Showing 1-50 of 274 results

Records of the Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development Network

18 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

Policy Development Records - World Panel on Financing Water Infrastructure / World Bank Water Week - Report - March 2003
Policy Development Records - World Panel on Financing Water Infrastructure / World Bank Water Week - Report - March 2003
Policy Development Records - Human Rights - Correspondence - February 27, 2003
Policy Development Records - Human Rights - Correspondence - February 27, 2003
ESSD Anchor Meeting - Background Documentation - February 26, 2003
ESSD Anchor Meeting - Background Documentation - February 26, 2003
Shared Unit Files - Policy Development Records - Biocarbon Fund Memorandum of Understanding Meeting - February 24 - 26, 2003 - Correspondence File
Shared Unit Files - Policy Development Records - Biocarbon Fund Memorandum of Understanding Meeting - February 24 - 26, 2003 - Correspondence File
Conferences and Seminars - Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development Network [ESSD] Week - March 10 - 14, 2003 - General Correspondence
Conferences and Seminars - Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development Network [ESSD] Week - March 10 - 14, 2003 - General Correspondence
Shared Unit Files - Policy Development Records - Fourth Meeting of the Donor Council - February 12, 2003 - Briefing Material for J. D. Wolfensohn
Shared Unit Files - Policy Development Records - Fourth Meeting of the Donor Council - February 12, 2003 - Briefing Material for J. D. Wolfensohn
Conferences and Seminars - Soliciting Chinese Participation in Post WSSD Intenational Assessment of Agricultural Science and Technology - Memorandum and Briefing Material from Ian Johnsonto to Executive Director Guangyao Zhu - Correspondence File
Conferences and Seminars - Soliciting Chinese Participation in Post WSSD Intenational Assessment of Agricultural Science and Technology - Memorandum and Briefing Material from Ian Johnsonto to Executive Director Guangyao Zhu - Correspondence File
Organization and Management Records - ESSD Management Team Meetings - Correspondence File - January 27, 2003
Organization and Management Records - ESSD Management Team Meetings - Correspondence File - January 27, 2003
Critical Ecosystems Partnership Fund and Forest Policy - Briefing Material for J.D. Wolfensohn for January 28, 2003 Meeting with Conservation International Chairman, Peter Seligmann
Critical Ecosystems Partnership Fund and Forest Policy - Briefing Material for J.D. Wolfensohn for January 28, 2003 Meeting with Conservation International Chairman, Peter Seligmann
Briefing Books for Senior Officials - Quarterly Reports to Shengman Zhang on Rural Development and on Safeguard Activities - January 2003 - Briefing Notes
Briefing Books for Senior Officials - Quarterly Reports to Shengman Zhang on Rural Development and on Safeguard Activities - January 2003 - Briefing Notes
Organization and Management Records - ESSD Council Meeting on Strategic Staffing - Correspondence...
Organization and Management Records - ESSD Council Meeting on Strategic Staffing - Correspondence File - January 15, 2003
Briefing Books for Senior Officials - J. D. Wolfensohn Meeting with World Food Programme Executive Director James Morris - Briefing Notes - December 4, 2002 - ESSD Briefing
Briefing Books for Senior Officials - J. D. Wolfensohn Meeting with World Food Programme Executive Director James Morris - Briefing Notes - December 4, 2002 - ESSD Briefing
Organization and Management Records - ESSD Strategic Planning Management Meeting - Background Documentation - FY 2004-2006
Organization and Management Records - ESSD Strategic Planning Management Meeting - Background Documentation - FY 2004-2006
Conferences and Seminars - Hydropower in the Implementation Plan of WSSD - Exchange Between Brazil and the International Rivers Network - November 16 - 18, 2002 - Correspondence File
Conferences and Seminars - Hydropower in the Implementation Plan of WSSD - Exchange Between Brazil and the International Rivers Network - November 16 - 18, 2002 - Correspondence File
Conferences and Seminars - World Water Forum - December 2, 2002 - Correspondence File
Conferences and Seminars - World Water Forum - December 2, 2002 - Correspondence File
