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Agriculture and Human Development Division (OEDD1) special evaluation studies working files

  • WB IBRD/IDA OPE-09-02
  • Sous-série organique
  • 1970 - 1997 (predominant 1980 - 1997)

The sub-series contains the working files for special studies generated by the Agriculture and Human Development Division (OEDD1) and its predecessors: the Agriculture and Family Planning Division; the Agriculture and Human Resources Division; and the Agriculture, Infrastructure and Human Resources Division. Included are files for process, policy, and thematic studies as well as sector studies concerning agriculture, education, population, and human resources projects and issues. Specifically, reports focus on: agricultural research and education; Bank project supervision; training included in Bank financed projects; population programs; Bank lending policy for plantation crops; agriculture projects in Sub-Saharan Africa; renewable resource management issues; gender issues in Bank lending; human resource framework for Bank projects; fertility decline; Bank lending for agricultural credit and rural finance; poverty alleviation; and the Bank's experience with government sponsored land settlement with irrigation development, agricultural marketing, and rural development.

Of special note are the files regarding the Narmada Project. It appears that OEDD1 began assembling many of the Narmada materials in this sub-series in 1991 when Bank President Conable commissioned in September of that year an independent review of two Bank-funded projects, Sardar Sarovar Dam and Power Project (Credit 1552; Loan 2497) and Sardar Sarovar Water Delivery and Drainage Project (Credit 1553), referred to collectively as the Narmada Project because of the relationship of the projects to the Narmada River in India.

Included in this sub-series are working files for a small number of OEDD1 Impact Evaluation Reports (IERs) covering: an irrigation project in Sri Lanka; a settlement project in the Terres Nueves region of Senegal; a Benin agricultural project; a cotton development project in Burkina Faso, Cote d'Ivoire, and Togo; education projects in Colombia, Indonesia, and Malawi; and others. There are also files for the 1990 and 1995 Interim Evaluations of the Aga Khan Rural Support Program (AKRSP) including the second and third of a series of evaluations of AKRSP conducted by OED at the request of, and with funding from, the Aga Khan Foundation. A few files in this sub-series contain comments that OEDD1 staff provided on studies and reports generated by other Bank units or by other organizations and institutions.

Some of the files in this sub-series contain background reports, studies, and publications dated as early as 1970.

Early special evaluation studies working files

  • WB IBRD/IDA OPE-09-01
  • Sous-série organique
  • 1957 - 1982 (predominant 1971 - 1982)

The sub-series consists of the working files for special studies and evaluation reviews conducted by OED and its predecessor organization, the Operations Evaluation Unit (later Division) of the Programming and Budgeting Department, prior to the formation of sector-specific divisions in 1983. Reports include sector, country, management, and policy studies.

The series includes the first two evaluation studies conducted by the Operations Evaluation Unit. These studies included a deep study of everything the Bank had done in one country, Colombia, and a wide study evaluating loans to a number of countries in one sector, the electric power sector. The files for the first country study, Bank Operations in Colombia: An Evaluation, Report No. Z-18, 1972, also include a draft and final version of the 1975 Closing Report to Colombia Evaluation which was a follow-up review of the 1972 study to assess what progress had been made on the recommendations contained in the 1972 study. The files for the first sector study, Operations Evaluation Report: Electric Power, Report No. Z-17, 1972, include the 1975 follow-up report, Closing Report on Actions Relating to Recommendations of the Electric Power Evaluation Report of March 1972.

Other sector studies included in this series are: a comparative highway evaluation study; a Development Finance Companies study; a Bank lending for agriculture credit study; reviews of agricultural and rural development programs in Indonesia and the Philippines; and a review of rural development projects in Sub-Saharan Africa. The Department's first three management policy reviews are included and address delays in loan and credit effectiveness, delays in project preparation, and the role and use of consultants. Early operational policy reviews cover project implementation, supervision of Bank projects, and compliance with loan covenants. This series also includes files for OED studies of project monitoring and evaluation and technical assistance pilot evaluation studies conducted in Kenya and Afghanistan.

The study files in this series often contain earlier Bank documents, some dated as early as 1957, relating to the subject of the study. The compilers of these early studies established the practice of soliciting comments on draft studies and reports from all interested parties in the Bank and in the client countries, and most of these study files contain both a series of drafts and the related comments.

Special Evaluation Studies

  • Série organique
  • 1957 - 2004 (predominant 1971 - 2004)

The special evaluation studies build on the primary assessments covered by Completion and Audit Reports and Impact Evaluations. Those primary evaluation products for specific projects generate data, findings, and lessons that support the special evaluation studies which examine the impact of a number of projects and their implications for the World Bank's policies, practices, and procedures. The special evaluation studies cover topics and issues raised by the Executive Directors and by management and operations staff as well those emerging from audit work. The studies focus on countries, sectors, Bank processes and policies, and broad themes.

  • Sector Studies- Address the effectiveness of Bank programs on sector policies and on project selection, design, and implementation. Many of the sector studies compare experiences across countries (examples include studies of human resource development, Bank experience in the Education Sector, and rural water supplies), whereas others are in-depth reviews of particular sectors in individual countries (e.g., educational development in Korea, population policies and programs in Kenya).

  • Process- Studies Evaluate the Bank's business processes from a development perspective. These studies examine how well the Bank applies its policies and evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of Bank business practices. Examples include: studies of: poverty assessments; Environmental Impact Assessments and Action Plans; and Project Appraisals.

  • Policy Reviews- Examples of topics covered by such studies include: experience with agricultural research; fiscal management; financial sector reform; and experience in large dams.

  • Thematic Studies- Examine broad themes that encompass multiple sectors and countries and themes of special emphasis for the Bank, such as: resettlement policy; gender; anti-corruption; and poverty alleviation.

The content of the files for the special studies varies but the more complete files contain: drafts and final copies of an Initiating Memorandum (IM), a Study Design Paper, and an Approach Paper; comments on these initial documents from OED staff and from members of the Committee on Development Effectiveness (CODE) or its predecessor, the Joint Audit Committee (JAC); Terms of Reference for the OED staff members and/or consultants assigned to the study; copies of previously issued Bank and OED reports, studies, and audits relating to the study topic; Back-to-Office Reports from study missions; intra-OED memoranda regarding methodology, schedules, and progress on the study; various drafts of the study with comments on the drafts from OED staff, Bank staff in other units, representatives of other development and aid organizations, and officials in client countries; drafts of the DGO's comments to CODE (or JAC) regarding the evaluation; minutes of CODE (or JAC) meetings at which the study was discussed; drafts of the DGO's transmittal memorandum to the Executive Directors and the President; and summaries of discussions and minutes of meetings of the Executive Directors at which the study was discussed; copies of the OED Precis and Fast Track Brief relating to the study; and copies of letters transmitting the final report to interested parties.

Country Assistance Evaluations

  • Série organique
  • 1994 - 2004

The series consists of Country Assistance Reviews (CARs), Country Assistance Notes (CANs), Country Assistance Evaluations (CAEs), and related records created by the OED. Country Assistance Reviews (CARs) were launched in 1994 when they were endorsed by the Joint Audit Committee (JAC) Subcommittee on OED Reports. OED's first CAR focused on Ghana and was completed late in FY 95. The CARs were, in essence, countrywide impact evaluations that concentrated on the overall impact and development effectiveness of the Bank's whole program of assistance (for both lending and non-lending activities) to a country over a number of years, usually a decade. They evaluated the Bank's overall assistance program to a country in the same way that performance audits evaluated individual projects. CARs processing schedules were eventually timed and designed so as to be useful inputs into the preparatory work for the corresponding Country Assistance Strategy by both Bank staff and government officials and to provide the ExecutiveBoard with an up-to-date, independent evaluation of past results of Bank assistance one to three months in advance of the scheduled CAS consideration.

Country Assistance Notes (CANs) were introduced in 1997 as a way to speed the process of country assistance evaluations. CANs were meant to be mini-CARs and thus were more limited in the scope and/or time frame covered. For example, CARs covered all relevant sectors of a country, whereas the CANs were more selective. The rationale for introducing the CANs was to achieve greater coverage of countries in the short term. After the introduction of CANs, CARs were limited to the largest borrowers, in total or per capita, or to outliers in terms of performance and GDP per capita. CANs were produced for countries undergoing a second evaluation and for which a CAR had previously been produced. The length of both the CARs and CANs changed over time. The first CARs were typically about 100 pages; later CARs were limited to 15 to 30 pages of main report. The CANs were shortened to 5 to 15 pages. As time went by, OED softened the distinction between CARs and CANs and by the late 1990s, the country-wide evaluations were simply referred to as Country Assistance Evaluations (CAEs), but OED did generate mini CAEs that were the equivalent of CANs.

CARs, CANs, and CAEs were based largely on a review of OED and Bank Reports available in Washington: Staff Appraisal Reports; Performance Audit and Implementation Completion Reports; Country Assistance Program/Strategy Papers; Country Briefs; Country Economic Memoranda; sector reports; Country Risk Assessments; management briefs for the Annual Meetings and for high-level field visits; and project and general country files. They also relied on direct interviews with key current and former government officials, other relevant national and/or association representatives, donor representatives, and current and former Bank staff members. CANs did not usually involve an OED mission to the client country and personal contact with other donors, whereas CARs may have involved more than one mission and increasingly included evaluation participants from other donor agencies. CARs, CANs, and CAEs were all prepared in close consultation with the Regional operational staff.

The content of the files for the country assistance evaluations varies somewhat but the more complete files contain: copies of the previous OED and Bank studies and reports for the country; Terms of Reference for the OED staff members and/or consultants assigned to the project team; drafts of the Approach Paper and Study Design Paper; memoranda and correspondence regarding the team's travel plans if a mission to the client country was required; a Back-to-Office Report regarding the mission; intra-OED correspondence regarding the format for the evaluation; various drafts of the evaluation; minutes of One-Stop Review Meetings at which the top OED managers evaluated progress on or reviewed a draft of the evaluation; comments on the drafts from OED and Regional staff, officials in the client country, and representatives from other aid/lending organization; drafts of the DGO's comments to CODE regarding the evaluation; minutes of CODE meetings at which the evaluation was discussed; drafts of the DGO's transmittal memorandum to the Executive Directors and the President; summaries of the Executive Directors' discussion of the report and copies of the chairman's published comments; drafts of the management response to the evaluation; a draft of the OED Fast Track Brief and Precis regarding the evaluation; the final, published (grey cover) evaluation; and letters transmitting the final, published evaluation to officials in the client country. A few files also contain questionnaires completed by stakeholders, paper copies made from computer-assisted presentations, and copies of records used in workshops held for various stakeholders.

All of the country assistance evaluations in this series were generated by the OED's Country Evaluation and Regional Relations Division/Group (OEDCR) and its predecessor, the Country Policy, Industry and Finance Division (OEDD2). The series contains reports and related working files for many countries, including: the Russian Federation, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Paraguay, El Salvador, Brazil, Peru, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Chile, Guinea, Niger, Eritrea, Zambia, Lesotho, Jordan, Mongolia, India, Zambia, Yemen, Tunisia, Nepal, Pakistan, Costa Rica, Malawi, Kenya, Thailand, Cameroon, Zimbabwe, Uruguay, Croatia, Uganda, Ghana, Cote D'Ivoire, Cambodia, Mozambique, West Bank and Gaza, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Ecuador, Tanzania, India, Poland, Ecuador, Argentina, Chile, Maldives, Kazakhstan, Indonesia, Morocco, Mexico, Albania, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Egypt, Jamaica, Sri Lanka, Tgo, Ukraine, Brazil, Armenia, Belarus, Bolivia, Nepal, China, and Turkey. Of special note in this series is the extensive documentation for the CAR for India completed by a team headed by Gianni Zanini and issued in 2001. In addition to the usual documentation generatedfor a country assistance evaluation, the files for the India CAR include an extensive collection of Bank reports on India, materials from workshops organized by OED and the South Asia Region from March to May 2000, and twenty or more background papers prepared by OED staff and consultants. Also of note are the voluminous files for the Russian Federation CAR which, in addition to the usual CAE records, include schedules and briefing papers for President Wolfensohn's visits to Moscow in May 1998 and February2000.

Impact Evaluation Reports

  • Série organique
  • 1978 - 1999

The series primarily consists of Impact Evaluation Reports (IERs) and the working files produced during the creation of those reports. The series also consists of a number of special studies produced by the OED. IERs assess the performance of operations at full development, some five to ten years after the close of disbursements on the Bank's loan. The evaluations are selective; only a small percentage of projects undergo an impact evaluation. These evaluations provide a second look at a project by analyzing the long-term effects - intended or unintended - on people, institutions, and the physical environment. The evaluations assess projects against the goals that were stated at appraisal and also against a broad set of criteria that relate to social dynamics, income distributions, effects on women and families, institutional development, sustainability, and the environment. This series consists of IERs from the very beginning of their production in 1979 and through into the 1990s.

The content of the files for impact evaluations varies somewhat but the more complete files contain: copies of the Completion Reports, Audit Reports, and other OED-generated records relating to the project; non-Bank background reports and publications relating to the project; Terms of Reference for the OED staff members and/or consultants assigned to evaluation; drafts of the Approach Paper and Study Design Paper; memoranda and correspondence regarding the team's travel plans if a mission was required; a Back-to-Office Report regarding the mission; intra-OED correspondence regarding the format for the evaluation; various drafts of the evaluation; comments on the drafts from OED and Regional staff, officials in the client country, and representatives from other aid/lending organizations; drafts of comments by the Director-General, Operations, (DGO) to the Committee on Development Effectiveness (CODE) or its predecessor, the Joint Audit Committee (JAC) regarding evaluations; minutes of CODE or JAC meetings at which the evaluation was discussed; drafts of the DGO's transmittal memorandum to the Executive Directors and the President; and summaries of the Executive Directors' discussion of the evaluation and copies of the Board chairman's published comments. Many of the impact evaluations relied on field surveys to gather opinions of stakeholders. The raw survey data is not included in an evaluation file, but sample survey questionnaires and data derived from the surveys may be in the file.

The series contains the first IER produced by theOED, referred to as a Project Impact Evaluation Report (PIER). The report was for the Mexico Third Irrigation Project (1978 - 1979) which focused on irrigation rehabilitation programs in irrigation districts Nos. 17 (Region Lagunera) and 23 (San Juan del Ro). The evaluation was undertaken by Chief Evaluation Officer John Malone about five years after the performance audit was conducted for the project. Other early impact evaluation reports in this series are for: Kenya's First Smallholder Agricultural Credit Program (1980); the Kenya First Livestock Development Project (1981); the Roseires Irrigation Project in the Sudan (1980); the Burundi-First Arabica Coffee Improvement Project (1980); the Malaysian Muda and Kemubu Irrigation Projects (1981); the Atlantico Irrigation Project in Colombia (1982); and the San Lorenzo Irrigation and Land Settlement Projects in Peru (1982). In addition, records related to an IER conducted jointly with the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) and the Central Bank of the Philippines on the Philippines Second Rural Credit Project are included. The report was issued in 1983 after an extensive evaluation that involved a survey of beneficiaries in different regions. Also issued in 1983 was an IER for the Indonesia Irrigation Rehabilitation Project.

