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Records of David Bock, Director, Sector and Operations Policy (OSPVP)

  • Reeks
  • 1991 - 1992

The series consist of records maintained by OSPVP Director David Bock. The records include sector policy papers focused on numerous topics, including privatization, housing policy, family planning, water, power, industry, poverty monitoring, development effectiveness, and other topics. The policy paper records include: copies of policy papers; attached memoranda; and Bock's handwritten annotations related to policy drafts. Bock's records also focus on the creation, management, and budget of OSPVP. This includes: records regarding roles and procedures of OSPVP; cross support budget and mid-year review budget records; and records related to OSPVP retreats.

Resource Mobilization

  • Archief
  • 1966 - 2010

Records of the VP Front Office

The fonds includes Front Office records for the following vice presidents: Teruyuki Ohuchi, Vice President of Cofinancing (VPCOF) from 1982 to 1986; Kunihiko Inakage, VPCOF/COFVP from 1986 to 1989; Koji Kashiwaya, Vice President of Cofinancing and Financial Advisory Services (CFSVP) from 1989 to 1994; and Hiroo Fukui, CFSVP and Vice President of Resource Mobilization and Cofinancing (RMCVP) from 1994 to 1999. The records include incoming and outgoing chronological correspondence files for each vice president. The records also consist of subject files, including correspondence, internal memoranda, and reports related to the functions, activities, and administration of the VPCOF, CFSVP, and the RMCVP. The records also include external liaison records consisting of: travel arrangement records; briefing books; back-to-office reports; Terms of Reference; and meeting minute and agenda records for liaison with donors or other external organizations.

Budget and planning

The fonds includes budget, work program, and business plan records for the Vice President of Cofinancing (VPCOF), the Vice President of Cofinancing and Financial Advisory Services (CFSVP), and the Vice President of Resource Mobilization and Cofinancing (RMCVP) from 1987 to 1999. These records contain: correspondence; monthly budget reports; mid-year review reports; task budget reports; equipment budget reports; budget guidelines; prospective budget summaries; accrual and charges budget reports; reports regarding staffing and recruitment; work programs by unit; VP strategic compact summaries; and VP business plans.

Records of Cofinancing directors, advisers, and staff

The fonds consists of records of cofinancing directors, managers, advisers, and senior level staff who served in the front office or in higher level roles in the Senior Vice President of Operations (SVPOP), the Vice President of Cofinancing (VPCOF/COFVP), the Vice President of Cofinancing and Financial Advisory Services (CFSVP), and the Vice President of Resource Mobilization and Cofinancing (RMCVP) from 1981 to 1996. The records include incoming and outgoing correspondence, memoranda, and reports that cover an extensive range of cofinancing related topics, programs, functions, and activities. Records are included for the following directors, managers, and advisers: Frank Vibert, Senior Adviser of Cofinancing for SVPOP and VPCOF from 1981 to 1987; Waman S. Tambe, Cofinancing Adviser Export Credit Agencies of VPCOF/COFVP and CFSVP from 1984 to 1991; John Shilling, Economic Adviser of VPCOF and Manager of the Financial Advisory Services Group (CFSFA) from 1985 to 1991; Sanjivi Rajasingham, Adviser of North American Resources for the Private Cofinancing Group (CFSPC) from 1988 to 1990; John Taylor, Manager of the Cofinancing Group (CFSCO) from 1989 to 1991; Ibrahim Elwa, Manager of the Private Sector Development Group (CFSPS) from 1990 to 1991; Kenichi Ohashi, Adviser to CFSVP from 1989 to 1991; John Niehuss, Director of CFSVP from 1990 to 1991; Inder Sud, Director of CFSVP from 1992 to 1995; Rom Chopra, Director CFSVP and later Cofinancing and Project Finance Department (CAP) from 1995 to 1996; Anthony Toft, Financial Adviser of CFSFA from 1990 to 1991; Salem Gafsi, Manager of the Official Cofinancing and Trust Funds Group (CFSOC) from 1990 to 1992; Kyung Soon Sung, Adviser to CFSVP from 1991 to 1995; and Ulrich Kiermayr, Cofinancing Adviser for Official Aid Agencies of VPCOF/COFVP and CFSVP from 1982 to 1992. Similar records are also included for other senior level cofinancing advisers and financial officers, including: Jamil Saghir, 1990 to 1994; Gian Spota, 1990-1992; Ulrich Zachau, 1989 to 1993; John Bowlin, 1986 to 1992; M. Fedder, 1990 to 1991; Hortensia Hill, 1985 to 1990; Christina Kappaz, 1992 to 1994; and Fredrick Schwartz, 1990 to 1992.

