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29 resultados con objetos digitales Muestra los resultados con objetos digitales

Clean Water and Better Sanitation - A Responsibility for All - Gender Participation in Community Water and Sanitation - Volume 1 - United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] World Bank Water and Sanitation Program
Clean Water and Better Sanitation - A Responsibility for All - Gender Participation in Community Water and Sanitation - Volume 1 - United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] World Bank Water and Sanitation Program
Fortalecimiento del Grupo Regional de Agua y Saneamiento - Regional Andina - Enero 31 - Febrero 1 de 1998 - La Paz, Bolivia - Patricio Barriga - Programa de Agua y Saneamiento
Fortalecimiento del Grupo Regional de Agua y Saneamiento - Regional Andina - Enero 31 - Febrero 1 de 1998 - La Paz, Bolivia - Patricio Barriga - Programa de Agua y Saneamiento
Jalvaani - Innovative Imitative - Keeping Sector Reforms on Track - A New Monitoring and Evaluation System for Sector Reform Projets - Volume 5 - Number 2 - July 2002 - October 2002
Jalvaani - Innovative Imitative - Keeping Sector Reforms on Track - A New Monitoring and Evaluation System for Sector Reform Projets - Volume 5 - Number 2 - July 2002 - October 2002
Defi pour le 21 Siecle - Durban 2000 - Challenge for the Twenty First Century - Number 63 - December 1999 - UADE - UAWS Informations
Defi pour le 21 Siecle - Durban 2000 - Challenge for the Twenty First Century - Number 63 - December 1999 - UADE - UAWS Informations
Indonesia - Evaluating Community Management - A Case Study by Deepa Narayan Parker - August 1989 - Prowwess / United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] Technical Series - Involving women in Water and Sanitation - Lessons, Strategies, Tools
Indonesia - Evaluating Community Management - A Case Study by Deepa Narayan Parker - August 1989 - Prowwess / United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] Technical Series - Involving women in Water and Sanitation - Lessons, Strategies, Tools
Integrated Waste Management and Resource Recovery Program 1981-1990 - August 1994 - United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] Terminal Report - UNDP - World Bank Water and Sanitation Program
Integrated Waste Management and Resource Recovery Program 1981-1990 - August 1994 - United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] Terminal Report - UNDP - World Bank Water and Sanitation Program
Training in Community Participation - Report of an African Regional Workshop for Programme Staff - February 1989 - Part of the Prowwess / United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] Technical Series - Involving Women in Water and Sanitation - Lessons,
Training in Community Participation - Report of an African Regional Workshop for Programme Staff - February 1989 - Part of the Prowwess / United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] Technical Series - Involving Women in Water and Sanitation - Lessons,
Taking the Pulse for Community Management in Water and Sanitation - Prowwess - September 1990 - United Nations Development Programme [UNDP]
Taking the Pulse for Community Management in Water and Sanitation - Prowwess - September 1990 - United Nations Development Programme [UNDP]
The Laos Experience - Indigenous, Sustainable, Replicable
The Laos Experience - Indigenous, Sustainable, Replicable
Competition in Water - A Paper prepared for the Department for International Development - April 1998 - London Economics [LE]
Competition in Water - A Paper prepared for the Department for International Development - April 1998 - London Economics [LE]
Managing Leakage - Report F - Using Night Flow Data - October 1994 - Engineering and Operations Committee - UK Water Industry
Managing Leakage - Report F - Using Night Flow Data - October 1994 - Engineering and Operations Committee - UK Water Industry
Workshop Report - June 1997 - Participatory Hygiene and Sanitation Transformation Video Script Workshop - May 14 - 15, 1997 - Network for Water and Sanitation International - June 1997 - Kenya College of Communications Technology Mbagathi, Nairobi, Kenya
Workshop Report - June 1997 - Participatory Hygiene and Sanitation Transformation Video Script Workshop - May 14 - 15, 1997 - Network for Water and Sanitation International - June 1997 - Kenya College of Communications Technology Mbagathi, Nairobi, Kenya
Regional Water and Sanitation Group Eastern and Southern Africa [RWSG-ESA] Workplan 1998 - October 1997 - Draft 2 - United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] - World Bank Water and Sanitation Program
Regional Water and Sanitation Group Eastern and Southern Africa [RWSG-ESA] Workplan 1998 - October 1997 - Draft 2 - United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] - World Bank Water and Sanitation Program
