Showing 1-50 of 89 results


Robert W. Oliver Collection on George D. Woods

  • Fonds
  • 1935 - 1986

The collection includes copies of the oral interviews Oliver conducted in preparing his biography and copies of a portion of the Woods papers that he had at his disposal when writing the biography. It also contains the clippings files that George Woods maintained during his failed attempt to become the head of the Agency for International Development in 1961 and his successful appointment as head of the World Bank in 1962. Original photographs of George and Louise Woods and copies of photographs from various sources, including the World Bank, are included. The copy photographs were made for reproduction in Oliver's biography of George Woods, and many are annotated by Oliver. A small quantity of memorabilia and published materials relating to both George D. and Louise Woods is included.

Robert W. Oliver Collection on George W. Woods

Personal Papers of William Donaldson Clark

  • Fonds
  • 1966 - 1985 (predominant 1966 -1980)

This fonds created and/or maintained by William Clark during his employment at the World Bank Group, contains memoranda, notes, and press articles. The contents of this collection relate to Clark?s and President Robert S. McNamara?s appointment to the Bank Group, McNamara's President's Council, the Brandt Commission, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), and other topics prominent during this period. Records also include Clark's notes on his involvement with the Suez Crisis whileserving as the public relations adviser to the Prime Minister of Great Britain Sir Anthony Eden.

Clark, William

Records of the Africa Regional Vice Presidency

  • Fonds
  • 1946-2010

The countries included in the Africa region (AFR) have remained constant throughout its history, with the exception being the removal of northern African countries (Egypt, Libya, Algeria, Tunisia, and Morocco) into the Europe and Middle East Department (EME) in 1965. These countries have since remained in regional units responsible for Middle East countries. Records related to operations in these countries are not included in this fonds.

This fonds has been provisionally arranged into 13 series. Sub-headings are used to break up the content of this field according to provisional series. For a complete list of the provisional series, see the "System of Arrangement" field.

Operational records

The majority of the records in this fonds are country operational records. The records in the "operational records" series broadly consist of project records relating to the negotiation and administration of loans as well as general country records relating to economic and sector study. These records were created by Area Departments (1947-1972), Country Departments (CDs, 1972-1997) and Country Management Units (CMUs, 1997-2010) as well as the Economic Department (1946-1952), Technical Operations Department (TOD, 1952-1965), Projects Department (1965-1972) and regional project departments (1972 - 1987), technical departments (1987 - 1997), and sector departments (1997 - 2010). See the "Administrative history" field for a history of these units and their functions.

Records related to the Bank's projects overseen by AFR are contained in the "operational records" series. These records relate to investment, structural adjustment, and other development projects financed, co-financed, and / or managed by the Bank. Note that projects funded or co-funded by external bodies such as the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), national governments, and trust funds but which were executed by the Bank are included.

Records relating to all phases of the World Bank Project Cycle, from conception through negotiation and completion,are found here. Project records contained in this fonds were created by both the unit identified as the designated record keeping unit within the Region and, in smaller number, the regional units that provided project support. Included are records relating to not only completed projects but also to abandoned (or dropped) projects (i.e. projects that were abandoned in the course of preparation or that failed to gain Board approval) and suspended projects (i.e. approved projects, including those partially disbursed, which were suspended and not resumed). Records related to the discussion and negotiation of projects that were never initiated are also included.

Correspondence files make up the bulk of the project records and relate to the identification, preparation, appraisal, negotiation, approval, supervision, fund disbursement, completion, and review of each individual project. Correspondence is in the form of letters, printed email, memoranda, telexes, and faxes. Accompanying materials most often include aide-memoires, minutes of meetings, Terms of Reference, and back-to-office reports. Correspondence is between the Bank and government officials, ambassadors, institutions, contractors, and consultants.

Project records may also include: Project Implementation Index File (PIIF) documents; executive project summary/project concept documents; annual progress reports; supplemental documents; Project Completion Reports (PCRs, also known as Completion Reports); consultant reports; supervision reports; and final versions of mandatory reports. A small amount of project-related newspaper clippings, financial statements, photographs, hand-written notes, maps, engineering plans, and copies of loan agreements and related documents may also be found. External documents received from borrowers, governments, contractors, consultants, etc., including studies, reports, plans, specifications, PIIF documents, etc., are also included.

General country files are also included in the "operational records" series. These refer to correspondence (often in the form of chronological files), topical and subject files, and other records related to IBRD/IDA lending programs, other than those maintained for individual loans and credits. Records relate to economic, social, and sector work study, research, analysis, and the development of sector and country programs, policies, and strategies. Specifically, these records might relate to: capital markets; indebtedness; investment law; missions to the country; technical assistance; disbursement; government relations; inquiries; local bond issues; cofinancing; consultative groups; aid groups; country liaison; resident representatives; Country Program Papers (CPP) preparation; and Project Implementation Review (PIR). Records relating to and filed according to the various sectors of investment are also included. In each series, country sector files may include but are not limited to: agriculture; education; energy; industrial development and finance; industry; population; health; nutrition; telecommunications; tourism; transportation; urban development; water and sewage; governance; public sector development; private sector development; and social development. General country file records take the form of correspondence, memoranda, minutes of meetings, notes for files, back-to-office reports, aide-memoires, briefing papers, and reports. Records relating to other analytical and advisory activities (AAA) and the related collection of data for these activities may also be included. These records may include research material in the form of surveys and spreadsheets and guides created or used for analysis or processing of data.

Country-specific records relating to country program management are also included in the "operational records" series. These records were maintained primarily by the Country Department headquarter units and were used to document Bank Group assistance planning and strategy for each country. Records may relate to the creation of Bank reports such as: the Country Assistance Strategy (CAS); Country Briefs; Country Strategy Papers; Country Economic Memoranda; Medium Term Framework Papers; and policy statements. These records take the form of: agendas; briefings and reports of country team meetings; final versions of reports; consultant reports on specific sector or project issues; meeting summaries and notes; and background materials used in the preparation of reports. Briefing papers prepared for Annual Meetings and other reports to management may also be included.

Also included are informational records related to each country and to development issues specific to that country. Many of the topics covered in these records are focused on the various development sectors. These records primarily contain externally created reference material, although a small amount of internally generated material (such as press releases, speeches and addresses, and material related to internally sponsored conferences and seminars) may also be included. Reference materials may include: lists of government officials; information on external consultants; newspaper clippings related to country matters; press releases related to Bank and country activities; correspondence with government officials and/or ministries; and documents related to the activities of field offices in the country. Also included, in small amounts, are books, journals, magazines, articles, extracts, directories, manuals, handbooks, guides, and dissertations originating from elsewhere in the Bank Group or of external origin. Topics include common development sectors (agriculture, transportation, education, etc.) as they relate to specific countries as well as: resettlement; indigenous peoples; participation; Global Environment Facility (GEF); World Bank operation policies; country politics, legislation and economic situation; debt; cofinancing and trust funds; and natural resource management.

Regional operational records related to the Africa Region are also included in this fonds. Included are the records of projects or programs that span more than a single country, such as the founding of new regional banks, the establishment of a common market, tourism projects, and the creation of regional infrastructure, such as roads, ports, electric power generation and telecommunications. Records relating to the Region's participation in interrelated development activities that have been aggregated into a coordinated development program are also included. These include, for example, the Onchocerciasis Control Programme and the Sub-Saharan Africa Transport Program (SSATP). The types of project-related records are similar to those described in the country operational records above. Also included are general records related to economic, social and sector work study and analysis and the development of sector and regional programs, policies, and strategies. In terms of topic and form, these records are also similar to the general operational records described above. However, records relate to either the region as a whole or to multi-country areas of the region.

Project auditing

Series contains records relating to the regular auditing of Bank-funded projects in the Africa region conducted by the Operational Quality and Knowledge (AFTQK) department within AFR. Records primarily contain audit reports produced by external firms but may also contain: correspondence; project appraisal documents; legal agreements; and implementation completion reports.

Departmental subject files, reference materials, and correspondence files

Non-country specific reference materials and subject files maintained by regional departments including both country departments and sector units are included in this fonds. Topics include the various development sectors as well as Bank operational topics such as: policy development; project identification; project procurement; consultants; exports; macroeconomic stability and growth; and private sector assessment. Reference materials may originate from elsewhere within the Bank or external to the Bank and may include: books; journals; magazines; newspaper clippings; articles; extracts, directories; manuals; handbooks; guides; Bank reports; and dissertations. Subject files related to sector-related organizations are also included. These records may include: reports published or disseminated by associations; correspondence between the Bank and organizations; meeting related records; and coordination records.

External aid coordination

Series consists of records relating to the development and implementation of strategies for cofinancing and other instances of aid coordination. Records originate in country and sector departments and relate to cooperative relationships between the Bank Group and donors, cofinanciers, development agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and other concerned organizations. Specifically, records may relate to: collaborative development assistance; Bank-sponsored seminars and conferences; cofinancing and trust funds; the Special Program for Assistance (SPA) in Africa; the Consultant Trust Fund Program (CTFP); and external funding for consultants. Records may include: copies of agreements and other legal documents; initiating briefs; reports and memoranda concerning disbursement of cofinanced funds; periodic reports to cofinanciers; and other related materials. Series also contains correspondence files of the Regional Cofinancing Advisor. Records were created while the position was held by Philip Birnham (1985 to 1995) and by Alison Rosenberg (1995 to 1998). The records relate to overall coordination of cofinancing forthe Africa Region and, specifically, to the Special Program of Assistance (SPA) for Africa.

The series also contains records documenting the establishment, proceedings and activities of the consultative groups and aid groups convened and chaired by the Bank to coordinate external financial assistance and which the Bank provided secretarial support to. These include consultative groups for Nigeria (1962), Sudan (1963), Ghana (sponsored by Bank from 1970 after participation under IMF sponsorship since 1967), East Africa (1968), Ethiopia (1971), Zaire - Democratic Republic of Congo (1971), Tanzania (1977), Uganda (1978), Zambia (1978), Mauritius (1980), Somalia (1983), Sao Tome and Principe (1984), Senegal (1984), Zambia (1984), Mauritania (1985), Gambia (1986), Madagascar (1986), Malawi (1986), Mozambique (1987), Guinea (1987), Zimbabwe (1992), Eritrea (1994), Sierra Leone (1994), Angola (1995), and Cote d'Ivoire (1995). Many of the consultative groups typically met bi-annually for several successive years or for longer than a decade such as Nigeria and Tanzania with Bank staff leading smaller sector or local consultative meetings in between the bi-annual group meetings. Files contain a large body of correspondence between the country department staff, the chairman who was typically the Area or Country Director for consultative groups, and donor members of the groups including the recipient country. Correspondence includes copies of outgoing memoranda and letters, cables, original letters from member government officials (some addressed to the Bank President), notes to the file, minutes of pre-consultative group meetings, sector, and/or local meetings, and drafts of documents. Topics covered by the correspondence include policies and practices of the consultative groups; its origins and establishment; changes in membership or participation; pledges and terms of aid by donor countries; and collaboration with International Monetary Fund and other multilateral participants or observers.

Also included are the set of official meeting documents of the earliest Bank-chaired Consultative Groups for Sudan and Nigeria and other countries aforementioned that contain: preliminary meeting summaries, notice of meeting, agenda, list of delegates, Bank-authored or government authored memoranda or economic reports and policy papers, Chairman's report of proceedings, transcripts or verbatim proceedings, participants statements, and press release. Meeting files also contain small amount of administrative correspondence authored bySecretary's department or the Area or Country Department concerning meeting preparations, distribution of documents, or announcements about participants in attendance of the meetings.

There is also a smaller volume of files relating to donor meetings or investor conferences chaired by the department, and consultative meetings or roundtables chaired by other organizations outside of the Bank including Organization for Economic Development (OECD) and United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in which the Bank participated beginning in the early 1970s. These include (but are not limited to) Central African Republic, Burundi, Benin, Cape Verde, Sao Tome and Principe, Guinea-Bissau, Rwanda, Lesotho, Togo and Mali.

Participation in external working and policy groups, committees, and other organizations

Series consists of records related to AFR staff participation in committees, task forces, working and policy groups, and other organizations external to, but in some cases sponsored by, the World Bank. Many of these organizations focus on regional cooperation, development, and research, such as the Central African Customs and Economic Union (UDEAC), the West African Economic and Monetary Union (UEMOA), the Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR), and the Global Coalition for Africa (GCA). Records may relate to administration, membership, and activities of organization, and the work or research undertaken or sponsored by the organization.

VP Subject files

Series contains records relating to a variety of activities of which the Office of the Africa Vice President are responsible or involved. These include: public relations; borrower feedback; VP reorganization; and VP unit evaluation and organization. The records include correspondence and internal memoranda related to the various activities, as well as country and thematic briefs and meeting materials. Records related to the Region's participation in and leadership of the joint World Bank-IMF Africa Club for staff are included. Asmall amount of audio visual material in the form of video and audio tapes are also included in this series. They include recordings of interviews, meetings, and social and cultural events. A small amount of records also relate to the visit of World Bank senior staff, including World Bank presidents, to African countries and meetings held with country leaders during these trips.

VP Correspondence

Series includes the chronological files of a number of AFR Vice Presidents, including: Vice President Edward Jaycox (1991-1996); jointly Jean-Louis Sarbib and Callisto Madavo (1996-1997, during which time the two shared the position of AFR Vice President); Gobind Nankani (2004-2007); and Obiageli Ezekwesili (2007-2008). Chronological files of the VP front office and individual front office staff are also included.

Series contains the "Commodity files" of Barend de Vries, Chief Economist for the Western Africa Department and Region between 1970 and 1975. Included are copies of memos and reports relating to international and regional production and pricing of various commodities. Also included are Bank produced reports on commodity trade and price trends and price forecasts as well as papers on population and family planning programs for Africa.

Departmental Communications and Support

Series relates to the activities of AFR departments asked, usually on an ad hoc basis, to respond to correspondence addressed to World Bank Group presidents, regional Vice Presidents, and other staff members.

Series also consistsof briefing books prepared for senior officials in preparation for visits to African countries as well as for participation in meetings, seminars, and speeches. Briefing books were created by AFR units including VP front office staff and were prepared for AFR senior officials as well as for other senior Bank staff including World Bank presidents and Executive Directors. These books commonly contain: program of country visit; background profiles on country leaders and officials; talking points; country overview; World Bank Group activities; visit and meeting briefs; project meeting briefs; and other World Bank authored reports which serve as background information. In some files, travel information accompanies or is part of the briefing books. A small amount of photographs of dignitaries and bank senior officials documenting their visits to resident missions is also included.

Business plan and budget management records

Series includes records relating to the business plan and budget management (i.e. planning, implementation, monitoring, and review) activities of the Region. These records include annual budget files created by the Region's budget and administrative units as well as Business Plans covering three-year periods and Retrospective and Mid-Year Reviews. Records relating to the budgets of country and technical departments are included primarily in the form of correspondence and budget reports and tools. Budget records created by the Regional VP, Country Departments, and the Regional Resource Management and Information Technology Department (AFTRM) are included.

Department directors' chronological files

Chronological files created and maintained by AFR country department directors and technical department directors are included in this series. These may include incoming and outgoing correspondence, copies of reports, and copies of other records created or received within the unit.

Procurement policy, assessment, review, and training

Series contains records related to the regional oversight of procurement for goods and services needed for operational work. Activities include the review and audit of procurement activities. Procurement audits and review evaluate: project preparation procedure with regard to procurement; internal regional procedures; country procurement practices; and other activities. Records also consist of correspondence and documents relating to the review of ongoing project procurement activities.

Records also consist of background correspondence and documents relating to the formulation of Country Procurement Assessment Reports (CPAR). Records related to procurement training activities are also included.

Management and oversight of unit functions

Records relating to the management and oversight of the Region's country and technical departments' functional responsibilities, work program, and policy development are included in this fonds. Topics may include: work program development; unit policy and procedures; agency structure and organization; management improvement studies; coordination and direction; departmental reviews; regional objectives and operational directives; and staffing. Records may include: work program agreements and monthly reports; research program materials; various task force records including some final reports; unit reviews; management team meeting records; management retreats; records related to the 1987 and 1991 reorganizations of the operations complex and subsequent reorganization of the Technical Departments; and general correspondence.

Series also includes records maintained in the Region's front office relating to the activities and management of the Region's field offices. Records may include: correspondence; reports; Terms of Reference; establishment agreements; audit reports; and contracts. Records may relate to administrative matters such as: renovation; security; inventory; capital budget; audits; and local staff.

Africa Regional Vice Presidency

Records of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR)

  • Fonds
  • 1970 - 2000

The records in this series reflect the two principal activities of the Consultative Group: funding and evaluating the international institutes. The Group's activity is carried out through regular informal contacts, through consultation at yearly or semi-annual meetings, and through inspection visits to the centers. The records document the debates on whether to fund new institutes or new programs within existing institutes; what is the healthiest relationship between the international institutes and national research and extension programs; and how to manage the related roles of the Council and the Group, the two secretariats, and the four co-sponsors. A substantial amount of correspondence also is created during the sensitive process of selecting Council members and choosing leaders of the institutes.

The records of the meetings give a bird's eye view of the state of international agricultural research on topics ranging from pest control to rice production to the state of post-harvest technologies. Background papers, mission reports, priorities papers, instituted evaluations, minutes, verbatim transcripts, and correspondence range over every subject in agriculture. Of particular interest are the debates on how to support the collection, evaluation and conservation of plant genetic resources, which ultimately led to the establishment of the International Board for Plant Genetic Resources and a central fund to support it. Changing research interests can also be followed, as well as the growing awareness of the role of women in agriculture, the increasing appreciation of the role of the small farmer, and the heightening concern over the fragility of environmental balance.

Of particular importance is the collection of publications and reports from all the institutes that are supported by CGIAR. Through these publications, the regular evaluation reports, the institute work plans and the regular correspondence, the successes and failures of each institute can be charted. The central files contain massivefiles on the institutes, often including such difficult to locate items as minutes of institute meetings. In the early 1990s a CGIAR project put a large body of the publications from the institutes on a set of 17 CD-ROMS; these publications and others are found in the series of institute publications.

Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research

Personal Papers of Orvis A. Schmidt

  • Fonds
  • 1932 - 1947

The papers cover the period of Schmidt's service with the US Treasury and include his files on his dissertation. Both the Treasury and the dissertation materials include subject files; some topics overlap; all concern Brazil exclusively. The files do not include materials on either the Bretton Woods conference or his work at the World Bank.

Schmidt obtained and translated many official Brazilian government documents for the Treasury Department. These translations are found both in a general translationfile and in subject files.