Operational cofinancing support

The fonds includes records related to the CFSVP's various subordinate units responsible for operational support of cofinancing related to projects in the Bank's regional departmentsfrom 1989 to 1995. This includes operational support in the areas of: official and private sector cofinancing; technical support and advisory services to regions in country debt management and restructuring; privatization; and private sector development. The records are related to the development of projects initiated by the CFSVP and Bank regional departments. The records focus on the following phases of project development: identification, pre-appraisal, appraisal, project preparation, and negotiation.The records include: project-related documents; correspondence; appraisal reports; back-to-office reports of CFSVP units and regional departments; copies of loan or credit agreements; internal memoranda; correspondence with member governments, consultants, and other external sources; and briefing notes.

Cofinancing conferences, seminars, and training workshops

This fonds includes records related to cofinancing related conferences, seminars, and training workshops organized or attended by staff from theVice President of Cofinancing (VPCOF) and its successor the Vice President of Cofinancing and Financial Advisory Services (CFSVP) from 1987 to 1996. The records include: staff papers, speeches, and publications; teaching materials used at seminars and conferences; information concerning externally sponsored events; research projects and studies undertaken by cofinancing staff, including drafts and final versions along with staff comments; cofinancing publications; informational brochures; and leaflets.

Cofinancing arrangement and administration

The fonds includes records related to the various types of cofinancing arrangements, programs, and projects of the Vice President of Cofinancing (VPCOF), the Cofinancing and Financial Advisory Services Vice Presidency (CFSVP), and the Resource Mobilization and Cofinancing Vice Presidency (RMCVP).

This includes records related to the establishment and maintenance of cofinancing arrangements between the Bank and official cofinanciers (e.g. bilateral government agencies, multilateral development agencies, and multilateral development banks). The records were maintained by the following responsible units: the VPCOF from 1984 to 1989; the Official Cofinancing Group (CFSOC) of CFSVP from 1989 to 1992; the Official Cofinancing and Trust Fund Management Group (CFSOC) of CFSVP from 1992 to 1996; the Official Cofinancing and Trust Funds Group (CAPOC) of the RMCVP from 1996 to 1998; and the Trust Fund and Cofinancing Department (TFC) of RMCVP from 1998 to 1999. The records include files arranged by region, country, or official cofinancing agency related to projects cofinanced by the Bank and an official cofinancier. Each file may contain: correspondence between official cofinanciers and Bank staff; internal memoranda; briefing notes for meetings with official cofinanciers; background records related to cofinanced projects; Cofinancing Framework Agreements or Loan Agreements for cofinanced projects; records related to consultation meetings with official cofinanciers; back-to-office reports; Terms of Reference; lists of potential official cofinancing projects; and records related to meetings with a country's Executive Director or Finance Minister related to proposed cofinanced projects. The official cofinancing records also include official cofinancing seminar records, training materials, and publications related to official cofinancing.

The records also consist of materials related to the establishment and maintenance of export credit agency (ECAs) cofinancing arrangements of the VPCOF and successor units of the Financial Advisory Services Group (CFSFA) and the Project Financing Group (CFSPF) of CFSVP from 1984 to 1993. The records consist of correspondence, meeting minutes and agenda, and reports related to liaison and relationships with export credit agencies in various member countries. More specifically, the records include: correspondence and reports of the major export credit agencies of various member countries; correspondence and reports of umbrella organizations such as the Berne Union, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), and the European Commission (EC); correspondence and reports detailing IBRD policies in regard to ECAs; funding requests, creditor reports, project reports, and reports on debt; offers by ECAs to provide financing for projects; information on various financial instruments, most notably the Export Credit Enhanced Leverage (EXCEL) program. The records also include agenda, minutes, and reports from the bi-annual meetingof the ECAs.

