Akiyama: Price and Tax Sensitivity of Energy Supplies - 1v
- 01447858
- Folder
- 1992-03-01 - 1992-07-01
492 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects
Akiyama: Price and Tax Sensitivity of Energy Supplies - 1v
Akiyama: Use of Commodity Futures for Import and Export Price Smoothing for Small Countries - 1v
AL/IL: Adjustment Lending/Investment Lending
Albania - Country Strategy Papers (CSP) - 1v
Algeria - Country Strategy Papers (CSP) - 1v
All SAS, SASLOGS - Listing Files - I6T32602 - 2 Perf and Files for I6204712
Allen Berg, subject files - set
American Direct Investments in the Common Market
An Analysis of Deficit Reduction Programs - By J, Cuddington, A. Feltenstein, and R. Mitra
Analysis of Supply Trends for World Bank Projects, Etc. EPDIT 06-06 - 1v
Analysis of Supply Trends for World Bank Projects by Origin, Destination ( Lutz and Sapir ) - 1v
Angola - Country Strategy Papers (CSP) - 1v
Annual allocation of net income : medium term outlook - set
Annual meeting speech : growth, poverty, and environment (by G. Lamb) - set
Annual meeting speech : outlines, drafts, and comments (by G. Lamb) - set
Annual meetings : speech outlines, sub-zero draft, comments - set
Annual meetings : speech zero draft comments - set
Annual meetings : speech, zero, 1, 2, 3, draft comments - set
Annual Meetings 1997 - Masood Ahmed - 1v
Annual meetings (by G. Lamb) - set
Annual meetings (by G. Lamb) - set
Annual Meetings Speech 1988: Policy Committee draft comments
Annual Meetings Speech 1988: Post Policy Committee draft comments
Annual report to board - December 1973
Annual report to board - February 1975
Annual reports on environment, FY91 - set
Annual sector review, FY91 (PRDDR) - set
Antony Churchill - subject files
Antony Churchill - subject files
Apex and Retrospective Review Reports Maintained in the Policy and Review Department
These files were maintained by Richard Woodford, Program Coordinator in the Office of the Senior Vice President, Policy, Planning and Research (SVPPR); Gregory Ingram, Principal Adviser, Policy and Research, Policy and Review Department (PRD); and Amarak Shalizi in the Program Management Unit (PRDPM) in PRD. PRD reported to the Senior Vice President, Policy, Research and External Affairs (PRESV).
The Apex Reports covering all PPR (later PRE) organizations, including DEC, were prepared at the end of each fiscal year quarter from feeder reports prepared by all PPR (PRE) organizations and included a summary of the status of principal elements of the current fiscal year's budget plan and descriptions of activities and accomplishments of each organizational unit. Annexes to the Reports provided listings of major policy and research papers completed or initiated during the quarter.
Retrospective reviews were conducted for PPR (later PRE) organizations after the close of a fiscal year. They provided Department Directors, Vice Presidents, and the Senior Vice President opportunities to compare organization performance against the fiscal year budget plan, to determine the reasons for any deviations from the plan, to gain insights for the implementation of the new fiscal year budget plan, and to share findings at the institutional level.
A folder containing a draft of and supporting materials for a briefing book for an Executive Directors budget Priorities Colloquium has also been included in this series. Thecolloquium was held on 9 October 1990 and appears to have been organized by the SVPPR and PRD.
Applications and Extension of the Debt Problem and Growth paper - By M. Selowsky
Appropriate Industrial Technology, Phase II - RPO 671-77
Aranceles y Politica Comercial en el Mercado Comun Andino
Argentina - Country Strategy Papers (CSP) - 1v
Argentina - Country Strategy Papers (CSP) -- Management Review 1992 - 1v
Armington: Impact of the New Wave of DFI - 1v
Arrears and rescheduling in the capital flows model - E
Aspects of Savings in Developing Countries - By J. Van Der Gaag
Assessing the Mexico-United States Free Trade Agreement (RPO # 676-65) - 1v