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Subject files

Series contains records maintained by Leonard B. Rist from the early period of IBRD history primarily when he first served as Director of the Research Department, later Economics Department between 1946 and 1960. Records are varied and include correspondence and speeches that Rist drafted for President Eugene Black during the period 1947-1953 and an information packet prepared for Black's 1952 trip on which Rist and other senior staff accompanied him to Pakistan, India, Ceylon, Thailand, and Australia. Also included is a file of Rist's speeches to the information conferences (1949-1959), two or three-day sessions at the Bank where groups of individuals in the finance profession would be introduced the Bank and its operations (1949-1951), a file on establishing the Research Department in 1946, and files on loan policy, 1946-1967. Records from the 1950s relate to the European Investment Bank and French oil exploration, and UK credit conditions covering 1945-1957. In 1963 and 1964 while he was Special Adviser to the President, Rist chaired the Committee on Loan Charges, and these files include correspondence on the Committee's Memorandum on Loan Charges (1964). Other files (1960-1968) relate to terms of Bank loans, market loans, IBRD reserves and 9% subscriptions, and Bank and IDA financial policy.

Leonard B. Rist files

  • Subfundos
  • 1942 - 1968

Fonds consists of records maintained by Leonard B. Rist from the early period of IBRD history primarily when he first served as Director of the Research Department, later Economics Department beginning in 1946 and printed material that Rist collected relating to Bretton Woods.

Research Committee participation

Records in this series relate to the activities of the Bank's Research Committee and Kuczynski's participation in the Committee in 1972 and 1973. The Committee's responsibilities included: developing an overall research program and setting research priorities; reviewing research proposals and allocating resources to successful proposals, including those undertaken by both Bank staff and external persons; reviewing process of ongoing research programs and budgets; monitoring the work of and liaising with other institutions; and encouraging the dissemination of research output. The Committee consisted of ten to twelve members from the World Bank, including the International Finance Corporation (IFC). Participation on the Committee was for generally a year or twoone or two years.

The majority of the records in this series are materials disseminated in advance of Research Committee meetings. The meetings were held twice annually. Participants at these meetings considered further allocations of funds to existingand new projects and reviewed ongoing research projects. Records in this series relate to the three meetings that occurred while Kuczynski was a member of the committee: June 1972; September 1972; and May/June 1973.

Records were originally disseminated to Committee members as part of "books". These books contained all the materials necessary for the meeting of the Committee, including project reviews, budget materials, and, most voluminous, project proposals. The latter are arranged according to project sector topic. Tables of contents are included. Project proposal materials generally include two parts: the research proposal form and the project description. Other materials, including memoranda between Committee members discussing the proposed project prior to the Committee meeting, may be included. Memoranda, generally authored by Ernest Stern and disseminated to Committee members, is also included; it is not clear if these records were distributed with the meeting book or filed with the book's contents by Kuczynski.

Research proposals by Bank staff for fiscal year 1974 are also included. These do not appear to be part of the normal dissemination of meeting materials. It is not clear if these are to be discussed at a specific meeting or if they are part of a planning exercise. Projects related to only three sectors are included: industry and trade; agriculture and rural development; and urbanization and regional development.

A small amount of related memoranda and reports are filed separately. These include correspondence between group members discussing: research protocols; functions and logistics of the committee; potential and ongoing projects; budget reporting and projections; and recommendations for research. An update on the Committee's work for Office of the President is also included as is a a summary report of then current (1972) research projects.

Subject files

Series contains subject records created and received by Kuczynski during his second period of employment at the World Bank (1971-1973). The records were accumulated during his time as both Chief Economist of the Central America and Caribbean Department (CACDR) and Chief of the Policy Planning Division (EPRPP). Many of the files were begun whilecontain records from Kuczynski's time at the served in CACDR and then were added to while he led EPRPP.

Records related to the economic development of Latin American countries and their relationship with the World Bank are included in this series. These records date from the period when Kuczynski was Chief Economist for the Central America and Caribbean Department (CACDR); in addition there are two reports from 1970, prior to when Kuczynski assumed the position. Topics discussed in these records include: taxation and trade in Latin America; Bank relations with and activity of the Inter-American Bank (IDB); the Common Market in Latin America; and staff recruitment in the CACDR. The majority of the records are correspondence which either involves Kuczynski or was forwarded to him for informational value. Other records include: back-to-office reports describing country visits and meetings and conferences attended by Bank staff; lending reports for Bank member countries; reports (including "The World Bank in the Americas" authored by Kuczynski in August 1971); comments on memoranda and/reports by Kuczynski and others; and summaries on Latin American operations for Bank President McNamara in preparation for his participation in the Latin American Caucus in 1970 and 1971.

Records related to the Seminar on the Collection, Processing and Reporting of External Debt Statistics in Latin America are also included. The seminar, held in March 1973, was organized by the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). Records include the seminar program guide as well as country presentations. Each country presentation was authored by country representatives and describe their country's debt administration and collection. Also included are report summaries and background information as well as correspondence discussing logistical details.

Records related to commodity production and trade are also included in Kuczynski's subject files. Commodities discussed include petroleum, coffee, tea, minerals, rubber, sugar, bauxite, rice, sulfur, cotton, and grains. Records also relate to: the Bank's role in the mineral sector; seminar planning on topics related to commodity production and trade; and the influence of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). Records include: correspondence; memoranda; back-to-office reports; and Board papers (including commodity forecasts and studies). Also included are a number of reports including a series authored by John Foster of the Economic Analysis and Projects Department discussing oil revenue projects of OPEC member countries, collectively, and by Saudi Arabia, Abu Dhabi, and Kuwait individually.

Kuczynski's subject files also include records related to topics in general economics. These include: income distribution; population growth and impact; joint and parallel financing of Bank projects; employment rates; and private lending to developing countries.

Records relating to Bank-related topics are filed alongside the general economics records. These include: impact of budget cuts on economic research; staffing; relations with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP); research project planning; publication of Bank reports;Bank Board procedures; and country economic reporting. The majority of the records are correspondence and memoranda dating from 1972 and 1973. A single document, "Glossary of Population Terms", dates from 1967. Also included are comments on papers and summaries of Area Heads' meetings from 1972.

A file containing records related to Bank operations collected by Kuczynski while Chief Economist of CACDR is also included. Records contain correspondence and memoranda discussing: the Bank's operations program for 1972, 1973, and 1974; the Area Departments method of reporting; and the Bank-wide reorganization of 1972.

Records related to planning and future Bank lending are found in this series. Kuczynski collected these correspondence and reports (both final and draft) during 1971 and 1972. Reports discuss creditworthiness and Bank operations, capital flows, and the scale of future Bank operations. Of note is the memorandum entitled "The Scale of IBRD Financial Operations, FY74-78", which was presented to the Board by President McNamara in December 1971.

This series also contains records relating to the research and writing of the speech President McNamara delivered to the Board of Governors at the 1973 Annual Meetings in Nairobi, Kenya. Records include: memoranda discussing possible themes for the speech; a draft outline of the speech; multiple drafts, with contributions by Kuczynski, Mahbub ul Haq, Ernest Stern, and Hollis B. Chenery; comments on drafts, including an annotated draft by McNamara, dated June 19, 1973; memoranda by high-level staff discussing topics contained in the speech, including food production, agricultural sector, and the rural poor; a background paper presented by Chenery to President McNamara entitled "A Conceptual Framework for the Analysis of Poverty"; and various data collections in memoranda and table form.

Also contained in this series are records related to research seminars organized by Bank staff. These seminars were initiated by President McNamara in the spring of 1971 and then formalized into a series of seminars by Hollis B. Chenery in the fall of the same year. The seminars were intended for the Bank's senior staff. Both Bank staff and external participants presented on development-related topics. Records in this series are primarily from 1971 although they extend through 1973. Records include the full text or distributed notes on seminar presentations as well as invitations to sessions. A schedule of speakers for the fall 1971 series is included.

Also included in this seriesare Country Program Papers (CPPs) for most borrowing countries as well as correspondence related to the review of CPPs by the Program Review Division (EPRPR). (The EPRPR existed alongside the division led by Kuczynski, the Policy Planning Division (EPRPP), in the Policy, Planning and Program Review Department.) In addition to the CPPs, Country Program Notes and CPP "postscripts" are also included.

Finally, a copy of the World Tables produced in 1971 by the Bank's Economic Program Department's Socio-Economic Data Division is included.

Pedro-Pablo Kuczynski files

  • Subfundos
  • 1967, 1970 - 1973

Sub-fonds consists of records created and received by Pedro-Pablo Kuczynski during his employment at the World Bank between 1971 and 1973. Records were filed according to subject title and record types, including: Latin American development; seminars; commodity trading and development; general economics; Bank operations and planning; speechwriting for the Office of the President; seminars; Country Program Papers (CPPs); and World Tables. Records related to the Bank's Research Committee are also included.

Jochen Kraske files

  • Subfundos
  • 1973 - 1992

The records contain both correspondence and reference material maintained by Kraske relating to India. They include correspondence and draft papers from Kraske's period as chief of the Resident Mission in New Delhi; an historical reminiscence The New Delhi Office written by Kraske in 1993; copies of correspondence, memoranda, and draft papers on the history of the New Delhi office; copies of extracts from the debates in the Indian Parliament about the World Bank; clippings from the Asian Recorder on the Bank in India; two papers by Kraske on India, Some thoughts on the role of the New Delhi Office (1987) and The role of field-based staff in maintaining portfolio quality: The case of agriculture and the New Delhi Office (1992) and drafts of three speeches to African audiences; and publications by S.R. Sen, M. Narasimham, A.V. Desai, R. Mohan and others. Although quite small, this series is a rich source for the history of the World Bank in India.

John A. King files

  • Subfundos
  • 1965 - 1978

The first series of records are King's files on Bank studies in which he participated. These include a review by the Projects Staff of completed sector and feasibility studies in order to improve the Bank's technical assistance to developing countries, a study of project management, and the studies undertaken as part of the 1972 Bank reorganization. The files include minutes of meetings, correspondence, memoranda, background data, and successive drafts of the final report. The files on the 1972 reorganization also include staff opinion surveys and reviews of the implementation of the reorganization plan.

The second series is a subject file that relates principally to King's work as the Assistant to the Vice President, Projects. The records include a number of files from Charles A. Morse, who was the procurement adviser to the Vice President. The majority of the records relate to procurement policy, but they also include correspondence with Executive Directors (clearly a fragment, as a list of items included in the file says Vol. IV), minutes and agendas from Program Coordinators' meetings, records on project preparation and project insurance, drafts of speeches and articles by both Morse and King, and memos and reports relating to the 1976-1977 Arab boycott of U.S. goods.

