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Records of the Office of Operations Evaluation
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Records of the Director, Country Policy, Industry and Finance Division (OEDD2)

The series consists of records created and received by the Director of OED's Country Policy, Industry and Finance Division (OEDD2). Records relate to Initial Executive Project Summaries (IEPS), adjustment lending, and other aspects of OEDD2's work. A very small number of records were added to the files by the Sector and Thematic Evaluation (OEDST) and Country Evaluation and Regional Relations (OEDCR) Divisions.

The series includes records containing comments that OEDD2 staff made on Initial Executive Project Summaries (IEPS) and on other project-related records generated by the Regions, including Final Executive Project Summaries (FEPS), Initiating Memoranda (IM), and Project Concept Documents. The record on which the comments were made is not always in the file, but in some cases the file does contain minutes from the OEDD2 staff review meeting at which the record was discussed.

Also contained in this series are files relating to adjustment lending. These include: copies of papers presented on various aspects of adjustment lending; memos on issues to be covered in adjustment audits; copies of statements made before the Board on structural adjustment lending; and memos on performance indicators for adjustment lending. Also included are background files for the FY 93 OED study of adjustment lending in Sub-Saharan Africa and the FY 96 OED report on The Social Impact of Adjustment Lending.

Also part of the series is OED's response to an Upstream Activities initiative encouraged by Bank President Wolfensohn toexpand OED's real time involvement in initial executive project summaries (IEPS) and initiating memoranda (IMs) for adjustment lending.

The series also includes files documenting activities associated with annual reviews and major studies undertaken by OEDD2 primarily between the years 1992 and 1996. A file containing records used in the 1991 annual review of performance results of 49 transport projects evaluated by OED and a file containing planning documents and drafts of the 1995 study of industrial restructuring are contained in the series. Also part of the series is files created to document activities associated with country assistance and other reviews. Files related to studies on OED methodology and procedures, conferences and seminars in which OED participated, and OED replies to studies and reports prepared in other Bank units are also included.

The series also includes project performance files containing draft and printed copies of a series of sectoral and project performance indicators study reports. This series of reports was developed as part of follow-up to the November 1992 Wappenhans Report (Report of the Task Force on Portfolio Management). Audit files were created for copies of comments received in OEDD2 in 1995 from reviewers of evaluative memoranda for Implementation Completion Reports (ICRs) and Performance Audit Reports (PARs) prepared in the division. These copies were retained as part of an initiative to incorporate findings or issues raised in the comments into divisional ledgers.

Chronological Files of Directors-General Mervyn L. Weiner and Shiv S. Kapur

This series contains the chronological files of Mervyn L. Weiner for May 4,1982 to June 11,1984 and of Shiv. S. Kapur for June 27,1984 to February 28,1986. Weiner's file consists of: carbon copies of the letters,memoranda,and telex messages he sent to officials in aid organizations and in development banks,evaluation officials in other organizations,President Clausen,the Bank's regional vice presidents,OED staff,staff in the Bank's Personnel Management Department,and job applicants. Most of his file consists of: courtesy correspondence such as replies to invitations to speak; thank you notes for articles and books received; memoranda regarding travel plans and arrangements; post-travel notes to officials in host countries; notes to friends and colleagues regarding his retirement plans; and replies to inquiries regarding employment in OED or requests for OED publications. Some are more substantive and include proposed speech material for President Clausen,comments on OED draft reports,memoranda regarding OED staffing issues,and letters to Bank country directors regarding his observations from a recent trip.

Kapur's file consists of electrostatic copies of his letters,memoranda,and telex messages sent to OED staff,evaluation officers in other organizations and countries,officials in client countries,regional Bank staff,and job applicants. Much of his correspondence is substantive and includes: copies of his oral presentations to the Joint Audit Committee and to the Executive Directors; his comments on draft OEDproducts; and memoranda regarding arrangements for OED seminars,the OED work program and budget,and OED personnel issues. The remainder of his correspondence is routine in nature and concerns requests for Bank publications or employment,his annual leave plans,or his appreciation for assistance while on official travel.

Files of the Directors-General, Operations Evaluation, Documenting Relations with United Nations Organizations

This series consists of records that document the Director-General's coordination with units and personnel within the United Nations (UN) that were responsible for evaluations. The correspondence in the files is primarily between UN evaluation personnel and the Director-General or his special advisors, and it concerns evaluation methodology and strategy, an exchange of evaluation personnel between the institutions, joint Bank and UN evaluation efforts, and funding for evaluations. Among the files for the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) are reports, correspondence, and minutes of meetings of the Inter-Agency Working Group on Evaluation (IAWG), which was established in January 1984 to provide a forum for discussion of evaluation issues by the UNDP and the executing agency partners and to promote simplification and harmonization of evaluation reporting practices among the UNDP and the executing agencies. An advisor to the DGO was a member of the Group. The files also contain UN publications and reports regarding evaluation methods and procedures or specific evaluations.