The series contains many other IERs and IER working files produced through the mid to late 1980s and 1990s. Agriculture, urban, education, transport, industry and transmigration projects are represented. Of note, one IER covers three income generating projects for refugees in Pakistan for which the Bank acted as executive agency on behalf of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). Also contained are background materials on Indonesia that OED's Agriculture and Human Development Division (OEDD1) gathered from a wide variety of sources in preparation for a 1993 impact evaluation covering loans for three transmigration projects in Indonesia. The files include the Project Completion Reports for two of the loans (Transmigration II [L1707] and III [L 2248]) and Terms of Reference for the impact evaluation but no other documents regarding the impact evaluation.

The series also includes a number of special process and thematic studies. Reports and related working papers include: a 1987 and 1988 OED special study entitled Management of Renewable Resources in Agricultural Operations; two transport sector evaluation studies entitled The Transport Sector in Mexico: An Evaluation (1998) and Transport in China: An Evaluation of Bank Assistance (1999); a copy of a 1998 paper (The Industrial Organization of Corruption: Why Corruption Hurts More in Africa than in Asia) prepared by Sector and Thematic Evaluation Division (OEDST) staff members Antti Talvitie and Binyam Reja, based on their participation in an OED evaluation of five transport projects in Indonesia; background records for a 1996 Infrastructure and Energy Division (OEDD3) process study, Effectiveness of Environmental Assessments and National Environmental Action Plans (EA/NEAP Study), which evaluated the Bank's use of project-level environmental assessments (EAs) and highlighted the differences between countries that had an approved National Environmental Action Plan (NEAP) and those that did not; working files for the 1995 Country Policy, Industry and Finance Division (OEDD2) study The Social Impact of Adjustment Operations: An Overview; and special impact evaluation studies covering a range of agriculture topics, including Harvesting the Waters (1980s), The World Bank and Structural Adjustment in Agriculture; Reforming Agriculture: The World Bank Goes to Market, Irrigation O & M [Operation and Maintenance] and System Performance in Southeast Asia (1996), Natural Resource Management in Bolivia: 30 Years of Experience (1993), and Dynamics of Rural Development in Northeast Brazil: New Lessons from Old Project (1991), as well as one file for a special process study entitled Monitoring and Evaluation Plans in Staff Appraisal Reports Issued in Fiscal Year 1995.

Also in this series are correspondence, reports, and publications that evaluator Christian Polti gathered while OEDD1 was working on two impact evaluation studies. The first study deals with the World Bank's experience with irrigation development and examined irrigation projects in Morocco, Mexico, the Philippines, and Thailand. The second study deals with cotton development programs in Cote d'Ivoire, Burkina Faso, and Togo.

Completion Reports and Audit Reports

  • Série organique
  • 1968 - 2004

The series consists of records related to the project monitoring and evaluation function of the Operations Evaluation Department (OED). The majority of the records in the series are final audit reports for individual, Bank-sponsored projects and records related to the creation of those reports. Reports date from the beginning of OED and its project evaluation activities in 1973. OED-authored reports include Project Performance Audit Reports (PPARs) and Performance Audit Reports (PARs). Reports completed byoperating departments and submitted to the OED include Project Completion Reports (PCRs), Project Completion Notes (PCNs), Implementation Completion Reports (ICRs), and Implementation Completion Notes (ICNs). The PCRs can be characterized as either reports that required and received an audit by the OED or as pass through PCRs which OED division chiefs determined did not require an audit. In the case of the latter, Notes of Record are sometimes included to explain why an audit was not required. The series also consists of background materials and working files created or collected during the preparation of audit reports. These records include: correspondence; memoranda; staff appraisal reports; reports and recommendations sent to the Executive Directors for approval of the loans or credits; loan or credit agreements that were executed; annotated audit drafts; project progress reports; and field notes. In some cases, working files related to audits and report preparation are those accumulated by specific evaluation officers in OED.

The types of records that accompany the final evaluation reports vary, as procedural requirements changed over the years. OED evaluating officers created files for all completion reports and audit reports for which they were assigned responsibility. Most of the pre-1982 working files containing PCRs and PPARs reflect procedures put in place by the Bank between 1973 and 1979. The time frame for completion of PCRs after final disbursements of loans / credits varied as did the extent ofthe involvement of operating departments and clients in their preparation. In the mid-1970s, the PCR was to be prepared within six months of final disbursement by the Bank's Regional Vice-Presidency of the country in which the project took place. Information for the PCR was gathered from project files, supervision reports, and discussions in the field between Bank and Government officials associated with the project. However, before 1976 the majority of the PPARs prepared by OED evaluating officers were for projects for which no PCR had been prepared.

In 1976, procedural changes required all PCRs to be sent through the Director-General, Operations Evaluation (DGO), without OED comment to the Executive Board along with the PPAR. In addition to the PCR, the PPAR working files from 1976 onward include: the Terms of Reference for the OED audit mission; the Back-to-Office Report from the mission; PPAR drafts; comments on the drafts from Bank officials in the Region, Government officials and representatives of businesses or institutions involved in the project; and copies of transmittal letters accompanying the PPAR. Loan or Credit Agreements, Staff Appraisal Reports, and Reports and Recommendations by the Bank President for loans and credits, most of which are of earlier date than the other records in the file, are included in some PCR and PPAR files. By the end of 1979, OED conducted abbreviated audit reviews for about half of the PCRs it received. The working files for these passed-through PCRs usually contain: a memorandum addressed to the Regional Vice President indicating that based on the OED review of the PCR an audit would not be performed; comments on the PCR; a final draft of the PCR sent for printing by OED; a copy of the printed PCR forwarded to the Executive Board; and copies of the transmittal letters used in the OED distribution of the printed PCR.

At the beginning of fiscal year 1983, a new system of selective project performance auditing was introduced which required that 40 to 50 percent of projects be audited. PCRs were selected for audit according to whether they were for: large, complex, or innovative projects; projects an Executive Director proposed for performance audit; projects with high lending priority; projects which were first in a given sector / sub-sector for a country or last in a series; or a series of projects subject to a combined audit. OED division chiefs were given responsibility for determining the projects to be audited and for making decisions on pass-through PCRs. Some files for projects which OED did not audit contain: a Summary Note explaining the reasons for the pass-through decision and evaluating the quality of the PCR; a copy of the draft PCR; comments regarding the draft PCR from the client country; a Pass-Through PCR Unit Cost Sheet tracking OED staff time allocated to the project; memoranda and letters transmitting a final copy of the PCR to the Executive Directors, the Bank President, and officials of the client country; and a final copy of the PCR. Found in other working files for post-fiscal year 1983 is the Note of Record, which was prepared by the OED evaluating officer after review of the PCR with the division chief. It contained the reasons for the pass-through decision. The Note of Record assessed the project as described in the PCR in terms of its objectives, scope, implementation, costs, and sustainability. It was distributed only to the Director of OED (OEDDR), the OED Library, the working file, and the OED annual review coordinator. Also found in some workingfiles with the Note of Record is the Project Information Form (PIF) used to input data about the project into OED's database for use in annual reviews and studies. Results for all PCRs were reported to the Executive Board.

New guidelines for completing PCRs were put into place effective July 1, 1989. Most of the PCRs in the OED working files after this date have a different format from earlier prepared PCRs. Parts I and II of the report were prepared by the Regional Office and Part III was completed by the client. Some working files include Project Completion Notes (PCNs) which were prepared in lieu of PCRs for projects for which: the loan was never signed by the client; the Bank withdrew the loan; disbursement was very fast or ahead of schedule; no PCR was ever completed; or for which there were no implementation issues. The decision to create the PCN was based on a review of the Staff Appraisal Report prepared before the loan or credit was granted, internal Bank memoranda, minutes of Board discussions, supervision reports, and interviews with staff. The PPAR was carried out on the basis of the recommendation for audit made by OED at the time of review of the PCR. The contents of the PPAR working file remained largely unchanged from earlier periods but some PPARS for cluster audits (i.e. audits of multiple projects) were included.

By 1994, operations staff (also called Regional staff) evaluated all completed operations for which they were responsible and OED audited a representative sample of completed operations. For last supervision missions departing after July 1, 1994, Regional staff was required to prepare an Implementation Completion Report (ICR) or Implementation Completion Note (ICN) similar to the earlier PCN. Issues encountered during implementation, achievements, and the economic rate of return, were among the factors covered in the ICR. Contributions from client agencies (whole reports or comments) were attached to the ICR. Co-financiers were invited to participate in evaluations in which they provided funding. All ICRs were to be completed within six months of the final loan / credit disbursement. By 1997, about 25 percent of completed projects were audited by OED. Like the earlier PPARs, Project Audit Reports (PARs) were field-based and incorporated the views of client countries and major stakeholders. Projects were subject to audit if they were: large and complex; innovative or had unusual features; controversial, with issues unresolved during the ICR evaluation; first in a series or expected to offer especially strong lessons; suitable to be analyzed together with similar projects; useful for providing building blocks for sector or country evaluation study; or requested by Executive Directors.

The ICR, PCR, PCN, and ICN working files for the mid-1990s and later generally contain the printed report, a PIF and control sheet, drafts of the DGO's evaluative memorandum regarding the report or note, a copy of a memorandum from OEDDR transmitting the draft evaluative memorandum to the relevant Country Director, and comments from the Bank's Regional staff on the draft. Some files contain the OED-ICR-Review-Evaluation Summary which recommended for or against an audit of the project. Projects were evaluated for outcome, sustainability, institution development, Bank performance, and client country performance based on information in the ICR and PIF. Correspondence with Regional and other Bank staff and with officials in client countries regarding their comments on the draft report can also be found in the files. Some files contain copies of intra-OED electronic messages commenting on the draft evaluative summary and on the review process. A few of the files contain background documents records such as Staff Appraisal Reports (as was the case for PCR files for earlier periods).

In addition to draft and final copies of the reports, the PAR files for this period typically include: Initiating Memoranda; Terms of Reference (TOR) addressed to OED evaluators designated to travel to the field to conduct the audit; letters to Government officials and others related to the project announcing the mission to develop the report; Back-to-Office Reports from the audit mission; and comments on the draft audit report. Comments from the OED audit panel and an Audit Panel Review form can be found in some files along with drafts of the DGO's evaluative memorandum, a PIF and cover sheet, and copies of letters transmitting the final printed copy of the PAR to officials in the client country. Some of the PAR files contain copies of related background materials such as the Staff Appraisal Report and the Loan Agreement.

The review and audit activities of regional operations and the OED were conducted for the projects of all sectors. These include:

*Education- Primary; secondary; tertiary; vocational; technical

  • Health and nutrition Specific disease and HIV/AIDS prevention and management; population projects

  • Water Sewarage and drainage; sanitation; water supply; water pollution control; flood control

  • Agriculture Commodity production; livestock development; fisheries development; research; support services; marketing

  • Human resources Extension and training; social sector management; science and technology

  • Rural development Rural roads; rural electrification

  • Urban development Urban engineering; air pollution; urban management

  • Telecommunications General sector

  • Energy and power Power generation; refinery engineering; energy efficiency; oil field development; gas transport and distribution; oil, thermal, and gas exploration and development; pipeline rehabilitation

  • Transport Navigation; railways; highways; rural roads; aviation; ports

  • Finance and trade Private sector finance projects; financial rehabilitation projects; economic management and public enterprise; technology development projects; small and medium enterprise projects; development banks; export development; shipping; imports program; debt and debt service

  • Industry Foundry modernization; small-scale industry; fertilizer production; mining and other extractive sector projects; pulp and paper engineering; public enterprise assistance; natural resource management; forestry; off-shore development

  • Infrastructure Housing; construction projects

  • Reconstruction and emergency Earthquake and flood recovery; drought relief

  • Tourism General sector

  • Structural adjustment Public sector reform loans; adjustment loans and credits; trade policy adjustment

  • Client capacity building Technical assistance loans; central government administration projects; planning support

Evaluations of non-sector and multi-sector projects are also included.

The series also consists of evaluative reports and related materials created by OED staff that are not PARs or PPARs and are not related specifically to individual projects. These include: staff appraisal reports initially developed for the projects; reports and recommendations sent to the Executive Directors for approval of the loans or credits; materials related to a study by Carl Jayarajah entitled Overview Study: World Bank Support for Small and Medium Industry; a draft of correspondence related to a proposed Review of Lessons Learned in Railway Projects (RLLRP) for the OED Lessons & Practices publication; an approach paper, drafts, and background materials for Review of the World Bank Experience with Electric Power Generating Facilities (1985); a draft study outline, Terms of Reference, and supporting materials for the 1987 - 1989 study Columbia: An Evaluation of Bank Lending to the Colombia Power Sector between 1970 and 1986 along with the March 1991 final study report; the approach paper and draft of the 1988 - 1989 country case study World Bank Support for Rural Roads Maintenance - Philippine Case Study; a draft of Senior Evaluator Jan de Weille's March 1992 report Annual Review, Project Performance Results for 1991 - Transport; the approach paper and drafts of the June 30, 1994, grey cover sector review (Report 13291) Rural Electrification in Asia: A Review of Bank Experience; records related to a study of the Bank's involvement in Mexico's power sector over four decades; background materials for Study of Adjustment Lending in Sub-Saharan Africa (Oct. 1996 - July 1997) including an approach paper, preliminary draft, draft speech prepared for the Director-General, Operations Evaluation, and copies of related reports; the report Case Study of World Bank Activities in the Health Sector in Mali accompanied by a memorandum from OEDST inviting the DGO and other OED personnel to a meeting review regarding the study; working files of evaluator Basil Coukis which include annotated copies of PCRs and PPARs as well as background materials such as loan guarantee agreements, staff appraisal reports developed for loan or credit applications, progress reports, background correspondence, and field notes used in the preparation of evaluations; and two reports concerning trade policy reform for Mexico, Mexico: Trade Policy Reform, World Bank's Support for Trade Liberalization Program by Yalcin M. Baran (Sept. 15, 1989) and Overview Study: World Support for Small and Medium Industry issued by the Projects Department of Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Office (June 24, 1986). Finally, the series consists of records related to the OED's problematic review of the Thirteenth Indian Railway Project (Credit 582-IN). The files contain the April 1979 PCR, various versions (dating from 1981 to 1986) of the PPAR, and correspondence regarding the project. The first and the subsequent draft PPARs for this project were controversial and found to be inadequate for various reasons. The controversy led President Clausen to appoint a special audit team for the Railway Project and to request a reevaluation of OED internal procedures. Materials related to the subsequent review as well as to the OED evaluation are included; the latter includes: intra-OED correspondence; correspondence with Transportation Department staff, the South Asia Regional Office, and Indian government officials; and minutes of a Joint Audit Committee meeting and Executive Directors' meeting.