Benjamin B. King files

  • Subfundos
  • 1952 - 1981

Benjamin King retained a copy of papers he wrote and correspondence he drafted, both for his signature and for the signature of other Bank officials. Although there are gaps in the records, the chronological series provides a good overview of the interests of King and the issues with which he dealt as a staff member of the Bank.

The first part of the chronological file, dating from 1952-1967, includes items relating to King's missions to the Gold Coast, Germany, and Norway and contains notes on the status of operations, planning and procedures, currency, lending resources, and external debt. King also wrote notes on the General Training Committee and a 1955 draft curriculum for the Economic Development Institute, which King joined in 1957. The second part of the chronological file includes papers on the economic work in the Bank; comments on economic reports; drafts of the Charter of the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA); materials relating to external debt in Iran, India and Pakistan; a study of the feasibility of using computers in the Bank; and a paper on allocation of funds to the International Development Association. The final part of the chronological file includes memoranda and letters to members of the Research Committee and to external research institutions commenting on research proposals and reports. After King was appointed as Director of the Development Economics Department in 1978, the file includes documents on personnel, recruitment, plan, project evaluations, comments on economic reports and clearances for publications. Of particular interest are a March 1979 memo on the Department and King's summaries of the Board meetings he attended The subject files are clearly a fragment of a larger file, because they include only files with subject headings A-E. Many of the same issues found in the chronological file material area found here, including investment criteria, creditworthiness, terms of aid, program lending, and the use of computers. Two files on the Bernard Bell study on India and an agriculture file on India are useful supplements to the official records on the Bell study and to the Bernard R. Bell files. The External Debt Review Committee was established at the end of 1967 to investigate the collection, processing and use of international debt statistics by the Bank. King chaired the Committee in 1967-1968, and his subject files contain memoranda regarding the Committee meetings, the operations of the External Debt Section, material relating to a questionnaire on statistics, and comments on the Committee report.

The country files contain Economic Committee documents, interspersed with some original material of King's regarding economic missions and economic reports.

W. David Hopper files

  • Subfundos
  • 1981 - 1989

The small correspondence series from 1986 includes files on many of the countries in the South Asia region. The files include correspondence with leaders in the countries and internal Bank memoranda on projects, planned or in operation. This is clearly a fragment of a larger chronological series that was maintained for Hopper by the office staff.

The bulk of the sub-fonds consists of the office correspondence file from Hopper's period as Senior Vice President for Policy Planning and Research; it is arranged chronologically. The series apparently was begun by L. Richard Meyers, who was Special Assistant to Hopper, as the early files are marked DM Chron. The topics in the records include poverty and family planning programs focusing on women, the Bank's new environmental initiative, appreciation and criticism of the Bank's environmental role, especially with regard to rain forests and indigenous peoples, agricultural development, including genetic research and application of developmental agriculture in Africa, and administrative details of the new Policy Planning and Research Department.

The series on the Senior Management Council and the series on the Personnel and Administration Committee both begin with a set of minutes, followed by agendas and reports and memos. The series on the SMC also includes a set of monthly financial reports. Records are missing for several months in both series. The topics in the records include personnel policies, the Disaster Recovery Plan, security, long-term facilities planning, and information resources management.

The file unit on the work of the Operations Managers Review Group contains six items on the selection of operations managers.

Policy and research papers

Series consists of copies of various policy and research papers kept by Bernard R. Bell while he was Regional Vice President, East Asia and Pacific Region (EAPVP). Series includes a World Health Organization (WHO)-UNICEF study on health needs in developing countries in 1975, internal Bank memoranda and records relating to energy and the oil crisis from 1973 to 1974, two Bank papers on the economic evaluation of public utilities projects dating from 1974 to 1975, and Bank papers on topics of interest to Bell, ranging from rural roads to procedures for project documentation.

Indonesian oil sector files

Series consists of records primarily created during Bernard R. Bell's tenure as Director, Resident Staff Indonesia from 1968 to 1972. The series contains a draft paper on the historical development of the oil sector in Indonesia, including notes on Indonesian oil companies. Correspondence and notes concerning Bank economic missions reviewing the oil sector are included, as well as notes of interviews with Indonesian government officials and oil company personnel. The series contains copies of articles on Indonesian oil, copies contracts dating from 1963, copies of Indonesian laws regulating the oil sector, and statistics on the financial status of P. N. Pertamina, the Indonesian National Oil and Natural Gas Mining State Enterprise.

India Fourth Five-Year Plan and economic policy files

Series consists of records maintained by Bernard R. Bell primarily relating to his work studying India's Fourth Five-Year plan while he was economic advisor to Andre de Lattre, President Woods' appointed representative to India. The study began with an appraisal mission headed by Bell which visited India in October-November 1966. The purposes of the mission were to examine the changes made in Indian economic policy in 1966 and how they were being implemented, and to survey the proposed Fourth Five-Year Plan and the aid requirements associated with it. The series contains: Bell's outgoing memoranda and cables with Woods and de Lattre and members of the 1966 appraisal mission to India; correspondence on the previous Bell Mission Report (1964-1966) on India's economy; correspondence with the government of India and documents from the U.S. government on India; a file on Woods' meeting with Ashok Mehta, the Indian Minister of Planning; and copies of official meeting documents of the India Consortium, a group of donor countries concerned with providing aid to India and India's development efforts. The consortium meeting records are filed with copies of memoranda primarily from Alexander Stevenson, Associate Director of Asia Department, and copied to Bell and others, covering the years 1966 to 1968.

Series also contains: subject files relating to the Fourth Plan, containing correspondence and background reference materials on agricultural policy, foreign debt, family planning, power, and other topics; a copy of Bell's fourteen volume Bell Mission report in 1965 published as "The Report to the President of the IBRD and IDA on India's Economic Development Effort"; and a copy of his 1967 Bank report titled, "Indian Economic Policy and the Fourth Five-Year Plan".

Also included in the series is a small volume of correspondence and other records, dating from 1964 to 1965, relating to the India coal transport study financed by the Bank, a report written by Bell's consulting firm in 1963 on statistics of Korea, and economic reports authored by the Bank, the Indian government or external research groups on India, its growth, and economic prospects, dating from 1973 to 1975.

Bernard R. Bell files

  • Subfundos
  • 1950, 1963 - 1976

Subfonds consists of records created by Bernard R. Bell primarily when he was the economic advisor to the representative resident in India during which time he examined Indian economic policy and the proposed Fourth Five-Year Plan during 1966 to 1967. Subfonds also contains subject files and correspondence kept while he served as director of resident staff, Indonesia and regional vice president, East Asia and Pacific Region.

Richard E. Barry files

  • Subfundos
  • 1972 - 1989

The first set of records relates to the fifth session of the UN Advisory Committee for Coordination of Information systems, held in Geneva, Switzerland, September 18-21, 1989. The second set of records consists primarily of memoranda, papers and minutes of the Personnel and Administration Committee and the Managing Committee. Topics include systems development in the Finance complex, the budgets for fiscal years 1986 and 1987, the establishment of a facility in the Washington suburbs, cost effectiveness indicators, the Howard Baker proposal for the Bank, data security, a disaster recovery plan, institutional information technology standards and information resources management strategy. The third set of records is related to the 1972 reorganization of the Bank, conducted by McKinsey & Company, during which Barry was a member of the Bank study team. The record include copies of the discussion drafts of the recommended organization structure and the recommended program of changes, a set of interviews conducted by Barry and a McKinsey staff member on external perceptions of the Bank, and a file on planning and control functions. The final set of records relates to the 1987 reorganization. The records include the final report of the Information Technology and Facilities (ITF) support units task force, information for the President's task force from the ITF Office Systems Division, and a report on strategic options for meeting management information needs, with a report of the Information Systems Planning Study Team attached.

Records of Individual Staff Members

  • Fundos
  • 1946 - 1992

A number of individuals accumulated bodies of records from various offices in which they served. When these individuals retired or resigned from the Bank, these records were transferred to the Archives. Because the records cover the individual's career in more than one office, the records cannot be assigned to a fonds for a single office. Consequently, this fonds is established to describe these records.

Some records in this fonds are duplicates of others found in the Central Files or in fonds for particular offices. Others, however, appear to be absolutely unique. For example, Bernard Bell served as the special representative of the Bank in Indonesia from 1968 to 1972, and when he returned to headquarters, he brought with him some of the records of the Indonesia office. In addition, he made a study for the Bank on contract before he was hired as a regular staff member, and materials relating to the study are also found in the records. In another instance, Leonard Rist was interested in the historyof the Bretton Woods agreement, and collected duplicate copies of documents relating to it. When Rist retired, the Archives received both his correspondence files from different offices in which he served and the collection of Bretton Woods items.

Researchers interested in the offices in which these individuals served should review the sub-fonds descriptions on the records.

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Correspondence, personnel files, speeches, articles, and photographs

  • Séries
  • 1948 - 1987

Topics covered in this series include reorganization of the World Bank, procurement review, communications, loan documentation, World Bank Group (Bank Group) studies, the succession of Bank Group presidents, and improving efficiency in the Bank Group.

This series contains various textual records: correspondence (e.g., with Robert S. McNamara, J. Henry Smith, Warren C. Baum, etc.); personnel files (pertaining to Sommers's personal information data, employment history, reappointments, semi-annual summaryof work activities, etc.); copies of transcripts (i.e., Sommers's two oral history interviews in 1961 and 1985 and a conversation between Sommers, John J. McCloy, and Richard Demuth in 1984); speeches (e.g., "Legal Aspects of the International Bank's Structure and Juridical Personality," February 20, 1950; and "Legal Problems Arising in the Bank?s Loan Operations", February 24, 1950;) articles given by and/or written by Sommers (e.g., a description of the World Bank and its operations, presented in Mexico City in February 1950; an address entitled "Early Days of the Bank given to Bank staff in 1960"; and a 1984 article for the Bank/IMF periodical, Finance and Development, to commemorate the fortieth anniversary of the Bretton Woods Conference); publications (e.g., a photocopy of Sommers's "The World in Ferment", July-August 1967); newspaper clippings; copies of International Bank Notes; and many more.

This series also contains photographs documenting: World Bank's B building remodeling in the late 1950s,a British-Egyptian negotiation in 1959 (possibly the Suez Canal negotiations; individuals include Sommers, Eugene Black, and an unidentified Egyptian negotiator), the World Bank's twentieth-anniversary luncheon in 1966 (individuals include John J. McCloy, George D. Woods, Eugene Black, Martin Rosen, etc.), and the Pension Finance Committee in 1985 and 1987 (e.g., John Lowe, John Hagler, etc.).

Personal Papers of Davidson Sommers

  • Fundos
  • 1948 - 1987

This fonds contains correspondence and personnel files, as well as speeches, articles, memorabilia, and photographs related to Davidson Sommers' employment in the World Bank's Legal Department and his work as a World Bank consultant.

