Monetary Fund cooperation, the European Economic Community, the Committee of Twenty, G-24, the Pearson Commission, the Technical Committee on the transfer of Real Resources, the oil crisis, and some region and country-specific economic statistics. Further, they include comments on the Bank's policy structure regarding the 1972 reorganization, draft speeches for President McNamara and Vice President Hollis Chenery, and reviews of books and articles relating to development.

Latin America and Caribbean Technical Department, Infrastructure and Energy Division chronological files

Series consists of records related to Tim Campbell's work in the Latin America and Caribbean Technical Department, Infrastructure and Energy Division (LATIE), as Senior Urban Planner and, briefly, as Chief, Urban and Water Unit. Series consists of correspondence and reports, among other formats. Records relate to project planning and evaluation activities as well as to urban development-related research conducted by Campbell and task forces and workshops on which Campbell participated. Records include: Terms of Reference; back-to-office reports; records related to missions to countries for project planning and information gathered (including Brazil, Mexico, and Guatemala); Campbell's comments on Departmental and external reports and policy papers; comments on Campbell's reports by Departmental colleagues and other Bank staff; Campbell's reviews of Project Completion Reports (PCRs); annual Urban Sector review; briefing notes; externally authored reports; meeting and seminar summaries; presentation notes and slides. Series also contains two reports authored by Campbell: Environmental Dilemmas and the Urban Poor (draft, 1989, prepared for the Overseas Development Council and not for the Bank); Decentralization to Local Government in LAC: National Strategies and Local Response in Planning, Spending and Management (1991, an LATIE Regional Study, accompanied by drafts and research materials); and Modes of Accountability in Local Governments of LAC (1992).

Transportation, Water and Urban Development Department Urban Development Division chronological files

Series consists of records related to Tim Campbell's work as Principal Urban Sector Specialist and Head of the Urban Partnership in the Transportation, Water and Urban Development Department's Urban Development Division (TWURD). Series consists almost exclusively of correspondence, the majority of which are incoming. Records contain correspondence with external agencies, institutions, and government representatives and include but are not limited to: the Inter-American Development Bank; the World Economic Development Congress; the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD); the United Nations Centre for Human Settlements; the World Conference of Mayors, Inc. Correspondence with government agencies and embassies of Switzerland, Great Britain, Sweden, Denmark, and Ecuador is also included. Correspondence relates to conference and meeting invitation, information exchange, and collaboration.

ESSD correspondence and internal memoranda

Series consists of correspondence and memoranda authored by or addressed to Johnson as Vice President of ESSD. Topics of external correspondence are from 2002 to 2004 and include invitations to participate in meetings and conference, and the exchange of information. Correspondence is with a variety of academic and research institutions, government agencies, and other external organizations.

Series also consists of memoranda from 2002 to 2004 authored by or addressed to Johnson to and from ESSD sector departments as well as other Bank units. Included are memoranda from Johnson to managing directors and Bank President Wolfensohn.

International Economics Department (IEC) chronological files

This series consists of chronological files with incoming and outgoing correspondence from when Masood Ahmed served as the Director of the International Economics Department (IEC). The records are arranged into the following categories: incoming emails from January 1996 to July 1997; outgoing emails from December 1995 to July 1997; chronological files from March 1995 to June 1997; general correspondence from January 1996 to July 1997; and general external correspondence from January 1996 to December 1996. The chronological files consist of incoming and outgoing correspondence and memoranda with attached reports and handwritten notes related to the activities and communications within IEC, and with other units of the Bank. The general correspondence records contain much of the same as the chronological files, but appear to be duplicates and photo static copies of original correspondence. The general external correspondence category includes incoming and outgoing correspondence between Ahmed and outside agencies, including communications with other multilateral institutions, NGOs, and private sector institutions. External reports and articles are also included.

Young Professionals Program (YPP) chronological files

This series consists of records from Masood Ahmed's participation in the World Bank's Young Professionals Program (YPP) in 1979. Records include: back-to-office reports; correspondence; memoranda; travel arrangement records; statement of expenses records; timesheets; and terms of reference related to his rotational project work in African and Middle-Eastern countries.

Training, conference, and workshop records

Series consists of records created and compiled by Shelton Davis from the various training sessions, conferences, and workshops related to indigenous communities, social development, sustainability, and environmental issues. Series includes planning documents, handwritten notes, correspondence, presentation and training materials, reports, manuals, and audio-visual materials. This includes VHS tapes from the training seminar Indigenous Peoples held in October 1992, which Davis organized, led, and participated in as the Senior Sociologist for the Environment Department (ENVAP). Two audio-cassette tapes contain a similar presentation given by Davis for the United Nations. Seminar documents, reports, and presentation notes from the seminars Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Institutions in Africa, June 1, 1995 and Indigenous Peoples and Economic Development in Asia, May 29, 1996 are also included from Davis's time as Principal Sociologist with the Social Policy and Resettlement Division (ENVSP).

The series also contains records from the years Davis served as Sector Manager in the Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development Unit , Latin America and Caribbean Region (LCSES), 1998-1999, and the Sector Manager in the Social Development Unit, Latin America and Caribbean Region (LCSEO), 2000-2004. This includes handwritten notes, agendas, minutes, training session records, and presentation transparencies related to the workshops devoted to operational directive "OD 4.20 - Indigenous Peoples" and operational policy "OP 4.10 - Indigenous Peoples" in 1999 and 2002. Agenda, minutes, correspondence, and reports are also included for multiple planning meetings and workshops such as the Indigenous Peoples and Human Development Project Design: A Technical Workshop, February 24, 1999; the Indigenous Peoples and Social Sector Projects Workshop, April 11-12, 2000; and the Ethnicity and Health Equity - Expert Group Meeting, June 18-20, 2001. A topical file containing "Safeguard Policies - Instructor's binder" is interfiled among other workshop materials. The series also consists of CDs and VHS tapes from many training sessions, conferences, seminars, and workshops organized and held in the Latin America and Caribbean Region from 2000 to 2004. The CDs contain digital training records, agendas, images, and reports related to indigenous rights, resettlement, social development, and sustainable development. Each CD is typically specific to one country, project, or issue. VHS tapes produced by the World Bank related to specific Bank-funded projects or training seminars, conferences, or workshops are also included.

Research, project support, and reference files

This series consists of records that supported Davis' project work, policy development, and research. It contains field notes, project files, reference files, and research materials that cover Davis' World Bank career. The field notes are handwritten notebooks from Davis' operational field work, meetings, and project site visits from 1986 to 2002. The majority of the field notes arise from Davis' work in the Latin America and Caribbean Region, especially the earlier years as Senior Sociologist for the Environment Unit, Latin America and Caribbean Region (LATEN) from 1987 to 1991. Some notes are included from operational fieldwork and site visits in India, the Philippines, Russia, and Mozambique from his later years as Principal Sociologist for the Social Policy and Resettlement Division (ENVSP) from 1993 to 1997. The series also contains project site visit notes Davis created to review progress and compliance with safeguard policies (e.g. indigenous rights, environment, and sustainability) at development sites, primarily as a Sector Manager in the Latin America and Caribbean Region.