  • Série organique
  • 1973 - 1993

This series contains documentation regarding the drafting and publication of booklets aimed at explaining the evaluation function in the World Bank to non-Bank audiences. The early editions of this booklet were titled Operation Evaluation: World Bank Standards and Procedures. By 1993, the title had changed to Assessing Development Effectiveness: Evaluation in the World Bank and the International Finance Corporation.

The sub-series contains records documenting the drafting and publication of the booklets. Included are: intra-OED correspondence; multiple drafts of the booklets; comments on the drafts; and agenda, minutes, and summaries of meetings of the Joint Audit Committee and of the Board of Executive Directors at which drafts were discussed. The sub-series also contains draft and/or published copies (in English and French) of various booklet editions (1976, 1979, 1984 [draft only], 1993).

Working Files of the Directors-General (DGO), and the Directors (OEDDR), for the 1994 - 2000 ARDE and for the 1993 - 1999 AROE

This sub-series contains the shared working files of the Directors-General, Operations Evaluation (DGO), and the Directors, Operations Evaluation Department (OEDDR), for the Annual Reviews of Development Effectiveness (ARDE) for the years 1994 - 2000 and for the Annual Reports on Operations Evaluation (AROE) for 1993 - 1999. Most of the records in the sub-series are electrostatic copies of DGO Robert Picciotto's correspondence and copies of various drafts of the reports that he received, but there are alsosome original records from the OED Directors. The sub-series also includes an OEDDR-only file for the AROE for 1998.

The AROE files generally contain: draft initiating notes and outlines for the report; intra-OED memoranda regarding the report drafting process; comments on drafts of the report; copies of the draft management response to the report; and copies of the DGO's statement to the Executive Directors regarding both the AROE and the ARDE.

The ARDE files generally include: intra-OED memoranda regarding the report's format and content; drafts of the approach paper and design paper; comments on the draft report from Bank staff; copies of statements regarding the report from the DGO, the chair of CODE, and various Executive Directors; paper copies of slides used in computer-assisted presentations regarding the report; press releases; and copies of OED Reach, OED's Fast Track Brief, and OED Precis containing articles regarding ARDE. The files for ARDE 2000 include several items of 2002 OED correspondenceregarding the approach paper for the 2002 report.

Working Files of the Directors-General, Operations Evaluation (DGO), for the Annual Reports on Operations Evaluation (AROE)

This sub-series contains the working files of the Directors-General, Operations Evaluation (DGO), that relate to the drafting of the Annual Report on Operations Evaluation (AROE). The files generally contain: copies of the DGO's correspondence with other Bank units (the Regional units, the Sectors, the Economic Development Institute, and IFC's evaluation unit) regarding their contributions to the report; draft initiating notes and outlines for the report; notes to the OED Management Team and other intra-OED memoranda regarding the report; comments on drafts of the report; copies of the draft management response to the report; printing requests for the report; copies of the DGO's statement to the Executive Directors regarding the report; summaries of discussions of the report at meetings of the Executive Directors; and post-publication correspondence regarding the report. Files for reports generated under DGOs Kapur and Picciotto consist almost exclusively of electrostatic copies; files for DGO Rovani containoriginal documents.

Working Files of the Directors, Operations Evaluation Department (OEDDR), for the Annual Reports on Operations Evaluation (AROE)

This sub-series contains the working files of the Director, Operations Evaluation Department (OEDDR), documenting the drafting of the Annual Reports on Operations Evaluation (AROE) for 1983 - 1985. The files primarily contain electrostatic copies of the correspondence of Alexander F. Kirk, chief of OEDD3, the unit assigned responsibility for compiling the report. Included are: memoranda from the sectors, regions, and other Bank units containing information for possible inclusion in the reports; intra-OED memoranda regarding the content and format of the reports; drafts of the reports and comments on the drafts; copies of the statements the Director-General, Operations Evaluation (DGO), made regarding the reports to the Executive Directors; and minutes of the meetings of the Executive Directors at which the AROE and the Annual Review of Project Performance Results were discussed. Also included is information regarding the input OED provided to the Bank's Annual Report.

Working Files of the Directors-General, Operations Evaluation (DGO), for the Annual Review of Evaluation Results (ARER)

This sub-series contains the working files of the Directors-General, Operations Evaluation (DGO), documenting the drafting of the Annual Review of Evaluation Results (ARER) for 1981 - 1993. The files for 1981 - 1984 primarily contain correspondence with OED staff members and with staff in the Agriculture and Rural Development Department concerning input for the agricultural section of the report. The later files concern input for the entire report.

Most of the documents found in this series are duplicatedin WB IBRD/IDA OPE-04-01 (Annual Review Working Files of the Directors, Operations Evaluation Department [OEDDR]), but a few are unique to this series. In some cases, the DGO corresponded directly with the President or with other Bank Vice Presidents regarding the Annual Review without copying OEDDR or forwarding copies of the related replies to OEDDR. In other cases, his special assistants answered Annual Review inquiries, and their correspondence is not duplicated in the OEDDR files.

Working Files of the Directors, Operations Evaluation Department (OEDDR), for the Annual Review of Evaluation Results (ARER)

This sub-series contains the working files of the Directors, Operations Evaluation Department (OEDDR), relating to the drafting of the 1st - 16th (1975 - 1990), and 18th - 20th (1992 - 1994) Annual Review of Evaluation Results (ARER). The content of these files varies somewhat but a typical file contains: correspondence among the OED division chiefs and among members of the Annual Review team regarding the format and content of the Review; OEDDR's correspondence with other Bank units requesting their inputfor the Review; a draft of the Review; comments on the draft from the Director-General (DGO), OED staff, and other Bank officials; OED replies to the comments; copies of the comments the DGO made to the Executive Directors at the Board meeting at which the Review was discussed; minutes of meetings of the Joint Audit Committee at which the Review was discussed; and summaries of discussions of the Review at meetings of the Joint Audit Committee and of the Executive Directors.

Filed at the beginning of the sub-series are notes of a December 1982 meeting held to discuss the publishing of OED impact evaluation reports and edited versions of the Annual Reviews for readers outside the Bank. A copy of an article from Consulting Engineer, September 1978, discussing the first Annual Review and the organization of OED is found in the file for the third Annual Review.

Annual Reviews and Annual Reports

  • Série organique
  • 1975 - 2000

The series consists of records created and received by the Directors, Operation Evaluation Department (OEDDR), and the Directors-General, Operations Evaluation (DGO), which relate to the creation of Annual Reviews of OED evaluations as well as Annual Reports on Operations Evaluation (AROE).

In September 1975, the Operations Evaluation Department (OED) began issuing a report known as the Annual Review of Project Performance Audit Results (ARPPARs) as a means of disseminating the results of the project performance audits it conducted. This review presented in summary the major findings of the audit reports for completed projects and the Bank's response to them. The findings of the ARPPARs were discussed by the Executive Board's Joint Audit Committee (JAC) and JAC's findings were then reviewed by the full Board. By July 1981, a selective system of performance auditing was implemented in OED in keeping with the increase in the number of projects funded. In 1986, the report was renamed the Annual Review of Project Performance Results (ARPPR), and by 1989, the ARPPR was replaced by the Annual Review of Evaluation Results (ARER) which provided a comprehensive summary of evaluation findings. By 1997, the name of the report had changed once again to the Annual Review of Development Effectiveness (ARDE). In the ARDE, OED used the outcomes of evaluations of completed operations to provide a longer view of performance trends. Records in this series that relate to these types of Annual Reviews include drafts, correspondence, memoranda, press releases, comments, and meeting minutes.

The first Annual Report on Operations Evaluation (AROE) covering the period July 1975 - June 1976 was published in October 1976. The main purpose of the report was to indicate the status of evaluation work in the Bank and to comment on the main findings of evaluation activities. Subsequent reports reviewed the independent evaluation work performed within OED and the self-evaluation conducted by the Bank's operating departments (for example, the AROE for 1985 covered OED evaluation activities and evaluations conducted within the International Finance Corporation [IFC], the Economic Development Institute [EDI], and the Bank's economics and research staff). The format of the AROE was determined by the DGO and the plan for developing the report was made in consultation with OED. Drafts of the report were circulated to Bank managers for comments and the final version was submitted to JAC for consideration by the Bank's Board of Executive Directors in conjunction with JAC's own report on evaluation and the ARPPAR (later ARER and ARDE). Records in this series that relate to the creation of AROEs include correspondence, memoranda, initiating notes and outlines, drafts, comments, and meeting minutes.

Notes, Agenda, and Other Records of Departmental Staff Meetings

This sub-series contains records documenting departmental staff meetings which were attended by all DGO/OED managers, regular OED staff, OED consultants, and temporary OED staff. The files contain: agendas; copies of documents discussed at the meetings; paper copies made from computer-assisted presentations; and handwritten notes of the meeting proceedings.

Agenda, Minutes, and Other Records of Weekly Departmental Management Team Meetings

This sub-series contains records documenting the weekly meetings of the Departmental Management Team (DMT) which consisted of the Director of OED, the directors of the OED Departments, and some support staff. The files generally contain handwritten notes of the meeting's proceedings, meeting agenda, copies of documents discussed at the meetings, and typed minutes of the preceding meeting. The typed minutes are columnar in format and for each topic covered show a summary of the discussion, the follow-up action required, the staff member responsible for the action, and the expected date of completion for the action. The files for many of the 2002 meetings do not contain minutes.

Records of Retreats for the Departmental Management Team and for the DGO/OED Staff

This sub-series contains records documenting Departmental Management Team retreats for: July 1996; March, October, and November 1998; October 2000; and the retreats for the entire DGO/OED staff for October 1997, October 1998, January 1999, and January 2000. The content of the files for each retreat varies, but the more complete files include: intra-OED correspondence planning the retreat; copies of invitations sent to non-OED retreat speakers; handwritten notes documenting the retreat proceedings; retreat agenda; copies of articles provided as background reading and of documents to be discussed at the retreat; paper copies made from computer-assisted presentations; and post-retreat issuances summarizing specific retreat sessions and containing typed versions of the flip charts generated during retreat sessions.

Subject Files of Directors-General, Operations Evaluation, Relating to Policies and Procedures Affecting OED Programs

  • WB IBRD/IDA OPE-03-02
  • Sous-série organique
  • 1985 - 1998 (predominant 1993 - 1998)

This sub-series contains correspondence and reports of the DGO that established policies and procedures regarding OED's programs and work products. Most of the records were compiled by Robert Picciotto, but a few early files contain correspondence of Directors-General Shiv Kapur and Yves Rovani. Much of the DGO's correspondence is with the Director of OED and OED staff or with Pablo Guerrero, special advisor and assistant to the DGO. The files contain information regarding: OED procedures and criteria for reviewing Project Completion Reports (PCRs) and Implementation Completion Reports (ICRs) (under ratings and PCR review process); evaluation capacity training for OED staff, other Bank staff, and external Bank partners (under training); procedures and standards for Country Assistance Reviews (CARs) and Country Assistance Notes (CANs) (under country assistance work); OED special studies and OED impact evaluations; the format and content of new OED issuances and tools designed to disseminate lessons learned from OED's evaluation work (under Lessons & Practices, Evaluation in the World Bank [WB] booklet, Policy Ledger, and Evaluation Text Base); revisions of the Project Information Form (PIF) and instructions for using it; the disclosure and publication of evaluation results; and the PCR (and later the ICR) backlog in each region. Filed under Initial Executive Project Summaries (IEPS) are OED procedures for reviewing IEPSs for proposed operations and copies of OED comments on specific IEPSs and responses from the Regions regarding the OED comments.

Much of this sub-series consists of the DGO's copies of records from a number of working groups and task forces that affected the work of OED. Particularly extensive are the records regarding the Task Force on Evaluation Capacity Development (ECD) in Developing Countries which was established in 1992 to design mechanisms to assist member countries in enhancing their post evaluation capacities. Pablo Guerrero was the DGO/OED member on the Task Force. A file labeled PCR Task Force contains copies of records relating to three groups established to review the PCR process: 1) the Committee on the Revision of the PCR, Audit, and Pass-Through Procedures which met in 1986; 2) the Working Group on Project Completion Reports which was established in January 1988 and sent its report to the Joint Audit Committee (JAC) in January 1989; and 3) the joint OED/Operations Review Panel on Project Completion Reporting which was established in November 1990 and sent its report to JAC in June 1991. Other groups whose work is documented in these files are the Bankwide ICR Process Review Working Group, which met in 1998 to make the ICR process more efficient, effective, and timely, and the Working Group on Evaluation Dissemination, which was established in fiscal year 1994 to review the Bank's experience in incorporating evaluation results into new operations. It issued its final report in June 1996.

Subject Files of the OED Directors (OEDDR) Relating to Policies and Procedures Affecting OED Programs

The files in this sub-series, compiled by the Directors of OED (OEDDR), outline the policies and procedures affecting OED programs and work products. Included in the first segment (1970 - 1994) are files concerning: the Project Completion Report / Project Performance Audit Report (PCR/PPAR) evaluation system and the pass-through procedures for PCRs that began in 1982; the dissemination and use of OED findings; the various revisions of the Procedural Guidelines for Operations Evaluation Staff and of the chapters in the Operational Manual regarding Project Completion Report / Implementation Completion Report (PCR/ICR) guidelines and project supervision in the Bank; the development and use of the Project Information Form (PIF); the development of OED's evaluation seminars; and the role of environmental issues in Bank evaluations. One file (Lessons Learnt from Project Performance Audit Reports - Agriculture) contains the OEDDR's copies of memoranda dated December 1980 to July 1986 from the Assistant Director ofthe Agriculture and Rural Development Department (AGR) to AGR division chiefs outlining the lessons learned from reviews of Agricultural PCRs and PPARs. Another file (Operations Evaluation Department - General) contains copies of key documents in the history of OED from 1970 to 1988.

Much of the second segment (1985 - 2001) contains documentation regarding the Bankwide ICR Process Review Working Group which was co-chaired by OED Director Elizabeth McCallister and was established in December 1997 to make the ICR process more efficient, effective, and timely. The records for the working group include agenda and minutes of meetings, various drafts of the group's final report, comments on the drafts, and intra-OED correspondence on the workings of the group. Other files contain: correspondence concerning changes in the PIF and instructions for completing the form; intra-OED correspondence regarding the discrepancy between OED and Regional project ratings (PPAR-Project Ratings); internal OED e-mail discussions of the ICR review process and the development of the ICR Evaluation Summary form; intra-OED correspondence regarding specific ICR reviews; draft ICR guidelines and comments on them; revisions to the OED handbook, Procedural Guidelines for Operations Evaluation Staff (Guidelines - Amendments); the drafts of a style manual standardizing the format for OED reports; and a proposal for dealing with the workflow problems associated with ICR bunching, i.e. the receipt of the majority of ICRs during the months of May, June, and July. Filed under PPAR - General is a copy of July 1995 Performance Audit Guidance, which was prepared by the OED Audit Guidance Working Group in 1995.

