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Showing 4651-4700 of 4753 results


29 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques

Singapore - Slides - 1-37 RH to 1-46 RH
Singapore - Slides - 1-37 RH to 1-46 RH
Singapore - Slides - 1-19 RH to 1-27 RH
Singapore - Slides - 1-19 RH to 1-27 RH
With Bare Hands - Slides - 2 R-32 to 3 R-7
With Bare Hands - Slides - 2 R-32 to 3 R-7
Singapore - Slides - 2-26 RH to 2-33 RH
Singapore - Slides - 2-26 RH to 2-33 RH
Brazil - Ultrafertil - Slides - Industry
Brazil - Ultrafertil - Slides - Industry
Dominican Republic - Cementos National - Slides
Dominican Republic - Cementos National - Slides
Brazil - Adela - Slides
Brazil - Adela - Slides
Kenya - Safari Lodge - Tourism - Slides
Kenya - Safari Lodge - Tourism - Slides
Thailand - Siam City Cement - Slides
Thailand - Siam City Cement - Slides
Brazil - Petroquimica Uniao - Slides
Brazil - Petroquimica Uniao - Slides
Thailano - United Sugar Terminal - Slides
Thailano - United Sugar Terminal - Slides
Philippines - Surigas Vichel - Marinduque - Slides
Philippines - Surigas Vichel - Marinduque - Slides
Philippines - Paper Industries - Slides
Philippines - Paper Industries - Slides
Philippines - Surigas Vichel - Marinduque - Slides
Philippines - Surigas Vichel - Marinduque - Slides
The World Bank - Japanese Version - Copy 5
The World Bank - Japanese Version - Copy 5
Seeds of Progress - German Version - 16MM Color, Sound, Print - Reel 7
Seeds of Progress - German Version - 16MM Color, Sound, Print - Reel 7
Seeds of Progress - German Version - 16MM Color, Print, Sound - Reel 6
Seeds of Progress - German Version - 16MM Color, Print, Sound - Reel 6
World Bank - The World Bank Film - English Version - 16MM Color, Print, Sound
World Bank - The World Bank Film - English Version - 16MM Color, Print, Sound
Plague Upon the Land - Swahili Version - 16MM Color, Sound, Print
Plague Upon the Land - Swahili Version - 16MM Color, Sound, Print
Plague Upon the Land - Chinese Version - 16MM Color, Sound, Print - Reel 1
Plague Upon the Land - Chinese Version - 16MM Color, Sound, Print - Reel 1
Dandora - English Version - Copy 112
Dandora - English Version - Copy 112
World Bank - Plague Upon the Land - Italian Version - Color, Print
World Bank - Plague Upon the Land - Italian Version - Color, Print
Reflections on 21st Century - English Version - 16MM Color, Sound, Print - Copy 143 - Reel 2
Reflections on 21st Century - English Version - 16MM Color, Sound, Print - Copy 143 - Reel 2
Reflections on 21st Century - English - 16MM Color, Sound, Print - Copy 130 - Reel 1
Reflections on 21st Century - English - 16MM Color, Sound, Print - Copy 130 - Reel 1
Plague Upon the Land - Swahili - 16MM Color, Sound, Print - Reel 2
Plague Upon the Land - Swahili - 16MM Color, Sound, Print - Reel 2
Reflections on 21st Century - 16MM Color, Sound, Print - French - Reel 1
Reflections on 21st Century - 16MM Color, Sound, Print - French - Reel 1
Brookings World Bank History Project Team files - Audio interview (reference) - McNamara, Robert S. and Wade, Robert
Brookings World Bank History Project Team files - Audio interview (reference) - McNamara, Robert S. and Wade, Robert
Brookings World Bank History Project Team files - Audio interview (reference) - Knapp, Burke
Brookings World Bank History Project Team files - Audio interview (reference) - Knapp, Burke
Brookings World Bank History Project Team files - Conference/Meeting [?, inaudible] - Tape 1 of 2
Brookings World Bank History Project Team files - Conference/Meeting [?, inaudible] - Tape 1 of 2
Michel Petit - Challenge to Bank Argicultural Staff
Michel Petit - Challenge to Bank Argicultural Staff
John W. Sewell - U.S. Interests in Developing Countries: Priorities in a Changing World
John W. Sewell - U.S. Interests in Developing Countries: Priorities in a Changing World
Anthony A. Churchill - Financing Energy Enterprises in the next Decades - May 25-26, 1992