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Personal Papers of Orvis A. Schmidt

  • Fundos
  • 1932 - 1947

The papers cover the period of Schmidt's service with the US Treasury and include his files on his dissertation. Both the Treasury and the dissertation materials include subject files; some topics overlap; all concern Brazil exclusively. The files do not include materials on either the Bretton Woods conference or his work at the World Bank.

Schmidt obtained and translated many official Brazilian government documents for the Treasury Department. These translations are found both in a general translationfile and in subject files.

The files are of interest primarily to students of the economic history of Brazil.

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Records of the South Asia Regional Vice Presidency

  • Fundos
  • 1947 - 2008

Note that the countries included in the South Asia Region fonds and, in particular, the "Country operational records" series, fluctuated over the years; countries were moved from one Region to another and Regional Vice Presidencies were merged and separated. This is reflected in the inclusion of records from, specifically, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Myanmar (Burma). While the inclusion of records partially depends on the nature of their transfer (see "Archival history" for explanation), generally operational records related to Afghanistan from 1972 to 1991, Pakistan from 1987 to 1991, and Myanmar from 1987 to the present will not be included in the records of this fonds. See the "Related units of description" field of this description for the location of those records not included. There were fluctuations in the countries overseen by SAR prior to 1972, as well. However, these changes are not reflected in the inclusion of records in this fonds as a result of the reaccessioning exercise described in the "Archival history" field.

Also note that this fonds has been arranged into eleven provisional series. Sub-headings are used to break the content of this field up according to series. For a complete list of the provisional series, see the Arrangement field below.

Country operational records

The majority of the records in this fonds are country operational records. The records in the Country operational records series broadly consist of project records relating to the negotiation and administration of loans and general country records relating to economic and sector study. These records were created by Area Departments (1947-1972), Country Departments (CDs, 1972-1997) and Country Management Units (CMUs, 1997- 2009) as well as Regional project departments (1972 - 1987), technical departments (1987 - 1997), and sector departments (1997 - 2009).

Records related to the Bank's projects overseen by SAR are contained in the "Country operational records" series. These records relate to investment, structural adjustment, technical assistance and other development projects financed, co-financed, or managed by the Bank. Note that projects funded or co-funded by external bodies such as the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), national governments, and trust funds but which were executed by the Bank are also included.

Records relating to all phases of the World Bank Project Cycle, from conception through negotiation and completion, are found here. Project records contained in this fonds were created by both the unitidentified as the designated record keeping unit within the Region and, in smaller number, the Regional units that provided project support. Included are records relating to not only completed projects but also to abandoned projects (i.e. projects that were abandoned in course of preparation or that failed to gain Board approval) and suspended projects (i.e. approved projects, including those partially disbursed, which have been suspended and not resumed). Records related to the discussion and negotiationof projects that were never initiated are also included.

Correspondence files make up the bulk of the project records and relate to the identification, preparation, appraisal, negotiation, approval, supervision, fund disbursement, completion, and review of each individual project. Correspondence is in the form of letters, printed email, memoranda, telexes, and faxes. Accompanying materials most often include aide-memoires, minutes of meetings, Terms of Reference, back-to-office reports, etc. Correspondence is between the Bank and government officials, ambassadors, institutions, contractors, and consultants.

Project records may also include: Project Implementation Index File (PIIF) documents; executive project summary/project concept documents; annual progress reports; supplemental documents; Project Completion Reports (PCRs, also known as Completion Reports); consultant reports; supervision reports; andfinal versions of mandatory reports. A small amount of project-related newspaper clippings, financial statements, photographs, hand-written notes, maps, engineering plans, and copies of loan agreements and related documents may also be found as well. External documents received from borrowers, governments, consultants, etc., including studies, reports, plans, specifications, etc., are also included.

General country files are also included in the "Country operational records" series. These refer to background correspondence and other records of the Region's support activities for IBRD/IDA lending programs, other than those maintained for individual loans and credits. Records relate to economic, social, and sector work study and analysis and the development of sector and country programs, policies and strategies. Specifically, these records might relate to: capital markets; indebtedness; investment law; missions to the country; technical assistance; disbursement; government relations; inquiries; local bond issues; country liaison; programs and missions; resident representatives; Country Program Papers (CPP) preparation; and Project Implementation Review (PIR). Records relating to and filed according to the various sectors of investment are also included. In each series, sector files may include but are not limited to: agriculture; education; energy; industrial development and finance; industry; population; health; nutrition; telecommunications; tourism; transportation; urban development; water and sewage; and social development. General country file records take the form of correspondence, memoranda, minutes of meetings, notes for files, briefing papers, back-to-office reports, aide-memoires, briefing papers, and reports. Records relating to analytical and advisory activities (AAA) and the related collection of data for these activities may also be included.

Country-specific records relating to country program management are also included in the country operational record series. These records were maintained primarily by the Country Department headquarter units and were used to document Bank Group assistance planning and strategy for each country. Records may pertain to the creation of Bank reports such as: the Country Assistance Strategy (CAS); Country Briefs; Country Strategy Papers; Country Economic Memoranda; Medium Term Framework Papers; and policy statements. These records take the form of: agendas; briefings and reports of country team meetings; final versions of reports; external reports (particularly from the International Monetary Fund [IMF]); meeting summaries and notes; and background materials used in the preparation of reports. Briefing papers prepared for Annual Meetings and other reports to management may also be included.

Also included are informational records related to each country and to development issues specific to that country. Much of the topics covered in these records are focused on various development sectors. These records primarily contain externally created reference material, although a small amount of internally generated material (such as speeches and addresses and material relatedto internally sponsored conferences and seminars) may also be included. Reference materials may include: lists of government officials; information on external consultants; newspaper clippings related to country matters; press releases related to Bank and country activities; correspondence with government officials and/or ministries; and documents related to the operations of field offices in the country. Also included, in small amounts, are books, journals, magazines, articles, extracts, directories, manuals, handbooks, guides, and dissertations originating from elsewhere in the Bank Group or of external origin. Topics include common development sectors (agriculture, transportation, education, etc.) as well as: resettlement; indigenous peoples; participation; Global Environment Facility (GEF); World Bank operation policies; country politics, legislation, and economic situation; and natural resource management.

Regional operational records

Operational records related to the South Asia region are also included in this fonds. Included are the project records of projects that span more than a single country, such as the founding of new regional banks, the establishment of a common market, tourism projects, and the creation of regional infrastructure, such as roads, ports, electric power generation and telecommunications. The types of project-related records are similar to those described in the "Country operational records" series section above. Also included are general records related to economic and sectorwork study and analysis and the development of sector and regional programs, policies and strategies. In terms of topic and form, these records are similar to the general records of the country operational series described above; this includes records related to sector study and development and analytical and advisory activities (AAA). However, records relate to either the region as a whole or to multi-country areas of the region. Also included are records relating to external institutions that work together (co-financing, sector research, information sharing, reporting) with the Region; these include, for example, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the South Pacific Regional Development Bank. Also included in this series are records related to the Bank's role in the resolution of the dispute between India and Pakistan over the use of water resources in the Indus Basin.

External aid coordination

Series consists of records relating to the development and implementation of aid coordination activities not specific to projects, such as cofinancing arrangements, donor meetings, consultative group meetings, and Country Team meetings. Records originate in country and sector departments and relate to cooperative relationships between the Bank Group and donors, cofinanciers, development agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and other concerned organizations. Specifically, records may relate to: collaborative development assistance; consultative groups and meetings; Bank-sponsored seminars and conferences; cofinancing and trust funds; the Consultant Trust Fund Program (CTFP); and external funding for consultants. Records may include: copies of agreements and other legal documents; initiating briefs; reports and memoranda concerning disbursement of cofinanced funds; periodic reports to cofinanciers; and other related materials.

The series contains records documenting the establishment, proceedings and activities of the consortia, aid and consultative groups convened and chaired by the Bank to coordinate external financial assistance and which the Bank provided secretarial support to. Includes India Consortium (1958), Pakistan Consortium (1960), Ceylon - Sri Lanka Aid Group (1965), Bangladesh Aid Group (1974) Burma Aid Group (1976), Nepal Aid Group (1976), Maldives Consultative Group (1984) and Timor Leste Consultative Group (1999). The groups met bi-annually for several successive years, some continuing over decades as in the case of the India Consortium which met until 1993 when it evolved into the India Development Forum and was constituted as an annual meeting to include private investors.

Aid coordination group files contain a large body of correspondence between the country department staff, the chairman who was typically the Area or Country Director but on occasion was the Bank Vice President or Regional Vice President, and members of the consortia and consultative groups including the recipient country. Correspondence includes copies of outgoing memoranda and letters, cables, original letters from member government officials (some addressed to the Bank President), notes to the file, minutes of pre-consultative group meetings, sector, and/or local meetings organized by country staff in between consultative group meetings, and drafts of documents. Topics covered by the correspondence include policies and practices of the consortia, consultative group or aid group; its origins and establishment; changes in membership or participation; pledges and terms of aid by donor countries; and collaboration with the International Monetary Fund and other multilateral participants or observers.

Also included are the set of official meeting documents of the earliest Bank-chaired consortia and other groups aforementioned that contain: preliminary meeting summaries, notice of meeting, agenda, list of delegates, Bank-authored or government authored memoranda or economic reports and policy papers, Chairman's report of proceedings, transcripts or verbatim proceedings, participants statements, and press release. Meeting files also contain a small amount of administrative correspondence authored by Secretary's department or the Area or Country Department concerning meeting preparations, distribution of documents, or announcements about participants in attendance of the meetings.

Department directors' project records (reference)

Project file reference copies maintained by the CD, CMU, or Sector Family directors' front office staff are also included in this fonds. These include project-related records circulated from project managers to the departments for information, monitoring, review, or input. These records are arranged by project and then, in most cases, by project cycle component or phase.

Business plan and budget management records

Fonds includes records relating to business plan and budget management (i.e. planning, implementation, monitoring, and review) activities of the Region. These records include annual budget files created by the Region's budget and administrative units as well as Business Plans covering three-year periods and Retrospective Reviews. Records relating to the budgets of Country Departments are included primarily in the form of budget reports, tools, and correspondence. Budget records created by both the Regional VP and Country Departments relating to country field offices are included (these offices also go by the names "resident mission" or "country office"). Records related to the quarterly VP Business Review Meetings are also included.

Management and oversight of unit functions

Records relating to the management and oversight of the Region's country and technical departments' functional responsibilities, work program, and policy development are included in this fonds. Topics include: work program development; unit policy and procedures; agency structure and organization; management improvement studies; coordination and direction; departmental reviews; Regional objectives and operational directives; and staffing. Records include: work program agreements and monthly reports; research program materials; general correspondence; various task force records including some final reports; unit reviews; procedural and budget guides; management team meeting records; management retreats; records related to the 1991 reorganization of the Asia Region and subsequent reorganization of the Technical Departments; and general correspondence.