The files are of interest primarily to students of the economic history of Brazil.

Schmidt, Orvis A.

Records of the Operations (Loan) Committee

  • Fonds
  • 1948 - 1997

The records of the Loan Committee consist of three distinct types of files: minutes; records of the chairman; and background information. The official Loan Committee minutes were maintained by the Bank's Central Files unit until 1987; this Central Files series is the first series of this fonds. Thereafter the official set of minutes became the responsibility of staff attached to the office of the Committee chairman; the second and third series are these records. Some gaps exist in the minutes, but records of these meetings may be found in the series of records of the chairman.

The chairmen of the Commitee also maintained records that, while partly duplicating the series of official minutes, also contain handwritten notes and annotations revealing the chairman's personal reactions to proposals. These are the fourth and fifth series in the fonds.

The bulk of the fonds is a series of project files, mainly from the 1980s, arranged by country. Each file contains the basic documents relating to the Committee's actions on a specific project. While the series of minutes show the chronological development of lending, this background series enables the researcher to look at all projects in a country or region to understand the project emphases in a geographical area. Taken together, the series in this fonds provide a comprehensive picture of the Bank's projects and the shifting priorities in lending policy over time.

Operations (Loan) Committee

Records of the Development Committee

  • Fonds
  • 1974 - 1998

The Joint Ministerial Committee of the Boards of Governors of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund on the Transfer of Real Resources to Developing countries, usually known as the Development Committee, is an advisory body only. The primary function of the staff of the Committee is to arrange the Committee's semiannual meetings where issue papers are discussed. The records of the Development Committee, therefore, are primarily those of meetings and of the discussion documents prepared for the meetings. Transcripts of the proceedings exist for all meetings of the Committee, and are the only series of records that covers the entire history of the Committee.

The Committee's activities include support for international cooperation in development activities, coordination of international efforts in finance development, and advice to the Boards of Governors of the Bank and the Fund on all aspects of the transfer of real resources to developing countries. These activities are reflected in both thepapers prepared for the Committee and in the work of a number of task forces and working groups the Committee established in the 1970s and 1980s.

During its first twenty years of existence, the Committee staff maintained subject and administrative files that contained background information on topics, programs, organizations, and meetings of relevance to the Development Committee's interests. Because during part of this period the Executive Secretary of the Development Committee also served as the DeputySecretary of the World Bank, some information in the subject and administrative files relates primarily to the Bank and its activities rather than to the Committee itself. These files are now discontinued, and the Committee staff files all records relating to a meeting, including administrative matters, background information, and official numbered documents, in a central meetings file. Chronological files have also been discontinued as of 1998.

Development Committee

Personal Papers of Davidson Sommers

  • Fonds
  • 1948 - 1987

This fonds contains correspondence and personnel files, as well as speeches, articles, memorabilia, and photographs related to Davidson Sommers' employment in the World Bank's Legal Department and his work as a World Bank consultant.

Sommers, Davidson

Records of the South Asia Regional Vice Presidency

  • Fonds
  • 1947 - 2008

Note that the countries included in the South Asia Region fonds and, in particular, the "Country operational records" series, fluctuated over the years; countries were moved from one Region to another and Regional Vice Presidencies were merged and separated. This is reflected in the inclusion of records from, specifically, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Myanmar (Burma). While the inclusion of records partially depends on the nature of their transfer (see "Archival history" for explanation), generally operational records related to Afghanistan from 1972 to 1991, Pakistan from 1987 to 1991, and Myanmar from 1987 to the present will not be included in the records of this fonds. See the "Related units of description" field of this description for the location of those records not included. There were fluctuations in the countries overseen by SAR prior to 1972, as well. However, these changes are not reflected in the inclusion of records in this fonds as a result of the reaccessioning exercise described in the "Archival history" field.

Also note that this fonds has been arranged into eleven provisional series. Sub-headings are used to break the content of this field up according to series. For a complete list of the provisional series, see the Arrangement field below.

Country operational records

The majority of the records in this fonds are country operational records. The records in the Country operational records series broadly consist of project records relating to the negotiation and administration of loans and general country records relating to economic and sector study. These records were created by Area Departments (1947-1972), Country Departments (CDs, 1972-1997) and Country Management Units (CMUs, 1997- 2009) as well as Regional project departments (1972 - 1987), technical departments (1987 - 1997), and sector departments (1997 - 2009).

Records related to the Bank's projects overseen by SAR are contained in the "Country operational records" series. These records relate to investment, structural adjustment, technical assistance and other development projects financed, co-financed, or managed by the Bank. Note that projects funded or co-funded by external bodies such as the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), national governments, and trust funds but which were executed by the Bank are also included.

Records relating to all phases of the World Bank Project Cycle, from conception through negotiation and completion, are found here. Project records contained in this fonds were created by both the unitidentified as the designated record keeping unit within the Region and, in smaller number, the Regional units that provided project support. Included are records relating to not only completed projects but also to abandoned projects (i.e. projects that were abandoned in course of preparation or that failed to gain Board approval) and suspended projects (i.e. approved projects, including those partially disbursed, which have been suspended and not resumed). Records related to the discussion and negotiationof projects that were never initiated are also included.

Correspondence files make up the bulk of the project records and relate to the identification, preparation, appraisal, negotiation, approval, supervision, fund disbursement, completion, and review of each individual project. Correspondence is in the form of letters, printed email, memoranda, telexes, and faxes. Accompanying materials most often include aide-memoires, minutes of meetings, Terms of Reference, back-to-office reports, etc. Correspondence is between the Bank and government officials, ambassadors, institutions, contractors, and consultants.

Project records may also include: Project Implementation Index File (PIIF) documents; executive project summary/project concept documents; annual progress reports; supplemental documents; Project Completion Reports (PCRs, also known as Completion Reports); consultant reports; supervision reports; andfinal versions of mandatory reports. A small amount of project-related newspaper clippings, financial statements, photographs, hand-written notes, maps, engineering plans, and copies of loan agreements and related documents may also be found as well. External documents received from borrowers, governments, consultants, etc., including studies, reports, plans, specifications, etc., are also included.

General country files are also included in the "Country operational records" series. These refer to background correspondence and other records of the Region's support activities for IBRD/IDA lending programs, other than those maintained for individual loans and credits. Records relate to economic, social, and sector work study and analysis and the development of sector and country programs, policies and strategies. Specifically, these records might relate to: capital markets; indebtedness; investment law; missions to the country; technical assistance; disbursement; government relations; inquiries; local bond issues; country liaison; programs and missions; resident representatives; Country Program Papers (CPP) preparation; and Project Implementation Review (PIR). Records relating to and filed according to the various sectors of investment are also included. In each series, sector files may include but are not limited to: agriculture; education; energy; industrial development and finance; industry; population; health; nutrition; telecommunications; tourism; transportation; urban development; water and sewage; and social development. General country file records take the form of correspondence, memoranda, minutes of meetings, notes for files, briefing papers, back-to-office reports, aide-memoires, briefing papers, and reports. Records relating to analytical and advisory activities (AAA) and the related collection of data for these activities may also be included.

Country-specific records relating to country program management are also included in the country operational record series. These records were maintained primarily by the Country Department headquarter units and were used to document Bank Group assistance planning and strategy for each country. Records may pertain to the creation of Bank reports such as: the Country Assistance Strategy (CAS); Country Briefs; Country Strategy Papers; Country Economic Memoranda; Medium Term Framework Papers; and policy statements. These records take the form of: agendas; briefings and reports of country team meetings; final versions of reports; external reports (particularly from the International Monetary Fund [IMF]); meeting summaries and notes; and background materials used in the preparation of reports. Briefing papers prepared for Annual Meetings and other reports to management may also be included.

Also included are informational records related to each country and to development issues specific to that country. Much of the topics covered in these records are focused on various development sectors. These records primarily contain externally created reference material, although a small amount of internally generated material (such as speeches and addresses and material relatedto internally sponsored conferences and seminars) may also be included. Reference materials may include: lists of government officials; information on external consultants; newspaper clippings related to country matters; press releases related to Bank and country activities; correspondence with government officials and/or ministries; and documents related to the operations of field offices in the country. Also included, in small amounts, are books, journals, magazines, articles, extracts, directories, manuals, handbooks, guides, and dissertations originating from elsewhere in the Bank Group or of external origin. Topics include common development sectors (agriculture, transportation, education, etc.) as well as: resettlement; indigenous peoples; participation; Global Environment Facility (GEF); World Bank operation policies; country politics, legislation, and economic situation; and natural resource management.

Regional operational records

Operational records related to the South Asia region are also included in this fonds. Included are the project records of projects that span more than a single country, such as the founding of new regional banks, the establishment of a common market, tourism projects, and the creation of regional infrastructure, such as roads, ports, electric power generation and telecommunications. The types of project-related records are similar to those described in the "Country operational records" series section above. Also included are general records related to economic and sectorwork study and analysis and the development of sector and regional programs, policies and strategies. In terms of topic and form, these records are similar to the general records of the country operational series described above; this includes records related to sector study and development and analytical and advisory activities (AAA). However, records relate to either the region as a whole or to multi-country areas of the region. Also included are records relating to external institutions that work together (co-financing, sector research, information sharing, reporting) with the Region; these include, for example, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the South Pacific Regional Development Bank. Also included in this series are records related to the Bank's role in the resolution of the dispute between India and Pakistan over the use of water resources in the Indus Basin.

External aid coordination

Series consists of records relating to the development and implementation of aid coordination activities not specific to projects, such as cofinancing arrangements, donor meetings, consultative group meetings, and Country Team meetings. Records originate in country and sector departments and relate to cooperative relationships between the Bank Group and donors, cofinanciers, development agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and other concerned organizations. Specifically, records may relate to: collaborative development assistance; consultative groups and meetings; Bank-sponsored seminars and conferences; cofinancing and trust funds; the Consultant Trust Fund Program (CTFP); and external funding for consultants. Records may include: copies of agreements and other legal documents; initiating briefs; reports and memoranda concerning disbursement of cofinanced funds; periodic reports to cofinanciers; and other related materials.

The series contains records documenting the establishment, proceedings and activities of the consortia, aid and consultative groups convened and chaired by the Bank to coordinate external financial assistance and which the Bank provided secretarial support to. Includes India Consortium (1958), Pakistan Consortium (1960), Ceylon - Sri Lanka Aid Group (1965), Bangladesh Aid Group (1974) Burma Aid Group (1976), Nepal Aid Group (1976), Maldives Consultative Group (1984) and Timor Leste Consultative Group (1999). The groups met bi-annually for several successive years, some continuing over decades as in the case of the India Consortium which met until 1993 when it evolved into the India Development Forum and was constituted as an annual meeting to include private investors.

Aid coordination group files contain a large body of correspondence between the country department staff, the chairman who was typically the Area or Country Director but on occasion was the Bank Vice President or Regional Vice President, and members of the consortia and consultative groups including the recipient country. Correspondence includes copies of outgoing memoranda and letters, cables, original letters from member government officials (some addressed to the Bank President), notes to the file, minutes of pre-consultative group meetings, sector, and/or local meetings organized by country staff in between consultative group meetings, and drafts of documents. Topics covered by the correspondence include policies and practices of the consortia, consultative group or aid group; its origins and establishment; changes in membership or participation; pledges and terms of aid by donor countries; and collaboration with the International Monetary Fund and other multilateral participants or observers.

Also included are the set of official meeting documents of the earliest Bank-chaired consortia and other groups aforementioned that contain: preliminary meeting summaries, notice of meeting, agenda, list of delegates, Bank-authored or government authored memoranda or economic reports and policy papers, Chairman's report of proceedings, transcripts or verbatim proceedings, participants statements, and press release. Meeting files also contain a small amount of administrative correspondence authored by Secretary's department or the Area or Country Department concerning meeting preparations, distribution of documents, or announcements about participants in attendance of the meetings.

Department directors' project records (reference)

Project file reference copies maintained by the CD, CMU, or Sector Family directors' front office staff are also included in this fonds. These include project-related records circulated from project managers to the departments for information, monitoring, review, or input. These records are arranged by project and then, in most cases, by project cycle component or phase.

Business plan and budget management records

Fonds includes records relating to business plan and budget management (i.e. planning, implementation, monitoring, and review) activities of the Region. These records include annual budget files created by the Region's budget and administrative units as well as Business Plans covering three-year periods and Retrospective Reviews. Records relating to the budgets of Country Departments are included primarily in the form of budget reports, tools, and correspondence. Budget records created by both the Regional VP and Country Departments relating to country field offices are included (these offices also go by the names "resident mission" or "country office"). Records related to the quarterly VP Business Review Meetings are also included.

Management and oversight of unit functions

Records relating to the management and oversight of the Region's country and technical departments' functional responsibilities, work program, and policy development are included in this fonds. Topics include: work program development; unit policy and procedures; agency structure and organization; management improvement studies; coordination and direction; departmental reviews; Regional objectives and operational directives; and staffing. Records include: work program agreements and monthly reports; research program materials; general correspondence; various task force records including some final reports; unit reviews; procedural and budget guides; management team meeting records; management retreats; records related to the 1991 reorganization of the Asia Region and subsequent reorganization of the Technical Departments; and general correspondence.

VP Chronological files

Fonds includes the chronological files of the Region's VP Mieko Nishimizu for the years 1997 to 1999. (See 5.3 of this description for the locationof other SAR VP chronological files.)

Front office administration and oversight of field offices

Fonds also includes those records maintained in the Region's front office relating to the administration and management of the Region's field offices. Records may include: correspondence; reports; and contracts. Records may also relate to: establishment agreements; leases; renovation; capital budget; local staff; resident representatives; mission statement; job grading; staff reassignment; Internal Auditing Department (IAD) reports; ad hoc reports related to staff issues in country offices; and other information of substantive nature.

Conferences, meetings, and seminar attendance

Fonds includes records related to the establishment, organization, and output of conferences, meetings, seminars, and training organized or attended by SAR staff. Events include externally organized conferences and seminars as well as internally organized events by Bank units. Records related to the Bank's Spring and Annual Meetingsare also included. With regard to events organized or sponsored by the Region, records may relate to identification and selection of themes, topics, and speakers in addition to other planning, administrative, and logistical topics.

Committee Records

Fonds contains records relating to a number of temporary and standing committees, task forces, working groups, etc., that establish, recommend, or monitor implementation of policy and procedures and on which the Region or its units are represented or about which they are kept informed. Committees include, among others: Committee on Regional Initiatives; Research Committee; Information Management Group. Other committees internal to the Regional VP or Country Department relate to research, briefing and sector work. Records may include terms of reference, agenda, agenda papers, decisions, member lists, supporting or background documentation, and minutes and reports.

Front Office Reference Material

A variety of front office reference material is included in this fonds. Topics include: development (including specific sector work); regional economic and political issues; corruption; governance; Bank-Fund collaboration; Bank operations; information technology; communications; privatization and private sector development; cofinancing; human resources; the Quality Assurance Group (QAG); World Development Report (WDR); and World Debt Tables. Records take the form of: photocopied articles; Bank-authored reports including task force reports; Bank Executive Director memoranda; reports from external institutions; workshop publications; and seminar reports. Records received from other Bank Vice Presidencies are also included.

Briefing books

Series also consists of briefing books prepared for senior officials created by SAR units. Briefing books included were prepared for both SAR senior officials as well as other senior Bank staff in preparation for visits to South Asian countries as well as for meetings and seminars. Briefing books commonly contain: program of country visit; country overview; World Bank Group activities; visit and meeting briefs; project meeting briefs; as well as other World Bank authored reports which serve as background information.

South Asia Regional Vice Presidency

Records of the Latin America and Caribbean Regional Vice Presidency

  • Fonds
  • 1947-2008

This fonds consists of records created by the departments and vice presidencies that were responsible for World Bank operations in Central and South America and the Caribbean.

Country operational records

The majority of the records of this fonds are country operational records. These records broadly consist of project records relating to the negotiation and administration of loans and general country records relating to economic and sector study. These records were created by Area Departments (1947-1972), Country Departments (CDs, 1972-1997) and Country Management Units (CMUs, 1997-) as well as Regional project departments (1972 - 1987), technical departments (1987 - 1997), and sector departments (1997 - ).

Project records

Records related to the Bank's projects overseen by the LCR are contained in the "Country operational records" series. These records relate to investment, structural adjustment, and other development projects financed, co-financed, or managed by the Bank. Note that projects funded or co-funded by external bodies such as the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), national governments, and trust funds and which were executed by the Bank are also included.

Information about specific projects from their conception through negotiation and completion is found in this series; records relating to all phases of the World Bank Project Cycle are included here. Project records contained in this fonds were created by both the unit identified as the designated record keeping unit within the Region and, in smaller number, the Regional units that provided project support. Included are records relating to not only completed projects but also to abandoned projects (i.e. projects that were abandoned in course of preparation or that failed to gain Board approval) and suspended projects (i.e. approved projects, including those partially disbursed, which have been suspended and not resumed). Records related to the discussion and negotiation of projects that were never initiated are also included.

Correspondence files make up the bulk of the project records and relate to the identification, preparation, appraisal, negotiation, approval, supervision, disbursement of funds, completion, and review of each individual project. Correspondence is in the form of letters, memoranda, telexes, and faxes. Accompanying materials most often include aide-memoires, minutes of meetings, Terms of Reference, back-to-office reports, etc. Correspondence is between the Bank and government officials, ambassadors, institutions, and consultants.

Project records may also include: Project Files documents; Project Implementation Index File (PIIF) documents; executive project summary/project concept documents; annual progress reports; supplemental documents; consultant reports; supervision reports; and final versions of mandatory reports. Note that reports included in this fonds are occasionally available through the Bank's Projects & Operations site. A small amount of project-related newspaper clippings, financial statements, photographs, hand-written notes, maps, engineering plans, and copies of loan agreements and related documents may also be found, as well. External documents received from borrowers, governments, consultants, etc., including studies, reports, plans, specifications, Project File documents, PIIF documents, etc., are also included.

Country Economic and Sector Work (ESW) records

General country files are also included in the "Country operational series". These refer to background correspondence and other records of the Region's support activities for IBRD/IDA lending programs, other than those maintained for individual loans and credits. These relate to economic, social, and sector work study and analysis and the development of sector and country programs, policies and strategies. Specifically, these records might relate to: capital markets; indebtedness; investment law; missions to the country; technical assistance; disbursement; government relations; inquiries; local bond issues; country liaison; programs and missions; resident representatives; Country Program Papers (CPP) preparation; and Project Implementation Review (PIR). Records relating to and filed according to the various sectors of investment are also included. In each series, sector files may include but are not limited to: agriculture; education; energy; industrial development and finance; industry; population; health; nutrition; telecommunications; tourism; transportation; urban development; water and sewage; and social development. General country filerecords take the form of correspondence, memoranda, minutes of meetings, notes for files, briefing papers, back-to-office reports, aide-memoires, briefing papers, and reports. Records relating to analytical and advisory activities (AAA) and the related collection of data for these activities may also be included.

