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Personal papers of Jaime Biderman

Operational support

Series consists of records relating to Biderman's work supporting the World Bank's lending and operations function while serving in various regional operational units.

Records relating to project support provided by the Urban Projects Department (URB) between 1976 and 1979 are included. Records relate to: urban development project identification in Chad; India - Kanpur Urban Development Project (P009795); and a potentialurban development project in Ghana.

Also included are records related to the East Asia and Pacific Regional Vice Presidency's Urban and Water Supply Division's (AEPUW) support of project lending activities in China and Indonesia. Records date from 1983 to 1995 (predominant 1983 to 1987) and specifically relate to a proposed Shanghai housing project in China, public sector and urban sector reviews in Indonesia, and a proposed housing project in Indonesia.

Records related to Biderman's work as a Senior Economist in the Africa Vice Presidency's Department 6 (AF6) between 1987 and 1991 are included. The majority of the records relate to: Angola - Economic Management Capacity Building Project (P000037); and a Public Expenditure Review (PER) for Mozambique. Series also consists of records related to Angola's application for membership, request for assistance, and a country economic review of Angola. Records include: annual meetings briefs; back-to-office reports; country economic review; Terms of Reference; applications for membership; and official requests for Bank assistance. Slides for a 2009 presentation by Biderman at the Africities Conference are also included. The presentation is titled "Urban Transition in Sub-Sahara Africa and the Role of the World Bank".

Records related to the Europe and Central Asia Vice Presidency (ECA) project lending activities in Estonia are also included. Records specifically relateto Estonia - Rehabilitation Loan Project (P008399).

Records relating to project support generally include: memoranda; back-to-office reports; supervision mission reports; aide memoires; meeting notes and minutes; summary of negotiations; Terms of Reference; supervision reports; and correspondence with external parties including government officials.

Operations Policy Department (OPR) records

Series consists of records related to activities in the Operations Policy Department's Policy Group (OPRPG). Records relate specifically to a Task Force on Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) focusing on operational responsiveness and evaluation and accountability. Records consist of a variety of reports and memoranda. Series also consists of Annual Reports on Portfolio Performances (ARPPs) for 1994 and 1996.

Personal papers of Jaime Biderman

  • Fonds
  • 1976 - 2009

This fonds contains records that span Jaime Biderman's entire career with the World Bank Group. Records relate to his work as an Economist, Senior Country Officer, and other positions in the World Bank's operations complex. A small number of records also relate to his work in the Operations Policy Department (OPR).

Biderman, Jaime

Subject files

Series consists of subject files created by Biderman during his employment at the World Bank. Subjects include: Country Economic and Sector Work (CESW) effectiveness; public expenditure management and review; and annual reporting on portfolio performance and field-based supervision. Records include: approach papers; report drafts; final reports; and meeting minutes. The majority of the reports included in this series were authored by the Development Economics and Chief Economist Vice Presidency (DEC).