Informe de Consultoria Fortalecimiento del Grupo Regional de Agua y Saneamiento - Region Andina - Enero 31 - Febrero 1 de 1998 - La Paz, Bolivia - Patricio Barriga - Programa de Agua y Saneamiento PNUD - Banco Mundial
Informe de Consultoria Fortalecimiento del Grupo Regional de Agua y Saneamiento - Region Andina - Enero 31 - Febrero 1 de 1998 - La Paz, Bolivia - Patricio Barriga - Programa de Agua y Saneamiento PNUD - Banco Mundial
No Trastee mas Agua Perfore su Propio Pozo por Wolfgang E. Buchner
No Trastee mas Agua Perfore su Propio Pozo por Wolfgang E. Buchner
Annual Report on Water and Sanitation Program East Asia and the Pacific [WSP-EAP] Support Inputs to Lao People Democratic Republic and Cambodia plus Regional Networking - January - December 1998 - Draft - January 1999 - Vientiane and Phnom Penh
Annual Report on Water and Sanitation Program East Asia and the Pacific [WSP-EAP] Support Inputs to Lao People Democratic Republic and Cambodia plus Regional Networking - January - December 1998 - Draft - January 1999 - Vientiane and Phnom Penh
Public Policy for the Private Sector - Note 126 - The Private Sector in Water and Sanitation - How to Get Started - September 1997 - The World Bank Group - Finance, Private Sector and Infrastructure Network
Public Policy for the Private Sector - Note 126 - The Private Sector in Water and Sanitation - How to Get Started - September 1997 - The World Bank Group - Finance, Private Sector and Infrastructure Network
Regional and Country Report - Documents which have been prepared by or had Important Inputs from Regional Water and Sanitation Group for East Asia and Pacific [RWSG-EA] - September 22, 1995
Regional and Country Report - Documents which have been prepared by or had Important Inputs from Regional Water and Sanitation Group for East Asia and Pacific [RWSG-EA] - September 22, 1995
Proceedings of the Urban and Peri-Urban Strategic Sanitation Conference - East Asia Region - March 25 - 27, 1996 - Jakarta - United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] / World Bank Water and Sanitation Program
Proceedings of the Urban and Peri-Urban Strategic Sanitation Conference - East Asia Region - March 25 - 27, 1996 - Jakarta - United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] / World Bank Water and Sanitation Program
Being Demand-Responsive - Process and Outputs of a Conference in Dalat, Vietnam - January 22 - 25, 1997 - Regional Water and Sanitation Group for East Asia and the Pacific
Being Demand-Responsive - Process and Outputs of a Conference in Dalat, Vietnam - January 22 - 25, 1997 - Regional Water and Sanitation Group for East Asia and the Pacific
Evaluation of New York City Toilet Rebate Program - Customer Satisfaction Survey - Final Report - December 16, 1996 - Westat, Incorporated
Evaluation of New York City Toilet Rebate Program - Customer Satisfaction Survey - Final Report - December 16, 1996 - Westat, Incorporated
The Water and Wastewater Sector in Poland - 1999 - State Office of Housing and Urban Development
The Water and Wastewater Sector in Poland - 1999 - State Office of Housing and Urban Development
Instrumentos para Regulacao eo Controle da Prestacao dos Servicos de Saneamento - Ministerio de Planejamento e Orcamento Secretaria de Politica Urbana - Serie Modermizacao do Setor Saneamento
Instrumentos para Regulacao eo Controle da Prestacao dos Servicos de Saneamento - Ministerio de Planejamento e Orcamento Secretaria de Politica Urbana - Serie Modermizacao do Setor Saneamento
Case Study on Womens Involvement in Community Water Systems - The PKK Experience - NTT Province, Indonesia - ICP CWS 005 - UNDP INT / 83 / 003 - 1988 - Prowwess - World Health Organization
Case Study on Womens Involvement in Community Water Systems - The PKK Experience - NTT Province, Indonesia - ICP CWS 005 - UNDP INT / 83 / 003 - 1988 - Prowwess - World Health Organization
Learning What Works - Aprendiendo de la Experiencia - Les Lecons de l' Experience - Water and Sanitation Program
Learning What Works - Aprendiendo de la Experiencia - Les Lecons de l' Experience - Water and Sanitation Program
Guia para la Capacitacion en el Manejo de las Diarreas - Conasupo - United Nations Childrens Fund [UNICEF]
Guia para la Capacitacion en el Manejo de las Diarreas - Conasupo - United Nations Childrens Fund [UNICEF]
European Public Services Committee [EPSC] Survey on the European Water Industry - Final Report - Public Services for the People of Europe - The Commission of the European Communities, DG V
European Public Services Committee [EPSC] Survey on the European Water Industry - Final Report - Public Services for the People of Europe - The Commission of the European Communities, DG V
Programa PNUD / Banco Mundial de Agua y Saneamiento - Bolivia