Country-specific records relating to country program management are also included in the country operational record series. These records were maintained primarily by the Country Department headquarter units and were used to document Bank Group assistance planning and strategy for each country. Records may pertain to the creation of Bank reports such as: the Country Assistance Strategy (CAS); Country Briefs; Country Strategy Papers; Country Economic Memoranda; Medium Term Framework Papers; and policy statements. These records take the form of: agendas; briefings and reports of country team meetings; final versions of reports; and background materials used in the preparation of reports. Briefing papers prepared for Annual Meetings and other reports to management may also be included.

Also included are informational records related to each country and to development issues specific to that country. These records primarily contain externally created reference material, although a small amount of internally generated material (such as speeches and addresses and material related to internally sponsored conferences and seminars) may also be included. Reference materials may include: lists of government officials; information on external consultants; newspaper clippings related to country matters; press releases related to Bank and country activities; correspondence with government officials and/or ministries; and documents related to the operations of field offices in the country. Also included, in small amounts, are books, journals, magazines, articles, extracts, directories, manuals, handbooks, guides, and dissertations originating from elsewhere in the Bank Group or of external origin. Topics include common development sectors (agriculture, transportation, education, etc.) as well as: resettlement; indigenous peoples; participation; Global Environment Facility (GEF); World Bank operation policies; country politics, legislation, and economic situation; and natural resource management. Also includes some reports and other resources relating to countries and regions outside of Latin America.

Regional operational records

Operational records related to the Latin America & Caribbean region are also includedin this fonds. Included are the project records of projects that span more than a single country, such as the founding of new regional banks, the establishment of a common market, tourism projects, and the creation of regional infrastructure, such as roads, ports, electric power generation and telecommunications. The types of project-related records are similar to those described in the "Country operational records" series section above. Also included are general records related to economic, social and sector work study and analysis and the development of sector and regional programs, policies and strategies. In terms of topic and form, these records are similar to the general records of the country operational series described above; this includes records related to sector study and development and analytical and advisory activities (AAA). However, records relate to either the region as a whole or to multi-country areas of the region. Also included are records relating to multilateral institutions that worktogether with the Bank.

External aid coordination

Series consists of records relating to the development and implementation of aid coordination activities not specific to projects, such as cofinancing arrangements, donor meetings, consultative group meetings, and Country Team meetings. Records originate in country and sector departments and relate to cooperative relationships between the Bank Group and donors, cofinanciers, development agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and other concernedorganizations. Specifically, records may relate to: collaborative development assistance; Bank-sponsored seminars and conferences; cofinancing and trust funds; the Consultant Trust Fund Program (CTFP); and external funding for consultants. Records may include: copies of agreements and other legal documents; initiating briefs; reports and memoranda concerning disbursement of cofinanced funds; periodic reports to cofinanciers; and other related materials.

The series also contains records documenting the establishment, proceedings and activities of the consultative groups convened and chaired by the Bank to assess and coordinate external financial assistance and which the Bank provided secretarial support to. These include the Colombia Consultative Group (1962) as well as consultative groups for Brazil (1966), Peru (1966), Bolivia (1977), Honduras (1988), Guatemala (1989), El Salvador (1991), Nicaragua (1994), Haiti (1996), and Costa Rica (1998). Many of the consultative groups met bi-annually for several successive years or longer than a decade such as Colombia and Peru, with Bank staff leading smaller sector or local consultative meetings in between the bi-annual donor group meetings. Files contain a large body of correspondence between the country department staff, the chairman who was typically the Area of Country Director, and members of the consultative groups including the recipient country. Correspondence includes copies of outgoing memoranda and letters, cables, original letters from member government officials (some addressed to the Bank President), notes to the file, minutes of pre-consultative group meetings, sector, and/or local meetings organized by country staff in between consultative group meetings, and drafts of documents. Topics covered by the correspondence include policies and practices of the consultative group; its origins and establishment; changes in membership or participation; pledges and terms of aid by donor countries; and collaboration with International Monetary Fund and other multilateral participants or observers.

Also included are the set of official meeting documents of the Bank-chaired consultative groups aforementioned that contain: preliminary meeting summaries, notice of meeting, agenda, list of delegates, Bank-authored or government authored memoranda or economic reports and policy papers, Chairman's report of proceedings, transcripts or verbatim proceedings, participants statements, and press release. Meeting files also contain small amount of administrative correspondence authored by Secretary's Department or the Area or Country Department concerning meeting preparations, distribution of documents, or announcements about participants in attendance of the meetings.

There is also a smaller volume of files relating to consultative meetings of other organizations including the Guyana-led aid group and the Caribbean Group for Economic Cooperation in Development (CGCED) in which the Bank participated beginning in the early 1970s as well as CGCED sub-group consultative or other donor meetings chaired by the department.

Departmental reference materials

Reference materials maintained by Regional departments are included in this fonds. Topics include the various development sectors as well as Bank operational topics such as: project identification; loan procurement; consultants; exports; macroeconomic stability and growth; and private sector assessment.

Department directors' project records (reference)

Project file reference copies maintained by the CD and CMU directors' front office are also included in this fonds. These include project-related records circulated from project managers to the departments for information, monitoring, review, or input. These records are arranged by project and then, in most cases, by project cycle component or phase.

Departmental directors' chronological files

Also included are chronological files created and maintained by the directors of CDs and CMUs. Specifically, the records of directors from LCC7C (Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay) and LCC1C (Mexico) are included; records date from 1992 to 1998.

Business plan and budget management records

Fonds includes records relating to business plan and budget management (i.e. planning, implementation, monitoring, and review) activities of the Region. The VP's Chief Administrator's annual budget records are contained in this fonds. These records include Business Plans covering three-year periods as well as Retrospective Reviews. Multi-volume annual budget files created by the Region's budget and administrative units are also included. Records relating to the budgets of Country Departments are also included primarily in the form of correspondence and budget reports and tools. Budget records created by both the Regional VP and Country Departments relating to country field offices are included. A small number of the Region's Budget Committee records from between 1996 and 2000 are also contained in the fonds.

Management and oversight of unit functions

Records relating to the management and oversight of the Region's functional responsibilities, work program, and policy development are included in this fonds. Topics include: work program development; unit policy and procedures; agency structure and organization; management improvement studies; coordination and direction; departmental reviews; Regional objectives and operational directives; and staffing. Records include: work program agreements and monthly reports; research program materials; general correspondence; various task force records including some final reports; unit reviews; LAC evaluation and restructuring records; records of the Region's Resource Management Group; and general correspondence. Records relating to the Funding Coordinators Group (trust funds) are also included.

Front office administration and oversight of field offices

Fonds also includes those records maintained in the Region's front office relating to the activities of the Region's field offices. Records may include: correspondence; reports; and contracts. Records may also relate to: establishment agreements; leases; renovation; capital budget; local staff; resident representatives; mission statement; and other information of substantive nature. Records were created between 1978 and 1993.

VP chronological files

Fonds includes the chronological files of the Region's VP S. Shahid Hussain for the years 1990 to 1992.

Front office reference material

A variety of front office reference material is included in this fonds. This includes a collection of reports and articles created between 1987 and 1995. Topics include: development; governance; Bank-Fund collaboration; Bank operations; information technology; communications; and human resources. Records take the form of: photocopied articles; Bank-authored reports including task force reports; Bank Executive Director memoranda; reports from external institutions; workshop publications; and seminar reports. Also included are subject files of the LAC front office. Records date from 1977 to 1993 and cover a variety of topics related to sector development, operations, budget, other Bank units, and external institutions.

UNDP liaison

Fonds contains records relating to the Region's cooperation with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) with respect to development planning. Included are UNDP authored country programme records relating to LCR countries. Other reports authored by the UNDP are also included as is correspondence between the Bank concerning development activities in member countries in the Latin America and Caribbean region. Records are organized by country and date from 1981-1996. Note that project records from projects funded in whole or in part by the UNDP but executed by the Bank are included in the country and regional operational record series.


Also included are records related to the Region's communications activities. These consist of press releases authored by the World Bank dating from 1949 to 1997. Files are arranged by country and relate to: relations between the Bank and member country; projects fundedby the Bank; and other pertinent topics.

Committee records

Fonds contains records relating to a number of committees, task forces, working groups, etc., that establish, recommend, or monitor implementation of policy and procedures and on which the Region or its units are represented or about which they are kept informed. Included are the Reorganization Steering Committee (1988), Evaluation Monitoring Implementation Committee, Operational Committee, and LCR's Office of the Director Filing Project committee.

Training, seminar, and workshop planning and management

Fonds includes records related to the establishment, organization, proceedings, and output of conferences, meetings, seminars, and training organized by LCR units. Records include back-to-office reports, presentation notes and outlines, planning materials, reports, and correspondence. Many of the records relate to events undertaken in conjunction with the World Bank Institute (WBI). Records relating to training, seminars, and workshops organizedby the Region's Environment Unit (LATEN) between 1992 and 1995 are also numerous. These events were organized for both Bank staff at headquarters and at country offices as well as for member governments and other institutions and groups.

Information technology management

Also contained in this fonds are records related to the management of information technology strategy for the Region. Included are files related to regional information strategy such as the LAC Enterprise Network pilot, the LAC communications link, imaging and the IRIS system, and files on LAC modernization and restructuring.

Latin America and Caribbean Regional Vice Presidency

Records of the Middle East and North Africa Regional Vice Presidency

  • Fonds
  • 1946 - 2011

This fonds has been provisionally arranged into one sub-fonds and eight series. Sub-headings are used in this "Scope and content" field according to provisional sub-fonds and series. For a complete list of the provisional series, see the "System of Arrangement" field below.

Europe, Middle East and North Africa (EMN) operational correspondence (sub-fonds)

Records relating to regional operations in the Europe, Middle East and North Africa (EMN) region are contained in this fonds. These operations were active between 1965 and 1991 when the geographical area currently (as of 2017) located in the Middle East and North Africa (MNA) regional Vice Presidency and the Europe and Central Asia regional Vice Presidency (ECA) were combined in the single EMN. Records relate to lending operations and regional and sector studies and consist of the same type of materials described below in the country operational records series. A small amount of records relating to EMN regional policy and procedures are contained as are records relating to EMN's relationship with other multilateral institutions.

Operational records

The majority of the records in this fonds are country operational records. The "operational records" relate to the Bank's operational work overseen by the Middle East and North African (MNA) Vice Presidency and its predecessors. Records relate to investment, structural adjustment, technical assistance, and economic and sector work (ESW) financed, co-financed, and / or managed by the Bank. Note that projects financed or co-financed by external bodies such as the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), national governments, and trust funds but which were executed by the Bank are included.

The records in this fonds were created by Area Departments (1947-1972), Country Departments (CDs, 1972-1997) and Country Management Units (CMUs, 1997-2011) as well as the Economic Department (1946-1952), Technical Operations Department (TOD, 1952-1965), Projects Department (1965-1972), regional project departments (1972 - 1987), technical departments (1987 - 1997), and sector departments (1997 - 2011). See the "Administrative history" field for a history of these units and their functions. Records specifically relate to operations in countries overseen by the MNA as of 2016. The geographical area covered by MNA has remained constant since 1991 when MNA and the Europe and Central Asia region (ECA) were created out of the former Europe, Middle East, and North Africa region (EMN or EMENA). Records relating to countries in the Middle East and North Africa region created while they reported to EMN between 1968 and 1991 are also included. Note that records of regional projects or programs that span more than a single country are also included in this series.Records relating to all phases of the World Bank Project Cycle, from conception through negotiation and completion, are found in this fonds. Project records contained in this fonds were created by both the unit identified as the designated record keeping unit within the Region and, in smaller number, the regional units that provided project support and the departments and Vice President front office responsible for review. Included are records relating to not only completed projects but also to abandoned (or dropped) projects (i.e. projects that were abandoned in the course of preparation or that failed to gain Board approval) and suspended projects (i.e. approved projects, including those partially disbursed, which were suspended and not resumed). Records related to the discussion and negotiation of projects that were never initiated are also included.

Correspondence files make up the bulk of the project records and relate to the identification, preparation, appraisal, negotiation, approval, supervision, fund disbursement, completion, and review of each individual project. Correspondence is in the form of letters, printed email, memoranda, telexes, and faxes. Accompanying materials most often include aide-memoires, minutes of meetings, Terms of Reference, and back-to-office reports. Correspondence is between Bank staff and government officials, ambassadors, institutions, contractors, and consultants.

Project records may also include: Project Implementation Index File (PIIF) documents; executive project summary/project concept documents; annual progress reports; supplemental documents; Project Completion Reports (PCRs, also known as Completion Reports); consultant reports; supervision reports; and final versions of mandatory reports. A small amount of project-related newspaper clippings, financial statements, photographs, hand-written notes, maps, engineering plans, and copies of loan agreements and related documents may also be found. External documents received from borrowers, contractors, consultants, etc., including studies, reports, plans, specifications, PIIF documents, etc., are also included.

General country files are also included in the "operational records". These refer to correspondence (often in the form of chronological files), topical and subject files, and other records related to IBRD/IDA lending programs, other than those maintained for individual loans and credits. Records relate to economic, social, and sector work studies and research, analysis, and the development of sector and country programs, policies, and strategies. Specifically, these records might relate to: capital markets; indebtedness; investment law; missions to the country; technical assistance; disbursement; government relations; inquiries; local bond issues; cofinancing; consultative groups; aid groups; country liaison; resident representatives; and Country Program Papers (CPP) preparation. Records relating to and filed according to the various sectors of investment are also included. In each series, country sector topics may include but are not limited to: agriculture; education; energy; industrial development and finance; industry; population; health; nutrition; telecommunications; tourism; transportation; urban development; water and sewage; governance; public sector development; private sector development; and social development. General country file records take the form of correspondence, memoranda, minutes of meetings, notes, back-to-office reports, aide-memoires, briefing papers, and reports. Records relating to other analytical and advisory activities (AAA) and the related collection of data for these activities may also be included. These records may include research material in the form of surveys and spreadsheets and guides created or used for analysis or processing of data.

Country-specificrecords relating to country program management are also included in the "operational records". These records were maintained primarily by the Country Department headquarter units and were used to document Bank Group assistance planning and strategy for each country. Records may relate to the creation of Bank reports such as: the Country Assistance Strategy (CAS); Country Briefs; Country Strategy Papers; Country Economic Memoranda; Medium Term Framework Papers; and policy statements. Records related to country Task Forces, such as the one undertaken for Gaza and the West Bank in the early 1990s, are also included. Country-specific records relating to country program management may take the form of: agendas; briefings and reports of country team meetings; final versions of reports; consultant reports on specific sector or project issues; meeting summaries and notes; and background materials used in the preparation of reports.

Also included in this fonds are informational records related to each country and to development issues specific to that country. Many of the topics covered in these records are focused on the various development sectors. These records primarily contain externally created reference material, although a small amount of internally generated material (such as press releases, speeches and addresses, and material related to internally sponsored conferences and seminars) may also be included. Reference materials may include: lists of government officials; information on external consultants; newspaper clippings related to country matters; press releases related to Bank and country activities; correspondence with government officials and/or ministries; and records related to the activities of field offices in the country. Also included, in small amounts, are books, journals, magazines, articles, extracts, directories, manuals, handbooks, guides, and dissertations originating from elsewhere in the Bank Group or of external origin. Topics may include common development sectors (agriculture, transportation, education, etc.) as they relate to specific countries as well as: resettlement; indigenous peoples; participation[AM2]; Global Environment Facility (GEF); World Bank operation policies; country politics; legislation and economic situation; debt; cofinancing, trust funds, and small grants programs; and natural resource management.

Conferences, seminar, and training organization and/or attendance

Fonds includes records related to the conferences, meetings, seminars, and training sessions organized or attended by MNA staff. Records may relate to events planned by various organizational units within the Vice Presidency, including Country Departments. Records may relate to the identification and selection of themes, topics, speakers and / or participants. Fonds may also include: proposals; reports; transcripts; copies of invitations and brochures; administrative arrangements; and course development and training materials.

Records related to MNA staff attendance at the World Bank's Annual and Spring meetings are also included.

External aid coordination and multilateral development assistance

Fonds consists of records relating to the development and implementation of strategies for cofinancing and other instances of development coordination with bilateral and multilateral organizations. Records relate to cooperative relationships between the Bank Group and donors, cofinanciers, development agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), multilateral and bilateral organizations (government agencies, United Nations Development Programme [UNDP], Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development [OECD], etc.), and other partner organizations. Specifically, records may relate to: collaborative development assistance; Bank-sponsored seminars and conferences; and external funding for consultants. In addition to correspondence, records may include: copies of agreements and other legal documents; initiating briefs; reports and memoranda concerning disbursement of cofinanced funds; periodic reports to cofinanciers; trust fund audits; and other related materials.

The series also contains records documenting the establishment, proceedings and activities of the consultative groups and aid groups convened and chaired by the Bank to coordinate external financial assistance and which the Bank provided secretarial support to. These include Consultative Groups for Tunisia (1962), Morocco (1967), Egypt (1977), Jordan (1993), Lebanon (1993), West Bank and Gaza Strip (1994), and Yemen (1997). The early consultative groups typically met bi-annually for several successive years or for longer than a decade, with Bank staff leading smaller sector or local consultative meetings in between the bi-annual donor group meetings. Files contain a large body of correspondence between the country department staff, the chairman who was typically the Area or Country Director but on occasion was the Regional Vice President, and donor members of the consultative groups including the recipient country. Correspondence includes copies of outgoing memoranda and letters, cables, original letters from member government officials (some addressed to the Bank President), notes to the file, minutes of pre-consultative group meetings, sector, and/or local meetings, and drafts of documents. Topics covered by the correspondence include policies and practices of the consultative groups; its origins and establishment; changes in membership or participation; pledges and terms of aid by donor countries; and collaboration with International Monetary Fund and other multilateral participants or observers.

Also included are the set of official meeting documents of the earliest Bank-chaired consultative groups for Tunisia and Morocco and other countries aforementioned that contain: preliminary meeting summaries, notice of meeting, agenda, list of delegates, Bank-authored or government authored memoranda or economic reports and policy papers, Chairman's report of proceedings, transcripts or verbatim proceedings, participants statements, and press release. Meeting files also contain small amount of administrative correspondence authored by Secretary's department or the Area or Country Department concerning meeting preparations, distribution of documents, or announcements about participants in attendance of the meetings.

