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Showing 51-100 of 1905 results
258 resultados con objetos digitales Muestra los resultados con objetos digitales
Correspondence - Grant Summary: FY98 / FY97 / FY96 and Prior Years
Correspondence - Grant Summary: FY98 / FY97 / FY96 and Prior Years
Quality Enhancement Review (QER) - India - Uttar Pradesh - Health System Project - Panel Review - Background Documents
Quality Enhancement Review (QER) - India - Uttar Pradesh - Health System Project - Panel Review - Background Documents
Nutrition Sector Country Files - Korea - Correspondence 1
Nutrition Sector Country Files - Korea - Correspondence 1
Nutrition Sector Country Files - Guatemala - Correspondence 2
Nutrition Sector Country Files - Guatemala - Correspondence 2
Partnership, Conference, and Seminar Files - Cooperation with the European Commission on HENP: Possibility for Leveraging World Bank Funds - Correspondence
Partnership, Conference, and Seminar Files - Cooperation with the European Commission on HENP: Possibility for Leveraging World Bank Funds - Correspondence
Partnership, Conference, and Seminar Files - Improving Maternal and Child Care: Results from the WHO Carak MCH Datafiles - Seminar Papers
Partnership, Conference, and Seminar Files - Improving Maternal and Child Care: Results from the WHO Carak MCH Datafiles - Seminar Papers
Partnership, Conference, and Seminar Files - Curbing the Epidemic: Governments and the Economics of Tobacco Control - Seminar Papers
Partnership, Conference, and Seminar Files - Curbing the Epidemic: Governments and the Economics of Tobacco Control - Seminar Papers
Partnership, Conference, and Seminar Files - Step One in Borrower Needs Analysis: The Essential Healthcare Technology Package (EHTP) - Seminar Papers
Partnership, Conference, and Seminar Files - Step One in Borrower Needs Analysis: The Essential Healthcare Technology Package (EHTP) - Seminar Papers
Partnership, Conference, and Seminar Files - Health Care Reform in Zambia: Lessons Learned - Correspondence
Partnership, Conference, and Seminar Files - Health Care Reform in Zambia: Lessons Learned - Correspondence
Partnership, Conference, and Seminar Files - Getting Down to Business: Expanding the Private Commercial Sector's Role in Meeting Reproductive Health Needs - Seminar Papers
Partnership, Conference, and Seminar Files - Getting Down to Business: Expanding the Private Commercial Sector's Role in Meeting Reproductive Health Needs - Seminar Papers
Partnership, Conference, and Seminar Files - Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Activities in Global Health, Presentation, and Discussion by Jeffrey Koplan - Correspondence
Partnership, Conference, and Seminar Files - Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Activities in Global Health, Presentation, and Discussion by Jeffrey Koplan - Correspondence
HDNHE - Human Reproductive Program Records - Annual Technical Report : 1999 - 1v
HDNHE - Human Reproductive Program Records - Annual Technical Report : 1999 - 1v
Trust Fund Financing Files - Development Grant Facility (DGF) - Global Forum for Health Research - Correspondence
Trust Fund Financing Files - Development Grant Facility (DGF) - Global Forum for Health Research - Correspondence
Trust Fund Financing Files - Development Grant Facility (DGF) - Correspondence
Trust Fund Financing Files - Development Grant Facility (DGF) - Correspondence
Trust Fund Financing Files - Inter - African Committee (IAC) on Traditional Practices - Correspondence
Trust Fund Financing Files - Inter - African Committee (IAC) on Traditional Practices - Correspondence
Trust Fund Financing Files - Special Grant Program (SPG) - Development Grant Facility - Correspondence 2
Trust Fund Financing Files - Special Grant Program (SPG) - Development Grant Facility - Correspondence 2
Trust Fund Financing Files - World Health Organization (WHO) / Human Reproductive Program (HRP) - FY95 / 96 - Correspondence
Trust Fund Financing Files - World Health Organization (WHO) / Human Reproductive Program (HRP) - FY95 / 96 - Correspondence
Quality Enhancement Review (QER) - Bangladesh National Nutrition Project - Panel Review - Background Documents
Quality Enhancement Review (QER) - Bangladesh National Nutrition Project - Panel Review - Background Documents
Nutrition Sector Country Files - Mexico - Correspondence 2
Nutrition Sector Country Files - Mexico - Correspondence 2
Nutrition Sector Country Files - Haiti - Correspondence 1
Nutrition Sector Country Files - Haiti - Correspondence 1
Nutrition Sector Country Files - China - Correspondence 1
Nutrition Sector Country Files - China - Correspondence 1
Partnership, Conference, and Seminar Files - AIDS in Cote D'Ivoire: What can the International Community do? - Seminar Papers
Partnership, Conference, and Seminar Files - AIDS in Cote D'Ivoire: What can the International Community do? - Seminar Papers
Partnership, Conference, and Seminar Files - Innovative Pharmaceutical Supply System Reforms in the Chilean Health Sector - Correspondence
Partnership, Conference, and Seminar Files - Innovative Pharmaceutical Supply System Reforms in the Chilean Health Sector - Correspondence
Partnership, Conference, and Seminar Files - HIV Prevention Among Injection Drug Users - Public Health and the Population / AIDS Thematic Groups - Correspondence
Partnership, Conference, and Seminar Files - HIV Prevention Among Injection Drug Users - Public Health and the Population / AIDS Thematic Groups - Correspondence
Partnership, Conference, and Seminar Files - Criteria to Select Community Preventive Services - Correspondence
Partnership, Conference, and Seminar Files - Criteria to Select Community Preventive Services - Correspondence
