Task Force for Child Survival - Minutes of the Task Force - February 11 - 12, 1986
Task Force for Child Survival - Correspondence
World Health Organization [WHO] / World Bank - Strategy Meeting
Policy Research Papers - Squire, Lyn - Economics of Financing Education in Kenya
K.C. Zachariah - Chronological Records - January 15 - December 30, 1971
Population, Health and Nutrition [PHN] - Tropical Disease Research [TDR] Files - Background Materials for Bank Participation in Tropical Disease Research
Population, Health, and Nutrition [PHN] - Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases [TDR] - Bank Participation and Joint Coordinating Board [JCB] Health Research
Onchocerciasis budget - set
Onchocerciasis Chemotherapy - Correspondence
International Conference on Oral Rehydration Therapy [ICORT] - Correspondence
WHO / CDD follow up on PHN / CDD cooperation - Correspondence
Annual Meetings Seminar - John Evans - Correspondence - August 1982
Asian Development Bank - Correspondence - Volume 1
Bellagio - World Immunization News [WIN] - Correspondence
Bellagio - Correspondence - Volume 1
Bellagio Task Force - Meetings - Correspondence
Cofinancing - Population, Health and Nutrition Department [PHND] - Correspondence
Contraceptive Research and Development - Correspondence - Volume 1