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Personal papers of Gloria Davis Unidad documental compuesta
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150 resultados con objetos digitales Muestra los resultados con objetos digitales

Indonesia Transmigration Sector Review Files - Gloria Davis - Drafts - Papers 1970
Indonesia Transmigration Sector Review Files - Gloria Davis - Drafts - Papers 1970
Baturaja-Martapura Transmigration Project - Structure Plan Huszar Brammah & Associates
Baturaja-Martapura Transmigration Project - Structure Plan Huszar Brammah & Associates
Summary Report - On three case studies in Transmigration areas with different Agricultural Patterns
Summary Report - On three case studies in Transmigration areas with different Agricultural Patterns
Original Sit, Up and RB Forms - Unit I - 1 of 2
Original Sit, Up and RB Forms - Unit I - 1 of 2
Lokasi Penempatan Trransmigrasi Periode Kolonisasi (1905-1945) PRA-Pelita (1950-1968) Pelita I,II...
Lokasi Penempatan Trransmigrasi Periode Kolonisasi (1905-1945) PRA-Pelita (1950-1968) Pelita I,II,III (1979/80-1983/84)
Rancangan Program Penyiapan Pemukiman Transmigrasi Pelita IV - Direktorat Bina Program - Direktor...
Rancangan Program Penyiapan Pemukiman Transmigrasi Pelita IV - Direktorat Bina Program - Direktorat Bina Program - Direktorat Jenderal Penyiapan Pemukiman - Departemen Transmigrasi
Laporan - Studo Pengembangan Perkebunan Di lahan Usaha II Daeraj Transmigrasi - Sinunukan
Laporan - Studo Pengembangan Perkebunan Di lahan Usaha II Daeraj Transmigrasi - Sinunukan
Management - Transmigration II - ADB Project Managment Unit
Management - Transmigration II - ADB Project Managment Unit
Local Smallholders / Socio Survey - ODM - Hitam Uw Margoyoso
Local Smallholders / Socio Survey - ODM - Hitam Uw Margoyoso
Wiggens, Geoffrey - Coconut versus Rice Production in tidal swamp transmigration sites
Wiggens, Geoffrey - Coconut versus Rice Production in tidal swamp transmigration sites
Rambo, A. Terry - Orang Asli Adaptive Strategies - Implications for Malaysian natural resource development planning
Rambo, A. Terry - Orang Asli Adaptive Strategies - Implications for Malaysian natural resource development planning
Montgomery, Roger - Sugar policy in Java
Montgomery, Roger - Sugar policy in Java
Ahrens, J. - Rural Market System of West Sumatra
Ahrens, J. - Rural Market System of West Sumatra
Lokasi Proyek Transmigrasi Penepatan Pelita III (1979/80-1983/84) Dan Pelita IV TH.I (1984/85)
Lokasi Proyek Transmigrasi Penepatan Pelita III (1979/80-1983/84) Dan Pelita IV TH.I (1984/85)
South East Sulawesi Transmigration area Development Project - Agricultural Development - Volume 2 - Hunting Technical Services Limited and Huszar Brammah and Associates
South East Sulawesi Transmigration area Development Project - Agricultural Development - Volume 2 - Hunting Technical Services Limited and Huszar Brammah and Associates
Original Sit, Up and RB Forms - Unit I - 2 of 2
Original Sit, Up and RB Forms - Unit I - 2 of 2
Roche, Frederick C. - Sustainable farm development in Java's critical lands: Is a "green revolution" really necessary?
Roche, Frederick C. - Sustainable farm development in Java's critical lands: Is a "green revolution" really necessary?
