Showing 1-50 of 4753 results


29 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques

Denpasa - Pickerell - Slides - Number 26
Denpasa - Pickerell - Slides - Number 26
Sante - Politique Sectorielle - Deuxieme Edition - Fevrier 1980 - Banque Mondiale
Sante - Politique Sectorielle - Deuxieme Edition - Fevrier 1980 - Banque Mondiale
Bank Lending for Health - Draft - December 26, 1978 - Office of Environmental and Health Affairs Central Projects Staff
Bank Lending for Health - Draft - December 26, 1978 - Office of Environmental and Health Affairs Central Projects Staff
Preliminary Review and Comments on Health Impact Estimation and Related Issues in Developing Countries - July 1981 - J.A. Tieffenbeg, MD, MPH
Preliminary Review and Comments on Health Impact Estimation and Related Issues in Developing Countries - July 1981 - J.A. Tieffenbeg, MD, MPH
Background Paper on Population - Health and Population in Developing Countries - Bellagio, Italy - April 18 - 21, 1979 - Bernard Berelson, W. Parker Mauldin, and Sheldon J. Segal
Background Paper on Population - Health and Population in Developing Countries - Bellagio, Italy - April 18 - 21, 1979 - Bernard Berelson, W. Parker Mauldin, and Sheldon J. Segal
India: Mission Reports and other Reports on Bombay - 9/1/64 - 3/31/71
India: Mission Reports and other Reports on Bombay - 9/1/64 - 3/31/71
Food and Nutrition Policy Training Course - AM - October 21, 1998
Food and Nutrition Policy Training Course - AM - October 21, 1998
Food and Nutrition Policy Training Course - Ravallion - PM - October 20, 1998 (Blank)
Food and Nutrition Policy Training Course - Ravallion - PM - October 20, 1998 (Blank)
Food and Nutrition Policy Training Course - AM - October 16, 1998
Food and Nutrition Policy Training Course - AM - October 16, 1998
Food and Nutrition Policy Training Course - Mason - Claeson - Sanghir
Food and Nutrition Policy Training Course - Mason - Claeson - Sanghir
Food and Nutrition Policy Training Course - Janet Hohnen
Food and Nutrition Policy Training Course - Janet Hohnen
Food and Nutrition Policy Training Course - Sndar - Bin P - IMCI - AM - October 15, 1997 - Tap 5 9/10
Food and Nutrition Policy Training Course - Sndar - Bin P - IMCI - AM - October 15, 1997 - Tap 5 9/10
Food and Nutrition Policy Training Course - Peter Heywood - Opening Discussion - DDF - AM - October 14, 1997 - Tape 1 - 1/2
Food and Nutrition Policy Training Course - Peter Heywood - Opening Discussion - DDF - AM - October 14, 1997 - Tape 1 - 1/2
Food and Nutrition Policy Training Course - H2300 - Ellenor de Bruegg - October 17, 1997 - Tape 4
Food and Nutrition Policy Training Course - H2300 - Ellenor de Bruegg - October 17, 1997 - Tape 4
Food and Nutrition Policy Training Course - H2300 - October 14, 1997 - Tape 3
Food and Nutrition Policy Training Course - H2300 - October 14, 1997 - Tape 3
Food and Nutrition Policy Training Course - Harold and Margaret - PM - October 21, 1998
Food and Nutrition Policy Training Course - Harold and Margaret - PM - October 21, 1998
Food and Nutrition Policy Training Course - Peter Heywood, Nandini Tonia - AM / PM - October 15, 1998 - Tape 6
Food and Nutrition Policy Training Course - Peter Heywood, Nandini Tonia - AM / PM - October 15, 1998 - Tape 6
What do Women and Children Die From ? - October 14, 1998
What do Women and Children Die From ? - October 14, 1998
All SAS, SASLOGS - Listing Files - I6T32602 - 2 Perf and Files for I6204712
All SAS, SASLOGS - Listing Files - I6T32602 - 2 Perf and Files for I6204712
Manuel Des Procedures Administratives - Comptable et Financieres - Avril 1998 - Report in Foreign Language
Manuel Des Procedures Administratives - Comptable et Financieres - Avril 1998 - Report in Foreign Language
Taxation and Mine Evaluation - Part 12 - Robert Parsons
Taxation and Mine Evaluation - Part 12 - Robert Parsons
Methods of Investment Promotion in the Mineral Industries - How to Attract, Obtain, Negotiate and Regulate Foreign Mineral Investment - Thomas Walde - January 1991
Methods of Investment Promotion in the Mineral Industries - How to Attract, Obtain, Negotiate and Regulate Foreign Mineral Investment - Thomas Walde - January 1991
International Seminar on Mining Taxation - Montreal, Canada - October 1991 - Substantive Criteria to Assess the Fiscal Regime of a Developing Country - Paul Fortin