VP Chronological files

Fonds includes the chronological files of the Region's VP Mieko Nishimizu for the years 1997 to 1999. (See 5.3 of this description for the locationof other SAR VP chronological files.)

Front office administration and oversight of field offices

Fonds also includes those records maintained in the Region's front office relating to the administration and management of the Region's field offices. Records may include: correspondence; reports; and contracts. Records may also relate to: establishment agreements; leases; renovation; capital budget; local staff; resident representatives; mission statement; job grading; staff reassignment; Internal Auditing Department (IAD) reports; ad hoc reports related to staff issues in country offices; and other information of substantive nature.

Conferences, meetings, and seminar attendance

Fonds includes records related to the establishment, organization, and output of conferences, meetings, seminars, and training organized or attended by SAR staff. Events include externally organized conferences and seminars as well as internally organized events by Bank units. Records related to the Bank's Spring and Annual Meetingsare also included. With regard to events organized or sponsored by the Region, records may relate to identification and selection of themes, topics, and speakers in addition to other planning, administrative, and logistical topics.

Committee Records

Fonds contains records relating to a number of temporary and standing committees, task forces, working groups, etc., that establish, recommend, or monitor implementation of policy and procedures and on which the Region or its units are represented or about which they are kept informed. Committees include, among others: Committee on Regional Initiatives; Research Committee; Information Management Group. Other committees internal to the Regional VP or Country Department relate to research, briefing and sector work. Records may include terms of reference, agenda, agenda papers, decisions, member lists, supporting or background documentation, and minutes and reports.

Front Office Reference Material

A variety of front office reference material is included in this fonds. Topics include: development (including specific sector work); regional economic and political issues; corruption; governance; Bank-Fund collaboration; Bank operations; information technology; communications; privatization and private sector development; cofinancing; human resources; the Quality Assurance Group (QAG); World Development Report (WDR); and World Debt Tables. Records take the form of: photocopied articles; Bank-authored reports including task force reports; Bank Executive Director memoranda; reports from external institutions; workshop publications; and seminar reports. Records received from other Bank Vice Presidencies are also included.

Briefing books

Series also consists of briefing books prepared for senior officials created by SAR units. Briefing books included were prepared for both SAR senior officials as well as other senior Bank staff in preparation for visits to South Asian countries as well as for meetings and seminars. Briefing books commonly contain: program of country visit; country overview; World Bank Group activities; visit and meeting briefs; project meeting briefs; as well as other World Bank authored reports which serve as background information.

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Chronological files

  • Séries
  • 1968 - 1987

This fonds consists of chronological files assembled by Rotberg during his career at the World Bank, 1968-1987. The predominant materials are photocopies of Rotberg's outgoing correspondence, memoranda, and facsimiles to Bank staff and to external parties. Some of the documents include annotations by Rotberg. The bulk of the materials are related to Rotberg's professional activities as Vice President and Treasurer of the World Bank. A small portion of the correspondence is personal.

Topics covered by the documents include: World Bank borrowing activities and bond issues, particularly in Germany, Switzerland, and Japan; central bank bonds; securities and capital markets; structural changes in lending; strategies in approaching or dealing with certain countries; World Bank investments; risk management; and derivatives such as currency swaps.

Internal correspondents include: World Bank Presidents Robert S. McNamara (1968-1981), A. W. Clausen (1981-1986), and Barber B. Conable (1986-1987); Vice President of Finance Siem Aldewereld (1968-1974); Vice President of Finance I.P.M. Cargill (1974-1980); Senior Vice President of Finance Moeen Qureshi (1980-1987); and Koji Kashiwaya, director of the Tokyo Office (1984-1987).

External correspondents include national ministers of finance from various IBRD/IDA members, and several large investment banks in France, Germany, Japan, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

Personal Papers of Eugene H. Rotberg

  • Fundos
  • 1968 - 1987

This fonds consists of chronological files assembled by Rotberg during his career at the World Bank, 1968-1987. The predominant materials are photocopies of Rotberg's outgoing correspondence, memoranda, and facsimiles to Bank staff and to external parties. Some of the documents include annotations by Rotberg.

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  • Séries
  • January 1961 - December 1968

The contents in this series were possibly given to Rosen when he retired from the World Bank Group (Bank Group) in 1969. It contains photographs, as well as newspaper clippings, that cover Rosen's career and activities at the World Bank and International Finance Corporation (IFC): signing of IFC?s and IDA?s Articles of Agreement by various countries; signing of IADB (Inter-American Development Bank) and IFC investment agreement to assist the program of Compania Manufactura de Papeles y Cartones in Chile onNovember 26, 1962; Rosen?s visits to various corporations and factory sites in Japan and Korea; annual meetings in the 1960s; meeting of Bank Group?s Executive Directors with President McNamara on April 11, 1968; and many more.


This series primarily contains black-and-white and color photographs documenting Martin Rosen's visits to various countries (Korea, Japan, West and East Pakistan, Greece, and India) and International Finance Corporation (IFC) financed projects between the 1950s and 1969. Photographs depict various activities, such as dinner events, visits to the city of Karachi (West Pakistan) and Dacca (East Pakistan), signing of the IFC-FEMSA (Fabrica Espanola Magnetos, S.A.) Agreement in Madrid in February 1962, visits to various corporations in Korea, and many more.

There is also a copy of Hosai Hyuga's Memoir (Watashi No Rirekisho), translated from Japanese to English and published in 1987. The frontispiece has a photograph of Mr. and Mrs. Simon Aldewereld with the author.

Personal Papers of Martin M. Rosen

  • Fundos
  • 1950 - 1987

This fonds consists principally of photographic prints. Photographs and textual records (e.g., newspaper clippings and postcards) in this collection document various events that Martin Rosen attended during his tenure at the World Bank and IFC. Examples of those events are the signing of the IFC-FEMSA (Fabrica Espanola Magnetos, S.A.) Agreement in 1962 and Rosen's visit to Pakistan (West and East) and Korea in 1969.

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Reference Collection on World Bank History

  • Fundos
  • 1938 - 1985

This fonds hold copies of records from other repositories that relate to the history of the World Bank. One group of records copied from the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library deals with the Bretton Woods conference. A second group, copied from the Harry S Truman Presidential Library, consists of selected documents on the Bretton Woods conference and the early years of the Bank. A third body is copies of records from the United States Government's Office of Agriculture, Technical Advisory Bureau, Agency for International Development, dating from 1970-1976. The records relate to agricultural research and to the founding of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research. The final body is a copy of the J. Burke Knapp papers at the Hoover Institution, which were copied for a history of the Bank prepared by the Brookings Institution. When the copies were not longer needed by the history project they were given to the Archives. Finally, the Bank obtained copies of a few oral history interviews from the Truman Library and the Columbia University Oral History Research Office.

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Joint Bank-Fund Library Collection on Presidents of the World Bank

  • Fundos
  • 1946 - 1987

Clippings, speeches, press releases, biographical information, and occasional copies of letters and memoranda by and about Bank Presidents Eugene Meyer, John J. McCloy, George D. Woods, Robert S. McNamara, A.W. Clausen, and Barber C. Conable, Jr. Pre-presidential material, primarily speeches, is included for McNamara, Clausen, and Conable, and post-presidential material is included on McNamara.

Material on McNamara makes up the bulk of this collection. Clippings and speeches that were maintained in McNamara's office as a reference set during his Presidency were brought to the Library, probably by Blanche Moore, one of McNamara's assistants, who went to work for the Joint Library after McNamara retired. These items from McNamara's office formed the basis of the Joint Library collection; consequently, the materials on McNamara are far more complete than those on any of the other presidents.

The series is accompanied by an index to items within the series, arranged by President. A section of the index refersto items on Eugene Black, which are not present in the collection.

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Records of the Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Network

  • Fundos
  • 1994 - 2008

The fonds consists of records that relate to the activities of the Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Vice Presidency (PRMVP), and its oversight of the sector departments within the PREM Network.

This fonds includes incoming and outgoing correspondence chronological files maintained by the PRMVP front office. The chronological files of the following PREM Vice Presidents are included: Masood Ahmed, 1997-2000; Kemal Dervis, 2000; Gobind Nankani, 2001-2004; and Danny Leipziger, 2004-2009. The chronological files of PRMVP Senior Adviser Amarendra Bhattacharya (1998-2006) are also included.

The fonds also consist of oversight and support records related to the functions and actions of the PREM Network and its sector departments. This fonds also includes records that relate to PREM's involvement with other Network VPs, the Board of Executive Directors, the Office of the President, and other Bank units. PRMVP was involved in committees and meetings with these units and would provide both regular and ad hoc reports on topics related to PREM sectors. This includes minutes and agendas; memoranda; correspondence; presentation materials; speech transcripts; reports; working papers; and general budget records. The records contain meeting files related to the PREM Council, various PREM sector board meetings, and smaller steering and working group committees related to a specific action or topic.

Also included in the fonds are briefing books and notes prepared by the PRMVP front office for senior officials withinPREM and the World Bank. The briefing books and notes were prepared prior to trips, meetings, or other events attended by a senior official. The briefing books and notes contained programs, agendas, itineraries, logistical information, issues to be addressed, and other pertinent information. The fonds also contains letters prepared by the PRMVP front office for PREM and Bank senior officials.

The fonds additionally holds budget planning, management, and monitoring records created by the PRMVP. The records include fiscal year budgets for the PREM Network from 1998 to 2002. The records also detail PREM business plans, budget cycles, and work program agreements for the same years.

Other records within this fonds relate to ongoing liaison with external organizations outside of PREM and the World Bank. The records document PREM's relationships with NGOs, private and public organizations, and multilateral aid organizations. The PREM external liaison files include records from Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) meetings, 2001-2006; Asia-Europe (ASEM) meetings, 2001-2006; G-7, G-8, G-20, and G-24 meetings, 2001-2007; International Monetary Fund (IMF) meetings, 2000-2007; and Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) meetings, 2003-2005. Other records relate to ad hoc meetings between PREM or World Bank senior officials and representatives from external organizations. These files consist mostly of correspondence, reports, agendas, and minutes from meetings.

Lastly, the fonds consistsof records related to conferences and seminars organized by PREM or to outside events attended by PREM VPs. Records related to PREM's annual Knowledge and Learning Week forum (or, PREM Week) are also included. These include proposals, contracts, topic selection, speaker selection, budget documents, program brochures, reports, papers, speech transcripts, and audio-visual recordings of session lectures from the years 1998 to 2006. The conference and seminar records for outside organizations include mostly invitations, programs, reports, or copies of papers presented.