Director-General Robert Picciotto's Working Files for OED Studies, Reports, and Reviews

This series contains the working files that Director-General Robert Picciotto and his assistant, Pablo Guerrero, maintained for OED's special evaluation studies, Annual Reviews (known as the Annual Review of Evaluation Results [ARER] until 1997 when they became the Annual Review of Development Effectiveness [ARDE]), impact evaluation reports, annual Process Reviews of Annual Reports on Portfolio Performance (ARPP), Country Assistance Reviews, and Country Assistance Notes. Also included are files for OED'sannual policy ledgers which compiled OED recommendations from its reports and management responses to those recommendations. Most of the documents in these files are presumably duplicated elsewhere among the OED records relating to Annual Reviews and to the creation of evaluation products, but many of the intra-OED memoranda and e-mail exchanges are originals, and a number of the documents are heavily annotated by DGO Picciotto. The records in the files relating to OED's 1993 - 1997 annual ARPPs are uniqueto this series.

The files on any given OED product generally contain: multiple drafts of the study, report, or review; intra-OED correspondence and e-mail exchanges; minutes of meetings of the Committee on Development Effectiveness (CODE) and of the Executive Directors at which the product was discussed; drafts of management responses to the OED product; comments on draft and final versions of the product; copies of OED presentation slides, agenda, and other documents from OED workshops related to a study; and clippings regarding OED issuances and Bank policies. Files for evaluation studies may also contain Terms of Reference for consultants assigned to the study, initiating memoranda, design and approach papers, and a copy of the printed study.

Files of the Directors-General, Operations Evaluation, Documenting the Early History of OED

This series consists of files compiled by the Director-General containing his copies of reports and correspondence documenting the early history of the Operations Evaluation Department. Filed under Operations Evaluation History are copies of documents dated 1969 - 1974 that established the evaluation function in the Bank and the responsibilities of the OED and the Director-General. Included are copies of the DGO's correspondence with President Robert McNamara, the President's memoranda and circulars regarding OED and the evaluation function, and a 1974 General Accounting Office (GAO) proposal regarding Operations Evaluation. Filed under GAO Audits are copies compiled in June 1973 of documents dated 1967, 1969, and 1973 regarding audits of several international and government institutions in response to a bill to revise the functions of the Comptroller General of the U.S (the head of GAO). Filed under U.S. Congressional Staff Report on International Finance Institutions (IFIs) and DGO's Commentary are copies of documents dated 1975 - 1981 regarding a 1979 investigation of International Finance Institutions by the U.S. House Committee on Appropriations. DGO Mervyn L. Weiner reviewed a draft of the investigative report and prepared the Bank's response. That file also includes a 1981 GAO review of operations evaluation in the World Bank and Weiner's response to recommendations from that review. A file labeled OED 50: 'Learning About Development - Major Evaluation Findings' contains the DGO's copy of the draft of abooklet on OED prepared in connection with the Bank's 50th anniversary and OED's 20th anniversary. Filed with the draft are background materials used by Stokes Tolbert, one of the two consultants who drafted the booklet. Filed under Operation and Impact of the Bank's Evaluation System are various drafts of the 1989 OED booklet, Improving the World Bank's Performance: the Role of Operations Evaluation. Also in that file are copies of the Operational Directives chapters that concerned OED and copies of OED staff and DGO memoranda, articles, and presentations about OED and the Bank's evaluation system, 1975 - 1989.

Records of the Directors-General, Operations Evaluation, Regarding the Evaluation Capacity Development Program

This series contains correspondence and other documents regarding: the development of monitoring and evaluation systems in member countries; the evaluation of specific Bank-funded projects; and the formal Evaluation Capability Development Program (ECDP), which was established in OED in 1987 and was renamed the Evaluation Capacity Development Program in 1993. The main tasks of ECDP were to: strengthen networks of evaluators in developing countries; assess countries' interest in evaluation and their evaluation capacity-building requirements; organize evaluation seminars and workshops; provide short-term training within OED for client staff; and organize pilot programs in a small number of countries. The files generally contain: correspondence; reports from evaluation missions; Terms of Reference for special studies or missions regarding project evaluations; studies, reports, and articles regarding ex-post evaluations or evaluation capabilities; agenda and other planning documents for monitoring and evaluation seminars and workshops; and schedules and other records regarding visits of staff from client countries to OED for monitoring and evaluation training. Of special note is the extensive documentation filed under India: Narmada which OED compiled while working on an evaluation of the Narmada project. Most of the correspondence in the series is with the Director-General or with Robert van der Lugt and Pablo Guerrero, the two special advisors who coordinated ECDP within OED.

