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Records of the Education Sector
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Occupational Structures of Industries - Appendixes - Education Department, The World Bank - Manuel Zymelman
Occupational Structures of Industries - Appendixes - Education Department, The World Bank - Manuel Zymelman
The Burden of Educational Expenditures and its Forecast - Education Department - January 4, 1978 - Manuel Zymelman
The Burden of Educational Expenditures and its Forecast - Education Department - January 4, 1978 - Manuel Zymelman
Guidelines for Designing Training Components in Agricultural and Rural Development Projects - The World Bank - EDCPT - Education Department - July 1984
Guidelines for Designing Training Components in Agricultural and Rural Development Projects - The World Bank - EDCPT - Education Department - July 1984
When do Educational Investments Boost Economic Growth - Explaining Mexico's Early Development - Education Department - The World Bank - 1985 - Bruce Fuller
When do Educational Investments Boost Economic Growth - Explaining Mexico's Early Development - Education Department - The World Bank - 1985 - Bruce Fuller
Handbook for Implementation of Education Projects - World Bank / IDA - Education Department, Central Projects Staff - May 1975
Handbook for Implementation of Education Projects - World Bank / IDA - Education Department, Central Projects Staff - May 1975
Retention of Basic Skills among Dropouts from Egyptian Primary Schools - Development Research Department - Economics and Research Staff - World Bank - Discussion Paper - Report Number DRD171 - May 1986 - Michael J. Hartley and Eric V. Swanson
Retention of Basic Skills among Dropouts from Egyptian Primary Schools - Development Research Department - Economics and Research Staff - World Bank - Discussion Paper - Report Number DRD171 - May 1986 - Michael J. Hartley and Eric V. Swanson
The Economics of Being Poor - Nobel Lecture - Theodore W. Schultz
The Economics of Being Poor - Nobel Lecture - Theodore W. Schultz
Zambia - A Profile of Languages and Their Use - The Center for Applied Linguistics in cooperation with The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development - Fall 1976 - R. Anthony Robson
Zambia - A Profile of Languages and Their Use - The Center for Applied Linguistics in cooperation with The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development - Fall 1976 - R. Anthony Robson
Guidelines for Preparation and Submission of Copy for Staff Working Papers, Technical Papers, Country Studies, and other Facsimile Publications, with Notes on Dissemination - Publications Department - The World Bank - April 1984
Guidelines for Preparation and Submission of Copy for Staff Working Papers, Technical Papers, Country Studies, and other Facsimile Publications, with Notes on Dissemination - Publications Department - The World Bank - April 1984
Education Sector Work Review - November 1981 - R.C. Prosser - Education Department - Central Projects Staff
Education Sector Work Review - November 1981 - R.C. Prosser - Education Department - Central Projects Staff
Providing Full Primary Education in Small Schools - Alternative Arrangements - Institute of International Education - University of Stockholm, Sweden - Sixten Marklund
Providing Full Primary Education in Small Schools - Alternative Arrangements - Institute of International Education - University of Stockholm, Sweden - Sixten Marklund
Procurement Practice in Education Projects, Fiscal Year [FY] 1978 - Fiscal Year [FY] 1981 - 1981 - David Lewis
Procurement Practice in Education Projects, Fiscal Year [FY] 1978 - Fiscal Year [FY] 1981 - 1981 - David Lewis
Planning Norms for University Buildings - Incorporating February and August 1974 - Amendments Reprint June 1975 - David Lewis
Planning Norms for University Buildings - Incorporating February and August 1974 - Amendments Reprint June 1975 - David Lewis
A Manual for the Evaluation of Vocational Training - Education Department - 1984 - Gordon Hunting, Manuel Zymelman, and Martin Godfrey
A Manual for the Evaluation of Vocational Training - Education Department - 1984 - Gordon Hunting, Manuel Zymelman, and Martin Godfrey
Differences between Developed and Developing Countries - Comment on Simmon and Alexander Determinants of School Achievement - Economic Development and Cultural Change - Volume 28, Number 2 - January 1980 - Stephen P. Heyneman
Differences between Developed and Developing Countries - Comment on Simmon and Alexander Determinants of School Achievement - Economic Development and Cultural Change - Volume 28, Number 2 - January 1980 - Stephen P. Heyneman
Student Learning in Uganda - Textbook Availability and Other Factors - Comparative Education Review - Volume 24, Number 2 - June 1980 - Stephen P. Heyneman and Dean T. Jamison - World Bank Reprint Series 163