There is also a smaller volume of files relating to donor meetings chaired by the department, as well as consultative meetings or roundtables chaired by other organizations outside of the Bank including the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in which the Bank participated.

VP Subject files

Fonds contains the subject and informational records of Middle East and North Africa (MNA) Vice Presidents including Caio Koch-Weser. Records include those collected or produced relating to committees, task forces, and working groups of which the VP participated in, or contributed to, as well as conferences the VP or the VP's Front Office attended. Country files maintained by the VP (including back-to-office reports) may be included as well as reference material on a variety of topics. Records include correspondence and internal memoranda as well as country and thematic briefs and meeting materials. A small amount of speeches made by the MNA Vice President may also be included.

VP Correspondence

Fonds includes the chronological correspondence files of a number of MNA Vice Presidents, including: Caio Koch-Weser; Kermal Davis, and Jean-Louis Sarbib.

Departmental Communications and Support

Fonds also consists of briefing books prepared for senior World Bankofficials in preparation for visits to Middle Eastern and North African countries as well as for participation in meetings, seminars, and speeches. Briefing books were created by MNA units including VP front office staff and were prepared for MNA senior officials as well as for other senior Bank staff including World Bank presidents and Executive Directors. Briefing books commonly contain: program of country visit; background profiles on country leaders and officials; talking points; country overview; World Bank Group activities; visit and meeting briefs; project meeting briefs; and other World Bank authored reports which serve as background information. In some files, travel information accompanies or forms part of the briefing books.

Business plan and budget management records

Fonds includes records relating to the business plan and budget management activities (i.e. planning, implementation, monitoring, and review) of the Region. Records may originate in the VP's Front Office or in the VP's country orsector departments. Records may include: annual budget files created by the Region's budget and administrative units; Business Plans covering three-year periods; and Retrospective and Mid-Year Reviews. Records relating to the budgets of country and technical departments are included primarily in the form of correspondence and budget reports and tools.

Management and oversight of unit functions

Records relating to the management and oversight of the Region's country and technical departments' functionalresponsibilities and policy development are included in this fonds. Topics may include: work program development; unit policy and procedures; agency structure and organization; management improvement studies; field office management; VP-wide coordination and direction; departmental reviews; management retreats; regional objectives and operational directives; staff surveys; and staffing. Records may include: work program agreements; monthly reports and operational summaries; research program materials; various task force records including some final reports; unit reviews; management team meeting records; World Bank procedures and guidelines; and general correspondence including those disseminated from the MNAVP to VP staff.

Middle East and North Africa Regional Vice Presidency

Records of the Agriculture and Rural Development Sector

  • Fonds
  • 1970 - 1998

The content of this fonds reflects a very small portion of the work of the Agriculture and Rural Development Sector. Subject files of the director of the Economics and Policy Division, of the forestry and fisheries specialists, and of the irrigation engineering adviser are included. Of these, the records relating to forestry are the most complete and have good potential for research use, as do the records of water policy found in both the records of the irrigation and drainage seminars and in the fisheries records. Records relating to UNDP projects executed by AGR are also included.

Agriculture and Rural Development Sector

Donated materials collection

  • Fonds
  • 1950 - 1991

A number of individuals have donated to the World Bank Group Archives small quantities of material about the history of the Bank. All of the donations in this fonds are less than four inches in size (the size of a standard archival box). For convenience of reference the Archives has grouped them in this fonds. Donations of the size of an archival box or larger are found listed as separate fonds.

The materials are principally drafts of papers. They range from a paper by W. Frank Blair, which a former Bank historian believes is probably the first mention of ecology in the Bank; to a taped narrative of William Bennett's flight from Egypt in 1967; to a series of reminiscences by A.D. Spottswood covering his work from Peru to Ethiopia to Thailand.

Donated Materials Collection

Records of the Population, Health, and Nutrition Sector

  • Fonds
  • 1963-2001 (predominant 1972 - 2000)

The fonds contains records predominantly created between 1972 and 2000 by the Population, Health and Nutrition Sector. A small portion of records that date from 1963 are external reports and other material used for background reference by department staff. While sector records were maintained in the Bank-wide centralized filing system from the early years of operations in the 1940s until mid-1987 and some of these records remain part of the Central Files fonds, departments often kept separate working files. It is primarily the working files of the Population, Health, and Nutrition Sector that comprise the records in this fonds, along with records created after 1987 when recordkeeping responsibilities were turned over to the records-creating offices. See the arrangement note below for more information about the centralized files.

The records reflect the range of the sector's functional responsibilities including: producing studies and publications; policy development; operational support to the Regions regarding quality review of Bank projects; maintaining Bank partnerships and sponsorship of joint programs with United Nations agencies and other multilateral and private-sector organizations; managing and monitoring global trust funds; and participation or organization of conferences, training, and other learning events.

Population, Health, and Nutrition Sector

Records of the Private Sector Development and Infrastructure Vice Presidency

  • Fonds
  • 1997 - 2003

The fonds includes budget, business plan, and work program records from the Private Sector Development Department (PSD) units mapped into PSIVP in 1999, and similar records for PSD's successor of the Private Sector Advisory Services (PSAS).

Private Sector Development and Infrastructure Vice Presidency

Resource Mobilization

  • Fonds
  • 1966 - 2010

Records of the VP Front Office

The fonds includes Front Office records for the following vice presidents: Teruyuki Ohuchi, Vice President of Cofinancing (VPCOF) from 1982 to 1986; Kunihiko Inakage, VPCOF/COFVP from 1986 to 1989; Koji Kashiwaya, Vice President of Cofinancing and Financial Advisory Services (CFSVP) from 1989 to 1994; and Hiroo Fukui, CFSVP and Vice President of Resource Mobilization and Cofinancing (RMCVP) from 1994 to 1999. The records include incoming and outgoing chronological correspondence files for each vice president. The records also consist of subject files, including correspondence, internal memoranda, and reports related to the functions, activities, and administration of the VPCOF, CFSVP, and the RMCVP. The records also include external liaison records consisting of: travel arrangement records; briefing books; back-to-office reports; Terms of Reference; and meeting minute and agenda records for liaison with donors or other external organizations.

Budget and planning

The fonds includes budget, work program, and business plan records for the Vice President of Cofinancing (VPCOF), the Vice President of Cofinancing and Financial Advisory Services (CFSVP), and the Vice President of Resource Mobilization and Cofinancing (RMCVP) from 1987 to 1999. These records contain: correspondence; monthly budget reports; mid-year review reports; task budget reports; equipment budget reports; budget guidelines; prospective budget summaries; accrual and charges budget reports; reports regarding staffing and recruitment; work programs by unit; VP strategic compact summaries; and VP business plans.

Records of Cofinancing directors, advisers, and staff

The fonds consists of records of cofinancing directors, managers, advisers, and senior level staff who served in the front office or in higher level roles in the Senior Vice President of Operations (SVPOP), the Vice President of Cofinancing (VPCOF/COFVP), the Vice President of Cofinancing and Financial Advisory Services (CFSVP), and the Vice President of Resource Mobilization and Cofinancing (RMCVP) from 1981 to 1996. The records include incoming and outgoing correspondence, memoranda, and reports that cover an extensive range of cofinancing related topics, programs, functions, and activities. Records are included for the following directors, managers, and advisers: Frank Vibert, Senior Adviser of Cofinancing for SVPOP and VPCOF from 1981 to 1987; Waman S. Tambe, Cofinancing Adviser Export Credit Agencies of VPCOF/COFVP and CFSVP from 1984 to 1991; John Shilling, Economic Adviser of VPCOF and Manager of the Financial Advisory Services Group (CFSFA) from 1985 to 1991; Sanjivi Rajasingham, Adviser of North American Resources for the Private Cofinancing Group (CFSPC) from 1988 to 1990; John Taylor, Manager of the Cofinancing Group (CFSCO) from 1989 to 1991; Ibrahim Elwa, Manager of the Private Sector Development Group (CFSPS) from 1990 to 1991; Kenichi Ohashi, Adviser to CFSVP from 1989 to 1991; John Niehuss, Director of CFSVP from 1990 to 1991; Inder Sud, Director of CFSVP from 1992 to 1995; Rom Chopra, Director CFSVP and later Cofinancing and Project Finance Department (CAP) from 1995 to 1996; Anthony Toft, Financial Adviser of CFSFA from 1990 to 1991; Salem Gafsi, Manager of the Official Cofinancing and Trust Funds Group (CFSOC) from 1990 to 1992; Kyung Soon Sung, Adviser to CFSVP from 1991 to 1995; and Ulrich Kiermayr, Cofinancing Adviser for Official Aid Agencies of VPCOF/COFVP and CFSVP from 1982 to 1992. Similar records are also included for other senior level cofinancing advisers and financial officers, including: Jamil Saghir, 1990 to 1994; Gian Spota, 1990-1992; Ulrich Zachau, 1989 to 1993; John Bowlin, 1986 to 1992; M. Fedder, 1990 to 1991; Hortensia Hill, 1985 to 1990; Christina Kappaz, 1992 to 1994; and Fredrick Schwartz, 1990 to 1992.

Operational cofinancing support

The fonds includes records related to the CFSVP's various subordinate units responsible for operational support of cofinancing related to projects in the Bank's regional departmentsfrom 1989 to 1995. This includes operational support in the areas of: official and private sector cofinancing; technical support and advisory services to regions in country debt management and restructuring; privatization; and private sector development. The records are related to the development of projects initiated by the CFSVP and Bank regional departments. The records focus on the following phases of project development: identification, pre-appraisal, appraisal, project preparation, and negotiation.The records include: project-related documents; correspondence; appraisal reports; back-to-office reports of CFSVP units and regional departments; copies of loan or credit agreements; internal memoranda; correspondence with member governments, consultants, and other external sources; and briefing notes.

Cofinancing conferences, seminars, and training workshops

This fonds includes records related to cofinancing related conferences, seminars, and training workshops organized or attended by staff from theVice President of Cofinancing (VPCOF) and its successor the Vice President of Cofinancing and Financial Advisory Services (CFSVP) from 1987 to 1996. The records include: staff papers, speeches, and publications; teaching materials used at seminars and conferences; information concerning externally sponsored events; research projects and studies undertaken by cofinancing staff, including drafts and final versions along with staff comments; cofinancing publications; informational brochures; and leaflets.

Cofinancing arrangement and administration

The fonds includes records related to the various types of cofinancing arrangements, programs, and projects of the Vice President of Cofinancing (VPCOF), the Cofinancing and Financial Advisory Services Vice Presidency (CFSVP), and the Resource Mobilization and Cofinancing Vice Presidency (RMCVP).

This includes records related to the establishment and maintenance of cofinancing arrangements between the Bank and official cofinanciers (e.g. bilateral government agencies, multilateral development agencies, and multilateral development banks). The records were maintained by the following responsible units: the VPCOF from 1984 to 1989; the Official Cofinancing Group (CFSOC) of CFSVP from 1989 to 1992; the Official Cofinancing and Trust Fund Management Group (CFSOC) of CFSVP from 1992 to 1996; the Official Cofinancing and Trust Funds Group (CAPOC) of the RMCVP from 1996 to 1998; and the Trust Fund and Cofinancing Department (TFC) of RMCVP from 1998 to 1999. The records include files arranged by region, country, or official cofinancing agency related to projects cofinanced by the Bank and an official cofinancier. Each file may contain: correspondence between official cofinanciers and Bank staff; internal memoranda; briefing notes for meetings with official cofinanciers; background records related to cofinanced projects; Cofinancing Framework Agreements or Loan Agreements for cofinanced projects; records related to consultation meetings with official cofinanciers; back-to-office reports; Terms of Reference; lists of potential official cofinancing projects; and records related to meetings with a country's Executive Director or Finance Minister related to proposed cofinanced projects. The official cofinancing records also include official cofinancing seminar records, training materials, and publications related to official cofinancing.

The records also consist of materials related to the establishment and maintenance of export credit agency (ECAs) cofinancing arrangements of the VPCOF and successor units of the Financial Advisory Services Group (CFSFA) and the Project Financing Group (CFSPF) of CFSVP from 1984 to 1993. The records consist of correspondence, meeting minutes and agenda, and reports related to liaison and relationships with export credit agencies in various member countries. More specifically, the records include: correspondence and reports of the major export credit agencies of various member countries; correspondence and reports of umbrella organizations such as the Berne Union, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), and the European Commission (EC); correspondence and reports detailing IBRD policies in regard to ECAs; funding requests, creditor reports, project reports, and reports on debt; offers by ECAs to provide financing for projects; information on various financial instruments, most notably the Export Credit Enhanced Leverage (EXCEL) program. The records also include agenda, minutes, and reports from the bi-annual meetingof the ECAs.

The records also include project finance transaction records of the VPCOF as well as successor units CFSFA and CFSPF located in CFSVP from 1984 to 1995. The records are related to private cofinancing arrangements (e.g. commercial banks), and management of privately cofinanced projects, primarily infrastructure and private sector development projects. The records include: internal memoranda; internal and external reports related to a project; project documents; consultant reports and documents; Procurement Technical Notes (PTN); copies of project cofinancing agreements and other legal documents; operations policy statements related to cofinancing procurement; procurement guidelines; back-to-office reports; Terms of Reference; records related to meetings with private cofinanciers and member countries; correspondence between Bank staff and private cofinanciers; and consultation meeting records with private cofinanciers and member countries.

Lastly, records relate to CFSFA's and CFSPF's involvement in negotiating and administering debt reduction programs for member countries from 1988 to 1996. The records consists of: correspondence between the member country government asking for assistance, and the formal response from IBRD; an initiating memoranda from the Region to the Regional VP, with background information; a presentation to the Board of Executive Directors requesting a technical assistance grant; procurement records for legal and financial advisors; grant agreement from the Board; mission reports; back-to-office reports; report from the government, based on the technical assistance mission, on restructuring debt; CFSFA and CFSPF meetings and correspondence with donors to negotiate funding; report to the Executive Directors Board to obtain IBRD funding; member country offering to its creditors and the creditors' responses; all required legal records between the government, creditors and IBRD; and a final audit report of the debt restructuring.

Cofinancing policy development and research

The fonds includes records of the Financial Advisory Services Group (CFSFA) and its successor the Project Financing Group (CFSPF) of the CFSVP related to their involvement in the development and research of Bank Group policies and procedures on various cofinancing topics. The records include: internal correspondence and memoranda; draft operational policies and bank procedures; background research materials; back-to-office reports; Terms of Reference; working papers; studies; and papers and memoranda prepared for the Board of Executive Directors. The records cover a wide range of topics, including: capital markets; Expanded Cofinancing Operations (ECO); Guarantee Policies and Procedures; the Export Credit Enhanced Leverage (EXCEL) Program; the IDA Debt Reduction Facility; the Portfolio Management Task Force (Wapenhans Committee); Private Sector Development; and Trust Funds Management Working Group.

Records of the Office of the Director of the Resource Mobilization Department (FRMDR)

The fonds includes the records of the Office of the Director for the Resource Mobilization Department (FRMDR) from 1987 to 2006. This includes records maintained by the following FRM Directors: Bavil Kavalasky 1987 to 1992; Paula Donovan 1993 to 1998; Geoffrey Lamb 1999 to 2002; and Philippe Le Houerou from 2003 to 2006. The records of the FRMDR include incoming and outgoing chronological correspondence for each director. The records also contain subject files consisting of correspondence, internal memoranda, papers, and reports related to the FRM functions and activities, Bank institutional policies and activities, and other departmental matters. Subject files cover a wide variety of topics, including some the following: multilateral development banks (MDBs); export credit agencies (ECAs); external grants; technical assistance; the Gulf Crisis; the Brandt Commission; the Future Role of the Bank Task Force; proposals on the World Bank's Bank; the Bank's 50th Anniversary; the Fifth Dimension Program; IBRD capital adequacy; General Capital Increase (GCI); Special Capital Increase (SCI); IBRD accounting; commitment fees; disbursements; communications with Executive Directors and the Office of the President (EXC); papers prepared for the Board of Executive Directors; factors affecting IDA; the Global Environment Facility (GEF); Maintenance of Value (MOV); the Paris Club; IDA replenishments; IDA Reflows; the Wapenhans Report; African debt; Annual Meetings; IDA foreign exchange; and exposure management.

IDA replenishment administration

The fonds includes records created in the administration and support of IDA Replenishment negotiations. The IDA replenishment records were maintained by the following units: the Financial Analysis Division (PABFA) of the Programming and Budgeting Department (PAB); the Financial Studies Division (FPAFS) of the Financial Policy and Analysis Department (FPA); the Replenishment Operations Unit (FRMRO) of the Resource Mobilization Department (FRM); and the IDA Resource Mobilization Department (CFPIR). The records cover IDA2 to IDA15 Replenishment negotiations from 1966 to 2009.

The records include materials prepared to help facilitate IDA replenishment negotiations, including: memoranda prepared for the Executive Directors, IDA Deputies, the Bank President, and senior staff related to IDA replenishment negotiations; policy and discussion papers prepared for meetings with the Bank's Board of Executive Directors, the Board of Governors, and IDA Deputies, which cover numerous topics such as burden sharing, sectoral programs, country allocations, additions to IDA, IDA reflows, IDA Arrears, etc; draft reports and resolutions for IDA replenishment; implementation arrangement reports related to procedures for IDA replenishment; and briefing books prepared for Deputies Meetings for IDA Replenishments. The records also include: background papers on past IDA negotiations; notice of IDA meeting announcements; list of IDA Deputies; memoranda, correspondence, and technical notes that summarize IDA Deputies meeting discussions; chairman reports from the IDA Deputies meetings; minutes and agenda of IDA Deputies meetings; transcripts and audio-cassette recordings of IDA Deputies meetings; and records related to informal meetings with IDA Deputies.