Correspondence of the Directors-General with the International Finance Corporation (IFC)

The series consists of correspondence primarily between DGO Yves Rovani and IFC Chief Evaluation Officer Walter I. Cohn, and relates to the DGO's responsibility for oversight of IFC's operations evaluation activities. An Operations Evalution Unit (OEU) was established within the Development Department of IFC in 1984. Included are drafts of IFC operations evaluation work programs for fiscal years 1986-1993 forwarded by Cohn to Rovani and to his successor Robert Picciotto for review and comment. Accompanying many of the work programs are proposals for special studies. Draft approach papers for those studies, also forwarded to DGO for review, include those prepared for the following studies: IFC's experience in the tourism sector (1989); performance of IFC's oil and gas exploration program (1991); successful IFC investments in Sub-Saharan Africa (1991); lending for industrial technology development (1992); IFC's market assessments (1992); and IFC's experience in the privatization of State-owned enterprises (1992). Comments prepared by the Country Policy, Industry and Finance Division (OEDD2) on some of the approach papers are included.

Also among the correspondence are comments from the DGOs to Cohn on OEU work programs and use of resources along with notes from the first meeting (July 16, 1986) at which the role of DGO in operations evaluation in IFC was discussed. Also included are: minutes of special meetings of the Portfolio Committee at which IFC evaluation studies were discussed; a list of IFC project completion reports for fiscal year 1982 to fiscal year 1986; a copy of a May 20, 1987, memo distributed to all IFC high level staff on new procedures for project completion reports; and Cohn's February 21, 1991, memorandum copied to Rovani in which he responds extensively to issues raised at an earlier Joint Audit Committee (JAC) Sub-Committee on Operations Evaluation meeting regarding IFC's evaluation capacity, IFC evaluation work, and the relationship between IFC and DGO and OED. In this memo he also responds to issues surrounding a report prepared by OEU on IFC's experience in the agricultural production sector.

A small amount of miscellaneous correspondence arranged by subject (1983 - 1995) includes: formal and informal memoranda and other correspondence between the Director, OEU, Walter I. Cohn and DGO's Mervyn Weiner, Yves Rovani, and Robert Picciotto; approach papers for studies forwarded for approval to DGO before being sent to the JAC, copies of IFC policy papers, and draft IFC evaluation reports, workprograms, and budgets. Also included are an Annual Portfolio Evaluation Report for FY 1983 and an updated mandate statement for evaluation in the Bank and IFC that reflects findings of the March 1995 report of the review of evaluation in IFC.

Subject files (1980 - 1995) found with the correspondence include the report of IFC's first evaluation of a segment of its portfolio of investments, IFC Hotel Portfolio Review, forwarded by DGO Mervyn Wiener to the Joint Audit Committee (JAC) for review on May 11, 1981. Also included are reports of IFC evaluations in the agricultural, mining, and petrochemical sectors completed between 1983 and 1994 and in the cement and textile industries sectors between 1983 and 1989. There are also files containing correspondence and reports relating to: evaluations of successful investments in Sub-Saharan Africa (1994); support for small and medium scale enterprises (1995); investment assessments performed by OED (1992 - 1994); IFC's Five Year Program for fiscal years 1985 - 1989; and the review of evaluation in IFC (1994 - 1995).

A small amount of miscellaneous IFC and OEU reports (1979 - 1989), some of which are annotated, forwarded to DGOs Mervyn Weiner, Yves Rovani, and Robert Picciotto are in the series. A number of these reports were distributed to the Board of Directors including three confidential Project Completion Reports (PCRs) on three IFC investments in Guatemala (1979), Brazil (1979), and Indonesia (1979). These three reports were distributed in January 1980 to the Board based on a decision made at an October 30, 1979, Board meeting. Each director was to receive a copy to indicate the type of PCR IFC had been preparing and to illustrate why caution was necessary when disseminating information contained in the reports. Other IFC reports included are: Annual Portfolio Evaluation Reports for fiscal years 1984 and 1986 - 1988; a report entitled Deterioration in IFC's Portfolio: An Analysis (March 1985); and a report prepared by a consultant entitled IFC in Sub-Saharan Africa, Proposals for a New Approach (February 1987).

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