The records also include project finance transaction records of the VPCOF as well as successor units CFSFA and CFSPF located in CFSVP from 1984 to 1995. The records are related to private cofinancing arrangements (e.g. commercial banks), and management of privately cofinanced projects, primarily infrastructure and private sector development projects. The records include: internal memoranda; internal and external reports related to a project; project documents; consultant reports and documents; Procurement Technical Notes (PTN); copies of project cofinancing agreements and other legal documents; operations policy statements related to cofinancing procurement; procurement guidelines; back-to-office reports; Terms of Reference; records related to meetings with private cofinanciers and member countries; correspondence between Bank staff and private cofinanciers; and consultation meeting records with private cofinanciers and member countries.

Lastly, records relate to CFSFA's and CFSPF's involvement in negotiating and administering debt reduction programs for member countries from 1988 to 1996. The records consists of: correspondence between the member country government asking for assistance, and the formal response from IBRD; an initiating memoranda from the Region to the Regional VP, with background information; a presentation to the Board of Executive Directors requesting a technical assistance grant; procurement records for legal and financial advisors; grant agreement from the Board; mission reports; back-to-office reports; report from the government, based on the technical assistance mission, on restructuring debt; CFSFA and CFSPF meetings and correspondence with donors to negotiate funding; report to the Executive Directors Board to obtain IBRD funding; member country offering to its creditors and the creditors' responses; all required legal records between the government, creditors and IBRD; and a final audit report of the debt restructuring.

Cofinancing policy development and research

The fonds includes records of the Financial Advisory Services Group (CFSFA) and its successor the Project Financing Group (CFSPF) of the CFSVP related to their involvement in the development and research of Bank Group policies and procedures on various cofinancing topics. The records include: internal correspondence and memoranda; draft operational policies and bank procedures; background research materials; back-to-office reports; Terms of Reference; working papers; studies; and papers and memoranda prepared for the Board of Executive Directors. The records cover a wide range of topics, including: capital markets; Expanded Cofinancing Operations (ECO); Guarantee Policies and Procedures; the Export Credit Enhanced Leverage (EXCEL) Program; the IDA Debt Reduction Facility; the Portfolio Management Task Force (Wapenhans Committee); Private Sector Development; and Trust Funds Management Working Group.

Records of the Office of the Director of the Resource Mobilization Department (FRMDR)

The fonds includes the records of the Office of the Director for the Resource Mobilization Department (FRMDR) from 1987 to 2006. This includes records maintained by the following FRM Directors: Bavil Kavalasky 1987 to 1992; Paula Donovan 1993 to 1998; Geoffrey Lamb 1999 to 2002; and Philippe Le Houerou from 2003 to 2006. The records of the FRMDR include incoming and outgoing chronological correspondence for each director. The records also contain subject files consisting of correspondence, internal memoranda, papers, and reports related to the FRM functions and activities, Bank institutional policies and activities, and other departmental matters. Subject files cover a wide variety of topics, including some the following: multilateral development banks (MDBs); export credit agencies (ECAs); external grants; technical assistance; the Gulf Crisis; the Brandt Commission; the Future Role of the Bank Task Force; proposals on the World Bank's Bank; the Bank's 50th Anniversary; the Fifth Dimension Program; IBRD capital adequacy; General Capital Increase (GCI); Special Capital Increase (SCI); IBRD accounting; commitment fees; disbursements; communications with Executive Directors and the Office of the President (EXC); papers prepared for the Board of Executive Directors; factors affecting IDA; the Global Environment Facility (GEF); Maintenance of Value (MOV); the Paris Club; IDA replenishments; IDA Reflows; the Wapenhans Report; African debt; Annual Meetings; IDA foreign exchange; and exposure management.

IDA replenishment administration

The fonds includes records created in the administration and support of IDA Replenishment negotiations. The IDA replenishment records were maintained by the following units: the Financial Analysis Division (PABFA) of the Programming and Budgeting Department (PAB); the Financial Studies Division (FPAFS) of the Financial Policy and Analysis Department (FPA); the Replenishment Operations Unit (FRMRO) of the Resource Mobilization Department (FRM); and the IDA Resource Mobilization Department (CFPIR). The records cover IDA2 to IDA15 Replenishment negotiations from 1966 to 2009.

