Showing 51-100 of 298 results
10 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects
World Bank Autumn Project Supervision Shandong Energy Management Company [EMC] Review Report - Shandong Energy Conservation Engineering Company Limited - October 2003
World Bank Autumn Project Supervision Shandong Energy Management Company [EMC] Review Report - Shandong Energy Conservation Engineering Company Limited - October 2003
Feasibility of Performance Contracting in Hungary Poland and Slovakia - Kiano International Incorporated - Subcontract to ICF Resources Incorporated - United States Agency for International Development Contract Number EUR 0028 C 00 2031 00 - July 1995
Feasibility of Performance Contracting in Hungary Poland and Slovakia - Kiano International Incorporated - Subcontract to ICF Resources Incorporated - United States Agency for International Development Contract Number EUR 0028 C 00 2031 00 - July 1995
System Process Review and System Design Report - Energy Management Company [EMC] Management Information System Consulting Services - PriceWaterHouseCoopers - Aspen Systems Corporation - November 1998
System Process Review and System Design Report - Energy Management Company [EMC] Management Information System Consulting Services - PriceWaterHouseCoopers - Aspen Systems Corporation - November 1998
Audit Report - Beijing Report 2002 - Number 29 - Beijing Yuan Shen Energy Saving Technology Limited - Accounting Year 2001
Audit Report - Beijing Report 2002 - Number 29 - Beijing Yuan Shen Energy Saving Technology Limited - Accounting Year 2001
Audit Report - Shandong 2004 - Number 18 - Shandon Energy Conservation Engineering Company Limited - Accounting Year 2003
Audit Report - Shandong 2004 - Number 18 - Shandon Energy Conservation Engineering Company Limited - Accounting Year 2003
Audit Report - LPAO Report 2000 - Number 31 - Liaoning Provincial Energy Conservation Technology Development Company Limited - Accounting Year 1999
Audit Report - LPAO Report 2000 - Number 31 - Liaoning Provincial Energy Conservation Technology Development Company Limited - Accounting Year 1999
Audit Report - Beijing Report 2000 - Number 41 - Beijing Yuan Shen Energy Saving Technology Limited - Accounting Year 1999
Audit Report - Beijing Report 2000 - Number 41 - Beijing Yuan Shen Energy Saving Technology Limited - Accounting Year 1999
Documents for World Bank Spring Term Appraisal in 2004 - Beijing EMC - April 2004
Documents for World Bank Spring Term Appraisal in 2004 - Beijing EMC - April 2004
Supervision Review Report - Spring 2004 - Project Management Office - May 2004
Supervision Review Report - Spring 2004 - Project Management Office - May 2004
Project Progress - Project Management Office - October 2003
Project Progress - Project Management Office - October 2003
Audit Report - 2005 - Number 61 - Project Management Office of National Development and Reform Commission China - World Bank - Global Environment Facility [GEF] Energy Conservation Project - Accounting Year 2004
Audit Report - 2005 - Number 61 - Project Management Office of National Development and Reform Commission China - World Bank - Global Environment Facility [GEF] Energy Conservation Project - Accounting Year 2004
Audit Report - Beijing Yuan Shen Energy Saving Technology Limited - 2004 - Beijing Municipal Audit Office
Audit Report - Beijing Yuan Shen Energy Saving Technology Limited - 2004 - Beijing Municipal Audit Office
Artisanal Gold Mining Sector Report - Burkina Faso - Mining Sector Capacity Building Preparation Mission - Preparation Mission - October 1993
Artisanal Gold Mining Sector Report - Burkina Faso - Mining Sector Capacity Building Preparation Mission - Preparation Mission - October 1993
Indicative Project Document on Small Scale Gold Mining for Mali Burkina Faso and Other West African Sahelian Countries - Lloyd Quashie - October 1988