Environment Sector Board Retreat - November 19, 2002 - Background Documentation
Environment Sector Board Retreat - November 19, 2002 - Background Documentation
Conferences and Seminars - Public Health and Sustainable Development - School of Advanced International Studies - Johns Hopkins University - November 13, 2002 - Conference File
Conferences and Seminars - Public Health and Sustainable Development - School of Advanced International Studies - Johns Hopkins University - November 13, 2002 - Conference File
Conferences and Seminars - World Water Forum III - Kyoto - November 25, 2002 - Correspondence File
Conferences and Seminars - World Water Forum III - Kyoto - November 25, 2002 - Correspondence File
Conferences and Seminars - First Meeting of a Global Consultative Process on an International Assessment of the Role of Agricultural Science and Technology in Reducing Hunger, Improving Rural Livelihoods, and Stimulating Economic Growth - Conference File
Conferences and Seminars - First Meeting of a Global Consultative Process on an International Assessment of the Role of Agricultural Science and Technology in Reducing Hunger, Improving Rural Livelihoods, and Stimulating Economic Growth - Conference File
Shared Unit Files - Policy Development Records - Revised Forest Strategy for the World Bank Group - Board Meeting and Management Response - October 29 - 31, 2002
Shared Unit Files - Policy Development Records - Revised Forest Strategy for the World Bank Group - Board Meeting and Management Response - October 29 - 31, 2002
Policy Development Records - Strategic Directions for the World Bank in Social Development - Correspondence - October 15 - 16, 2002
Policy Development Records - Strategic Directions for the World Bank in Social Development - Correspondence - October 15 - 16, 2002
Indigenous Peoples Meeting - Correspondence - October 17, 2002
Indigenous Peoples Meeting - Correspondence - October 17, 2002
Organization and Management Records - ESSD Council Retreat - Background Documentation - September 18, 2002
Organization and Management Records - ESSD Council Retreat - Background Documentation - September 18, 2002
Organization and Management Records - Corporate Days - Correspondence File - September 13, 2002
Organization and Management Records - Corporate Days - Correspondence File - September 13, 2002
Ian Johnson Meeting with French Development Agency Executive Director, Pierre Jacquet - September 25, 2002 - Background Documentation
Ian Johnson Meeting with French Development Agency Executive Director, Pierre Jacquet - September 25, 2002 - Background Documentation
Policy Papers, Board Papers and Research Studies - Rural Sector Board Contribution to Operational Quality - QAG Pilot Assessment - Background Documentation
Policy Papers, Board Papers and Research Studies - Rural Sector Board Contribution to Operational Quality - QAG Pilot Assessment - Background Documentation
Conferences and Seminars - World Summit on Sustainable Development - Outcomes and Follow Up - August 26 - December 4, 2002 - Conference File
Conferences and Seminars - World Summit on Sustainable Development - Outcomes and Follow Up - August 26 - December 4, 2002 - Conference File
Conferences and Seminars - World Summit on Sustainable Development - Johannesburg - August 26 - September 4, 2002 - Conference File
Conferences and Seminars - World Summit on Sustainable Development - Johannesburg - August 26 - September 4, 2002 - Conference File
Organization and Management Records - ESSD Knowledge Management Meeting - Correspondence File
Organization and Management Records - ESSD Knowledge Management Meeting - Correspondence File
Draft Water Resources Sector Strategy - Letter to Water Commissioners of the World Commission on Dams by Ian Johnson on behalf of J.D. Wolfensohn - August 22, 2002
Draft Water Resources Sector Strategy - Letter to Water Commissioners of the World Commission on Dams by Ian Johnson on behalf of J.D. Wolfensohn - August 22, 2002
Ian Johnson Meeting with Peter Woicke - Carbon Financing in World Bank Group - August 21, 2002 - Background Documentation
Ian Johnson Meeting with Peter Woicke - Carbon Financing in World Bank Group - August 21, 2002 - Background Documentation
Policy Development Records - Safeguard Policies - Framework for Improving Development Effectivene...
