Bank Administration and Policy - Environment - Documents 1975 / 1977 - Volume 1
- 01056186
- Dossier
- 1977-10-01 - 1977-10-31
Bank Administration and Policy - Environment - Documents 1975 / 1977 - Volume 1
Operational Sectors - S - Agriculture and Rural Development 1978 - 1980 - Volume 3
Operational Sectors - S - Agriculture and Rural Development 1978 - 1980 - Volume 7
Operational Sectors - S - Agriculture and Rural Development 1978 - 1980 - Volume 11
Operational Sectors - S - Agriculture and Rural Development 1978 - 1980 - Volume 13
Operational Sectors - S - Agriculture and Rural Development 1978 - 1980 - Volume 14
Operational Sectors - S - Environment and Health - Volume 4
Operational Sectors - S - Industry 1984 - 1986 - Volume 1
Bank Administration and Policy - Ecology - 1969 / 1971 Correspondence - Volume 2
Bank Administration and Policy - Expropriation and Compensation - 1969 / 1971 Correspondence;
Operational Policy - P - Environment, Science and Technology 1984 / 1986
Operational Policy - P - Environment, Science and Technology 1981 / 1983
Agriculture Reports - Operations Policy File - Volume 02
Ecology - Operations Policy File - Reports and Documents
Projects and Studies - Overseas Development Institute - Volume 1
Projects and Studies - Projects Evaluation - Professor Albert O. Hirschmann - Volume 1
Projects and Studies - Agriculture - Consultant - Sir John Crawford - Volume 2
Projects and Studies - Overseas Development Institute - Volume 3
Projects and Studies - Projects Evaluation - Professor Albert O. Hirschmann - Volume 2
Projects and Studies - Projects Evaluation - Professor Albert O. Hirschmann - Reports
Projects and Studies - Supplementary Financial Measures - Reports
Bank Administration and Policy - Overseas Development Institute - 1969 / 1971 Correspondence
United States Government Agencies - Varvaressos - Correspondence - Volume 2
Deutsche Bundesbank - Bonds - Borrowing - 30 Million Dollars - 4 1/2 Percent - 1959 - Correspondence
China - Depository General - 1969 / 1971 Correspondence - Volume 1
Argentina - IBRD - Depository General - 1956 - 1965 Correspondence
IDA - Capital - Resources and Replenishment - 1969 / 1971 Correspondence - Volume 4
Tunisia - Capital - 1969 / 1971 - Correspondence - Volume 1
Tunisia - Depository General - 1969 / 1971 - Correspondence - Volume 1
Tunisia - IBRD Membership - Membership Obligations - Depository General - Correspondence - Volume 1
Japan - Depository General - 1969 / 1971 Correspondence - Volume 1