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Transparencies for Presentations Made by the Directors-General, Operations Evaluation

Series consists of transparencies and/or transparency master (hard) copies prepared for presentations made by the Director-General, Operations Evaluation (DGO), within the Bank and to external groups. Most of the presentations dealt with the role played by OED in supporting the Bank's development agenda. Some of the transparencies are accompanied by copies of speeches or presentation outlines.

Director-General Robert Picciotto's Working Files for OED Studies, Reports, and Reviews

This series contains the working files that Director-General Robert Picciotto and his assistant, Pablo Guerrero, maintained for OED's special evaluation studies, Annual Reviews (known as the Annual Review of Evaluation Results [ARER] until 1997 when they became the Annual Review of Development Effectiveness [ARDE]), impact evaluation reports, annual Process Reviews of Annual Reports on Portfolio Performance (ARPP), Country Assistance Reviews, and Country Assistance Notes. Also included are files for OED'sannual policy ledgers which compiled OED recommendations from its reports and management responses to those recommendations. Most of the documents in these files are presumably duplicated elsewhere among the OED records relating to Annual Reviews and to the creation of evaluation products, but many of the intra-OED memoranda and e-mail exchanges are originals, and a number of the documents are heavily annotated by DGO Picciotto. The records in the files relating to OED's 1993 - 1997 annual ARPPs are uniqueto this series.

The files on any given OED product generally contain: multiple drafts of the study, report, or review; intra-OED correspondence and e-mail exchanges; minutes of meetings of the Committee on Development Effectiveness (CODE) and of the Executive Directors at which the product was discussed; drafts of management responses to the OED product; comments on draft and final versions of the product; copies of OED presentation slides, agenda, and other documents from OED workshops related to a study; and clippings regarding OED issuances and Bank policies. Files for evaluation studies may also contain Terms of Reference for consultants assigned to the study, initiating memoranda, design and approach papers, and a copy of the printed study.

Director-General Robert Picciotto's Files on the Independent Evaluation of the Pilot Phase of the Global Environment Facility (GEF)

The series consists of records related to the Global Environment Facility (GEF). The GEF was a three-year pilot program begun in 1991 to provide grants and low interest loans to developing countries for programs to relieve pressures on global ecosystems. The Facility was a co-operative venture among national governments, the World Bank, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP). In April 1992, GEF participants agreed that its structure should be modified, and at a subsequent meeting in December of that year in Abidjan the participants requested an independent evaluation of the Pilot Phase.

Correspondence regarding discussions held within the Bank regarding the GEF independent evaluation of the Pilot Phase are part of the series, including minutes of a January 25, 1993, meeting on the topic convened by the Chief, Infrastructure and Energy Division (OEDD3) at which ENVGE (Global Environment Facility Administration) was represented. Drafts of the Terms of Reference (TOR) to be presented at a GEF meeting in Rome on March 4-5, 1993, are part of the series. Drafts of the Inception Memorandum for the independent evaluation, the Inception Report, and the Terms of Reference prepared after the Rome meeting are also part of the series. Most of these records were prepared following a March 12, 1993, meeting attended by the Deputy Director of UNDP's Central Evaluation Office (CEO), the Chief of OEDD3, and an OEDD3 consultant (John Malone). Establishment of an Independent Panel of Experts for the GEF evaluation was discussed at this meeting. Copies of letters of invitation extended to individuals selected to serve on the panel are part of the series.

Memoranda, paper copies of electronic and facsimile messages, correspondence, newspaper articles, and news releases in the series document the work of the Independent Panel of Experts (Independent Evaluation Panel [IEP]) and the three Evaluation Managers (Robert Picciotto - DGO, World Bank, Gus Edgren - UNDP, and Nay Htun -UNEP) responsible for conduct of the evaluation. Also documented are the managers' contacts with the Chairperson of IEP (Dr. Alvaro Umata), the principal evaluators (Jim Kelly - UNDP, Andrea Matte-Bakers, and Stjepan Keckes - UNEP, John Malone - World Bank), and the Evaluation Staff Coordinator (W. Haven North - World Bank).

The series includes: the final Inception Memorandum; work plan outline and budget for the evaluation; agendas, discussion papers, and minutes of meetings of the IEP and of GEF participants; copies of the questionnaires distributed to GEF participants as part of the evaluation; a draft Project Evaluation Form (PEF) consisting of a summary of questionnaire responses; and the interim and final reports of the evaluation. A copy of Global Environment Facility-The Pilot Phase and Beyond, Working Paper Series, Number I, May 1992, contains the text on the restructuring of the GEF approved by participating governments on April 30, 1992. Also in the series is the July 20, 1993, Back-to-Office report of Hideki Mori (OEDD3), of a GEF evaluation mission to Japan, Thailand, and Lao People's Democratic Republic from June 16 to July 5, 1993.

Director-General Robert Picciotto's Files Relating Primarily to Committees, Commissions, Task Forces, and Boards on which he served

The series consists of files compiled by DGO Robert Picciotto that relate to topics not directly connected with the work of OED; most of the files concern committees, commissions, task forces, or boards on which Picciotto served. The majority of files concerns the Bank-wide Social Development Task Force (SDTF) which was established early in 1996 as an acknowledgement of the social dimensions of development in project design and to take a considered look at the various initiatives and approaches underway onsocial development and to make recommendations on further actions to advance [that] work. Picciotto served as chair of the Task Force's Satellite Group 9 on Bank Instruments of Lending. Picciotto's Task Force records include: agenda for meetings and retreats; copies of and comments on the drafts of the Group 9 report; correspondence with other members of Group 9 and with other Task Force members; and copies of input from the other Task Force groups.

Related to the SDTF are records filed under Adapting Lending Products and Adaptable Lending Products. Picciotto was a member of the New Products Steering Committee which was organized to implement the recommendations of the SDTF. That led to the Adaptable Lending Group which first met in March 1997 to create a new line of lending products recommended for Bank-wide adaptation to implement SDTF goals. The Executive Directors approved the Adaptable Lending Instruments in September 1997. The files contain Picciotto's correspondence regarding the development of the new lending products.

Filed under Project Implementation Commission - Brazil are Picciotto's records, dated July 1999 - August 1996, for the Brazil/World Bank Commission on Improving the Developmental Effectiveness of World Bank Financial Projects. Picciotto was a member of the joint Bank/Brazil Commission which was created to improve the Bank's portfolio in three sectors (education, rural poverty, and health) in the Northeast Region of Brazil and in the environment sector across Brazil. Picciotto's recordsinclude: correspondence with Commission members; Terms of Reference for consultants assigned to work with the Commission; minutes of Commission meetings; intra-OED correspondence regarding audits of Brazilian projects and the establishment of new projects in Brazil; draft outlines of the Commission's final report; drafts of the Executive Summary of the report; and comments regarding drafts of the final report. Drafts of the entire report are not in the files.

Picciotto served on the Joint Fund-Bank Committee on Finance and Development which was the advisory board for Finance and Development (F and D), the quarterly publication of the International Monetary Fund and the Bank. His Board records (filed under Internal Correspondence - Finance and Development) date from December 1987 when he was Vice President for Corporate Planning and Budgeting. Included are: his correspondence with the editor of F and D; agenda and minutes of Board meetings; copies of book reviews he provided for publication; resumes of job applicants for positions with the publication; articles submitted for publication which were forwarded to Picciotto for comment; and a copy of an article, A New Project Cycle for the World Bank? which he and Rachel Weaving submitted for publication in October 1994.

In addition to board, task force, and committee records, this series includes files on several other non-OED topics. Filed under Socratic Seminar Files are Picciotto's records regarding his coordination work for a television program, Banking on the Poor, which was part of a public television series The Fred Friendly Seminars. Picciotto had the lead in planning for the October 1, 1994, program which took place in Madrid, Spain, at the time of the Bank's annual meeting. It was the third in a series sponsored by the Bank to examine the role of international finance in fighting poverty. The program followed the Socratic Seminar format, created in the 1970s by Fred Friendly and Stuart Sucherman. Picciotto's records are dated May to October 1994 and include concept papers and e-mails regarding logistical planning for the program.

This series also includes copies of June 1996 - June 1998 correspondence (filed under Knowledge Center - Management) Picciotto received regarding the Knowledge Management Board that was established in July 1997 as well as copies of his comments on proposals for knowledge management within the Bank.

Files of the Directors-General, Operations Evaluation, Documenting the Early History of OED

This series consists of files compiled by the Director-General containing his copies of reports and correspondence documenting the early history of the Operations Evaluation Department. Filed under Operations Evaluation History are copies of documents dated 1969 - 1974 that established the evaluation function in the Bank and the responsibilities of the OED and the Director-General. Included are copies of the DGO's correspondence with President Robert McNamara, the President's memoranda and circulars regarding OED and the evaluation function, and a 1974 General Accounting Office (GAO) proposal regarding Operations Evaluation. Filed under GAO Audits are copies compiled in June 1973 of documents dated 1967, 1969, and 1973 regarding audits of several international and government institutions in response to a bill to revise the functions of the Comptroller General of the U.S (the head of GAO). Filed under U.S. Congressional Staff Report on International Finance Institutions (IFIs) and DGO's Commentary are copies of documents dated 1975 - 1981 regarding a 1979 investigation of International Finance Institutions by the U.S. House Committee on Appropriations. DGO Mervyn L. Weiner reviewed a draft of the investigative report and prepared the Bank's response. That file also includes a 1981 GAO review of operations evaluation in the World Bank and Weiner's response to recommendations from that review. A file labeled OED 50: 'Learning About Development - Major Evaluation Findings' contains the DGO's copy of the draft of abooklet on OED prepared in connection with the Bank's 50th anniversary and OED's 20th anniversary. Filed with the draft are background materials used by Stokes Tolbert, one of the two consultants who drafted the booklet. Filed under Operation and Impact of the Bank's Evaluation System are various drafts of the 1989 OED booklet, Improving the World Bank's Performance: the Role of Operations Evaluation. Also in that file are copies of the Operational Directives chapters that concerned OED and copies of OED staff and DGO memoranda, articles, and presentations about OED and the Bank's evaluation system, 1975 - 1989.

