CGIAR - G-9 - International Livestock Center for Africa (ILCA) - Correspondence 72/74-02
- 01761518
- Dossier
- 1972-05-01 - 1973-07-31
153 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques
CGIAR - G-9 - International Livestock Center for Africa (ILCA) - Correspondence 72/74-02
CGIAR - E - Observers / New Members - Correspondence 72/74-01
CGIAR - O - Nutrition / Protein - Correspondence 72/74-01
CGIAR - C-1 - International Centers Week, Correspondence - Correspondence 72/74-02
CGIAR: Internationa Centers Week, July 31 - August 4, 1972 - Correspondence 02
CGIAR: Internationa Centers Week, July 31 - August 4, 1972 - Correspondence 01
CGIAR: Consultative Group Meeting - November 1-2, 1972 - Dr. Kelly's Papers - Correspondence
CGIAR - C-2 - International Centers Week - Summary of Proceedings - Summary of proceedings 72/74-02
CGIAR - C-1 - International Centers Week, Correspondence - Correspondence 72/74-03
CGIAR - D-28 to D-32 - Consultative Group Members (Member Countries) - Correspondence 72/74-01
CGIAR - H-4 - International Soybean Resource Base (INTSOY) - Correspondence 72/74-01
CGIAR - G-2 - Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT) - Correspondence 72/74-02
CGIAR - G-5 - International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) - Correspondence 72/74-02
CGIAR: International Centers Week, July 25-August 3, 1973 - Correspondence 01
CGIAR - G-2 - Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT) - Financial statements 01
CGIAR - K - Miscellaneous - Documents 72/74-01
CGIAR - D-5 - African Development Bank (ADB) - Documents 01
CGIAR - G-2 - Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT) - Program and budget 72/74-01
CGIAR - G-11 - West Africa Rice Development Association (WARDA) - Documents 72/74-02
CGIAR - R - General Meetings and Conferences - Documents 72/74-01
CGIAR - Q - Center Procurement - Documents 01
CGIAR - Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT): Publications - Publications 08
CGIAR - Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT): Publications - Publications 28
CGIAR - West Africa Rice Development Association (WARDA): Publications - Publications 07
CGIAR - L - Data Requirements - Correspondence 01
CGIAR - G-6 - International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) - Documents 72/74-02
CGIAR - H-5 - Other International Centers - Correspondence 72/74-01
CGIAR - C-1 - International Centers Week, Correspondence - Correspondence 72/74-04
CGIAR - P - UNCTAD / Non Food Crops - Correspondence 01