Pakistan - Agricultural Higher Education - Background Material on Special Study of the Effectiveness of Bank Project Supervision - Case Study - Floppy Disc
Agricultural Higher Education - Background Material on Special Study of the Effectiveness of Bank Project Supervision - Senegal Case Study - diskette
Shelton H. Davis - Colombia - Pacific Coast
Flesher, Carl - Articles and Speeches (undated)
Brookings World Bank History Project Team files - Audio interview - Camdessus, Michel
Urban Assistance Conference - Correspondence
Final Private Sector Advisory Services (PSAS) Reports, June Budget Transfers, Reimbursables, Final deliverables Economic and Sector Work (ESW) and Compact, C/S FY03, Final Product on DB project, Istanbul Workshop
Policy Development Records - Human Rights - Correspondence - February 27, 2003
Organization and Management Records - ESSD Council Meeting on Strategic Staffing - Correspondence File - January 15, 2003
Guinea - 20 Years of IDA Assistance - Project Performance Audit Report
Nicholas Stern - Thailand - May 6-9, 2003 - Financial Times Reports
A History of Social Development Network in the World Bank, 1973-2002
Policy Development Records - Safeguard Policies - Framework for Improving Development Effectiveness - Correspondence - August 13, 2002
Projet De Renforcement Des Capacites Nationales Du Secteur Minier Et De La Gestion De L Environement - Precageme - Amelioration De L Exploitation Miniere Artisanale - Volume 2 - Appendices - Groupment Geoman - Juillet 2002 - Report in Foreign Language
Rapport D Etude De Faisabilite Du Projet Bouda - Tome 2 - Annexes - Juillet 2002 - Report in Foreign Language
Policy Development Records - Human Rights and the World Bank - Correspondence - September - November 2002
Policy Papers,Board Papers and Research Studies - World Bank Strategy for Supporting Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development - Sector Strategy Papers as Building Blocks - Robert Watson and Rita Hilton
Office of the President's Correspondence Files - Wolfensohn - Correspondence - Volume 2
India - Sweden Trust Fund TF051599 - Urban Reforms in India - Swedish International Cooperation Development Agency [SIDA] - Water and Sanitation Program [WSP] - Correspondence ;
Office of the President's Correspondence Files - Wolfensohn - Correspondence - Volume 1
Organization and Management Records - Resettlement Committee Meeting - Inner Mongolia Highway Project - Background Documentation - March 22, 2002
Projet de Renforcement des Capacites Nationales du Secteur Minier et de Gestion de l Environment - Rapport du Seminaire 3 - La Negociation dans le Secteur Minier - Tenkodogo, February 4 to 8, 2002 - February 18, 2002 - Report in Foreign Language
Nicholas Stern - Thailand - May 2002 - Briefing Books
Policy Development Records - World Bank Engagement with Civil Society - Report - October 3, 2001
Project De Renforcement Des Capacites Nationales Du Secteur Minier Et De Gestion De L Environment Precageme - August 27, 2001 - Report in Foreign Language
Shelton H. Davis - Afro Descendant Publications - Correspondence
Environment - Environmental Assessment Review, Third
Director General's Correspondence - DGO / OEDDR - Shared Unit Files - Correspondence 13
Director General's Correspondence - DGO / OEDDR - Shared Unit Files - Correspondence 12
Office of the President's Correspondence Files - Correspondence - Volume 1
President's Correspondence - James D Wolfensohn - External Affairs - Correspondence - Volume 10
Director General's Correspondence - DGO / OEDDR - Shared Unit Files - Correspondence 11
PSAS - Business Plan / Work Program Disputes - TRS Adjustments, New Staff Information, HRS Reminder - Fiscal Year 2001
Briefing Book - United Nations Affairs and External Affairs - Vice Presidential Day at the United Nations [UN] - Mats Karlsson - Vice President - United Nations Affairs and External Affairs - October 26, 2000
President's Correspondence - James D Wolfensohn - External Affairs - Correspondence - Volume 12
President's Correspondence - James D Wolfensohn - External Affairs - Correspondence - Volume 11
PSD - Work Program I - VP Notes, Business Review Meetings VP, MD/VP Review Fact Sheet, Sector Bd. Compact, Thematic Group - Fiscal Year 2002
PSAS - Budget Reform Working Group - Reports, Presentations, Published Guidelines - Fiscal Year 2001
President Wolfensohn's External Affairs - Correspondence - Volume 10
Pre-Prague Press Briefings of August 31 and September 1 - Caroline Anstey - August 30, 2000
President's Correspondence - James D Wolfensohn - External Affairs - Correspondence - Volume 8
President's Correspondence - James D Wolfensohn - External Affairs - Correspondence - Volume 9
Office of the President's Correspondence Files - Correspondence - Volume 2
President's Correspondence - James D Wolfensohn - External Affairs - Correspondence - Volume 7
Director General's Correspondence - DGO / OEDDR - Shared Unit Files - Correspondence 10
Office of the President's Correspondence Files - Wolfensohn - Correspondence - Volume 1
Shared Unit Files - Policy Development Records - Operations Evaluation Department [OED] Review of the Bank's Performance on the Environment - Reports - 2001
Office of the President's Correspondence Files - Wolfensohn - Correspondence - Volume 2