The IDA replenishment records also includes voting rights, capital subscription, donor contributions, encashment, commitment, legal, accounting, and IDA reflow records produced as a result of IDA replenishment negotiations, and subsequent implementation of IDA replenishment resources. Specifically, the records include: IDA voting rights and power records, which include reports, memoranda, and Board papers on the review and adjustment of IDA members voting rights and power after each replenishment, changes to voting rights and power, legal background, current voting rights system, proposals, discussion notes, and voting rights and power of smaller countries; monthly commitment authority reports, which include introductory memoranda and tables showing the status of IDA contributions and resources available for commitment; IDA donor subscription correspondence; IDA subscription and accounting records, including letters from the Bank requesting note deposits for installment payments, vouchers, note substitution requests, copies of promissory notes, letters and telexes acknowledging receipt of non-negotiable promissory notes, cash receipts regarding note encashment, notification of transfer of funds, and accounting ledgers; IDA call letters, notifications, and encashment records, which include correspondence, call letters requesting release of funds for IDA note encashment, projections and schedule tables of encashment contributions, and letters to IDA countries notifying them of overdue payments and quarterly calls; IDA reflows reports; IDA disbursement projections reports; mid-year reports on IDA replenishments; and subscription history of IDA members.

The records also includes materials related to the establishment and replenishment negotiations of the global programs of the Special Facility for Africa (SFA) and the Global Environment Facility (GEF). The SFA records include materials maintained by FPAFS of FPA, and FRMRO of FRM from 1985 to 1989. SFA records include: drafts and copies of the resolution of the Executive Directors of the IDA on the Establishment of the SFA from 1985; technical notes prepared for senior staff related to SFA issues; donor meeting minutes, agenda, opening remarks, and summaries of donor meetings; Chairman reports for SFA donor meetings; records related to donor contributions to SFA; SFA press communiques; records related to guidelines and procedures for SFA; IDA8 replenishment negotiations records related to SFA; background papers on SFA grant recipient countries; copies of cofinancing agreements with donor countries for SFA; proposals to extend SFA; SFA quarterly financial statements; SFA progress reports; SFA publications; calls and notifications regarding encashment of funds for SFA; requests for payments; SFA disbursement reports; SFA projection tables; Board papers submitted to the Board of Executive Directors requesting termination of SFA; correspondence and memoranda related to termination of the SFA in 1989; and Board of Executive Directors meeting minutes and agenda regarding SFA.

Records related to the establishment and replenishment negotiations of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) maintained by the FRMRO of FRM are also included for the years 1989 to 1999. The GEF records include: copies of Board papers; discussionpapers; reports and memoranda related to funding for GEF; talking points for meetings on the environment; reports on discussions at Board meetings related to the environment; transcripts of GEF meetings; and agenda and meeting minutes. Specific topics of the records cover natural gas, forestry, the Montreal Protocol, technical assistance for the environment, and funding for GEF.

IDA country strategy development and advisement

The fonds consists of records dating from 1987 to 1997 that relate to the Resource Mobilization Department's (FRM) involvement in the development of country strategies. This involved advising the Bank's Operations Committee and senior staff on country strategies. The records contain: policy framework papers; Board papers, including IDA Board papers on technical assistance; country strategy papers; briefings for meetings of the President's Council; reports on sector adjustment operations; progress reports on sector adjustment credits; IMF reports; and credit and project progressreports.

Third Window feasibility, projections, and analysis

In 1975, the Bank launched the Intermediate Financing Facility ("Third Window"), an interest subsidy fund created to mobilize and leverage limited concessional funds from donors. This fund was created due to constrained availability of lending and donor resources prompted by the 1970s oil crisis. The fonds includes records related to the original "Third Window", and feasibility studies, projections, and analysis for a second "Third Window" fund. The records were maintained by the Replenishment Policy Division (FRMRP) of the Resource Mobilization Department (FRM) from 1987 to 1996 (background records are also included from the 1960s to the 1980s). The records are related to the projections and analysis of the feasibility of a third window lending. The records include: background records related to the first Intermediate Financing Facility ("Third Window") launched in the 1970s; draft reports with comments; final reports; copies of Executive Director Board papers; computer printouts; projection tables; internal memoranda; and other internal communications regarding projections and analysis of the feasibility of a third window lending to provide funds on terms and conditions between the near market terms for IBRD funds and the concessional terms for IDA funds.

Trust fund program management and support

The fonds includes records related to the life cycle (establishment, implementation, evaluation, and financial management) of trust fund programs. The trust funds were managed by the followings units: the Vice President of Cofinancing (VPCOF) from 1984 to 1989; the Official Cofinancing Group (CFSOC) of CFSVP from 1989 to 1992; the Official Cofinancing and Trust Fund Management Group (CFSOC) of CFSVP from 1992 to 1996; the Official Cofinancing and Trust Funds Group (CAPOC) from 1996 to 1998 of the RMCVP; the Trust Fund and Cofinancing Department (TFC) of RMCVP from 1998 to 2001; the Trust Funds Operations Department (TFO), the Trust Fund Strategy and Donor Relations Department (TFS), and the Global Partnership Programs (GPP) of RMCVP and the CFPVP from 2001 to 2008; and the Global Partnerships and Trust Fund Operations (CFPTO) of the CFPVP from 2008 to 2010.

The records include management and support records maintained by the program managers and administrators of various trust fund programs. Included are trust fund program management records of grants for the Consultant Trust Fund (CTF) Program, the Policy and Human Resource Development (PHRD) Fund, Global Partnership Programs (e.g. Development GrantFacility [DGF]), and other special trust fund programs. The majority of the trust fund records focus on the technical assistance trust fund programs of PHRD and CTF, and the global program and partnership trust fund of DGF.

The records of the Policy and Human Resources Development (PHRD) Fund (formerly the Japanese Grant Facility) include correspondence, reports, legal, and financial management records related to PHRD grants. The PHRD records were maintained by VPCOF, CFSOC, CAPOC, TFC, and TFO from 1984 to 2006. The records generally include specific PHRD project implementation files consisting of the following types of records: correspondence between the Bank and the Government of Japan; PHRD technical assistance funding proposals; PHRD implementation reports; contract for consultant services; Terms of Reference; Japanese grant agreements with grant recipient country; correspondence with the Regional departments regarding implementation and disbursement; policies and guidelines related to PHRD grants; records related to monitoring of compliance with the grant terms; and records of quarterly PHRD Fund Tranche budgets.

The records also consist of material related to the management and support of trust fund grants of the Consultant Trust Fund (CTF) Program maintained by VPCOF, CFSOC, CAPOC, TFC, and TFO from 1974 to 2006 (predominantly 1985 to 2006). The records include correspondence, reports, legal, and financial records between the World Bank, participating donor countries, and the grant recipient. The CTF records generally include country files with the following types of records: Initiating Briefs for Trust Funds (IBTF); Cofinancing Framework Agreements; CTF Agreements; Memoranda of Understanding between the Bank and donor country; the CTF funding request from Regional Division Chiefs; Terms of Reference; back to office reports; terms and conditions of the grant; briefing notes prepared for donor countries; letters of appointment; reports to the donors describing the disbursement of funds; list of CTF allocations; internal reports on each trust fund; daily reports on each trust fund; semi-annual and annual donor consultation reports; mid-year reports; evaluation reports; agenda and meeting minutes for semi-annual and annual donor consultation meetings; financial reconciliation reports; CTF pledges and cash receipts; CTF grant entries for the Grant Reporting and Monitoring System (GRMS); requests for consultants; lists of consultants; guidelinesand policies for CTF grants; and CTF summary reports for earmarked uses of trust funds.

The records also include material related to the Development Grant Facility (DGF) maintained by TFC and its successor TFO from 1985 to 2006 (predominantly 1997 to 2006; some reference records predate establishment of DGF in 1997). The DGF records include: records related to the strategy and procedures of the DGF; DGF publications; DGF Council meeting records, which include minutes, agenda, and discussion notes; records prepared for or part of meeting with the Bank's Board of Executive Directors, including Board papers, discussion notes, minutes, agenda, technical briefings, and Memoranda to Executive Directors for Annual Review of DGF; records related to meetings with the Bank's Network vice presidencies focused on proposed grants for sector partnerships and projects; records related to DGF eligibility criteria; legal agreements for DGF grant programs and projects; DGF procurement guidelines; records related to meetings of the Special Grant Committee for the Special Grants Facility Program; DGF unallocated funds, savings, carryovers, overruns, and underrun budget reports; DGF statistical tables; DGF budget and expense reports; records related to donor coordination; and records related to DGF major issues. The records also include review and evaluation records of the DGF, including: records related to internal evaluations from the Bank's Operations Evaluation Department (OED) and the Internal Audit Department (IAD); annual review reports of DGF; review, evaluation, and monitoring reports of grant programs and projects of DGF; mid-term and retrospective reviews of DGF; and individual progress, completion and audit reports on individual grants. The records also include copies of parent level entries for proposed Bank-Foundation Partnership grants of the DGF entered as part of the Partnership Approval Tracking System (PATS) database. The entries consist of basic data on each proposed grant, and are arranged by sector, region, or alphabetically by donor foundation.

The records also include IBTF clearance and revision records maintained by the CAPOC, TFC, and TFO for regional, Global Partnership Programs (GPPs), multi-donor, and other ad hoc trust fund programs from 1997 to 2005. The records include: drafts and final copies of IBTF documents; copies of trust fund agreements; and IBTF clearance memoranda with comments and revision input from CAPOC, TFC, TFO Clearance Officers, and staff in the Bank's legal, accounting, and Regional departments.

The records also consist of trust fund review, monitoring, and reporting records maintained by the Trust Fund Management Oversight Unit (TFMOU) and the Trust Fund Monitoring and Reporting Unit (TFMRU) of CAPOC, TFC, and TFO from 1996 to 2004. TFMOU records primarily include: portfolio status and IBTF review case files for regional trust fund projects; IBTF monthly summary reports; IBTF clearance reports; strategy papers; presentations prepared for donor conferences on trust fund monitoring and reporting; briefing books, minutes, and agenda records for donor meetings; and case and review reports for trust fund grant projects and programs. The TFMRU records include those related to the procedures and guidelines for trust fund review documents of the Implementation Completion Memorandum (ICM) and Implementation Completion Reports (ICR) and records of received ICMs and ICRs for reviewed trust fund grant projects.

Resource Mobilization

Personal papers of Desmond McCarthy

  • Fonds
  • 1964, 1976 - 2006

Fonds consists of chronological files compiled by McCarthy that cover nearly his entire career at the World Bank. Fonds also contains reports and articles authored by McCarthy in both draft and published form as well as records related to his attendance and participation in a number of conferences and working groups. Records related to his work for the Quality Assurance Group (QAG) in 2004 and 2005 are also included.

McCarthy, Desmond

Financial Policy, Planning, and Budgeting

  • Fonds
  • 1956 - 2011

This fonds has been provisionally arranged into one sub-fonds and five series. Sub-headings are used to break up the content of this field according to provisional sub-fonds and series. For a complete list of the provisional sub-fonds and series, see the "Systems of Arrangement" field below.

Office of the Strategy and Resource Management Vice Presidency (SRMVP) records (sub-fonds)

Sub-fonds contains the records of the Office of the Strategy and Resource Management Vice Presidency (SRMVP) created during its existence from 1997 to 2003. The SRMVP was led first by Mark Baird from 1997 to 1999 and then by Anil Sood from 1999 to 2003. The SRMVP oversaw units responsible for the planning and budgeting function as well as support of the Strategic Compact review. Included are records related to the formulation, approval, and subsequent assessment of the Strategic Compact. Records take the form of correspondence, reports, weekly and monthly meeting minutes and agendas, and materials from presentations on the Compact made to internal and external audiences. Sub-fonds also consists of program support files of the SRMVP which document other unique activities of the Vice Presidency. Activities evidenced in these records include: cost effectiveness reviews; strategic staffing; matrix management; Bank-wide programming and budgeting; and auditing. Subject files created and maintained by the Office of the Vice President are also contained in this sub-fonds. Topics include: performance indicators; human resources and personnel issues; corruption; partnerships; non-governmental organizations (NGOs); budgeting; the Strategic Forum; and the Bank's budgeting activities. Records also contain correspondence with Bank President Wolfensohn, Managing Directors, and other senior staff and external individuals. Meeting minutes and speeches are also included.

Financial Policy

Series contains records related to the financial policy function of the Bank. Activities supporting this function include: analysis of both the Bank's financial position and the international financial environment; and development and recommendation of policies, programs, and strategies that enable access to finances by the Bank and its borrowers. Records include a compendium of financial policies and a list of principal references and copies of key reference documents. Other correspondence, memoranda, and reports relate to the analysis of the Bank's financial position and specifically to management of Bank capital and IBRD subscription. Specific topics include: past policies regarding reserve targets; the financial structure and operations of IBRD; cost competitiveness of the Bank; overview of changes in IBRD financial policies; review of IBRD lending rate policy; review of IBRD income prospects and policies; review of IBRD/IDA programs and financial policies; variable lending rates; currency pooling; liquidity policy; investment guidelines; and capital subscription.

Also included are the records of the Asset Liability Management Committee (ALMC) which makes recommendations in the areas of financial policy, the adequacy and allocation of risk capital, and oversight of financial reporting. Records of ALMC's two subcommittees, the Market Risk and Currency Management Subcommittee and the Credit Risk Subcommittee, are also included in this series.

Records related to the development and review of lending policies are also included. Specifically, these policies relate to member country eligibility criteria, commitments, disbursements, loan income, and loan portfolio. Records are in the form of subject files. Topics include: currency management; currency composition of loans; lending rates; prepayments; country credit risk exposure; debt restructuring and negotiations; interest rate swaps; repayment terms; cofinancing operations; and single currency loans. Records also relate to development and review of financial risk policy. Specifically these include interest rate risk, exchange rate risk, credit risk, liquidity risk, borrowing risk, and others. Records may include policies on the subject as well as correspondence, memoranda, and other background material related to the policy.

Series also contains records related to financial models and projections used to develop and review various financial policies related to Bank Group lending, borrowing, risk management, asset management, and other activities.

Series also includes a small number of speeches and presentation materials produced and/or presented by financial policy staff when reporting to the Bank's regions, senior management and Executive Directors.

Country Creditworthiness and Program Review

Series contains records related to country creditworthiness review and the credit risk inherent in IBRD's loan portfolio. Activities involve managing credit risk at both the individual country level and the portfolio level that directly affects the lending volumes IBRD may be willing to extend to its borrowers. Records relate to topics such as: debt management and reporting; export credits; Berne Union meetings; developments in portfolio credit quality; and loan loss provisioning requirements. Series also contains external debt studies done by the Budget and Planning Department's Financial Studies Division (PABFS) in conjunction with the International Finance Division of the Economic Projections and Analysis Department (EPDIF) in the 1970s. Series contains annual country risk assessments, final creditworthiness reports, portfolio reviews, and any essential information related to these. Periodic reports, forecasts, and summarydiscussion memoranda are also included as are records of the Short Term Risk Management Group which was responsible for informing senior management about economic and political developments in countries that are at risk of falling into crisis or are of systematic regional importance for Bank member countries. A set of historical debt case files primarily from the 1960s and early 1970s used for reference purposes are also included as are a set of debt rescheduling case files dating from 1967 to 1976.

Country program review activities consist of the review, analysis, and coordination of Country Program Papers (CPPs). Specifically, units within the Planning and Budget Department and its successors were responsible for: measuring the size and composition of the country program proposed to the account constraints on the volume of IBRD and IDA lending; evaluating country creditworthiness and the Bank's exposure to risk; and determining the feasibility and appropriateness of the country program in terms of the country's ability to prepare and implement the projects. Activities include: establishing guidelines for the form and content of CPPs; selective participation in the preparation of CPPs in the form of working level reviews; participating selectively in Regional Vice President review meetings; and review final CPPs. Records related to these activities include copies of CPPs as well as the successor of CPPs, Country Assistance Strategy Papers (CAS); a complete set of CPPs from their introduction in 1968 through1987 are included. Also included are lending program files that supported the review of CPPs. Records include memoranda, reports, statistical tables, spreadsheets, Lending Program Monthly Status Reports, and Lending Operations Monthly Reports relating to the analysis and review of country lending. General lending files of PAB's Country Program Review Division (PABCP) and its predecessor the Program and Operations Review Division (PABPO) are also contained in this series. Subjects include: commercial bank lending, IDA allocations, disbursements, local cost financing, and creditworthiness. Document types include reports, statistical tables, and spreadsheets. Sector files of the Planning and Budgeting Department's Country Program Review Divisions (PABCP) are also contained in this series. These include reviews of economic sector work (ESW) performed in the regions and in the Central Projects Staff (CPS). Records include memoranda, statistical tables, and spreadsheets as well copies of reports from the Operations and Development Policy complexes that PABCP reviewed. Many of the records related to CPP review, general lending, and sector review contain annotations, handwritten notes, and calculations.

Institutional Planning

Series contains records related to organizational effectiveness review, Bank reorganizations, and long term institutional planning. Series includes records created and maintained by the Planning and Budgeting Department's Institutional Planning Division (PBDIP) in the mid-1980s that supportedthe "Future Role of the Bank" exercise which sought to determine the direction of the Bank by examining issues such as trade and capital flows, the Bank's competitiveness, and the Bank's leadership role in research and aid coordination. Records include numerous studies and reports that were disseminated among Bank stuff and submitted to the Board. Topics relate to capital management, IDA replenishment, the Bank's role in the 1990s, Bank/Fund collaboration, staffing, and competitiveness. In addition to final versions of studies and reports, records include report drafts, comments on drafts, memoranda and correspondence, and small amounts of reference material. Also included are the files of Joseph D. Woods that relate to the "Future Role of the Bank" exercise. As Vice President of the Financial Policy, Planning and Budgeting Vice Presidency from 1983 to 1987, Woods had a leading role in the exercise.

Also included in this series are records relating to other committees and task forces that focused on institutional planning from a financial policy perspective. The majority of the records relate to the 1987 Bank-wide reorganization and the Strategic Compact review that took place between 1997 and 1999. The series is comprised of the proceedings of the committee/task force meetings in which units responsible for financial policy, planning, and budgeting activities within the Bank participated in management reviews or in support of relevant institutional committee/task force either as the secretariat or as a member. Records include: terms of reference (TOR); agendas and minutes of meetings; background papers; and related materials.

Budgeting Policy and Planning

Series contains records relating to budget policy development and planning activities. Records are primarily contained in subject files on various topics including: reorganization budgeting; the Special Grants Program; cofinancing and trust funds; project review and aid effectiveness; portfolio management; capital budget management; debt and debt restructuring; staffing; and annual lending reporting. Series also contains chronological files of staff in the Planning and Budgeting Department's Budget Planning and Systems (PBDPS) and Office of the Director (PBDDR) departments that relate to the same topics as subject files. Records of John Blaxall, Assistant Director in the Programming and Budgeting Department (1969-1973, 1976) are also included in this series. These records relate to his involvement in the development of the Bank's Five Year Program (1969-1973) as well as the writing of The Scale of IBRD Financial Operations, FY74-78 discussed at the Executive Directors Meetings in 1972 and Report of the Planning, Programming and Budgeting Working Group which was presented to the President's Council in 1977.

