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Records of the Office of the Chief Economist

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Stanley Fischer's Chronological File of Correspondence with Bank Staff (Internal Chronological Files)

The correspondence in this series documents Stanley Fischer's wide range of responsibilities as DECVP. Fischer did not officially assume the duties of DECVP until January 1988 and much of the correspondence in the series prior to that time concerns organization of the VPDEC Front Office, personnel matters, and scheduling of meetings. A significant amount of his correspondence is from the directors and division chiefs of the International Economics Department (IEC), the Country Economics Department (CEC), the Economic Development Institute (EDI), and his Front Office staff. Incoming communications are found with some of Fischer's outgoing memoranda, letters, e-mail, handwritten notes, and other communications. Copies of policy briefs and outlines for studies and papers, policy papers, and research papers on the debt crisis, structural and sectoral adjustment lending, trade policy, environmental issues, and other international economic issues were forwarded from the divisions and the Front Office for Fischer's review and/or further action. Structuring of work programs, proposals for the annual World Development Report (WDR) and drafts of the WDR, World Debt Tables, and proposals for EDI training are also subjects of Fischer's correspondence.

As Chief Economist, Fischer served as principal economic adviser to President Barber Conable (EXC) and to W. David Hopper, Senior Vice President, Policy, Planning and Research [PPRSV] and Hopper's successor, Wilfried P. Thalwitz, Senior Vice President, Policy, Research and External Affairs [PPRSV]. Fischer's memos, informal notes, and other communications with PPRSV are found throughout the series. Memos and informal notes sent in his role as Chief Economist to Moeen A Qureshi, Senior Vice President, Operations (OPNSV) and Ernest Stern, Senior Vice President, Finance (FNSV) concern matters coming before the Operations Committee.

Found with correspondence for 1988 are Fischer's briefing papers for Conable for a June 1988 meeting at the Bank with the Director-General, GATT, Arthur Dunkel and for an August 1988 meeting with Julius Katz, Chairman of the Uruguay Round Negotiating Group on the Functioning of the GATT System (FOGS); Fischer's background paper containing information for an October 1988 meeting between Conable and Romano Prodi, President of the Instituto per la Ricostruzione Industriale (IRI); memos prepared for Conable on the debt problem (May 1988) and Argentine loans (August 1988); and talking points for Conable's May 1988 speech at the brookings Institution.Among the 1989 correspondence are talking points Fischer prepared for a Conable-Camdessus luncheon meeting on proposals to improve collaboration between the Bank and IMF; a policy brief prepared for Conable on Experience in Trade Reform (April 1989); an informal memo on the Brady Plan debt strategy (April 1989); a draft memo to Conable on World Bank Intellectual Leadership (September 1989); and a formal proposal to Conable regarding establishment of a Socialist Economy Reform Unit within CEC (October 1989)which was approved the following month. Among the 1990 correspondence are several memos containing talking points for Conable-Camdessus luncheon meetings.

Fischer also corresponded with OPNSV regarding the classification of economists. Found throughout the series are Fischer's memos announcing meetings of the Economists Review Panel which he chaired, announcing actions taken by the panels, addressing appeals to the panels' actions, and inviting Bank staff to fill panel vacancies. The series also contains Fischer's correspondence as Chairman of the EDI Advisory Board and the Research Committee and his correspondence with the Research Administrator (RAD). Some Fischer correspondence with the Vice President, Sector Policy and Research [PREVP], Visvanathan Rajagopalan, is also part of the series.

Back-to-Office (BTO) Reports prepared by Fischer following trips to Argentina, Germany, Switzerland (Geneva), and China in 1988, to Kenya, Nigeria, Senegal, Tanzania, Yugoslavia, and Poland in 1989, and Japan, Israel, India, Poland, and London in 1990 are in the series. Also part of the series are copies of speeches, Il Messagero articles, and other papers Fischer prepared that were sent to DEC managers who provided him input. Correspondence with other Bank officials and papers forwarded to him for comment from other Bank offices and some outside economists are part of the series. Routine correspondence concerning administrative and personnel matters are scattered throughout the series. Fischer's last official day as DECVP was August 31, 1990 but the series includes correspondence for September - December 1990 during which time Fischer made brief visits to the Bank from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.) and served as a consultant to the joint Bank/IMF study of the Soviet economy.

Background Materials, Memoranda, and Drafts of Research Papers

This series contains background materials, intra-Bank memoranda, and drafts of research papers primarily of staff from two Economic Analysis and Projections Department (EPD) units: the International Trade and Capital Flows Division (EPDIT) and the Global Analysis and Projections Division (EPDGL). The records are divided into two parts. The first and more voluminous part (2.33 linear feet) consists of EPD files dated 1977 to 1984 and containing rough working files for research papers. In addition to rough drafts of papers, these files contain intra-Bank memoranda containing comments on drafts or concerning EPD computer usage, analysis of data compiled by EPD staff, and other issues relating to research. The second part of the series contains drafts of research papers dated 1979 - 1990 and generated primarily by EPDIT and EPDGL staff, but there are also four papers written by staff from the International Economic Analysis and Prospects Division (IECAP) of the International Economics Department and threepapers authored by economists from: the School of International Service at American University; Seoul University; and Sidney Sussex College, University of Cambridge. Some of the research papers in this series were issued as Division Working Papers which reported on research work in progress and were circulated only for Bank staff use to stimulate discussion and comment. Others were prepared for presentation at a conference or for publication by the World Bank or in a professional journal.

Audit Reports Maintained in the Policy and Review Department

The series includes the 29 March 1989 report of an audit of the administrative expense budget of the Policy, Planning and Research Complex (PPR) by the Internal Auditing Department (IAD). The purpose of the review was to assess the adequacy and effectiveness of policies, procedures, and controls over formulation, implementation, and monitoring of the PPR budget and to provide recommendations for changes. Comments of the Senior Vice President, Policy, Planning and Research (SVPPR or PPRSV) comments on the draft report (16 May 1989) is with the IAD final report. DECVP reported to SVPPR.

Also in the series is a 9 September 1991 draft report of the results of an audit of the Geneva Office which reported directly to the Senior Vice President, Policy, Research and External Affairs (PRESV). Found with the draft report is a 3 May 1991 memo issued by PRESV to PRE organizations that transmitted the preliminary IAD work program which included the audit of the Geneva Office. The Geneva Office later reported to DECVP.

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