Partnership, Conference, and Seminar Files - Designing and Implementing a Disease Surveillance Project: Brazil Experience - Seminar Papers
Partnership, Conference, and Seminar Files - Designing and Implementing a Disease Surveillance Project: Brazil Experience - Seminar Papers
Partnership, Conference, and Seminar Files - Women's Health and Conflict Situations: What Role for the Bank? - Seminar Papers
Partnership, Conference, and Seminar Files - Women's Health and Conflict Situations: What Role for the Bank? - Seminar Papers
Partnership, Conference, and Seminar Files - Tuberculosis Control: Routinely - Collected Process and Outcome Indicators - Seminar Papers
Partnership, Conference, and Seminar Files - Tuberculosis Control: Routinely - Collected Process and Outcome Indicators - Seminar Papers
Partnership, Conference, and Seminar Files - Women, Poverty, and Primary Care: Lessons from the USA - Seminar Papers
Partnership, Conference, and Seminar Files - Women, Poverty, and Primary Care: Lessons from the USA - Seminar Papers
Partnership, Conference, and Seminar Files - Evidence Based Medicine: The Hows, Whys, and Whats - Seminar Papers
Partnership, Conference, and Seminar Files - Evidence Based Medicine: The Hows, Whys, and Whats - Seminar Papers
Partnership, Conference, and Seminar Files - International AIDS Solidarity Fund Meeting - Correspondence
Partnership, Conference, and Seminar Files - International AIDS Solidarity Fund Meeting - Correspondence
Partnership, Conference, and Seminar Files - Protecting Breastfeeding in a Time of HIV - Seminar Papers
Partnership, Conference, and Seminar Files - Protecting Breastfeeding in a Time of HIV - Seminar Papers
Partnership, Conference, and Seminar Files - Glaxo Wellcome and HIV / AIDS: The Development of Public - Private Partnerships - Correspondence
Partnership, Conference, and Seminar Files - Glaxo Wellcome and HIV / AIDS: The Development of Public - Private Partnerships - Correspondence
Partnership, Conference, and Seminar Files - More from Venus and Mars: The Economics of Health Reconsidered or Why Economists Might Sound Right, but Get it Wrong in Health Policy - Seminar Papers
Partnership, Conference, and Seminar Files - More from Venus and Mars: The Economics of Health Reconsidered or Why Economists Might Sound Right, but Get it Wrong in Health Policy - Seminar Papers
Trust Fund Financing Files - Roll Back Malaria - Correspondence - FY00
Trust Fund Financing Files - Roll Back Malaria - Correspondence - FY00
Quality Assurance Group (QAG) - Mexico - Health System Reform Project - Background Documents - Vol. I
Quality Assurance Group (QAG) - Mexico - Health System Reform Project - Background Documents - Vol. I
Nutrition Sector Country Files - Bangladesh - Correspondence 1
Nutrition Sector Country Files - Bangladesh - Correspondence 1
Nutrition Sector Country Files - Iran - Correspondence 1
Nutrition Sector Country Files - Iran - Correspondence 1
Partnership, Conference, and Seminar Files - Curbing the Epidemic: Governments and the Economics of Tobacco Control - Correspondence
Partnership, Conference, and Seminar Files - Curbing the Epidemic: Governments and the Economics of Tobacco Control - Correspondence
Partnership, Conference, and Seminar Files - Promoting Social Sector Reforms: Political Challenges and Reformer's Options - Seminar Papers
Partnership, Conference, and Seminar Files - Promoting Social Sector Reforms: Political Challenges and Reformer's Options - Seminar Papers
Partnership, Conference, and Seminar Files - Improving Health Care Financing for the Poor: A Peru Sector Study - Seminar Papers
Partnership, Conference, and Seminar Files - Improving Health Care Financing for the Poor: A Peru Sector Study - Seminar Papers
Partnership, Conference, and Seminar Files - Reducing Infant Mortality Among the Very Poor - Seminar Papers
Partnership, Conference, and Seminar Files - Reducing Infant Mortality Among the Very Poor - Seminar Papers
Partnership, Conference, and Seminar Files - The Brazilian Pharmaceutical Sector: The Need for Strategic Management - Seminar Papers
Partnership, Conference, and Seminar Files - The Brazilian Pharmaceutical Sector: The Need for Strategic Management - Seminar Papers
Partnership, Conference, and Seminar Files - Remote Sensing the Patterns of Human Health and Disease - Seminar Papers
Partnership, Conference, and Seminar Files - Remote Sensing the Patterns of Human Health and Disease - Seminar Papers
Partnership, Conference, and Seminar Files - Childhood Vaccines for 21st Century: Public / Private Strategy and Role of the Bank - Correspondence
Partnership, Conference, and Seminar Files - Childhood Vaccines for 21st Century: Public / Private Strategy and Role of the Bank - Correspondence
Partnership, Conference, and Seminar Files - Evidence - Based Health Care - Seminar Papers
Partnership, Conference, and Seminar Files - Evidence - Based Health Care - Seminar Papers
Partnership, Conference, and Seminar Files - The Impact of Sexual Transmitted Disease (STD) Control on Maternal - Infant Health and HIV Transmission: Results from Research in East Africa - Correspondence
Partnership, Conference, and Seminar Files - The Impact of Sexual Transmitted Disease (STD) Control on Maternal - Infant Health and HIV Transmission: Results from Research in East Africa - Correspondence
Partnership, Conference, and Seminar Files - Social Marketing - Correspondence
Partnership, Conference, and Seminar Files - Social Marketing - Correspondence
Partnership, Conference, and Seminar Files - Measure DHS+ : The New Demographic and Health Surveys Program - Correspondence
Partnership, Conference, and Seminar Files - Measure DHS+ : The New Demographic and Health Surveys Program - Correspondence
Resultados 51 a 100 de 1905