Series consists of correspondence, reports, and other records created or received by Frank Vita while serving as Senior Country Officer in the Europe, Middle East, and North Africa Vice Presidency (EMENA) and, following the 1991 reorganization of the World Bank's operational units, the Europe and Central Asia Vice Presidency (ECAVP). Vita left this position and retired from the World Bank in 1992. During most or all of his time in EMENA and ECAVP, Vita was the Country Officer for Czechoslovakia, or Czech and Slovak Federal Republic (CSFR). As a result, almost all of the records in this series relate to CSFR project lending and sector research. Of these, records relating to the "Technical and Financial Advisory Project" are most common; note, however, that the CFSR government eventually withdrew from the project. Records related to the Technical and Financial Advisory Project include: project cycle documents, including project briefs, appraisal and post-appraisal documents, final executive project summary, and legal documents; Terms of Reference; back-to-office reports; Aide-Memoires; country strategy notes (including drafts); and correspondence with and briefing notes for CFSR government and state Bank officials.
Other CFSR records relate to: country risk assessment; privatization and restructuring of state-owned enterprises and infrastructure (the latter through the Build, Own, Operate Transfer [BOOT] system); sector reports and research materials (including banking and financial sector, energy sector, and transportation sector); country briefs; a VHS videocassette related to CFSR "Enterprise for Privatization" initiatives; and Annual Meeting briefs. Records relating to senior Bank management mission trips to CFSR are also included. Vita often acted as liaison and facilitator for these trips, which included Moeen Qureshi (Senior Vice President of Operations [OPNSV]) and Willi A. Wapenhans (EMENA Vice President). A small amount of loan documents related to other CFSR projects are also included.