Records of the Directors-General, Operations Evaluation, Regarding the Evaluation Capacity Development Program

This series contains correspondence and other documents regarding: the development of monitoring and evaluation systems in member countries; the evaluation of specific Bank-funded projects; and the formal Evaluation Capability Development Program (ECDP), which was established in OED in 1987 and was renamed the Evaluation Capacity Development Program in 1993. The main tasks of ECDP were to: strengthen networks of evaluators in developing countries; assess countries' interest in evaluation and their evaluation capacity-building requirements; organize evaluation seminars and workshops; provide short-term training within OED for client staff; and organize pilot programs in a small number of countries. The files generally contain: correspondence; reports from evaluation missions; Terms of Reference for special studies or missions regarding project evaluations; studies, reports, and articles regarding ex-post evaluations or evaluation capabilities; agenda and other planning documents for monitoring and evaluation seminars and workshops; and schedules and other records regarding visits of staff from client countries to OED for monitoring and evaluation training. Of special note is the extensive documentation filed under India: Narmada which OED compiled while working on an evaluation of the Narmada project. Most of the correspondence in the series is with the Director-General or with Robert van der Lugt and Pablo Guerrero, the two special advisors who coordinated ECDP within OED.

Correspondence of the Directors-General with the International Finance Corporation (IFC)

The series consists of correspondence primarily between DGO Yves Rovani and IFC Chief Evaluation Officer Walter I. Cohn, and relates to the DGO's responsibility for oversight of IFC's operations evaluation activities. An Operations Evalution Unit (OEU) was established within the Development Department of IFC in 1984. Included are drafts of IFC operations evaluation work programs for fiscal years 1986-1993 forwarded by Cohn to Rovani and to his successor Robert Picciotto for review and comment. Accompanying many of the work programs are proposals for special studies. Draft approach papers for those studies, also forwarded to DGO for review, include those prepared for the following studies: IFC's experience in the tourism sector (1989); performance of IFC's oil and gas exploration program (1991); successful IFC investments in Sub-Saharan Africa (1991); lending for industrial technology development (1992); IFC's market assessments (1992); and IFC's experience in the privatization of State-owned enterprises (1992). Comments prepared by the Country Policy, Industry and Finance Division (OEDD2) on some of the approach papers are included.

Also among the correspondence are comments from the DGOs to Cohn on OEU work programs and use of resources along with notes from the first meeting (July 16, 1986) at which the role of DGO in operations evaluation in IFC was discussed. Also included are: minutes of special meetings of the Portfolio Committee at which IFC evaluation studies were discussed; a list of IFC project completion reports for fiscal year 1982 to fiscal year 1986; a copy of a May 20, 1987, memo distributed to all IFC high level staff on new procedures for project completion reports; and Cohn's February 21, 1991, memorandum copied to Rovani in which he responds extensively to issues raised at an earlier Joint Audit Committee (JAC) Sub-Committee on Operations Evaluation meeting regarding IFC's evaluation capacity, IFC evaluation work, and the relationship between IFC and DGO and OED. In this memo he also responds to issues surrounding a report prepared by OEU on IFC's experience in the agricultural production sector.

A small amount of miscellaneous correspondence arranged by subject (1983 - 1995) includes: formal and informal memoranda and other correspondence between the Director, OEU, Walter I. Cohn and DGO's Mervyn Weiner, Yves Rovani, and Robert Picciotto; approach papers for studies forwarded for approval to DGO before being sent to the JAC, copies of IFC policy papers, and draft IFC evaluation reports, workprograms, and budgets. Also included are an Annual Portfolio Evaluation Report for FY 1983 and an updated mandate statement for evaluation in the Bank and IFC that reflects findings of the March 1995 report of the review of evaluation in IFC.

Subject files (1980 - 1995) found with the correspondence include the report of IFC's first evaluation of a segment of its portfolio of investments, IFC Hotel Portfolio Review, forwarded by DGO Mervyn Wiener to the Joint Audit Committee (JAC) for review on May 11, 1981. Also included are reports of IFC evaluations in the agricultural, mining, and petrochemical sectors completed between 1983 and 1994 and in the cement and textile industries sectors between 1983 and 1989. There are also files containing correspondence and reports relating to: evaluations of successful investments in Sub-Saharan Africa (1994); support for small and medium scale enterprises (1995); investment assessments performed by OED (1992 - 1994); IFC's Five Year Program for fiscal years 1985 - 1989; and the review of evaluation in IFC (1994 - 1995).

A small amount of miscellaneous IFC and OEU reports (1979 - 1989), some of which are annotated, forwarded to DGOs Mervyn Weiner, Yves Rovani, and Robert Picciotto are in the series. A number of these reports were distributed to the Board of Directors including three confidential Project Completion Reports (PCRs) on three IFC investments in Guatemala (1979), Brazil (1979), and Indonesia (1979). These three reports were distributed in January 1980 to the Board based on a decision made at an October 30, 1979, Board meeting. Each director was to receive a copy to indicate the type of PCR IFC had been preparing and to illustrate why caution was necessary when disseminating information contained in the reports. Other IFC reports included are: Annual Portfolio Evaluation Reports for fiscal years 1984 and 1986 - 1988; a report entitled Deterioration in IFC's Portfolio: An Analysis (March 1985); and a report prepared by a consultant entitled IFC in Sub-Saharan Africa, Proposals for a New Approach (February 1987).

Correspondence of the Directors-General, Operations Evaluation with Bilateral and International Organizations

The series consists of letters, memoranda, and messages between the DGO and the heads of evaluation units of bilateral and international organizations. The series documents primarily the formulation, implementation, and impact of evaluations within these bilateral and international organizations. Some of the correspondence is with the Special Advisor and Assistant to the DGO and the Director, Operations Evaluation Department (OEDDR). The series also contains copies of studies, publications, and reports of audits and evaluations sent to DGO. A copy of a February 15, 1980 memorandum from President Robert S. McNamara to DGO Mervyn L. Weiner addresses Bank support for upgrading national audit institutions. With this memorandum is correspondence describing implementation actions taken by the Bank and cooperation with the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSA).

Correspondence Files of the Directors-General, Operations Evaluation, Relating to the Establishment of and Participation in DAC and OECD

The series consists of correspondence files containing communications between the DGO and representatives of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The correspondence relates to aid evaluation and the promotion of evaluation functions in client countries. This exchange culminated on December 1, 1980, in DGO Mervyn Weiner's nomination of Shiv Kapur, OEDDR, as the Bank's correspondent for DAC's work in aid effectiveness. Following Kapur's selection as DGO, Yukinori Watanabe, OEDDR,was nominated on October 15, 1984, as the Bank's representative to DAC's Expert Group on Evaluation.

Correspondence and other documents for the period 1981 - 1995 relate to the establishment of DAC's Expert Group on Aid Coordination (later Evaluation) which held its first meeting in Paris on March 8 and 9, 1983, and include meeting schedules and agenda, meeting summaries, reports, seminar papers and other correspondence of the Directors-General who served as the Bank's representatives at high level meetings of the DAC Expert Group on Aid Evaluation during this period. Topics include: primary health care; technical cooperation; non-governmental organizations (NGOs); the economic environment; gender issues; public support for aid; and aid effectiveness. Correspondence regarding DGO Robert Picciotto's participation in the Third Annual Conference on Environmentally Sustainable Development held in October 1995 is also included.

Subject files covering the period 1984 - 1989 consist primarily of issue papers and proposals prepared for discussions at DAC meetings and seminars as well as correspondence dealing with issues of coordination, evaluation and the environment. Subjects covered in the records relate to institution building, health, the environmental impact of development projects and the Economic Development Institute (EDI) evaluation function. Documents prepared for a November 1988 meeting with NGOs are also in the files.

Files of the Directors-General, Operations Evaluation, Documenting Relations with United Nations Organizations

This series consists of records that document the Director-General's coordination with units and personnel within the United Nations (UN) that were responsible for evaluations. The correspondence in the files is primarily between UN evaluation personnel and the Director-General or his special advisors, and it concerns evaluation methodology and strategy, an exchange of evaluation personnel between the institutions, joint Bank and UN evaluation efforts, and funding for evaluations. Among the files for the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) are reports, correspondence, and minutes of meetings of the Inter-Agency Working Group on Evaluation (IAWG), which was established in January 1984 to provide a forum for discussion of evaluation issues by the UNDP and the executing agency partners and to promote simplification and harmonization of evaluation reporting practices among the UNDP and the executing agencies. An advisor to the DGO was a member of the Group. The files also contain UN publications and reports regarding evaluation methods and procedures or specific evaluations.

Chronological File of Director-General Robert Picciotto

This series contains copies of the letters, memoranda, and electronic messages Robert Picciotto sent from September 1992 to June 2001, the period during which he was Director-General, Operations Evaluation (DGO).

Picciotto's files for September 1992 to December 1996 contain only copies of outgoing correspondence; copies of attachments to his outgoing correspondence are not routinely included until 1996. Beginning in January 1997, incoming letters and electronic messages are filed with Picciotto's replies,and his handwritten responses are often written on incoming correspondence. His correspondence is with: President Wolfensohn; OED staff; officials in other organizations and countries who were responsible for performance evaluations or development assistance; officials in countries in which OED was conducting a Country Assistance Review (CAR) or Evaluation (CAE); editors of scholarly journals; members of the Committee on Development Effectiveness (CODE) and its predecessor, the Joint Audit Committee; and members of the Evaluation Cooperation Group (ECG). His correspondence with OED staff primarily concerns: OED work programs, evaluation process issues and specific evaluation projects; planning for OED seminars and workshops and for the annual OED staff retreat; the deliberations of the Evaluation Cooperation Group (ECG) which Picciotto chaired; efforts to establish an International Development Evaluation Association; and the establishment of the Comprehensive Development Framework (CDF) Evaluation Steering Committee. Specific records include: Picciotto's replies to applicants for Bank positions; his comments on draft Bank publications or directives; his response to a report regarding the Bank from the Allan Meltzer Commission; his input for President Wolfensohn's speeches or articles; copies of his own articles; and a draft of the OED booklet, Evaluation in the Bank and IFC. This series also includes nine letters and memoranda, dated July 1992 - August 1992, which Picciotto sent while still Vice President of Corporate Planning and Budgeting (CPBVP).

Chronological Files of Directors-General Mervyn L. Weiner and Shiv S. Kapur

This series contains the chronological files of Mervyn L. Weiner for May 4,1982 to June 11,1984 and of Shiv. S. Kapur for June 27,1984 to February 28,1986. Weiner's file consists of: carbon copies of the letters,memoranda,and telex messages he sent to officials in aid organizations and in development banks,evaluation officials in other organizations,President Clausen,the Bank's regional vice presidents,OED staff,staff in the Bank's Personnel Management Department,and job applicants. Most of his file consists of: courtesy correspondence such as replies to invitations to speak; thank you notes for articles and books received; memoranda regarding travel plans and arrangements; post-travel notes to officials in host countries; notes to friends and colleagues regarding his retirement plans; and replies to inquiries regarding employment in OED or requests for OED publications. Some are more substantive and include proposed speech material for President Clausen,comments on OED draft reports,memoranda regarding OED staffing issues,and letters to Bank country directors regarding his observations from a recent trip.

