Ghana Country Report
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Ghana Country Report
Philippines Country Report - W. Cosgrove
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Philippines Country Report - W. Cosgrove
Uganda Country Report
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Uganda Country Report
Ethiopia Country Report
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Ethiopia Country Report
Country Focus in Indonesia
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Country Focus in Indonesia
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Outputs from the India Focus Group Meeting
China - Nightsoil Management Improvement Study in Hubei - July 1995 - RWSGEAP - Environmental Sanitation Study - United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] / World Bank Water and Sanitation Program
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China - Nightsoil Management Improvement Study in Hubei - July 1995 - RWSGEAP - Environmental Sanitation Study - United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] / World Bank Water and Sanitation Program
Community Involvement in Primary Collection of Solid Waste in Four Indonesian Cities - Yayasan Dian Desa - Yogyakarta - December 1993 - United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] / World Bank Water and Sanitation Program - Regional Water and Sanitation
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Community Involvement in Primary Collection of Solid Waste in Four Indonesian Cities - Yayasan Dian Desa - Yogyakarta - December 1993 - United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] / World Bank Water and Sanitation Program - Regional Water and Sanitation
Indonesia - Community Water and Sanitation Project - United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] Project INS/88/005 - Terminal Report - Technical and Financial Assistance Provided by The United Nations Development Programme and the Government
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Indonesia - Community Water and Sanitation Project - United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] Project INS/88/005 - Terminal Report - Technical and Financial Assistance Provided by The United Nations Development Programme and the Government
Implementation Strategy for Community Managed Water and Sanitation - Community Water and Sanitation Project INS/88/005 - UNDP / World Bank Water and Sanitation Program - Ministry of Public Works - Ministry of Home Affairs - Ministry of Health
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Implementation Strategy for Community Managed Water and Sanitation - Community Water and Sanitation Project INS/88/005 - UNDP / World Bank Water and Sanitation Program - Ministry of Public Works - Ministry of Home Affairs - Ministry of Health
Contingent Valuation and Actual Behavior - Predicting Connections to New Water Systems in the State of Kerala - Charles C. Griffin, John Briscoe, Bhanwar Singh, Radhika Ramasubban, Ramesh Bhatia
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Contingent Valuation and Actual Behavior - Predicting Connections to New Water Systems in the State of Kerala - Charles C. Griffin, John Briscoe, Bhanwar Singh, Radhika Ramasubban, Ramesh Bhatia
The Future Market for Tankers with Special Emphasis on Ships between 70,000 and 80,000 T.DW - Project 1250 - August 30, 1971
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The Future Market for Tankers with Special Emphasis on Ships between 70,000 and 80,000 T.DW - Project 1250 - August 30, 1971
The Future Market for Tankers with Special Emphasis on Ships between 70,000 and 80,000 T.DW - Project 1250 - Appendices - August 30, 1971
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The Future Market for Tankers with Special Emphasis on Ships between 70,000 and 80,000 T.DW - Project 1250 - Appendices - August 30, 1971
Functional Railway Cost Accounting and Statistical System for Traffic and Managerial Control - July 31, 1970
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Functional Railway Cost Accounting and Statistical System for Traffic and Managerial Control - July 31, 1970
Capacity of a Single Railway Line - June 1970 - International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
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Capacity of a Single Railway Line - June 1970 - International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
The Urbanization Problem in the Less Developed Countries - Causes, Impacts and Policy Implications for the Bank Group - R.M. Westebbe - Draft - April 6, 1970
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The Urbanization Problem in the Less Developed Countries - Causes, Impacts and Policy Implications for the Bank Group - R.M. Westebbe - Draft - April 6, 1970
Migration to Urban Areas - Economic Staff Working Paper 107 - Pamela H. Brigg - June 15, 1971 - International Bank for Reconstruction and Development - International Development Association
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Migration to Urban Areas - Economic Staff Working Paper 107 - Pamela H. Brigg - June 15, 1971 - International Bank for Reconstruction and Development - International Development Association
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Project De Renforcement Des Capacites Nationales Du Secteur Minier Et De Gestion De L Environment Precageme - August 27, 2001 - Report in Foreign Language
Perf and Files from I6207412
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Perf and Files from I6207412
All SAS, SASLOGS - Listing Files - I6T32602 - 2 Perf and Files for I6204712
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All SAS, SASLOGS - Listing Files - I6T32602 - 2 Perf and Files for I6204712
Zelin Data - Fuel - Rec. - Week 1
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Zelin Data - Fuel - Rec. - Week 1
Zelin Data - Wood, Kerosene (Kr-Oil), Cow Dung (C-Dng), Coal
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Zelin Data - Wood, Kerosene (Kr-Oil), Cow Dung (C-Dng), Coal
Pakistan Food Security Management Project - Urban Survey Data
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Pakistan Food Security Management Project - Urban Survey Data
Aftab Residential Fuel Use Survey - FuelNew DBF
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Aftab Residential Fuel Use Survey - FuelNew DBF
Botswana Household Energy Strategy Study - Lincoln Bailey Energy - Buhes VY1.COD, Buhes VY2. COD
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Botswana Household Energy Strategy Study - Lincoln Bailey Energy - Buhes VY1.COD, Buhes VY2. COD
Botswana - Household Energy Strategy Study - Keith Openshaw - Botswana HES - Pricing Section - WP5.0
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Botswana - Household Energy Strategy Study - Keith Openshaw - Botswana HES - Pricing Section - WP5.0