Indicative Project Document on Small Scale Gold Mining for Mali Burkina Faso and Other West African Sahelian Countries - Lloyd Quashie - October 1988
Shamva Mining Centre - Final Project Report and the Proposed Expansion Plan - July 1989 to March 1994 - Intermediate Technology Development Group [ITDG] - Zimbabwe
Shamva Mining Centre - Final Project Report and the Proposed Expansion Plan - July 1989 to March 1994 - Intermediate Technology Development Group [ITDG] - Zimbabwe
Report - 39th Annual Board of Directors, Public Budget and Profit and Losses - Jordanian Phosphate Mines Company - 1992 - Report in Arabic
Report - 39th Annual Board of Directors, Public Budget and Profit and Losses - Jordanian Phosphate Mines Company - 1992 - Report in Arabic
Oil Supply Options Study - Report Nubmer 1/81 - Final Report - RPT Economic Studies Group - January 1981
Oil Supply Options Study - Report Nubmer 1/81 - Final Report - RPT Economic Studies Group - January 1981
Petroleum Exploration Report - Papua New Guinea - K G Finstad - October 1981
Petroleum Exploration Report - Papua New Guinea - K G Finstad - October 1981
Technical Report - Papua New Guinea - Petroleum Potential - Phase 1 - Report Number 875 - Robertson Research and Flower Doery Buchan - November 1981
Technical Report - Papua New Guinea - Petroleum Potential - Phase 1 - Report Number 875 - Robertson Research and Flower Doery Buchan - November 1981
Programme Conjoint PNUD/Banque Mondiale De Gestion Du Secteur De L' Energie - Report D' Achievement D' Activite - Number 011/84 - Burundi - Etude Du Secteur De L' Energie Report D' Activite - January 1984
Programme Conjoint PNUD/Banque Mondiale De Gestion Du Secteur De L' Energie - Report D' Achievement D' Activite - Number 011/84 - Burundi - Etude Du Secteur De L' Energie Report D' Activite - January 1984
Unilateral Trust Fund Republic Of Burundi - Assistance Au Department Des Eaux Et Forets Pour L' Amelioration Des Methods De Carbonisation - Resultats, Conclusion Et Recommandations Du Project - Report Prepare Pour Le Government Du Burundi Par
Unilateral Trust Fund Republic Of Burundi - Assistance Au Department Des Eaux Et Forets Pour L' Amelioration Des Methods De Carbonisation - Resultats, Conclusion Et Recommandations Du Project - Report Prepare Pour Le Government Du Burundi Par
Joint UNDP/World Bank Energy Sector Management Program - Activity Completion Report - Number 036/85 - Burundi - Presentation Of Energy Projects For The Fourth Five-Year 1983-1987 - A Report On The Project Profiles Prepared For The Round Table On External
Joint UNDP/World Bank Energy Sector Management Program - Activity Completion Report - Number 036/85 - Burundi - Presentation Of Energy Projects For The Fourth Five-Year 1983-1987 - A Report On The Project Profiles Prepared For The Round Table On External
Taxation and Mine Evaluation - Robert Parsons - May 1993
Taxation and Mine Evaluation - Robert Parsons - May 1993
Doing Business in the Host Country - Non-Tax Considerations for a Mineral Exploration Company - Paper 15 - James Armstrong
Designing the Investment Vehicle - Mining - Paper 19 - Peter Machin
Designing the Investment Vehicle - Mining - Paper 19 - Peter Machin
Part 12 - Taxation and Mine Evaluation - Robert B Parsons
Part 12 - Taxation and Mine Evaluation - Robert B Parsons
Mineral Sector Taxation Methods - A Global Review - James M Otto - United Nations ESCAP - August 1992
Mineral Sector Taxation Methods - A Global Review - James M Otto - United Nations ESCAP - August 1992
International Seminar on Mining Taxation - Montreal, Canada - October 1991 - Substantive Criteria to Assess - The Fiscal Regime of a Developing Country - Paul Fortin
International Seminar on Mining Taxation - Montreal, Canada - October 1991 - Substantive Criteria to Assess - The Fiscal Regime of a Developing Country - Paul Fortin