Bank-wide Budget Support and Review

Records in this series relate to the monitoring, evaluation and implementation of the Bank's planning and budgeting processes and the submission of budget materials to the Board for review and approval. The series includes records of the main document production cycle (including Planning Directions papers and budget documents) as well as monitoring, evaluation and implementation documents (including Retrospective Reviews, Midyear Reviews, Apex Reports, and Budget Management Manuals). Other budget documents contained in this series include: medium-term framework reports; business plans outlining units' work programs for the next three years; notes presenting Policy and Budgeting Department (PBD) analysis and recommendations; submissions from vice presidencies; analysis of retrospective reviews; requests for clarification/modification of issues in budget submissions; tables detailing expenditures by service categories; and draft reports, staff comments, tables, framework papers, and correspondence relating to Bank planning and budgeting activities. The series also includes: minutes of monthly budget meetings with clients; copies of contingency funding requests and responses to them; budget contract models; accruals overrun/underrun tables and memoranda; and other papers relating to dollar budgeting implementation.

The series contains a reference collection in the form of copies of summary information regarding the plans and budgets of the World Bank Group from 1949 to 1975. Specifically, these records consist of papers presented to the Board of Governors and Executive Directors regarding the administrative and operations budgets of the World Bank Group as well as related internal memoranda and tables.

Series also consists of subject files created by units responsible for budget support and review. Records served as analytical, statistical, historical, and background information for cross cycle activities related to Bank-wide programming, planning and budgeting processes. The series is comprised of correspondence and papers relating to: budget policies and procedures; service categories; organizational units' plans and budgets; object of expenditures; source of external funds; program objectives; capital budget; service category files (e.g. operational planning, borrowing/investment operations, loan administration, personnel, Special Grants Program); organizational unit budgeting (e.g. vice presidencies, administrative tribunal, appeals committee, ombudsman); source of external funds; program objectives (e.g. debt and adjustment, poverty reduction, human resources development, private sector development, public sector management, environment, and forestry); and capital budget.

Financial Policy, Planning, and Budgeting

Records of the Sector Policy and Research Vice Presidency (PREVP) and the Sector and Operations Policy Vice Presidency (OSPVP)

  • Fonds
  • 1987 - 1993

The fonds includes sector policy review and sector work program review records maintained by Visvanathan Rajagopalan when he served as the Vice President for Sector Policy and Research (PREVP/PRSVP), and its successor the Sector and Operations Policy Vice Presidency (OSPVP) from 1987 to 1992. It also consists of records maintained by Director David Bock when he served in the OSPVP Front Office. Bock's records are related to OSPVP management, budget records, and sector policy review from 1991 to 1992.

Sector Policy and Research Vice Presidency (PREVP) and the Sector and Operations Policy Vice Presidency (OSPVP)

Records of the Senior Vice President of Operations

  • Fonds
  • 1967 - 1991

Records of Vice President of Operations and SVPOP J. Burke Knapp

The fonds includes records maintained by Vice President and Senior Vice President of Operations (SVPOP) J. Burke Knapp. The records include memoranda sent between Knapp and Bank President Robert McNamara from 1967 to 1978. Much of the memoranda are originals authored by Knapp and annotated and sent back by the President. There are also copies of records addressed to McNamara by other staff and copies of minutes of the President's Council or other meetings with the President. The memoranda to the President focus on IBRD and IDA lending programs, papers on financial and lending policy, loan overruns, and other particular loan issues.

Knapp records also include a set of briefs for the 1972 Annual Meeting. The briefs contain briefing memoranda and reports on the politico-economic situation and the Bank's lending program in individual member countries. In preparation for scheduled meetings between the Bank President and the delegations of membercountries, the briefs provide a summarized background for the meeting, talking points for the President, summaries of subjects likely to be raised by the delegation, and a list of delegates. Filed with some of the briefs are related Country Program Papers (CPP). In addition to briefs for individual countries, filed at the beginning of the series are briefs on the African and Latin American Caucuses, the Asian Development Bank (ADB), and the European Investment Bank (EIB).

Records of OPNSV Moeen Qureshi

The fonds also includes records maintained by Senior Vice President of Operations (OPNSV) Moeen Qureshi. The records consist of briefing materials prepared for Qureshi from 1987 to 1991. Briefings cover his foreign travel and any formal meetings he attended in New York or Washington, DC. In addition, there are records for his August 17 - September 8, 1984, trip to London, Pakistan, New Zealand, Australia, and Japan. A typical briefing file contains: Qureshi's itinerary and schedule; biographies of people with whom he would be meeting; outlines, drafts, and copies of speeches he delivered; press releases; correspondence; conference agenda and programs; and background papers regarding the Bank's relationship with the countries visited.

Joint IMF-World Bank Annual Meeting briefs prepared for Qureshi are also included for the years 1988 to 1990. The briefs consist of a separate folder for each day of the Annual Meeting. A typical folder contains Qureshi's schedule for that day and a sub-folder for each event he was scheduled to attend. The briefs also include: lists of delegates attending each event; agenda for meetings; Annual Meeting briefs for each country whose delegation met with Qureshi; talking points for and copies of speeches for Qureshi or President Barber Conable; copies of Conable's schedule for the day; and seating charts.

Qureshi's records also include materials concerning the 1987 Bank-wide reorganization from 1986 to 1989. The records consist of: memoranda exchanged between Conable, Qureshi and members of the Operations Complex regarding implementation of the reorganization plan and specific staff appointments; copies of memoranda from Conable updating Bank staff on the reorganization; records outlining interim personnel procedures; Steering Committee issuances regarding staff selection, redeployment, and redundancy; copies of letters from Conable to specific staff affected by the reorganization; Bank press releases; the Support Unit Task Force Report; and studies completed by an external management consulting firm. Much of the records concern implementation of the reorganization within the Operations Complex. Specific records focus on the Operations Task Force Report, which includes: comments from staff regarding that report; draft position descriptions; and memoranda regarding the staff selection and allocation process.

The Qureshi records also contain records related to country lending operations from 1987 to 1991. The records consist of memoranda, letters, cables, reports, studies, and minutes of meetings regarding the Bank's lending policies in specific countries or, in the case of donor countries, aid coordination. The records also include briefing papers prepared for Qureshi and/or President Conable prior to meetings with country representatives, agenda and minutes of meetings of Qureshi or Conable with country representatives, minutes of meetings of Bank Executive Directors, and Bank mission reports. Much of the records include Qureshi's annotations. Issues discussed in the correspondence include technical assistance, economic reforms, environmental impact of Bank policies, political events in a country and their implication for Bank loans and operations, and special grants in response to natural disasters.

Lastly, incoming and outgoing correspondence and memoranda between Qureshi, the OPNSV Front Office Staff, and members of the Operations Complex are included for the years 1987 to 1989.

Records of Special Assistant Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala

The fonds also includes records maintained by Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala when she served as Special Assistant to the Senior Vice President of Operations (OPNSV) Moeen Qureshi. This includes records maintained by Okonjo-Iweala related to major borrowing countries from 1987 to 1991. These records consist mostly of copies of correspondence and reports on lending operations and recent developments in borrowing countries. Background materials and reports of meetings held between Bank officials and official representatives of the borrowing countries are also included. County Strategy Papers (CSP) are found in some records. Among the most discussed lending issues are structural adjustment, privatization, technical assistance, and late payments. Some of the records contain Okonjo-Iweala's correspondence with the staff from the Regional Vice Presidencies (RVPs) officials, her handwritten and typed notes to Qureshi on lending issues, and her handwritten notes taken at meetings she attended.

Okonjo-Iweala records also consist of business plans for the OperationsComplex from 1989 to 1991. The records consist of internal memoranda and reports detailing planned lending expenditures for FY 1991 to 1993 and FY 1992 to 1994. The business plans are broken down by Region, therein by country and sector with reference to the Bank's country lending strategies. Breakdowns on IBRD versus IDA lending are also given. The business plans are heavily annotated by Okonjo-Iweala.

Okonjo-Iweala records also include memoranda, reports, and correspondence on a variety of operational and administrative matters relating to the functions of the OPNSV from 1989 to 1991. Records related to operational matters include records related to the following topics: cofinancing; private sector development; the IDA Ninth Replenishment; the Gulf crisis; and the Bank's interaction with international organizations. Records related to administrative matters include: preparation for the 1990 Annual Meeting; records related to a Senior Operations mangers' retreat; and records related to pay, annual leave,the staff retirement plan, and actions regarding specific staff members. Filed under "Front Office" are also records regarding administrative matters of security, document formats, and the United Way Campaign. There are also records containing briefing notes for trips undertaken or meetings attended by Qureshi.

Okonjo-Iweala records also includes materials maintained for the Operations Committee (OC) from 1989 to 1991. Arranged by country, most of the records include: Okonjo-Iweala's copies of formal minutes of the OC meetings; her handwritten notes taken when she attended the OC meetings; and postscripts on discussions of Country Strategy Papers (CSP) by the OC. Included with the minutes are copies of CSPs, Initiating Memoranda, and reports and recommendations accompanying requests for loans and credits submitted by the country to the OC. Some draft CSPs submitted to Okonjo-Iweala are annotated with her comments.

Lastly, Okonjo-Iweala records include internal memoranda, correspondence, and reports from 1990, which were primarily sent between her, the OPNSV Moeen Qureshi, the OPNSV Front Office Staff, and members of the Operations Complex.

Records of Senior Adviser, Lending and Budget Operations, Cosmas Linus Robless

The fonds also includes records of Cosmas Linus Robless, who served as Senior Advisor for Lending and Budget Operations to OPNSV Moeen Qureshi, from 1987 to 1991. Records include subject files consisting of: memoranda; correspondence; reports; position papers; and guidelines regarding Operations Complex programs and policies. Other records focus on the topics of: annual sector reviews; the Field Offices Task Force; overdue service payments; the Bank's response to the Gulf Crisis; graduation from the Bank; and program goals for the Operations Complex. Correspondence, memoranda, and reports sent and received by Robless are also included.

Robless records also consist of materials related to the Ad Hoc Committee on Board Procedures from 1990 to 1991, which sought to improve bank procedures performed by the Bank's Executive Directors (ED) for reviewing country assistance strategies and policy formulation in Bank operations. The records include: correspondence and memoranda; meeting minutes of the Ad Hoc Committee; draft Ad Hoc Committee reports prepared for the EDs; terms of reference prepared for EDs; and work programs prepared for the EDs for consideration.

Lastly, his records also include copies of Country Strategy Paper (CSP) postscripts prepared for the Operations Committee (OC) from 1991. The CSP postscripts summarize the review, and subsequent actions taken by the OC for a particular CSP.

Front office adviser records

The fonds also includes records maintained by various advisers who served in the Front Office for SVPOP Ernest Stern and his successor OPNSV Moeen Qureshi from 1979 to 1989. The front office records reflect the activities of the SVPOP/OPNSV. The records include: SVPOP yellow sheets, or handwritten project lending notes; decision memoranda and comments prepared by advisers on behalf of the SVPOP for the Loan Committee; Loan Committee log book prepared by advisers; board papers, briefs, and schedules prepared for meetings with the Executive Board of Directors; memoranda regarding Project Completion Reports (PCR) submitted to OPNSV from the Central Operations Department (COD); memoranda regarding Women in Development (WID) country assessments submitted to the OPNSV from the Economic Advisory Staff (EAS); working papers submitted to OPNSV from the Policy, Planning, and Research (PPR) Complex for review; standard budget tables submitted to SVPOP from the Division Chief of the Planning and Budget Department (PBD); and memoranda, budget reports, and other records related to liaison with United Nations cooperative programs.

Communications and Meetings with Area Department Heads (later Operational Vice Presidents)

The fonds includes memoranda address by Ernest Stern as (Vice President (1978-1980) and Senior Vice President (1980-1987) of Operations to the Operational/Regional Vice Presidents. Topics of memoranada include lending policies, programming, and lending activities.

The fonds also includes memoranda and minutes from the weekly meetings of the Area Department Heads and its replacement of the Operational Vice Presidents (OVP, renamed after 1972 Reorganization) from 1968 to 1986. The records dated from 1968 to 1978 were maintained by J. Burke Knapp when he served as Chairman for the Area Department Heads and the OVP as the Vice President of Operations and SVPOP. The recordsdated 1979 to 1986 are maintained by Vice President of Operations (VPO) and SVPOP Ernest Stern.

Country lending and strategy records

The fonds also includes records related to the Bank's country lending operations from 1981 to 1991. Records were maintained by Senior Adviser for Lending and Budget Operations Cosmas L. Robless, and OPNMS Senior Programming Officers Larry Smucker and Manuel Benedito. The records include: lending review records focused on lending projects in the Regions for the fiscal years 1982 to 1983 and 1988 to 1994; lending program status records and reports focused on reporting lending project status to the Bank's Board of Executive Directors; records related to lending allocations for IBRD/IDA loans; records related to the Five Year Lending Program, 1984-1989; records related to the IDA Ninth Replenishment for lending operations; and Country Briefs prepared for various countries in the Regions from 1985 and 1987, which outlined an economic profile of a country, lending programming, and reform actions taken.

Budget formulation and review records

The fonds also includes records related to budget formulation and budget review functions performed by the Office of the Management Systems and Budget (SVPMS) and its successor of the Office of the Management Systems and Budget (OPNMS) within the SVPOP/OPNSV Front Office from 1985 to 1992. The records were primarily maintained by the Senior Budget Officers of SVPMS/OPNMS, and the Senior Adviser for Lending and Budget Operations, Cosmas LinusRobless. The records focus primarily on budget formulation and review for Bank units belonging to the Operations Complex. The budget formulation records include: budget correspondence and memoranda; Operations Complex budget distribution and salary reports; Operations Complex budget proposals; Operations Complex capital budget; budget officers meeting minutes; budget submissions sent to the SVPOP/OPNSV related to the Operations Complex; staffing and consulting budgets; budget calendars and booklets prepared by the SVPMS/OPNMS; budget framework papers; business plans, work programs, budget plans, and budget contracts drafted for the Regional Vice Presidencies for fiscal years 1986 to 1995; and business plans, budget plans, work programs, and staffing records related to the vice presidencies and departments of Operations Complex for the fiscal years 1987 to 1991.

Budget plans and staffing records are also included for OVPMS/SVPMS, and for the SVPOP/OPNSV Front Office. Work program and budget reports are also included for the Management Information System (MIS) of the Operations Information Systems (SVPMI/OPNMI) Unit, and its successor Operations Information Services Division (OPNIS) of the SVPOP/OPNSV Front Office from 1985 to 1989.

Budget review records include: monthly status budget reports for the Operations Complex; reimbursement reports; mid-term perspective reports; quarterly, mid-year, third quarter, and retrospective review records for the Operations Complex for the fiscal years 1988 to 1992; and Operations Complex final expense reports.

Operations information management

The fonds also includes records related to the Operations Information Committee (OIC) from 1987 to 1990. The Operations Information Committee (OIC) was established in November 1987 to develop "Complex-wide strategies, plans, policies and investments in information and information technology which would...coordinate the management of information and information technology activities within or affecting the Operations Complex." Therecords include agenda and minutes of OIC meetings and documents and memoranda forwarded to Committee members. Also contained in the records are some minutes of meetings of the Information and Technology Advisory Committee (ITAC) and records related to the FY 90 work program of the Operation Information Services Division (OPNIS). The records are maintained by OIC Chairman Heinz Vergin, who served as the Operations Staff (OPN) Director at the time.

Transportation, telecommunication, water, and urban development records

The fonds also includes operations policy, project support records, and liaison records related to the sector departments of the: Transportation, Water, and Telecommunications Department (TWT); the Urban Projects Department (URB); the Water and Urban Development Department (WUD); and the Transportation Department (TRP) from 1975 to 1986.

Senior Vice President of Operations

Records of General Vice Presidents and Managing Directors

  • Fonds
  • 1949, 1968 - 1974

The records of the era of the general vice presidents are fragmentary. A few records of a Middle East and North African trip by Robert L. Garner exist, as does a file on a meeting in Jogjakarta attended by Mohamed Shoaib. The files of Sir Denis Rickett contain important records on studies of the future role of the Bank, as well as information on the Bank's reactions to the oil crisis of the early 1970s.

General Vice Presidents and Managing Directors

Personal Papers of Lester Nurick

  • Fonds
  • 1946 - 2004

The topics to which the records relate reflect issues of personal interest to Nurick or issues which he handled on behalf of his clients. Records relate to the legal structure of the World Bank as an institution and of its lending operations. Records relate to litigation and specific World Bank lending projects, such as the Volta River power projects in Ghana, the Shashe project in Botswana, the Falconbridge ferronickel project in the Dominican Republic, and the Boke project in Guinea. Records also relate to administrative and personnel issues in the World Bank. A small amount of materials collected, such as publications and invitations, that relate to Nurick's time at the World Bank Group are also included.

Nurick, Lester

Personal papers of Benjamin B. King

  • Fonds
  • 1964-1994 (predominant 1982 - 1989)

The papers consist of a body of materials related to Zambia and a set of general policy and issues papers. King undertook a mission to Zambia for the Bank and wrote a report on it, and he collected information about and remained interested in Zambia thereafter. The materials related to Zambia include four documents prepared and distributed for the December 1986 meeting of the Consultative Group on Zambia, which had had its first meeting in June 1978. Most of the other documents related to Zambia are internal World Bank documents, with a few Bank publications and some publications from other sources. The materials are arranged in four sections: Consultative Group documents; unpublished Bank materials; Bank publications; and other publications. This is a useful body of materials for an overview of Zambian economic issues in the 1980s.

The policy and research papers cover a wide variety of subjects including structural adjustment lending and sector adjustment lending, agriculture, Japan and Ghana, and Bank history. All the policy and research papers are Bank papers except six items, which are identified by source on the item list. They are arranged by date of preparation or publication.

King, Benjamin B.

Records of the Consultative Group on Food Production & Investment in Developing Countries

  • Fonds
  • 1975 - 1978

The records of the Consultative Group are of three types: the records of the four meetings of the Group, the correspondence of the secretariat, and the files on the projects sponsored by the Group.

