672-68 Collaborative Research with China: Phaase I - 1v
673-14 Collaborative Research with China - Phase II - 1v
674-07 Collaborative Research with China - 1v
80 Years of Transmigration in Indonesia - 1905 to 1985 - P Levang and O Sevin - Orstom Indonesia Transmigration - 1990
A Background Paper for a DAC Seminar on "The Role of Non Governmental Organizations [NGO] in Agriculture and Rural Development in Sub Saharan Africa to be held in Paris - June 3 - 4, 1986 - World Bank / NGO Cooperation in Agricultural and Rural
A History of Social Development Network in the World Bank, 1973-2002
A Social History of the Balinese Movement to Central Sulawesi 1907 - 1974. A Dissertation submitted by Gloria Davis - 1
A Social History of the Balinese Movement to Central Sulawesi 1907 - 1974. A Dissertation submitted by Gloria Davis - 2
A W Clausen Presidents Papers - Outgoing Chronological Records - August 1985 - Volume 50
A W Clausen Presidents Papers - Outgoing Chronological Records - December 1985 - Volume 54
A W Clausen Presidents Papers - Outgoing Chronological Records - November 1985 - Volume 53
A W Clausen Presidents Papers - Outgoing Chronological Records - October 1985 - Volume 52
A W Clausen Presidents Papers - Outgoing Chronological Records - September 1985 - Volume 51
Accounting and Auditing
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome [AIDS] - The World Bank's Agenda for Action on AIDS and other Sexually Transmitted Diseases [STDs] in Africa - A Review and Update - December 1991
Ad Hoc Interagency Working Group on Demographic Estimates and Projections - New York - November 1986
Administrative Files: Ibrahim F. I. Shihata Manuscript on MIGA - Manuscript
Administrative Tribunal - Correspondence 01
Adult Education - Boxes - World Conference on Education for All (WCEFA) - Correspondence
Advertising Council's Award acceptance address, December 12, 1968 - Correspondence 01
Advisory Committee [for Study of International Fisheries Research] - Correspondence
AEPA4 - Indonesia Maps
Afghanistan - Airplane hijacking, Kabul, Afghanistan, March 1981; ;
AFRDR - Chronological Records - Callisto Madavo
African Regional Retreat - Regional Water and Sanitation Group - West Africa [RWSG-WA] and Regional Water and Sanitation Group - East Africa [RWSG-EA] - March 4-8, 1996 - Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire - United Nations Development Programme [UNDP]
African Regional Seminar on Education Evaluation (IIEP/IBRD)
Agarwala, Ramgopal - Articles and Speeches (1972) - 1v
Agency for International Development (AID) - Effectiveness
Agendas February, March 1985
Agricultural and Rural Development Advisory Panel - Operations Policy File
Agricultural Development - Structural Transformation, Report Prepared by Wilfred David and Pasquale L. Scandizzo - Draft report
Agricultural Technology and Services Division [AGRTN] - China - Agriculture - General - 1992 Correspondence - Volume 1
Agriculture - Operations Policy File - Volume 06
Agriculture - Patterns of Protection, by P.L. Scandizzo - Draft paper