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Records of the Global Environment Facility

Records of the Global Environment Facility

  • Fonds
  • 1988 - 2007

The fonds consists of records that relate to the Global Environment Facility (GEF) Secretariat's various activities. The majority of the fonds consists of GEF project files. Project types include the Small Grants Programme, Enabling Activities, medium-sized projects (MSP), and full-sized projects (FSPs). These records reflect GEF project cycle activities. Records include: reports; correspondence; forms; concept agreements; focal area work program documents; CEO endorsement; evaluation and review documents;terminal report; and other documents generated by the project cycle from concept development stage to its closure.

Records related to GEF's role in operational monitoring and assessment of GEF projects are included. The responsibility is shared between GEF and the implementing agencies. GEF's activities include: overall project evaluation; operational programs evaluation; evaluation of GEF practices and activities; and thematic reviews and assessments. GEF's Monitoring and Evaluation unit (GEFME) also contributes to the formation of Global and Regional Agreements and organizes and participates in workshops and other knowledge sharing activities. Records included here are generally unpublished materials including drafts, working papers, statistical information and other records related to the work of GEFME.

The fonds also consists of policy, procedures, and standards development and business strategy records. Records generally consist of correspondence, reports, research, ad hoc studies on various topics, and other records pertaining to the development and implementation of GEF policies, procedures, and standards.

Also included are records related to GEF's Focal Area programs. These records relate to: program operations; program strategy; program indicators and methodologies; capacity development initiatives; cross-team support; taskforce meetings; conventions; seminars; training; and the Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel (STAP). Records include: correspondence; reports; policy papers; reports to management; publications; and other materials.

This fonds also consists of corporate affairs and liaison records. Included is correspondence and reports that document GEF's relationship with client communities and stake holders, including: implementing agencies; executing agencies; STAP; donor countries; the private sector; and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Also included are records related to GEF's participation in the various conventions of which it acts as the financial mechanism. Records include: copies of agreements and contracts; terms and conditions; memoranda of understanding; annual and financial reports; and records related to replenishment. Included in this fonds are records created during meetings of GEF Council, GEF Assembly and other standing and ad hoc groups of GEF, including: Participants meeting; various taskforces and working groups; special donor meetings; and project review meetings. Records include: minutes; agendas; reports; Terms of Reference; supporting or background documentation; summaries of proceedings; member lists; intercessional decision reports; and speeches and statements made by GEF representatives. Audio and video recordings of some of the meetings are included in the fonds.

Records related to communications and outreach are also included. The majority of these records are a collection of magazine, journal, and newspaper articles that refer to the GEF. Issues of GEF's newsletter, Talking Points, are included, as are records related to GEF representatives' participation in seminars, meetings, and other events.

Also included are the chronological correspondence files of the GEF CEO, deputy CEO, and Secretariat from between 1992 and 2004. Communications to Council from the CEO and Secretariat from 1993 to 1997 are also included.

Global Environment Facility