Read together, the records of the meetings and the correspondence provide a miniature study of the difficulties of international cooperation in the middle of the Cold War. The Consultative Group was organized by the World Bank, the Food and Agriculture Organization, and the United Nations Development Program, each of whom had a slightly different view of the mission of the Group. Shortly after the Group began its work, the United Nations slightly changed the charge to the Group; the United States, which had been the original sponsor of the idea of a Consultative Group, grew disenchanted; the Soviet bloc nations were not represented on the Group; uncertainly over the intentions of the OPEC nations in supporting food production grew; while tensions between food importing nations and food exporting nations hovered over debates. Add to this an injunction to the secretariat to coordinate but not to operate programs, all the while serving three masters at once, and the Group was probably doomed from the start. All of these topics can be researched in the records.

The project files are primarily those of national food plans. The Group's principal effort was to assess the food needs to be met in a specific country as far as food supply and related investments are concerned. It worked out a model for a national food plan, and plans were attempted by Bangladesh, Haiti, Honduras, Senegal, Sudan, and Upper Volta. Any researcher interested in the history of food production and consumption in those countries will find a baseline in these files. In addition, the Group commissioned a report on water resources development in the Narmada River basin of India for irrigation agriculture, and the report is in the files.

Consultative Group on Food Production and Investment in Developing Countries

Records of Individual Staff Members

  • Fonds
  • 1946 - 1992

A number of individuals accumulated bodies of records from various offices in which they served. When these individuals retired or resigned from the Bank, these records were transferred to the Archives. Because the records cover the individual's career in more than one office, the records cannot be assigned to a fonds for a single office. Consequently, this fonds is established to describe these records.

Some records in this fonds are duplicates of others found in the Central Files or in fonds for particular offices. Others, however, appear to be absolutely unique. For example, Bernard Bell served as the special representative of the Bank in Indonesia from 1968 to 1972, and when he returned to headquarters, he brought with him some of the records of the Indonesia office. In addition, he made a study for the Bank on contract before he was hired as a regular staff member, and materials relating to the study are also found in the records. In another instance, Leonard Rist was interested in the historyof the Bretton Woods agreement, and collected duplicate copies of documents relating to it. When Rist retired, the Archives received both his correspondence files from different offices in which he served and the collection of Bretton Woods items.

Researchers interested in the offices in which these individuals served should review the sub-fonds descriptions on the records.

Individual Staff Members

Records of the Europe and Central Asia Regional Vice Presidency

  • Fonds
  • 1946 - 2011

This fonds has been provisionally arranged into eight series. Sub-headings are used to break up the content of this field according to provisional series. For a complete list of the provisional series, see the "System of Arrangement" field below.

Operational records

The majority of the records in this fonds are country operational records. The "operational records" series contains records related to the Bank's operational work overseen by the Europe and Central Asia region (ECA) Vice Presidency and its predecessors. Records relate to investment, structural adjustment, technical assistance, and economic and sector work (ESW) financed, co-financed, and / or managed by the Bank. Note that projects financed or co-financed by external bodies such as the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), national governments, and trust funds but which were executed by the Bank are included.

The records in this fonds were created by Area Departments (1947-1972), Country Departments (CDs, 1972-1997) and Country Management Units (CMUs, 1997-2011) as well as the Economic Department (1946-1952), Technical Operations Department (TOD, 1952-1965), Projects Department (1965-1972), regional project departments (1972 - 1987), technical departments (1987 - 1997), and sector departments (1997 - 2011). See the "Administrative history" field for a history of these units and their functions. Records specifically relate to operations in countries overseen by the ECA as of 2016. These countries have remained constant since 1991 when ECA and the Middle East and North Africa region (MNA) were created out of the former Europe, Middle East, and North Africa region (EMN or EMENA). Records relating to these countries created while they reported to EMN and its predecessors prior to 1991 are also included. Note that records of regional projects or programs that span more than a single country are also included in this series as are records relating to the World Bank's involvement with the Soviet Union prior to its dissolution and, following dissolution, to Russia and other former Soviet republics.

Records relating to all phases of the World Bank Project Cycle, from conception through negotiation and completion, are found in this series. Project records contained in this fonds were created by both the unit identified as the designated record keeping unit within the Region and, in smaller number, the regional units that provided project support and the departments and Vice President front office responsible for review. Included are records relating to not only completed projects but also to abandoned (or dropped) projects (i.e. projects that were abandoned in the course of preparation or that failed to gain Board approval) and suspended projects (i.e. approved projects, including those partially disbursed, which were suspended and not resumed). Records related to the discussion and negotiation of projects that were never initiated are also included.

Correspondence files make up the bulk of the project records and relate to the identification, preparation, appraisal, negotiation, approval, supervision, fund disbursement, completion, and review of each individual project. Correspondence is in the form of letters, printed email, memoranda, telexes, and faxes. Accompanying materials most often include aide-memoires, minutes of meetings, Terms of Reference, and back-to-office reports. Correspondence is between Bank staff and government officials, ambassadors, institutions, contractors, and consultants.

Project records may also include: Project Implementation Index File (PIIF) documents; executive project summary/project concept documents; annual progress reports; supplemental documents; Project Completion Reports (PCRs, also known as Completion Reports); consultant reports; supervision reports; and final versions of mandatory reports. A small amount of project-related newspaper clippings, financial statements, photographs, hand-written notes, maps, engineering plans, and copies of loan agreements and related documents may also be found. External documentsreceived from borrowers, contractors, consultants, etc., including studies, reports, plans, specifications, PIIF documents, etc., are also included.

General country files are also included in the "operational records" series. These refer to correspondence (often in the form of chronological files), topical and subject files, and other records related to IBRD/IDA lending programs, other than those maintained for individual loans and credits. Records relate to economic, social, and sector work studies and research, analysis, and the development of sector and country programs, policies, and strategies. Specifically, these records might relate to: capital markets; indebtedness; investment law; missions to the country; technical assistance; disbursement; government relations; inquiries; local bond issues; country liaison; resident representatives; and Country Program Papers (CPP) preparation. Records relating to and filed according to the various sectors of investment are also included. In each series, country sector topics may include but are not limited to: agriculture; education; energy; industrial development and finance; industry; population; health; nutrition; telecommunications; tourism; transportation; urban development; water and sewage; governance; public sector development; private sector development; and social development. Records related to the membership of former Soviet republics and other eastern European countries are also included in this series. General country file records take the form of correspondence, memoranda, minutes of meetings, notes for files, back-to-office reports, aide-memoires, briefing papers, and reports. Records relating to other analytical and advisory activities (AAA) and the related collection of data for these activities may also be included. These records may include research material in the form of surveys and spreadsheets and guides created or used for analysis or processing of data.

Country-specific records relating to country program management are also included in the"operational records" series. These records were maintained primarily by the Country Department headquarter units and were used to document Bank Group assistance planning and strategy for each country. Records may relate to the creation of Bank reports such as: the Country Assistance Strategy (CAS); Country Briefs; Country Strategy Papers; Country Economic Memoranda; Medium Term Framework Papers; and policy statements. These records take the form of: agendas; briefings and reports of country team meetings;final versions of reports; consultant reports on specific sector or project issues; meeting summaries and notes; and background materials used in the preparation of reports.

Also included in this series are informational records related to each country and to development issues specific to that country. Many of the topics covered in these records are focused on the various development sectors. These records primarily contain externally created reference material, although a small amount of internally generated material (such as press releases, speeches and addresses, and material related to internally sponsored conferences and seminars) may also be included. Reference materials may include: lists of government officials; information on external consultants; newspaper clippings related to country matters; press releases related to Bank and country activities; correspondence with government officials and/or ministries; and records related to the activities of field offices in the country. Also included, in small amounts, are books, journals, magazines, articles, extracts, directories, manuals, handbooks, guides, and dissertations originating from elsewhere in the Bank Group or of external origin. Topics may include common development sectors (agriculture, transportation, education, etc.) as they relate to specific countries as well as: resettlement; indigenous peoples; participation; Global Environment Facility (GEF); World Bank operation policies; country politics, legislation and economic situation; debt; cofinancing, trust funds, and small grants programs; and natural resource management.

Conferences, meetings, and seminar organization and/or attendance

Fonds includes records related to the planning and attendances of conferences, meetings, seminars, and training organized or attended by ECA staff. Records may relate to events planned by various organizational units within the Vice Presidency, including Country Departments. Records may relate to the identification and selection of themes, topics, speakers and / or participants. Series may also include: proposals; reports; transcripts; copies of invitations and brochures; and administrative arrangements.

External aid coordination and multilateral development assistance

Fonds consists of records relating to the development and implementation of strategies for cofinancing and other instances of development coordination with bilateral and multilateral organizations. Records relate to cooperative relationships between the Bank Group and donors, cofinanciers, development agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), multilateral and bilateral organizations (government agencies, United Nations Development Programme [UNDP], Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development [OECD], etc.), and other partner organizations. Specifically, records may relate to: collaborative development assistance; Bank-sponsored seminars and conferences; and external funding for consultants. In addition to correspondence, records may include: copies of agreements and other legaldocuments; initiating briefs; reports and memoranda concerning disbursement of cofinanced funds; periodic reports to cofinanciers; trust fund audits; and other related materials.

The series also contains records documenting the establishment, proceedings and activities of the consultative groups convened and chaired by the Bank to coordinate external financial assistance and which the Bank provided secretarial support to. These include Consultative Groups for Kazakhstan (1992), Kyrgyz Republic (1992), Azerbaijan (1992), Uzbekistan (1992), Bulgaria (1992), Moldova (1993), Belarus (1993), Armenia (1993), Romania (1993), Belarus (1993), Ukraine (1995), Georgia (1996), Tajikistan (1996), and Moldova (1997). Files contain correspondence between the country department staff, the chairman who was typically the Country Director, and members of the consultative groups including the recipient country. Correspondence includes copies of outgoing memoranda and letters, cables, original letters from member government officials (some addressed to the Bank President), notes to the file, minutes of pre-consultative group meetings, sector, and/or local meetings organized by country staff in between consultative group meetings, and drafts of documents. Topics covered by the correspondence include policies and practices of the consultative group; its origins and establishment; changes in membership or participation; pledges and terms of aid by donor countries; and collaboration with International Monetary Fund and other multilateral participants or observers.

Also included are the set of official meeting documents of the Bank-chaired consultative groups aforementioned that contain: preliminary meeting summaries, notice of meeting, agenda, list of delegates, Bank-authored or government authored memoranda or economic reports and policy papers, Chairman's report of proceedings, transcripts or verbatim proceedings, participants statements, and press release. Meeting files also contain small amount of administrative correspondence authored by Secretary's department or the Area or Country Department concerning meeting preparations, distribution of documents or announcements about participants in attendance of the meetings.

There is also a smaller volume of files relating to donor meetings or conferences chaired by the department, and consortia and consultative meetings chaired by other organizations including the Organization for Economic Development (OECD) consortia for Turkey and Greece in which the Bank participated beginning in the early 1960s. The department provided studies of Turkey's economic performance and prospects for discussion at the meetings.

VP Subject files

Fonds contains records relating to a variety of activities of which the Office of the Europe and Central Asia (ECA) Vice President is responsible or involved. As described in the "Administrative history" field above, ECA was created out of the former Europe, Middle East, and North Africa (EMN or EMENA) Vice Presidency in 1991. For records of the EMN Vice Presidency, see "Related units of description" field below.

Records in this series may relate to: public relations; borrower feedback; and VP unit evaluation and organization. Also included are country files relating to high-level involvement in projects, economic and sector work, and technical assistance. Records include correspondence and internal memoranda as well as country and thematic briefs, and meeting materials.

Departmental Communications and Support

Fonds consists of records related to the maintenanceof ECA country departments' relationships with its client community both within and outside of the Bank Group as well as with the general public in individual countries. Records may relate specifically to the development of departmental and Bank-wide public relations policies, procedures, and communication strategies and major public relations initiatives and communication campaigns, such as the publication of reports. Records may include: correspondence; presentation slides and notes; press releases; transcripts of interviews; and talking point memos.

Fonds also consists of briefing books prepared for senior World Bank officials in preparation for visits to European and Central Asian countries as well as for participation in meetings, seminars, and speeches. Briefing books were created by ECA units including VP front office staff and were prepared for ECA senior officials as well as for other senior Bank staff including World Bank presidents and Executive Directors. Briefing books commonly contain: programof country visit; background profiles on country leaders and officials; talking points; country overview; World Bank Group activities; visit and meeting briefs; project meeting briefs; and other World Bank authored reports which serve as background information. In some files, travel information accompanies or is part of the briefing books.

Business plan and budget management records

Fonds includes records relating to the business plan and budget management activities (i.e. planning, implementation, monitoring, and review) of the Region. These records include: annual budget files created by the Region's budget and administrative units; Business Plans covering three-year periods; and Retrospective and Mid-Year Reviews. Records relating to the budgets of country and technical departments are included primarily in the form of correspondence and budget reports and tools. Budget records created by the Regional VP are also included.

Department directors' chronological files

Chronological files created and maintained by ECA country department directors and technical department directors are included in this fonds. These may include incoming and outgoing correspondence, copies of reports, and copies of other records created or received within the unit.

Management and oversight of unit functions

Records relating to the management and oversight of the Region's country and technical departments' functional responsibilities and policy development are included in this fonds. Topics may include: work program development; unit policy and procedures; agency structure and organization; management improvement studies; field office management; VP-wide coordination and direction; departmental reviews; management retreats; regional objectives and operational directives; staff surveys; and staffing. Records may include: work program agreements; monthly reports and operational summaries; research program materials; various task force records including some final reports; unit reviews; management team meeting records; World Bank procedures and guidelines; and general correspondence including those disseminated from the ECAVP to VP staff. Fonds also includes the chronological files of ECA Vice President Johannes Linn.

Europe and Central Asia Regional Vice Presidency

Joint Bank-Fund Library Collection on Presidents of the World Bank

  • Fonds
  • 1946 - 1987

Clippings, speeches, press releases, biographical information, and occasional copies of letters and memoranda by and about Bank Presidents Eugene Meyer, John J. McCloy, George D. Woods, Robert S. McNamara, A.W. Clausen, and Barber C. Conable, Jr. Pre-presidential material, primarily speeches, is included for McNamara, Clausen, and Conable, and post-presidential material is included on McNamara.

Material on McNamara makes up the bulk of this collection. Clippings and speeches that were maintained in McNamara's office as a reference set during his Presidency were brought to the Library, probably by Blanche Moore, one of McNamara's assistants, who went to work for the Joint Library after McNamara retired. These items from McNamara's office formed the basis of the Joint Library collection; consequently, the materials on McNamara are far more complete than those on any of the other presidents.

The series is accompanied by an index to items within the series, arranged by President. A section of the index refersto items on Eugene Black, which are not present in the collection.

Joint Bank-Fund Library Collection on Presidents of the World Bank

Reference Collection on World Bank History

  • Fonds
  • 1938 - 1985

This fonds hold copies of records from other repositories that relate to the history of the World Bank. One group of records copied from the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library deals with the Bretton Woods conference. A second group, copied from the Harry S Truman Presidential Library, consists of selected documents on the Bretton Woods conference and the early years of the Bank. A third body is copies of records from the United States Government's Office of Agriculture, Technical Advisory Bureau, Agency for International Development, dating from 1970-1976. The records relate to agricultural research and to the founding of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research. The final body is a copy of the J. Burke Knapp papers at the Hoover Institution, which were copied for a history of the Bank prepared by the Brookings Institution. When the copies were not longer needed by the history project they were given to the Archives. Finally, the Bank obtained copies of a few oral history interviews from the Truman Library and the Columbia University Oral History Research Office.

Reference Collection on World Bank History

Records of the Office of the President

  • Fonds
  • 1947 - 1995

The records of cover the entire span of administrative and substantive activities of the Bank. Particularly useful is the documentation of public relations activities by the presidents and coordination efforts with outside partners. Briefing books for country visits and for meetings at the Bank's annual meeting often provide good overviews of issues as well as reports on the economic and political situation in a country. Unique materials on major Bank studies and commissions, such as the Pearson and Brandt Commissions and the Task Force on Portfolio Management (Wapenhans Report), are also found in the records of the president's office.

The McNamara, Conable and Preston records include both the records of the president and the records of his immediate staff. Some staff members had specific mandates and their files are key sources for those activities, while other presidential assistants played a more general role in handling topics for the president.

Office of the President

Records of the Office of External Relations

  • Fonds
  • 1944 - 2010

Records in this fonds relate to the functions of the external relations complex as described in the Administrative History field above. In addition, records created and received by EXT Vice Presidencies are also included. Note that, periodically, the EXTVP contained units responsible for functions not included in the above definition. See Related Units of Description below for direction to the fonds containing those records.

External Relations Vice Presidency and reporting units

Personal Papers of William Diamond

  • Fonds
  • 1955 - 2000

This fonds consists of records, accumulated by Diamond during his career, that reflect his activities in various roles primarily from 1955 to 1990. Items include correspondence, notes, drafts, reports, and other records related to his work in the Economic Development Institute (EDI), the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the Development Finance Companies department, the South Asia Regional Vice-Presidency (SARVP), and others. The fonds also contains records related to speeches and memoirs he authored.

Diamond, William

Records of the Industry and Mining Sector

  • Fonds
  • 1949, 1951, 1960 - 2007 (predominant 1974 - 2001)

The fonds contains records created and received by the Industrial Projects Department (NDP, later IPD) created in 1969 and its various divisions and successors. Records document the manufacturing industry and mining units' various functional responsibilities including operational support to lending projects carried out by regional units after 1987, formulation of policy, preparation of research studies and publications, organization and participation in knowledge and learning events, liaison with external partners, and program collaboration across the sector. In addition, records originating between 1969 and mid-1987 reflect NDP's and its successors' operational role as one of the Bank's central operating departments (COPDs) with responsibility for all technical work preparing, appraising, and supervising large-scale industrial projects. Although the development finance and communication and information technology sectors were organized under industry departments or units over time, these sectors are not included in this fonds unless records were intermingled by their creators. See the arrangement note and related units of description note below for more information.

While sector records were maintained in the Bank-wide centralized filing system from the early years of operations until mid-1987 and some of these records remain part of the Central Files fonds, departments often kept separate working files. It is primarily the working files of the industry and mining sectors that comprise the records in this fonds, along with records created after 1987 when NRICs closed and recordkeeping responsibilities were turned over to the records-creating offices. See the arrangement note below.

Records in the fonds cover a broad range of subsectors and topics under industrial development including: manufacturing industry, notably steel, chemicals and chemical products (fertilizer), refineries; mining of non-fuel minerals (iron ore, nickel, copper, zinc, tin, aluminic (bauxite), and fuel minerals (coal, lignite, oil shale).

