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Records of Individual Staff Members Unidad documental compuesta

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Health, Biomedical, Science, and Society Initiative - Influenza Surveillance working session
Health, Biomedical, Science, and Society Initiative - Influenza Surveillance working session
Olga B Jonas - Economic Adviser WB - February 2006 - Visit to Vanuatu and Kiribati: Small States Forum
Olga B Jonas - Economic Adviser WB - February 2006 - Visit to Vanuatu and Kiribati: Small States Forum
Asia Knowledge and Learning - EAP / SAR - Trust Funds and Grants Management Workshop - July 29 - 30, 2009 - Bangkok, Thailand
Asia Knowledge and Learning - EAP / SAR - Trust Funds and Grants Management Workshop - July 29 - 30, 2009 - Bangkok, Thailand
Small States Forum 2004 - 2005
Small States Forum 2004 - 2005
Meeting Mr Wolfowitz with Roberto Danino - October 2005
Meeting Mr Wolfowitz with Roberto Danino - October 2005
2004 Tsunami Files
2004 Tsunami Files
WB Avian Flu Operational Response Coordination
WB Avian Flu Operational Response Coordination
Avian and Human Pandemic Influenza Subject Files
Avian and Human Pandemic Influenza Subject Files
Global Response to the Avian Influenza Crisis
Global Response to the Avian Influenza Crisis
Workshops - Fiscal Year [FY] - 2007 to 2010
Workshops - Fiscal Year [FY] - 2007 to 2010
Briefing Books - Fiscal Year [FY] 2004 to 2010
Briefing Books - Fiscal Year [FY] 2004 to 2010
Global HIV / AIDS Report - January 7, 2002 - March 15, 2002
Global HIV / AIDS Report - January 7, 2002 - March 15, 2002
Global HIV / AIDS Work Program [GHAP]
Global HIV / AIDS Work Program [GHAP]
Five-Year Evaluation of United Nations Joint Programme on HIV / AIDS [UNAIDS] - October 8, 2002
Five-Year Evaluation of United Nations Joint Programme on HIV / AIDS [UNAIDS] - October 8, 2002
Europe and Central Asia [ECA] AIDS Strategy - Regional HIV / AIDS Sectoral Action Plans
Europe and Central Asia [ECA] AIDS Strategy - Regional HIV / AIDS Sectoral Action Plans
Development Committee Paper
Development Committee Paper
Co-Sponsor Evaluation Group - Geneva 2002
Co-Sponsor Evaluation Group - Geneva 2002
Brazil - AIDS and STD Control Project
Brazil - AIDS and STD Control Project
Action Plan - Accelerating the Implementation in the HIV / AIDS Portfolio
Action Plan - Accelerating the Implementation in the HIV / AIDS Portfolio
World AIDS Campaign - Strategy / WAC Calendar
World AIDS Campaign - Strategy / WAC Calendar
World AIDS Campaign - Strategy / WAC Calendar
World AIDS Campaign - Strategy / WAC Calendar
World Bank Group's [WBG's] Action on HIV / AIDS - Activities and Partnerships
World Bank Group's [WBG's] Action on HIV / AIDS - Activities and Partnerships
The World Bank Group's Support for HIV / AIDS Activities - Fiscal Year [FY] 2000 - Fiscal Year [FY] 2002
The World Bank Group's Support for HIV / AIDS Activities - Fiscal Year [FY] 2000 - Fiscal Year [FY] 2002
Africa - Treatment Projects
Africa - Treatment Projects
HIV /AIDS - Treatment
HIV /AIDS - Treatment
HIV / AIDS - Telemedicine
HIV / AIDS - Telemedicine
Synthesis Paper for Development Committee - Final Version for Board Circulation - August 21, 2002
Synthesis Paper for Development Committee - Final Version for Board Circulation - August 21, 2002
Toolkit on the Local Government and HIV / AIDS - Sectoral HIV / AIDS Action Plans
Toolkit on the Local Government and HIV / AIDS - Sectoral HIV / AIDS Action Plans
Sri Lanka - Comments on HIV / AIDS Project Designs
Sri Lanka - Comments on HIV / AIDS Project Designs
Sectoral Administration Plans - Private Sector
Sectoral Administration Plans - Private Sector
Sixth UNAIDS Monitoring and Evaluation Reference Group - September 2002
Sixth UNAIDS Monitoring and Evaluation Reference Group - September 2002
MTCT Plus - Alan Rosenfield
MTCT Plus - Alan Rosenfield
Lending Numbers - June 2002
Lending Numbers - June 2002
Implementation Pace in the HIV / AIDS Portfolio - James D. Wolfensohn [JDW] Briefing - October 29, 2002
Implementation Pace in the HIV / AIDS Portfolio - James D. Wolfensohn [JDW] Briefing - October 29, 2002
Guinea - HIV / AIDS
Guinea - HIV / AIDS
Partnership for Social Justice - Working with Faith Groups
Partnership for Social Justice - Working with Faith Groups
Chronological Records - 1999
Chronological Records - 1999
Chronological Records - 2000
Chronological Records - 2000
Chronological Records - 2001
Chronological Records - 2001
Chronological Records - 2002
Chronological Records - 2002
Chronological Records - October 2002 - June 2003
Chronological Records - October 2002 - June 2003
Chronological Records - July 2003 - December 2003
Chronological Records - July 2003 - December 2003
Chronological Records - 2004
Chronological Records - 2004
Chronological File - Johannes Linn - FPRVP
Chronological File - Johannes Linn - FPRVP
Chronological File - Johannes Linn - FPRVP
Chronological File - Johannes Linn - FPRVP
Chronological File - Johannes Linn - FPRVP
Chronological File - Johannes Linn - FPRVP
Chronological File - Johannes Linn - FPRVP
Chronological File - Johannes Linn - FPRVP
Chronological File - Johannes Linn - FPRVP
Chronological File - Johannes Linn - FPRVP
Chronological File - Johannes Linn - FPRVP
Chronological File - Johannes Linn - FPRVP
Resultados 1 a 50 de 2135