Showing 1-50 of 20078 results
626 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques
Records of the Office of External Relations
Records of the Office of External Relations
Speech reference collection
Speech reference collection
Lawrence H. Summers - Economic growth and the Environment - An optimistic Agenda
Lawrence H. Summers - Economic growth and the Environment - An optimistic Agenda
Mohamed T. El-Ashry - Environmental Assessment and The World Bank - August 19, 1992
Mohamed T. El-Ashry - Environmental Assessment and The World Bank - August 19, 1992
Anthony A. Churchill - Australia's Energy Markets: Risks and Opportunities - February 2-4, 1993
Anthony A. Churchill - Australia's Energy Markets: Risks and Opportunities - February 2-4, 1993
Anthony A. Churchill - Petroleum: Yesterday, A Strategic Commodity: Today, A Commodity, Tomorrow? - February 19, 1993
Anthony A. Churchill - Petroleum: Yesterday, A Strategic Commodity: Today, A Commodity, Tomorrow? - February 19, 1993
Anthony A. Churchill - Finance for Energy Development in the next Twenty Years: The Major Issues - March 24-26, 1993
Anthony A. Churchill - Finance for Energy Development in the next Twenty Years: The Major Issues - March 24-26, 1993
Lawrence H. Summers - Investing in all the People - January 1992
Lawrence H. Summers - Investing in all the People - January 1992
V. Rajagopalan - LaL Bahadur Shastri Memorial Lecture - Beyond the Green Revolution - February 11, 1993
V. Rajagopalan - LaL Bahadur Shastri Memorial Lecture - Beyond the Green Revolution - February 11, 1993
Michel Petit - Challenge to Bank Argicultural Staff
Michel Petit - Challenge to Bank Argicultural Staff
Chairman's opening remarks - CGIAR Mid-Term Meeting - San Juan - May 24, 1993
Chairman's opening remarks - CGIAR Mid-Term Meeting - San Juan - May 24, 1993
Lewis T. Preston - The Challenge of Sustainability - January 6, 1993
Lewis T. Preston - The Challenge of Sustainability - January 6, 1993
Attila Karaosmanoglu - Adjustment Competitiveness and Poverty Reduction - November 3, 1992
Attila Karaosmanoglu - Adjustment Competitiveness and Poverty Reduction - November 3, 1992
Cullen - Feather - Maguire - Rice - Stanton - Bradley - Wyss - GrenfelPolicy Focus - The Potential of IDA-10 - 1993
Cullen - Feather - Maguire - Rice - Stanton - Bradley - Wyss - GrenfelPolicy Focus - The Potential of IDA-10 - 1993
Armeane M. Choski - Investing in Health - July 7, 1993
Armeane M. Choski - Investing in Health - July 7, 1993
Lewis T. Preston - Remarks at WDR Press Conference - Friday, June 25, 1993
Lewis T. Preston - Remarks at WDR Press Conference - Friday, June 25, 1993
Moeen A. Qureshi - Popular Participation and The World Bank - January 24, 1991
Moeen A. Qureshi - Popular Participation and The World Bank - January 24, 1991

Ibrahim F.I Shihata - Human Rights, Development and International Financial Institutions - January 24, 1992
K. Sarwar Lateef - Good Government: Setting Priorities for Development Assistance - Febraury 22-24, 1993
K. Sarwar Lateef - Good Government: Setting Priorities for Development Assistance - Febraury 22-24, 1993
Cullen - Feather - Maguire - Rice - Stanton - Bradley - Wyss - Grenfell - Overseas Development Institution - Briefing Paper - April 1993
Cullen - Feather - Maguire - Rice - Stanton - Bradley - Wyss - Grenfell - Overseas Development Institution - Briefing Paper - April 1993
Ernest Stern - The Developing World Economy - March 22, 1993
Ernest Stern - The Developing World Economy - March 22, 1993
John W. Sewell - U.S. Interests in Developing Countries: Priorities in a Changing World
John W. Sewell - U.S. Interests in Developing Countries: Priorities in a Changing World
Lewis T. Preston - The Priority of Development in the Post-Cold War Era and the role of The World Bank - March 25, 1993
Lewis T. Preston - The Priority of Development in the Post-Cold War Era and the role of The World Bank - March 25, 1993
Lewis T. Preston - Putting people First: Poverty Reduction and Social Reform in Latin America and the Caribbean - February 10, 1993 - 2 copies
Lewis T. Preston - Putting people First: Poverty Reduction and Social Reform in Latin America and the Caribbean - February 10, 1993 - 2 copies
Gautam S. Kaji - East Asia's Environmental Challenge - The World Economic Forum - Hong Kong - October 15, 1993
Gautam S. Kaji - East Asia's Environmental Challenge - The World Economic Forum - Hong Kong - October 15, 1993
The Experience of the NICs of East Asia in Exprt Promotion - March 10, 1993
The Experience of the NICs of East Asia in Exprt Promotion - March 10, 1993