Policies and Procedures

  • Série organique
  • 1970 - 2002

This series consists of records related to the development of policies and procedures for the OED. Policies and procedures for OED programs and work products were developed in intra-OED correspondence, staff meetings, retreats, committees, and working groups and via Bank-wide task forces, committees, issuances, and operational manuals. The majority of the series consists of records created and received by the OED Directors-General (OEDDG) and OED Directors (OEDDR) that relate to the development of Department policies and procedures. Most of these guidelines relate to the creation of OED work products, such as audit reports, impact evaluation reports, Country Assistance Reviews and Evaluations, and special evaluation studies.

The series also consists of records documenting meetings of the Department Management Team (DMT) as well as records related to Departmental Management Team retreats.

Shared Subject Files of the Directors-General, Operations Evaluation (DGO), and the Directors, Operations Evaluation Department (OEDDR)

  • WB IBRD/IDA OPE-02-02
  • Sous-série organique
  • 1979 - 1998 (predominant 1994 - 1996)

The files in this sub-series contain documents maintained by both DGO and OEDDR, and much of the content of this series is duplicated elsewhere, especially in the files for OED studies and process reviews.

Most of the files relate to the work of OED, but some, which concern non-OED matters, contain records from other Bank units that were forwarded to the DGO/OEDDR for comment or as a result of a general distribution to high-level Bank staff. Most of the files fall under one of two general headings: 1) Management and Oversight and 2) External Affairs. The Management and Oversight files concern issues involving the President, Executive Directors, members of the Committee on Development Effectiveness (CODE), and Bank Vice Presidents. Included are: correspondence with CODE members; copies of reports from OED that went to CODE and to the Executive Directors; intra-OED correspondence regarding preparation for meetings with CODE members and the Executive Directors; OED's response to a draft of the 1996 audit of OED by the Internal Auditing Department; agenda and minutes of OVP (Operations, Vice Presidents) meetings and retreats; intra-OED correspondence regarding the DGO's comments on records and topics to be discussed at OVP meetings; correspondence with Managing Directors and copies of records to be discussed with the Directors; files documenting OED preparations for briefings and/or briefing papers provided to President Wolfensohn on his arrival at the Bank and prior to some of his overseas trips; OED's contributions to the observance of the 50th anniversary of the Bank and comments from the DGO and OED staff on draft chapters of the Brookings Institution's history of the Bank; and agenda and background documents relating to the 1995 OED management team retreats. Under Clusters are files coordinating work on a study (or a broad area of interest) assigned to a specific OED Division (i.e., OEDCM, OEDCR, and OEDST).

Under External Affairs are files concerning the DGO's and OEDDR's interaction with, or reports regarding: IFC and MIGA staff; international aid organizations; evaluation organizations; the US General Accounting Office; the World Commission on Large Dams; NGOs; the Multilateral Development Banks; the members of the DAC Expert Group on Aid Evaluation (filed under OECD-Development Assistance Committee); and other Bank units and departments. Filed under Liaison with other OED Units - OEDDR is a chronological file of correspondence, 1988 - 1996, between the DGO and OEDDR or between OEDDR and other Bank units.

Correspondence with Industrialized Nations Regarding Evaluations

  • WB IBRD/IDA OPE-02-01
  • Sous-série organique
  • 1971 - 1996 (predominant 1987 - 1996)

This sub-series contains correspondence and other records exchanged between OED staff and officials located in industrialized countries who were responsible for, or interested in, monitoring and evaluation processes. Included is correspondence with officials in the Netherlands, Germany, Canada, Australia, Sweden, Denmark, France, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Ireland, Greece, Austria, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Most of the correspondence is with the Director of OED, the Director-General, Operations Evaluation (DGO), and the DGO's advisors, Robert van der Lugt and Pablo Guerrero, who were responsible for developing evaluation capacity in member countries. The correspondence concerns: requests for information regarding OED's evaluation policies and procedures or assistance in conducting an evaluation; exchanges of evaluation methodologies; international seminars on evaluation; visits of OED staff to other countries to conduct an evaluation or to attend an evaluation conference or seminar; and visits toOED of evaluation officials from abroad. Included are copies of other countries' studies, reports, and manuals regarding evaluations and evaluation methods.

The U.S. correspondence is with officials in the U. S. Agency for International Development (AID), the General Accounting Office (GAO), and the Department of Treasury; most are copies of records that are presumably located elsewhere in OED and Bank records. The US AID correspondence primarily concerns exchanges of policy papers, studies and reports onevaluation guidelines. The GAO correspondence relates to 1977, 1981, and 1991 congressionally required GAO reviews of the independent evaluation system of the Bank and a 1996 GAO review of the overall role of the World Bank in a post-Cold War environment.

The earliest GAO file contains documents assembled by OED Director Christopher R. Willoughby in 1973 and 1974 following release of the 1973 GAO report on U.S. participation in World Bank. Included in the file are a number of documents from Bank PresidentRobert McNamara, Vice President Mohamed Shoaib, the U.S. Executive Director Charles O. Sethness, and Willoughby, discussing the audit and evaluation functions in the Bank and proposed changes in the structure and function of Operations Evaluation.

The Department of Treasury file concerns the department's 1971-1973 interest in the evaluation function of the Bank and Treasury's support of the GAO recommendation for the establishment of an independent review body to evaluate the Bank's activities.

Shared Records of the Director-General, Operations Evaluation (DGO), and the Director, Operations Evaluation Department (OEDDR)

  • Série organique
  • 1971 - 1998

Series consists of files of both the Director-General, Operations Evaluation (DGO), and the Director, Operations Evaluation Department (OEDDR). The records document OEDDR and DGO interaction with: staff in other parts of the Bank; U.S. officials in the General Accounting Office, the U.S. Agency for International Development, and the Department of the Treasury who were interested in the evaluation function within the Bank; and officials in industrialized nations, NGOs, and international aid organizations who were responsible for, or interested in, monitoring and evaluation processes.

Subject Files of the Directors, Operations Evaluation

  • WB IBRD/IDA OPE-01-02
  • Sous-série organique
  • 1985 - 1998 (predominant 1987 - 1998)

This sub-series contains reports, correspondence, and studies compiled by the Directors of OED (OEDDR). Most of the files contain comments from OED staff members and/or the director on draft documents from other Bank employees. Filed under General Comments on Review of Field Staff Benefits are OED comments on various Bank documents, 1995-1998. Key topics covered by other files include: OED staff views on the dissemination and use of OED findings (filed under Dissemination); ratings of the Narmada and Kedung Ombo Completion Reports (filed under Narmada); reports of the Joint Audit Committee Informal Subcommittee on OED Reports; a select review of OED by the Internal Auditing Department planned for 1996; plans for an OED study of NGOs; OED collaboration with the Economic Development Institute (now WBI); joint OED/Operations Policy Department reports on the quality of economic analysis in staff appraisal reports for projects approved 1993 - 1997 (filed under Economic Analysis, Econ III and Econ IV and Economic Analysis: Correspondence); a 1996 proposal for simplified project documentation for investment operations (filed under Simplified Documentation); and OED staff retreats for December 15-17, 1987, November 29-December 1, 1989, June 26-28, 1991, and September 8-10, 1993. These retreat files contain agenda and schedules, copies of documents discussed at the retreats, copies of presentations, and post-retreat evaluation forms.

Filed under Portfolio Management are: memoranda regarding funding arrangements for OED studies and on borrowers' interest in ex-post evaluations; OED staff comments on the draft Wapenhans Report and on the draft chapter concerning OED; and copies of minutes of the Task Force Steering Committee on which Eberhard Kopp served. Filed under Streamlining Bank Procedures are memoranda and correspondence Kopp compiled in 1985 and 1986 before he became OEDDR Director and while he was a member of Working Group #3 of the Task Force on Streamlining Bank Procedures.

Memoranda Files of Director Christopher R. Willoughby

  • WB IBRD/IDA OPE-01-01
  • Sous-série organique
  • 1970 - 1976 (predominant 1970 - 1975)

This sub-series is a collection of memoranda and related records compiled by Christopher R. Willoughby who was among the first employees of the Operations Evaluation Unit and was appointed the first director of the Operations Evaluation Department in July 1973.

  • The first set of files consists of memoranda (dated November 1970 - November 1972; February - April 1973; and February - August 1975) sent to President Robert McNamara from Christopher R. Willoughby and also John Adler, who was director when the Operation Evaluation Unit was established in 1970. The memoranda concern the early workings of Operations Evaluation including: the decision to begin with an in-depth look at the Bank's work in one country, Colombia, and in one sector, electrical power; the development of the format for these first two reports; progress reports on the work of the unit and on the development of future work programs; and the relationship between evaluation and supervision. Some of the original memoranda to McNamara were returned to Operations Evaluation marked with a red stamp indicating President has seen. One long memorandum for the record summarizes the January 1971 visit with the Colombia Operations Evaluation team of Dr. Lauchlin Currie who headed the Bank's General Survey Mission to Colombia in 1949. Included in this first set of files are handwritten notes and memoranda for the record summarizing meetings Willoughby and others had with McNamara.

The second set of files consists of memoranda (dated April 1970 - February 1976) sent and received by Willoughby and his copies of key memoranda documenting the development of the operations evaluation function and the changing position of the Operations Evaluation staff within the Bank. Included are Willoughby's handwritten drafts and final copies of the key issuances affecting Operations Evaluation and his notes from key meetings. One folder contains Willoughby's drafts of a September 29, 1975 memoranda from Mohamed Shoaib, Vice President, Operations Evaluation Division, outlining the history of the evaluation function from 1971 to 1975.

Records of the Director, Operations Evaluation Department

  • Série organique
  • 1970 - 1998

The records in this series contain the reports, correspondence, and studies compiled by the Directors of OED (OEDDR). The Director is selected by the Director-General, Operations Evaluation (DGO), and is responsible for the overall management of the OED. Principal functions include:

  • assisting the Director-General in making periodic assessments of the adequacy and effectiveness of the operations evaluation system in light of the institutional objectives of the World Bank;

  • carrying out reviews of the Bank's completion reports and other self-evaluations, performance audits on selected completed projects, impact evaluations, and evaluation studies focusing on operational programs, policies, strategies, and processes;

  • assisting member countries to develop their own operations evaluation capacities; and

  • disseminating evaluation findings both within the Bank and to the wider development community.

The series contains the records of Christopher R. Willoughby, who was the first Director of OED. Primarily consisting of memoranda, these records document the early development of the operations evaluation function and of the Operations Evaluation Department in the 1970s. Also contained in this file are records of subsequent OED Directors from the 1980s and 1990s. These records relate to a variety of topics.

Records of the Office of Operations Evaluation

  • collection
  • 1957 - 2004 (predominant 1968 - 2004)

Fonds consists of records related to activities undertaken by the Operations Evaluation Department in support of its function as the Bank's independent operations evaluator. The majority of the records in this fonds are working files for project evaluations (Project Performance Audit Reports [PPARs] or Performance Audit Reports [PARs]) produced by the OED; these files are generally accompanied by Project Completion Reports (PCRs) or Implementation Completion Reports (ICRs) that were produced by operations departments and submitted to the OED. Working files for other OED evaluation products include: Impact Evaluation Reports (IERs); Country Assistance Reviews (CARs); Country Assistance Notes (CANs); Country Assistance Evaluations (CAEs); and special evaluation studies. Records related to annual reviews of Department evaluations are also included as are records related to Department annual reports. Publication files for OED periodicals, OED Processes, and Lessons & Practices are also included.

The fonds also consists of records created and received by the Department's Directors-General (DGO), Directors (OEDDR), and division directors. These records generally relate to: policy and procedure development; reporting; Department, Bank, and external projects, committees, and commissions; communications and dissemination of reports; operations management; and Department administration.

Sans titre

Records of the Office of Operations Policy

  • collection
  • 1972 - 2008

Records of the VP and Head of Network and the departmental directors'

The fonds includes memoranda, notes, letters, and emails sent and received by Hans Wyss, Director of the Central Operations Department (COD), and by those acting as Director in his absence for the year 1992.

The records also include correspondence and memoranda (external and internal) maintained for the Operational Policy and Country Services Network (OPC) VP and Head of Network James Adams for the years 2001 to 2002.

Budget planning and work programs

The fonds includes budget planning, work program, and task planning budget records for the Operational Policy and Country Services Network (OPC) and its subordinate departments and units for the years 2000 to 2007.

Procurement policy and advisory services

The fonds includes records for departments and units responsible for coordinating functions related to procurement policy and advisory services, including: the Procurement Unit (PPDPC) of the Projects Policy Department (PPD) from 1983 to 1987; the Procurement Unit (CODPR) of the Central Operations Department (COD) from 1987 to 1992; the Procurement Policy and Coordination Unit (OPRPR) of the Operations Policy Department (OPR) from 1993 to 1997; the Procurement Policy and Services Group (OCSPR) from 1997 to 2000; and the Procurement Policy and Services Group (OPCPR) from 2001 to 2004.

Included are records assembled by Raghavan Srinivasan, who served as Procurement Adviser for the PPDPC, and later served as the Chief of CODPR and OPRPR from 1983 to 1994. Included are correspondence and policy development records relating to a wide range of procurement processes and procedures, including shipment inspection, selection of consultants, and contract bidding. The records also include comments on draft World Bank issuances including Procurement Guidelines. Additional records assembled by Srinivasan include memoranda related to CODPR organization and management from 1987 to 1988.

The records also include correspondence, memoranda, and back-to-office reports maintained by Srinivasan concerning borrowers' procurement training sessions and seminars held in the Regions from 1988 to 1991.

Additional records maintained by Srinivasan include records related to CODPR's development of the computerized register Data on Consulting Firms (DACON) from 1984 to 1989. The records include correspondence with firms wishing to do business with the Bank or with Bank borrowers, intra-Bank memoranda and correspondence regarding the revised system (DACON II) and changes and improvements in that system, and revisions of the DACON registration form submitted by consulting firms.

Srinivasan's records also include records related to CODPR's coordination with the Development Assistance Committee (DAC), a subsidiary unit of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and the United Nations (UN) from 1992 to 1993. The records include agendas and notes of high level DAC meetings and meetings of DAC's Ad Hoc Group of Procurement Experts, along with related correspondence. The UN records consist of Srinivasan's contacts with UN components on procurement related and consultant issues and the participation of Bank officials in UN sponsored training.

Records are also included for the International Business Opportunity Services (IBOS) subscription service, which provided a publication that informed the international business community, civil works constituents, contractors, subcontractors, and consultants on World Bank procurement procedures and upcomingBank funded projects. Responsibility for IBOS was transferred from the External Affairs Department (EXT) to the OPRPR in 1994. The IBOS records consist primarily of the multiple types of documents produced for this publication, including: Technical Data Sheets (TDS) from 1982 to 1998; Procurement Notices from 1985 to 1994; and Notices of Contract Awards from 1987 to 1994. The IBOS related records also include fact sheets, form letters, and correspondence.

