China - Evaluation Capability Development Program - Volume 5
- 30291372
- Folder
- 1991-12-28 - 1993-06-14
China - Evaluation Capability Development Program - Volume 5
Brazil: National Health Policy Studies Project (PCR) - 1v
Botswana: Family Health Project (PCR) - 1v
Indonesiaa: Second Nutrition and Community Health Proejct (PCR) - 1v
MEXICO: Earthquake Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Project - 1v
China - Evaluation Capability Development Program - Volume 6
China: Rural Health and Medical Education Project (PCR) - 1v
Bangladesh: Third Population and Family Health Project (PCR) - 1v
OED Study of Bank / Mexico Relations - 1v
OED SPECIAL STUDIES - Study of Bank / Mexico Relations - 1v
Guinea-Bissau: Population, Health and Nutrition Project (PCR) - 1v
China - Evaluation Capability Development Program - Volume 7
Malawi - Second Family Health Proj. (Cr. 1768-MAI) - 1v
Lessons and Practices on Monitoring and Evaluation in the World Bank - Correspondence 01
Bilateral and International Organizations - Overseas Development Institute [ODI] - Correspondence
CAMEROON: Sixth Highway Project ICR - 1v
Non-Governmental Organizations [NGO] - OEDDR - Division Files - Correspondence - Volume 1
Malawi - Health and Family Health II - Correspondence 01
Saudi Arabia - Country Evaluation Reports and Correspondence
Studies Water Supply (Water Portfolio Clean-up) - Correspondence 01
Morocco - Health Development Project - Correspondence 01
Morocco - Health Development Project - Correspondence 03
Rural Water Supply Study - Correspondence 01
Audit, Internal - OED (Operations Evaluation Department) Audit
India : Structural Adjustment Loan ( PAR ) - 1v
Uganda - First Health Project - Correspondence 01
Niger - Health Project - Correspondence 01
Gambia - National Health Development Project - Correspondence 01
Ghana - Cocoa Rehabilitation Project - Correspondence 01
Cameroon - Sixth Highway Project - Correspondence 01
NGO Involvement In Bank Supported Projects In Kenya - Special OED Study - Volume 2
NGO Involvement In Bank Supported Projects In Kenya - Special OED Study - Volume 1
Audit, External - Audit Coverage
Ethiopia - Family Health Project - Implementation Completion Report / Performance Audit Report File
Recent Experience with Involuntary Resettlement - Urban Forum 1998 - Presentation Number 62 - Speech
Director General's Correspondence - DGO / OEDDR - Shared Unit Files - Correspondence 06