Gautam Kaji - Socialist Transition in East Asia: The Way Forward - May 5, 1992 - 2 copies
Gautam Kaji - Socialist Transition in East Asia: The Way Forward - May 5, 1992 - 2 copies
Caio Koch Weser - Meeting the Challenge of Environmental Degrading: An Agenda for Action - May 25, 1993
Caio Koch Weser - Meeting the Challenge of Environmental Degrading: An Agenda for Action - May 25, 1993
Caio Koch Weser - Coping with Population Growth: An Affordable Strategy - April 6, 1993
Caio Koch Weser - Coping with Population Growth: An Affordable Strategy - April 6, 1993
Caio Koch Weser - Economic Reform and Regional Cooperation: A Development Agenda for the Middle East and North Africa
Caio Koch Weser - Economic Reform and Regional Cooperation: A Development Agenda for the Middle East and North Africa
Armeane M. Choksi - Poverty and Social Reforms in Latin America - April 13, 1993
Armeane M. Choksi - Poverty and Social Reforms in Latin America - April 13, 1993
Michel Camdessus - Adjustment, Growth and Social Reform - February 10, 1993
Michel Camdessus - Adjustment, Growth and Social Reform - February 10, 1993
S. Shahid Husain - Environment for Investments in Latin America - October 5, 1992
S. Shahid Husain - Environment for Investments in Latin America - October 5, 1992
Lewis T. Preston - Private Investment Forum - Inter-American Development Bank - December 6, 1991
Lewis T. Preston - Private Investment Forum - Inter-American Development Bank - December 6, 1991
Gautam Kaji - East Asia - Lessons of the Past and Challenges for the Future?
Gautam Kaji - East Asia - Lessons of the Past and Challenges for the Future?
Edward V.K. Jaycox - Structural Adjustment Programs in Sub-Saharan Africa - An Evaluation - January 21-22, 1993
Edward V.K. Jaycox - Structural Adjustment Programs in Sub-Saharan Africa - An Evaluation - January 21-22, 1993
Lawrence H. Summers - The Challenges of Development - Some Lessons of History for Sub-Saharan Africa - November 8, 1991
Lawrence H. Summers - The Challenges of Development - Some Lessons of History for Sub-Saharan Africa - November 8, 1991
Alexander Shakow - Mr. Preston's Statement to the African Governors - 2 copies
Alexander Shakow - Mr. Preston's Statement to the African Governors - 2 copies
Lewis T. Preston - Statement to the African Governors - May 3, 1993
Lewis T. Preston - Statement to the African Governors - May 3, 1993
Edward V.K. Jaycox - Africa - From Stagnation to Recovery - February 1993
Edward V.K. Jaycox - Africa - From Stagnation to Recovery - February 1993
Lewis T. Preston - Soutenir l engagment envers le Developpement de l afrique - Septembre 19, 1992
Lewis T. Preston - Soutenir l engagment envers le Developpement de l afrique - Septembre 19, 1992
Ishrat Husain - Governance, Business and Aid - Trade, Aid and Investment in Sub-Saharan Africa - March 21-23, 1993
Ishrat Husain - Governance, Business and Aid - Trade, Aid and Investment in Sub-Saharan Africa - March 21-23, 1993
Mohamed T. El-Ashry - The World Bank and Sustainable Development - February 18, 1993
Mohamed T. El-Ashry - The World Bank and Sustainable Development - February 18, 1993
Mohamed T. El-Ashry - Environment and Development after unced - The Road from Rio - Febrauary 12, 1993
Mohamed T. El-Ashry - Environment and Development after unced - The Road from Rio - Febrauary 12, 1993
Mohamed T. El-Ashry - Integrating Conservation, Development and Research- Scientific Responses to the Environment-Development Challenge - January 26, 1993
Mohamed T. El-Ashry - Integrating Conservation, Development and Research- Scientific Responses to the Environment-Development Challenge - January 26, 1993
Mohamed T. El-Ashry - The World Bank and Environmentally Sustainable Development - July 8, 1993
Mohamed T. El-Ashry - The World Bank and Environmentally Sustainable Development - July 8, 1993
Lewis T. Preston - Opening remarks to MDB's Power Conference - June 3
Lewis T. Preston - Opening remarks to MDB's Power Conference - June 3
Anthony A. Churchill - Financing the Oil Industry in the 1990s - October 20-25, 1991
Anthony A. Churchill - Financing the Oil Industry in the 1990s - October 20-25, 1991
Anthony A. Churchill - Investing in the Developing World - Opportunities and Risks - October 10, 1991
Anthony A. Churchill - Investing in the Developing World - Opportunities and Risks - October 10, 1991
Anthony A. Churchill - Implementing Reform - Strategy and Tactics - September 4-6, 1991 - 2 copies
Anthony A. Churchill - Implementing Reform - Strategy and Tactics - September 4-6, 1991 - 2 copies
Résultats 1 à 50 sur 20078