Showing 1-50 of 20078 results

Records of the Office of External Relations

626 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques

Bretton Woods - India Delegates - B K Madan, Theodore E Gregory, A D Shroff, A Jeremy Raisman, Shanmukkam Chetty, Chintaman D Deshmukh - July 6, 1944 - Photographs
Bretton Woods - India Delegates - B K Madan, Theodore E Gregory, A D Shroff, A Jeremy Raisman, Shanmukkam Chetty, Chintaman D Deshmukh - July 6, 1944 - Photographs
Bretton Woods Photographs - United States Delegates and U.S.S.R. Delegates - Photographs
Bretton Woods Photographs - United States Delegates and U.S.S.R. Delegates - Photographs
Bretton Woods Photos - Cuba Delegation
Bretton Woods Photos - Cuba Delegation
Bretton Woods photographs - Harry Dexter White, American Delegate and Chairman of Commission I, and Lord John Maynard Keynes, United Kingdom [UK] Delegate and Chairman of Commission II - Photograph
Bretton Woods photographs - Harry Dexter White, American Delegate and Chairman of Commission I, and Lord John Maynard Keynes, United Kingdom [UK] Delegate and Chairman of Commission II - Photograph
Photograph (historic)
Photograph (historic)
Bretton Woods photographs - Poland delegates Malinowski, Grosfeld - Photograph
Bretton Woods photographs - Poland delegates Malinowski, Grosfeld - Photograph
Bretton Woods photographs - U.S.S.R. delegate Stepanov, U.K. delegate Maynard Keynes, Yugoslavia delegate Rybar - Photograph
Bretton Woods photographs - U.S.S.R. delegate Stepanov, U.K. delegate Maynard Keynes, Yugoslavia delegate Rybar - Photograph
Bretton Woods photographs - Cuba delegates C. Montoulieu, Pasos, Montes, E. Montoulieu, Machado, Sanchez, Meoncal - Photograph
Bretton Woods photographs - Cuba delegates C. Montoulieu, Pasos, Montes, E. Montoulieu, Machado, Sanchez, Meoncal - Photograph
Bretton Woods - Various A.P. Photos
Bretton Woods - Various A.P. Photos
Bretton Woods photographs - Iran delegates Daftary, Ebtehaj, Navab, Nassr - Photograph
Bretton Woods photographs - Iran delegates Daftary, Ebtehaj, Navab, Nassr - Photograph
Bretton Woods - Norwegian Delegation
Bretton Woods - Norwegian Delegation
Bretton Woods - Morganthau Addressing Delegates
Bretton Woods - Morganthau Addressing Delegates
Bretton Woods photographs - Bretton Woods delegates (informal) - Photograph
Bretton Woods photographs - Bretton Woods delegates (informal) - Photograph
Bretton Woods photographs - Historical plaque - Photograph
Bretton Woods photographs - Historical plaque - Photograph
Bretton Woods photographs - Belgium delegate Gutt, France delegate Istel - Photograph
Bretton Woods photographs - Belgium delegate Gutt, France delegate Istel - Photograph
Bretton Woods - US Delegation
Bretton Woods - US Delegation
Bretton Woods photographs - China delegate Kung Hsiang-hsi, U.S. delegate Morgenthau - Photograph
Bretton Woods photographs - China delegate Kung Hsiang-hsi, U.S. delegate Morgenthau - Photograph
Bretton Woods photographs - Greece delegates Sbarounis, Varvaressos, Argyropoulos - Photograph
Bretton Woods photographs - Greece delegates Sbarounis, Varvaressos, Argyropoulos - Photograph
Bretton Woods photographs - Bretton Woods delegates (formal with tower) - Photograph
Bretton Woods photographs - Bretton Woods delegates (formal with tower) - Photograph
Bretton Woods photographs - Bretton Woods delegates (formal with cars) - Photograph
Bretton Woods photographs - Bretton Woods delegates (formal with cars) - Photograph
Bretton Woods - Robbins, White, and Robertson
Bretton Woods - Robbins, White, and Robertson
Bretton Woods - Lord Keynes Addressing Delegates
Bretton Woods - Lord Keynes Addressing Delegates
Bretton Woods - Delegates of Chile, Brazil, Belgium, and Afghanistan
Bretton Woods - Delegates of Chile, Brazil, Belgium, and Afghanistan
Bretton Woods photographs - Ecuador delegation: Duran Ballen, Carbo - Photograph
Bretton Woods photographs - Ecuador delegation: Duran Ballen, Carbo - Photograph
Bretton Woods photographs - Articles of Agreement signing, U.S. State Department. Lester Pearson signing for Canada. - Photograph
Bretton Woods photographs - Articles of Agreement signing, U.S. State Department. Lester Pearson signing for Canada. - Photograph
Signing of Articles of Agreement
Signing of Articles of Agreement
Bretton Woods photographs - Articles of Agreement signing, U.S. State Department. Lord Halifax signing for the United Kingdom. - Photograph
