Chile - IBRD - Depository General - 1946 - 1965 Correspondence
- 01053498
- Bestanddeel
- 1946-07-09 - 1965-12-20
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Chile - IBRD - Depository General - 1946 - 1965 Correspondence
Costa Rica - IBRD - Depository General - 1946 - 1965 Correspondence
Administration - Communications - Cables - Preferential Rates - Correspondence
United Nations [UN] - Relief and Rehabilitation - [UNRA] - 1946 / 1947 - Correspondence - Volume 1
Iran - IBRD - Depository General - 1946 - 1965 Correspondence
United States - IBRD - Depository General - Correspondence
South Africa - IBRD - Depository General - 1946 - 1965 Correspondence
El Salvador - IBRD - Depository General - 1946 - 1965 Correspondence
France - IBRD - Depository General - 1946 - 1951 Correspondence
Poland - IBRD - Depository General - Correspondence
Dominican Republic - IBRD - Depository General - 1946 - 1965 Correspondence
Paraguay - IBRD - Depository General - 1946 - 1965 Correspondence
Luxembourg - IBRD - Depository General - 1946 - 1965 Correspondence
United Kingdom - IBRD - Depository General - 1946 - 1951 Correspondence
Chile - IBRD - Governors and Alternates - 1946 - 1965 Correspondence
Bonds - General - Background Material Prior to First Bond Issue - Correspondence - Volume 2
Administration - Communications, Records, Classified Material - 1946 - 1954
Presidents' Papers Photocopies, Descriptions, and Custody Information - E. Meyer
Philippines - IBRD - Depository General - 1946 - 1965 Correspondence
Cuba - IBRD - Depository -General - 1946 - 1960 Correspondence
Administrative Services - Releases - Administrative Orders - 1946 - 1947
China - IBRD - Depository General - 1946 - 1965 Correspondence
Belgium - IBRD - Depository General - 1946 - 1965 Correspondence
Nicaragua - IBRD - Governors and Alternates - 1946 - 1965 Correspondence
Nicaragua - IBRD - Depository General - 1946 - 1965 Correspondence
Liaison - International Civil Service Advisory Board - 1946 / 1951 - Correspondence - Volume 1
Greece - IBRD - Governors and Alternates - 1946 - 1965 Correspondence
Administrative Services - Releases - Orders - 1946 - 1948
Greece - IBRD - Depository General - 1946 - 1965 Correspondence
Liaison - United Nations [UN] - Statistical Section - 1946 - Correspondence - Volume 1
Administrative Services - Circulars - Information - 1946 - 1947
Netherlands - IBRD - Depository General - 1946 - 1965 Correspondence
Turkey - IBRD - Membership - 1946 - 1965 Correspondence
Organization - International Bank for Reconstruction and Development [IBRD] - By Laws - Volume 1
Egypt (United Arab Republic) - IBRD - Governors and Alternates - 1946 - 1965 Correspondence
Turkey - IBRD - Capital - 1946 - 1965 Correspondence
United States Government Agencies - Export-Import Bank - Correspondence - Volume 1
Lebanon - IBRD - Membership - 1946 - 1965 Correspondence
Liaison - International Labour Office - 1946 / 1958 - Correspondence - Volume 1
Administrative - Services - Travel - Policy - Correspondence
Administrative Services - Releases - Circulars - Information - 1946 - 1948
Italy - IBRD - Capital - 1946 - 1954 Correspondence - Volume 1
Belgium - IBRD - Governors and Alternates - 1946 - 1965 Correspondence
Canada - IBRD - Depository General - 1946 - 1959 Correspondence