Programa PNUD / Banco Mundial de Agua y Saneamiento - Bolivia
Matching Supply and Demand for Improved Sanitation using Willingness-to-Play Data - February 1995 - Donald T. Lauria
Matching Supply and Demand for Improved Sanitation using Willingness-to-Play Data - February 1995 - Donald T. Lauria
Water Sector Credentials - July 1998 - N M Rothschild and Sons
Water Sector Credentials - July 1998 - N M Rothschild and Sons
Guiding Principles - Kibera Infrastructure Project [KIP] / Kibera Urban Environmental Sanitation Pilot Project [UESP] - September 3, 1997
Guiding Principles - Kibera Infrastructure Project [KIP] / Kibera Urban Environmental Sanitation Pilot Project [UESP] - September 3, 1997
Better Sanitation, A Responsibility for All - Republic of Uganda - Briefing Notes for Decision Makers - Ministry of Health
Better Sanitation, A Responsibility for All - Republic of Uganda - Briefing Notes for Decision Makers - Ministry of Health
Care International in Rwanda - A Project to install a Water Systems in the Region of Giti, Muhura, and Murambi - Report of the Process Evaluation Mission in Connection with the PROWWESS Programme of the United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] - April
Care International in Rwanda - A Project to install a Water Systems in the Region of Giti, Muhura, and Murambi - Report of the Process Evaluation Mission in Connection with the PROWWESS Programme of the United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] - April
Indonesia - Participatory Training-of-Trainers Workshop - Alternative Strategies for Involving Rural Women in the Water Decade - March 1986 - PKK with assistance from United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] / PROWWESS Publication
Indonesia - Participatory Training-of-Trainers Workshop - Alternative Strategies for Involving Rural Women in the Water Decade - March 1986 - PKK with assistance from United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] / PROWWESS Publication
Rural Water Supply and Sanitation [RWSS] Strategy Development in Lao Peoples Democratic Republic - Nationally-Led Strategic Guidance and its Progressive Application - Community Water and Sanitation Conference - May 5-8, 1998
Rural Water Supply and Sanitation [RWSS] Strategy Development in Lao Peoples Democratic Republic - Nationally-Led Strategic Guidance and its Progressive Application - Community Water and Sanitation Conference - May 5-8, 1998
Demand Aggregation - Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project [PADEAR] - Case Study
Demand Aggregation - Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project [PADEAR] - Case Study
Statements and Recommendations from Major International Meetings on Water Resources, Water Supply and Sanitation - October 1994 - The Science, Technology and Private Sector Division, United Nations Development Programme
Statements and Recommendations from Major International Meetings on Water Resources, Water Supply and Sanitation - October 1994 - The Science, Technology and Private Sector Division, United Nations Development Programme
The Katwe Urban Pilot Project - Experiences Gained and Lessons Learned - August 1995 - United Nations Development Programme [UNDP]
The Katwe Urban Pilot Project - Experiences Gained and Lessons Learned - August 1995 - United Nations Development Programme [UNDP]
Sink or Swim - Water, Resource Security and State Co-operation - Number 6 - October 1996 - Institute for Defence Policy [IDP] Monograph Series
Sink or Swim - Water, Resource Security and State Co-operation - Number 6 - October 1996 - Institute for Defence Policy [IDP] Monograph Series
Alternative Solutions for Supply of Water and Sewerage in Sectors with Low Financial Resources - World Bank - February 25, 1998 - Washington, DC - Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux
Alternative Solutions for Supply of Water and Sewerage in Sectors with Low Financial Resources - World Bank - February 25, 1998 - Washington, DC - Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux
NSGO in Water and Sanitation
NSGO in Water and Sanitation
Here is a Document that can change the Way - 1998 - Regional Water and Sanitation Group [RWSG] East Asia and the Pacific [EAP] Communications Strategy
Here is a Document that can change the Way - 1998 - Regional Water and Sanitation Group [RWSG] East Asia and the Pacific [EAP] Communications Strategy
Being Demand Responsive - Process and Outputs of a Conference in Dalat, Vietnam - January 22-25, 1997 - Regional Water and Sanitation Group for East Asia and the Pacific
Being Demand Responsive - Process and Outputs of a Conference in Dalat, Vietnam - January 22-25, 1997 - Regional Water and Sanitation Group for East Asia and the Pacific
Creating Performance Incentives through Regulation and Benchmarking - 1999 Water Supply and Sanit...
