India - Energy Sector Assessment Program - Background Documents
- 30440650
- Pasta/Processo
- 1974-01-01 - 1980-12-31
60 resultados com objetos digitais Mostrar resultados com objetos digitais
India - Energy Sector Assessment Program - Background Documents
Honduras - Energy Sector Assessment Program - Background Documents - Reports in Foreign Language
Grenada - Energy Sector Assessment Program - Background Documents
Gambia - Energy Sector Assessment Program - Background Documents - Volume 1
Fiji and Solomon Islands - Energy Sector Assessment Program - Background Documents - Volume 2
Equatorial Guinea - Study of Natural Resources in Hydrocarbons - Final Report with Color
Bolivia - Documents - Volume 5 - Reports in Multiple Languages
Bolivia - Documents - Volume 3 - Reports in Multiple Languages
Bangladesh - Documents - Volume 7 - Reports in Multiple Languages
Bangladesh - Documents - Volume 2
Argentina - Documents - Volume 2 - Reports in Multiple Languages
Petroleum Exploration and Development Technical Assistance Project - 1v
Sichuan Petroleum Administration Rehabilitation and Explansion Planning Report - 5v
Indonesia Integrated Gas Transmission System in Java - 5v
Indonesia Gas Utilization Project - 4v
Assessment of Kenya Petrolum Refinery Competitiveness - 1v
Managing the Development of Natural Gas - 1v
Rationalization of Supply and Distribution of Petroleum Products - 1v
Indonesia Financial Sector Reconstruction Project - 1v
Southasia Region Gas Trade Study - 1v
Vietnam Rehabilitation and Gas Pipeline Project - 1v
Presentation on Gas - Transparencies - 1v
UNDP/INT/83/007 - Biomass Gasfire Monitoring Project - 1981 / 1983 Correspondence - Volume 1
Energy Strategy : EMENA FINPLAN - Reports, Proposals (J.P. Charpentier) - 1v
India - Renewable Energy Project - Administrative Material (Consultants)
Seminario Centroamericano de Comercializacion de Petrolio (S. Rivera) - 1v
Honduras: Energy Sector Background Documents (S. Rivera) - 2v
Honduras: Energy Sector Adjustment Credit (ESAC) - Petroleum Component Prices (S. Rivera) - 1v
La Paz Private Power Technical Assistance - 1v
Private Power Generation / Transmission - 1v
Power Development / Efficiency Study - 1v
Integrated Power Systems Operations - 1v
Comparative Petroleum Price Policy Study - 1v
Power Loss Reduction Study - 1v
Energy Assessment Project - 1v
Energy Efficiency Project - 1v
Global - Energy Efficiency Project - 1v
Global - Energy Planning Models - 1v
Agro-Industrial Development of the Yungas - 1v
Eastern & Southern Africa (ESAMI) - Design of Rural Energy Training Curriculum - 1v