Clausen Papers - Inter-American Development Bank - Correspondence 01
- 01630875
- Dossier
- 1981-01-01 - 1985-12-31
Clausen Papers - Inter-American Development Bank - Correspondence 01
Daily schedules - Daily schedules 17
IPA Chronological files (outgoing) - Chrons 16
Contacts with member countries: Chad - Correspondence 01
Contacts with member countries: Brazil - Correspondence 03
Contacts with member countries: Norway - Correspondence 01
Contacts with member countries: Senegal - Correspondence 01
Contacts with member countries: Sierra Leone - Correspondence 01
Contacts with member countries: Togo - Correspondence 01
Liaison files : Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC Fund) - Correspondence 01
Brandt Commission - Correspondence 03
Brandt Commission - Correspondence 05
IDA VI Replenishment - Correspondence 02
Lending Rate Formula - Correspondence 01
PLO Observers Status - Correspondence 01
Chronological files (incoming) - Chrons 19
Chronological files (incoming) - Chrons 20
President's papers - Robert S. McNamara Chronological files - (outgoing) - Chrons 27
President's papers - Robert S. McNamara Chronological files - (outgoing) - Chrons 53
President George D. Woods - Chronological Records - Volume 9 - October - December 1964
President George. D. Woods - Chronological Records - Volume 10 - January - March 1965
President George D. Woods Chronological Records - Volume 12
President George D. Woods - Chronological Records - Volume 1 - January - March 1963
President George D. Woods Chronological Records - Volume 13
President George D. Woods Chronological Records - Volume 15
President George D. Woods - Chronological Records - Volume 2 - April 1963
President George D. Woods Chronological Records - Volume 18
President George D. Woods Chronological Records - Volume 19
President George D. Woods Chronological Records - Volume 22
President George D. Woods - Chronological Records - Volume 3 - May - June 1963
President George D. Woods - Chronological Records - Volume 4 - July - August 1963
President George D. Woods - Chronological Records - Volume 5 - September - December 1963
President George D. Woods - Chronological Records - Volume 6 - January - March 1964
President George D. Woods - Chronological Records - Volume 7 - April - June 1964
President George D. Woods - Chronological Records - Volume 8 - July - September 1964
President George D. Woods Chronological Records - Volume 11
President George D. Woods Chronological Records - Volume 14
President George D. Woods Chronological Records - Volume 20
President George D. Woods Chronological Records - Volume 17
President George D. Woods Chronological Records - Volume 21
President George D. Woods Chronological Records - Volume 16
Annual Meeting briefing papers, 1963 - Africa - Briefing papers
Annual Meeting briefing papers, 1963 - Europe - Briefing papers
George D Woods - Eighteenth Annual Meeting Briefing Papers, 1963 - Latin America - Volume 1
George D Woods - Nineteenth Annual Meeting Briefing Papers, 1964 - Latin America
Annual Meeting briefing papers, 1965 - Africa - Briefing papers
Annual Meeting briefing papers, 1965 - Europe and Middle East - Briefing papers
George D Woods - Twentieth Annual Meeting Briefing Papers, 1965 - Latin America
George D Woods - Twenty First Annual Meeting Briefing Papers, 1966 - Latin America
Briefing paper - OECD/DAC Session - Briefing papers