Economic Adjustment Programs - Yugoslavia - Serbia and Montenegro
Economic Adjustment Programs - Venezuela
Economic Adjustment Programs - Nigeria
Economic Adjustment Programs - Mexico
Economic Adjustment Programs - Morocco
Economic Adjustment Programs - Colombia
Economic Adjustment Programs - Chile
Economic Adjustment Programs - Brazil
Economic Adjustment Programs - Ecuador
Economic Adjustment Programs - Bolivia
Economic Adjustment Programs - Bangladesh
Economic Adjustment Programs - Argentina
Peru - Research Material - Background - Structure of Employment and Wages - Volume 2
The Poverty Brokers - The International Monetary Fund [IMF] and Latin America - Latin America Bureau
Bolivia, Peru - Emergency Social Projects - Reports (includes foreign language)
Peru - Research Material - Background - The Informal Sector
Peru - Research Material - Background - Structure of Employment and Wages - Volume 1
Technology Transfer and Enterprises Behavior - By Prem Jha
Labor Markets in an Era of Adjustment - By D. Mazumdar
Project Management Records - Briscoe, J.: Creating a Benefit Transfer Archive for Willingness to Pay for Water and Sanitation - 1v
Project Management Records - Ono: Onchocerciasis Control and Resettlement - 1v
Salman - Cooperative Autonomy - Institutional Requirements for Government - Non Government Organization [NGO] Partnerships in Poverty Alleviation - Correspondence - Volume 1
Briscoe - Willingness to Pay Data Sets Benefits Transfer Archive
Demand for Rural Water Supply - RPO 674-35 - Briscoe - Volume 2 - July 1990
Project Management Records - Conference on Culture and Development in Africa - RPO # 678-06 - Correspondence
Project Management Records - International Conference on Culture and Development: An Agenda for Action in Sub - Saharan Africa - RPO # 677-22 - Correspondence
Project Management Records - Re - Estimation of China National Accounts and Growth Rate - RPO # 677-17 - Correspondence
Project Management Records - Impact of Market - Oriented Policy Reforms on Households in Rural China - RPO # 677-16 - Correspondence
Project Management Records - Klugman: Nutritional Status and Household Welfare Among Pre - School Children in Uzbekistan - (RPO # 679-97) - 1v
Project Management Records - Synergistic Health Effects from Water Supply and Sanitation Interventions - (RPO # 677-25) - 1v
The Political Economy of Structural Adjustment RPO # 676-37) - 1v
Demand for Water in Tunis, Tunisia and Rabat, Morocco (RPO # 675-40) - 1v
Rural Credit Markets, Investments and Agricultural Productivity in China (RPO # 674-34) - 1v
Research Preparation - Rural Water Supply - RPO 673-93P - A Study of Water Vending in Ukunda, Kenya - Whittington, Nyamwaya, Momanyi, Makanda, Mutinda, Mu - Calculating the Value of Time Spent Collecting Water - Whittington, Mu, Roche
Nigeria: Health Care Costs Financing and Utilization (RPO 674-93) / Denton - 1v
Demand for Rural Water Supply - RPO 674-35 - Briscoe - Volume 1 - July 1990
Health Care Demand and Resources Mobilization: The Case of Peru (RPO 673-38) / van der Gaag - 1v
Research Product Output (RPO) # 671-45 - Programming and Designing Investment: The Indus Basin - Status Report
Research Product Output [RPO] 670-93 - Lilongwe Land Development Programme - Status Report
Research Product Output (RPO) # 671-72 - Growth, Poverty and Basic Needs - Status Report
Research Product Output (RPO) # 671-65 - Small Enterprise Financing: Role of Informal Credit Market - Stutus Reports
Research Product Output (RPO) # 671-65 - Small Enterprise Financing: Role of Informal Credit Market - Volume 2
RPO Number 671-46 - Cost Savings in the Water and Disposal Sectors through the Use of Appropriate Technology - Volume 3
RPO Number 670-84 - Growth, Employment and Size Distribution of Income - Volume 3
RPO Number 670-84 - Growth, Employment and Size Distribution of Income - Volume 2
RPO Number 670-45 - Labor force Participation - Income and Unemployment - Panel C
RPO Number 670-45 - Labor force Participation - Income and Unemployment - Volume 2
RPO Number 670-18 - Rural Development in Africa - Volume 5
RPO Number 670-18 - Rural Development in Africa - Volume 4
RPO Number 670-18 - Rural Development in Africa - Volume 3