Anthony A. Churchill - Financing Energy Enterprises in the next Decades - May 25-26, 1992
Most Worthwhile Use of Water - Efficiency, Equity and Ecologically Sound Use - Pre-Requisites for Twenty First Century Management - Jan Lundqvist and Klas Sandstrom - Publications on Water Resources Number 7 - Department for
Most Worthwhile Use of Water - Efficiency, Equity and Ecologically Sound Use - Pre-Requisites for Twenty First Century Management - Jan Lundqvist and Klas Sandstrom - Publications on Water Resources Number 7 - Department for
Better Sanitation, A Responsibility for All - Republic of Uganda - Briefing Notes for Decision Makers - Ministry of Health
Better Sanitation, A Responsibility for All - Republic of Uganda - Briefing Notes for Decision Makers - Ministry of Health
Instrumentos para Regulacao eo Controle da Prestacao dos Servicos de Saneamento - Ministerio de Planejamento e Orcamento Secretaria de Politica Urbana - Serie Modermizacao do Setor Saneamento
Instrumentos para Regulacao eo Controle da Prestacao dos Servicos de Saneamento - Ministerio de Planejamento e Orcamento Secretaria de Politica Urbana - Serie Modermizacao do Setor Saneamento
Health Aspects of Nightsoil and Sludge use in Agriculture and Aquaculture - Part I - Existing Practices and Beliefs in the Utilization of Human Excreta - Piers Cross - Part II - Pathogen Survival - Martin Strauss - International Reference Centre for
Health Aspects of Nightsoil and Sludge use in Agriculture and Aquaculture - Part I - Existing Practices and Beliefs in the Utilization of Human Excreta - Piers Cross - Part II - Pathogen Survival - Martin Strauss - International Reference Centre for
Regional Urban Environmental Sanitation Workshop - Private Sector Participation and Financing of Sanitation National Action Plans - Framework Paper - Grand Bassam - November 17-21 - Programme PNUD / Banque Mondiale de l' Eau et de l' Assainissement
Regional Urban Environmental Sanitation Workshop - Private Sector Participation and Financing of Sanitation National Action Plans - Framework Paper - Grand Bassam - November 17-21 - Programme PNUD / Banque Mondiale de l' Eau et de l' Assainissement
Juntas - Administradoras de Servicios de Saneamiento - Directiva sobre Organizacion y Funcionamiento
Juntas - Administradoras de Servicios de Saneamiento - Directiva sobre Organizacion y Funcionamiento
Etude de Faisabilite en Vue de la Mise en Place d'Un Centre Pilote de Traitement au Sein du Bumigeb - Rapport Intermediaire Number 2 - Tec Ingenierie - Rapport N TEC 1352A R 79 858 A
Etude de Faisabilite en Vue de la Mise en Place d'Un Centre Pilote de Traitement au Sein du Bumigeb - Rapport Intermediaire Number 2 - Tec Ingenierie - Rapport N TEC 1352A R 79 858 A
Tree Improvement and Silvo Pastoral Management in Sahelian and North Sudanian Africa - Problems, Needs and Research Proposals - International Union of Forestry Research Organizations [IUFRO]
Tree Improvement and Silvo Pastoral Management in Sahelian and North Sudanian Africa - Problems, Needs and Research Proposals - International Union of Forestry Research Organizations [IUFRO]
Forestry Needs Technology
Forestry Needs Technology
Facts and Comments on Deforestation - Tropical Forestry Action Plan - R.M. Keogh
Facts and Comments on Deforestation - Tropical Forestry Action Plan - R.M. Keogh
Demand of Technology Research in Irrigation and Drainage in China - Annex 3
Demand of Technology Research in Irrigation and Drainage in China - Annex 3
Singapore - Slides - 1-10 RH to 1-18 RH
Singapore - Slides - 1-10 RH to 1-18 RH
Zambia - Slides - 2-19 to 2-25
Zambia - Slides - 2-19 to 2-25
Zambia - Slides - 1-73 to 1-81
Zambia - Slides - 1-73 to 1-81
Zambia - Slides - 2-90 to 2-97
Zambia - Slides - 2-90 to 2-97
Zambia - Slides - 2-62 to 2-70
Zambia - Slides - 2-62 to 2-70
Singapore - Slides - 1-108 RH to 1-114 RH
Singapore - Slides - 1-108 RH to 1-114 RH
With Bare Hands - Slides - 1 R-1 to 1 R-13
With Bare Hands - Slides - 1 R-1 to 1 R-13
Résultats 4651 à 4700 sur 4753