Policy Research Papers - Beenstock, Michael - Model for Public Health Sector Planning in Developing Countries
Country Health System [CHS] - London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Country Health Survey [CHS] - Workshop - June 1 - 3, 1987
National Health Project - The Gambia - Credit 1760 - P000812 - Overseas Development Administration [ODA] / Technical Assistance
National Health Project - The Gambia - Credit 1760 - P000812 - Research Proposal - 1985
National Health Project - The Gambia - Credit 1760 - P000812 - Project Proposal of Government - 1986
Bellagio II - Task Force for Child Survival - Volume 1
National Health Project - The Gambia - Credit 1760 - P000812 - Decision Memorandum
National Health Project - The Gambia - Credit 1760 - P000812 - McDermott, P.
National Health Project - The Gambia - Credit 1760 - P000812 - Research
Policy and Research Unit - 5.0 Initiation Briefs for Policy Papers
Bellagio - Health Research for the Developed World, Priorities and Strategies
Contraceptive Prevalence and Fertility from Contraceptive Acceptors
Population, Health and Nutrition [PHN] - Demography Correspondence, Demography Workshops
Onchocerciasis budget - set
Onchocerciasis Chemotherapy - Correspondence
WHO / CDD follow up on PHN / CDD cooperation - Correspondence
HDNHE - Human Reproductive Program Records - Annual Technical Report 1992 - Special Programme of Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction - World Health Organization
HDNHE - Human Reproductive Program Records - Annual Technical Report 1991 - Special Programme of Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction - World Health Organization
Environmental and Health - James Lee
Liaison with International and other Organizations - Population Council - Volume 1