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Showing 1-50 of 567 results
Ibrahim F.I Shihata - Human Rights, Development and International Financial Institutions - January 24, 1992
Association of International Study for Promotion and Protection of Private Investments [APPI] - Liaison File
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization [UNESCO] / IBRD Cooperative Programme - Liaison File - Volume 01
Bank Administration and Policy : Institute of Development Studies - 1975 / 1977 Correspondence - Volume 1
Bank Administration and Policy : International Labor Organization [ILO] - 1975 / 1977 Correspondence - Volume 1
Bank Administration and Policy : International Labor Organization [ILO] / International Bank for Reconstruction and Development [IBRD] Cooperative Program - 1975 / 1977 Correspondence - Volume 1
Bank Administration and Policy : Overseas Development Institute - 1975 / 1977 Correspondence - Volume 1
Bank Administration and Policy : United Nations Educational Science and Cultural Organization [UNESCO] - 1975 / 1977 Correspondence - Volume 1
Bank Administration and Policy : United Nations Educational Science and Cultural Organization [UNESCO] / International Bank for Reconstruction and Development [IBRD] Cooperative Programme - 1975 / 1977 Correspondence - Volume 1
Bank Administration and Policy - World Health Organization [WHO] / International Bank for Reconstruction and Development [ IBRD] Cooperative Programme - 1975 / 1977 Correspondence - Volume 1
Bank Administration and Policy - World Health Organization [WHO] / United Nations Development Program [UNDP] / International Bank for Reconstruction and Development [IBRD] Tropical Diseases - 1975 / 1977 Correspondence - Volume 1
United Nations Organizations - ERIU - International Labor Organization [ILO] 1978 / 1980 Correspondence - Volume 1
United Nations Organizations - ERIU - United Nations Fund for Population Activities [UNFPA] 1978 / 1980 Correspondence - Volume 1
United Nations - ERIU - International Labour Organization [ILO] 1984 / 1986 Correspondence - Volume 1
United Nations Department of Public Information - Public Relations - Liaison - Correspondence - 1946 - 1962
External Relations International United Nations [ERIU] - International Labour Office [ILO] - 1987 / 1989 Correspondence - Volume 1
External Relations International United Nations [ERIU] - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization [UNESCO] - 1987 / 1989 Correspondence - Volume 1
External Relations International United Nations [ERIU] - World Health Organization - 1987 / 1989 Correspondence - Volume 1
United Nations Files: United Nations Educational, Scientific and cultural Organization UNESCO (Including Cooperative Program) - 1v
Results 1 to 50 of 567