Also included are records relating to the Operations Procurement Review Committee (OPRC) of OPRPR and its successor OCSPR from 1993 to 2000. The OPRC records focus on the review of contract awards. A review was conducted to ensure that procurement was done in accordance with tender requirements and the Bank's procurement guidelines. Each contract award recommendation considered by OPRC usually consists of: a summary of the contract award; names of the country, executing agency and sector; loan /credit number; descriptions of the scope, prequalification status, and number of qualified bidders for the contract; and dates of the bid opening, receipt of the award recommendation, and the Bank's "no objection" action on the award. Sometimes the report of contract award recommendation is accompanied by a copy of the bid evaluation performed by the borrower, correspondence regarding bidder disputes, and a facsimile message or other correspondence notifying the borrower of OPRC's action.

The records also include procurement policy development and review records maintained by PPDPC, CODPR, OPRPR, and OCSPR from 1986 to 2000. The records concern the creation, development, and review of Bank Group-wide and divisional procurement or consultant policies. The policy development records include the following types of records: development proposals; draft policy statements; terms of reference; copies of pertinent legal documents; papers presented to the Procurement Board; correspondence and memoranda; research and background records related to policy development; and final policy papers. Subject files related to procurement policy development are also included and cover a wide variety of topics, including: procurement of contractors and suppliers; selection of consultants; advertising; evaluation of bids; contract awards; and Bank review functions. The records also consist of draft and final versions of guidelines, specifications, forms, standard documents used in bidding and for contracting, and directives and handbooks for various types of procurement.

Records related to Procurement Audit Reports prepared by the Bank's Internal Auditing Department (IAD) and reviewed by OPRPR and OCSPR are also included for the years 1994 to 2000. The audit reports focus on projects particular to a country. The records include: draft and final copies of audit reports; comments on the reports; and correspondence and memoranda regarding audit reports.

Record related to liaison and external relations with NGOs, multilateral development banks (MDBs), and other international organizations are also included for CODPR, OPRPR, OCSPR, and OPCPR from 1987 to 2003. The records primarily include correspondence and memoranda, programs, participant lists, and meeting minutes and agenda for numerous meetings and seminars. Some examples include records for the following meetings: Head of Procurement Multilateral Development Banks Meetings; Annual Meeting of the International Financial Institutions/International Contractors Association (CICA); Biennial Meeting with the Lending Agencies and the Consulting Industry (AMILACI); meetings with the International Federation of Building and Wood Workers; meetings and seminars with the UN Inter-Agency Procurement Services Office (IAPSO); and meetings and seminars with the International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC).

The records also include external and internal correspondence regarding complaints and inquiries from suppliers, consultants, contractors, and the Bank's Executive Directors (ED) related to Bank-funded projects, and topics related to procurement. The records were maintained by OPRPR and OCSPR from 1993 to 2000.

Operations policy development

This fonds includes records related to the departments and units responsible for the development, revision, and issuances of operational policies, standards, and guidelines, including: the Projects Advisory Staff (PAS, later renamed the Projects Policy Department [PPD]) from 1972 to 1987; the Operations Policy Unit (CODOP) of the Central Operations Department (COD) from 1987 to 1992; the Operations Policy Group (OPRPG) of the Operations Policy Department (OPR) from 1993 to 1997; and the Operations Policy and Strategy Group (MDOPS) from 1997 to 1999.

The fonds includes records related to the development of Operations Manual Statements (OMS), and its successors Operational Directives (OD), Operational Policies (OP), Bank Procedures (BP), and Good Practices (GP) developed for the World Bank's Operational Manual (OM). The OMSs were replaced by the ODs in 1989. Similarly, the ODs were restructured into new OPs, BPs, and GPs in 1993.

The OMS related records primarily span the years from 1972 to 1988, and include OMS draft and final copies, comments, and correspondence and memoranda from PAS/PPD and CODOP regarding proposed revisions to the Operational Manual and OMSs. The OMS records also consist of Operational Circulars (Circular Ops), and Operations Policy Notes (OPNs). Central Project Memoranda (CPM) and Projects Department Directors' Memoranda related to drafting and revising of OMSs are also included for the years when PAS was part of the Central Projects Staff (CPS) from 1972 to 1982.

The records also include planning and procedure records maintained by CODOP and its successor OPRPG from 1987 to 1994 related to the redrafting of OMSs into ODs for a new Bank Operations Manual (OM) in 1989, and the restructuring of ODs into OPs, BPs, and GPs in 1993. The records consist of: background records on methodology for preparing the Bank's Operational Manual (OM); status reports on transitioning OMSs to ODs; formats, style, design, and procedures for drafting ODs; records related to the impact of the 1987 Bank reorganization on drafting the OM; instructions for coding ODs; administration and distribution of OM; computerization of the OM; procedures for review and approval of ODs; records related to training modules, seminars, and workshops devoted to ODs training; and records regarding the restructuring of ODs into the new OP/BP/GP system. Operations Policy Notes (OPNs) and Central Project Memoranda (CPM) files are also included as part of background research information.

The records also include "dead copy" files of OMSs being replaced by ODs from 1987 to 1991. The dead copy files primarily consist of draft ODs with comments, and Manual Transmittal Memoranda drafted for the OM distribution recipients. Records also included separate files from the same period consisting of correspondence, memoranda, revisions, drafts, and final copies of ODs.

Operational Policies (OP), Bank Procedures (BP), and Good Practices (GP) records maintained by CODOP and MDOPS from 1993 to 1999 are also included. Records consist of correspondence and memoranda regarding revisions, draft, and final copies of OPs, BPs, and GPs with comments.

Records also consist of materials maintained by the Operational Policy Committee (OPC) from 1993 to 2003. The OPC was chaired by one the Bank's Managing Directors (MD), and the Committee was composed of members from the Sector Vice Presidencies, Bank Network departments, and staff from the Regional Vice Presidencies (RVP). The OPC had the responsibility of reviewing sector strategy approach papers, issue papers, and reports primarily prepared by the Bank's sector departments or by Bank special task forces. This review helped inform the development of new OPs, BPs, and GPs within Bank operations. It also informed the revision and conversion of existing OPs, BPs, and GPs. The records include: agenda and meeting minutes for OPC; drafts of approach papers, issue papers, and reports with memoranda and comments from members of OPC; OP/BP conversion plans; OPC review schedules; attendance lists; background documents; and meeting briefs prepared for the Managing Director (MD) and Chair for OPC.

Records also include the subject files maintained by CODOP Chief Randolph L. P. Harris from 1987 to 1993. The subject files concern the work of CODOP and consist of records related to the following topics: environment technical assistance; lending review; operations evaluation; office administration; policy, planning, andresearch; operational directives; and annual reviews. The records also contain copies of reports and policy papers.

Records also consist of materials maintained by Rene Ruivivar, who served as Operations Adviser and Senior Operations Adviser for CODOP, OPRPG, and the Operational Services Group (OCSOS) of OCS from 1992 to 1999. The records include: Standard Disbursement Profiles concerning estimates for disbursement and loans from 1985 to 1996; the 1999 OCS Study of Field Based Supervision; records regarding the development of and guidelines for Project Concept Documents and Project Appraisal Documents; and various studies regarding Bank procedures from 1996 to 1997.

International organization and non-governmental organizations (NGO) liaison

The fonds also consist of international organization and NGO liaison records of the PAS/PPD, CODOP, and OPRPG from 1983 to 1997. The records concern liaison with the United Nations, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and other external organizations. Therecords were primarily maintained by Nimrod Raphaeli who worked in the following positions: Planning Advisor and Advisor for UN/UNDP for PPD from 1982 to 1987 and UN Technical Cooperation Advisor for CODOP and OPRPG from 1987 to 1997. These records include: correspondence, memoranda, reports, and minutes of meetings compiled by Raphaeli and other staff regarding Bank-supported technical assistance and the Bank's interaction with the United Nations (UN), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and other organizations external to the Bank. The records also include minutes of meetings of the Bank/UNDP High Level Task Force from 1986 to 1993.

Project management and operational review

This fonds also includes records related to the departments and units responsible for the review of projects and economic sector work (ESW) in the Bank's Regional Vice Presidencies (RVP): the Operations Policy Unit (CODOP) of the Central Operations Department (COD) from 1987 to 1992; the Operations Policy Group (OPRPG) of the Operations Policy Department (OPR) from 1993 to 1997; and the Operations Policy and Strategy Group (MDOPS) from 1997 to 1999.

The fonds includes project review records maintained by the CODOP from 1987 to 1993. Project reviews were usually requested by the Bank's Regional Vice Presidencies (RVP) to gain approval for changes to loan/credit agreements for a particular project. CODOP reviewed these projects on the behalf of Operations Senior Vice President (OPNSV) Moeen Qureshi. The project review records include: requests by the Regions for approval to change existing loan/credit agreements with the Bank for projects; requests for waivers of conditions for release of funds; records related to permission to restructure projects; records related to the use of savings accrued for other projects; and records related to the extension of closing dates for credits, loans, or projects themselves.

Records also include materials related to the Final Executive Project Summaries (FEPS) reviewed by the CODOP from 1987 to 1993. The FEPSs were prepared by departments and units within the Regional Vice Presidencies (RVP), and then reviewed by CODOP before their submission to the Operations Senior Vice President (OPNSV) Moeen Qureshi for approval. Most of the FEPS were submitted for loans and credits for projects in the areas of health, nutrition, population, education, infrastructure, agriculture, energy, mining, research and development, and technical assistance. A typical FEPS includes the following: the project summary; a review document prepared by CODOP that analyzes the summary's documentation from various perspectives; and a memorandum from the OPNSV approving or disapproving the FEPS.

Records also consist of economic sector work (ESW) reports prepared by the Regional Vice Presidencies (RVP), which were submitted to the OPRPG and MDOPS for review for the years 1996 to 1998. The records include country specific draft and final reports focused on various economic and development issues. Also included are background papers and reports produced external of the Bank, and correspondence related to review and tracking ESW in the Regions by OPRPG and MDOPS.

Records of the Operations Committee (OC) and Regional Operations Committee (ROC)

The fonds also includes records related to the Bank-wide Operations Committee (OC) and the Regional Operations Committee (ROC) from 1997 to 2003. The OC and ROC were chaired by one the Bank's Managing Directors (MD), and the committees were composed of members from the Bank's Network departments, and staff from the Regional Vice Presidencies (RVP). The period these records were created, the Operations Policy and Strategy Group (MDOPS) and the Operations Policy and Strategy Vice Presidency (OPS) provided membership representation for the OC/ROC Committees from 1997 to 2001. After 2002, membership representation was provided by staff from the Operational Policy and Country Services Network (OPC). The OC and ROC records focus on review of Country Assistance Strategies (CAS), structural adjustment loans (SALs), Sector Adjustment Loans (SECALs), and other policy concerns specific to a country. The records include: draft CAS, SAL, and SECAL papers with memoranda and comments from OC/ROC members; meeting minutes and agenda for OC/ROC meeting minutes; copies of meeting briefs prepared for the Managing Director and Chair of OC/ROC Committees; copies of the final President's recommendation report submitted to the Executive Directors on SALs, SECALS, and CAS for review; and meeting minutes and discussion summaries of the Board of Executive Directors.

Government Accountability Office (GAO) review records

The fonds also includes records related to reviews performed by the U.S. Congressional Government Accountability Office (GAO) of the Bank's assistance and development strategies, lending programming, and other special programs from 1996 to 2000. OCS assisted GAO in this process by helping to form advisory groups to collaborate in the review process. The GAO records cover a wide range of topics for multiple reviews performed, including some of the following examples: review of management controls over investment lending; review of the Bank's Heavily Indebted Poor Country (HIPC) Initiative; and review of the Bank's Fraud and Corruption program. The GAO records generally include: meeting minutes and agenda for the Bank-wide Audit Committee; meeting minutes and agenda with the Bank's Executive Directors, especially the US Executive Director; terms of reference outlining advisory groups formed to assist and collaborate in the review process with GAO; GAO draft and final copies of audit reports; and correspondence and memoranda primarily between the OCS VP and Head of Network Katherine Sierra, GAO representatives, the U.S. Executive Director, and members of the Audit Committee.

Operational monitoring

The fonds also includes operational monitoring records of the Operations Monitoring Unit (CODMO) from 1987 to 1991.

Included are Overdue Service Payment records created and maintained by the CODMO, which concern problems with overdue service payments from countries receiving IBRD and IDA loans. The records consist of memoranda, reports, and directives concerning procedures for tracking and collecting overdue payments and Bank policy towards governments in arrears on payments. Most of the records consist of IBRD and IDA Overdues Weekly Reports and weekly printouts of overdue service payments. Also included are agreements between the IBRD and the IMF regarding member countries with overdue obligations; memoranda regarding the arrears of specific countries; memoranda regarding overdue financial obligations to the IMF, minutes and reports of the Joint Audit Committee; and records of the Task Force on Policy on Collection of Overdues and Suspension chaired by the Director of the Central Operations Department (COD).

The records also consist of materials from 1988 to 1991 related to the drafting and preparation by CODMO of the Annual Review of Implementation and Supervision (ARIS). The records include draft and final copies of the ARIS submitted to the Bank's Executive Directors for review as well as correspondence and memoranda regarding the ARIS.

Country policy and strategy

The fonds also includes records from 1991 to 1993 related to Country Strategy Papers (CSP), Country Assistance Strategies (CAS), and sometimes Policy Framework Papers (PFP) with related comments from the staff of CODOP and OPRPG. The records document staff comments on and review of proposed loan and credit projects prior to their discussion in meetings of the Bank's Loan Committee. Some records contain only the Chairman's concluding remarks from a meeting of the Executive Directors regarding the Bank's CAS for a particular country.

Also included are Country Policy and Institutional Assessment (CPIA) records maintained by the Operational Policy and Country Services Network (OPC) from the years 2001 to 2006. A CPIA is a diagnostic tool or survey used to assess the quality of a country's policies and institutional arrangements. The CPIA records include country worksheets drafted for a country, which outline quality performance ratings for specific policies within that country.

Special task forces

The fonds includes records related to OPRPG's participation in the Task Force on Portfolio Management under the chairmanship of Willi A. Wapenhans, Vice President and Special Advisor. The Task Force was established in February 1992 by Bank President Lewis T. Preston. Included are the records of Task Force member Michael Pommier, Operations Advisor, which contain extensive correspondence, studies, and draft and final versions of the Task Force report issued in November 1992.

The records also include news releases, articles, and Bank comments on the Task Force report ("Wapenhans Report") which OPRPG used in developing the OPR's study for the Board of Executive Directors in 1994 entitled "Progress Report on The Implementation of Portfolio Management: Next Steps - A Program of Actions." Responses from various parts of the Bank to the report are included in the records.