This series also includes extensive reference and project files. The reference files consist of papers, articles, reports, and publications typically devoted to a particular subject. Much of the reference material was authored and/or published externally by outside agencies, institutions, or person(s). The project files contain similar contents, but differ because they also contain project proposals, correspondence, memoranda, annotated notes, draft reports, and final reports, which are primarily created by Davis or by the units in which he served at the Bank. An example includes the file Social Assessments, 1998-2002, which details assessments and reviews done for development projects in the Latin America and Caribbean Region countries. Other files are specific to a country project, or to policy development, including Indigenous Peoples files related to World Bank operational directive "OD 4.20 - Indigenous Peoples" and operational policy "OP 4.10 - Indigenous Peoples". It is unclear what records in this series were maintained strictly for project support or reference because the records are interfiled together within a single folder, usually according to topic. Furthermore, the files overlap different periods in Davis' career when he served in different positions or areas of responsibility 

This series contains VHS tapes, DVDs, and CDs sent to Davis from outside agencies, institutions, and persons. These audio-visual items are not World Bank produced, but relate directly to areas of interests to Davis, including Latin America, indigenous rights and culture, bio-diversity, sustainability, and the environment. It is uncertain how Davis used these items in his roles at the Bank, but most likely kept them for reference.

Chronological [outgoing] files

This series consists of copies of the outgoing letters and memoranda of George D. Woods and correspondence handled for President Woods by his personal assistants George C. Wishart and Rainer B. Steckhan. It includes correspondence sent on substantive issues of development assistance, memoranda to files, internal memoranda of the Bank and social and public relations messages.

Letters to foreign heads of state, government officials, banks, development institutions and academics regarding particular loans and projects, missions, technical assistance, bond issues and other sources of financing, and development policy issues are found in the series. Memoranda to files, usually written by Wishart, make a record of Woods' meetings with high-level government and business executives, focusing on important remarks and outcomes. Occasional Bank-internal memoranda, usually addressed to Vice Presidents and other high-level managers, concern such issues as staffing of the Economic Development Institute (EDI), defining the competencies of the technical operations and regional departments of the Bank with regard to project preparation, and procedures for establishing consultative groups.

The social and public relations letters express appreciation for invitations, hospitality, and for letters, publications and gifts received; express regret regarding invitations; offer congratulations; discuss arrangements for meetings and itineraries for travel; and provide letters of introduction.

Records of the Portfolio Management Task Force (Wapenhans Report) and follow-up

In February 1992, Lewis Preston ordered a study of the Bank's basic portfolio management and evaluation process for loans and credits. Headed by Willi Wapenhans, who was assigned to the President's office for the study, the Portfolio Management Task Force produced a report in September 1992 that is one of the most famous in the Bank's history. It argued that the Bank did not pay enough attention to the implementation and supervision of loans and that sustainable development impact is the true measure of success. The Wapenhans Report, as it came to be known, was presented to the Board of Executive Directors in November 1992. In January 1993 Preston assigned Visvanathan Rajagopalan, who as a vice president who had been a member of the advisory council to the Task Force, to coordinate discussions regarding the implementation of the recommendations in the Task Force report.

The files are in 2 parts. The first part is the files of Wapenhans as the chair of the Task Force. These files were inherited by Rajagopalan as he worked on the implementation of the report during 1993. The second are the files of Rajagopalan, both a file regarding the work of the Task Force that he had maintained while he was the Vice President, Sector and Operations Policy, and files that he created during the follow-up period.

This series is the central source for information on the work of the Task Force. It includes the record of the discussion of the Executive Directors at the time the Task Force was formed and the background documents for the meeting of the Executive Directors after the report was issued, the minutes of the meetings of the Task Force from March through June and the audio tapes and the transcripts of a 2 day meeting with partner organizations (cofinancers), and feeder studies on topics ranging from the Bank's internal culture to the use of information technology.

Records regarding the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR)

This series contains records compiled by Visvanathan Rajagopalan in his capacity as Chairman of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR). The records include his correspondence, agendas and travel plans for meetings, copies of papers presented at meetings or circulated prior to meetings, copies of his introductory remarks delivered at meetings, his briefing books for International Centers Week (the annual meeting of the international agricultural research centers that form the CGIAR network), and scattered reports of the CGIAR Oversight Committee and its Technical Advisory Committee. Correspondence covers meeting arrangements; appointments, salaries, and other personnel matters affecting staff; and resource allocations. The series includes a small amount of the correspondence of Wilfried Thalwitz, Rajagopalan's predecessor as chair of CGIAR.

Liaison files - U.S. Government

This series contains the records of President Preston's interaction with both Congressional and Executive branches of the U.S. Government. The files include information on legislation affecting the Bank or its staff, briefing notes and minutes of the meetings with the Members of Congress and senior officials in the Executive Branch, and correspondence with the White House. The file on the White House contains mostly records from the Conable Presidency.

Chronological files

This series contains President Preston's outgoing correspondence, principally letters, between December 1990 and May 1995, as well as some incoming correspondence addressed to Preston, and other correspondence originating in the Office of the President. The first file predates Preston's tenure at the Bank. As the series covers the entirety of Preston's term, records created during his leave of absence by acting President Stern and other Office staff are included.

Because the Preston records are scant, this series of formal outgoing letters provides an important overview of the external liaison activities in which the President engaged.

Documentation of institutional meetings, press conferences, and other events

  • Serie
  • 1954 - 2010 (predominant 1972 - 2005)

Series contains sound recordings and videos created by External Relations and its predecessor units documenting World Bank meetings and other events organized, sponsored, or attended by Bank units. The series primarily contains audio reels of Annual Meeting speeches by Bank Presidents, Governors and world leaders as well as various Annual Meetings sessions. These materials date from 1954 to 1999. Records from Annual Meetings from the years 1955, 1961, 1964 and 1967 are missing from this series. Audio reelsof consultative group, consortia, and aid meetings, from 1965 to 1980, are also included.

The series also contains a collection of recorded speeches, press conferences, and interviews, primarily of Bank Presidents but also featuring other Bank staff. These audio reels cover the period 1956 to 1987. Speeches given by President McNamara are the most common, but Presidents Clausen, Conable, Woods, and Black also appear in the recordings. There are audio reels recording President Black's television addressto the National Farm Institute in 1956 and a press conference in April 1957.

Other sound recordings consist of speeches given by various Bank staff, including Vice President Robert L. Garner, at conferences, seminars, and other forums, audio reels relating to the Orangi Pilot Project in Pakistan which was launched in 1980, and audio cassettes of various Bank press conferences from 1997 to 1999.

Videos included in this series contain Bank Presidents' speeches, addresses, press conferences, and interviews covering the period 1985 to 2010 but are predominantly from President Wolfensohn's tenure from 1995 to 2005. Videos include: speeches and press conferences at Annual Meetings by Presidents Conable, Preston, Wolfensohn, Wolfowitz and Zoellick; World Development Report (WDR) press conferences; town halls; President Wolfensohn's speeches and addresses given at high-level meetings, conferences, or trips to countries; and international media interviews of Bank presidents. Other videos document interviews with other World Bank staff. A small number of videos relate to orientation for new staff (1988) and proceedings of meetings such as Second Africa Regional Workshop on Harmonization, Alignment and Results for Development Effectiveness (2004), and the Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics (ABCDE) in 2006.