Creating Performance Incentives through Regulation and Benchmarking - 1999 Water Supply and Sanitation Forum - April 8 - 9, 1999 - Water and Sanitation Division, The World Bank
A Computer Program in QuickBASIC for the Heuristic Design of Sanitary Sewer Networks - User Instructions for SEWER Versions 3.0 - December 1991 - Prasad M. Modak and Juzer Dhoondia - RAS / 86 / 160
A Computer Program in QuickBASIC for the Heuristic Design of Sanitary Sewer Networks - User Instructions for SEWER Versions 3.0 - December 1991 - Prasad M. Modak and Juzer Dhoondia - RAS / 86 / 160
A Computer Program in QuickBASIC for the Heuristic Design of Looped Water Distribution Networks - User Interface for LOOP Version 4.0 - December 1991 - Prasad M. Modak and Juzer Dhoondia - RAS / 86 / 160
A Computer Program in QuickBASIC for the Heuristic Design of Looped Water Distribution Networks - User Interface for LOOP Version 4.0 - December 1991 - Prasad M. Modak and Juzer Dhoondia - RAS / 86 / 160
A Computer Program in QuickBASIC for the Least Cost Design of Branched Water Distribution Networks - User Instruction for Branch Version 3.0 - December 1991 - Prasad M. Modak and Juzer Dhoondia - RAS / 86 / 160
A Computer Program in QuickBASIC for the Least Cost Design of Branched Water Distribution Networks - User Instruction for Branch Version 3.0 - December 1991 - Prasad M. Modak and Juzer Dhoondia - RAS / 86 / 160
Handbook for Mainstreaming - A Gender Perspective in the Water Resources Management Sector - Publications on Water Resources Number 6 - Department for Natural Resources and the Environment - Helen Thomas, Johanna Schalkwyk and Beth Woroniuk
Handbook for Mainstreaming - A Gender Perspective in the Water Resources Management Sector - Publications on Water Resources Number 6 - Department for Natural Resources and the Environment - Helen Thomas, Johanna Schalkwyk and Beth Woroniuk
Report and Proposed Strategy on Community-Based Monitoring of the Small Towns Water and Sanitation Project Uganda - Kathleen Shordt, David Saunders, Patricia Nginya, Edward Bwengye in collaboration with Regional Water and Sanitation Group
Report and Proposed Strategy on Community-Based Monitoring of the Small Towns Water and Sanitation Project Uganda - Kathleen Shordt, David Saunders, Patricia Nginya, Edward Bwengye in collaboration with Regional Water and Sanitation Group
Major Mid Term Issues in the Water and Sanitation Sector - What Role for the Regional Water and Sanitation Group [RWSG]-WA - Report of the RWSG-WA Retreat, Abidjan December 15-17, 1993 - February 1994 - Philip Langley
Major Mid Term Issues in the Water and Sanitation Sector - What Role for the Regional Water and Sanitation Group [RWSG]-WA - Report of the RWSG-WA Retreat, Abidjan December 15-17, 1993 - February 1994 - Philip Langley
Resultados 151 a 200 de 4753