International Seminar on Mining Taxation - Montreal, Canada - October 1991 - Substantive Criteria to Assess the Fiscal Regime of a Developing Country - Paul Fortin
The Practical Side of Mineral Taxation from the Sahelian African Experience - Micheline Mescher
The Practical Side of Mineral Taxation from the Sahelian African Experience - Micheline Mescher
Projet de Renforcement des Capacites Nationales du Secteur Minier et de Gestion de l'Environnement [PRECAGME] - Rapport Complementaire - Calcul du Taux Effectif des Differents Mecanismes d'Imposition - Ouagadougou - December 19, 2001
Projet de Renforcement des Capacites Nationales du Secteur Minier et de Gestion de l'Environnement [PRECAGME] - Rapport Complementaire - Calcul du Taux Effectif des Differents Mecanismes d'Imposition - Ouagadougou - December 19, 2001
Atelier de Restitution du Projet de Renforcement des Capacites Nationales du Secteur Minier et de Gestion de l'Environnement [PRECAGME] - December 9 - 10, 2004 - Rapport - February 2005
Atelier de Restitution du Projet de Renforcement des Capacites Nationales du Secteur Minier et de Gestion de l'Environnement [PRECAGME] - December 9 - 10, 2004 - Rapport - February 2005
Projet de Renforcement des Capacites Nationales du Secteur Minier et de Gestion de l'Environnement [PRECAGME] - Comparaison des Differentes Methodes de Calcul de l'Assiette de l'Evolution des Montants des Echeanciers de Paiements - Rapport d'Etude
Projet de Renforcement des Capacites Nationales du Secteur Minier et de Gestion de l'Environnement [PRECAGME] - Comparaison des Differentes Methodes de Calcul de l'Assiette de l'Evolution des Montants des Echeanciers de Paiements - Rapport d'Etude
Projet de Renforcement des Capacites Nationales du Secteur Minier et de Gestion de l'Environnement [PRECAGEME] - Espace de Navigation et d'Information en Geologie Mines et Environnement [ENIGME] - Phase 2 Renforcement des Capacites des Utilisateurs
Projet de Renforcement des Capacites Nationales du Secteur Minier et de Gestion de l'Environnement [PRECAGEME] - Espace de Navigation et d'Information en Geologie Mines et Environnement [ENIGME] - Phase 2 Renforcement des Capacites des Utilisateurs
Report and Recommendation of the President of the International Development to the Executive Directors on a Proposed Loan to the Republic of Liberia for a Petroleum Exploration Promotion Project - Report Number P-2703-LBR - September 18, 1980
Report and Recommendation of the President of the International Development to the Executive Directors on a Proposed Loan to the Republic of Liberia for a Petroleum Exploration Promotion Project - Report Number P-2703-LBR - September 18, 1980
Botswana - Household Energy Strategy Study - Keith Openshaw - Botswana HES - Pricing Section - WP5.0
Botswana - Household Energy Strategy Study - Keith Openshaw - Botswana HES - Pricing Section - WP5.0
Botswana Household Energy Strategy Study - Lincoln Bailey Energy - Buhes VY1.COD, Buhes VY2. COD
Botswana Household Energy Strategy Study - Lincoln Bailey Energy - Buhes VY1.COD, Buhes VY2. COD
Ministere des Ressources - Minieres et Petrolieres de la Republique de Cote d'Ivoire - Services de Consultants pour le Developpement Institutionnel - Secteur Minier - Rapport Final - Soumis par International Mining Consultants [IMC] Limited - Ref 7041
Ministere des Ressources - Minieres et Petrolieres de la Republique de Cote d'Ivoire - Services de Consultants pour le Developpement Institutionnel - Secteur Minier - Rapport Final - Soumis par International Mining Consultants [IMC] Limited - Ref 7041
Final Report - Study of Mining Sector Institutional Arrangements - Sewdish Geological AB - December 1997 - ID R GH M 9.58 97 12 03
Final Report - Study of Mining Sector Institutional Arrangements - Sewdish Geological AB - December 1997 - ID R GH M 9.58 97 12 03
The Trust Relating to the Guelbs Iron Ore Project in Mauritania - Trustees Report and Accounts - December 31, 2001
The Trust Relating to the Guelbs Iron Ore Project in Mauritania - Trustees Report and Accounts - December 31, 2001
The Trust Relating to the Guelbs Iron Ore Project in Mauritania - Trustees Report and Accounts - December 31, 1997