The records also consist of reports and correspondence documenting progress under the "Next Steps" program in improving portfolio performance management. These were used in drafting the "Second Progress Report on the Implementation of Portfolio Management: Next Steps - A Program of Actions." Drafts and final copies of the report are part of the records.

The fonds also includes records related to OCS and OPC involvement in the extensive review and reform of the Bank's Middle Income Countries (MIC) development and lending strategies from 1997 to 2008. The records are the accumulation of MIC Task Forces launched in 2001 and 2004, and the development of the MIC Action Plan in 2005. The records include background information and records related to the extensive collaboration within the Bank and with Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs), Bank member MIC, MIC Donors, and other International Financial Institutions (IFI) to develop and reform the Bank's MIC strategies. The MIC records include: external background papers, articles, and reports regarding MIC lending in Bank operations; MIC Action Plan drafts; statements drafted by the Bank's Executive Directors with comments and reviews of the MIC Action Plan; informal Executive Director and Board meeting summaries regarding the MIC Action Plan; Second Progress Memoranda regarding MIC Action Plan; President's Memoranda related to MIC reform and strategy; and Strategic Themes and Operational Matrix charts for MIC Strategy.

The MIC records alsoconsist of records related to workshops, seminars, and working groups organized with other Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs), International Financial Institutions (IFI), and MIC Donors to help facilitate the development of joint papers and reports for MIC development reform. The records include: agenda and meeting minutes for various workshops, seminars, and working groups; interview transcripts of workshops; presentation slides and speech transcripts; correspondence and memoranda between involved Bank parties and cooperative MDB, IFI, or donor representatives; and copies of joint drafted papers and reports submitted to Bank Senior Management and Executive Directors Board members with comments. The records also include materials related to the drafting of Strengthening the World Bank's Engagement with IBRD Partner Countries as part of the joint World Bank-IMF Development Committee for the 2006 Fall Annual Meeting.

Also included are records related to consultation meetings organized jointly by the Bankand MDBs to help facilitate support of Bank MIC development strategies, update Bank member countries of MIC reforms, and develop country partnerships strategies. The participants of the meetings usually included the Executive Director for a specific country, the various ministers in a country, and other country officials. The records include: agenda and meeting minutes; participant lists; presentation slides and speech transcripts; invitation letters sent to participants; and correspondence between Bank representatives, MDB representatives, the country Executive Director, and country ministers.

Conferences, seminars, and workshops

The fonds also includes records related to the conferences and seminars planned or participated in by the Aid Effectiveness Unit (OPCAE) and the Harmonization Unit (OPCCH) of the Operational Policy and Country Services Network (OPC) from 2003 to 2009. The records primarily consist of records related to High Level Forum (HLF) conferences organized jointly by the Bank and Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs), which focused on the topics of aid effectiveness and harmonization. The HLF records include: correspondence and memoranda regarding preparation, arrangements, and reporting on HLFs; travel expense records; agenda and meeting minutes of HLFs; invitation letters sent to HLF participants; reimbursement records; and reports, studies, and programs prepared or presented for HLFs. The records also include materials related to workshops and seminars planned by OPCAE and OPCCH. Workshopand seminar records include: travel expense records; budget and expense reports; presentation materials prepared for workshops and seminars; agenda and meeting minutes; and mission reports regarding workshops and seminars held in Bank member countries.

Quality assurance and review

The fonds also includes records from 1997 to 2010 related to the Quality Assurance Group (MDOQA) of the Front Office to the Managing Directors and its successor Quality Assurance Group (QAG) of the Operational Policy and Country Services Network (OPC).

The QAG records include budget and business plan records for the fiscal years 2001 to 2009. The records include: correspondence and memoranda; budget monitoring reports; cross support budget reports; budget estimate reports; cost update reports; and compact summaries outlining business plan budget expenses for QAG.

The QAG records also consist of records related to the review of the QAG by the Bank's Internal Audit Department (IAD) from 2007 to 2010. The review records include:IAD review and recommendation reports; memoranda and correspondence related to the IAD reports; meeting minutes from the Bank's Audit Committee regarding the QAG review; and background information summarizing QAG activities.

The QAG records also include organization and management records focused on the re-integration of QAG into the OPC Network in 2010. The records primarily include correspondence and memoranda and work program records detailing QAG functions and activities post-integration.

The QAG records also consist of materials related to the preparation of QAG quality assessment papers and reports prepared for the Bank's senior management regarding the Bank's quality assurance portfolio from 1997 to 2009. The QAG quality assessment papers were prepared to assess Bank operations in the following portfolio areas: lending; non-lending; support for quality enhancement (SQE); and institutional. The records related to the preparation of quality assessment papers include, but are not limited to the following types of assessments prepared by QAG: Quality at Entry Assessments (QEA); Quality of Supervision Assessments (QSA); Sector Board Assessments; ESW Assessments; Global Programs and Partnerships (GPP); World Bank Institute (WBI) Assessments; Country Analytic and Advisory Activities (AAA); and Other Economic Sector Work (OESW). The quality assessment records also include correspondence and memoranda, interview transcripts and notes, and background papers and reports external of QAG gathered in preparationof quality assessments. The records also include assessment paper review files maintained for the Quality Assessment of the Lending Portfolio (QALP) Program, which was launched in 2008. The review files include copies of quality assessment papers related to lending projects with comments from members of the QALP Panel.

The quality assessment records also consist of records related to QAG planning and preparation of the Annual Report on Portfolio Performance (ARPP) reports prepared for the Bank's Senior Management, the Bank's Executive Board of Directors, and members of the Bank's Committee of Development Effectiveness (CODE). The ARPP summarized information gathered by the quality assessment papers, and informed its audience of the quality and scope of the Bank's lending portfolio and other programs. The ARPP records include: correspondence and memoranda regarding preparation of ARPP; project implementation plans for ARPP; and copies of the ARPP prepared for submission. The QAG records also include presentation materials prepared for various conferences and seminars from 2003 to 2009. The records include copies of hardcopy and mylar presentation slides.

Post Conflict Fund (PCF) program trust fund records

The fonds also includes trust funds records maintained by the Fragile and Conflict Affected Countries Group (OPCFC) of OPC from 1996 to 2007. The records primarily consist of grant documentation for the Post Conflict Fund (PCF) program. The grant fund documentation for PCF include: copies of grant agreements; correspondence sent to country finance ministers or responsible agency authorities regarding grant agreements and amounts allotted; request for grant disbursement; request for payment of professional/contractual services; request for Development Grant Facility (DGF) funding; and external background papers and reports focused on a particular country.

The trust fund records also consist of training materials for sponsored Post Conflict Fund (PCF) programs. The training materials primarily include training manuals and guides, program brochures, and other presentation materials designed to be utilized by educational and mental health practitioners.

Sans titre

Subject files

  • Série organique
  • 1947 - 1996

The files consist of correspondence, reports, legal memoranda, briefs, and printed items. The topics to which the records relate reflect issues of personal interest to Nurick or issues that he handled on behalf of his clients. Records relate to the World Bank as an institution, such as the Bank's Articles of Agreement, the Bretton Woods Agreement, sovereign immunity, the International Finance Corporation, immunities and powers of the Bank, and Bank membership issues involving China, the Palestine Liberation Organization, and Iran. Also included are records relating to bond issues and finance, taxation, co-financing, and securities and investment. Some records relate to litigation, such as a Federal Communications Commission case and a case involving university tuition payments. Files on specific World Bank lending projects include records related to the Volta River power projects in Ghana (including photographs), the Shashe projects in Botswana (Shashe Engineering Project and Shashe Construction and Supplementary Loan Project), the Falconbridge ferronickel project in the Dominican Republic, and the Boke UNDP Technical Assistance project in Guinea. Records also relate to personnel issues, such as staff rights and obligations, garnishment, and staff compensation.

Collection of published materials and mementos

  • Série organique
  • 1950 - 1990

Series contains published materials and other items related to Lurick's work at the World Bank Group. Materials appear to have been selected by Nurick as personal mementos. Included are fourteen copies of the Bank's in-house staff publication International Bank Notes that contain mention of Nurick and his work or celebrate various anniversaries of the Bank. Also included are three copies of an IBRD Office of Information's press clippings compilation from May 1959 in which Nurick is mentioned. Materials related to a trip Nurick made to Japan in 1971 are included as are invitations for Nurick's attendance at a variety of events. Finally, an inscribed copy of a personal memoir by Bank colleague Davidson Sommers titled "Recollections" is included in this series.

Chronological correspondence

  • Série organique
  • 1946 - 2004

The files primarily consist of correspondence to and from Nurick, and drafts of correspondence, reports and other records. The chronological files kept by Nurick capture a variety of topics, related both to Bank work and to personal activities. As the correspondence was captured chronologically, each folder contains records relating to a large variety of (and sometimes unrelated) topics, activities or events. Researchers looking for records related to specific topics, activities or events may need to review all records within the Series using dates as a guideline. The correspondence relates, but is not limited, to: member contributions; membership (including origin of Part 1 and Part 2 countries); Bank subscription increases; bond issues; borrowing and loans to various countries; co-financing; IDA replenishments; Bank financial statements; valuation of capital; arrears and settlement of foreign claims; International Finance Corporation matters; Loan Committee; Development Committee; Joint Ministerial Committee; Bank IDA Statutory Committees; Disbursement Committee; selection of Robert McNamara; the Arab boycott; administrative and other personnel matters, including litigation, Administrative Tribunal and appeals; procurement guidelines; relations with other organizations and the US government; Second Committee of the UN; EEC Special Action Programme; and many others.

Personal Papers of Lester Nurick

  • collection
  • 1946 - 2004

The topics to which the records relate reflect issues of personal interest to Nurick or issues which he handled on behalf of his clients. Records relate to the legal structure of the World Bank as an institution and of its lending operations. Records relate to litigation and specific World Bank lending projects, such as the Volta River power projects in Ghana, the Shashe project in Botswana, the Falconbridge ferronickel project in the Dominican Republic, and the Boke project in Guinea. Records also relate to administrative and personnel issues in the World Bank. A small amount of materials collected, such as publications and invitations, that relate to Nurick's time at the World Bank Group are also included.

Sans titre

Records of the Middle East and North Africa Regional Vice Presidency

  • collection
  • 1946 - 2011

This fonds has been provisionally arranged into one sub-fonds and eight series. Sub-headings are used in this "Scope and content" field according to provisional sub-fonds and series. For a complete list of the provisional series, see the "System of Arrangement" field below.

Europe, Middle East and North Africa (EMN) operational correspondence (sub-fonds)

Records relating to regional operations in the Europe, Middle East and North Africa (EMN) region are contained in this fonds. These operations were active between 1965 and 1991 when the geographical area currently (as of 2017) located in the Middle East and North Africa (MNA) regional Vice Presidency and the Europe and Central Asia regional Vice Presidency (ECA) were combined in the single EMN. Records relate to lending operations and regional and sector studies and consist of the same type of materials described below in the country operational records series. A small amount of records relating to EMN regional policy and procedures are contained as are records relating to EMN's relationship with other multilateral institutions.

Operational records

The majority of the records in this fonds are country operational records. The "operational records" relate to the Bank's operational work overseen by the Middle East and North African (MNA) Vice Presidency and its predecessors. Records relate to investment, structural adjustment, technical assistance, and economic and sector work (ESW) financed, co-financed, and / or managed by the Bank. Note that projects financed or co-financed by external bodies such as the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), national governments, and trust funds but which were executed by the Bank are included.

The records in this fonds were created by Area Departments (1947-1972), Country Departments (CDs, 1972-1997) and Country Management Units (CMUs, 1997-2011) as well as the Economic Department (1946-1952), Technical Operations Department (TOD, 1952-1965), Projects Department (1965-1972), regional project departments (1972 - 1987), technical departments (1987 - 1997), and sector departments (1997 - 2011). See the "Administrative history" field for a history of these units and their functions. Records specifically relate to operations in countries overseen by the MNA as of 2016. The geographical area covered by MNA has remained constant since 1991 when MNA and the Europe and Central Asia region (ECA) were created out of the former Europe, Middle East, and North Africa region (EMN or EMENA). Records relating to countries in the Middle East and North Africa region created while they reported to EMN between 1968 and 1991 are also included. Note that records of regional projects or programs that span more than a single country are also included in this series.Records relating to all phases of the World Bank Project Cycle, from conception through negotiation and completion, are found in this fonds. Project records contained in this fonds were created by both the unit identified as the designated record keeping unit within the Region and, in smaller number, the regional units that provided project support and the departments and Vice President front office responsible for review. Included are records relating to not only completed projects but also to abandoned (or dropped) projects (i.e. projects that were abandoned in the course of preparation or that failed to gain Board approval) and suspended projects (i.e. approved projects, including those partially disbursed, which were suspended and not resumed). Records related to the discussion and negotiation of projects that were never initiated are also included.

Correspondence files make up the bulk of the project records and relate to the identification, preparation, appraisal, negotiation, approval, supervision, fund disbursement, completion, and review of each individual project. Correspondence is in the form of letters, printed email, memoranda, telexes, and faxes. Accompanying materials most often include aide-memoires, minutes of meetings, Terms of Reference, and back-to-office reports. Correspondence is between Bank staff and government officials, ambassadors, institutions, contractors, and consultants.

Project records may also include: Project Implementation Index File (PIIF) documents; executive project summary/project concept documents; annual progress reports; supplemental documents; Project Completion Reports (PCRs, also known as Completion Reports); consultant reports; supervision reports; and final versions of mandatory reports. A small amount of project-related newspaper clippings, financial statements, photographs, hand-written notes, maps, engineering plans, and copies of loan agreements and related documents may also be found. External documents received from borrowers, contractors, consultants, etc., including studies, reports, plans, specifications, PIIF documents, etc., are also included.

General country files are also included in the "operational records". These refer to correspondence (often in the form of chronological files), topical and subject files, and other records related to IBRD/IDA lending programs, other than those maintained for individual loans and credits. Records relate to economic, social, and sector work studies and research, analysis, and the development of sector and country programs, policies, and strategies. Specifically, these records might relate to: capital markets; indebtedness; investment law; missions to the country; technical assistance; disbursement; government relations; inquiries; local bond issues; cofinancing; consultative groups; aid groups; country liaison; resident representatives; and Country Program Papers (CPP) preparation. Records relating to and filed according to the various sectors of investment are also included. In each series, country sector topics may include but are not limited to: agriculture; education; energy; industrial development and finance; industry; population; health; nutrition; telecommunications; tourism; transportation; urban development; water and sewage; governance; public sector development; private sector development; and social development. General country file records take the form of correspondence, memoranda, minutes of meetings, notes, back-to-office reports, aide-memoires, briefing papers, and reports. Records relating to other analytical and advisory activities (AAA) and the related collection of data for these activities may also be included. These records may include research material in the form of surveys and spreadsheets and guides created or used for analysis or processing of data.