The fonds also contains records of the Incentives and Comparative Advantage (INCA) Unit created as a Bank research project in 1981 under the Industrial Development and Finance Department (IDF) that later operated within the Strategy and Policy Division, Industry Department (INDSP) between 1982 and 1985. These records reflect the support and applied research activities of the small, specialized unit, and include the Bank's work beginning from the early 1970s when the Development Research Center (DRC) economists conducted INCA analyses and studies prior to the INCA unit.

Industry and Mining Sector

Records of the Social Development Sector

  • Fonds
  • 1975 - 2007

This fonds consists of records created by the Social Development Department (SDV) as well as by other Bank units that pre-existed the SDV and which carried out those functions that comprise the Bank's social development sector. Records created in the Environment Department's Social Policy and Resettlement Division (ENVSP, 1993-1997) are abundant. In some cases, files begun in the ENVSP were transferred to and eventually closed by the SDV. Records from other Departments in this fonds include: the International Relations Department of the Office of the Vice President, External Relations (VPE) between 1983 and 1987; the Strategic Planning Department (SPRIE) between 1987 and 1990; the External Relations Department (EXTIE) between 1990-1993; and the Operations Policy Department's Policy Group (OPRPG) between 1993 and 1997.

A significant amount of records in this fonds relate to the Bank's involvement with Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in their capacity: as operational organizations, whose main purpose isthe design and implementation of development projects; and as advocacy organizations that support a particular cause and seek to influence Bank policies and practices.

Included are general subject and policy development records used to establish and review Bank Group policies in relation to NGOs. The majority of these files were created in the 1990s by the ENVSP and SDV's NGO Unit (SDVNG), although there are a number of files from the SPRIE, EXTIE, and OPRPG in the mid-1980s through the early 1990s. Correspondence and reports related to policies and strategies for Bank collaboration with NGOs are included, as are subject files on gender, governance, resettlement, capacity building, civil society, debt initiative, and other topics. Other NGO-related topics (often in the form of chronological files) include: committees; partnerships; participation and monitoring; progress reports; conferences; seminars; workshops; U.S. development NGOs; and Swiss NGOs. Related to these records and present in this fonds are records created and received while monitoring civic engagement in Bank lending and policy instruments.

Bank/NGO liaison files dating from the mid 1980s to early 1990s and relating to specific countries are also included. These records relate to activities carried out by NGOs independently or in collaboration with the Bank. Records include correspondence between the Bank and NGOs or government officials as well as technical materials, Bank and NGO reports, and material on workshops and conferences. Records related to the Small Grants Program are also included. The Program supports activities related to civic engagement by providing small grants administered through the Country Offices. The records included here are primarily from the early to mid-1990s when the Program was organized within the EXTIE. Records include reports, minutes, grant applications, awards, and related materials from the Committee. The fonds also contains records relating to other trust funds, such as the Trust Fund for Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development (TFESSD) and the Grants Facility for Indigenous Peoples. These records include legal documents, Internal Audit Reports, External Audit Reports, Portfolio review issues, single audit reports, and special analyses.

A number of records related specifically to participation - that is, the promotion of methods and approaches that encourage the involvement of stakeholders in development initiatives - are also included. These include internal and externally created documents, suchas: NGO files; action plans; participatory poverty assessment studies; discussion papers; committee files; policy development files; and general files.

The fonds also contains a large amount of research material created and collected by SDV staff and by the Bank's social scientists prior to the SDV's formation. Research undertaken by Michael Cernea and others in the 1990s related to resettlement is included. This includes research materials created during the writing of various reports including The Bankwide Review of Projects Involving Involuntary Resettlement (1986-1993) (1994). Included are country and project files that involve cases of resettlement.

Records related to Cernea's historical research on sociology in the Bank are also included. These contain a collection compiled by Cernea of Bank project files, Terms of Reference (TORs), conference and seminar materials, and other records from the 1980s that involved elements related to the social development sector. Records of the Bank Sociological Groupare also included. The fonds also contains Gloria Davis's chronological files created during her time as the first Director of the SDV from 1997 to 2000. These generally consist of correspondence.

Social Development Sector

Records of the Global Environment Facility

  • Fonds
  • 1988 - 2007

The fonds consists of records that relate to the Global Environment Facility (GEF) Secretariat's various activities. The majority of the fonds consists of GEF project files. Project types include the Small Grants Programme, Enabling Activities, medium-sized projects (MSP), and full-sized projects (FSPs). These records reflect GEF project cycle activities. Records include: reports; correspondence; forms; concept agreements; focal area work program documents; CEO endorsement; evaluation and review documents;terminal report; and other documents generated by the project cycle from concept development stage to its closure.

Records related to GEF's role in operational monitoring and assessment of GEF projects are included. The responsibility is shared between GEF and the implementing agencies. GEF's activities include: overall project evaluation; operational programs evaluation; evaluation of GEF practices and activities; and thematic reviews and assessments. GEF's Monitoring and Evaluation unit (GEFME) also contributes to the formation of Global and Regional Agreements and organizes and participates in workshops and other knowledge sharing activities. Records included here are generally unpublished materials including drafts, working papers, statistical information and other records related to the work of GEFME.

The fonds also consists of policy, procedures, and standards development and business strategy records. Records generally consist of correspondence, reports, research, ad hoc studies on various topics, and other records pertaining to the development and implementation of GEF policies, procedures, and standards.

Also included are records related to GEF's Focal Area programs. These records relate to: program operations; program strategy; program indicators and methodologies; capacity development initiatives; cross-team support; taskforce meetings; conventions; seminars; training; and the Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel (STAP). Records include: correspondence; reports; policy papers; reports to management; publications; and other materials.

This fonds also consists of corporate affairs and liaison records. Included is correspondence and reports that document GEF's relationship with client communities and stake holders, including: implementing agencies; executing agencies; STAP; donor countries; the private sector; and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Also included are records related to GEF's participation in the various conventions of which it acts as the financial mechanism. Records include: copies of agreements and contracts; terms and conditions; memoranda of understanding; annual and financial reports; and records related to replenishment. Included in this fonds are records created during meetings of GEF Council, GEF Assembly and other standing and ad hoc groups of GEF, including: Participants meeting; various taskforces and working groups; special donor meetings; and project review meetings. Records include: minutes; agendas; reports; Terms of Reference; supporting or background documentation; summaries of proceedings; member lists; intercessional decision reports; and speeches and statements made by GEF representatives. Audio and video recordings of some of the meetings are included in the fonds.

Records related to communications and outreach are also included. The majority of these records are a collection of magazine, journal, and newspaper articles that refer to the GEF. Issues of GEF's newsletter, Talking Points, are included, as are records related to GEF representatives' participation in seminars, meetings, and other events.

Also included are the chronological correspondence files of the GEF CEO, deputy CEO, and Secretariat from between 1992 and 2004. Communications to Council from the CEO and Secretariat from 1993 to 1997 are also included.

Global Environment Facility

Records of the Environment Sector

  • Fonds
  • 1983 - 2006

The fonds consists of records that reflect the various activities of the environment sector in the World Bank. The majority of the records in this fonds were created or received by the Environment Department's Global Environment Unit (ENVGC) and relate to the coordination of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol (MLF). These records date from the beginning of the Bank's involvement with the organizations and the creation of the ENVGCin 1991. Included are GEF-affiliated project files prepared by the project task manager and sent to the ENVGC for recordkeeping. For Bank-related projects, ENVGC serves as the liaison between the project task manager and GEF, and the files correspond to the task manager's files in the regional units. In most instances the ENVGC files will consist of records documenting project identification, negotiation and project agreement; records from the implementation phase of the project are usually not forwarded to ENVGC, although the project completion report often is. Dozens of projects are represented in the fonds; however, records related to the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System are particularly numerous. A small number of chronological files created by the Environment technical departments of the Banks' Regions that were implementing GEF projects in its earliest years (from 1990 to 1992) are included.

The fonds also consists of records that document the ENVGC's role as GEF Trustee. Records of this type documentrelationships between the ENVGC and agencies internal and external to the Bank with regard to GEF funding, projects, and operations. Copies of agreements and contracts, terms and conditions, memoranda of understanding, and annual and financial reports are also included. The fonds also contains records related to the formation and monitoring of GEF and MLF budgets and work programs. Included are the final versions of the annual budget, the mid-year review, work program, disbursement reports, and budget-related correspondence. Also included are working files consisting of memoranda and individual transaction records related to the implementation of the budget. Annual regional retrospective reviews submitted by region offices are also included.

Correspondence, research materials, and reports pertaining to the development and implementation of GEF policies, procedures, and standards are also included. Included are ad hoc studies performed to inform GEF participants on various topics. Also included are records relating to GEF council meetings and bilateral consultations and meetings; these consist of minutes, information documents, work programs, and executive summaries. Also included are records relating to conventions, forums, conferences, retreats, workshops, planning meetings, informal consultations, and Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel (STAP) meetings.

A significant number of GEF-related ENVGC records were created or collected by one of ENVGC's GEF Operations Coordinators, Ken Newcombe. Newcombe's chronological files from the early 1990s are also included. The chronological files of Ian Johnson during his time as Administrator/Assistant CEO of GEF are also included; these date from 1993 to 1996. Chronological files of Hans Wyss from this period are also included. Wyss worked out of the African Technical Department (AFT) and the Central Operations Department (COD).

The fonds also contains a smaller amount of records related to the Montreal Protocol (MP) and the MLF. Included are correspondence and reports related to Bank-managed or executed projects performed under the MP as well as agendas, minutes, reports and correspondence related to meetings and coordination activities. The majority of the meeting records are Executive Committee records. Also included in this fonds are chronological files of the ENVGC from between 1996 and 2003 that relate specifically to the Montreal Protocol.

The fonds also contains records evidencing liaison activities of ENV. Communications with NGOs, Bank Regions, funding and collaborating agencies, and other external national and international agencies and institutions are included.

A diverse group of records created by the Environment Department's Carbon Finance Unit (ENVCF) are also found in this fonds. Carbon finance-related activities began in the Department in the late 1990s and support the World Bank's role as trustee of carbon funds that deliver greenhouse gas emission reductions to government and private sector participants. Records related to the ENVCF date from the late 1990s to early 2000s and include: chronological files; materials from Bank-organized and external conferences and seminars; organization and management records; public relations materials in the form of press releases, newspaper clippings, website printouts, and correspondence; ENVCF manuals, publications, and handbooks; briefing books for senior officials containing correspondence and memoranda, briefings, meeting agendas and minutes, reports and comments, and numerous files related to the Prototype Carbon Fund (PCF); records related to Activities Implemented Jointly (AIJ) projects and trust fund cycle records; and correspondence related to trust fund programs and management.

Subject files created by the Environment Department's Director (ENVDR) dating from the mid-1990s are included in this fonds. Files contain correspondence and memoranda, meeting minutes, press releases, project information, and reports and research papers. Records originating in the Land, Water and Natural Habitats Division (ENVLW) of the Environment Department are also included. These include Division Chief chronological files from 1993 and centralized chronological files from 1991-1993. The former is limited to correspondence and memoranda while the latter includes a small number of reports in addition to correspondence.

Central chronological files of the entire Department are also included from August, 1992, to December, 1995. These records consist of correspondence between divisions, ESD departments, and other Bank Vice Presidencies and units. Records relate to: support and review of Bank projects; research projects; GEF activities; Departmental personnel and staffing; internal and external meetings; cross support; training for Bank staff relating to Environmental management; and staff conference attendance and participation. Copies of reports including ENV Divisional working papers and World Bank Environment papers are also included.

Environment Sector

Records of the Education Sector

  • Fonds
  • 1964 - 2013 (predominant 1972 - 2006)

The fonds contains records predominantly created between 1972 and 2006 by Education Sector units. A small portion of records that date from the 1960s are external reports and other material used for reference by department staff. While sector records were maintained in the Bank-wide centralized filing system from the early years of operations in the 1940s until mid-1987 and some of these records remain part of the Central Files fonds, departments often kept separate working files. It is primarily the working files of the education sector that comprise the records in this fonds, along with records created after 1987 when recordkeeping responsibilities were turned over to the records-creating offices. See the arrangement note below for more information about the centralized files.

The records reflect the range of functional responsibilities within the sectors of education, employment, and training: including: producing studies and publications; policy and best practice development; operational support to theregions regarding Bank projects and quality review; maintaining Bank partnerships and sponsorship of joint programs with United Nations agencies and other organizations; managing and monitoring global trust funds; and participation or organization of conferences, training, and other learning events.

Education Sector

Personal papers of Sidney E. Chernick

  • Fonds
  • 1972 - 1989

Fonds consists of Sidney Chernick's chronological files from his time in numerous World Bank departments, including: the Policy, Planning and Program Review Department (PPPRD); Country Policy Department (CPD); South Asia Country Programs Department (ASADR); and the Economic Development Institute (EDI). Chronological files contain few gaps and appear to have functioned as Chernick's personal record of outgoing correspondence.

Chernick, Sidney E.

Records of the Human Resources Development and Operations Policy Vice Presidency

  • Fonds
  • 1993 - 1995

The majority of the records in this fonds are chronological files created by the HROVP. Most of the contents of these files are correspondence to and from institutions, agencies, governments, and departments external and internal to the Bank. The fonds also includes records which relate to communications as well as governance-related activities of the HROVP.

Human Resources Development and Operations Policy Vice Presidency

Records of Temporary Committees, Commissions, and Boards

  • Fonds
  • 1982 - 1995

The fonds contains the records of two task forces: the Economic Development Institute (EDI) Task Force and the Task Force on Local Cost Financing Under Adjustment Operations. The records of the secretariat responsible for the Bank's activities marking its 50th anniversary are also included.

Temporary Committees, Commissions, and Boards

Personal papers of Gloria Davis

  • Fonds
  • 1972 - 2004

The papers relate almost exclusively to Indonesia. They include her dissertation and its background data survey sheets. The papers also include background information on all the Indonesia projects in which Davis was involved between 1978 and 1986, including correspondence, subject files, data survey sheets, statistics and computer printouts of statistical analyses. The files on one project in Fiji are included. Davis obtained many official Indonesian government documents during the years when her focuswas on Indonesia. These are found both in correspondence and data files as well as in the set of reports in Bahasa Indonesian. Davis maintained a set of speeches, articles and monographs, mainly about Indonesia, that were written by colleagues. She also maintained sets of publications on Indonesian topics from various research institutions in Indonesia and other countries. The files do not include correspondence with family and friends. No photographs are included. The files are of interest primarilyto students of the history of Indonesia and to the study of migration. The raw data collections are particularly valuable.

Davis, Gloria

Records of the Office of Operations Evaluation

  • Fonds
  • 1957 - 2004 (predominant 1968 - 2004)

Fonds consists of records related to activities undertaken by the Operations Evaluation Department in support of its function as the Bank's independent operations evaluator. The majority of the records in this fonds are working files for project evaluations (Project Performance Audit Reports [PPARs] or Performance Audit Reports [PARs]) produced by the OED; these files are generally accompanied by Project Completion Reports (PCRs) or Implementation Completion Reports (ICRs) that were produced by operations departments and submitted to the OED. Working files for other OED evaluation products include: Impact Evaluation Reports (IERs); Country Assistance Reviews (CARs); Country Assistance Notes (CANs); Country Assistance Evaluations (CAEs); and special evaluation studies. Records related to annual reviews of Department evaluations are also included as are records related to Department annual reports. Publication files for OED periodicals, OED Processes, and Lessons & Practices are also included.

The fonds also consists of records created and received by the Department's Directors-General (DGO), Directors (OEDDR), and division directors. These records generally relate to: policy and procedure development; reporting; Department, Bank, and external projects, committees, and commissions; communications and dissemination of reports; operations management; and Department administration.

Office of Operations Evaluation

Personal Papers of Martin M. Rosen

  • Fonds
  • 1950 - 1987

This fonds consists principally of photographic prints. Photographs and textual records (e.g., newspaper clippings and postcards) in this collection document various events that Martin Rosen attended during his tenure at the World Bank and IFC. Examples of those events are the signing of the IFC-FEMSA (Fabrica Espanola Magnetos, S.A.) Agreement in 1962 and Rosen's visit to Pakistan (West and East) and Korea in 1969.

Rosen, Martin M.

Personal papers of Jaime Biderman

  • Fonds
  • 1976 - 2009

This fonds contains records that span Jaime Biderman's entire career with the World Bank Group. Records relate to his work as an Economist, Senior Country Officer, and other positions in the World Bank's operations complex. A small number of records also relate to his work in the Operations Policy Department (OPR).

Biderman, Jaime

Personal Papers of Frank K. Vita

  • Fonds
  • 1969 - 1995

This fonds contains records that span Frank Vita's entire twenty-three year career at the World Bank Group. Records relate to his involvement in lending operations in Africa, Latin America, Europe and Central Asia in the 1970s and 1990s as well as his work in the Finance Operations Department (FOD) in the 1980s undertaking research and policy work on capital markets and central banks investment. Records relating to his time as Deputy Director in the Tokyo Office in 1984-1985 and his work in the International Finance Corporation (IFC) between 1985 and 1990 are also included.

Vita, Frank K.

Records of the Commission on International Development [Pearson Commission]

  • WB_IBRD/IDA_116
  • Fonds
  • 1961 - 1962, 1965, 1967 - 1970

Fonds consists of records documenting the activities and proceedings of the Commission on International Development formed to review and assess the results of the previous twenty years of development assistance. Although most of the records were created from the time of the Commission's establishment in 1968 to its dissolution in 1969, there are a few copies of external reports dated 1961 to 1962 used for the Commission's studies.

The fonds contains photographs, audio reels, and textual records documenting the establishment of the Commission, meetings and regional hearings, staff reports and research papers, and the Commission's final report. Also included in the fonds are records related to the World Bank President's Memoranda on Report Recommendations, the 1970 official Bank response to the Commission's findings.

Commission on International Development [Pearson Commission]

Records of the Office of the Historian

  • Fonds
  • 1946 - 1999 (predominant 1989 - 1998)

Because of the broad scope of the work of the office, which was essentially the entire history of the Bank, the records are extremely varied. They include: written reminiscences, solicited or volunteered, by former Bank staff members; drafts of various publications, both Bank and non-Bank; commentaries on drafts, discussing the commenters' views of particular issues and events; and background research materials used by the World Bank History Project.

The largest body of original source material in the fonds is the set of interviews conducted by the World Bank History Project authors as part of their research for the two-volume The World Bank: Its First Half Century. Typed notes are the only record of some interviews, but most interviews have both the tape of the interview and a transcript.

Office of the Historian

Personal papers of O. Hursit Calika

  • Fonds
  • 1961 - 1974, 1976 - 1979

Series consists of the chronological files Calika personally created and maintained during his career at the World Bank.

Calika, O. Hursit

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