Policy Development Records - Safeguard Policies - Framework for Improving Development Effectiveness - Correspondence - August 13, 2002
Indigenous Peoples Meeting - Correspondence - October 2, 2002
Indigenous Peoples Meeting - Correspondence - October 2, 2002
Conferences and Seminars - World Summit on Sustainable Development - Preparations for World Bank Participation - August 2002 - Correspondence File
Conferences and Seminars - World Summit on Sustainable Development - Preparations for World Bank Participation - August 2002 - Correspondence File
Conferences and Seminars - IUCN Council Task Force on Governance - August - October, 2002 - Correspondence File
Conferences and Seminars - IUCN Council Task Force on Governance - August - October, 2002 - Correspondence File
Operations Evaluation Department [OED] Meta Evaluation of the Consultative Group On International Agricultural Research [CGIR] - Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development Network [ESSD] and CGIAR Secretariat Response - August 2002
Operations Evaluation Department [OED] Meta Evaluation of the Consultative Group On International Agricultural Research [CGIR] - Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development Network [ESSD] and CGIAR Secretariat Response - August 2002
Organization and Management Records - FY2003 ESSD - Wide Learning Program - Plan for Strategic Learning Centers - Background Documentation
Organization and Management Records - FY2003 ESSD - Wide Learning Program - Plan for Strategic Learning Centers - Background Documentation
Community Driven Development [CDD], Rural Development and Water, Education for All, and HIV/AIDS Case Studies - Briefing Notes - Ian Johnson with Mamphele Ramphele - July 12, 2002
Community Driven Development [CDD], Rural Development and Water, Education for All, and HIV/AIDS Case Studies - Briefing Notes - Ian Johnson with Mamphele Ramphele - July 12, 2002
Conferences and Seminars - Preparatory Meeting of the WSSD: Passing of the Torch From Rio de Janeiro to Johnnesberg - Rio de Janeiro - June 23 - 25, 2002 - Conference File
Conferences and Seminars - Preparatory Meeting of the WSSD: Passing of the Torch From Rio de Janeiro to Johnnesberg - Rio de Janeiro - June 23 - 25, 2002 - Conference File
Policy Development Records - Human Rights and the World Bank - Correspondence - September - Novem...
Policy Development Records - Human Rights and the World Bank - Correspondence - September - November 2002
Conferences and Seminars - Cotton and Global Trade Negotiations Conference - The World Bank - July 8 - 9, 2002 - Conference File
Conferences and Seminars - Cotton and Global Trade Negotiations Conference - The World Bank - July 8 - 9, 2002 - Conference File
Policy Papers,Board Papers and Research Studies - World Bank Strategy for Supporting Environmenta...
Policy Papers,Board Papers and Research Studies - World Bank Strategy for Supporting Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development - Sector Strategy Papers as Building Blocks - Robert Watson and Rita Hilton
Conferences and Seminars - International Funders for Indigenous Peoples - July 10, 2002 - General Correspondence
Conferences and Seminars - International Funders for Indigenous Peoples - July 10, 2002 - General Correspondence
Conferences and Seminars - Empowerment Retreat - May 7 - 8, 2002 - Conference File
Conferences and Seminars - Empowerment Retreat - May 7 - 8, 2002 - Conference File
Conferences and Seminars - The Berlin Forum - Committed to Sustainability - Berlin - May 20 - 23, 2002 - Conference File
Conferences and Seminars - The Berlin Forum - Committed to Sustainability - Berlin - May 20 - 23, 2002 - Conference File
Eastern African Biodiversity Fund - Draft Concept for Discussion - April 24, 2002
Eastern African Biodiversity Fund - Draft Concept for Discussion - April 24, 2002
Conferences and Seminars - African Workshop on the World Summit on Sustainable Development - Preparation Meeting - April 23, 2002 - Conference File
Conferences and Seminars - African Workshop on the World Summit on Sustainable Development - Preparation Meeting - April 23, 2002 - Conference File
Organization and Management Records - ESSD Council Meeting - Background Documentation - April 23, 2002
Organization and Management Records - ESSD Council Meeting - Background Documentation - April 23, 2002
Consultation with Masafumi Kuroki, Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs - April 22, 2002 - Background Documentation
Consultation with Masafumi Kuroki, Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs - April 22, 2002 - Background Documentation
Conferences and Seminars - Africa Day - United Nations - Conference File
Conferences and Seminars - Africa Day - United Nations - Conference File
Resultaten 1 tot 50 van 274