CGIAR - H-4 - International Soybean Resource Base (INTSOY) - Correspondence 72/74-01
- 01762517
- Pasta/Processo
- 1973-01-01 - 1974-12-31
CGIAR - H-4 - International Soybean Resource Base (INTSOY) - Correspondence 72/74-01
CGIAR - H-6 - International Fertilizer Development Center (IFDC) - Correspondence 78/80-01
CGIAR - C-2 - International Centers Week - Summary of Proceedings - Summary of proceedings 72/74-01
CGIAR - J - International Commodity Arrangements - Correspondence 72/74-01
CGIAR - R - General Meetings and Conferences - Correspondence 72/74-01
CGIAR - G-9 - International Livestock Center for Africa (ILCA) - Correspondence 72/74-02
CGIAR - G-2 - Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT) - Correspondence 72/74-02
CGIAR - G-4 - International Potato Center (CIP) - Annual reports 72/74-01
CGIAR - E - Observers / New Members - Correspondence 72/74-01
CGIAR - D-3 - United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) - Documents 78/80-01
CGIAR - G-2 - Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT) - Annual reports 72/74-01
CGIAR - C-1 - International Centers Week, Correspondence - Correspondence 72/74-05
CGIAR - H-6 - International Fertilizer Development Center (IFDC) - Correspondence 75/77-01
CGIAR - H-3 - Food Policies Research Institute - Correspondence 72/74-01
CGIAR - G-5 - International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) - Correspondence 72/74-02
CGIAR: Bellagio Group Meetings - Correspondence
CGIAR - G-2 - Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT) - Financial statements 01
CGIAR - D-9 - Rockefeller Foundation - Documents 01