Taxation for a Cyclical Industry - Raj Kumar - London, United Kingdom
Taxation for a Cyclical Industry - Raj Kumar - London, United Kingdom
International Tax Burden Comparison of Australia - Brazil - Canada - India - South Africa - Sweden - Venezuela
International Tax Burden Comparison of Australia - Brazil - Canada - India - South Africa - Sweden - Venezuela
Projet de Renforcement des Capacites Nationales du Secteur Minier et de Gestion de l'Environnement [PRECAGME] - Execution des Trade Off - Avantages et Inconvenients des Differentes formes d'Imposition - Rapport - Ouagadougou - December 26, 2001
Projet de Renforcement des Capacites Nationales du Secteur Minier et de Gestion de l'Environnement [PRECAGME] - Execution des Trade Off - Avantages et Inconvenients des Differentes formes d'Imposition - Rapport - Ouagadougou - December 26, 2001
Communication Presentee a la Journee d'Information sur la Fiscalite Miniere - Ouagadougou le January 24, 2002 - Theme les Activites Menees par Sofreco en Matiere d'Etudes et de Reglementation Fiscale
Communication Presentee a la Journee d'Information sur la Fiscalite Miniere - Ouagadougou le January 24, 2002 - Theme les Activites Menees par Sofreco en Matiere d'Etudes et de Reglementation Fiscale
Projet de Renforcement des Capacites Nationales du Secteur Minier et de Gestion de l'Environnement [PRECAGME] - Elaboration des Logiciels Permettant de Calculer le Taux Effectif d'Imposition d'Une Exploitation Miniere dans Differentes Configurations
Projet de Renforcement des Capacites Nationales du Secteur Minier et de Gestion de l'Environnement [PRECAGME] - Elaboration des Logiciels Permettant de Calculer le Taux Effectif d'Imposition d'Une Exploitation Miniere dans Differentes Configurations
Projet de Renforcement des Capacites Nationales du Secteur Minier et de Gestion de l'Environnement [PRECAGEME] - Espace de Navigation et d'Information en Geologie Mines et Environnement [ENIGME] - Phase 2 Renforcement des Capacites des Utilisateurs
Projet de Renforcement des Capacites Nationales du Secteur Minier et de Gestion de l'Environnement [PRECAGEME] - Espace de Navigation et d'Information en Geologie Mines et Environnement [ENIGME] - Phase 2 Renforcement des Capacites des Utilisateurs
Geoseismic Justifications for Drilling Program for GPT-1 Exploratory Well - November 1980
Geoseismic Justifications for Drilling Program for GPT-1 Exploratory Well - November 1980
Well Test Report - General Petroleum Company - Western Desert - Otis Pt Services - February 18, 1981 to March 10, 1981
Well Test Report - General Petroleum Company - Western Desert - Otis Pt Services - February 18, 1981 to March 10, 1981
Proposal for Procurement of Digital Seismic Recording Equipment - Petrobangla - August 1981;
Proposal for Procurement of Digital Seismic Recording Equipment - Petrobangla - August 1981;
Bakhrabad Gas Systems Limited - Drilling Programme for Wells BK-2, 3, 4 and 5 - Welldrill Limited - February 1981
Bakhrabad Gas Systems Limited - Drilling Programme for Wells BK-2, 3, 4 and 5 - Welldrill Limited - February 1981
Zelin Data - Fuel - Rec. - Week 1
Zelin Data - Fuel - Rec. - Week 1
Consultancy Service to Assess the Environmental Impacts of the Introduction of Equipment Technology and Processing Techniques for Small Scale Gold Miners - Environmental Research and Management Limited - Accra, Ghana
Consultancy Service to Assess the Environmental Impacts of the Introduction of Equipment Technology and Processing Techniques for Small Scale Gold Miners - Environmental Research and Management Limited - Accra, Ghana
Ministry of Mines and Energy - Minerals Commission - Geological Survey of Finland - Final Report - Mining Sector Information System - Projet Phase 3 - Mineral Information Database - December 1999
