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Records of the Office of Operations Evaluation

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Records of the Office of Operations Evaluation

  • Fonds
  • 1957 - 2004 (predominant 1968 - 2004)

Fonds consists of records related to activities undertaken by the Operations Evaluation Department in support of its function as the Bank's independent operations evaluator. The majority of the records in this fonds are working files for project evaluations (Project Performance Audit Reports [PPARs] or Performance Audit Reports [PARs]) produced by the OED; these files are generally accompanied by Project Completion Reports (PCRs) or Implementation Completion Reports (ICRs) that were produced by operations departments and submitted to the OED. Working files for other OED evaluation products include: Impact Evaluation Reports (IERs); Country Assistance Reviews (CARs); Country Assistance Notes (CANs); Country Assistance Evaluations (CAEs); and special evaluation studies. Records related to annual reviews of Department evaluations are also included as are records related to Department annual reports. Publication files for OED periodicals, OED Processes, and Lessons & Practices are also included.

The fonds also consists of records created and received by the Department's Directors-General (DGO), Directors (OEDDR), and division directors. These records generally relate to: policy and procedure development; reporting; Department, Bank, and external projects, committees, and commissions; communications and dissemination of reports; operations management; and Department administration.

Office of Operations Evaluation

Records of the Director, Operations Evaluation Department

The records in this series contain the reports, correspondence, and studies compiled by the Directors of OED (OEDDR). The Director is selected by the Director-General, Operations Evaluation (DGO), and is responsible for the overall management of the OED. Principal functions include:

  • assisting the Director-General in making periodic assessments of the adequacy and effectiveness of the operations evaluation system in light of the institutional objectives of the World Bank;

  • carrying out reviews of the Bank's completion reports and other self-evaluations, performance audits on selected completed projects, impact evaluations, and evaluation studies focusing on operational programs, policies, strategies, and processes;

  • assisting member countries to develop their own operations evaluation capacities; and

  • disseminating evaluation findings both within the Bank and to the wider development community.

The series contains the records of Christopher R. Willoughby, who was the first Director of OED. Primarily consisting of memoranda, these records document the early development of the operations evaluation function and of the Operations Evaluation Department in the 1970s. Also contained in this file are records of subsequent OED Directors from the 1980s and 1990s. These records relate to a variety of topics.

Memoranda Files of Director Christopher R. Willoughby

This sub-series is a collection of memoranda and related records compiled by Christopher R. Willoughby who was among the first employees of the Operations Evaluation Unit and was appointed the first director of the Operations Evaluation Department in July 1973.

  • The first set of files consists of memoranda (dated November 1970 - November 1972; February - April 1973; and February - August 1975) sent to President Robert McNamara from Christopher R. Willoughby and also John Adler, who was director when the Operation Evaluation Unit was established in 1970. The memoranda concern the early workings of Operations Evaluation including: the decision to begin with an in-depth look at the Bank's work in one country, Colombia, and in one sector, electrical power; the development of the format for these first two reports; progress reports on the work of the unit and on the development of future work programs; and the relationship between evaluation and supervision. Some of the original memoranda to McNamara were returned to Operations Evaluation marked with a red stamp indicating President has seen. One long memorandum for the record summarizes the January 1971 visit with the Colombia Operations Evaluation team of Dr. Lauchlin Currie who headed the Bank's General Survey Mission to Colombia in 1949. Included in this first set of files are handwritten notes and memoranda for the record summarizing meetings Willoughby and others had with McNamara.

The second set of files consists of memoranda (dated April 1970 - February 1976) sent and received by Willoughby and his copies of key memoranda documenting the development of the operations evaluation function and the changing position of the Operations Evaluation staff within the Bank. Included are Willoughby's handwritten drafts and final copies of the key issuances affecting Operations Evaluation and his notes from key meetings. One folder contains Willoughby's drafts of a September 29, 1975 memoranda from Mohamed Shoaib, Vice President, Operations Evaluation Division, outlining the history of the evaluation function from 1971 to 1975.

Subject Files of the Directors, Operations Evaluation

This sub-series contains reports, correspondence, and studies compiled by the Directors of OED (OEDDR). Most of the files contain comments from OED staff members and/or the director on draft documents from other Bank employees. Filed under General Comments on Review of Field Staff Benefits are OED comments on various Bank documents, 1995-1998. Key topics covered by other files include: OED staff views on the dissemination and use of OED findings (filed under Dissemination); ratings of the Narmada and Kedung Ombo Completion Reports (filed under Narmada); reports of the Joint Audit Committee Informal Subcommittee on OED Reports; a select review of OED by the Internal Auditing Department planned for 1996; plans for an OED study of NGOs; OED collaboration with the Economic Development Institute (now WBI); joint OED/Operations Policy Department reports on the quality of economic analysis in staff appraisal reports for projects approved 1993 - 1997 (filed under Economic Analysis, Econ III and Econ IV and Economic Analysis: Correspondence); a 1996 proposal for simplified project documentation for investment operations (filed under Simplified Documentation); and OED staff retreats for December 15-17, 1987, November 29-December 1, 1989, June 26-28, 1991, and September 8-10, 1993. These retreat files contain agenda and schedules, copies of documents discussed at the retreats, copies of presentations, and post-retreat evaluation forms.

Filed under Portfolio Management are: memoranda regarding funding arrangements for OED studies and on borrowers' interest in ex-post evaluations; OED staff comments on the draft Wapenhans Report and on the draft chapter concerning OED; and copies of minutes of the Task Force Steering Committee on which Eberhard Kopp served. Filed under Streamlining Bank Procedures are memoranda and correspondence Kopp compiled in 1985 and 1986 before he became OEDDR Director and while he was a member of Working Group #3 of the Task Force on Streamlining Bank Procedures.

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