Center Directors Committee (CDC) meeting and informational files

The series consists of records that evidence the relationship between the CGIAR Secretariat and the International Agricultural Research Centers' (IARC) Directors and the Center Directors Committee (CDC). The majority of the records in the series are informational reports and other materials forwarded, most commonly, by the CGIAR Executive Secretary to CDC members. These records include topical reports, CGIAR-authored reports, CGIAR-related external publications, and CGIAR project and initiative updates. Some records also relate to the recruitment of new CGIAR members/donors. Series also consist of reports authored by the CDC or CDC members as well as a small amount of CDC meeting agendas and minutes.

CGIAR's International Agricultural Research Centers (IARC) general files

The series consists of records created and received by the CGIAR Secretariat as a result of its ongoing relationship with the International Agricultural Research Centers (IARC). The series contains records relating to three of the IARCs: the International Livestock Centre for Africa (ILCA), the International Laboratory for Research on Animal Diseases (ILRAD), and the International Network for the Improvement of Banana and Plantain (INIBAP). These IARCs no longer exist; in 1994, INIBAP was absorbed into theInternational Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI, renamed Bioversity International in 2006) and, in the same year, the ILAC and ILRAD merged and formed the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI).

Records related to the ILRAD include: correspondence between the CGIAR Chairman and ILRAD; schedule of the Chairman's visit to ILRAD and other IARCs; position search and announcements; ILRAD Board of Directors annual meeting agenda (1989); correspondence and announcements concerning funding disbursements; external reviews; survey of ILRAD board members; Director General's report to the ILRAD Board of Directors (1990); and other materials.

Records related to ILCA include: correspondence between the CGIAR Chairman and ILCA; schedule of the Chairman's visit to ILCA and other IARCs; ILCA newsletters; ILCA Board of Trustees meeting minutes; ILCA Board orientation program materials; correspondence and announcements concerning funding disbursements; external reviews; ILCA board member surveys; an ILCA-authored paper entitled Management Information Requirements at ILCA: A Discussion Paper (1987); annual meeting and other committee meeting minutes; and other materials.

Records related to INIBAP include: correspondence between the CGIAR Chairman and INIBAP; INIBAP strategy document (1991); International Musa Testing Program materials; collaborative research agreements; INIBAP workshop materials; program committee reports; position search and announcements; INIBAP program surveys; Board of Trustees meeting minutes; Donor Support Group meeting minutes and supporting materials; budget proposal (1992); an initial offer of support by the CGIAR Chairman to INIBAP (21 November, 1990) and related materials; external reviews; and other materials. Records related to INIBAP's absorption into INGRI are also contained in this series. These include: records from the 1993 meeting in which the incorporation of INIBAP and INGRI was discussed and the Memorandum of Understanding between INIBAP and INGRI.

Committee of Center Board Chairpersons (CBC) meeting files

The series primarily consists of CBC meeting agendas, minutes, and supporting materials for meetings held between 1987 and 1991. Included with the materials for the CBC meeting held on October 25 and 26, 1990, is an attachment entitled CBC Corporate Memory which includes a summary of CBC meetings and meeting activities, subjects, and decisions for meetings held between 1985 and 1990.

The series also contains records related to Board surveys conducted by two of the International Agricultural Research Centers (IARC) represented on the CDC: the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) and the International Livestock Centre for Africa (ILCA). A small amount of other informational material is also included.

Indonesia projects file

In addition to the large program review of the Indonesia transmigration projects and the later review of the entire transmigration sector, Gloria Davis was involved with or closely followed other projects in Indonesia. This series consists of files on the Second Swamp Reclamation project, a Transmigration Income Survey project, the UN Development Program's Bank-funded Transmigration Management and Monitoring Service Project, and UN Food and Agriculture Organization/World Food Program projects. The files include correspondence, reports, survey forms, drafts, copies of contracts, and work plans.

The three files on the UNDP program are helpful to understand the background of the monitoring service. By 1979 the Bank and other funders were concerned that the transmigration project had grown beyond the capacities of the Government of Indonesia's current management structure. The Bank agreed that the Government could use $2 million of the funds already lent to the Government to establish a monitoring project; UNDP provided a grant of $1.5 million; and the Government of Indonesia made a contribution, all of which funds would be administered by UNDP which would contract with a management firm to provide assistance to the Junior Minister of Transmigration to improve the management of the overall transmigration program and to assist in establishing procedures and training for the staff and establish a system for monitoring and evaluating the development of and benefits of the Transmigration II project. In 1980 the firm of Resources Management, International, was awarded the contract. Gloria Davis was involved in the negotiations for the monitoring program, and reports on the program are found in her file of project and research reports and other correspondence on the monitoring project is found in the correspondence file.

Records of sub-committees, task forces, and working groups

During its first years, the Development Committee created subordinate bodies to help manage the Committee itself (the Sub-committee on Administration) and to investigate issues and propose positions (task forces and working groups). In 1979 the Committee decide to abolish working groups, but task forces with a specific limited task and duration might still be established. Thereafter the Committee created task forces rarely, choosing instead to handle most matters within the Secretariat and the Committee.

An ad hoc working group on administration was established by the Committee chairman and met in Paris on 9 June 1975, to discuss the budget and organization of the Committee. This working group recommended the establishment of a sub-committee of the Development Committee, to be designated the Sub-committee on Administration, to consist of ten members to review the budget (see numbered Committee document DC/75-17). Although the sub-committee was intended to be a continuing body, it failed to gain acceptance and was terminated in 1978.

The Development Committee created task forces on private foreign investment (1979-1980), non-concessional flows (1980-1982), and concessional flows (1982-1985) and working groups on access to capital markets (1975-1978) and on development finance and policy (1977-1979). These bodies commissioned papers, held meetings and consultations, and prepared proposals for the Development Committee. The papers and proposals, prepared as numbered documents, provide important overviews of world economic mechanisms as of the beginning of the fourth quarter of the twentieth century. Of particular interest are records of a seminar held by the Working Group on access to capital markets in October of 1978. The seminar brought together representatives of developing countries and market operators and institutional investors, and the report of proceedings shows the divergent points of view current at that time.

Administrative files

The series consists of subject files covering the operations of the Committee on a day-to-day basis. These include records of meetings of the Committee President with various members, with the President of the Bank and the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (the three together are known as the Troika), and with the Intergovernmental Group of Twenty-Four on International Monetary Affairs. There are records of administrative matters such as governance and membership, budgets, work programs,and correspondence with other multi-lateral international development agencies. Other files contain information on topics of interest to the Committee, such as health, environment, and debt issues, while still others are speeches, general correspondence, and the publication of a pamphlet for the tenth anniversary of the Committee.

When this series was in active use, it was the heart of the Development Committee secretariat operations, according to former Executive Secretary Peter Mountfield. It is an essential resource for understanding the scope and operations of the Development Committee during its first two decades.

Meeting and Numbered Committee Document File

This series consists of both the administrative files on each meeting and the numbered Committee documents of the meeting; that is, it is a combination of the records found in (WB IBRD/IDA DC-02) and Meeting files (WB IBRD/IDA DC-03).