Loquion, A. A. - Planned population redistribution: Lessons from Indonesia and Malaysia
Loquion, A. A. - Planned population redistribution: Lessons from Indonesia and Malaysia
Byron and Takahashi - A note on the effect of schooling, experience and sex on earnings in urban Java
Byron and Takahashi - A note on the effect of schooling, experience and sex on earnings in urban Java
Buku Pedoman / Standard - Pengukuran - Pembukaan Tanah - Pengendalian Tanah / Lingkungan
Buku Pedoman / Standard - Pengukuran - Pembukaan Tanah - Pengendalian Tanah / Lingkungan
Pete Indeks - Kecamatan dan Desa/Kelurahan di Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur
Pete Indeks - Kecamatan dan Desa/Kelurahan di Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur
Aneka Pikiran Mengenai Masalah dan Kebijaksanaan Pertanahan
Aneka Pikiran Mengenai Masalah dan Kebijaksanaan Pertanahan
Sommers, Paul - The UNICEF Home Gardens Handbook for people promoting mixed gardening in the humid tropics
Sommers, Paul - The UNICEF Home Gardens Handbook for people promoting mixed gardening in the humid tropics
Laporan Pekerjaan Interpretasi Peta Topografi Dan Landsat Imagery Sesuai Dengan - Surat Perintah Kerja No. 02/SPK/DATIK/IV/77-78
Laporan Pekerjaan Interpretasi Peta Topografi Dan Landsat Imagery Sesuai Dengan - Surat Perintah Kerja No. 02/SPK/DATIK/IV/77-78
Punggur & Way Abung TTRC (1975) Irrigated and Non Irrigated Settlements in Lampung
Punggur & Way Abung TTRC (1975) Irrigated and Non Irrigated Settlements in Lampung
Jellinek, Lea - Gunung Kidul Village Reports
Jellinek, Lea - Gunung Kidul Village Reports
Jellinek, lea - Circular Migration and the Pondok: Ice Cream Traders in Jakarta
Jellinek, lea - Circular Migration and the Pondok: Ice Cream Traders in Jakarta
Hill, R. D. - Agricultural colonization in Southeast Asia - Some lessons from the past
Hill, R. D. - Agricultural colonization in Southeast Asia - Some lessons from the past
UNPD/FAO INS/72/005 - Hameed
UNPD/FAO INS/72/005 - Hameed
Luwu - South Sulawesi
Luwu - South Sulawesi
Speare, Alden Jr. - Interpreting the migration data from the 1971 census
Speare, Alden Jr. - Interpreting the migration data from the 1971 census
Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United nations - Indonesia Report on Wai Tuba Tuba Transmigratiion Project - Volume II
Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United nations - Indonesia Report on Wai Tuba Tuba Transmigratiion Project - Volume II
Davis - Agricultural Evolution
Davis - Agricultural Evolution
Rimbobujang - Dates of Arrival
Rimbobujang - Dates of Arrival
Kebutuhan & Pengembangan Tenaga Iimiah Dan Penaliti Indonesia Menjelang Tahun 2000 - Buku II
Kebutuhan & Pengembangan Tenaga Iimiah Dan Penaliti Indonesia Menjelang Tahun 2000 - Buku II
Population Projections - Scenario 5
Population Projections - Scenario 5
Population Projections - Scenario 3
Population Projections - Scenario 3
IPB - Summary Statistics
IPB - Summary Statistics
Howell, Julia Day - Javanese religious orientations in the residency of Surakarta
Howell, Julia Day - Javanese religious orientations in the residency of Surakarta
Davis - Modern Indonesian Culture
Davis - Modern Indonesian Culture
Laporan - Studi Sistim Evaluasi Proyek Pengembangan Daerah Transmigraso di Kabupaten Luwu Sulawesi Selatan (Buku II, Bidang Ekonomi & Pertanian)
Laporan - Studi Sistim Evaluasi Proyek Pengembangan Daerah Transmigraso di Kabupaten Luwu Sulawesi Selatan (Buku II, Bidang Ekonomi & Pertanian)
Laporan - Studi Agrokimatologi Di Areal Proyek Baturaja - Martapura Dan Tulang Bawang Sumatera Bagian Selatan
Laporan - Studi Agrokimatologi Di Areal Proyek Baturaja - Martapura Dan Tulang Bawang Sumatera Bagian Selatan
Kebutuhan & Pengembangan Tenaga Iimiah Dan Penaliti Indonesia Menjelang Tahun 2000 - Buku I
Kebutuhan & Pengembangan Tenaga Iimiah Dan Penaliti Indonesia Menjelang Tahun 2000 - Buku I
Government of Indonesia data and statistics - 1
Government of Indonesia data and statistics - 1
Working files - 3 of 8
Working files - 3 of 8
Working Files - 1 of 2
Working Files - 1 of 2
Detailed Economic Tables
Detailed Economic Tables
Wallis - I
Wallis - I
Pematang Panggng Agricultural Plan - Part 1: Cropping Plan, Part 2: Seed and Test Farm Plan
Pematang Panggng Agricultural Plan - Part 1: Cropping Plan, Part 2: Seed and Test Farm Plan
Resultados 51 a 100 de 743