The records include materials prepared to help facilitate IDA replenishment negotiations, including: memoranda prepared for the Executive Directors, IDA Deputies, the Bank President, and senior staff related to IDA replenishment negotiations; policy and discussion papers prepared for meetings with the Bank's Board of Executive Directors, the Board of Governors, and IDA Deputies, which cover numerous topics such as burden sharing, sectoral programs, country allocations, additions to IDA, IDA reflows, IDA Arrears, etc; draft reports and resolutions for IDA replenishment; implementation arrangement reports related to procedures for IDA replenishment; and briefing books prepared for Deputies Meetings for IDA Replenishments. The records also include: background papers on past IDA negotiations; notice of IDA meeting announcements; list of IDA Deputies; memoranda, correspondence, and technical notes that summarize IDA Deputies meeting discussions; chairman reports from the IDA Deputies meetings; minutes and agenda of IDA Deputies meetings; transcripts and audio-cassette recordings of IDA Deputies meetings; and records related to informal meetings with IDA Deputies.

The IDA replenishment records also includes voting rights, capital subscription, donor contributions, encashment, commitment, legal, accounting, and IDA reflow records produced as a result of IDA replenishment negotiations, and subsequent implementation of IDA replenishment resources. Specifically, the records include: IDA voting rights and power records, which include reports, memoranda, and Board papers on the review and adjustment of IDA members voting rights and power after each replenishment, changes to voting rights and power, legal background, current voting rights system, proposals, discussion notes, and voting rights and power of smaller countries; monthly commitment authority reports, which include introductory memoranda and tables showing the status of IDA contributions and resources available for commitment; IDA donor subscription correspondence; IDA subscription and accounting records, including letters from the Bank requesting note deposits for installment payments, vouchers, note substitution requests, copies of promissory notes, letters and telexes acknowledging receipt of non-negotiable promissory notes, cash receipts regarding note encashment, notification of transfer of funds, and accounting ledgers; IDA call letters, notifications, and encashment records, which include correspondence, call letters requesting release of funds for IDA note encashment, projections and schedule tables of encashment contributions, and letters to IDA countries notifying them of overdue payments and quarterly calls; IDA reflows reports; IDA disbursement projections reports; mid-year reports on IDA replenishments; and subscription history of IDA members.

The records also includes materials related to the establishment and replenishment negotiations of the global programs of the Special Facility for Africa (SFA) and the Global Environment Facility (GEF). The SFA records include materials maintained by FPAFS of FPA, and FRMRO of FRM from 1985 to 1989. SFA records include: drafts and copies of the resolution of the Executive Directors of the IDA on the Establishment of the SFA from 1985; technical notes prepared for senior staff related to SFA issues; donor meeting minutes, agenda, opening remarks, and summaries of donor meetings; Chairman reports for SFA donor meetings; records related to donor contributions to SFA; SFA press communiques; records related to guidelines and procedures for SFA; IDA8 replenishment negotiations records related to SFA; background papers on SFA grant recipient countries; copies of cofinancing agreements with donor countries for SFA; proposals to extend SFA; SFA quarterly financial statements; SFA progress reports; SFA publications; calls and notifications regarding encashment of funds for SFA; requests for payments; SFA disbursement reports; SFA projection tables; Board papers submitted to the Board of Executive Directors requesting termination of SFA; correspondence and memoranda related to termination of the SFA in 1989; and Board of Executive Directors meeting minutes and agenda regarding SFA.

Records related to the establishment and replenishment negotiations of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) maintained by the FRMRO of FRM are also included for the years 1989 to 1999. The GEF records include: copies of Board papers; discussionpapers; reports and memoranda related to funding for GEF; talking points for meetings on the environment; reports on discussions at Board meetings related to the environment; transcripts of GEF meetings; and agenda and meeting minutes. Specific topics of the records cover natural gas, forestry, the Montreal Protocol, technical assistance for the environment, and funding for GEF.

IDA country strategy development and advisement

The fonds consists of records dating from 1987 to 1997 that relate to the Resource Mobilization Department's (FRM) involvement in the development of country strategies. This involved advising the Bank's Operations Committee and senior staff on country strategies. The records contain: policy framework papers; Board papers, including IDA Board papers on technical assistance; country strategy papers; briefings for meetings of the President's Council; reports on sector adjustment operations; progress reports on sector adjustment credits; IMF reports; and credit and project progressreports.