EDI Task Force Secretary's records

This series consists of records related to the research and consultation undertaken by the task force. This includes the reports on consultations; some items relating to EDI and its programs that pre-date the task force (includinga copy of the Bank's 1976 EDI/20 : Memoir of a Fellowship); memoranda to and from the task force members; interim reprots; drafts; and a copy of the final report to the Board.

Policy development and best practice

  • Serie
  • 1975, 1978 - 1997

Series contains records of the Office of the Director, Industry and Energy (IENDR) and successor Energy Department (EGYDR) related to the formulation and review of policy, best practice, and guidelines for energy sector work and lending. A small portion of records relate to the sector's review of World Bank Group internal policy issues regarding diversity, gender, and harassment (1993 - 1997) and various other Bank Group-wide issues (1980 - 1985).

Records consist of memoranda between IENDR and IEN divisions, Office of the President (EXC), Office of External Relations (EXT), and other sector units such as Environment Sector regarding discussion and formulation of policies on topics such as the Bank Group financing of nuclear power and related projects. Other records relate to deliberation and preparation of the World Bank's energy policy (1990 - 1994) and exploration of member country solar energy initiatives (1993 - 1996).

Other topics covered in this period (1991 - 1997) include: rural energy; Clean Coal Initiative (CCI); electric power sector good practice; nuclear safety, in discussion with International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and G7; and nuclear safety in Central and Eastern Europe (1975, 1988 - 1994).

Correspondence is filed with background notes, final draft (yellow cover) reports circulated for review and approval, consultant reports, back-to-office reports, best practice papers presented to the Board, review meeting minutes, and internal and external brochures.

The series also includes records centrally maintained in the NRIC (1978 - 1986) and the EISIC (1980 - 1985). NRIC records were organized into files titled general policy and renewable energy policy. These records mostly consist of internal memoranda sent and received by the assistant director, division chiefs, senior advisers, and relate to discussion of policy and approach papers, policy reviews, role of the Energy Department (EGY), Renewable Energy Task Force, and other related topics. Attached to the correspondence are reports, approach papers, and other records.

EISIC policy and procedure files (1980 - 1985) organized chronologically contain mostly internal memoranda covering a broad range of energy and general policy issues such as work practices of project officers, estimating working capital, project documentation and reporting, petroleum sector agreements, comments on a draft report of the task force on auditing of projects, and contributions to the draft Operational Manual (OMS). There is also reference to Bank-wide procedures communicated at the Operations Policy Vice Presidency level (OPSVP) including financial reporting and Managing Committee procedures, and routine Bank-wide administrative procedures. Memoranda are sometimes filed with internal and Board reports and other items.

Chronological Correspondence

  • Serie
  • 1955 - 1990

Throughout his career, Diamond kept a personal file in chronological order.

Although the records are found in one long chronological series, several distinct parts exist. The earliest file, dating from 1955 to 1958, primarily contains outgoing messages and personal items on finances, travel arrangements, and publications. It includes information on EDI courses; Diamond's letters to Bank officials during his missions in Ethiopia, Greece, Turkey, and Tunisia; a letter to Newton Parker, March 24, 1958, onthe roles of economic institutions in Honduras; and a memo to S.R. Cope of April 1, 1958, reporting on Davidson Sommers's meeting with a Yugoslav representative on future loans to Yugoslavia.

Records also relate to Diamond's work in India as an advisor to the Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India (ICICI). The files between 1958 and 1960 provide a view of the early organization of the ICICI and the establishment of its policies. Items include incoming and outgoing correspondence; meetingnotes; reports; clippings; and personal correspondence. Correspondents include Eugene Black and George D. Woods; ICICI officials; Indian government officials and industrialists; the IBRD resident representatives in India and Pakistan; and various World Bank staff members. Some correspondence discusses the establishment of the Pakistan Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation Limited and developments in Ethiopia.

Overall, the bulk of this series relates to Diamond's assignments at the Bank between 1962 and 1978. For the first eight years, the files contain primarily copies of Diamond's outgoing messages; thereafter the files increasingly include copies of incoming records, such as reports from the field and copies of records sent to him while he was on mission travel. The files from the IFC period contain many records about the development banks in South Asia and North Africa. When Diamond was a Director of country programs in the South Asia Regional Vice-Presidency, the files include records related to the Tarbela Dam project and the efforts to assist Bangladesh. Note that the records in these files are largely duplicates of those in the official files of the Bank, but their chronological arrangement allows the user to see the variety of issues that Diamond was handling and to trace the evolution of Diamond's and the Bank's responses to events.

The final part of the series contains records relating to Diamond's work as a consultant to IFC between 1980 and 1990. The earliest records relate to IFC's role in the work of the Societe Internationale Financiere pour les Investissements et le Developpement en Afrique (SIFIDA), but most of the records relate to the Banco Portugues de Investimento SA (BPI). In 1978 a group of Portuguese industrialists created an "Executive Group" to develop a private financial institution to promote private economic development. They sought the involvement of the IFC, and the IFC engaged Diamond as its consultant on the BPI.

Subject Files of the Forestry Program

  • Serie
  • 1988 - 1992 (predominant)

This series consists of the alphabetical subject files of the forestry program. The records include memoranda, correspondence, reports, policy papers, and drafts of papers and book chapters. The principal focus of the files is the development of the World Bank's forest policy paper of 1991, including a series of background reports commissioned from world forestry experts during 1990.

The records also contain files on the Tropical Forest Action Plan, a program sponsored jointly by the Bank and the Food and Agriculture Organization, the United Nations Development Program, and the World Resources Institute, including records that reflect the establishment of the Bank's policy on the Plan. Files on forestry projects throughout the world between 1991 and 1993 include correspondence, mission reports, sometimes project supervision and completion reports, and publications. A few files on the International Board for Plant Genetic Resources, although labeled Weekly staff bulletin, actually contain useful reports,background papers, and handbooks on the operation of the Board.

The records are unusually complete, and it is possible to trace the development of the 1991 forest policy paper in its entirety. The paper itself is published, but these files provide important background content and context for research on forestry policy.

Sub-Saharan Africa Hydrological Assessment records

Series consists of records related to the Sub-Saharan Africa Hydrological Assessment (SSAHA) project. The SSAHA was a United Nations Development Programme project (UNDP, Project # RAF/87/030). However, the World Bank served as the primary implementer of the project. The World Bank also helped finance the project, along with the UNDP, the African Development Bank (ADB), the French Ministry of Cooperation, and the European Community (EC).

The SSAHA was developed in response to requests from African governments to review the hydrological services in Sub-Saharan Africa. Its aim was to assist sub-Saharan countries in the creation and/or improvement of a sound hydrometric base for the purposes of planning and evaluating water resources development programs and projects. The project would evaluate the status of all existing water resource data and information and make recommendations for the filling of important gaps and for the general enhancement of the capability to measure, retrieve, process and publish hydrological data and information (Sub-Saharan Africa Hydrological Assessment Project Document; c. December, 1986; File #30187398). The project involved: preparing inventories of the present status of data collections, processing and publication including the listing of bibliographies; identifying the more important gaps that exist in present programs; and making recommendations on priority programs to fill the gaps including institutional and training aspects.

