Development News - Tape 75/DN/7 - 3 Million Dollars for Port Rehabilitation at Aden - International Development Association Approves Funds for People's Democratic Republic of Yemen to help the Country's Best Foreign Exchange Earner the Port of Aden
Development News - Tape 75/DN/4 - The World Bank Board of Executive Directors just Approved a New Lending Facility by which the Poorer Countries can get Loans on Intermediate Terms - The Third Window - July 30, 1975 - English
Information Conference - Ian Peter M. Cargill - AID Program - Overseas Mission - Program 96 - Volume 2 - Spencer Davis, Ray Cromley, Reporters - Michael J. Marlow, Host - January 23, 1973
1979 Annual Meeting - Belgrade, Yugoslavia - Speech by Chairman of Development Committee, Interim Committee and Governors of Ireland, Finland, Korea - Tape AM/5/79
Annual Meeting - Governors of South Africa, Greece, India, Cameroon, Indonesia, United Kingdom, United States of America - AM 14 to 20 - September 25, 1978
Annual Meeting - Governors of Spain, New Zealand, Morocco, Turkey, Netherlands, Uruguay, Finland, Thailand, Pakistan, Solomon Island, Nicaragua - AM 21 to 33 - September 25, 1978
1977 Annual Meetings of the International Monetary Fund [IMF] / World Bank Board of Governors - Mr. Bhekh B. Thapa, Robert S. McNamara, Witteveen - English - AM/49,50/77 - September 29-30, 1977
1977 Annual Meetings of the International Monetary Fund [IMF] / World Bank Board of Governors - Addresses - J.M.G.M. Adams, Mr. Julio RodoMoctezuma, Mr. A.G.N. Kazi, Sir Veerasamy Ringadoo - AM/39-42/77 - English, Spanish - September 28, 1977
1977 Annual Meetings of the International Monetary Fund [IMF] / World Bank Board of Governors - Addresses - Hans Apel, R.D. Muldoon, O.P.F. Horwood, Vaovasamanaia R.P. Phillips, Gaetano Stammati - AM/21-22, 24-26/77 - English - September 27, 1977
Information - Mrs. McNamara and Group of Women - Kandiah Kanagaratnam, Georg Gabriel Warren Baum, Callisto Madauo - Conference - March 10, 12, 15, 17, 19, 1971
International Monetary Fund [IMF and the World Bank 1975 Annual Meeting - Opening Remarks by Mr. Gumersindo Rodriguez, Chairman and Johonnes Witteven - Spanish - Tape 75/AM/1-3 - Original
Special Report - Tape 71/SR/81 - Announcement on the 5 Million Dollar World Bank Loan amd 3 Million Dollar International Development Association Credit for Tunisian Agriculture by Ibrahim Nafie - July 9, 1971 - Arabic
Africa Today - Tape 74/AT/24 - Paul Danquah Announces a 23.3 Million Dollar Loan for the Development of the Kigoma Region in Tanzania - August 1, 1974 - English
Africa Today - Tape 74/AT/21 - Announcement by Paul Danquah on a 8.5 Million Dollar Loan to Help Finance a National Low Cost Housing Program in Tanzania - July 3, 1974
Special Report - Tape 71/SR/108 - World Bank / International Development Association Bank Commitments in Iran reach a New High during Fiscal 1971 - August 31, 1976 - English
Africa Today - Tape 74/AT/11 - 11.6 Million Dollar Loan to the United Republic of Cameroon to Help Finance a Livestock Development Project - Announcement by Papa Nalla Fall - May 15, 1974 - English
Special Report - Tape 71/SR/40 - Entrevista con Max Ebstein del Banco Mundial sobre la Aprobacion del Prestamo de 12.7 Million US Dollars para Espana Primero que el Banco Mundial Concede Integramente Destinado al Fomento dela Investigacion Ayudara
Special Report - Tape 71/SR/38 - Entrevista con Max Ebstein Facilitando Detalles del Prestamo de 15 Million US Dollars Concedido por el Banco Mundial a Colombia para Mejora vde las Telecomunicaciones - May 14, 1971 - Spanish
Special Report - Tape 71/SR/34 - Entrevista con Max Ebstein Facilitando Detalles sobre el Prestamo Concedido por el Banco Mundial por 37 Million US Dollars para el Abastecimiento de Agua y Control de la Polucion en Brasil - May 12, 1971 - Spanish
Special Report - Tape 71/SR/33 - Anuncio de la Concesion de un Prestamo de 37 Million US Dollars para el Abastecimiento de Agua y Control de la Polucion en Brasil por el Banco Mundial - May 12, 1971 - Spanish
Special Report - Tape 71/SR/32 - Entrevista con Max Ebstein, Especialista en Asuntos Latinoamericanos Facilitando Detalles sobre el Prestamo de 75 Millon US Dollars para el Desarrollo Agricola y Gandero de Mexico - May 12, 1971 - Spanish
Special Report - Tape 71/SR/30 - Anuncio de un Prestamo de 75 Million US Dollars para el Desarrollo Agricola y Ganadero de Mexico - Max Ebstein - May 12, 1971
Special Report - Tape 71/SR/29 - La Ayuda del Banco Mundial al Sector de la Educacion en America Latina Entrevista con Aurelio Cespedes Realizada por Max Ebstein - May 6, 1971 - Spanish
Special Report - Tape 71/SR/67 - Announcement on Approval of the 35 Million Dollar World Bank Loan to Yugoslavia for Highways by Bogomir Chokel - June 22, 1971 - Slovenian
Special Report - Tape 71/SR/65 - Announcement of Approval of 45 Million Dollar World Bank Loan to Yugoslavia for Multipurpose Water Project by Bogomir Chokel - June 22, 1971 - Serbo Croat
Special Report - Tape 71/SR/61 - Entrevista con Max Ebstein Facilitando Detalles sobre el Prestamo de 6 Million US Dollars para un Segundo Proyecto de Puertos que el Banco Mundial Acaba de Aprobar para Honduras - June 16, 1971 - Spanish
Special Report - Tape 71/SR/130 - Interview by Paul Danquah with Robert S McNamara regarding the Forthcoming 1971 Annual Meeting of Boards of Governors of World Bank Group - September 22, 1971 - English
Special Report - Tape 71/SR/124 - World Bank / International Development Association Annual Report Highlighting Bank and IDA Activities in Israel during Fiscal 1971 by Sundaram Sankaram with Introduction by Garry Lightowler - September 2, 1971 - English
Special Report - Tape 71/SR/118 - World Bank / International Development Association Annual Report Highlighting Bank and IDA Activities in Korea during Fiscal 1971 - August 31, 1971 - English