Kapur's file consists of electrostatic copies of his letters,memoranda,and telex messages sent to OED staff,evaluation officers in other organizations and countries,officials in client countries,regional Bank staff,and job applicants. Much of his correspondence is substantive and includes: copies of his oral presentations to the Joint Audit Committee and to the Executive Directors; his comments on draft OEDproducts; and memoranda regarding arrangements for OED seminars,the OED work program and budget,and OED personnel issues. The remainder of his correspondence is routine in nature and concerns requests for Bank publications or employment,his annual leave plans,or his appreciation for assistance while on official travel.

General Subject Files of the Directors-General, Operations Evaluation

This series consists primarily of reports, studies, and other issuances sent to the Director-General either for his comments or as part of a general distribution to high-level managers in the Bank. Filed with these issuances are comments and related correspondence of the Director-General and his special advisers and comments that the OED staff provided the DGO. The documents from the Kapur and Rovani eras are primarily originals, many with handwritten comments from the Directors-General. The Picciotto-eradocuments are primarily electrostatic copies. Key topics covered by the files include: mechanisms for integrating OED findings into the policy formation process of the Bank (filed under Dissemination and Feedback); evaluation criteria used in appraising projects (filed under Methodology); OEDs involvement in the monitoring and evaluation of NGO programs and in providing evaluation guidance to NGOs (filed under NGOs); OED guidelines for evaluating environmental projects (filed under Environment); planning for the 1995 G-7 Summit in Halifax (filed under G-7 Summit); the role of gender in OED work (filed under Women in Development); DGO/OED comments on the Annual Report on Portfolio Performance (ARPP) and on the disconnect between the ARPP and Completion Report/Audit Report ratings (filed under Annual Report on Portfolio Performance); and planning for the 1994 Annual Review of Evaluation Results (filed under Annual Review). Filed under Development Committee Task Force on Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) are replies to questions and copies of documents DGO Picciottos adviser Pablo Guerrero provided to the Task Force secretary. The MDB Task Force files also contain Guerreros comments on draft background studies submitted to the Task Force. Filed under Main Complex Rehabilitation Project (MCRP) are records regarding a 1993 Bank inquiry into cost overruns for an improvement program to the Banks headquarters complex at 1818 H Street NW. That file includes copies of Robert Picciottos 1993 memoranda outlining the input he had into the funding required for the project while he was Vice President of Corporate Planning and Budget. The files also include Picciottos comments on a draft of the S. Guhan chapter, The Banks Project Lending in South Asia, 1971-1990, in Volume II of the Brookings history of the World Bank.

Subject Files of the Directors-General, Operations Evaluation

This series consists of subject files containing: copies of the Director-General's outgoing correspondence; and the reports, articles, minutes, agenda of meetings, and other records received by the DGO. Much of the series relates to routine OED administrative matters but the files cover a broad range of topics: the 1993 review of OED's processes and structure (filed under OED Process Review); changes in the Operational Directives affecting OED (filed under Operational Directives); the establishment of an independent Inspection Panel in the Bank (filed under Operations Inspections in the Bank); the establishment of the OED's Publication Committee; Failed States and UN/World Bank cooperation in post-conflict reconstruction; and rules of conduct for OED staff. Specific documents include: summaries, drafted by OED attendees, of discussions of OED-related topics covered in Executive Board meetings (filed under Board of Executive Directors); invitations, trip itineraries, copies of presentations made by OED staff, agenda, and other documents regarding conferences and seminars attended by OED personnel (filed under Conferences and Seminars); Apex reports for OED; copies of statements and presentations made by the Director-General (filed under Presentations) agenda, articles, and other documents relating to the 1994 Joint DAC/UNDP/World Bank Seminar on Technical Cooperation; the program packages provided to staff members prior to 1993 and 1995 OED staff retreats; and copies of notes summarizing the weekly meetings the Director-General had with the OED managers, November 1989 - May 1992 and September 1992 - June 1995 (filed under Management Team Meetings). Filed under Miscellaneous are personal notes sent to the Director-General and much of his correspondence with job applicants and other non-Bank personnel. The files for the Task Force on Portfolio Management contain copies of memoranda regarding the changing mandate of OED.

Records of the Director-General, Operations Evaluation (DGO)

The sub-fonds consists of records related to the functions of the Directors-General, Operations Evaluation (DGO). Included are records evidencing the DGO's role in the administrative and operational activities of the OED as well as the development of OED policies and procedures. Activities related to OED reporting to the Bank's Executive Board as well as to the Joint Audit Committee (JAC) and, later, the Committee on Development Effectiveness (CODE) are evidenced through correspondence, meeting minutes, and reports. The OED's role in the oversight of the International Finance Corporation (IFC) is also documented here. Interaction with external bilateral, multilateral, international development and aid organizations is included in the form of correspondence, reports, memoranda, meeting minutes, and trip planning records; of note are records related to the DGO's interaction with the United Nations and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

Much of the files in this sub-fonds are related to specific Directors-General. Chronological files containing correspondence and accompanying memoranda and reports of DGOs Mervyn L. Weiner and Shiv S. Kapur are included. However, records created or received by DGO Robert Picciotto are the most abundant and diverse. Picciotto's chronological files are included, as are records related to committees, commissions, boards, and projects on which he served. Working files for OED studies, reports, and reviews created during Picciotto's time as DGO are also included.

Records of the Director, Country Policy, Industry and Finance Division (OEDD2)

  • Séries
  • 1989 - 1999 (predominant 1993 - 1997)

The series consists of records created and received by the Director of OED's Country Policy, Industry and Finance Division (OEDD2). Records relate to Initial Executive Project Summaries (IEPS), adjustment lending, and other aspects of OEDD2's work. A very small number of records were added to the files by the Sector and Thematic Evaluation (OEDST) and Country Evaluation and Regional Relations (OEDCR) Divisions.

The series includes records containing comments that OEDD2 staff made on Initial Executive Project Summaries (IEPS) and on other project-related records generated by the Regions, including Final Executive Project Summaries (FEPS), Initiating Memoranda (IM), and Project Concept Documents. The record on which the comments were made is not always in the file, but in some cases the file does contain minutes from the OEDD2 staff review meeting at which the record was discussed.

Also contained in this series are files relating to adjustment lending. These include: copies of papers presented on various aspects of adjustment lending; memos on issues to be covered in adjustment audits; copies of statements made before the Board on structural adjustment lending; and memos on performance indicators for adjustment lending. Also included are background files for the FY 93 OED study of adjustment lending in Sub-Saharan Africa and the FY 96 OED report on The Social Impact of Adjustment Lending.

Also part of the series is OED's response to an Upstream Activities initiative encouraged by Bank President Wolfensohn toexpand OED's real time involvement in initial executive project summaries (IEPS) and initiating memoranda (IMs) for adjustment lending.

The series also includes files documenting activities associated with annual reviews and major studies undertaken by OEDD2 primarily between the years 1992 and 1996. A file containing records used in the 1991 annual review of performance results of 49 transport projects evaluated by OED and a file containing planning documents and drafts of the 1995 study of industrial restructuring are contained in the series. Also part of the series is files created to document activities associated with country assistance and other reviews. Files related to studies on OED methodology and procedures, conferences and seminars in which OED participated, and OED replies to studies and reports prepared in other Bank units are also included.

The series also includes project performance files containing draft and printed copies of a series of sectoral and project performance indicators study reports. This series of reports was developed as part of follow-up to the November 1992 Wappenhans Report (Report of the Task Force on Portfolio Management). Audit files were created for copies of comments received in OEDD2 in 1995 from reviewers of evaluative memoranda for Implementation Completion Reports (ICRs) and Performance Audit Reports (PARs) prepared in the division. These copies were retained as part of an initiative to incorporate findings or issues raised in the comments into divisional ledgers.

Records of the Director, Agriculture and Human Development Division (OEDD1)

Series consists of records created and received by the Director of OED's Agriculture and Human Development Division (OEDD1). Specifically, the series contains records gathered by OEDD1 Director Graham Donaldson, including reports, correspondence, intra-OED memoranda, agendas and minutes of meetings, and seminar outlines. The records generally relate to the extension of OED's influence and the dissemination and use of OED products throughout the Bank, in international organizations, and in other countries. Among the topics covered are: a review of OED reports and advice regarding their publication; policy regarding the dissemination of OED findings and information; the establishment of operations evaluation programs in other countries and in the Inter-American Development Bank; the Bank's coordination with countries and other organizations doing post evaluations of projects fully or partially funded by the Bank; Bank-provided training on program monitoring and evaluation; and the Evaluation Capability Development Program. Included are a number of requests from Bank staff and from non-Bank organizations for specific OED reports. Two large folders on the Joint Audit Committee (JAC) include: intra-OED memoranda regarding the Department's responses to specific JAC inquiries and requests; agenda and minutes of JAC meetings; the OED Director's requests for Donaldson's comments on JAC reports; OED's proposals for the JAC work program; and OED comments on the Report of the Working Group on Project Completion Reports and on the Report of the Task Force on Dissemination and Utilization of OED Findings.

Bound Reports and Studies Maintained by the DGO's Reference Library

The series consists of three sets of leather bound volumes that were maintained in the Office of the Director-General, Operations Evaluation (DGO). Volumes are titled: Annual Reports - Annual Reviews - JAC Reports - JAC Subcommittee Reports (October 1971 - November 1995); Project Evaluation - Project Performance Audit Reports (PPARs) - Project Completion Reports (October 1972 - August 1994); and Special Studies - Impact Evaluation Reports (July 1973 - August 1994).

Corporate Evaluation and Methods Department (OEDCM) special evaluation studies working files

The sub-series contains the working files for three major studies which the staff of the Corporate Evaluation and Methods Department (OEDCM) either participated in or directed. The first study, authorized by the Committee on Development Effectiveness (CODE) in January 1999, was an OED review of the IDA program during the IDA-10-11 period (fiscal years 1994 - 1999) and during the first year of the IDA-12 replenishment (2000). The review, which examined IDA compliance with recommendations made by the IDA Deputies in the replenishment reports for IDA 10-12, concentrated on IDA's development contributions in six program areas (poverty reduction, social sector development, gender, environmental sustainability, private sector development, and governance) and four process reform areas (enhanced Country Assistance Strategy [CAS] design and implementation, performance-based allocations, participation, and aid coordination). The files for this study cover the period 1998 to 2003 and include intra-Bank correspondence that analyze Country Assistance Strategies and contain comments on the proposed CAS redesign and draft background reports on the six program and four process areas.