The SSAHA project was prepared by the World Bank in1986-1987 in consultation with the UNDP, the United Nations Department of Technical Co-Operation for Development (UNDTCD, later the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Development [UNDESD]), the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), regional African agencies, and African national governments. The UNDP approved the project in June, 1987 and the World Bank signed the Project Document as Executing Agency in the same month. The project became effective in September, 1987. A Steering Committee comprised of donor agencies, regional agencies, country representatives, WMO and UNESCO was established at this time. The UNDP chaired the Committee with the World Bank and ADB serving as co-chairs. It began to meet twice annually (or when convened by the Chairman) in November, 1987, to assist in the supervision of the project, to redirect approaches as needed, and to evaluate the project results.

Within the World Bank, the Agriculture and Rural Development Department's Production and Services Division (AGRPS) was designated the executing unit. Ulrich Kuffner served as task manager from 1987 until January 1, 1992 when Geoffrey Matthews, Agriculture and Rural Development Department, Technology and Natural Resources (AGRTN), replaced him. Torbjorn Damhaug of the African Regional Office, Environmentally Sustainable Division (AFTES), was made a co-task manager in 1994 or earlier. A Project Management Committee (PMC) was established in 1987 to serve as a liaison between the Agriculture and Rural Development Department (AGR) and the African Regional Office (AGR).

Series contains records created and received by the AGRPS that relate to SSAHA project planning, financing, execution, oversight, and evaluation. The majority of the records are organized into numbered volumes according to: consultant firm; African region; project organizer and/or financer; Steering Committee meeting; and general correspondence files.

Records relating to Regional African Agencies are numerous and contain correspondence between the Bank andthe Agencies' representatives. Folders are labeled according to region: South African Development Coordination Conference (SADCC, in 1992 renamed the South African Development Community [SADC]), and the International Authority on Drought and Development (IGADD, in 1996 renamed the Intergovernmental Authority on Development [IGAD]), as well as Madagascar, which is not included in one of the aforementioned Regions. Records relate to: project planning and negotiation; consultants' reports; planning of meetings and workshops; and coordinating with consultants. Records contain: drafts of consultants' reports and Regions' comments; back-to-office reports; Terms of Reference; consultants' proposals and contracts; and aide memoires.

Records also contain correspondence with consultants who have been awarded a contract. Records relate to: payment; revisions to Terms of Reference or payment; negotiation of completion and reporting dates; publishing; and coordination of consultants with Regions and countries.

The series also contains multiple volumes labeled General Correspondence. These records include correspondence with Regional African Agencies as described earlier. Correspondence with consultants is also included, although the majority of this material was created before contracts were awarded and thus contain Terms of Reference, proposals, minutes of negotiations, and related records. General correspondence files also contain correspondence with: the Bank's country and regional offices; country officials and representatives; participating agencies (UNDP, WMO, EC, ADB, etc.); and short-term consultants. Records relate to: project planning; meetings; training exercises; workshops; project coordination and logistics; contracts; financial issues; Bank staff reporting; evaluation of consultants' reports; project funding; and project research and planning.

The series contains folders for each of the eight Steering Committee meetings held between November, 1987 and July, 1996. Records relate to meeting planning and coordination and the invitation of participants. Records include: agendas; minutes; list of participants; preparatory materials (i.e. reports); and back-to-office reports by meeting attendees. A lesser amount of records relating to the World Bank's Project Management Committee meetings are also included; records are of similar type to those previously described.

Separate folders for correspondence with WMO, UNESCO, and the Comite Interafricain d'Etudes Hydrauliques (CIEF) are also contained in this series.

Budget files containing reports, budgets, copies of contracts, revisions, and disbursement records are also included.

The series also contains numerous folders labeled General Files. Records include: reports and articles used as background or research; reviews of the SSAHA project written by Bank staff or consultants; copies of contracts with consultants; correspondence with consultants; budget and financing summaries; consultant negotiation materials; cost estimates; drafts of SSAHA pamphlets; correspondence related to meetings; comments on consultants' reports from Bank staff and external; Project Performance Evaluation Reports (PPER) for RAF/87/030 (1992 and 1994); correspondence between AGR staff related to project planning and development; multiple drafts of the original SSAHA Project Document; final versions of the original SSAHA Project Document; copy of signed WB/UNDP SSAHA agreement; meeting notes; progress reports of consultants; recommendations for future action; World Hydrological Cycle Observing System (WHYCOS) project document and supporting materials, including materials related to its regional components; files on individual and short-term consultants; records related to SSAHA hydrological workshop (1994); copies of booklet, Sub-Saharan Africa Hydrological Assessment (1993); text of the SSAHA Program Completion Brochure (1996); and a paper by Geoffrey J. Matthews, Communications for Bridging Different Water Perspectives.

Also included are numerous copies of draft and final SSAHA country and regional reports prepared by project consultants. These include: Madagascar: Evaluation Hydrologique en Afrique Sub-Saharienne (HASSA), Pieces Annexes (1996); Madagascar: Evaluation Hydrologique en Afrique Sub-Saharienne (HASSA), Rapport Principal (1996); Sub Saharan Africa Hydrological Assessment, SADC Countries - Country Report: Namibia (1995, draft report); Sub Saharan Africa Hydrological Assessment, SADC Countries - Country Report: South Africa (1996, draft report, two copies); Regional Strategic Action Plan for Integrated Water Resources Development and Management in the SADC Countries (1999-2004) - SADC Water Co-ordination Unit, Maseru, Lesotho (1998, 1st draft); Evaluation Hydrologique en Afrique Subsaharie: Madagascar -- Proposition Technique et Financiere (1995); Sub-Saharan Africa Hydrological Assessment West African Countries: Regional Report (1992, also a copy in French); and Madagascar: Evaluation hydrologique en Afrique Sub-Saharienne (HASSA) - Addendum au rapport principal (1997).

Circulation of reports for review or information

  • Serie
  • 1965 - 1972

Series contains draft reports and related materials circulated by the Economic Committee (EC) secretariat to committee members for review during a meeting of the committee, for written comment, or for information. In rare cases, the report is circulated by the committee chairperson. Most of the files included in this series use the classification system imposed following the reconstitution, in 1965, of the Staff Economic Committee (SEC) as the Economic Committee. Those files that include classification in their titles are classified as EC/O, or reports distributed to committee members, most but not all under review by the committee.

Note that in some report folders, only a secretariat's cover letter is included, indicating the title of a draft report that was previously attached and the date when either comments are requested, or a meeting will be held to discuss the report. In these cases, the actual report is not included, and the folder title indicates "no report attached".

The majority of the EC's time was given to review of reports focused on the economies and development prospects of individual countries. As such, most of the draft reports included in this series are Country Program Papers (CPPs, October 1969 to October 1972), Country Program Notes, Recent Economic Developments, or other general country economic reports. A small number of more focused country reports relating to the review of a specific aspect of that country's economy are included; these are generally focused on economic sectors suchas transportation, agriculture, energy, etc.

Draft reports relating to non-country-specific topics that were circulated to committee members are also included in this series. Reports date from 1965 to 1970. Some folders include the report as well as "correspondence" which generally refers to memoranda or other documents distributed in support of the review of the report under consideration.