The Trust Relating to the Guelbs Iron Ore Project in Mauritania - Trustees Report and Accounts - December 31, 1997
La Contribution du Secteur Minier a l'Economie Nationale - Rapport Final - Prepare pour Bureau of Geological Consultancy [BUGECO] - December 1998 - Bureau d'Etudes de Conseils et d'Interventions au Sahel [BECIS]
La Contribution du Secteur Minier a l'Economie Nationale - Rapport Final - Prepare pour Bureau of Geological Consultancy [BUGECO] - December 1998 - Bureau d'Etudes de Conseils et d'Interventions au Sahel [BECIS]
Technical Appraisal Report - Jean Claude Placquet - September 15, 1994
Technical Appraisal Report - Jean Claude Placquet - September 15, 1994
Synthese des Donnees Geologiques et Cartographie Amelioration du Centre de Documentation Promotion des Investissements - Offre Financiere - February 1994 - Kilborn Tecsult Incorporated
Synthese des Donnees Geologiques et Cartographie Amelioration du Centre de Documentation Promotion des Investissements - Offre Financiere - February 1994 - Kilborn Tecsult Incorporated
Etats Financiers au December 31, 1996 - Version sans Amortissements - EGCC International - Cabinet d'Expertise Comptable et de Commissariat aux Comptes - Bamako, Mali
Etats Financiers au December 31, 1996 - Version sans Amortissements - EGCC International - Cabinet d'Expertise Comptable et de Commissariat aux Comptes - Bamako, Mali
Bureau of Geological Consultancy [BUGECO] - Document de Politique Miniere Projet du May 23, 1997 - Espace del Goutte - Belgium
Bureau of Geological Consultancy [BUGECO] - Document de Politique Miniere Projet du May 23, 1997 - Espace del Goutte - Belgium
Kilborn Tecsult Incorporated - Synthese des Donnees Geologiques et Cartographie du Centre de Documentation - Rapport Trimestriel d'Activites - Periode du January 1 - March 31, 1997 - Paul Girard - April 25, 1997
Kilborn Tecsult Incorporated - Synthese des Donnees Geologiques et Cartographie du Centre de Documentation - Rapport Trimestriel d'Activites - Periode du January 1 - March 31, 1997 - Paul Girard - April 25, 1997
Project De Renforcement Des Capacites Nationales Du Secteur Minier Et De Gestion De L Environment...
Project De Renforcement Des Capacites Nationales Du Secteur Minier Et De Gestion De L Environment Precageme - August 27, 2001 - Report in Foreign Language
Proposition au Ministere de l Economie des Finances et du Plan du Burkina Faso - Office National des Marches Publics pour Services de Consultant Relatifs a la Formulation, Redaction et Proposition Nouvelle - October 1995 - Report in Foreign Language
Proposition au Ministere de l Economie des Finances et du Plan du Burkina Faso - Office National des Marches Publics pour Services de Consultant Relatifs a la Formulation, Redaction et Proposition Nouvelle - October 1995 - Report in Foreign Language
Rapport d Evaluation - Burkina Faso - Projet de Renforcement des Capacites Nationales de Gestion du Minier et de l Environnement - April 4, 1997 - Report in Foreign Language
Rapport d Evaluation - Burkina Faso - Projet de Renforcement des Capacites Nationales de Gestion du Minier et de l Environnement - April 4, 1997 - Report in Foreign Language
Sectoral Environmental Review of the Mining Sector in Ghana - 2001 - Draft Final Report - January 2002
Sectoral Environmental Review of the Mining Sector in Ghana - 2001 - Draft Final Report - January 2002
Repertoire des Textes Principaux Applicables au Droit des Affaires - Tome 1 - First Edition - 198...
Repertoire des Textes Principaux Applicables au Droit des Affaires - Tome 1 - First Edition - 1983 - Report in Foreign Language
Textes Portant Reorganisation Agraire et Fonciere - Burkina Faso - June 1991 - Report in Foreign ...
Textes Portant Reorganisation Agraire et Fonciere - Burkina Faso - June 1991 - Report in Foreign Language
Official Graphics - FY01, FY02
Official Graphics - FY01, FY02
Consulta Tecnica sobre la Politica del Banco Mundial Relativa a Los Pueblos Indigenas - Reunion en Mexico en la Trinidad, Tlaxcala - December 3-4, 2001
Consulta Tecnica sobre la Politica del Banco Mundial Relativa a Los Pueblos Indigenas - Reunion en Mexico en la Trinidad, Tlaxcala - December 3-4, 2001
Ottawa Presentation - Shelton H. Davis - March 28-30, 2001
Ottawa Presentation - Shelton H. Davis - March 28-30, 2001
Résultats 1 à 50 sur 4753