Yugoslavia - IBRD - Depository General - 1946 - 1965 Correspondence
- 01054274
- Folder
- 1931-01-01 - 1965-11-16
4816 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects
Yugoslavia - IBRD - Depository General - 1946 - 1965 Correspondence
Turkey - IBRD - Depository Status Books and Statutes
Administration - Buildings - New York Office - Drawings
United States - IBRD - Capital - Debt and Amendment - Bretton Woods Act
Iraq - IBRD - Capital - Substitution Note Documents
Bretton Woods Documents - Summary Chronicle of Pre Bretton Woods Period - Summary Chronicle
Organization - International Bank for Reconstruction and Development [IBRD] History 1942 - 1965
Argentina - Loan 0288 - Country Photographs