Also contained in this series are draft versions of country economic profiles in the form of "Country Economic Briefs" prepared in 1968 by the Economic and Area Departments with contributions by the EC. These profiles were created, as described in the collection's preface, "to be a ready reference on the economies of World Bank Group members and of the World Bank Group's economic policy attitude towards them." The intention was to upgrade and update the material when more information became available. The briefs may include: a brief discussion of the country's economic situation and development challenges, authored by Area Departments; conclusions and recommendations prepared by the EC; a data brief, compiled by the Economic and Area Departments; and the latest economic map available highlighting topics such as land use, manufacturing centers, resource areas, etc.

A set of Five-Year Program Papers from 1968-69 are also included in this series. These economic profiles duplicate much of what is included in the Country Economic Briefs. The primary addition, which is not included for every folder, is memoranda summarizing the current development outlook for the country. This includes discussion of key problems and issues, creditworthiness, Bank actions, and tables documenting Bank project lending.

The series includes a small collection of monthly reports on Bank lending operations dating from 1969 and 1970. It is unclear if these tables were circulated to committee members or if they served as reference material for the committee's secretariat. The reports each focus on active or potential Bank-funded projects and consist oftwo types: reports on appraisal and negotiations of a project; and preparation and identification of a project. The former charts the progress of the appraisal and negotiations through 12 steps, from "decision to send appraisal mission" to "loan or credit signed." Each step includes an original forecast date, the previous month's forecast, and the current forecast or actual date. Reports on the preparation and identification of projects list the latest step completed as well as pre-investment studies required. Both types of reports include the option for notes and are signed by the Loan Officer.

Monthly reports describing expected economic missions by Area Departments and the staffing needs related to that mission travel are also included. Reports, beginning in January 1969, initially included expected mission travel and staff required for the following six months. Beginning in September 1969, reports began providing this information for the twelve months. While it is likely that all of these reports were circulated to committee members, beginning in September 1969 each report includes a cover letter indicating that the report was sent to committee members by the committee's secretariat. The final report provides planned mission travel for April 1970 to June 1971.

Loan and Trust Funds Department (LOA) chronological files

  • Serie
  • August 4, 1987 - December 21, 1987

Series includes Jennings' chronological files relating to his time as director of the Loan and Trust Funds Department (LOA) in the Office of the Vice President and Controller (VPCTR). Records include memoranda relating to comments on drafts, the Joint Audit Committee, LOA staffing, LOA?s "Action Research Program (ARP)", and departmental budget planning.

Records also relate to a study on the recommendation to decentralize the disbursement function to the controller, accounting, and management information functions. These records include; memoranda; a draft report; and an updated Operational Manual Statement (OMS 3.30) on disbursement.

Subject files

Series contains subject files created and maintained during Qureshi's career in the World Bank Group (WBG). Although the files are most voluminous for the period during which Qureshi was the Bank's Senior Vice President for Operations, 1987 to 1991, the series also includes records accumulated while Qureshi served in his various capacities at the international Finance Corporation (IFC), through his tenure as Senior Vice President of Finance, 1981 to 1987. Subject files were created beginning in 1972 apartfrom a few reproductions of earlier publications and documents within the files.

Records include outgoing memoranda, letters, draft loan issuances, minutes, copies of Qureshi's speeches and articles, press releases and clippings, Qureshi's handwritten notes and comments, and occasionally externally-authored papers and reports. Several of the files contain Board papers presented to Executive Directors regarding a given topic.

Subject file topics include: debt; debt reduction; lending programs; Bank capital increases; co-financing; International Development Association (IDA) replenishments; overdue service payments; economic and social sectors; development of operations policy; Operations Evaluation Department (OED) project performance results; technical assistance; relations with China; relations with the Palestinian Liberation Front; currency pooling; special drawing rights; the Persian Gulf crisis; private sector development; women in development; and cooperation with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the United Nations (UN). Administrative topics include: budget issues, processes, and guidelines; Operations staffing, budget, and business planning; IT support; and managers' retreats.

Correspondence with World Bank President

Series contains Qureshi's correspondence with Bank Presidents Robert S. McNamara, Alden W. Clausen, and Barber Conable beginning when Qureshi was both Executive Vice President of the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and Vice President Finance, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) in 1979 to his retirement in 1991 as Senior Vice President for Operations.

Although Qureshi maintained this correspondence in a single chronological series, the nature of the files changes somewhatwith each president. Records from the McNamara era, 1979-1981, include: copies of notes and memoranda sent by or through Qureshi to McNamara; copies of letters forwarded by Qureshi to McNamara for his signature; letters forwarded to McNamara by others and copied to Qureshi; copies of letters and memoranda McNamara sent to others and copied to Qureshi; and memoranda "to the files" summarizing important meetings that McNamara held with others and that Qureshi attended as an observer and/or recorder. Many of Quresh's memoranda to McNamara were returned with extensive handwritten comments and/or replies from McNamara. In many cases, a typed version of McNamara's handwritten comments is also attached to the incoming correspondence.

Records from the Clausen era, 1981-1986, primarily consist of: copies of letters Clausen sent to others and copied to Qureshi; copies of memoranda and notes sent by or through Qureshi to Clausen; and copies of letters Qureshi and his staff prepared for Clausen's signature.

Topics covered in the files during the McNamara and Conable presidencies include (but are not limited to): draft Board papers; Bank borrowing operations; World Bank capital increases; International Development Association (IDA) replenishments; currency management; fiscal projections and monthly financial reports; work program and budget; and staffing requirements and personnel matters.

Records from the Conable era, 1986-1991, include: copies of letters Conable sent to others and copied to Qureshi; copies of memoranda and notes sent by or through Qureshi to Conable; and copies of correspondence Qureshi and his staff prepared for Conable's signature. None of Qureshi's correspondence to Conable were returned with the President's comments. Memoranda and notes that Conable sent directly to Qureshi are filed in Qureshi's subject files.

Most of the correspondence from Conable's era was sent when Qureshi was Senior Vice President for Operations (SVPOP) beginning in 1987. Correspondence covers subjects including: debt; Special Action Program for African countries; International Development Association (IDA) allocations; country lending and emergency situations; and adjustment lending and operations.

The series also contains an index of all of Qureshi's correspondence, 1979-1991, indicating the date, subject, and occasionally, the type of correspondence.

Country Strategy Papers

Series consists of Moeen Qureshi's set of Country Strategy Papers (CSP) and Country Strategy Notes (CSN), and their predecessor, Country Program Papers (CPP). While Qureshi was both Executive Vice President of the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development's (IBRD) Vice President of Finance from 1979 to 1980 through his tenure as Senior Vice President, Finance (SVPFI, 1981-1987), the papers were copied to him for his information. The CPPs and CSPs map out the Bank's assistance strategy for a country and were submitted by the Regional Vice Presidencies (RVPs) to the Operations Committee (OC) or the Operations Policy Committee (OPC) for review and approval. Most of Qureshi's files contain copies of the postscripts, which summarize the action taken by the OC, the OPC, or the OPNSV, together with the CPP or CSP, and copies of memoranda to the Senior Vice President for Operations (SVPOP). In a few instances, the country papers maintained when Qureshi was Vice President then Senior Vice President of Finance include attached typewritten notes. The notes were addressed to Qureshi from IBRD/IFC senior staff or were prepared by Qureshi, to provide additional economic information or insight on the country. Some of the files created when Qureshi was SVPOP beginning in 1987 also contain original memos and both review drafts and final versions of CSPs. The few earliest files, from 1974 to 1977, were maintained by Qureshi's IFC predecessor, Ladislaus Von Hoffman.