Design of Economically Viable Small Pulp and Paper Mills - A M Hurter
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Design of Economically Viable Small Pulp and Paper Mills - A M Hurter
Domtar Pulp and Paper Incorporated - T-90 Pulp - Appendix 2 - December 1970
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Domtar Pulp and Paper Incorporated - T-90 Pulp - Appendix 2 - December 1970
Feasibility Study - Long Fibre Pulp Project - Utilize Forest Resources of North West Frontier Province of West Pakistan - Zafar and Associates and Stadler Hurter Limited
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Feasibility Study - Long Fibre Pulp Project - Utilize Forest Resources of North West Frontier Province of West Pakistan - Zafar and Associates and Stadler Hurter Limited
Mill Development Project - Chintheche - Malawi - Viphya Pulp and Paper Corporation Limited - Proposal Number 8130 - May 9, 1977
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Mill Development Project - Chintheche - Malawi - Viphya Pulp and Paper Corporation Limited - Proposal Number 8130 - May 9, 1977
Malawi - The Viphya Pulp Mill Project - March 1978
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Malawi - The Viphya Pulp Mill Project - March 1978
Supplementary Information Regarding Marketing of Softwood Kraft Woodpulp form Malawi Pulp Mill Project - Ekman Marketing Services - August 1978
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Supplementary Information Regarding Marketing of Softwood Kraft Woodpulp form Malawi Pulp Mill Project - Ekman Marketing Services - August 1978
Viphya Pulp and Paper Corporation - Malawi - Pre-Engineering Study of the Chintheche Mill - Main Report - May 23, 1979
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Viphya Pulp and Paper Corporation - Malawi - Pre-Engineering Study of the Chintheche Mill - Main Report - May 23, 1979
Analysis of Manufacturing Costs in the North American Forest Products Industries - Newsprint, Bleached Draft Market Pulp and Lumber - April 1977
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Analysis of Manufacturing Costs in the North American Forest Products Industries - Newsprint, Bleached Draft Market Pulp and Lumber - April 1977
Malawi - Viphya Pulp Project - Preliminary Appraisal - August 18, 1978
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Malawi - Viphya Pulp Project - Preliminary Appraisal - August 18, 1978
Paper and Paperboard Markets in the Republic of Zaire - D A Harper - May 11, 1973
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Paper and Paperboard Markets in the Republic of Zaire - D A Harper - May 11, 1973
La Possibilite De La Production Du Papier Au Zaire - Projets Divers - Investir Au Zaire - Republique Du Zaire - Department De L'Economie - Report in Foreign Language
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La Possibilite De La Production Du Papier Au Zaire - Projets Divers - Investir Au Zaire - Republique Du Zaire - Department De L'Economie - Report in Foreign Language
Field Survey - Congo - Kinshasa - M L Sartenaer - January 6, 1970
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Field Survey - Congo - Kinshasa - M L Sartenaer - January 6, 1970
Review of the Pulp and Paper Industries - Fibrous Raw Material Supply Situation in Iraq - L Markila - March 1976
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Review of the Pulp and Paper Industries - Fibrous Raw Material Supply Situation in Iraq - L Markila - March 1976
Ghanaian Hardwood Mixtures for Pulp and Paper - James Laundrie - February 1977
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Ghanaian Hardwood Mixtures for Pulp and Paper - James Laundrie - February 1977
Outline of a Development Programme for a Pulp and Paper Industry in Ghana - K R Meyer - April 1974
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Outline of a Development Programme for a Pulp and Paper Industry in Ghana - K R Meyer - April 1974
Western Europe - Business and Economic Prospects - Pulp and Paper Industry
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Western Europe - Business and Economic Prospects - Pulp and Paper Industry
Short Term Review of International Pulp and Paper Markets - Jaakko Poyry - January 1978
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Short Term Review of International Pulp and Paper Markets - Jaakko Poyry - January 1978
Supply and Demand for Sawlogs, Veneer Logs, Sawnwood and Other Mechanical Wood Products in Western Europe - Jaakko Poyry - November 17, 1977
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Supply and Demand for Sawlogs, Veneer Logs, Sawnwood and Other Mechanical Wood Products in Western Europe - Jaakko Poyry - November 17, 1977
International Development of Product Prices and Capital Costs in the Pulp and Paper Industries - Publication Number 27 - Jaakko Poyry - May 4, 1974
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International Development of Product Prices and Capital Costs in the Pulp and Paper Industries - Publication Number 27 - Jaakko Poyry - May 4, 1974
New Sources of Supply of Market Pulp from the Non-Traditional Supply Areas - Risto Eklund - Jaakko Poyry - November 3, 1977
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New Sources of Supply of Market Pulp from the Non-Traditional Supply Areas - Risto Eklund - Jaakko Poyry - November 3, 1977
Pulp and Paper Capacities - Survey - 1976 to 1981 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations [FOA] - 1977
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Pulp and Paper Capacities - Survey - 1976 to 1981 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations [FOA] - 1977
The State of the Industry - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations [FOA] - May 1978
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The State of the Industry - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations [FOA] - May 1978
Information on Projected Pulp and Paper Mills in the World - 1976 to 1986 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations [FOA] - June 1977
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Information on Projected Pulp and Paper Mills in the World - 1976 to 1986 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations [FOA] - June 1977
Working Paper Number 21 - Preliminary Assessment of the Viability of Forest Industries Development in Western Greece - Pulp and Paper Industries Development Programme - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations [FOA] - September 1978
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Working Paper Number 21 - Preliminary Assessment of the Viability of Forest Industries Development in Western Greece - Pulp and Paper Industries Development Programme - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations [FOA] - September 1978