Country-specificrecords relating to country program management are also included in the "operational records". These records were maintained primarily by the Country Department headquarter units and were used to document Bank Group assistance planning and strategy for each country. Records may relate to the creation of Bank reports such as: the Country Assistance Strategy (CAS); Country Briefs; Country Strategy Papers; Country Economic Memoranda; Medium Term Framework Papers; and policy statements. Records related to country Task Forces, such as the one undertaken for Gaza and the West Bank in the early 1990s, are also included. Country-specific records relating to country program management may take the form of: agendas; briefings and reports of country team meetings; final versions of reports; consultant reports on specific sector or project issues; meeting summaries and notes; and background materials used in the preparation of reports.

Also included in this fonds are informational records related to each country and to development issues specific to that country. Many of the topics covered in these records are focused on the various development sectors. These records primarily contain externally created reference material, although a small amount of internally generated material (such as press releases, speeches and addresses, and material related to internally sponsored conferences and seminars) may also be included. Reference materials may include: lists of government officials; information on external consultants; newspaper clippings related to country matters; press releases related to Bank and country activities; correspondence with government officials and/or ministries; and records related to the activities of field offices in the country. Also included, in small amounts, are books, journals, magazines, articles, extracts, directories, manuals, handbooks, guides, and dissertations originating from elsewhere in the Bank Group or of external origin. Topics may include common development sectors (agriculture, transportation, education, etc.) as they relate to specific countries as well as: resettlement; indigenous peoples; participation[AM2]; Global Environment Facility (GEF); World Bank operation policies; country politics; legislation and economic situation; debt; cofinancing, trust funds, and small grants programs; and natural resource management.

Conferences, seminar, and training organization and/or attendance

Fonds includes records related to the conferences, meetings, seminars, and training sessions organized or attended by MNA staff. Records may relate to events planned by various organizational units within the Vice Presidency, including Country Departments. Records may relate to the identification and selection of themes, topics, speakers and / or participants. Fonds may also include: proposals; reports; transcripts; copies of invitations and brochures; administrative arrangements; and course development and training materials.

Records related to MNA staff attendance at the World Bank's Annual and Spring meetings are also included.

External aid coordination and multilateral development assistance

Fonds consists of records relating to the development and implementation of strategies for cofinancing and other instances of development coordination with bilateral and multilateral organizations. Records relate to cooperative relationships between the Bank Group and donors, cofinanciers, development agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), multilateral and bilateral organizations (government agencies, United Nations Development Programme [UNDP], Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development [OECD], etc.), and other partner organizations. Specifically, records may relate to: collaborative development assistance; Bank-sponsored seminars and conferences; and external funding for consultants. In addition to correspondence, records may include: copies of agreements and other legal documents; initiating briefs; reports and memoranda concerning disbursement of cofinanced funds; periodic reports to cofinanciers; trust fund audits; and other related materials.

The series also contains records documenting the establishment, proceedings and activities of the consultative groups and aid groups convened and chaired by the Bank to coordinate external financial assistance and which the Bank provided secretarial support to. These include Consultative Groups for Tunisia (1962), Morocco (1967), Egypt (1977), Jordan (1993), Lebanon (1993), West Bank and Gaza Strip (1994), and Yemen (1997). The early consultative groups typically met bi-annually for several successive years or for longer than a decade, with Bank staff leading smaller sector or local consultative meetings in between the bi-annual donor group meetings. Files contain a large body of correspondence between the country department staff, the chairman who was typically the Area or Country Director but on occasion was the Regional Vice President, and donor members of the consultative groups including the recipient country. Correspondence includes copies of outgoing memoranda and letters, cables, original letters from member government officials (some addressed to the Bank President), notes to the file, minutes of pre-consultative group meetings, sector, and/or local meetings, and drafts of documents. Topics covered by the correspondence include policies and practices of the consultative groups; its origins and establishment; changes in membership or participation; pledges and terms of aid by donor countries; and collaboration with International Monetary Fund and other multilateral participants or observers.

Also included are the set of official meeting documents of the earliest Bank-chaired consultative groups for Tunisia and Morocco and other countries aforementioned that contain: preliminary meeting summaries, notice of meeting, agenda, list of delegates, Bank-authored or government authored memoranda or economic reports and policy papers, Chairman's report of proceedings, transcripts or verbatim proceedings, participants statements, and press release. Meeting files also contain small amount of administrative correspondence authored by Secretary's department or the Area or Country Department concerning meeting preparations, distribution of documents, or announcements about participants in attendance of the meetings.

There is also a smaller volume of files relating to donor meetings chaired by the department, as well as consultative meetings or roundtables chaired by other organizations outside of the Bank including the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in which the Bank participated.

VP Subject files

Fonds contains the subject and informational records of Middle East and North Africa (MNA) Vice Presidents including Caio Koch-Weser. Records include those collected or produced relating to committees, task forces, and working groups of which the VP participated in, or contributed to, as well as conferences the VP or the VP's Front Office attended. Country files maintained by the VP (including back-to-office reports) may be included as well as reference material on a variety of topics. Records include correspondence and internal memoranda as well as country and thematic briefs and meeting materials. A small amount of speeches made by the MNA Vice President may also be included.

VP Correspondence

Fonds includes the chronological correspondence files of a number of MNA Vice Presidents, including: Caio Koch-Weser; Kermal Davis, and Jean-Louis Sarbib.

Departmental Communications and Support

Fonds also consists of briefing books prepared for senior World Bankofficials in preparation for visits to Middle Eastern and North African countries as well as for participation in meetings, seminars, and speeches. Briefing books were created by MNA units including VP front office staff and were prepared for MNA senior officials as well as for other senior Bank staff including World Bank presidents and Executive Directors. Briefing books commonly contain: program of country visit; background profiles on country leaders and officials; talking points; country overview; World Bank Group activities; visit and meeting briefs; project meeting briefs; and other World Bank authored reports which serve as background information. In some files, travel information accompanies or forms part of the briefing books.

Business plan and budget management records

Fonds includes records relating to the business plan and budget management activities (i.e. planning, implementation, monitoring, and review) of the Region. Records may originate in the VP's Front Office or in the VP's country orsector departments. Records may include: annual budget files created by the Region's budget and administrative units; Business Plans covering three-year periods; and Retrospective and Mid-Year Reviews. Records relating to the budgets of country and technical departments are included primarily in the form of correspondence and budget reports and tools.

Management and oversight of unit functions

Records relating to the management and oversight of the Region's country and technical departments' functionalresponsibilities and policy development are included in this fonds. Topics may include: work program development; unit policy and procedures; agency structure and organization; management improvement studies; field office management; VP-wide coordination and direction; departmental reviews; management retreats; regional objectives and operational directives; staff surveys; and staffing. Records may include: work program agreements; monthly reports and operational summaries; research program materials; various task force records including some final reports; unit reviews; management team meeting records; World Bank procedures and guidelines; and general correspondence including those disseminated from the MNAVP to VP staff.

Sans titre

Records of Sir Denis Rickett

  • Sous-fonds
  • 1970 - 1974

Sir Denis Rickett was Vice President of the World Bank from 1968 until 1974. The records are a series of subject files that include copies of reports and memos and well as personal correspondence and notes.

The Committee of Twenty, formally the Committee of the Board of Governors on Reform of the International Monetary System and Related issues, was established in 1972. Rickett served as the Bank's representative to the Committee from March 1973 until June 1974, and the files consist of Rickett's correspondence, memos and reports of the meetings of the committee as well as memos and documents from the Committee's Technical Group on the SDR Link.

The Council of Europe files contain Rickett's correspondence as well as agendas, reports and the records of the January 1970 convention on development in which Rickett participated as a discussant. Files on conferences contain correspondence and reports relating to conferences to which Rickett was invited and copies of speeches he delivered.

The Pearson Commission on development issues was established in 1968 under the chairmanship of Lester B. Pearson. Rickett's files on the Pearson commission consist of copies of J. Burke Knapp's correspondence (Knapp was also a Vice President of the Bank during this period), memos and reports on the Commission as well as the original letters Lester Pearson received from heads of states and other VIPS in response to his report Partners in Development. The Canadian International Development Authority commissioned a study in 1971 to look at the World Bank over the next decade. Written by Escott Reid, the draft of the study is in the Rickett files, along with a summary of the report and copies of comments on the draft by Bank staff members.

Other files contain memos and Bank reports on debt problems and energy and oil issues during the 1973-1974 oil crisis.

Records of Mohamed Shoaib

Mohamed Shoaib was Vice President of the World Bank from 1966-1976, having previously served as the Alternate Executive Director, Executive Director, and Governor of the Bank from Pakistan. The documents in this file concern the Williamsburg II meeting held in Jogjakarta, Indonesia, in 1972. The meeting was a continuation of a previous meeting at which high-level officials from the Bank, other international organizations, and foreign governments discussed development issues for a particular region in itsbroad political and security context. The Williamsburg II meeting focused on Southeast Asia, the balance of power in the region after the Vietnam war, the role of China in the region, and the special problems of the overseas Chinese. The file contains an informal running account of the discussions, the program and a list of participants, a summary, and what appear to be Shoaib's handwritten notes during the meeting.

Records of Robert L. Garner

  • Sous-fonds
  • 1949, 1968 - 1974

Robert L. Garner was Vice President of the World Bank from 1947-1956. The documents in this file concern the trip that Garner made to the Middle East and North Africa on behalf of the Bank in the spring of 1949. Although fragmentary, they convey a sense of the issues Garner discussed with the leaders in the countries visited, particularly in Turkey. The notes of Garner's report to a staff meeting provide an overview of the trip. Also interesting is Garner's report to Bank President John J. McCloy on Garner's visit to Egypt.

Records of General Vice Presidents and Managing Directors

  • collection
  • 1949, 1968 - 1974

The records of the era of the general vice presidents are fragmentary. A few records of a Middle East and North African trip by Robert L. Garner exist, as does a file on a meeting in Jogjakarta attended by Mohamed Shoaib. The files of Sir Denis Rickett contain important records on studies of the future role of the Bank, as well as information on the Bank's reactions to the oil crisis of the early 1970s.

Sans titre

Photo albums

  • Série organique
  • 1963 - 1968

Three albums of color photographs, the first of a fashion show luncheon on 1963-10-02 hosted by Louise Woods and Mrs. Pierre-Paul Schweitzer, wife of the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, for wives of attendeesat the Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors; the second of a luncheon hosted on 1966-09-26 by Mrs. Woods and Mrs. Schweitzer for the same group during the Annual Meeting; and the third of the farewell dinner given for George D. and Louise Woods by the Executive Directors of the World Bank on 1968-03-29. All with captions.

Trip diaries

  • Série organique
  • 1956 - 1974

Electrostatic copies of typewritten accounts by Louise Woods of official and personal trips. The files on some of the official trips can be found in the records of George D. Woods. The descriptions are exclusively of social events, such as dinners, receptions, shopping trips, and sightseeing. Some descriptions illuminate the personalities of persons who accompanied the Woods on the trips or were met by them.

Personal Papers of Louise Taraldson Woods

  • collection
  • 1956 - 1974

This fonds consists of diaries and photographs of social activities, principally during the period when George D. Woods was President of the World Bank.

Sans titre

Loan Committee project files

  • Série organique
  • 1971 - 1987 (predominant 1980 - 1987)

The files typically contain: discussion memoranda; discussion memoranda transmittal sheets; loan agreements; guarantee agreements; project agreements; reports and recommendations of the IBRD President to Executive Directors; agreements amending guarantee agreements; and memoranda regarding either withdrawal of loan offers or loan modifications. A small number of files contain minutes of Loan Committee meetings. Project files for the Bahamas (1973) and Barbados (1973) include memoranda and other documents relating to their applications for membership in the IBRD and documents indicating approval actions taken by the IBRD.

The bulk of these records are dated 1980 - 1987. Very few Loan Committee project files survive from the 1970s because in September 1971 the Committee and the staff of the Bank's Administration Department decided that once a project file was more than two fiscal years old, it would be discarded.

Minutes and other Loan Committee records of the Chairman (Ernest Stern)

  • Série organique
  • February 1993 - January 1995

This series consists of Loan Committee records that were maintained in the office of the Chairman, Ernest Stern. A typical file contains the Initiating Memorandum (IM), comments regarding the IM from committee members, memoranda suggesting agenda topics, minutes and amendments to minutes of Loan Committee meetings, and memoranda and notes from Stern.

Operations Committee records of the Chairman (Moeen Qureshi)

  • Série organique
  • 1987 - 1991

This series is comprised of Moeen Qureshi's set of minutes, postscripts, and memoranda relating to meetings of the Operations Committee during the period when Qureshi was Senior Vice President, Operations, and chairman of the Operations Committee. The contents of the files for the meetings vary somewhat but may contain the Country Strategy Paper, Initiating Memorandum, or report that was discussed at the meeting; the minutes of the meeting and/or the related Postscript; and memoranda from other members of the Operations Committee, members of the Operations staff, regional directors, or members of the Economic Advisory Staff. The files include Qureshi's handwritten annotations and notes and copies of his formal comments.

Agenda and minutes of meetings, and background documents: Loan Committee and Operations Committee

  • Série organique
  • December 1991 - July 1997

The files for each meeting include the formal agenda and minutes of the meeting and extensive background documentation such as the project proposal (e.g., Final Executive Project Summary) and related memoranda forwarded from a region, memoranda from various units in the Bank commenting on the proposal prior to the Committee's meeting, handwritten notes taken during the Committee's meeting, draft minutes and comments on drafts, and follow-up memoranda and correspondence regarding the project. The files for the period from December 1991 to December 1995 were maintained by Orsalia Kalantzopolous, assistant to Managing Directors Ernest Stern and Gautam Kaji. When the Operations Committee replaced the Loan Committee in January 1996, the committee secretariat was transferred to the Office of the Director, Operations Policy Department (OPRDR), and John D. Shilling was appointed secretary to both the Operations Committee and the Operations Policy Committee.

Agenda, minutes, and other records of the Operations Committee

  • Série organique
  • June 1987 - May 1990

This series of Committee records was compiled by Cosmos Linus Robless, Senior Operations Advisor, Office of the Senior Vice President - Operations. It includes four types of records:

  • (I) Agendas of meetings, 17 February 1988 to 25 May 1990, arranged by date of meeting;

  • (II) Minutes and Postscripts of meetings, 3 March 1988 to 25 May 1990, arranged by date of meeting;

  • (III) Initiating Memoranda discussed at Operations Committee meetings, 29 March 1989 to 27 March 1990;

  • (IV) Memoranda to Committee members regarding papers to be discussed at meetings and Committee procedures and schedules, June 1987 to April 1990.