Student Learning in Uganda - Textbook Availability and Other Factors - Comparative Education Review - Volume 24, Number 2 - June 1980 - Stephen P. Heyneman and Dean T. Jamison - World Bank Reprint Series 163
Note on the Development of Primary Education in Western Africa - December 11, 1984 - B. Fredricksen
Note on the Development of Primary Education in Western Africa - December 11, 1984 - B. Fredricksen
The Nature of A Practical Curriculum (to appear in Education with Production (1986)) - November 1985 - S. P. Heyneman
The Nature of A Practical Curriculum (to appear in Education with Production (1986)) - November 1985 - S. P. Heyneman
Manpower Planning Methods - Manuel Zymelman
Manpower Planning Methods - Manuel Zymelman
World Development Report - Reprint of Chapter 5, Pages 46-53 - Human Development Issues and Policies - August 1980
World Development Report - Reprint of Chapter 5, Pages 46-53 - Human Development Issues and Policies - August 1980
Analysis of Lending Operations in Training in Bank / IDA Financed Projects - Fiscal Year [FY] 1984 - The World Bank Education and Training Department - Operations Policy Staff - January 1985
Analysis of Lending Operations in Training in Bank / IDA Financed Projects - Fiscal Year [FY] 1984 - The World Bank Education and Training Department - Operations Policy Staff - January 1985
On Equity in Education Again - An International Comparison - Education and Training Department - Journal of Human Resources - September 13, 1984 - Alain Mingat and Jee-Peng Tan
On Equity in Education Again - An International Comparison - Education and Training Department - Journal of Human Resources - September 13, 1984 - Alain Mingat and Jee-Peng Tan
Labor Force Experience and Earnings - Women and Children - Economics Of Education Review - Volume 3, Number 3 - 1984 - Victor Levine and Peter R. Moock
Labor Force Experience and Earnings - Women and Children - Economics Of Education Review - Volume 3, Number 3 - 1984 - Victor Levine and Peter R. Moock
Trends in Educational Computing - Decreasing Interest and the Changing Focus of Instruction - Information Technology and Education - Volume 15, Number 5 - May 1986 - Marlaine E. Lockheed and Ellen B. Mandinach - World Bank Reprint Series 377
Trends in Educational Computing - Decreasing Interest and the Changing Focus of Instruction - Information Technology and Education - Volume 15, Number 5 - May 1986 - Marlaine E. Lockheed and Ellen B. Mandinach - World Bank Reprint Series 377
Farmer Education and Farm Efficiency - A Survey - Economic Development and Cultural Change - 1980 - Marlaine E. Lockheed, Dean T. Jamison and Lawrence J. Lau
Farmer Education and Farm Efficiency - A Survey - Economic Development and Cultural Change - 1980 - Marlaine E. Lockheed, Dean T. Jamison and Lawrence J. Lau
The Impact of Primary School Quality on Learning in Egypt - International Journal of Educational Development - Volume 3, Number 1 - 1983 - William Loxley
The Impact of Primary School Quality on Learning in Egypt - International Journal of Educational Development - Volume 3, Number 1 - 1983 - William Loxley
The Returns to Education - Increasing with Experience or Decreasing with Expansion - Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics - Volume 43, Number 1 - February 1981 - J.B. Knight and R.H. Sabot - World Bank Reprint Series 200
The Returns to Education - Increasing with Experience or Decreasing with Expansion - Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics - Volume 43, Number 1 - February 1981 - J.B. Knight and R.H. Sabot - World Bank Reprint Series 200
Radio Education and Student Repetition in Nicaragua - The Radio Mathematics Project - 1978 - Dean T. Jamison - World Bank Reprint Series 91
Radio Education and Student Repetition in Nicaragua - The Radio Mathematics Project - 1978 - Dean T. Jamison - World Bank Reprint Series 91
Farmer Education and Farm Efficiency in Nepal - The Role of Schooling, Extension Services, and Cognitive Skills - World Development - Volume 12, Number 1 - 1984 - Dean T. Jamison and Peter R. Moock - World Bank Reprint Series 296
Farmer Education and Farm Efficiency in Nepal - The Role of Schooling, Extension Services, and Cognitive Skills - World Development - Volume 12, Number 1 - 1984 - Dean T. Jamison and Peter R. Moock - World Bank Reprint Series 296
Improving Elementary Mathematics Education in Nicaragua - An Experimental Study of the Impact of Textbooks and Radio on Achievement - Journal of Educational Psychology - 1981 - Dean T. Jamison, Barbara Searle, Klaus Galda and Stephen P. Heyneman
Improving Elementary Mathematics Education in Nicaragua - An Experimental Study of the Impact of Textbooks and Radio on Achievement - Journal of Educational Psychology - 1981 - Dean T. Jamison, Barbara Searle, Klaus Galda and Stephen P. Heyneman