Third Window feasibility, projections, and analysis

In 1975, the Bank launched the Intermediate Financing Facility ("Third Window"), an interest subsidy fund created to mobilize and leverage limited concessional funds from donors. This fund was created due to constrained availability of lending and donor resources prompted by the 1970s oil crisis. The fonds includes records related to the original "Third Window", and feasibility studies, projections, and analysis for a second "Third Window" fund. The records were maintained by the Replenishment Policy Division (FRMRP) of the Resource Mobilization Department (FRM) from 1987 to 1996 (background records are also included from the 1960s to the 1980s). The records are related to the projections and analysis of the feasibility of a third window lending. The records include: background records related to the first Intermediate Financing Facility ("Third Window") launched in the 1970s; draft reports with comments; final reports; copies of Executive Director Board papers; computer printouts; projection tables; internal memoranda; and other internal communications regarding projections and analysis of the feasibility of a third window lending to provide funds on terms and conditions between the near market terms for IBRD funds and the concessional terms for IDA funds.

Trust fund program management and support

The fonds includes records related to the life cycle (establishment, implementation, evaluation, and financial management) of trust fund programs. The trust funds were managed by the followings units: the Vice President of Cofinancing (VPCOF) from 1984 to 1989; the Official Cofinancing Group (CFSOC) of CFSVP from 1989 to 1992; the Official Cofinancing and Trust Fund Management Group (CFSOC) of CFSVP from 1992 to 1996; the Official Cofinancing and Trust Funds Group (CAPOC) from 1996 to 1998 of the RMCVP; the Trust Fund and Cofinancing Department (TFC) of RMCVP from 1998 to 2001; the Trust Funds Operations Department (TFO), the Trust Fund Strategy and Donor Relations Department (TFS), and the Global Partnership Programs (GPP) of RMCVP and the CFPVP from 2001 to 2008; and the Global Partnerships and Trust Fund Operations (CFPTO) of the CFPVP from 2008 to 2010.

The records include management and support records maintained by the program managers and administrators of various trust fund programs. Included are trust fund program management records of grants for the Consultant Trust Fund (CTF) Program, the Policy and Human Resource Development (PHRD) Fund, Global Partnership Programs (e.g. Development GrantFacility [DGF]), and other special trust fund programs. The majority of the trust fund records focus on the technical assistance trust fund programs of PHRD and CTF, and the global program and partnership trust fund of DGF.

The records of the Policy and Human Resources Development (PHRD) Fund (formerly the Japanese Grant Facility) include correspondence, reports, legal, and financial management records related to PHRD grants. The PHRD records were maintained by VPCOF, CFSOC, CAPOC, TFC, and TFO from 1984 to 2006. The records generally include specific PHRD project implementation files consisting of the following types of records: correspondence between the Bank and the Government of Japan; PHRD technical assistance funding proposals; PHRD implementation reports; contract for consultant services; Terms of Reference; Japanese grant agreements with grant recipient country; correspondence with the Regional departments regarding implementation and disbursement; policies and guidelines related to PHRD grants; records related to monitoring of compliance with the grant terms; and records of quarterly PHRD Fund Tranche budgets.

The records also consist of material related to the management and support of trust fund grants of the Consultant Trust Fund (CTF) Program maintained by VPCOF, CFSOC, CAPOC, TFC, and TFO from 1974 to 2006 (predominantly 1985 to 2006). The records include correspondence, reports, legal, and financial records between the World Bank, participating donor countries, and the grant recipient. The CTF records generally include country files with the following types of records: Initiating Briefs for Trust Funds (IBTF); Cofinancing Framework Agreements; CTF Agreements; Memoranda of Understanding between the Bank and donor country; the CTF funding request from Regional Division Chiefs; Terms of Reference; back to office reports; terms and conditions of the grant; briefing notes prepared for donor countries; letters of appointment; reports to the donors describing the disbursement of funds; list of CTF allocations; internal reports on each trust fund; daily reports on each trust fund; semi-annual and annual donor consultation reports; mid-year reports; evaluation reports; agenda and meeting minutes for semi-annual and annual donor consultation meetings; financial reconciliation reports; CTF pledges and cash receipts; CTF grant entries for the Grant Reporting and Monitoring System (GRMS); requests for consultants; lists of consultants; guidelinesand policies for CTF grants; and CTF summary reports for earmarked uses of trust funds.

