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Records of the Water Sector Stuk With digital objects
African Regional Retreat - Regional Water and Sanitation Group - West Africa [RWSG-WA] and Region...
African Regional Retreat - Regional Water and Sanitation Group - West Africa [RWSG-WA] and Regional Water and Sanitation Group - East Africa [RWSG-EA] - March 4-8, 1996 - Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire - United Nations Development Programme [UNDP]
Outputs from the India Focus Group Meeting
Outputs from the India Focus Group Meeting
Towards a Policy for Water Resources Development and Management in the Asian and Pacific Region -...
Towards a Policy for Water Resources Development and Management in the Asian and Pacific Region - Issues and Opportunities - Discussion Paper - Consultation Draft - August 1995 - Inter-Departmental Water Resources Policy Group - Asian Development Bank
Water Utility Partnership for Capacity Building in Africa - WUP/PA/1/96-1 - Action Programme - 19...
Water Utility Partnership for Capacity Building in Africa - WUP/PA/1/96-1 - Action Programme - 1997 - 1999 - Draft - December 1996 - Revised in January 1997
The Bank's Policy on Water - Working Paper - Consultation Draft - August 1998 - Asian Development...
The Bank's Policy on Water - Working Paper - Consultation Draft - August 1998 - Asian Development Bank [ADB]
Creating Performance Incentives through Regulation and Benchmarking - 1999 Water Supply and Sanit...
Creating Performance Incentives through Regulation and Benchmarking - 1999 Water Supply and Sanitation Forum - April 8 - 9, 1999 - Water and Sanitation Division, The World Bank