Minutes of Loan Committee meetings

  • Série organique
  • 1948 - 1987

The series includes: formal minutes of regular meetings from April 1948 to May 1987; minutes of special meetings from January 1968 to August 1972; notes on weekly meetings from May 1950 to January 1962; summaries of decisions reached at meetings from April to August 1948; and memoranda requesting that the Committee approve a loan without meeting from 1969 to 1972. In some cases, memoranda regarding the date and agenda of a meeting are included. Filed at the end of the series is a chronological set of memoranda to Committee members from June 1983 to March 1987 confirming the date and topic of a meeting.

Records of the Operations (Loan) Committee

  • collection
  • 1948 - 1997

The records of the Loan Committee consist of three distinct types of files: minutes; records of the chairman; and background information. The official Loan Committee minutes were maintained by the Bank's Central Files unit until 1987; this Central Files series is the first series of this fonds. Thereafter the official set of minutes became the responsibility of staff attached to the office of the Committee chairman; the second and third series are these records. Some gaps exist in the minutes, but records of these meetings may be found in the series of records of the chairman.

The chairmen of the Commitee also maintained records that, while partly duplicating the series of official minutes, also contain handwritten notes and annotations revealing the chairman's personal reactions to proposals. These are the fourth and fifth series in the fonds.

The bulk of the fonds is a series of project files, mainly from the 1980s, arranged by country. Each file contains the basic documents relating to the Committee's actions on a specific project. While the series of minutes show the chronological development of lending, this background series enables the researcher to look at all projects in a country or region to understand the project emphases in a geographical area. Taken together, the series in this fonds provide a comprehensive picture of the Bank's projects and the shifting priorities in lending policy over time.

Sans titre

Records of the Latin America and Caribbean Regional Vice Presidency

  • collection
  • 1947-2008

This fonds consists of records created by the departments and vice presidencies that were responsible for World Bank operations in Central and South America and the Caribbean.

Country operational records

The majority of the records of this fonds are country operational records. These records broadly consist of project records relating to the negotiation and administration of loans and general country records relating to economic and sector study. These records were created by Area Departments (1947-1972), Country Departments (CDs, 1972-1997) and Country Management Units (CMUs, 1997-) as well as Regional project departments (1972 - 1987), technical departments (1987 - 1997), and sector departments (1997 - ).

Project records

Records related to the Bank's projects overseen by the LCR are contained in the "Country operational records" series. These records relate to investment, structural adjustment, and other development projects financed, co-financed, or managed by the Bank. Note that projects funded or co-funded by external bodies such as the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), national governments, and trust funds and which were executed by the Bank are also included.

Information about specific projects from their conception through negotiation and completion is found in this series; records relating to all phases of the World Bank Project Cycle are included here. Project records contained in this fonds were created by both the unit identified as the designated record keeping unit within the Region and, in smaller number, the Regional units that provided project support. Included are records relating to not only completed projects but also to abandoned projects (i.e. projects that were abandoned in course of preparation or that failed to gain Board approval) and suspended projects (i.e. approved projects, including those partially disbursed, which have been suspended and not resumed). Records related to the discussion and negotiation of projects that were never initiated are also included.

Correspondence files make up the bulk of the project records and relate to the identification, preparation, appraisal, negotiation, approval, supervision, disbursement of funds, completion, and review of each individual project. Correspondence is in the form of letters, memoranda, telexes, and faxes. Accompanying materials most often include aide-memoires, minutes of meetings, Terms of Reference, back-to-office reports, etc. Correspondence is between the Bank and government officials, ambassadors, institutions, and consultants.

Project records may also include: Project Files documents; Project Implementation Index File (PIIF) documents; executive project summary/project concept documents; annual progress reports; supplemental documents; consultant reports; supervision reports; and final versions of mandatory reports. Note that reports included in this fonds are occasionally available through the Bank's Projects & Operations site. A small amount of project-related newspaper clippings, financial statements, photographs, hand-written notes, maps, engineering plans, and copies of loan agreements and related documents may also be found, as well. External documents received from borrowers, governments, consultants, etc., including studies, reports, plans, specifications, Project File documents, PIIF documents, etc., are also included.

Country Economic and Sector Work (ESW) records

General country files are also included in the "Country operational series". These refer to background correspondence and other records of the Region's support activities for IBRD/IDA lending programs, other than those maintained for individual loans and credits. These relate to economic, social, and sector work study and analysis and the development of sector and country programs, policies and strategies. Specifically, these records might relate to: capital markets; indebtedness; investment law; missions to the country; technical assistance; disbursement; government relations; inquiries; local bond issues; country liaison; programs and missions; resident representatives; Country Program Papers (CPP) preparation; and Project Implementation Review (PIR). Records relating to and filed according to the various sectors of investment are also included. In each series, sector files may include but are not limited to: agriculture; education; energy; industrial development and finance; industry; population; health; nutrition; telecommunications; tourism; transportation; urban development; water and sewage; and social development. General country filerecords take the form of correspondence, memoranda, minutes of meetings, notes for files, briefing papers, back-to-office reports, aide-memoires, briefing papers, and reports. Records relating to analytical and advisory activities (AAA) and the related collection of data for these activities may also be included.

Country-specific records relating to country program management are also included in the country operational record series. These records were maintained primarily by the Country Department headquarter units and were used to document Bank Group assistance planning and strategy for each country. Records may pertain to the creation of Bank reports such as: the Country Assistance Strategy (CAS); Country Briefs; Country Strategy Papers; Country Economic Memoranda; Medium Term Framework Papers; and policy statements. These records take the form of: agendas; briefings and reports of country team meetings; final versions of reports; and background materials used in the preparation of reports. Briefing papers prepared for Annual Meetings and other reports to management may also be included.

Also included are informational records related to each country and to development issues specific to that country. These records primarily contain externally created reference material, although a small amount of internally generated material (such as speeches and addresses and material related to internally sponsored conferences and seminars) may also be included. Reference materials may include: lists of government officials; information on external consultants; newspaper clippings related to country matters; press releases related to Bank and country activities; correspondence with government officials and/or ministries; and documents related to the operations of field offices in the country. Also included, in small amounts, are books, journals, magazines, articles, extracts, directories, manuals, handbooks, guides, and dissertations originating from elsewhere in the Bank Group or of external origin. Topics include common development sectors (agriculture, transportation, education, etc.) as well as: resettlement; indigenous peoples; participation; Global Environment Facility (GEF); World Bank operation policies; country politics, legislation, and economic situation; and natural resource management. Also includes some reports and other resources relating to countries and regions outside of Latin America.

Regional operational records

Operational records related to the Latin America & Caribbean region are also includedin this fonds. Included are the project records of projects that span more than a single country, such as the founding of new regional banks, the establishment of a common market, tourism projects, and the creation of regional infrastructure, such as roads, ports, electric power generation and telecommunications. The types of project-related records are similar to those described in the "Country operational records" series section above. Also included are general records related to economic, social and sector work study and analysis and the development of sector and regional programs, policies and strategies. In terms of topic and form, these records are similar to the general records of the country operational series described above; this includes records related to sector study and development and analytical and advisory activities (AAA). However, records relate to either the region as a whole or to multi-country areas of the region. Also included are records relating to multilateral institutions that worktogether with the Bank.

External aid coordination

Series consists of records relating to the development and implementation of aid coordination activities not specific to projects, such as cofinancing arrangements, donor meetings, consultative group meetings, and Country Team meetings. Records originate in country and sector departments and relate to cooperative relationships between the Bank Group and donors, cofinanciers, development agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and other concernedorganizations. Specifically, records may relate to: collaborative development assistance; Bank-sponsored seminars and conferences; cofinancing and trust funds; the Consultant Trust Fund Program (CTFP); and external funding for consultants. Records may include: copies of agreements and other legal documents; initiating briefs; reports and memoranda concerning disbursement of cofinanced funds; periodic reports to cofinanciers; and other related materials.

The series also contains records documenting the establishment, proceedings and activities of the consultative groups convened and chaired by the Bank to assess and coordinate external financial assistance and which the Bank provided secretarial support to. These include the Colombia Consultative Group (1962) as well as consultative groups for Brazil (1966), Peru (1966), Bolivia (1977), Honduras (1988), Guatemala (1989), El Salvador (1991), Nicaragua (1994), Haiti (1996), and Costa Rica (1998). Many of the consultative groups met bi-annually for several successive years or longer than a decade such as Colombia and Peru, with Bank staff leading smaller sector or local consultative meetings in between the bi-annual donor group meetings. Files contain a large body of correspondence between the country department staff, the chairman who was typically the Area of Country Director, and members of the consultative groups including the recipient country. Correspondence includes copies of outgoing memoranda and letters, cables, original letters from member government officials (some addressed to the Bank President), notes to the file, minutes of pre-consultative group meetings, sector, and/or local meetings organized by country staff in between consultative group meetings, and drafts of documents. Topics covered by the correspondence include policies and practices of the consultative group; its origins and establishment; changes in membership or participation; pledges and terms of aid by donor countries; and collaboration with International Monetary Fund and other multilateral participants or observers.

Also included are the set of official meeting documents of the Bank-chaired consultative groups aforementioned that contain: preliminary meeting summaries, notice of meeting, agenda, list of delegates, Bank-authored or government authored memoranda or economic reports and policy papers, Chairman's report of proceedings, transcripts or verbatim proceedings, participants statements, and press release. Meeting files also contain small amount of administrative correspondence authored by Secretary's Department or the Area or Country Department concerning meeting preparations, distribution of documents, or announcements about participants in attendance of the meetings.

There is also a smaller volume of files relating to consultative meetings of other organizations including the Guyana-led aid group and the Caribbean Group for Economic Cooperation in Development (CGCED) in which the Bank participated beginning in the early 1970s as well as CGCED sub-group consultative or other donor meetings chaired by the department.

Departmental reference materials

Reference materials maintained by Regional departments are included in this fonds. Topics include the various development sectors as well as Bank operational topics such as: project identification; loan procurement; consultants; exports; macroeconomic stability and growth; and private sector assessment.

Department directors' project records (reference)

Project file reference copies maintained by the CD and CMU directors' front office are also included in this fonds. These include project-related records circulated from project managers to the departments for information, monitoring, review, or input. These records are arranged by project and then, in most cases, by project cycle component or phase.

Departmental directors' chronological files

Also included are chronological files created and maintained by the directors of CDs and CMUs. Specifically, the records of directors from LCC7C (Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay) and LCC1C (Mexico) are included; records date from 1992 to 1998.

Business plan and budget management records

Fonds includes records relating to business plan and budget management (i.e. planning, implementation, monitoring, and review) activities of the Region. The VP's Chief Administrator's annual budget records are contained in this fonds. These records include Business Plans covering three-year periods as well as Retrospective Reviews. Multi-volume annual budget files created by the Region's budget and administrative units are also included. Records relating to the budgets of Country Departments are also included primarily in the form of correspondence and budget reports and tools. Budget records created by both the Regional VP and Country Departments relating to country field offices are included. A small number of the Region's Budget Committee records from between 1996 and 2000 are also contained in the fonds.

Management and oversight of unit functions

Records relating to the management and oversight of the Region's functional responsibilities, work program, and policy development are included in this fonds. Topics include: work program development; unit policy and procedures; agency structure and organization; management improvement studies; coordination and direction; departmental reviews; Regional objectives and operational directives; and staffing. Records include: work program agreements and monthly reports; research program materials; general correspondence; various task force records including some final reports; unit reviews; LAC evaluation and restructuring records; records of the Region's Resource Management Group; and general correspondence. Records relating to the Funding Coordinators Group (trust funds) are also included.

Front office administration and oversight of field offices

Fonds also includes those records maintained in the Region's front office relating to the activities of the Region's field offices. Records may include: correspondence; reports; and contracts. Records may also relate to: establishment agreements; leases; renovation; capital budget; local staff; resident representatives; mission statement; and other information of substantive nature. Records were created between 1978 and 1993.

VP chronological files

Fonds includes the chronological files of the Region's VP S. Shahid Hussain for the years 1990 to 1992.

Front office reference material

A variety of front office reference material is included in this fonds. This includes a collection of reports and articles created between 1987 and 1995. Topics include: development; governance; Bank-Fund collaboration; Bank operations; information technology; communications; and human resources. Records take the form of: photocopied articles; Bank-authored reports including task force reports; Bank Executive Director memoranda; reports from external institutions; workshop publications; and seminar reports. Also included are subject files of the LAC front office. Records date from 1977 to 1993 and cover a variety of topics related to sector development, operations, budget, other Bank units, and external institutions.

UNDP liaison

Fonds contains records relating to the Region's cooperation with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) with respect to development planning. Included are UNDP authored country programme records relating to LCR countries. Other reports authored by the UNDP are also included as is correspondence between the Bank concerning development activities in member countries in the Latin America and Caribbean region. Records are organized by country and date from 1981-1996. Note that project records from projects funded in whole or in part by the UNDP but executed by the Bank are included in the country and regional operational record series.


Also included are records related to the Region's communications activities. These consist of press releases authored by the World Bank dating from 1949 to 1997. Files are arranged by country and relate to: relations between the Bank and member country; projects fundedby the Bank; and other pertinent topics.

Committee records

Fonds contains records relating to a number of committees, task forces, working groups, etc., that establish, recommend, or monitor implementation of policy and procedures and on which the Region or its units are represented or about which they are kept informed. Included are the Reorganization Steering Committee (1988), Evaluation Monitoring Implementation Committee, Operational Committee, and LCR's Office of the Director Filing Project committee.

Training, seminar, and workshop planning and management

Fonds includes records related to the establishment, organization, proceedings, and output of conferences, meetings, seminars, and training organized by LCR units. Records include back-to-office reports, presentation notes and outlines, planning materials, reports, and correspondence. Many of the records relate to events undertaken in conjunction with the World Bank Institute (WBI). Records relating to training, seminars, and workshops organizedby the Region's Environment Unit (LATEN) between 1992 and 1995 are also numerous. These events were organized for both Bank staff at headquarters and at country offices as well as for member governments and other institutions and groups.

Information technology management

Also contained in this fonds are records related to the management of information technology strategy for the Region. Included are files related to regional information strategy such as the LAC Enterprise Network pilot, the LAC communications link, imaging and the IRIS system, and files on LAC modernization and restructuring.

Sans titre

Personal papers of Benjamin B. King - Materials related to Zambia

  • Série organique
  • 1964-1994

The papers consist of a body of materials related to Zambia. King undertook a mission to Zambia for the Bank and wrote a report on it, and he collected information about and remained interested in Zambia thereafter. The materials related to Zambia include four documents prepared and distributed for the December 1986 meeting of the Consultative Group on Zambia, which had had its first meeting in June 1978. Most of the other documents related to Zambia are internal World Bank documents, with a few Bank publications and some publications from other sources. The materials are arranged in four sections: Consultative Group documents; unpublished Bank materials; Bank publications; and other publications. This is a useful body of materials for an overview of Zambian economic issues in the 1980s.

Sans titre

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