The records also include material related to the Development Grant Facility (DGF) maintained by TFC and its successor TFO from 1985 to 2006 (predominantly 1997 to 2006; some reference records predate establishment of DGF in 1997). The DGF records include: records related to the strategy and procedures of the DGF; DGF publications; DGF Council meeting records, which include minutes, agenda, and discussion notes; records prepared for or part of meeting with the Bank's Board of Executive Directors, including Board papers, discussion notes, minutes, agenda, technical briefings, and Memoranda to Executive Directors for Annual Review of DGF; records related to meetings with the Bank's Network vice presidencies focused on proposed grants for sector partnerships and projects; records related to DGF eligibility criteria; legal agreements for DGF grant programs and projects; DGF procurement guidelines; records related to meetings of the Special Grant Committee for the Special Grants Facility Program; DGF unallocated funds, savings, carryovers, overruns, and underrun budget reports; DGF statistical tables; DGF budget and expense reports; records related to donor coordination; and records related to DGF major issues. The records also include review and evaluation records of the DGF, including: records related to internal evaluations from the Bank's Operations Evaluation Department (OED) and the Internal Audit Department (IAD); annual review reports of DGF; review, evaluation, and monitoring reports of grant programs and projects of DGF; mid-term and retrospective reviews of DGF; and individual progress, completion and audit reports on individual grants. The records also include copies of parent level entries for proposed Bank-Foundation Partnership grants of the DGF entered as part of the Partnership Approval Tracking System (PATS) database. The entries consist of basic data on each proposed grant, and are arranged by sector, region, or alphabetically by donor foundation.

The records also include IBTF clearance and revision records maintained by the CAPOC, TFC, and TFO for regional, Global Partnership Programs (GPPs), multi-donor, and other ad hoc trust fund programs from 1997 to 2005. The records include: drafts and final copies of IBTF documents; copies of trust fund agreements; and IBTF clearance memoranda with comments and revision input from CAPOC, TFC, TFO Clearance Officers, and staff in the Bank's legal, accounting, and Regional departments.

The records also consist of trust fund review, monitoring, and reporting records maintained by the Trust Fund Management Oversight Unit (TFMOU) and the Trust Fund Monitoring and Reporting Unit (TFMRU) of CAPOC, TFC, and TFO from 1996 to 2004. TFMOU records primarily include: portfolio status and IBTF review case files for regional trust fund projects; IBTF monthly summary reports; IBTF clearance reports; strategy papers; presentations prepared for donor conferences on trust fund monitoring and reporting; briefing books, minutes, and agenda records for donor meetings; and case and review reports for trust fund grant projects and programs. The TFMRU records include those related to the procedures and guidelines for trust fund review documents of the Implementation Completion Memorandum (ICM) and Implementation Completion Reports (ICR) and records of received ICMs and ICRs for reviewed trust fund grant projects.

Zonder titel

Country Policy Department chronological files

  • Reeks
  • 1982 - 1983

Series consists of chronological files created during Chernick's time as Assistant Director of the Country Policy Department (CPD). The type of activities undertaken by Chernick in the CPD was quite similar to those during his years in PPPRD and, consequently, the types of records are also very similar. The majority of the records consist of correspondence in the form of carbon copies, paper copies, and telexes. Nearly all correspondence was authored by Chernick and there is very little incoming correspondence. Reports sometimes accompany correspondence or are included in the files without accompanying correspondence.

Records relating to country program papers (CPPs) are included in this series, but not in great number. Records generally discuss the scheduling of Regional Vice Presidents (RVP) and Management Review meetings. In addition, Chernick served as Secretariat of the Operations Policy Subcommittee (OPSC). The OPSC was also involved in the review of CPPs and records related to the OPSC in this seriesdiscuss this activity.

Series also consists of regular status reports on Structural Adjustment Lending (SAL) and Program Lending (PL) operations. Other SAL-related records are included, such as Proposed Structural Adjustment Loan and Related Technical Assistance Project reports and SAL Progress Reports.

Between 1982 and 1983, Chernick was on the Steering Group Committee for the Bank's 'Pioneers' of development economics lecture series. His responsibilities included booking guests/speakers, making announcements, booking rooms, and planning Steering Group Committee meetings. Records related to these activities are included in this series.

Records in this series also relate to a variety of other topics and activities, including: seminar attendance and planning; Department retreat planning; and publication of country Economic Memoranda. Other records include: Terms of Reference for Country and Economic and SAL Supervision missions; comments by Chernick on reports and project proposals; Country Economic and Sector Work quality control reports; and administrative and staffing records.

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