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Central Files

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Central Files

  • Archief
  • 1937, 1942, 1944 - 1987

The fonds contains the records maintained as part of the World Bank Group's centralized files variously known as General Files (1946 - 1968), Central Files (1969 - 1971), the semi-centralized Bank Administration and Policy Records Stations (BAP, 1972 - 1974), Bank General Records Station and Administration and Policy Records Stations (BAPRS, 1975 - 1977) and Non-Regional Information Centers (NRIC, 1978 - 1987) with exceptions as described in the Arrangement field below. Records of the administrative unitsresponsible for the management of the General Files records center and its subsequent iterations are not included in this fonds except so far as these records were filed in Central Files. The date range of the Central Files is primarily from 1946 to 1986, however there are a small number of externally produced records dating from 1937 and the early 1940s as well as a single file dating 1987. The remainder of the 1987 files were likely handed over to the functional departments after the closure of the NRICin July 1987.

The departments whose records were centralized over time and represented most prominently in Central Files include (but are not limited to): Economics, Development Services, Technical Operations, Projects (and its sector divisions), and Administration.

Correspondence contained in the fonds includes letters, memoranda, cables, and other related records sent to and from the above departments and the Office of the President during the presidencies of Meyer, McCloy, Black and Woods. President records are otherwise nonexistent in the case of Meyer and are sparse for Woods, McCloy and Black in the Office of the President fonds. The Central Files also contains correspondence of the first Bank Vice Presidents which are fragmentary in the General Vice Presidents and Managing Directors fonds.

Records in this fonds document significant events and studies, administrative and organizational changes, governing bodies and committees, membership and obligations of countries, financial transactions, and the Bank's administrative and operating policies and processes including lending, projects, and development policy. The fonds comprises the general (non-regional) files on all topics not specific to a region or country as well as the membership, bond, and finance files relating to IBRD, IDA and IFC.

The general filing practice for correspondence between two offices within the Bank whose records were filed in Central Files was to save the copy of the document retained by the creating unit (often a yellow carbon copy) and to destroy the copy sent to the receiving unit, unless the receiving unit had annotated the document, in which case both copies were saved.

Zonder titel

Board of Governors support and reference

Series consists of records relating to the functions of the Board of Governors of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), International Development Association (IDA), and International Finance Corporation (IFC) created between 1946 to 1977 that were maintained in the centralized files system. The records in this series primarily originated from the Secretary's Department and the Office of the President. As described in the archival history section, Secretary's Department is the custodian of Board of Governors records and proceedings, but distributed certain correspondence and related documents to the Central Files while maintaining its own official files. Types of records in the series include internal memoranda, letters and cables, and original letters from government officials. Occasionally accompanying the correspondence are Board documents, press clippings, and printed material such as booklets.

A sizable portion of the series contains records related to World Bank Group Annual Meetings beginning from 1950 to 1977. Meeting files include correspondence regarding meeting arrangements, guests, consultations and briefing appointments, panel discussions, committee agendas, staffing, joint procedures, social events, public relations, and liaison and agreements with International Monetary Fund (IMF). There is also correspondence and other records relating to the President's speech to the Annual Meetings such as: proposals of topics; provision of data including ten-year figures on Bank activities; preliminary and final speech issued as a press release; and governors' reactions to the addresses in the form of letters. Summary of proceedings from 1965 are included in a portion of the files.

Series also contains records relating to the preparation of IBRD, IDA, and IFC annual reports (1950 - 1977) presented by the Bank president at the Annual Meetings. Although there is no first annual report booklet for IFC within the files, the series contains IFC's second and other printed annual reports, as well as memoranda concerning the preparation and drafting of the first IFC annual report. Records of the earliest annual reports from the first to fifth reports are absent from the IBRD and IDA files, although there are memoranda and a press release summary of the sixth annual IBRD annual report and subsequent reports. Also included in the files is a statement of Bank policies for the 1950 annual report outlined in a memorandum from Martin Rosen to J. Burke Knapp and memoranda regarding submissions of text for inclusion and draft reports, and printing of the reports.

General files beginning from 1946 contain mostly routine correspondence regarding travel of Governors to annual meetings, expenses, and allowances. The substantive correspondence includes discussion of procedural issues in accordance with the articles and by-laws, first IFC investment involving equity and a drafted letter to be sent by President Black to governors regarding IFC chairmanship.

Series also contains records relating to early Board committees (1948 - 1950) such as the Committee on Rules and Regulations, Committee on Membership, and Ad Hoc Committee to consider provisions to duties and renumeration of Executive Directors. The Committees file contains outgoing memoranda primarily from the Bank secretary and Board committee reports and resolutions. Most of the correspondence is administrative and relates to travel and distribution of documentation. A file on the Advisory Council (1948 - 1950) includes draft notes and resolutions.

Also included in the series is the Board of Governors supplementary report to United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC, 1965) and two files on Board resolutions (1969 - 1971).

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