Membership files

Series contains records maintained in Central Files and semi-centralized filing stations from 1946 until 1977 that relate to membership of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), International Finance Corporation (IFC), and International Development Association (IDA). The records originated in the departments and offices whose files were centralized over a period of time including, but are not limited to: Offices of the President and Vice President; Treasurer's Department and its Cashier's Division; Office of the Controller; Legal Department; and others. Records also originated from the Secretary's Department responsible for coordinating the membership process. The department distributed certain correspondence and related documents to the Central Files while likely maintaining its own official files.

Records include internal memoranda, letters, cables, drafts and final Board resolutions, Secretary's memoranda, financial statements, handwritten notes, press releases, press clippings, external reports, national legislation documents, and other records. Informal meeting notes and summaries of discussion during visits to countries are in the form of internal memoranda. There are also summaries of annual meeting discussions between regional staff with delegations prepared as internal memoranda. Letters are primarily between the Bank president, vice president, Secretary's or Treasurer's Departments and government officials such as ministers, central bank authorities, and ambassadors.

Individual country membership files were separately maintained for IBRD, IFC, and IDA. The files document early discussions of membership, changes in membership status, and occasionally refers to the political situation of the country interested in membership.

Within the IBRD membership records (1946 - 1977), country files are subdivided into membership, capital, depository, governors and alternates, and withdrawals of membership for certain countries. Correspondence specifically relates to: notifications of interest or intention for membership; acknowledgement of applications and updates on membership process; opening and closing of accounts; payments of contributions by central banks; revaluations and devaluations of contributions; problems of interest due and unpaid subscriptions; bearing demands; audit and policy questions; monthly statements of transactions; procedures for maintenance of accounts in the name of IBRD; and adjustments of loans.

IFC country membership files (1954 - 1971) contain correspondence regarding background material for Bank/IFC/International Monetary Fund membership, discussions on projects financed by IFC, payments required from each country on its pending capital subscription to IFC, statements showing the balance of accounts, IFC loans, and a file concerning United States budget contribution to IFC. There is a smaller volume of files related to general IFC membership matters, IFC capital, and replenishment resources. General membership correspondence covers issues such as pending increases in member's capital subscriptions, holdings of non-convertible currencies in member countries as of June 1971 and matters relating to China's membership. Other files concern IFC capital stock and capital increase, subscriptions of member countries, replenishment of IFC capital, correspondence from IBRD to IFC concerning the use of Bank funds loaned to IFC, financial statements, schedules of projected subscriptions adjustments of IFC capital subscription. IFC replenishment resourcesfiles include correspondence documenting IFC needs for additional loan, increase of IFC equity resources, or capital stock, and new projection capital invested in equities.

IDA membership correspondence (1960 - 1977) concerns requests for the maintenance of accounts, additional subscriptions under IDA replenishment resources and payment process, requests for opening accounts in IDA books, balance of accounts, and maintenance of value due on initial subscription.

Administration and organization

  • Serie
  • 1937, 1942 - 1980

Series consists of records related to the internal administration and organization of the International Bank of Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and International Development Association (IDA) maintained in the centralized filing system from 1946 to 1980. Records related to the International Finance Corporation (IFC) are less voluminous and were created between 1956 and 1974.

Records originated in the departments and offices whose files were centralized over time including, but not limited to: Administration; Organization and Planning; Development Services Department; Controller's Department; Program and Budgeting; Information Solutions; and the Office of the President and Office of the Vice President whose files were centralized until 1968. Although Secretary's Department records were considered specialized according to the Administration Manual and were decentralized beginning from 1947, there is a significant volume of correspondence between the Secretary's Department and other centralized departments in this series. The types of records comprising the series include internal memoranda occasionally filed with accompanying Board or committee reports and other internal reports and drafts, as well as cables, incoming and outgoing letters, minutes of meetings and proceedings, copies and drafts of contracts and agreements, press releases, press clippings, external reports and articles, and architectural plans and drawings.

The series contains records related to the organization and procedures of theBank as well as the establishment of its departments and subordinate offices. A small volume of files related to the President's Office and Vice President's Office (1947 - 1971) document general and personal activities and congratulatory letters, as well as two files regarding the organization of the President's Council (1969 - 1968) and subjects for discussion at the council meetings, together with organizational charts and bulletins. The records also document Bank-wide reorganizations as well as work programs, budgets, staffing requirements, internal relations, and activity reports of various Bank departments and divisions from 1946 to the 1970s including: Administration, Economic Department, Loan Department, Legal Department, Development Services and its successor Information and Public Affairs, Technical Operations and its successor Projects Department, Programming and Budgeting, Technical Assistance and Planning Staff, Secretary's, and Treasurer's. Several files relate to the organization of the Bank's early economic research program as well as meeting summaries and monthly progress reports of the Loan Department and Economic Department and its' sector division staff. These department files mostly contain memoranda that is occasionally attached to administrative circulars announcing staffing assignments and organizational changes, press clippings, or other records. A few files in the series relate to Economic Development Institute (EDI) administration, inquiries, and library project (1969 - 1971). Field offices files document administrative procedures for the setting-up and operations of offices. Correspondence is mostly between the Bank's representatives or field office staff, and senior management and staff at headquarters. The more substantive letters in the representative files describe the economic situation in the countries. Field offices files include the following record date ranges: Paris Office, also referred to as the European Office, first opened in Europe (1947 - 1979), New York (1947 - 1971), Beirut (1952 - 1954), London (1956 - 1979), Geneva (1965 - 1968), Copenhagen (1969 - 1971), and Treasurer Department's various offices in Europe (1947 - 1949). A small number of resident mission files (1969 - 1980) mostly relate to the offices' functions, leasing of premises, and other administrative matters.

Other records in the series document policies and operations of the Bank's administrative and support services such as: records management and the maintenance and disposition of World Bank records and official documents; Joint Library and Legal Library; internal audit; translation and document printing services; communications; the use of devices and computers; and data processing.

Series also contains records related to the Articles of Agreement and By-Laws of IBRD and IDA (1946 - 1971). Included are: internal memoranda; cables; copies of the Articles including in French and Spanish; printed by-laws; drafts and official Board documents and decisions; reports of the Committee on Interpretations and Committee on Procedure; and correspondence concerning the interpretation and amendments of these instruments as well as the IFC Articles of Agreement and Charter; and voting of countries on the articles and by-laws. Other files concern the IBRD, IDA, and IFC budget (1948 - 1971) language (1950 - 1968), and seals (1956 - 1965).

