Poland - IBRD - Depository General - Correspondence
China - IBRD - Depository General - 1946 - 1965 Correspondence
Organization - Economics Department - General - 1947 - 1964
Organization - Departments and Offices : Economics Department - Activities - set (2 of 2)
Operational - Missions - End Use - Correspondence
Operational - Missions - General - Correspondence - Volume 1
Operations Policy Files - Procurement - General - Correspondence - Volume 1
Operational Policy Files - Consultants - Policy - Correspondence - Volume 1
Development - General - Correspondence - Volume 1
Missions - Resident Missions - Correspondence - Volume 1
Organization - Legal Department - 1947 / 1965 General Correspondence
United States Government Agencies - Foreign Aid - Export Rehabilitation Project [ERP] and Economic Cooperation Administration [ECA] - Correspondence
United Kingdom - Bonds - Marketing - Correspondence - Volume 1
Operational - Development Corporations - Correspondence
United States Government Agencies - Varvaressos - Correspondence - Volume 2
Organization - Field Offices - Regional Representatives - Forbes - Correspondence
United States Government Agencies - Varvaressos - Correspondence - Volume 1
United States Government Agencies - Foreign Aid - Economic Cooperation Administration [ECA] - Correspondence
Development - General - Correspondence - Volume 2
Operational - Policy and Procedure - Appraisal and Cost of Projects - Volume 1
United States Government Agencies - Foreign Aid - Economic Cooperation Administration [ECA] - Mutual Security Agency [MSA] - Technical Cooperation Agency [TCA] - Correspondence
Operational - Missions - General Survey - Correspondence - Volume 1
Operational - Contractors - General - Correspondence - Volume 1
United States Government Agencies - Varvaressos - Criticisms Against the Bank and Suggestions for Their Refutation
Operational - Development - Land Reform - Correspondence - Volume 1
Development - General - Correpondence - Volume 3
Operational - Investments - Promotion and Protection of Private and Foreign Investment - Correspondence - Volume 2
Operational - Development Banks - General - Correspondence - Volume 1
Finance - IBRD Currencies - German Marcs - 1951 - 1965
Operations Policy Files - Procurement - General - Correspondence - Volume 2
Germany - Bonds - Marketing - Germany - Correspondence - Volume 1
Japan - IBRD - Depository General - 1952 - 1965 Correspondence
Operational - Contractors - Bidding - Correspondence - Volume 1
United States Government Agencies - Foreign Aid - Mutual Security Agency [MSA] - Technical Cooperation Agency [TCA] - Foreign Operations Administration [FOA] - Correspondence
Operational - Development - Tinbergen Report - Correspondence
Operational - Investments - Promotion and Protection of Private and Foreign Investment - Correspondence - Volume 3
Development - General - Correspondence - Volume 4
Operational - Policy and Procedure - Rejected Projects - Volume 1
United States Government Agencies - President Foreign Economic Policy Commission - Clarence B. Randall - Correspondence
Germany - Bonds - Marketing - General - Correspondence - Volume 1
Operational - Investments - Promotion and Protection of Private and Foreign Investment - Correspondence - Volume 4
United States Government Agencies - Foreign Aid - Foreign Operations Administration [FOA], Mutual Security Agency [MSA], ICA - Correspondence
Operational - Contractors - Brazil - Correspondence
Tunisia - IBRD - Membership - Correspondence
Operational - Consultants - Colquhoun Report
Argentina - IBRD - Depository General - 1956 - 1965 Correspondence
Deutsche Bundesbank - Bonds - Borrowing - 100 Million Dollars - 4 1/4 Percent Notes - 1957 - Correspoondence
Operational - Arbitration - General - Correspondence - Volume 1
Ghana - IBRD - Depository General - 1957 - 1965 Correspondence
Deutsche Bundesbank - Bonds - Borrowing - 75 Million Dollars - 4 3/8 Percent Notes - 1957 - Correspondence