The second special study was an assessment of the implementation of the Comprehensive Development Framework (CDF), an approach to development cooperation introduced by World Bank President James D. Wolfensohn in early 1999. The evaluation study was requested by CODE late in 1999. In the fall of 2000, the Bank hosted a global multi-partner conference to discuss how the evaluation should be conducted. As a result of that meeting, a Steering Committee was established in January 2001 to guide the study process with support from a Management Group, which was co-chaired by the Director-General of OED. The Steering Committee reflected the multi-partner nature of CDF and was composed of thirty members representing CDF pilot countries, donor agencies, development agencies, a developing country business firm, and an international non-governmental organization (NGO). The evaluation process itself focused on six case study countries: five for CDF pilot countries (Bolivia, Ghana, Romania, Uganda, and Vietnam) and one from a non-CDF country (Burkina Faso). The records documenting the CDF study cover the period from 2000 to 2004 and include, in addition to the usual special studies documents: planning documents for and minutes from the meetings of the Steering Committee and the Management Group and from a planning workshop held in October 2000; progress reports regarding the evaluation process; records from two workshops held in September and November 2002 to draft the CDF synthesis report; various drafts of the approach paper and an outline for the synthesis report; and drafts of chapters from the synthesis report itself.

The third study was an OED evaluative review of aid coordination policies, procedures, and practices. As part of this study, questionnaires were sent to three groups: Bank staff and managers; recipient government officials responsible for aid coordination; and representatives of local donor organizations. In addition to the OED questionnaires, OED and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) jointly requested the views on aid coordination from the directors of bilateral development agencies and officials of multi-lateral development banks (MDBs). The records in this sub-series are dated 1999 and relate only to the questionnaires received from the MDBs, the bilateral development agencies, and the local donor organizations. Included are the completed questionnaires and correspondence with World Bank country directors who selected the local donor organizations and with the directors of the MDBs and bilateral development agencies. Filed with the responses from MDBs and bilateral development agencies is a copy of the January 1999 report, Aid Coordination and the Role of the World Bank: An OED Review (Phase I) which summarized the first phase of the aid coordination study.

Country Evaluations and Regional Relations Division (OEDCR) special evaluation studies working files

The sub-series contains the working files for special studies generated by the Country Evaluations and Regional Relations Division (OEDCR) as well as some records of its predecessor, the Country Policy, Industry and Finance Division (OEDD2).

  • Much of this sub-series (six linear feet) consists of the 1999 - 2004 working files for the ODECR study The Gender Dimension of Bank Assistance I and II. These files include materials from the Bank gender issues workshops held in Nairobi, Delhi, Quito, and Warsaw in2000 and 2001.

  • Other studies primarily concern finance, adjustment lending, civil service reform, and poverty reduction. Studies include: Civil Service Reform: A Review of World Bank Assistance (April, 1999); The World Bank and Microenterprise Finance from Concept to Practice (November, 1999); The Effectiveness of the World Bank's Poverty Reduction Strategy: An Evaluation (May, 2000); Adjustment Lending in Sub-Saharan Africa: An Update (1997); World Bank Assistance to Privatization in Developing Countries (August, 1994); Higher Impact Adjustment Lending (HIAL): Initial Evaluation (June 1999); The Impact of Public Expenditure Reviews: An Evaluation (1998); World Bank Assistance to CFA ('Communeaute Financiere Africaine'[African Financial Community]) Countries, An Evaluation of Selected Social, Economic and Regional Aspects of the Bank's Performance (2000); Financial Sector Reform: A Review of World Bank Assistance (1998); Fiscal Management in Adjustment Lending (1996); a joint 1998 OED/OEG study, An Evaluation of the Foreign Investment Advisory Service (FIAS); Implementation of Operational Directive 4.20 on Indigenous Peoples: An Independent Desk Review (2003); Legal and Judicial Reform in Europe and Central Asia (2002); Lessons for LICUS (Low Income Countries Under Stress) from OED Country Assistance Evaluations (2001 - 2004); and The Special Program of Assistance for Africa (SPA), an independent evaluation of the SPA as a mechanism to promote adjustment and development in Sub-Saharan Africa (1996 - 1998).

  • The sub-series also contains incomplete background materials regarding two other studies: the Quality Assurance Group's 1996 assessment of the Argentine Convertibility Plan and OED's 1997 survey of the major participating financial institutions (PFIs) involved with the Industrial Guarantee Loan Fund (IGLF). The Argentine file primarily contains background information regarding the Convertibility Plan itself. The PFI survey file consists only of correspondence with officials at the Development Bank of thePhilippines concerning their advice regarding the design of the survey records. The survey was part of the OED evaluation of the IGLF program.

  • In addition to study files, this sub-series contains files with copies of draft Bank issuances for which the OEDD2 and OEDCR staffs provided comments. Included are comments files for the Portfolio Improvement Program, proposed procedures for the Executive Directors, and Operations Manual draft chapters. The sub-series also contains a copy of the proceedings of a 1998 OED workshop on Indonesia that provided background information for a Country Assistance Review (CAR) of Indonesia.

Sector and Thematic Evaluation Division (OEDST) special evaluation studies working files

The sub-series contains the working files for special studies generated by the Sector and Thematic Evaluation Division (OEDST) as well as some records of its predecessor, the Agriculture and Human Development Division (OEDD1).

Much of this sub-series consists of files relating to the preparation of papers concerning NGO involvement in World Bank-Supported Projects in Mali, Kenya, Bolivia and Brazil. These papers were part of five country case studies (covering India in addition to Mali, Kenya, Bolivia and Brazil) prepared as background papers for the OED study: Nongovernmental Organizations in World Bank-Supported Projects: A Review (1998).

Other studies covered in this sub-series include: Information Infrastructure: The World Bank Group's Experience (2001); The Bank's Assistance to China's Energy Sector, An OED Country Sector Evaluation (2001); Toward Sharpening the Focus on Rural Poverty: A Review of World Bank Experience (2002); Private Sector Development in the Energy Sector: A Review of the World Bank Group's Assistance (c. 2001); The Impact of Dairying Development in India: The Bank's Contribution (c. 1997); Meeting India's Energy Needs (1978-1999): A Country Sector Review (1999); and Education in Bangladesh: A Country Sector Review (1999).

There are fragmentary files for a sub-series of health studies that are not as complete as most of the working files. Evaluation Health Projects: Lessons from the Literature was developed by the Agriculture and Human Development division (OEDD1) in l995-1997. Theother health studies were generated by OEDST, including: An Analysis of Combating Iodine Deficiency: Case Studies of China, Indonesia, and Madagascar (2001); Supporting a Healthy Transition: Lessons from Early World Bank Experience in Eastern Europe (2002); and Case Study of World Bank Activities in the Health Sector in India (1998-1999).

This sub-series also contains the working files for a 1996 OEDD1 Performance Audit Report (PAR) for the project Brazil: Science and Technology Project (Loan 2489-BR). Inaddition, there are files for The Next Ascent: An Evaluation of the Aga Khan Rural Support Program (AKRSP), 2002, which was part of a series of evaluations of AKRSP conducted by OED at the request of and with funding from the Aga Khan Foundation.

Infrastructure and Energy Division (OEDD3) special evaluation studies working files

The sub-series contains the working files for special studies generated by the Infrastructure and Energy Division (OEDD3) and the files of staff members Basil P. Coukis and Andres Liebenthal who worked on special studies while in OEDD3. Most of the special studies files are dated 1991 - 1993 and concern the study, The World Bank and Sub-Saharan Africa: An OED Review of Bank Assistance for Transport Corridors. Also included are: files for OEDD3's contribution to the Bank/Mexico Relations Study, a country relationship study completed in fiscal year 1994; a final copy of the OEDD3 report Rural Roads Maintenance - Review of Completed World Bank Operations (June 1992); and a March 1993 facsimile message from Senior Evaluator Jan de Weille to the Resident Mission in Jakarta, Indonesia, concerning de Weille's forthcoming mission to conduct an audit for an impact study of the Tanjung Priok Port project (Loan 13337).

The Coukis files concern four special OED studies on which Coukis worked from 1987 to 1993: the Senegal Country Study; a review of World Bank lending for natural gas; the Sub-Saharan Africa Transport Corridors study; and a review of World Bank experience in the Education Sector in which Coukis worked when he was in the Agriculture and Human Relations Division (OEDD1). The Coukis files also contain copies of a Project Performance Audit Report, Staff Appraisal Reports, and published articles dated as early as 1983.

The Liebenthal files primarily contain correspondence and e-mail exchanges dated 1996 - 1999concerning Liebenthal's role as the Task Manager for the August 1996 OED desk assessment of fifty Bank-financed large dams, The World Bank's Experience with Large Dams: A Preliminary Review of Impacts. The correspondence is with OED and other Bank staff, staff of the World Conservation Union (IUCN), and representatives of major stakeholder groups in the global large dams debate. Correspondence contains: comments regarding the 1996 OED large dams assessment; planning for and response to the April 11-12, 1997, international workshop on the Future of Large Dams co-hosted by the World Bank and the World Conservation Union in IUCN headquarters in Gland, Switzerland; comments on publications by Patrick McCully, the Campaigns Director of the International Rivers Network; and Bank/IUCN efforts to establish the International Commission of Experts on Large Dams (ICELD) to provide an independent review of the economic and technical performance of large dams. Some of Liebenthal's correspondence concerning his OEDD3 workon dams was sent after his assignment to the Sector and Thematic Evaluations Division (OEDST).

The Liebenthal files also contain a number of published articles and studies dated 1985 - 1995 and relating to dams. Included are: a copy of the August 1996 OED assessment; a copy of Silenced Rivers and Damming the Rivers: The World Bank's Lending for Large Dams both by Patrick McCully; and a compilation of documents provided as background material for the attendees of the April 1997 workshop in Switzerland.

Country Policy, Industry and Finance Division (OEDD2) special evaluation studies working files

The sub-series contains the working files for special studies generated by the Country Policy, Industry and Finance Division (OEDD2) and its predecessor, the Policy-Based Lending, Industry, Public Utilities and Urban Sectors Division. The studies cover a range of policies, themes, sectors, and countries, including: conditionality in World Bank financed loans; privatization; women in development; free-standing technical assistance for institutional development in Sub-Saharan Africa; trade policy reforms under adjustment programs; a study of Bank/country relations covering Mexico's agriculture, industry, infrastructure, urban, and electrical and power sectors; and the 1992 study The World Bank and Pacific Island Countries: An OED Review which covered the Bank's operations in six Pacific Island member countries: Fiji, Kiribati, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Vanuatu, and Western Samoa. There is also a draft of the design paper for the FY95 country assistance review for Nigeria.

Also included are files documenting OEDD2's participation in a Bank-wide steering group on Development Aid Effectiveness and a file for the development of a policy ledger of OED recommendations, management responses, and actions for all studies discussed by the Joint Audit Committee (JAC) after July 1, 1992.

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