Bretton Woods photographs - Articles of Agreement signing, U.S. State Department. Lord Halifax signing for the United Kingdom. - Photograph
Bretton Woods photographs - Articles of Agreement signing, U.S. State Department. Dean Acheson addressing the delegates - Photograph
Bretton Woods photographs - Articles of Agreement signing, U.S. State Department. Dean Acheson addressing the delegates - Photograph
Board of Governors Inaugural Meeting - Savannah, Georgia - March 8 - 18, 1946 - Selected Documents - April 1946
Board of Governors Inaugural Meeting - Savannah, Georgia - March 8 - 18, 1946 - Selected Documents - April 1946
Inaugural Meeting of the Board of Governors of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development - Savannah, Georgia - March 8 - 18, 1946 - Selected Docuemnts - May 1946
Inaugural Meeting of the Board of Governors of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development - Savannah, Georgia - March 8 - 18, 1946 - Selected Docuemnts - May 1946
First Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development - First Annual Report by the Executive Directors - September 27, 1946
First Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development - First Annual Report by the Executive Directors - September 27, 1946
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development - First Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors - Washington, DC - September 27 - October 3, 1946 - Proceedings and Related Documents - October 29, 1946 - Two Copies
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development - First Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors - Washington, DC - September 27 - October 3, 1946 - Proceedings and Related Documents - October 29, 1946 - Two Copies
Liaison - United Nations [UN] Agreement Bank - Fund - 1946 - Correspondence - Volume 1
Liaison - United Nations [UN] Agreement Bank - Fund - 1946 - Correspondence - Volume 1
Presidents Speeches - Meyer
Presidents Speeches - Meyer
Numbered Press Releases, IBRD - Volume 1, no. 1-25
Numbered Press Releases, IBRD - Volume 1, no. 1-25
Meyer and Vice-President Harold D. Smith
Meyer and Vice-President Harold D. Smith
Senior Staff and Executive Directors Photographs - Lord Keynes - Savannah, Georgia - 1v
Senior Staff and Executive Directors Photographs - Lord Keynes - Savannah, Georgia - 1v
President Eugene Meyer speeches
President Eugene Meyer speeches
Collado, Emilio G. - Articles and Speeches (1946 - 1953)
Collado, Emilio G. - Articles and Speeches (1946 - 1953)
Liaison - United Nations [UN] Agreement Bank - Fund - 1947 - Correspondence - Volume 1
Liaison - United Nations [UN] Agreement Bank - Fund - 1947 - Correspondence - Volume 1
Script of broadcast - The United States in World Affairs
Script of broadcast - The United States in World Affairs
Luxord, Ansel F. - Articles and Speeches (1947)
Luxord, Ansel F. - Articles and Speeches (1947)
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development - Second Annual Report - 1946 - 1947 - September 11, 1947
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development - Second Annual Report - 1946 - 1947 - September 11, 1947
International Trade Organization - First Session - Correspondence - Volume 1
International Trade Organization - First Session - Correspondence - Volume 1
Pineo, Charles C. - Articles and Speeches (1947) - 1v
Pineo, Charles C. - Articles and Speeches (1947) - 1v
Parker, Chauncey G. - Articles and Speeches (1947)
Parker, Chauncey G. - Articles and Speeches (1947)
United Nations [UN] - Relief and Rehabilitation - [UNRA] - 1946 / 1947 - Correspondence - Volume 1
United Nations [UN] - Relief and Rehabilitation - [UNRA] - 1946 / 1947 - Correspondence - Volume 1
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development - Second Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors - London, England - September 11 - 17, 1947 - Proceedings - October 31, 1947
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development - Second Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors - London, England - September 11 - 17, 1947 - Proceedings - October 31, 1947
De Sercey, R. G. M. - Articles and Speeches (1947)
De Sercey, R. G. M. - Articles and Speeches (1947)
IBRD / IDA - Public Relations - General - Correspondence - 1946 - 1947
IBRD / IDA - Public Relations - General - Correspondence - 1946 - 1947
Résultats 1 à 50 sur 20078