There are records such as internal memoranda and reports, United Nations resolutions and minutes, UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) reports, press clippings, and speeches related to the history and inauguration of IFC (1956 - 1974), history of the Bank, and history projects such as the Brookings Institution publication and oral history planning (1942, 1944, 1947 - 1974). There is a single file related to the origin of IDA, labeled as General Counsel "Mr. Sommers' working file on IDA" including legislation, summaries of President Black's meetings, statements of Board of Governors, and country member notes on the IDA proposal (1959 - 1960). Also included is a list of bibliographic sources from pre-Bretton Woods period. The 1942 and 1944 documents are copies of outlines and draft "Proposal for a Bank of Reconstruction and Development of the United and Associated Nations" by the United States Treasury research department. Also includes correspondence regarding the planning of anniversary celebrations (1956 - 1971), draft statements, and press coverage booklets of the tenth and twentieth anniversaries of IBRD (1966).

Donations and organizational membership records in the series (1956 - 1968) relate to policy discussion about Bank financial contributions to international and local institutions, professional societies, as well as club memberships and membership dues.

Series also contains records of various Bank meetings and the functions and procedures of committees beginning from 1946 to 1977. Includes correspondence and minutes of professional staff meetings (1951 - 1968), senior staff meetings (1969 - 1971), department heads meetings outside of Washington, or "lost weekends" (1952 - 1968), Administration Department staff meetings (1947 - 1968), and other department meetings (1966 - 1968). Committee records include minutes or reports of: the Board Committee on Administration and Administrative Policy (1946 - 1957); Board Committee on Interpretation and Procedure (1946 - 1949); Joint Bank-Fund Committee on Integrated Services and Functions (1949 -1953); Joint Library Committee (1946 - 1947); Committee on Bank Organization (1952); Committee on Staff Utilization (1955); PublicationsCommittee (1969 - 1971); and others.

The series contains a substantial volume of records concerning the preparation and amendment of directives and manuals that set out the policies, procedures, and standards for the overall management and administration of the World Bank from 1946. Includes correspondence and statements regarding the preparation of the Administrative Manual, Organizational Bulletin and Policies and Procedures Statements (1947 - 1966), IFC Administrative Manual (1956 - 1966), Basic Documents Manual (1961 - 1971), and Organizational Manual (1966 -1971). There are also sets of the Administrative Order and Information Circular (1946 - 1947), Administrative Circulars (1947 - 1974) and Weekly Bulletins (1965 - 1971), and related memoranda. The Weekly Bulletins replaced the Information Bulletin in December 1952 and were prepared successively by the Administrative Planning Division, the Organization and Procedures Division (1970), the Administrative Services Department's Document Services Division (1972), and Information and Public Affairs (1973). There are also copies of the Development Services Department newsletter (1969 - 1971).

The series contains memoranda and other records concerning agreements (1949 - 1975) of an administrative nature such as cost-sharing between IBRD and IDA, Bank and IFC, and between the Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF). Other agreements pertain to library services of the Joint Library and the Legal Library, United Nations and the Bank, and leasing of space and office rentals. There are also records related to authorized signatures for written instruments.

Series contains correspondence, copies of contracts, building and floor plans, technical drawings, and other records relating to the acquisition, construction, and maintenance of World Bank Group buildings and management of premises in Washington, Paris, London, and New York (1949 - 1977). There are several files documenting the construction of the Bank "D" building at 1809 G Street, Washington. Also included are New York office plans dated 1963 and reproductions of 1937 plans.

Series also contains records related to Bank assets such as vehicles and apartments and facilities for Economic Development Institute (EDI) participation, insurance coverage of buildings and vehicles, as well as other administrative files on office services, conference rooms and cafeterias, maintenance contracts, office space and security, parking facilities, and the creation of the Bank-Fund Credit Union.

There are also records related to general staff services and policies, financial assistance, privileges and immunities, taxation including Bank staff exemptions, travel policy and travel services, retirement plan, staff health and welfare, insurance coverage, and the Staff Association. Includes privileges and immunities files for IFC (1955 - 1968). Other files deal with contributions to charity, allowances for official entertainment, and policy regarding the acceptance of gifts, civil defense, and other matters.

Series also contains a small portion of reports, correspondence, and other records relating to varied topics including: studies of the Bank's organization and procedures conducted by General Counsel Davidson Sommers (1962 - 1966) and Vice President Mohamed Shoaib's Study Committee (1966 - 1967); the Bank's involvement in the establishment of the Washington International School (1969 - 1971); public relations (1972 - 1974); and copy of the report "The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, 1946 - 1953".

President's Council minutes

The President's Council was established by President Woods in March 1965. Originally composed of the Vice-Presidents, the Economic Adviser to the President, the General Counsel and the Directors of the Information, Administration, and Development Services Departments, the size of the President's Council increased to more than twenty members after the McNamara reorganization of 1972, including the Senior Vice-Presidents, Vice-Presidents, and Department Directors. For discussion of special topics, additional persons attended on an as needed basis.

This series consists of the minutes of the President's Council meetings prepared by the Personal Assistant to the President. It contains occasional notes, drafts and annotations by President McNamara. Minutes of the Council record President McNamara's reports on official trips, meetings or interviews, recommendations, and special assignments, and members' reports on the activities of their sector or department. Issues discussed at the weekly meeting included relations with the Board of Directors, the Annual Meeting, lending and borrowing programs, the IBRD and IFC capital increases, the IDA replenishments, the Third Window, and the work of the Pearson and Brandt Commissions. The organization of the Bank, personnel issues, the status of particular projects, and studies on population control, rural development, urban poverty, health, women or energy were also major topics on the Council's agenda.

Chronological file (outgoing)

This series consists of copies of letters and memoranda drafted by McNamara or drafted for him, in his Office or another department of the Bank, except those drafted by the Bank's Department of Information and Public Affairs (IPA). Originally this series contained the Personal Assistant to the President's copies of McNamara's outgoing correspondence, with the President's office maintaining a separate series of McNamara's personal outgoing letters. Beginning in 1973 these two were merged in this series.

The addressees are heads of States, international organizations and regional banks, government officials, Bank Governors and Executive Directors, U.S. Senators and Congressmen, bankers, lawyers, journalists, publishers, and scholars. Subjects range from congratulations, invitations to the annual meeting of the Bank and thank-you notes following official trips, to World Bank bond issues, the replenishments of IDA, the approval, status or questioning of a loan, development activities of other agencies, and development policy. The series also includes short memoranda addressed by McNamara to his senior staff that reflect the President's close monitoring of the operations of the Bank and his particular concern for the areas of agriculture, education, nutrition and population.

Travel briefings

This series contains the briefings prepared for President McNamara's official trips. It includes notes by McNamara, some handwritten; correspondence with senior staff and government officials; and staff reports on visits.

The briefings consist of schedules, airport statements, government lists and biographies, lists of topics for discussion, basic data and maps, background information on the political and economic situation and the Bank's operations in the country visited and, for Part II countries, aid programs and IDA contributions. Schedules, statements, biographies, and topics for discussion are often annotated by McNamara, some heavily. If the trip included more than one country, the first file may include general information on the region. While most files contain a full briefing, a few files include only the list of persons visited or a schedule.

The 1980 files on an African trip include a file of Mrs. McNamara's activities. The series includes one photo from McNamara's trip to Peru in 1976.

These files are valuable for any researcher looking at the Bank's relationship with a country. The rich analytical material in the briefing file pulls together the Bank's information on a country at a particular date which, when supplemented with McNamara's notes, give a snapshot of the country's stage of development and its political climate.

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