Inter-Regional - INT/87/024 - Master Budget - Efficiency of Investments in Water Supply - Documents and Correspondence
International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade - Ninth Meeting of the Steering Committee for Cooperative Action - World Bank Headquarters, Washington, 15-16 April 1982 - Volume 2
International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade - Tenth Meeting of the Steering Committee for Cooperative Action - UNICEF Headquarters, New York, 9-10 November 1982
International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade - Eleventh Meeting of the Steering Committee for Cooperative Action - FAO Headquarters, Rome, 30 November - 2 December 1983 - Volume 1
United Nations Development Program [UNDP] Project RAS/81/001 - Project Documents - 1982 / 1985
Research Material on Education and Informal Sector Employment - September 1983 to December 1984 - RPO 673-26 - Volume 1
African Regional Seminar on Education Evaluation (IIEP/IBRD)
Educational Policies in Kenya - An Historical Account and Critical Appraisal - George Eshiwani
PSDDR, PSDEN, PSDSE, PSDKM - Work Program Information - Staff Consultant, Work Program, CAM, TRS Adjustments, New Staff Information, HRS Reminder - Fiscal Year 1999 - Volume 1
Final Private Sector Advisory Services (PSAS) Reports, June Budget Transfers, Reimbursables, Final deliverables Economic and Sector Work (ESW) and Compact, C/S FY03, Final Product on DB project, Istanbul Workshop
PSAS - Budget Reform Working Group - Reports, Presentations, Published Guidelines - Fiscal Year 2001
PSD - Work Program I - VP Notes, Business Review Meetings VP, MD/VP Review Fact Sheet, Sector Bd. Compact, Thematic Group - Fiscal Year 2002
PSDDR, PSDEN, PSDSE, PSDKM - Work Program Information - Staff Consultant, Work Program, CAM, TRS Adjustments, New Staff Information, HRS Reminder - Fiscal Year 1999 - Volume 2
United Nations Development Program [UNDP] Project RAS/82/004 - Administration - 1982 / 1986
PSDDR - Business Plan/Work Program - Work Program, Disputes, TRS Adjustments - New Staff Info. and HRS Reminder - Fiscal Year 2000
Liaison with International and other Organizations - United Nations Children's Fund [UNICEF]
Liaison with International and other Organizations - USAID / State Department - Volume 1 - 1970 - June 1974
Liaison with International and other Organizations - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations [FAO]
Bellagio - Correspondence - Volume 1
Epidemiology - Correspondence
International Planned Parenthood Federation [IPPF] - Correspondence
Lending Program - Correspondence
Oral Rehydratation Therapy [ORT] - Front Office
World Health Organization [WHO] - Health Services Research - Correspondence - Volume 3
World Health Organization [WHO] - Health Resources Consortium for Primary Health Care [HRC] - Dr John Evans - Correspondence
World Health Organization [WHO] - Documentation - Volume 1
Population Health and Nutrition Department [PHND] - Miscellaneous Correspondence - Volume 2
Bellagio - Correspondence - Volume 2
Liaison with International and other Organizations - UN Population Division - Volume 1
Liaison with International and other Organizations - Asian Development Bank - Correspondence - Volume 1
Sectoral Analysis and Linkages - Kenya Health and Worker Productivity Studies - Kenya Research - Correspondence - Volume 1
Liaison with International and other Organizations - WHO - Volume 2 - November 1972 - May 1974
Liaison with International and other Organizations - UNFPA - Volume 5 - February 1976 - December 1977
Vinod Dubey chron files - 10/1/88 - 12/31/88
Vinod Dubey chron files - 4/1/86 - 7/31/86
Masood Ahmed - Chronological File - July to December 1979
Masood Ahmed - Chronological File - January to March 1986