Labor Market Discrimination in a Poor Urban Economy - The Journal of Development Studies - 1982 - J. B. Knight and R. H. Sabot
Labor Market Discrimination in a Poor Urban Economy - The Journal of Development Studies - 1982 - J. B. Knight and R. H. Sabot
From Migrants to Proletarians - Employment Experience, Mobility and Wages in Tanzania - Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics - 1982 - J. B. Knight and R. H. Sabot
From Migrants to Proletarians - Employment Experience, Mobility and Wages in Tanzania - Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics - 1982 - J. B. Knight and R. H. Sabot
Textbooks in the Philippines - Evaluation of the Pedagogical Impact of a Nationwide Investment - Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis - Summer - Volume 6, Number 2 - 1984 - Stephen P. Heyneman, Dean T. Jamison and Xenia Montenegro
Textbooks in the Philippines - Evaluation of the Pedagogical Impact of a Nationwide Investment - Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis - Summer - Volume 6, Number 2 - 1984 - Stephen P. Heyneman, Dean T. Jamison and Xenia Montenegro
Pricing Policy in the Social Sectors - Cost Recovery for Education and Health in Developing Countries - CPD Discussion Paper Number 1985-2 - November 1984 - Emmanuel Jimenz (Consultant) - Draft
Pricing Policy in the Social Sectors - Cost Recovery for Education and Health in Developing Countries - CPD Discussion Paper Number 1985-2 - November 1984 - Emmanuel Jimenz (Consultant) - Draft
Retention of Literacy - A Review - 1977 - Annex 2
Retention of Literacy - A Review - 1977 - Annex 2
Some Issues in Population and Human Resource Development in Egypt by S. H. Cochrane and M. Oubouzar - 1v
Some Issues in Population and Human Resource Development in Egypt by S. H. Cochrane and M. Oubouzar - 1v
The Two Elements of School Mapping: School Place Location Planning and School Resource Location Planning by S. P. Heyneman and W. Gould - 1v
The Two Elements of School Mapping: School Place Location Planning and School Resource Location Planning by S. P. Heyneman and W. Gould - 1v
The World Bank's Education Sector Policy Paper: A Summary by W. D. Haddad - 1v
The World Bank's Education Sector Policy Paper: A Summary by W. D. Haddad - 1v
Review of Education Lending, Actual (FY1974-78) and Projected (FY1979-83) by W. D. Haddad - 1v
Review of Education Lending, Actual (FY1974-78) and Projected (FY1979-83) by W. D. Haddad - 1v
Improving the Quality of Education by S. P. Heyneman - 1v
Improving the Quality of Education by S. P. Heyneman - 1v
The Effect of Primary School Quality on Academic Achievement across Twenty-nine High and Low Income Countries by S. P. Heyneman and W. A. Loxley - 1v
The Effect of Primary School Quality on Academic Achievement across Twenty-nine High and Low Income Countries by S. P. Heyneman and W. A. Loxley - 1v
The Nature of a Practical Curriculum by S. Heyneman - 1v
The Nature of a Practical Curriculum by S. Heyneman - 1v
Diversifying Secondary School Curricula in Developing Countries: An Implementation History and some Policy Options by S. P. Heyneman - 1v
Diversifying Secondary School Curricula in Developing Countries: An Implementation History and some Policy Options by S. P. Heyneman - 1v
Investing in Education: A Quarter Century of World Bank Experience by S. P. Heyneman - 1v
Investing in Education: A Quarter Century of World Bank Experience by S. P. Heyneman - 1v
Relationships between the Primary School Community and Academic Achievement in Uganda by S. P. Heyneman - 1v
Relationships between the Primary School Community and Academic Achievement in Uganda by S. P. Heyneman - 1v
Why Impoverised Children do Well in Ugandan Schools by S.P. Heyneman - 1v
Why Impoverised Children do Well in Ugandan Schools by S.P. Heyneman - 1v
Instructions in the Mother Tongue: The Question of Logistics by S. Heyneman - 1v
Instructions in the Mother Tongue: The Question of Logistics by S. Heyneman - 1v
Investment in Indian Education: Un-Economic? by S. P. Heyneman - 1v
Investment in Indian Education: Un-Economic? by S. P. Heyneman - 1v
Student Learning in Uganda: Textbook Availability and other Factors by S. P. Heyneman and D. T. Jamison - 1v
Student Learning in Uganda: Textbook Availability and other Factors by S. P. Heyneman and D. T. Jamison - 1v
Influences on Academic Achievement: A Comparison of Results from Uganda and more Industrialized Societies; A Brief note on the Relationship between Socioeconomic Status and Test Performance among Ugandan Primary School Children by S. P. Heyneman - 1v
Influences on Academic Achievement: A Comparison of Results from Uganda and more Industrialized Societies; A Brief note on the Relationship between Socioeconomic Status and Test Performance among Ugandan Primary School Children by S. P. Heyneman - 1v
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