Ministry of Mines and Energy - Minerals Commission - Geological Survey of Finland - Final Report - Mining Sector Information System - Projet Phase 3 - Mineral Information Database - December 1999
Geological Survey of Finland 2000 - Accra, Ghana - Fact Finding Mission for the Geological Survey Department - Final Report
Geological Survey of Finland 2000 - Accra, Ghana - Fact Finding Mission for the Geological Survey Department - Final Report
Processing and Interpretation of Data from Airborne Geophysical Survey Ghana - Final Report - November 1998 - Philip Yaw Oduro Amoako - Samuel Kwabla Amedofu - Thomas Akamaluk - Geological Survey Department of Ghana - Rune Johansson - Carl Axel Triumf
Processing and Interpretation of Data from Airborne Geophysical Survey Ghana - Final Report - November 1998 - Philip Yaw Oduro Amoako - Samuel Kwabla Amedofu - Thomas Akamaluk - Geological Survey Department of Ghana - Rune Johansson - Carl Axel Triumf
The Trust Relating to the Guelbs Iron Ore Project in Mauritania - Trustees Report and Accounts - December 31, 2002
The Trust Relating to the Guelbs Iron Ore Project in Mauritania - Trustees Report and Accounts - December 31, 2002
Contrat d'Assistance pour la Mise en Place des Procedures Administratives et Comptables - L'Assistance Comptable a la Coordination du Projet d'Assistance Technique au Secteur Minier - EGCC International - Cabinet d'Expertise Comptable et de Commissariat
Contrat d'Assistance pour la Mise en Place des Procedures Administratives et Comptables - L'Assistance Comptable a la Coordination du Projet d'Assistance Technique au Secteur Minier - EGCC International - Cabinet d'Expertise Comptable et de Commissariat
Contrat d'Assistance pour la Mise en Place des Procedures Administratives et Comptables - L'Assistance Comptable a la Coordination du Projet d'Assistance Technique au Secteur Minier - February 1994 - EGCC International - Cabinet d'Expertise Comptable et
Contrat d'Assistance pour la Mise en Place des Procedures Administratives et Comptables - L'Assistance Comptable a la Coordination du Projet d'Assistance Technique au Secteur Minier - February 1994 - EGCC International - Cabinet d'Expertise Comptable et
Contrat d'Assistance pour la Mise en Place des Procedures Administratives et Comptables - L'Assistance Comptable a la Coordination du Projet d'Assistance Technique au Secteur Minier - May 1994 - EGCC International - Cabinet d'Expertise Comptable et de
Contrat d'Assistance pour la Mise en Place des Procedures Administratives et Comptables - L'Assistance Comptable a la Coordination du Projet d'Assistance Technique au Secteur Minier - May 1994 - EGCC International - Cabinet d'Expertise Comptable et de
Projet d'Assistance Technique au Secteur Minier - Audit Des Comptes Annuels au December 31, 1996 - Price Waterhouse - Immueble COLINA - Cote d'Ivoire - GMI Audit - BP 854 - Bamako, Mali - 3 Copies
Projet d'Assistance Technique au Secteur Minier - Audit Des Comptes Annuels au December 31, 1996 - Price Waterhouse - Immueble COLINA - Cote d'Ivoire - GMI Audit - BP 854 - Bamako, Mali - 3 Copies
International Mining Consultants [IMC] Mackay and Schnellman - Ministere des Mines de l'Energie et de l'Hydraulique - Evaluation Technico Economique et Assistance Technique dans la Privatisation de la Mine d'Or de Kalana - Rapport de la Visite de
International Mining Consultants [IMC] Mackay and Schnellman - Ministere des Mines de l'Energie et de l'Hydraulique - Evaluation Technico Economique et Assistance Technique dans la Privatisation de la Mine d'Or de Kalana - Rapport de la Visite de
Audit des Comptes Annuels au December 31, 1995 - Price Waterhouse - Immeuble Colina - GMI Audit - BP 954 - Bamako, Mali
Audit des Comptes Annuels au December 31, 1995 - Price Waterhouse - Immeuble Colina - GMI Audit - BP 954 - Bamako, Mali
Resultaten 51 tot 100 van 298